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Governors wanted to have total control over the opening of their states. But now they want to have us, the federal government do the testing. And again, testing is local, you cant have it both ways. Should the states take the lead on the tests . Yes. Thats exactly right. But we need the volume, and the volume is going to be determined by how well those National Manufacturers provide the kit prinnew york. Dana President Trump did say yesterday hes using the defense production act to decrease the number of swabs for test kits. This as conduct congressional and white house leaders say they are close to a deal that would e more funding for the Small Business loan program. That program ran out of money just after two weeks. We begin with David Lee Miller reporting live from new york city. David lee. Dana, the numbers are coming down. Fewer hospitalizations, fewer intubations, and we are told now, less loss of life. According to the latest statewide data, the virus, and a 24hour period claim to 478 peoples lives. In the works of Governor Andrew Cuomo is still horrific, nevertheless, he did voice some cautious optimism at his briefing a short time ago. The governor said, in his words everyone is anxious to reopen and get back to work. Nobody disagrees that we want to get out of the situation. Nobody. You dont need protests to convince anyone in this country that we have to get back to work and we have to get the economy going and we have to get out of our homes. Statewide, all nonessential businesses in new york are ordered to remain closed until may 15th. New york, along with half a dozen other states has put together a Regional Council to get people back to work and to restore the economy. Underscoring that cooperation and uniformity. No new york, new jersey, and connecticut have all agreed that marinas can remain open. New york state is now conducting tests around the state, selecting 3,000 shoppers at random and Grocery Stores to determine what percent of the population had coronavirus and now might be immune. The governor has said repeatedly that testing is crucial to getting back to business, and the governor today acknowledge the contributions of frontline workers in the battle against the virus and suggested that they receive hazard pay. Both cuomo and new york mayor bill de blasio called on washington for financial help. The state and city budgets have been shattered by the economic followed of the virus. And, despite the relevant optimism that the curve is trending down, new york, today, set up all nonessential events such as parades and other large gatherings are now going to be canceled through the month of june. Mayor de blasio has asked members of the public to notify authorities if, in fact, they witnessed people who are violating social distance guidelines. The mayor has said the fines can be as high as 1,000. Dana. Dana all right, David Lee Miller in new york city for us. Thank you. And now to the battle of who is in charge of coronavirus testing. As we said, President Trump has been talking about this, and then he tweeted today. The states are responsible but the federal government will work with them to get it done. But to governors from opposite sides of the aisle are blasting President Trumps claim that the states have relief. And they are working on gradually reopening their economies, and fox news correspondent Jonathan Serries live in atlanta with more. Jonathan, it feels to me like, at least for cuomo and trump, they have an understanding and an agreement that the states should be in the lead, but they need some federal government help. And the president said that help was coming, do i have that right . Yeah, you do, actually. In fact that tweet the popped up on the screen, the president tweeted that right in the middle of governor cuomos daily press briefing, and the governor responded to the tweet in real time when asked by a reporter. Governor cuomo says he agrees with the president that the states are, indeed in charge of lamenting the testing, but he said the states need the federal government to intervene and speed up the National Supply chain that brings products to their laboratories. Take a listen. I will handle my 300 labs, but my 300 labs are now saying i cant get the tests from the national manufacturer. Meanwhile, the state of maryland is actually pulling out of the country to acquire tests. During this hour governor larry hogan is expected to formally announce an agreement with the south korean firm to produce half a million tests for his estate. Over the weekend, the Washington Post reported improper Laboratory Procedures at the centers for Disease Control and prevention, likely caused crosscontamination in the original test kits that the cdc produced, causing delays in the early coronavirus response. President trump expressed confidence in what the agency is doing now. Take a listen. President trump im proud to tell you that now, we went from having a lot of bad things happening in cdc to having great things happening. Theyre doing a very good job now. The Trump Administration says 150,000 americans are getting tested for covid19 each day, but working with states, they expect to increase that figure to 300,000 in the near future. But dana, some Harvard Health policy experts are saying the u. S. Really should be ramping up testing so that as many as 500,000 americans or more are being tested each day before states can safely begin reopening their economies. Dana. Dana all right, jonathan serrie, thank you. Protesters in North Carolina are planning to demonstrate against the democratic governor that extended the stayathome order. Now, leaders from the group reopen and see say they plan to drive through the streets of raleigh. This comes one week after their first protest urging the governor to reopen the states economy. Lets bring in North Carolina senator tom tillis, hes a member of the present Economic Task force. This task force is always on the task force because people want to reopen. When you are thinking about this as a guideline, we just talked about the testing, how close is someplace like North Carolina to being able to listen some restrictions and get the economy back open . Well, dana, i think that in certain areas of the state, that could come sooner than other areas. If you are in the two most populous counties, you may see some limited reopenings, theres some talk about some elective procedures being allowed in some of the medical facilities if we have capacity. Other counties that above had a head full of cases, we may be able to talk about starting up certain economic activity. It is not going to be as wideopen as it was back in february, its going to be driven by the data, in spite of each driven by where testing ramps up. The data that we get every day on the number of infections. I do think the governor will take a look at certain areas of the state and probably deem them ready to reopen at some level while others may lag behind. Dana now, senator mcconnell is about to make a statement if he hasnt already about some progress to getting the congress to pass some additional funds, because that Small Business loan program is a very successful. The money went out the door, but theres so many people, somebody Small Business owners. In fact a friend here who is trying to keep his Family Business going, he inherited it from his grandfather is really worried because they havent been able to see the money. Do you think i can get done this week . Yeah, i do, its a shame its not already done, to be honest with you. We talked about funding for the Paycheck Protection Program which was unanimously supported when we voted the cares act. We need to get that 250000000000350000000000 back as quickly as possible. Quite honestly, we might have to come back for third round. Dana senator scott had some criticism about some Small Companies maybe being shut out of some of these funds from the government, take a listen to him and will get your reaction on either side. Look at what they did to her smallest companies, they could be applying just a few days before the money ran out, the banks should be helping those that need it the most, not who helps them. And we shouldnt be giving this to the wealthy. Dana do you share those concerns, senator . Yeah, i do. I think a part of the problem is that some of the smaller businesses, they dont have the resources necessarily, they didnt get the baseline documents that were needed to apply for the loan. We have to make sure, in this next crunch, they were casting a wide net with the Small Businesses. In North Carolina, 80 of all the jobs in North Carolina are Small Businesses. We have to make sure that we are getting this money into these Small Businesses, so they can make payroll and pay their monthly bills. Dana and one last question for you, i know that you are very interested in agricultural issues, is there any relief coming for the farmers out there who need some help in getting their crops picked . Well, you saw secretary purdue last week this is really helping replenish the food supply and purchasing certain agricultural products, but we have a lot more work today, pork industry, in my state, and i want another big pork states are hurting. We have to continue to come back. This is going to be evolutionary by a number of very legitimate request for support that we have to fulfill. Dana all right, senator tom tillis, thank you so much for joining us today from North Carolina. And as we mentioned, grime protests now over stayathome orders with the president seeming to encourage these demonstrations. Is he sending a mixed message . We will talk about it next. Refinance when Mortgage Rates drop. And they just dropped to the lowest in newdays history. Refinance now. Theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. One call can save you 2,000 a year. Refi now. G zpz61]nn sir. Youre talking about a first [runnigeneration americanren] from the streets of the Imperial Valley who rose to beat the odds. She worked nights and weekends till she earned herself a masters degree. She was running in a marathon when a man behind her collapsed from cardiac arrest. And using her experience saved this mans life. 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Dana as some of the hardest hit states report a decline in deaths and hospitalizations, doctors in massachusetts are seeing a surge in coping 19 cases up there. The doctor who runs mass generals Emergency Department gives us a firstperson account of what he is seeing and what the Biggest Challenges are. Molly line is live in boston with the story. Molly, you got to go behind the scenes. Dana, with a chance to speak with one of the doctors at mass General Hospital where i might add, roughly 500, more than 500 other patients are covid19 positive thats an 1,000 bed roughly hospital. Half of the patients there at massachusetts General Hospital are covert positive, or half of the beds are filled with cobit positive patients. We spoke with dr. Ali roger hes the executive vice chair of their Emergency Department, and here is his inside look. We are doing what we used to do in one week, but we are doing it in monday. Dont get me wrong, we love taking care of critically ill patients, thats why we do it we do, but the nonstop aspect of it is definitely getting tiring for everybody involved. The number of patients requiring intubation is staggering. For us to have 140 and debated cobit patients when normally, for all disease processes, we only have 40 and debated patients, we have gotten really creative with where we make input icus. And will face max, shield and other personal protective equipment aim to prevent infection, doctor says communication is the big loss. Typically i can use my facial expressions, i can use my gestures, my tone of voice to really connect with patients about some really serious things. But with a mask covering up most of your face, and a face shield covering up almost all the rest of it, its really hard to communicate. Thats especially hard in our older patients who might be hard of hearing were in our patients who dont speak english. And Frontline Health workers dont know when they will get a break. If we actually get to a plateau where it sits high for many weeks, thats when we will find ourselves both running out of beds but also running out of people as the exhaustion really kicks in. We thank dr. Raja for his time, and we are just beginning to get the number of hospitalizations here in the state of massachusetts. Thousands of people admitted for covid19 care, and we do know that some of the patients are children. The latest numbers from boston childrens hospital, they have reported that they have seen 20 children come through their care admitted with covid19, and some have received care in the icu. Dana. Dana those looks inside hospitals are so important for us to understand it all, thank you molly line. So, is this a bit of a mixed message from the president who said he would work with governors on ramping up testing so they could reopen their states safely, but now, also encouraging protesters of state home rules who are agitating to speed up the process. Joining me now is how we herds host of media buzz and Fox News Media analyst, this was a big weekend, how we, how did you see it . Its pretty remarkable that you have the head of the federal government urging protesters to liberate their states, at least in three states that happen to have democratic governments. Now, of course, people have a right to protest some of these restrictions. But it shows donald trump group turning to the antigovernment insurgency that got him elected four years ago. Its almost like a culture where there reminds me, dana of the Old Tea Party protests. Dana i wanted to have you listen to an exchange, a reporter actually asking him last night if he was inciting violence. Reporter are you concerned that youre talking about liberation and the second amendment, are you inciting violence among a few people . President trump ive seen the people, ive seen them interviewed, these are great people. Look, they call it cabin fever, have you heard the term, theyve got cabin fever. They want to get back, they want their life back. Their life was taken away from them. Dana and all of that is very understandable, of course, how we, people are just trying to figure out a balance, figure out how to stay safe, as well as exercise their right to free speech. I dont think its fair to accuse the president of fomenting violence. You can say that hes suggesting people are no longer practicing social distancing. Some of the protesters arent doing. But look, politically speaking, there is so much pain and suffering out there with 22 million jobs lost, and pay cuts in all of that that it benefits the president to stoke the anger, that a lot of americans are feeling because they want to get back to work, and they are tired of the shutdown. At the same time, he does have the mixed messages. For journalist to say youre being inconsistent, he said he wanted to work with the governors, no youre criticizing the democratic governors. He doesnt care about that, we all know what he things about the process. Hes going to brush that off and try to fire up his base. Dana the president always wants to be an offense, so hes trying to figure out a way to do that too. Howie kurtz, thank you on this monday, we will see later in the week. And beaches in jacksonville, florida, they are now open again and maybe the coronavirus outbreak. We will discuss the decision with the mayor of that city come up next. Were working hard to answer your questions. 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Dana, good to see you, the reopening process is really going to be happening across a schedule to be outlined by the governor with the exception of schools, as you know, those are going to remain closed for the remainder of the academic year. But starting on wednesday, the elective surgeries, they will be allowed to move forward again. Those procedures were initially put on hold, as you know, to keep hospital resources, supplies, and beds free. Then friday, retailers can open, providing they operate on a retail to go capacity. That means customers can make purchases ahead of time, then drive to the store and have their orders delivered to their car. And then one week from today, next monday, the next rounds will be announced. Which could include opening restaurants in a limited capacity. Now, in tandem to these openings, state Health Officials continue working on ways to increase Community Testing in texas and develop contacted tracing programs since texas does rank behind many other states when it comes to overall testing numbers. And speaking of new numbers, we have some numbers just in. Dena, no more than 19,000 people have tested positive for coronavirus across texas. 495 people have lost their lives. Back to you. Dana all right, Casey Stegall and texas forest, thank you. Now lets go a little further east into the beaches in debt jacksonville, florida, reopening this weekend with time restrictions, only activities like walking, running, fishing,d surfing were allowed. Police were on hand to encourage social distancing. Lets bring in jacksonville mayor lenny curry. Mr. Mayor, how do you think it went this weekend . I think people behave responsibly. I got reports from our fire and rescue in our Police Officers that people came out with their families, and they kept their distance, and they walked, and they kept moving. They did what we asked them. Dana and so, after this, do you think that you can take additional steps to reopen more, like what would be the next thing you would like to try to reopen . Yeah, well, we would like to get people back to work but weve got to be responsible about it. We were one of the first studies, i moved in shutdown events before many other cities did, took some criticism for that. When you make these decisions, theres going to be some people that question you. Opening the beaches was one small responsible step. Opening with restrictions. In another group of stops will come to getting people back to work. Were going to have to be able to test people. Right now theres a study out there that says you need about 1500 tests per day for a city of our population size. We are doing that some days right now, so were going to continue to work to expand testing. We are following President Trumps plan, we are working with Governor Desantis to ensure that we can responsibly and safely get people back to work as quickly as possible and you know, im going to lead on the issue and to get people back to some sense of normalcy as quick as we can. Dana for other mayors that are thinking about how they might be able to maybe reopen parks, or if they have beaches, what is the metric that you looked at that gave you the confidence to be able to do that . Well, theres a couple of things. Our percent of positives have been trending run 5 for quite some time now, which is significantly lower than other major metropolitan areas. The other pieces, our state stay at home orders, weve encourage people to get out and walk and exercise in their neighborhoods. Just dont stop and talk your neighbor. Dont get in their space. So this was just opening up more access for the beaches, more access to the parks. I would say to other mayors and other folks in leadership, though this virus is going to be with us for a while. So any mic medical expert would tell you the safest thing you can do without a vaccine is being your home. I understand that. If i were a physician i would say the same thing. But we cant be in our homes for another three months, six months, nine months. Its not sustainable economically and its not sustainable for a whole slew of other effects on citizens. Dana and mr. Mayor, i do want to point out something that was quite remarkable that you did have officers that were out there and yesterday, they were able to capture a fugitive from justice and arrest him. He was wanted in arnold pennsylvania for homicide. So a good deed being done there. Last word to you. Yeah, look, i will speak to the citizens of jacksonville and other folks in leadership. We know this virus is going to be with us for a period of time, we understand that to the extent you can socially distance you need to. And being at home is the safest place. But weve got to get people back to work, weve got to do responsibly, weve got to be disciplined and serious about social distancing, wear masks many are in Grocery Stores, and lets just all take care of each other. Dana lets do that, indeed. Mr. Curry, thank you for joining us today. The Trump Administration is close to making a deal with congress to save Small Businesses. That will be very welcome news for many people out there. Details are next, plus gerri willis is on doc and she will answer some of your pressing financial questions after the break. Tums versus mozzarella stick bell rings when heartburn hits fight back fast. With tums chewy bites. Beat heartburn fast tums chewy bites witpeople at higher riskng, must take extra precautions. You are at higher risk if you are over 65, or if you have an underlying medical condition. Please visit coronavirus. Gov for more information. Dana the white house is getting ready to close of 400 billion deal with congress. They are trying to get more money into the hands of Small Business owners. The first round of payroll protection money ran dry within about two weeks. There is that much demand. Edward lawrence is in d. C. With more on this. Edward. Yeah, dana, Small Business owners and their employees are looking to washington for additional help. So far, no deal on that front, in fact Mitch Mcconnell says they will be no vote today on any additional lead because democrats want to keep talking about this. And white house advisor larry kudlow says in order to get 300 billion into a new package in the payroll protection act for Small Businesses, theyre going to put a number of other things in the bill that eventually the senate will pass including 75 billion for hospitals. Also advisor Kellyanne Conway told us that therell be 25 billion for testing. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi says she also wants more direct aid to states as well as increasing the food stamp program. A Senate Leadership aid from the republican side tells me that those last two items will not be in any final bill thats passed in the senate. Now the aide says the Sticking Point in this current bill is related to the testing portion of this, what it will cover, and exactly how much it will be. The administration pushing back against house Speaker Nancy Pelosi and the democrats saying that basically their delay is hurting Small Businesses, also pointing out the fact that the president signed the cares act within hours of getting in. We want people to know, this is not being overly politicized when it comes to the president s staff. On the way they are, sometimes it is. I would say, when the majority leader in the house said it congress is now recessed until may 4th unless there is a quite emergency, hey folks, we are in an emergency. In the House Speaker once also have 60 billion of that 300 billion for the payroll trip Protection Program going to Community Banks to funnel through this, theres been no objections that ive heard from either side on that because those banks that really led the way on this. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell says that the senate will come back into session tomorrow, hes helpful to have something by then. But again, frustrated with the delay. Dana hall to be too indeed, edward lawrence, thanks for that update. And now shake shack, its returning the 10 million emergency loan that he received from the cares act. The popular burger chain months the money to go to smaller businesses who need to help more. The ceo riding in a letter to the public that they were able to raise the money they needed through other means. So the Company Hopes to inspire more Major Companies to give back the money that they got. And, we have other things happening here, americans across the country are wondering what a deal on the Small Business loan program i mean for their wallets. The astor viewers again this week, whats on their mind as we wait for a path to reopen the economy. Fox Business Networks gerri willis is here to help us answer these pressing personal financial questions. As always, wonderful to see you, jerry. I know people will get some relief on hearing from you on questions like this one. Nick asked this we got bread last friday we had to furlough 30 employees that the remaining 40 employees will have to take a 15 hit to keep us going. Our approved pta forms through the bank on the first friday we were allowed to apply but have yet to receive a federal number. His question is this, is there still a chance that we can receive the grant and get our staff back to work . Jerry, what do you think . Hey, dan, good to see you yeah, there is a chance, i have good news and bad news, yes there is a chance you can get the money from the Paycheck Protection Program, i believe thats what hes describing there. This is the sba program that lent out to companies with 500 or fewer workers as lawrence just described it. But heres the trick, because you dont have that federal loan number, that tells me youre not in the first trench of funds that was passed two weeks ago. But in fact, youre going to be in this next one which has yet to pass congress. So the money is not coming right away, but yes, you still may get it. One important to note here, youre going to have to have the same number of employees that you had back on february 16th once you get the loan eight weeks after that date. So they dont have to be the same employees, just the same head count to get that forgiveness of the loan. Dana. Dana thats a good clarification on that one. So bethann asks on instagram, she asks how is this going to impact next years taxes. Are we going to get a statement from the government to report on our taxes, will this also a fact what refund received next year . Okay, this one is easy. Nothing. If this is not a taxable old event. Youre not going to have to pay any money on it, its not going to reduce your refund. I really say free money, but kind of free money. Dana thats good, thats a good fast answer on that one. Mike asks on facebook, i heard that we may be able to borrow or withdraw without penalty against our 401 k s up to 20 , is that true . Yeah, okay, so if you are having hard times because of coronavirus, you can borrow up to 100,000 from your 401 k , your ira, your four oh 3b, so thats very good news indeed. Youre not going to have to pay the 10 withdrawal penalty usually charge, and you will be able to pay it back over three years. This might be a better solution for people who are having huge financial problems, rather than putting your debt on credit cards are taking out a personal loan. Dana. Dana im glad he asked that question because i wanted that too. Last question, kind of in the same realm. James asks would you advise to contribute more to my 401 k during the pandemic . I absolutely would. Look, all things being equal, this is a great time to be investing in your 401 k . Stocks are cheap, what do you want to do when you invest . Buy low and sell high, right. Thats exactly the opportunity to have right now. But a lot of people dont have any savings. So if they lose income, if somebody in the family loses a job, they may have a hard time making rent or mortgage. So i say if you dont have any cash savings, hold onto that money. Dana. Dana all right, gerri willis, always a pleasure to have you on the show. I think you probably put a lot of minds at ease just now, thank you so much. All right, the biden and trump campaigns, they are agreeing on something, that china misled the world in the first month of the coronavirus outbreak. But theyre still attacking each other on the issue. We will talk to our Political Panel about all things 2020 ne next. Refinance to a lower rate . One call to newday can save you 2000 a year. With newdays va streamline refi theres no income verification, no home appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. Its the quickest and easiest refi theyve ever offered. Call newday now. Hey thats mine. Ill buy you a pony. Advanced hydration isnt just for kids. Pedialyte helps you hydrate during recovery. Does that mean they have to grow apart from their friends, or from the things they love to do . With right at home, it doesnt. Right at homes professional team thoughtfully selects caregivers to help with personal care, housekeeping, meals and most of all, staying engaged in life. Oh, thank you, thank you. Youre welcome. Are you ready to go . 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Lawsuits in beijing trillions of dollars, will they go anywhere. Chasing a vaccine today with the professor from oxford university. See you in a couple minutes with the monday addition of bill hemmer reports. Dana former Vice President joe biden and President Trumps campaigns both going after china. Theyve accused the countrys government of misleading the rest of the world during the virus outbreak, but they are also using it to attack each other. Lets bring in collin reed, former Campaign Manager and former republican senator scott brown, and former executive director of the Democratic Congressional campaign committee, great to see you both. Socially distance, of course, as appropriate. Collin, let me ask you about President Trumps approach here, does he have biden on the ropes . Well, i think you saw over the weekend that team trump is adopting a strategy that team obama used very successfully in 2012 which is really defined your opponent negatively out of the gate before they can find their general election sea legs if you will. And on the china issue, i think that President Trump is really going to make this case and i think you seem team biden recognizing the potency of being too closely associated with china, or being seen as too cozy for it. Thats why you see the two contrasting ads, thats what, i think, will be a big part of the battle lines in the next 69 months. So buckle up. Dana the ads hes talking about were basically President Trump saying that biden is too close to china and the biden team sit trying to say that President Trump was basically giving china little bt of a pass during that month of january. Will that be effective for the biden campaign, or is it just kind of difficult for them to campaign in this environment during a pandemic . Well, its definitely difficult to campaign in a pandemic, but i think what theyre seeing is a trump is his own worst enemy. I mean, historically, americans have given the commanders in chief i Approval Ratings during a time of crisis. Your former boss george w. Bush was almost at 90 after 9 11, Donald Trumps Approval Ratings have been dropping precipitously around his handling of this pandemic. In fact, if you saw the nbc poll over the weekend, more americans think joe biden would actually do better handling the pandemic than trump. So trump really needs a foil and he knows that his handling of the situation is not cutting it, so hes got a sort of muddy the waters with in the attack on biden. Dana collin, let me have you talk about those poll numbers, because i also think President Trump trumps numbers went up initially, but now theyre back to where theyve been since november of 2016. Theyre so remarkably stable even in the middle of all this. Yeah, these numbers dont go too far off, they dont go too far down. I think ty is correct in that. The biden camp wants to make this next six to nine months a referendum on trumps handling of coronavirus and the subsequent steps to address it, and i think team trump is going to make this a choice between two really different candidates into really different visions and look, theres a reason that only two incumbents since 1932 have lost reelection, its really hard to defeat a sitting president , and push comes to shove, most people are going to stick with the candidate they know, especially during turbulent times. But those are the battle lines right now. Thats where we will see these debates being played out. Dana it is indeed where will see that. Ty, just one last question for you. How come you havent grown a beard like during this quarantine . We have actually gotten to the state of quarantine where im cutting my own hair, so thats why im back from the camera little bit. Dana i think you both look great, thanks much for joining us. All right, see you guys next week. Up next, with large corporations and universities getting stimulus money amid the coronavirus outbreak, a social Media Movement takes hold, calling congress and what many consider corporate welfare. [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Dana with summer right around the corner, pools, city funded camps and day care facilities are facing some uncertainty. Parents are being forced to reconsider summer plans that they made months ago. Fox Business Network Lauren Simonetti is in Bergen County new jersey and with more on this, and lauren, im sure a lot of parents are stressed, a little bit about this. Yeah. Camp zoom doesnt sound like a lot of fun, dana. Parents are saying how do i go back to work if i dont have anything for my kids to do. We reach out to the American Camp association, they represent about 3100 member camps. This is what they said, camps are awaiting further guidance from the cdc, in the meantime cam professionals will continue to develop contingency plans, so we took a look at some of those contingency plans. How about this, if its a day camp, youre driving junior to and from camp, is it a sleep away camp, limited visitor hours, maybe no visitor hours. Later start dates, like i said, we hope its not virtual camp, but that might be the case. In new york city as you know, the playgrounds, the public pools, the beaches are likely closed for the summer leaving parents with very few options. So it depends on where you live and the guidance that youre getting from your local officials plus the cdc, but many camps are hoping to open, they just have to wait and see. By the way, the sleep away camps that we spoke to, they are actually the protective gear and covid19 coronavirus tests should they need them. So its a big question right now, parents including myself are waiting with baited breath. Dana i know, hopefully there can be some additional moves like the one in jacksonville where they may local decision based on the information and data that they have. Lauren simonetti, thank you. And theres a movement on twitter called bailouthumans its taken hold, to the government to focus less on helping Companies Found their books and more on helping people who are in severe financial stress. For more unless im joined by bill paul see, ceo of post the capital and of twitter for lamp through p. Were glad to have you bill. Tell me about how the private citizen is having to do with the explosion at food banks where they have so much demand they couldve never anticipated just a couple of months ago. This is the 21st century of the food bank, but on twitter, we do it quicker, faster than ever before. Dana, its americans coming together to help other americans. My message to congress, i think President Trump is correct, Congress Needs to get on a plane, and they need to get off their you know what where they eat healthy, they eat very good food, and they need to pass relief funding so americans can eat. I mean, the average american right now is really struggling, and thats what normal movement is about. We raised 56,000 in a little over 24 hours, dana, and our average donation was about 18 if you can believe that. Dana so then how do you figure out where to get that money to where the need is greatest . People tweeted us, they do twitterfoodbank or theyllouthumans. Weve been trending number one in the world for the past few days. People tweeted us, they tell us their need, it used to be they were dying of cancer, now it so they cant get food, so we send them food, we send them 100, and boom, the technology can feed people and minutes. Dana one of the things you said yesterday in a tweet was that if you cannot give money, you can sure as heck give kindness. Both are important, and one is free. I think we have seen that acrosstheboard, but i wanted to give you another chance, maybe, to talk to congress about you dont think 1200 is enough for people. The people who are really struggling. What you think congress should do . No its not, the most popular thing President Trump could do is mandate congress to come back in and mandate Something Like feed america or something to get people more than 1200. Why does harvard get 9 million, but the average american can barely even have food in some cases . This shouldnt happen. This shouldnt happen in america. So thats what our movement is all about. Yes, we are all about kindness, but sometimes weve got to give tough love, weve got to give a little tough love to congress to help out the american jet american struggling right now. Dana in the average last two seconds, can you talk about how people can ask for help right now because nothing they did is their fault. No, and i say commie vigor, i will be a beggar. It doesnt matter, people shouldnt have shame, were going to get through this, weve gotten through other world wars before. This is a war, congress is missing in action, they need to come back, we can take care of each other, thats what were doing on twitter, were going to keep to it every day. Dana bill pulte, thank you so much for all you do, we appreciated. Thank you for joining us, im dana perino. Dont forget ive got story time at 3 30 p. M. Eastern today, next youre going to have a great treat, bill hemmer. Bill dana, thank you, fox news alert now, how do you reopen the country. Im bill hemmer, good afternoon, the fate of the u. S. Economy dating of the fight of the pandemic at this hour. We began in this ongoing fight over how and when to reopen america. We have seen protesters in many states calling on governors to loosen the state home orders as state leaders consider ways to reopen the economy there. Meanwhile, lawmakers and the Trump Administration working out a bill that could top of 400 billion. If passed, it would provide more relief to Small Businesses among many other things

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