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Early voting is. What we are seeing is early voting has had remarkable turnout thus far. We are obviously excited in every possible aspect. Dana charlie hurt is on set with me, christina is in florida, where president obama is making a final push for democrats. We begin with kevin corkin huntington, West Virginia, where the president is due. Reporter a mad dash to the midterms continues here in West Virginia. This is as aggressive as i have ever seen a sitting u. S. President. Let me show you what only he has coming up today, but as we look forward over the next four days. This mad dash to the midterms hoping to tip the balance to the side of the gop. Stops tonight in West Virginia and indiana. That stop in indiana will happen in a high school gymnasium. That venue seats 7300 people. Thats a pretty impressive high school auditorium. Hes also got stops set for montana, florida, tennessee, missouri again, ohio and indiana. Race here for the u. S. Senate is obviously the big story. Joe manchin battling Patrick Morrisey. Manchin continues to lead, but morrisey is close. President s appearance could be just what the doctor ordered for morriseys camp. The president s travels will also take him to georgia. That will happen over the weekend. Hes hoping to tip the scales for brian kemp and his race against Stacey Abrams. You saw the Vice President in georgia yesterday. Former president obamas been there, oprahs been there. Obviously, a very big race. Speaking of big races, last week in missouri, the commander in chief threw his support behind josh hawley, in a battle with incumbent claire mccaskill. This election will decide whether we build on prosperity weve achieved, probably the greatest economy in the thoeursry of our nation. Under republican leadership, america is booming. America is thriving. And america is winning because we are finally putting America First reporter putting America First. That will be the message once again. For now, back to you. We get under way at 4 p. M. Ill be ready for live coverage. Dana ill be watching. Former president obama campaigning today in florida. Theres a tight senate race going on there. Hes stumping for bill nelson in tallahassee mayor Andrew Gillam who is running for governor. Christina, whats going on there . Reporter like you said, its a very, very tight race. This is a notoriously swing state. You have former president obama, who will be taking the stage shortly, to show his support for nelson, as well as Andrew Gillam. Look at some of the people here. Were seeing a lot of people wearing blue tshirts really showing their support for Andrew Gillam. The energetic, 39 years old. He is the mayor of tallahassee at the moment. And they believe that he can take this state forward. Back inside i spoke to people about what are they most concerned about . They told me healthcare, equality and one man spoke about the concern for his children and the future with the economy. Listen in. I am here 50 years in this country. I have never seen such a division in this country of the 50 years that i have been here that i see presently. And thats why you see me here today. Because this has to stop. We need to come together as a people. Reporter so if we look at the polls and whats happening with the governor race, which is incredibly tight. You see republican nondesantis and Andrew Gillum representing the democratic party. Latest polls are showing gillum in the lead by less than 3 . You switch to the senate race which nobody is really talking about. You have bill nelson the incumbent, which has been here since 2001. What though polls are showing is little less than 2 poll for Andrew Nelson going against or governor rick scott, who himself has put more than 50 million into this race. So a very tight race. Incredibly tight in florida. Swing state. It could go either way. Well be covering it all day today. Dana thank you for all of that. For more on this lets bring in charlie hurt. I have to say, walking through fox today, weve got the big fox square being built outside. It will be like a Slumber Party with no sleep. It feels almost as exciting as a president ial Election Year and its a midterm . Its amazing. I think a lot of that has to do with the fact that the person that was interviewed right there says, these are pretty divided times. The other thing is, we have a guy like President Trump, whos treating this dana like a president ial election. He is not ceding any ground. That can cut both ways, but i think the reason that we are sitting here talking about the possibility that republicans could expand seats in the United States senate in the first midterm for a republican president , the reason we are even talking about that is because of these rallies. Dana hes been indispensable on the campaign trail in certain states. Other states, maybe cuts the other way. Look at West Virginia. Senator joe manchin is the 48 , Patrick Morrisey 43 . Look at some of the debate from last night. The president is our president whether you voted for him or not. I want him to succeed and do well. When the key judgment came in 2016, he said no to donald trump. Im a conservative fighter for President Trump. He made his bed with Hillary Clinton and thats bad for West Virginia. Hillary clinton is not on the ballot. Dana is Hillary Clinton still on the ballot . In some places. And nancy pelosi. On every ballot. In the trumpness of trump states, West Virginia would be one you would think President Trump could convert to republican. Dana but senator manchin has voted with him. Exactly. Youve got both claiming to be endorsed by President Trump. President trump will do whatever he can to disabuse anyone of that. Dana well carry it live for you. Want to ask you about texas. Six months ago when we started talking about beto orourke. Someone who comes on the program said texas is fools gold for the democrat. Moving on, beto orourke close, but ted cruz little ahead. Yesterday Jennifer Duffy had this to say about that race. North dakota, missouri, i expect democrats to lose both of those seats. Tennessee and texas, you know, these are pretty red states but i think theres a big possibility republicans could lose one. At this point would you rather be beto orourke or phil bredesen. Dana as of october 31, 1. 7 million have voted. Today 3. 9 Million People have voted. What do you make of that . There is no doubt that democrat enthusiasm for bito orourke in texas outstrips anything weve seen in modern times. The map is still very very hard for a democrat to take that seat. And, you know, all of the celebrities coming out to help him. I dont know that that people think that helps. I dont know that it does help. Dana it does help you get media attention. I dont know if that turns into attention. Beto orourke has not wanted the money. He cant even spend the money he has raised. The other thing that i think is important to remember, polling is very difficult. Polling in a place like texas is a state is very difficult. That difficulty is only increased in the past two years. There isnt something thats made a whole lot more valid today or more accurate today than they were two years ago. Theyve gotten more difficult. So i take all of these polls with a grain of salt. Dana take it with a grain of salt. On election night, were excited for everyone to join us. Fox News Voter Analysis that is going to have deep dives into all of these trends. It will be a lot for us to chew on. So i hope you come back. One thing i would say about republicans in texas, they better be scared. If theyre not running scared, this could be very ugly for them. Dana it will be interesting. Charlie hurt, thank you. Nancy pelosi working to help democrats take back control of the house. But an effort within her own party looks to shake up democratic leadership. Good news on the job front. Heres the white house budget director. The numbers are even better than we expected. Its just impressive and goes to show what the president s doing is working. When my hot water heater failed it rocked our world. We called usaa. And they greeted me as they always do. Sergeant baker, how are you . They took care of everything a to z. Having insurance is something everyone needs, but having usaa now thats a privilege. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. [grunting noise] ill take that. 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. Ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Mitzi Psoriatic Arthritis tries to get in my way . Watch me. mike ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. joni think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. Or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Mitzi with less joint pain, watch me. For less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Dana the rapidly growing u. S. Economy adding 250,000 new jobs in october, smashing economists forecasts and pushing worker pay to the highest in almost ten years. Another strong month of hiring keeping unemployment at 3. 7 . Thats the lowest in nearly 50 years. Nancy pelosi working to help democrats take back the house even some in her own party call for new leadership. Cedric richmond in a letter to colleagues writing, several colleagues have shared letters of intent expressing letters in various house leadership positions. If there is any change in our top leadership positions the democratic members of the cbc endorse africanamerican representation in at least one of the two top positions. Joining me now is ari fleisher, former press secretary for george w. Bush. Might be a little bit dont want to count your chicken befores they hatch. Pelosi has had good political instincts. Shes done a lot to keep this majority. California democrats efforts are focused on races where they are most likely to win. Early to say whether she would have the 218 votes to claim the speakers gavel. Pelosi has clearly made in roads. This despite the fact that there are five candidates who have just recently said they would vote against her. What do you think her thinking is today as she heads into this midterm and is feeling the wind at her back. She does have a history of being wylie on the inside. Shes proved that years ago when she wasspeaker. There are two issues at play. One whether the democrats have sufficient majority. They have a five vote margin, then shes in deep deep trouble. If they have a 15 to 20 vote margin, shes probably safe. The Congressional Black Caucus and identity politics that marks todays democratic party. Not such a good thing for the democrats. Dana lets continue with your hypothetical. They win and have a five seat majority, which isnt a lot. What do you think will happen legislatively, if anything, in the next two years . Nada. Look, i think it doesnt matter who wins the house. Wont see any substantive legislation unless theres a wild card. I think there will be about 20, 30 seat loss for republicans which means they can keep it by three, lose it by seven. I see a range of such order. When those margins, nobody can get anything passed through the house. Certainly democrats take the house, there wont be anything through the senate or with President Trumps signature on it unless bipartisanship breaks out in washington. Only issue that i think could be the wild card is immigration. Potentially the democrats get hungry enough and say we finally need to do something to allow people who have been here for a long time to stay and they give trump a wall to allow some type of dana take that deal. Yeah. Dana i do think that the democrats, in this scenario, they still wouldnt be able to do two of the things they promised. One, they campaigned on repealing the tax cuts. Why . They can explain that for themselves. Also they would do something on health care. Thats their basic number one issue. People at gallup say their pollsteres say number one issue across the country, healthcare. Will either of those issues have anything happen within the next two years in this scenario regardless of who takes over or the republicans maintain a many jurorty . No. I see two years of maneuvering by both parties to set themselves up for 2020. Margins will be too small for anybody to do anything of any significance. Only chance you have is if you create so much ebb terpbl political momentum behind something that it becomes impossible for the Opposition Party to stop you because your idea is so popular. Even then, washington is a town of gridlock. Hard to see it. Dana founders set it up that way, for sure. Pelosi has been the featured villain in republican ads across the country in this midterm. She has been sort of hanging back. This week shes shown a lot of confidence. Shes out there in public, saying she would be the next speaker, return to the speakership. Should she have just sort of laid low in these last four days . No, i dont think so, dana. I think you have a die tphapl nick both parties that are working hard to get to their base. 45 million fewer people historically vote in a midterm than a president ial. You need to get your votes out. Thats what i think shes doing. I dont blame her for that. Shes a useful tool for republicans. Dana she certainly has raised a ton of money in red to blue districts. They have been flooded with all that campaign money. Ari fleisher, we will be checking in with you next week. Thank you, dana. Dana next, ivanka trump hits the Hawkeye State helping iowas republican governor in her reelection bid. Plus, sky high voter enthusiasm on the left and right. So which party will it help most on tuesday . Larry sabato gives us his thoughts. Veteran families know what its like to serve. Moving. Renting. Moving again. Stop renting. Newday usa can help you own a home of your own. The newday zero down va loan lets you buy a home with no down payment. Now you dont have to save up to move up. 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The Trump Administration is fully invested in the race here in iowa. Ivanka trump participating in a roundtable event with governor reynolds. The main focus the economy. Last month Vice President pence and the president stumped in the state. Today the two women are talking about efforts about increased wage growth, make sure workers have the education they need and the training to succeed. And i know iowa has a great story. Thats what really encouraged a lot of individuals in individual house holds. Were still cutting taxes. Were maintaining education and job training, really making sure that we invest in the healthcare system. Reporter reynolds challenger fred hubbell is down to end wasteful Corporate Tax give aways. He is pushing back against the allegation he is out to raise taxes. The day we caught up with him here, little politicking. Im going to make sure our tax plan favor middle class and small businesses. Theyre the ones who deserve the tax cut, not big corporations. Reporter other big issues in iowa include health care, the state pension plan, pension program, the tariffs, trade, especially those that affect farmers. Dana thank you, molly. Tight race for governor in georgia, can obama help push a democrat over the finish line . And a dead heat in arizona. How a sudden dropout could give one side a boost. If you have psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats moderate to Severe Plaque Psoriasis differently. With otezla,75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. 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And licensed humana sales agents are standing by. So call now. Dana georgia voters have to choose a new governor between brian kemp and Stacey Abrams. Former president obama set the stump for abrams tone before President Trump visits the state before sunday. That is just one of the many closely watched elections for four days out from the midterms. Well look at the arizona race in just a moment, but first jonathan serry in atlanta with more on the georgia governors race. Interesting race, jonathan. Reporter it is indeed. Right now im at morehouse college. Look at the crowd behind me. All thaoe people waiting in line. Some arriving late yesterday trying to get that perfect seat to see president obama, whos going to be stumping with Stacey Abrams. The reason theres so much interest in this race, from the former president to the current president who be here sunday, because the polls showing the race is a statistical tie. You have major politicians, celebrities coming into town. Oprah winfrey was here. Marietta is significant because its a traditional strong hold clinton won in 2016 despite losing state wide. Stacey abrams values are in alignment with the consciousness of which our democracy has been founded. The very foundation of our democracy is to think about other people, to live a life of service to others. I got a message for all of Stacey Abrams liberal hollywood friends. This aint hollywood. This is georgia reporter Vice President pence spoke in augusta. Kemps strategy is to motivate conservative voters in rural parts of the state. Then there is a wild card. The libertarian is on the ballot. With three names, it is entirely possible no candidate will surpass that 50 threshold needed to avoid a runoff. You can see this Bitter Campaign eventually going into early december. Dana thats Great Holiday news for everyone. Thank you, jonathan. Lets go to arizona now and another tight race between Martha Mcsally and kirsten sinema. A democrat has not won an Arizona Senate seat in 30 years. Alicia acuna is in phoenix. Whats it like there . You might be frozen. Youre a princess in our eyes, of course. Well come back to you if we can. Larry sabato director of the university of Virginia Center for politics. Youre not frozen. There you are. Sorry we had to couple to you a couple minutes early. Larry, we follow everything you do very closely. I love getting your updates. Where do you think things stand . To me it seems like theres a variety of potential outcomes on tuesday night. Yes. Thats where i stand right now. Could be a variety of outcomes. Ill try to be more specific. I think its going to be a split decision. In the senate, youre going to have republicans not only hold. They have a pretty good chance to pick up a seat or two, maybe more than that. Democrats are just not gonna be able to pull off that inside straight, which they would have needed to take control of the senate. In the house, id say a medium sized blue wave. Its not a tsunami like the republicans had in 1994, 2010. It should be enough to get them over the 23 they need. Maybe it will fall just short. Even if republican strategists who are involved in this that have tried to get republicans to keep the majority admit that democrats will carry additionally at least, you know, 15 to 20 seats. Theyll fall just short if it happens. I think theyll probably get over the 23. The big changes are coming in the states and the state legislatures and the governorships. Dana we were just talking to jonathan serry in georgia. Thats a very exciting governors race. I want to read this to you. I knew you were going to be on the show. He said a blue wave is predicted for the midterms. Im not convinced of it. Trump proved most wrong for a reason. I distrust polls, especially after trump won, i discovered many of my lovable and liberal minded family revealed themselves as shy trumpers. We talked about shy torris in the u. K. Do you think there are a lot of shy trumpers . Oh, theres some out there. Are they concentrated in the right states . If this was a national election. There are states not having any significant elections. Most people are running lightly opposed or unopposed. Its not a national election. I would say this. I think hes talking about a tsunami. When people use the term blue wave, theyre thinking of a giant tsunami. Thats not going to happen. Dana might be a wave i could get in without being swamped. You know how short i am. No ones gonna drown. Dana no ones drowning. David brooks wrote this yesterday in the new york times. He said this is not a wave election. Its a realignment election. Results will not be shaped by some momentum behind the democrats. They will be shaped by the fact that people are hardening into their categories, and those categories tend to produce a Democratic House and republican senate. What do you think of that . Is it a realignment . If there is a realignment, we won know for awhile. Historically, thats true. Temporarily, it rearranges the electorate. 2016 rearranged the electorate. I dont think anybodys gotten out of their fox holes. Youve got red fox holes on one side, blue fox holes on the other, and nobody crossing the demilitarized zone. In that sense, people are where they were in 2016 for the most part. Dana can i take you to the rust belt, where President Trump was able to win people who had voted for obama but decided to vote for trump. What do you think of the rust belt . In the senate races there, the democrats are doing very well. I think theyll probably just about sweep the races in the broad midwest. Governorships, theres some really close ones. Very close. Ohio, wisconsin, iowa. And thats where trump stumping and the rallies could make a difference if hes there shortly before the election. Dana let me ask you about n enthusias enthusiasm. Double the amount of people in texas have already voted between 2014 and 2018. Those are the comparisons. Do you think this is considered some of the biggest midterms since maybe the mid 60s . Weve had a lot of other big midterms. In terms of turnout, sure. This will be somewhere in the 40s. Unfortunately weve had midterms in the modern era where 35, 38 of the people will turn out. This is gonna be much better. It may be as high as it was in 1966, which is the modern high mark, at 49 . Possible. You know, dana, i would say that the 2010 midterm was extremely important. The 1994 midterm. 2006 midterm. Weve had a lot of important midterms. Everything appears to be more important than it is because its today. But in the historical context, this will be important, but there have been a lot of others, too. Dana what will you look at on tuesday night after its all said and done and all the counting is finished. What do you look for in terms of a trend that you would be looking to consider for 2020 and how that race might shape up . Im so glad you asked me that. Im already getting and everybody in this business is getting questions about what this is going to mean for 2020. My answer is very, very little. Ill point you to two examples. In 1994, when the democrats and clintons will almost everything, by the end of the week, otv was in the headlines. One term bill. He won easily a second term. Second thing happened with 2010. Obama supposedly was finished. Couldnt possibly win a second thing. Otb again. One term barack. So if the democrats do well, people tell you, well, the 2020 elections over, trump cant win a second term. Dana it could help him. Remember, 1994. He had somebody to throw things at. Dana nancy pelosi could be the villain all the way through 2020. Thank you, larry sabato. We will be paying attention to everything you say between now and then. Thank you, dana. Dana fox news alert. Actor alec baldwin was arrested. It happened after a spot over a parking spot turned physical. You are looking live at the nypd precinct where baldwin was taken. Officers have not released any other information on the case and dont have any information ab who he hit either. But well keep you informed. Fallout from the murder of jamal khashoggi. How his death is having an impact in an unexpected way. And follow us on social media. Were on twitter at daily briefing. Do these moves look familiar . Then you might have a condition called dry mouth. Biotene is clinically proven to soothe and moisturize a dry mouth. Plus, it freshens breath. Biotene. Immediate and long lasting dry mouth symptom relief. Replace one meal or snack a day with glucerna. Made with carbsteady to help manage blood sugar. And end the day with a smile. Glucerna®. Everyday progress. Glucerna®. Should happen everydred five hundred years, right . Fact is, there have been twentysix in the last decade. Allstate is adapting. With drones to assess home damage sooner. And if a flying object damages your car, you can snap a photo and get your claim processed in hours, not days. Plus, allstate can pay your claim in minutes. Now that you know the truth. Are you in good hands . First, it continues to pay paramedics while were on break. Second, it ensures the closest ambulance can respond if you call 911. Vote yes on 11. The midterms entering the final stretch. President trump and former president obama are hitting the campaign trail with very different visions for the future of our country. The Fox News Sunday host Chris Wallace will be here to give us the the latest on both parties priorities and tell us what hes looking at closely just four days before election day. Thats at the top of the hour. Well see you then. The democratic partys vision is to offer free health care, free welfare, Free Education an even the right to vote. You and the Hardworking Taxpayers of our country, will be asked to pick up the entire tab. Dana President Trump blasting democrats while keeping immigration front and center. Hes speaking right now on the south lawn. We will bring that to you as soon as we can. The president saying he plans to sign an executive order that would hold migrants in tent cities until their court hearings. Alex, how do you think the Closing Argument will work for republicans going into tuesday . I think it depends on what kind of state or district you represent. If youre in a solid red state, a state that trump won by five or ten points, like say north dakota, this is probably pretty good closing message. All you have to do is get trumps voters to turn out and youll win. If youre in a swing district or purple state like florida or a suburb, its probably not a great message. You probably want to be talking about the economy. Which is why today House Republicans are talking about the economy while the president is continuing to talk about immigration. Dana lot of democrats have been super disciplined in just focusing on healthcare, the issue they decided to run on. Number one issue for the base and voters across the country. They havent said much about Border Security or immigration. Is that smart . I think its smart. I am going to agree with alex. This caravan fear tactics trump is deploying are designed to deliver red meat to its base. It might get out the voters who might not normally turn out for the election. It is doing nothing to sway moderate voters. Dana if you could hold there. Alex, president obama has taken the stage in georgia. Were going to dip in here. The most important election of our life times. Politicians will always say that, but this time, its actually true. The stakes really are that high. The consequences of any of us staying home really are more dangerous. Because americas at a crossroads. The healthcare of millions. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. [ crowd chanting ] hold on a second. Hold on a second. Hold on a second. Heres the deal. Heres the deal. If you support the other candidate, then you should go support the other candidate. One of the things i never understood was why, if youre supporting the other guy, you come to my rally. Go to their rally. Go talk about what youre for. Dont come holering here. Where was i . Americas at a cross roads. The healthcare of millions is on the ballot. Making sure working families get a fair shake is on the ballot. But maybe most of all the character of our country is on the ballot. In the closing weeks of this election, we have seen repeated attempts to divide us with rhetoric designed to make us angry and make us fearful. Its designed to exploit our history of racial and ethnic and religious division. That pits us against one another. Make us believe that order will somehow be restored if it just werent for those folks who look like we look or dont love like we love. Or pray like we do. [ crowd chanting ] you know what . Its an old play book. Its one that the powerful and privilege turn to whenever control starts slipping away. Get folks riled up just to protect their power and privilege. Even when it hurts the country. Even when it puts people at risk. Its as cynical as politics gets. But in four days, in four days, okays, you can reject that kind of politics. In four days, you can choose a bigger, more prosperous, more generous vision of america. An america where love and hope conquer hate. An america where we, the people, whatever we look like, who ever we love, however we choose to pray, however our ancestors came here. Dana youre watching president obama live in florida stumping for senator nelson. Some quick comments from alex koenig. Your thoughts after listening to president obama. Im glad to see him out there. Look, president obama has a terrible track record in the midterms. Hes never been able to transfer his support to democrats. He lost in 2010. He lost in 2014. I dont think hes doing any good taking the focus off of trump. Dana adrian, your thoughts. Im going to completely disagree with alex. You heard a message of unity. Dana im sorry to cut you off. We have President Trump from the south lawn. An incredible number. We also have a wage increase of 3. 1 . Like a perfect increase. The countrys doing i think maybe you could say better than its ever done. We have a lot of new Companies Moving into United States. Thats where were letting people in. Were letting them in based on merit. We need workers. We need people to come in. At 3. 7 , which was also announced this morning, 250,000 jobs, 3. 7 . And a 3. 4 or so wage increase. Its like really unbelievable numbers. So that just came out. Im sure youve seen it. [ inaudible question ] sure. Are you okay with the u. S. Military firing on the caravan people . They wont have to fire. What i dont want, i dont want these people throwing rocks. It was Just Announced by homeland security, you have in certain areas over 300 people that they know are trouble. What they did to the mexican military is a disgrace. They hit them with rocks. Some were seriously injured. They were throwing rocks in their face. They do that with us, theyre going to be arrested. I didnt say shoot. I didnt say shoot. But they do that for us, theyll be arrested for a long time. Ice and Border Patrol is there with the military. [ inaudible question ] who . Who are you talking about . Do you know whos going to determine that . The Supreme Court of the United States. The Supreme Court will the Supreme Court will determine that. The Supreme Court is going to determine that. Many, many people feel that. Yes, go ahead. [ inaudible question ] weve had srrb good discussions with china. Were getting much closer to doing something. They very much want to make a deal. As you know, their economy went way down since weve been doing this skirmish. I spoke with president xi yesterday. They very much want to make a deal. I think well make a deal with china. I think it will be a fair deal for everybody, but it will be a good deal for the United States. [ inaudible question ] were gonna meet at the g20. Were going to have dinner. President xi and i have agreed to meet at the g20. Well be discussing it. I think a very good deal will be made with china. They want to make it very badly. We want to make a deal if we can. Lot of progress has been made. Lot of progress. And they understand that if a deal isnt made, were doing very well the way were doing it right now. You understand. 250 billion at 25 . It could be elevated by another 267 billion at 25 or more. So, were doing very well. But i believe, i know they want to make a deal. Theyve been hit very hard. Their economy has been very, very bad. I will say this, if we can make the right deal for this country and also if it will make the right deal for them, if we can open up china and make it fair for the first time ever, this should have been done years ago by other president s, but it wasnt. I am very willing to do it. But china very much wants to make a deal. Alec baldwin was just arrested. Who was arrested . Alec baldwin. Punched somebody out during a parking dispute. I wish him luck. Youre not advocating shooting people . No no no no, no. If our soldiers or Border Patrol or ice are gonna be hit in the face with rocks, were gonna arrest those people. That doesnt mean shoot them. Were going to arrest those people quickly and for a long period of time. [ inaudible question ] everything were doing is totally legal. Its all gone through the courts. We have one of the few systems where, instead of telling people you cant come in, we take them in and have to bring them through a court system. It is the most ridiculous system in the world. Its obsolete. But thats not the problem. The problem is, its a stupid system. It doesnt work. And the democrats and the republicans could change it immediately. We could do it in one day. We could have it fixed. But the democrats dont want to do it because theyre playing politics. And actually, i think its very bad politics, because the people of this country know whats going on better than they do. And you know what . We could fix our immigration system in one day if we could sit down with them. But they dont want to do it because they want open border. Open borders mean crime. They want those people coming up by the thousands honestly, they always have come up. They want them to pour into our country and in the group, you just saw the report that came out, you have a lot of bad people. You have people who are criminals. You have people with records. You have people with criminal records. We could fix this system so quickly, so easily, but we need some democratic votes or vote all republican. If we had more republicans, it would be fixed immediately. [ inaudible question ] thats right. Sanctions started in iran. They are very serious sanctions. Theyll be elevated from there. As you know, sanctions are starting on iran. Iran is taking a very big hit. The country is not the same country as when i started almost two years ago. Iran is a much different country since i terminated that deal. That was one of the most ridiculous deals ever made by any country at any time, the iran nuclear deal. But sanctions, very much elevated as of you know when. Can you guarantee the military is not going to [question inaudible] the democrats never had a bipartisan agreement. Theyre trying to say that. They never had tell them to come around and see me. They had an agreement that was a onesided agreement that i would never approve. You have to get rid of catch and release. You have to get rid of chain migration. You have to get rid of the visa lottery. They never agreed to that. Ask them if they agreed. They never agreed. Can you promise the military wont fire on foreign civilians. I hope they wont. Well see. I hope they wont. We went stand for people doing what they did to the mexican military and to the mexican police. What they did to those people they were very badly hurt, badly injured. The military and the police. What they did with rocks being thrown in their faces, not going to happen to our soldiers. [question inaudible] no, no, youre creating violence by your questions. Youre creating, you. And also a lot of the reporters are creating violence by not writing the truth. The fake news is creating violence. You know what

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