This two years of the rate of return a little bit higher than the tenure. Thats usually not a good sign. Youre seeing a massive market selloff. Dow down 759 points. People are taking their money from the markets and putting it into bonds. Thats increasing the price, lowering the yield. Little bit complicated there. Its not just about a big precursor of the sregs. You have weakness coming out of china for their july numbers. The economy in germany contracting which is contributing to this big talk about a global slowdown. So thats having an effect. Dana i want to ask you if there were other details. Im interested in that. Cant figure out a way to get back on track. Thats a great point. You had macy earnings come out today. That stock is getting hammered. Right now down by 14 . It was down 16 . Macys is special in the sense that they complained they werent doing well with their athletic brand, they have too much inventory so they have to write off things and put them on sale. The issue is you have competition. Think of those that shop, i go to walmart, target, too. Theyre becoming more stylish. Theyre working on their clothing brand. Then you have amazon. Thats eating away at these older department stores. Macys not doing welsh nordstrom, j. C. Penny. Dana monday was not a good day for the market. Yesterday it rebounded. Today is not a good day. Is tomorrow going to be a better day . Excellent question. If i could predict that, i would be trading and would be really, really wealthy. Dana we would be busted for Insider Trading if we could tell that. Yesterday we saw an uptick because the president said he was going to suspend tariffs. Right . People were able to breathe a sigh of relief. What were seeing now, we had janet yellen on fox business say maybe this is overblown. Lot of people are reacting. We havent seen this type of bond yield inversion in over a decade. Thats usually a concern that a recession is looming. However, she and others are saying maybe thats overblown. We have a lot of algorithms that can help with that selloff. Dana thank you for coming on. I hope it wasnt too confusing. Dana no, no, we get it. I think the best advice could be from janet yellen that it could be overblown. It could not be. Everybody has an opinion. Dana thank you. And breaking new details on the where abouts of the woman who allegedly helped Jeffrey Epstein recruit young girls for a sex trafficking wing. A report claims shes hiding out in a new england beach town at a secluded mansion, but the owner says maxwell is not there. This as we learn more about investigation into epsteins apparent suicide. Brian llenas is following all of this for us. So, do we know where maxwell is . Reporter dana, no, we do not know where she is right now. Much of her where abouts have been a mistystermystery. She has been identified as a key coconspirator by people who say she helped run his sex trafficking network. Daily mail is reporting maxwell has been living secretly with a manageary tech ceo in his mansion just outside boston. The daily mail report says the two are in a relationship, claiming he has been photographed with maxwells dog. Fox news spoke to him on the phone a little while ago, about an hour ago, in which he denied this report. Borgenson said maxwell is a former friend who he used to work with on an ocean conner is vansy policy but he could not recall the last time he saw her. He tells fox maxwell is not at his home and that the dog is his, not hers. He has called this whole experience, quote, terrifying. Meanwhile, an epstein accuser filed a new civil lawsuit against maxwell. Three of epsteins unnamed house staff and epsteins estate claims Jeffrey Epstein assaulted her repeatedly when she was 14 and 15. Rose accused epsteins maid, secretary and recruiter of helping to recruit young girls for him to rape. Dana obviously a horrible thing to read this morning. What do we know about the latest on the investigation . A federal source tells fox news investigators are looking into whether the two guards assigned to the special housing unit where epstein was housed fell asleep on duty. They are also looking into whether the two falsified record, indicating that they were doing bed checks every 30 minutes as required when in reality they were not. Falsifying federal records is a felony. The attorney general temporarily replaced and reassigned the warden of the Metropolitan Correctional Center and both guards are on temporary leave as the investigation continues. Dana, the bureau of prisons has a suicide Reconstruction Team on site today at the mcc to determine what happened to epstein. Theres about five different probes into this incident. Dana brian llenas, thank you. As promised, lets bring in judge andrew. How much do prosecutors want to be able to talk to her . I think they very much want to talk to her. I dont think they could care less about her current social marital, nonmarital boyfriend situation. But they definitely want to talk to her. In fact, in the indictment against epstein, which now, of course, cant be prosecuted because hes dead, it does name people, not by name, but employee one, two and three, associate one, two, three, coconspirators known to the grand jury but not named her. I am certain that she is one of though people, which means that there is some evidence of her cooperating with epstein and facilitating this longstanding sex trafficking practice of causing under age females to travel across state lines, in some cases across International Lines in order to get to his mansion for unlawful purposes. Dana theres a report, as brian llenas was saying, she is in new england. Now this guy says shes not there. If shes there, would presumably authorities would try to go and find her there. But if shes in the u. K. , what is our extradition . We have an extradition treaty with the u. K. , which would bring her her. As long as its a nonpolitical crime. Not talking about julian assange. If shes in the u. K. And wanted for sex trafficking in the United States, shell be here in about two months. Once the authorities in the United States charge her, she must formally be charged here because she has the right to know what shes being brought here for. Then they ask the u. K. To extradite her. Dana she is accused of recruiting under age women. She has not been criminally charged. Accusation come out of the mouths of the alleged victims but the government has yet to formally accuse her. Dana according to the New York Times report, dale Jeffrey Epstein, that two guards slept through checks and did not check him. Disclosures came as the guards and warden were removed. I understand the attorney general was asking for updates on this investigation every three hours. Wouldnt surprise me. The Justice Department is not only embarrassed, its angry. Because the Justice Department, i think, was about to engage in negotiations with epstein and his lawyers. Dana to plead guilty . Yes. In return for that guilty plea on a reduction of 45 years down to something tolerable, he was going to name names. He cant name names. His lawyers cant know the names. Without his first hand eyewitness testimony as to who these other people are that victimized the girls, either by having sex with them, knowing they were under age, or by participating in the trafficking of them across state lines. Without that testimony from him, the Justice Departments menu of potential targets has been reduced. So the a. G. Is very much on top of it. Brian llenas is right on the mark. It is a felony to falsify federal records. But when Prison Guards do this, it is ordinarily treated as an administrative regulation. What happens if youre found guilty . Eh, you lose a weeks vacation. Not this time. If it is determined that they did this, these guys are gonna be indicted for the felony of filing false records with the federal government, their employer. Dana last quick question for the young woman who claims that epstein raped her when she was 14 and 15 years old. What happened to that civil action suit . Welsh thats against his estate. Theres very little defense to it. He cant testify. So it will obviously be settled for some numerical amount. As of midnight, now just earlier today, theres no statute of limitations whatsoever in the state of new york for sexual abuse. So expect these lawsuits to come ov over. Without allegations are made, you cant sue the person who ever made the allegation for libel, meaning they are free to say what they want. Dana when it comes to the question of the circumstances surrounding his death, there are some who are looking for other answers. Americans like patterns. Surely there are all these people who would have liked to see him dead, especially if he was about to talk to the government. Do you think you dismissed those types of conspiracy thaoer reus and just look at the fact that maybe he just killed himself when the guards were sleeping . My gut is the place was terribly mismanaged. He was smart enough to recognize that. He found the window of opportunity and he killed himself. But i also believe those federal guards, if they falsified records, committed federal crimes and ought to be prosecuted for it. Dana all right, judge andrew napolitano, thank you for taking us to law school. Thank you. By the grace of god, had the bullets gone two inches in another direction, we could be here today talking about the murder of a federal official. Dana shots fired at two ice facilitieses near the mexico border. Plus the Biden Campaign is doing more damage control. And plus well keep close watch on the dow as it gets near the closing bell. Right now down 650 points. Theres a company thats talked to even more real people than me jd power. 448,134 to be exact. They answered 410 questions in 8 categories about vehicle quality. And when they were done, chevy earned more j. D. Power quality awards across cars, trucks and suvs than any other brand over the last four years. So on behalf of chevrolet, i want to say thank you, real people. Youre welcome. Were gonna need a bigger room. Fun fact 1 in 4 of us millennials have debt we might die with. And most of that debt is actually from credit cards. Its just not right. But with sofi, you can get your credit cards right by consolidating your Credit Card Debt into one monthly payment. You can get your Interest Rate right by locking in a fixed low rate today. And you can get your money right. With sofi. Check your rate in 2 minutes or less. Get a nofee personal loan up to 100k. Dana Biden Campaign is paying cleanup on immigration. Another moves closer to joining the Vice President on stage in the next debate. Peter doocy is tracking the candidates in des moines. Okay, peter, what did joe biden say this time . What happened . Reporter dana, there are two things that joe biden said at the debate two weeks ago that in the time since have some immigration activists very upset. Here are the two things. The reason we tier country we are is weve been able to cherry pick from the best of every culture. Immigrants built this country. Thats why were so special. When people cross the border illegally, it is illegal to do it unless theyre seeking asylum. People should have to get in line. Reporter getting in line an cherry picking were apparently offensive to these immigration activists, who think those are too close to republican talking points according to this new report. His campaign wants them to know he wants immigration reform. Biden met behind closed doors with some activists, making sure they know thats what he wants. What a difference between joe biden using words like get in line and somebody else who might be on the stage in september, julian castro, who is aggressively pushing for there not to be a line at all and for it not to be illegal to cross the border illegally. Dana . Dana i can remember the Obama Administration when they try to put forward comprehensive immigration reform. Im pretty sure that was the policy that was in that legislation. Democrats will have to figure out where they stand on that. I was surprised this morning on this intel you have on tom stire. Reporter that he made it. Hes got 130,000 individual donors to his campaign. So hes one poll away to making this september debate stage. He is showing with this that email addresses are among the most powerful currency for a political campaign. All of his efforts over the last couple years to try and impeach President Trump netted him, according to some estimates, more than 8 million email addresses. So people who gave their info to him over the years because they wanted to impeach President Trump have been getting emails lately asking for donations to the campaign. Because he is very rich, hes also been flooding facebook with ads. There are some estimates that he spent more on facebook in the last month than the trump reelection campaign, which of course, has been spending historic amounts there lately. Dana remarkable. Reporter that does mean millions of democrats have seen stires info. Only 130,000 have donated that makes the numbers seem smaller. Dana if he gets on the debate stage, he would say it was money well spent. Reporter he would. Would say the same thing if he becomes the democratic nominee. Dana peter doocy, thanks. Next, court convicting rapper asap rocky stemming from a june fight on a stockholm street. It shows asap and his two friends hitting and kicking a man. The trio will not face jail time or a fine but must pay damages to the victim. He will also compensate the swedish government for Legal Expenses from the case. Little bit different. Dana just how different are Bernie Sanders and cardi bs nails and why are they hanging out together . Well tell you about it look at chinese images that show their vehicles inside a sports center. Thats bordering hong kong. Is that a sign of upcoming chinese aggression . If youre the spouse of a military veteran, i want you to know something, your spouse has earned the right to apply for a va home loan. A va home loan is unique, its different than other home loans, because it allows you to borrow up to 100 percent of your homes value. That extra borrowing power may allow you to pay down debt, lower your monthly payments, put cash in the bank, and give you the peace of mind that every veteran deserves. You dont see psoriasis. You see clear skin. 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State department urging increased caution to hong kong as the country is rocked by three straight day of protests. Susan lee with the fobbing Business Network is live in hong kong. Were things calmer today . Reporter yeah, much calmer at hong kong airport. Reopening for business after being shut down for two straight days. This is the worlds eighth busiest airport. One of two main transports across the asia pacific. Arrival flights. Weve been hearing from some of the tourists and whether or not they cancelled their plans, how they feel about traveling to hong kong. Why dont you take a listen. They have one thing wrong. They should not be here. They should be having their protests in hong kong with the government, with the police, with who ever. Were not to blame for this. Its not the prime minister. I dont know what they are doing. Theyre taking money for taxes of the tickets. So they were responsible for the security of the passengers. But it was nothing. Reporter 1100 cargo passenger flights land every day at hong kong terminal. We still had a scattered half dozen or so, few dozen protesters still camped out. Because of a court injunction, only those with actual air fare tickets could get into the terminal. So the fight took to the streets tonight here in hong kong in a suburban district. We had hundreds of protesters amassing there. Hong kong police moved in. Apparently the tear gas was fired after some of the protesters started shining some laser beams at the police. Now, as for the u. S. And what politicians are saying about the situation unfolding and developing here in hong kong, we have a House Foreign Affairs bipartisan statement today. They say 30 years after the Chinese Communist partys brutal massacre in tiananmen square, we are concerned china would consider again brutally putting down peaceful protests. We urge china to avoid making such a mistake, which would be met with universal condemnation and swift consequences. We also had President Trump tweeting yesterday that u. S. Intelligence suggests there might be a buildup of china troops across the way, along hong kongs borders and there has been video circulating of these military exercises and some of these tanks that have been brought in to the city thats not that far from the city of hong kong. Dana . Dana susan lee, thanks for being in hong kong for us. We appreciate. Chopper fired early at an Office Building in san antonio that houses ice. Thankfully nobody was hurt in the shooting. But now the fbi is getting involved. Casey stegal is live in dallas with more. Reporter yes. Fbi special agents calling these, quote, dangerous times, fearing that political rhetoric in this country is perhaps fueling the violence, at least violence towards ice, or immigration and customs enforcement. Federal Officials Say this is the fourth recent act of violence outside ice locations across the country. The latest happening early Tuesday Morning when two different ice operations were targeted down in san antonio. Two buildings close together and investigators say someone drove up and opened fire on both of the multilevel Office Complexes only hitting the floors where ice or ice contractors were located. In other words, the fbi says the person or persons responsible knew exactly what they were doing. There were people in the building. We had federal employees who were present, who although they were not hit by the rounds fired, by the grace of god, had the bullets gone two inches in another direction, we could be here talking about the murder of a federal official. Reporter now, person was taken into custody and questioned but later released. So at this point no formal arrests have been made. Fbi also confirming that it is currently investigating and working several other threats that have been made to different ice offices around the country. Dana . Dana the fbi certainly busy. Thank you. Stacy abrams wants in on 2020. Her offer to the candidate that wins the Democratic Party nomination. Well tell you. Would you pay an extra tax for red meat . Well chew on that next. Like my steak rare my taters fried Football Games just who i am a potato man lets see, aleve is proven better on pain than tylenol extra strength. And last longer with fewer pills. So why am i still thinking about this . Ill take aleve. Aleve. Proven better on pain. Todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. A place for mom is a free service that pairs you with a local advisor to help you sort through your options and find a perfect place. A place for mom. You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. Dana senator Bernie Sanders at the nail salon with cardi b. This is called do i know nails . This is Bernie Sanders. I am with cardib. We are at the ten nail bar in detroit michigan talking about some of the most important issues that impact you. Education, jobs, wages. Were in a nail bar. Cardis nails and mine are just a little bit different. Dana a professor at Johns Hopkins university, a new mom and Progressive Political commentator. Lisa booth is a Vice President at high noon strategies. I love that video. Got a cool vibe there, wendy. What do you think ab Bernie Sanders hanging out with cardib . I think its awesome. I am a cardib fan. I love how shes able to speak out about political issues. This is not something new. We have celebrities, we have entertainers who continuously have spoken out about issues going on in our country. Cardi is not doing anything different. Hats off to her and hats off to Bernie Sanders for using her platform to try to energize his base. Dana one thing hes been complaining about is media coverage. Lisa, that has been an tpbive strategy for someone we know. It has. But, i mean, look, if youre talking about a specific candidate they can make the claim theyre treated differently by the media. The media is absolutely bias against republicans and towards, or treats democrats much more tpaeufrb raably. All you have to do is go through the New York Times just recently changed that headline because of liberal backlash. 538 had a great writeup about why so many people missed 2016. As 20613, only 7 of journalist weres republicans. Or you can even go now to the gun debate. Between august 4 to august 5, news busters found the rhetoric from the news was 171 in favor of gun rights versus gun control versus gun rights. Dana what do you think, wendy, i think its normal for a candidate to complain about their media coverage. I really do. You can see that. Is it effective . Do they have merit in this case . I think its okay for us to critique the media, right . Its one thing to critique them. One thing to be critical of them. I do think it another thing for us to then turn around and say this is fake news and for people to attack the media. Thats whats different here. If Bernie Sanders says he is not receiving fair air time, then thats fair. But for us to sit here and say certain things like the media is fake news and for certain journalists to be attacked, thats where we have to draw the line. Dana let me also ask you about this. We have to talk about stacey abrams. She ran for governor of georgia. Shes never actually conceded that race. She basically said this last night. Theyve been hard at work at supressing the vote, dismantling democracy. Its our responsibility to not just wait to see what happens, but to actually fight back. She said two things, lisa. That she is open to running as a Vice President ial candidate and, number two, that shes going to work on a new charity that she is basically going to try to deal with the issue, as she describes it, suppression of the vote. Do you think anybody will take her up on the idea of being Vice President . I dont think they should. She is too polarizing. The reason shes been pushing the vote r suppression narrative is because its boosting her career. Shes leading this Voting Rights group. Its what has kept her relevant in the news cycle. But its a fallacy. The race was not stolen. She lost by 55,000 votes. If you look at turnout, it reached almost 4 million georgians turned out to vote in the 2018 midterm election, near president ial level. There was not the Voter Suppression she alleged. She just lost. I think she would end up being too polarizing as a Vice President ial pick. Dana wendy, i do note the concept of Voter Suppression is alive and well and theres a lot of concern from the left about that. Ill give you the last word on this. I would say Voter Suppression is something that is alive and well. We have data that supports that. As far as lisa saying she should not. Lets be clear. Stacey abrams was the first female black governor candidate for any party. She has history behind her. Yes, she should be tapped to be a Vice President. If not her, then who . She has brought out voters. She energized the base, not just in georgia, but globally. She brought out oprah winfrey. She is a strong contender. Dana well see if anybody take hers up on it. Congratulations on the new baby. Congratulations, wendy. Thank you. Dana all right. Would you pay extra for meat . According to a bloomberg report, red meat could face higher taxes. The idea is already trending in western europe as an incentive to help the environment and curb health concerns. Lets bring in Chris Stirewalt and my cohost of the podcast ill tell you what. Chris, i feel like theres a war on meat thats really ramping up and im not happy about it. This coming from a woman who eats her steaks well done. Even you are on board. Dana i eat a lot of it. You are punching above your weight when it comes to steak consumption. Dana the attacks against red meat because of Environmental Concerns but this idea now that you could possibly tax it. What do you think of that . So, social engineering is unpopular period. When governments engage in activities that are designed to if we think about the bloomberg soda tax and new york, or other Public Health initiatives, this falls into two categories both Public Health and environmental concern. I think broadly you can divide the world in a bunch of different ways. One is optimist versus pessimist. Theres a strong belief that we are not going to be to afford to consume delicious red meat any more. Lets admit it. I definitely made a reservation to have dinner at the palm tonight as a result of you giving me this statement. Dana i hope everyone in america does that. You can go, stop at a local dive, fast food place, go to a fancy place and you can find beef because people want to eat it. What bothers me, the government does this a lot, right . They try to discourage people from buying things like gas, cigarettes, now ecigarettes, alcohol. Think about the lottery or ka seen nos. Now even sugar sweetened drinks. That was a failed experiment in philadelphia. And i worry for our American Cattle razors of which my family still ranches in wyoming. What do you think of my personal feelings on that . I think your personal feelings probably mirror that of million of americans. The world is divided into two groups. Optimists and pessimists. Pessimists are saying we are all about to die. Pest mists though once upon a time said we were not going to be able to feed the world, india, china. With 8 billion people on the earth, theres no way everybody could eat. Now we say were not all going to be able to eat red meat. There are ways we are going to figure this out, because neither americans or anybody who can afford it in the world should be deprived of how delicious a steak is. Dana there are nutritional benefits. The idea that red meat, there are nutritional benefits to humans. There are environmental costs, that can be argued. Obviously, you know cigarettes, that is not good for your health. Youre not saying red meat is bad tore your health. Red meat is not cigarettes. That is certainly true. Dana thats how im going to title this segment. Red meat is not cigarettes. I think we will be able to solve problems not succumb to problems. Im an optimist. Dana me, too. Enjoy your steak tonight. Millions of americans struggle to get the healthcare they need. One group is trying to change that by Offering Free Services here in the United States. Were gonna tell you how. 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Jeffrey epsteins friendship with britains prince andrew. One of the women who accused him said she had sexual relations, as she puts it, with the prince when she was under age. What were learning about that. Plus recessions feared. The last hour of trading is a crucial one. Often the market finds a floor and rebounds but sometimes it crashes through the lows and compounds the problem. Well be on top of it as fox news rolls on in the next hour. Dana for many americans, access to healthcare isnt as easy as a quick trip to the doctor. Instead, many Rural Communities often have to rely on facilities that could be hours away. One group in colorado is looking the fill in the gaps in these socalled healthcare deserts. Perfect. The biggest challenge with the healthcare is getting to see a doctor in a timely fashion. Theres so few doctors here. Reporter victoria walten is one of hundreds of residents utilizing a rolling clinic. Lot of communities like this have had their local hospitals close. Reporter remote area medical, ram, is a Nonprofit Group of doctors, nurses and other volunteers who travel to parts of the u. S. In need of medical, dental and vision services. Americas healthcare deserts. There are large parts of our country where there are very few hospitals, very few doctors. People really struggle to be able to get access to care in a timely fashion. Reporter for every 100,000 americans, there are about 53 primary care physicians in urban areas, but less than 40 in Rural Communities. The difference is even more stark for specialty physicians which average 263 in urban areas and just 30 in Rural Communities. General dentists average 30 in urban areas and 22 in Rural Communities. The dentist that would need to do my work would probably be in montross. Reporter how far is that . Too far. Reporter we googled the drive and it is 1 20. Getting doctors to move to a Small Community and stay there can be a challenge. Some experts believe the solution may if you take a rural student and train them in a rural residency tract and place them in Rural America, they fit. Its a successful model going ahead. Reporter but in addition to increasing availability, the nations healthcare deserts need to address affordability. About onethird of the folks i saw had medicare. But they didnt have adequate supplemental coverage. Reporter many patients at the clinic have private insurance. Some with high deductibles and others with doctors out of network. Until theres a permanent solution, victoria walton is grateful for the ram clinic. I got a tooth fixed today. Im getting glasses. Its just an amazing gift from god. Reporter and, dana, its not just rural areas. Ram has set up clinics in major cities, including los angeles, houston and cleveland. Charity, of course, is only part of the solution. Tomorrows segment, well take a look at some more ideas. Dana . Dana jonathan serrie, this is an issue i care a lot about. Thanks for doing that report. Want to bring in an assistant dean for rural and under served programs at the Ohio University Heritage College of osteopathic medicine. This issue, doctor, has been on my mind a lot. Im from Rural America. You say that we actually have plenty of doctors, we just have the wrong kind in the wrong places. Explain what that means. Well, what it means is that the fewer primary care physicians we have, the more specialists we need. And the more likely we are to treat conditions after things have gone south have really gotten much worse. Dana do you find in your business, people coming up through medical school, that they would prefer to be in a city . They can pay off their Student Loans and Rural America is not an attractive place to Practice Medicine . I think a lot of myths persist around rural practice. One of my jobs is to try to debunk some of them. But many students have grown up in an urban place. Theyve gone to college in an urban place, medical school in an urban place. Many of them do residency in an urban place. Theyve found a spouse in an urban place. By that time, theyre really not prepared to go rural. Dana do you think theres anything that the government could or should do to help encourage more doctors to live in Rural America where people obviously really need the help . Absolutely. I think one of the most important things they could do is to increase the number of physicians who are actually training for their residency in a Rural Community and learning to live there. Dana one of the things that people have said in a poll of patients who needed care in Rural America is that 45 of them said they could not afford care and 23 said its too far to travel. I have family. My cousins wife, whos going to be having to travel in order to have her baby in a month from now. Thats understandable. There cant be a specialist in a hospital in every community. But this issue of not being able to afford care, is that something that medicare or medicare for all could actually help . I think one of the challenges we have in our nation is that in a system that rewards profit and rewards entrepreneurship, its difficult to keep prices down. Dana the other thing is, maybe the private market could take a look at Rural America and see, one, its a great place to live, great place to take care of and raise a family. Dr. Randall longnecker thanks for being here. Still ahead, if you had to choose between air conditioning or the internet on your next vacation, which would you pick . The most common answer might surprise you. It did everybody here. Thats next. My insurance rates are probably gonna double. But dad, youve got allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Are you in good hands . Doctor bob, what should i take for back pain . 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I think its pretty important because all of us are used to being connected, whether that is bragging to friends on social media about some great experience we just had through keeping in touch. It makes sense. Dana i see what you mean. Weve done segments about that. Going on the selfie vacation. You have to be safe when you do that. We have the surveys that people are opting out of the following due to money. Money is a concern. Youre on a budget. Vacation is the first to go at 42 . The summer is about to end. If you havent planned a vacation yet, youve been all over the place. Where would you recommend people think about going . Lastminute vacations, people most people do take vacations last minute. 40 of pleasure travels will book last minute. So my advice will be try to stay close to home so you dont need a flight. Often youre thinking you have to do a big Summer Vacation somewhere. Actually, you might depending where you are, maybe you can go to napa for a few days. Maybe go to florida by the beach a few days. So if you can get rid of that flight, theres great options. You might get a cheap hotel last minute and do great experiences. Dana if youre on a budget and youre like in chicago, the architectural kayak tour, the guided brewery tours. Theyre getting more popular. They are. The whole thing about food and breweries is really emerging. Its amazing, whether its a cooking class, learn in new york to bake bread or make croissants through to you can go tubing on the Delaware River and pop into a brewery after you do that. So lots of cool experiences that people are coming up as new entrepreneurs now, which are about locals experiencing their own area better. Youre a entrepreneur. Youre helping other entrepreneurs. Is that how you want to do your business . Yeah, i love travel. I love experiences. For me, it was difficult to find great things and book them. A lot of it is because there werent great entrepreneurs starting out building businesses to meet our needs as consumers. We want to spend our time in more enriching ways. We dont want to feel bored anymore. So these new entrepreneurs are emerging. The tour i just mentioned, the trip up the delaware is a entrepreneur based in new york that decided forget having brunch. Lets get people outdoors in nature. So he started that. He does ski trips in the winter as well. Lots of new entrepreneurs emerging. We went with a winery in napa that started doing horseback riding. They didnt used to do them before. They realized people wanted something different. They just didnt want a tasting. They wanted something new. More fabulous vacation you went on this year or fabulous place you saw. I was in portugal. It was beautiful. Dana you are beautiful as well. Thanks. Peek. Com. Check it out. Im dana perino. Heres shep. Shepard its noon on the west coast, 3 00 on wall street. Whenever the nation has entered a recession in the past half century, one indicator sounded an early warning. Today that siren is blaring again and it has stocks plummeting. Anything can happen during the last hour of trading. A new law opening the glad of lawsuits. Hundreds of people suing for sex abuse claims from decades past. The targeting include the Catholic Church and the boy scouts and jeffery epstein. Reporting begins now. Fears of recession top the news. This is the final hour of

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