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A look at the days top news and headlines. The nation outline the Trump Interference in upcoming mid terms voicing concerns about threats and saying our democracy is in the crosshairs. Election infrastructure is not a destination. It requires aggressive and ongoing vigilance. Everyone must play their role to ensure that every vote is counted. Dana unprecedented briefing from all of those intelligence officials at the highest level coming to the briefing room, making a show of United Support and coordination at the highest levels of our government with Sarah Sanders explaining that the goal of this is to protect the 2018 elections, the 2020 elections and those in the future. They have their work cut out for them. We are less than 100 days away from the 2018 election. And joining me now is chief White House Correspondent john roberts live with more. Im just going to turn it over to you, john there was a lot there. I have a couple of questions that i want to talk about aside from the election meddling. Lets start there. When did you find out that this Press Conference was going to be held . Do you have any ideas of what prompted them to do it today . We found out when they walked out. And i think it is probably an attempt by this white house to try to give the press more access to the people who were involved in this. And with the Mueller Investigation ongoing, with a lot of charges about russian meddling in the election, with the fallout from the Helsinki Summit still out there, i think the white house wanted to get out the principles and it was a real High Powered Group of people here. Director of National Intelligence. Director of the fbi. Homeland security and director of the National Security agency. I think it was an attempt to explain to the American People what the white house is doing to ensure the integrity of the 2018 election. What i found interesting, this was an extraordinary Press Briefing today from a number of different points. But what i thought was very interesting were statements by the director of national intelligence, dan coats, and the director of the fbi chris wray that russia continues to be a maligned actor in terms of trying to influence voting in this country, to try to sow division in this country. I specifically asked Director Coats if this was rogue russian actors or if it was connected to the kremlin and he said both. Which means that he believes that the russian government is involved. And we held the Helsinki Summit a couple weeks ago in which the president talked to Vladimir Putin about interference in the u. S. Elections. We were led to believe that the russian government had no involvement in the 2016 meddling and likely wouldnt in the 2018 election. But, Director Coats put the lie to that statement saying that yes, in fact, the kremlin is involved here. So it leads us to wonder what came of that summit in terms of the president talking to Vladimir Putin about staying the hell out of american elections. Dana . Dana john, you asked Director Coats, i believe, about helsinki. White house believes that russia is trying to meddle in the election . I mean it certainly didnt leave me with any doubts when you had the director of National Intelligence and the director of the fbi both saying that russia is heavily involved there are other maligned actors out there as well and Sarah Huckabee sanders talked about that as well though she would not say who those other actors were. I think we have pretty definitive statements two of the lords of the biggest Intelligence Agencies in this country that russia is heavily involved. So i dont think that leaves much wiggle room for anybody to say well, maybe not. Dana one more question of course hit privilege of being there at the podium as a Press Secretary. I have a lookout of empathy. I also respected the reporters in the room and the job you have to do every day. I watch them still try to do to this day. The tension in the room between the Press Secretary and the press, in particular jim acosta at cnn asking this question about does the president believe the press Election Meddling, maryland senator ben cardin, the Ranking Member of the Foreign Relations committee is here. Is he part of a Bipartisan Group of senators that today proposed new sanctions against russia. Senator, thanks for being with us today. Let me just open it up to you and tell me your thoughts about the briefing that the federal government just gave to the American People. Well, dana, first, its good to be with you. As you just heard, it was very clear about russias meddling in the 2016 elections and their continued activities in the 2018 elections. That its being directed by the kremlin. The language is very clear. Its different language than we hear from the president of the United States. So, that is, i think a little disheartening. There is no question about it. What i was very pleased to see though were the steps being taken. Its very consistent with recommendations that was in a report i authored six months ago on behalf of the senate Foreign Relations Committee Dems that spelled out what russia was doing and steps we needed to take, including our cyber defenses and dealing with the social media and dealing with an allagency approach. So, what i heard today was very much encouraging from what we recommended six months ago. Dana yeah it, Unpress Dentinged to have that kind of fire power in the room whether you have principles at that level. Are you satisfied then with the level of coordination and do you think that they have done enough, given that we are only, i think, 96 days away from the Midterm Election . I was encouraged by what i heard today from the agency heads. What they were saying they were doing, what the fbi is doing with investigations, what the director of National Intelligence is doing with the intelligence making sure its available to all the different agencies, what i heard from Homeland Security they are working with our state and local governments to make sure the integrity of the Election Systems are being done, by the National Security agencies, working all hands on deck, that was very encouraging to hear that all government hands on deck working together in unified way. That was encouraging sign. What i just heard is that the president of the United States would reinforce it what we have yet to hear from the president is what happened in 2016 yes, the president says he is protecting our country in 2018. But he certainly has today from his team the tweets that he sends out. Dana let me ask you though. Given that we have concerns about the elections going forward, what benefit would there be to the president coming out there and talking about the 2016 election in that way . Well, it would be encouraging if the president s acknowledge what happened in 2016. We are told that, yes, it came up Helsinki Summit, but when they were in public with mr. Putin, there was no challenge toll mr. Putin said that he had nothing to do with the 2016 that gives him a pass in the International Community. What we want the president to make clear to everyone that he is challenging mr. Putin on what happened in 2016 and protecting us registration databases if a voter shows up and tries to cast a vote they are not on the voter roles. Basically not eligible to vote or meddle with the machines and the tallies and at the end of the day, if There Wasnt A paper ballot or some sort of verification in place. Then you dont know what the vote was. People dont feel like their votes mattered. Underline mining the election. The stakes in the election is the key goal of russia and all of those steps are being taken to address that so that people feel confident as Kirsten Nielsen said that their vote mattered. Dana two questions one on the hacking and the other on the influence. The fbi director Christopher Wray said unequivocally no votes were changed in the to 2016 election. Are they positive about that. 100 percent . They sound positive. We heard that not just from director wray but various people in the Intelligence Agencies and intelligence community. They continue to say that so, we take them at their word at this point. But, we havent seen any evidence that would point otherwise. We do know they hacked into companies and also our elections. How important is it that Companies Like facebook, which made a big step this week in confronting russia participates with our government . Its absolutely necessary. Its also very tricky and delicate issue. This day and age given all the threats we are seeing we are seeing calls from both sides from the private and Public Sector saying we do want to Work Together. We want to be able to share information about threats. The earlier it happens the better. If the fbi goes to twitter and says we are seeing this. Yes there are problems. Issues with working together and barriers in terms of Security Clearances that is a key piece. We are seeing my colleagues and i wrote a piece about. So fbi officials leaving the fbi to go to the private sector. Thats one of the key things they will be working on is how to bring these two sides together. This day and age given the Cyber Threats this country is facing thats absolutely necessary. Dana what do you hear about the coordination amongst the federal government . John bolton, the National Security advisor kicked off the Press Conference. He is in charge of the coordination amongst all of these agencies. Do we have a sense that they are actually working as well together as they try present today . Thats a very good question. And i think, you know, put your money where your mouth is, john bolton is out there saying this is a very important issue. Yet, there have been some changes in the white house that suggest Cyber Security might not be as important as everyone else thinks. I do think it was an important show of force. And them standing side by side all condemning russia and all saying this is a priority, thats important for the American People to hear. You know, how they Work Together and how things play out could be a different story. Dana well, shelby holiday we always appreciate it you coming. In thanks for having me. Thanks for listening to that Press Conference with me. It was fascinating. Dana director of National Intelligence dan coats talked about the steps the government is taking on Election Meddling. Relative to what we have seen for the Midterm Elections, it is not the kind of Robust Campaign that we assessed in 2016 election. We know that through decades russia has tried to use its propaganda and methods to sow discord in america. Looking for every opportunity, regardless of party, regardless of whether or not it applies to the election, to continue their pervasive efforts to undermine our fundamental values. Dana now lets go to guy benson, is he a Fox News Contributor and cohost of harp. Staff secretary to president clinton. Guy, the fact that the white house got all of these folks together in a room, took them away from their day jobs for a moment to show unity, what does that say to you from a Communications Effort at the white house on this issue . Do they realize that the American People are antsy about the integrity of this upcoming election. Yeah. I think this was absolutely the right term. Show of force has been used a number of times and its i look forward voting for him using a nice paper ballot in the fall. I do think he is right that we for once and i do mean for once have seen a loud and clear unified signal from the Trump Administration that they are taking this kind of Election Meddling seriously. I would poingted out this is making news today and talking about it today precisely because it is such a contrast to past behavior. I was on fox news two years ago with bill hemmer and got into an argument with him when i said all 17 of the federal agencies responsible for this say there was russian meddling. He was saying no, we dont know that that really has been the party line. Im gratified and relieved to see that the senior officials in the Trump Administration are at least acknowledging that, in fact, there has been and will continue to be efforts by russia. Thats important. We need National Unity right now. If there is one thing that will scare Vladimir Putin is to have people like me and my colleagues who is on with me here agreeing with each other that we actually have to stand up to the russians. Dana of course i didnt see that interview when you were on two years ago with bill hemmer i will defend him as i am loyal to him as you are to the senator to maryland that at the time, guy, there were questions. Now, some people might have had some utter certainty when the 17 Intelligence Agencies came out together and say we know it was russia. We know what russia doing and trying to help. That was definitive. So moving forward, can the American People have some confidence in these 2018 elections or, i just feel like its a little difficult. The federal government is not going to be able to check the hardware and the software of these machines all these different states and all these different counties because our system is vulnerable. Right. This is largely a state issue. But the resources coming from the federal government. And efforts to beat back russian interference have to stem from the federal level. So a couple points. First of all, bill hemmer does not toe any party line. I think there was some dispute about exactly how many Intelligence Agencies and which ones came together with this unified assessment about russian interference. The fact is the russians did it. There is no question about that. Dana, thats the other side of what we just saw today at the white house. This is not just about domestic political messaging. Sure, thats part of it. You know, the electorates as you said a little bit antsy about this question. They wanted to address some concerns about the administrations seriousness on the issue. But there was another audience here which was the International Community and the russians specifically. If Vladimir Putin thinks that a few sentences from ivanka trump in helsinki might indicate that the u. S. Government isnt going to take this seriously, i think today was a very clear indication to moscow and the kremlin you bet we do. Look at these people. The dni and fbi director and dhs secretary and National Security advisor, they dont mess around. Dana john roberts asked dni coats about russia continuing influence in the election. Im going to play the sound bite and, dave, have you react. You and director wray said russia continues to try to meddle in our elections. They do. And influence voters. Are we talking about rogue russian individuals . Are we talking about the kremlin . Both and even add to that. Russia has used numerous ways in which they want to influence through media, social media, through bots, through actors that they hire. Through proxies all of the above and potentially more. I cant go into any deep details other than what is classified. It is pervasive, it is ongoing with the intent to achieve their intent and that is drive a wedge and undermine our democratic values. Dana dan, dni khat was confirmed with bipartisan support. So a lot of credibility there at the podium today. And the russians, what do you think they are thinking today . Is it worth it to keep trying to interfere in our elections . Well, if you take a look at the pattern of behavior of Vladimir Putin and russia, it seems as though they are always testing boundaries. I mean, physically invading and taking the cry mean crimeaen peninsula. Backing out. Backed out. But there is always this irstd to push the nfl. En and i think it is critical. I will say this again that we put down the partisan armor and act together as americans and show unity that this is too far. Thats a very important message. I also want to point out here that the thing that made Director Coats statement so, i think, terrifying he is essentially saying these are government actions. These are russian government actions. These are not just rogue actors. I would very much like to see because there were only two people in that room, President Trump and Vladimir Putin, i would like to see the translator, the person there to translate between the two of them brought under oath to testify exactly what was said in that meeting. Nobody was in that meeting and they dont know what was said between those two leaders. We need to know. Thats a really bad precedent. Dana of course nobody would want that guy, i want to ask you something. Yesterday, had you an opportunity to interview jack dorsey, the founder of twitter. He runs twitter now. Did you ask him about this and how did that conversation go . We didnt get into the russia issue. We talked more about some of the allegations against twitter recently about potentially targeting conservatives. Is there enough International Diversity at twitter when it comes to the Human Element of decisions being made when they might put their thumb on the scale on certain things and, of course, the whole alleged shadow banning controversy. We got into all of that and, plus, the difficult balance i think you can appreciate as a frequent tweeter yourself of trying to have a totally, you know, open and Free Exchange of ideas while discouraging a toxic platform. So, thats what we got into last night. Its up on our website if people want to listen to it. It was fascinating because this is the new age in which we live. Definitely something in the back of his mind and these social media giants mind is our platform being used or exploited by foreign actors to sow chaos and discord the answer so far recent solid yes. Dana last thing i would say on this is at what point do we declare it Cyber Warfare . Its just not Social Media Meddling at this point. If its the government as dan coats said, the government is the one in russia that is doing this against our country. Then maybe we have got ratchet it up. All right, guy benson and David Goodfriend thank you. Thank you. Dana a fox news alert. Pentagon set to holding a briefing at the top of the hour on how it plans to identify 55 sets of remains believed to be those of american soldiers killed in the korean war. Vice president pence was in hawaii for a ceremony marking the return of those remains by north korea to american soil. To see those 55 flagged draped cases be carried so solemnly and not just as a Vice President but as the son of a combat veteran, from the korean war, it was deeply moving for me. But its what great nations do. Dana im joined now by Lieutenant Colonel Michael Waltz Green Beret Commander and running for congress as a republican in the floridas sixth district. I wanted to ask you what is it like for families who have their loved ones who have their families and never come home and never get that closure that they so desperately want . Yeah, dana, when we go into combat, there is a solemn oath with our brothers and sisters that, one, they will never leave us behind. That we will never leave a fallen soldier. But, if the worse happens, that our country and that america will get our remains back to those families. You know, its going to be quite a process to identify these remains. A lot of them are whats called commingled where they are mingled with others whether its from a plane crash or some other incident. For the family to get those remains back, they are the ones that are truly suffering all of these years and to get those remains back and get those closures is absolutely critical. Dana take a listen to one vet concerned about the legitimacy of the remains. I have every doubt that those remains are of american military. This the first time they have turned over remains and there were all kinds of things in those remains. They even allowed us years and years ago before Nuclear Proliferation to go to sites and dig and only to find out that those sites were salted with remains just to collect money. Dana how much should why trust north korea on this, mike . I think that veteran has every right to be skeptical of the north koreans. Im skeptical of the north koreans on pretty much everything. If they were serious will this not only would they continue at this point to turn over remains but allow us go back to the Inspection Teams where we did in the mid 90s and early 2,000s where we have our experts over there verifying these are our soldiers and bring them home under an american flag. Ainsley of course, this is all happening while the president is trying to convince dung denuclearize. He said thank you, kim jong un keeping your word and starting the pros is of sending home the remains of our missing and beloved fallen. I am not surprised that you took this kind action. Also thank you your nice letter. I look forward to seeing you soon. You have some thoughts about the next steps here with north korea. Is it time to put a time line together for what they need to do . So i understanding is that true president is trying to strike that tone and move negotiations forward with heads of state. But i also think quietly it is time to put a Line In The Sand and say, listen, to the north korean regime, if you are serious about this, we need to see some milestones and we need to see a time line and we need full disclosure of the program. Its an extensive program. Its going to take quite a while to dismantle it and to verify it and time isnt on our side. Secretary pompeo when he was the head of the cia said they are within a year of having Icbm Reentering the atmosphere with a nuclear head. If they dont meet the time line i would like to seat president crank up the pressure again and put the pressure on the north koreans and chinese. Dana thank you. All right. Thank you some. Dana other big story of the day, day three of the paul manafort trial. Well have the latest. Including expensive suits and fake invoices. Show is that manafort spent money willynilly like spending all his money. But there was this thing about fake bills that one of his favorite place where he got his suits made. At one point he had bills of over 900,000 in suits. I mean, you wear nice clothes. No one is approaching that and he had them paidout bills were fake, the invoices and paid by Shell Companies allegedly in his control. That shows an effort to deceive and the expenditure of money. You asked me a great question early this morning. Dolls the jury care . Does the court care . Does it make a difference what he did with the money . The essence of the crime is Money Laundering and firewall report to the irs. The essence is not that he bought horrible things. He bought fabulously luxurious things. But the Supreme Court has held that juries are entitled to know okay he cheated the government and took the money that he should have paid to the government. Did he use it for Heart Medicine for his sick grandmother or did he use it for 25,000 suits up to the point of literally a 7figure wardrobe . So, yes, the prosecutors are entitled to inflame the jury by explaining in great detail how lavish the lifestyle was and how deceptive the manner was of getting the money from these Shell Companies directly to the vendors. Dana they shed they would change like one thing like the zip code would be just one number off or something just to have it be fake. The other thing, this is a testimony from the exmanager of this suit company. Beverly hills. Only client that paid News International wire transfers. We have never to build Global Endeavor never had a client named Global Endeavor. He was trying to hide some things. Look, the essence of the governments case against him is he received funds for behavior that he engaged in in the ukraine, which as an american, he had to report to the u. S. So the work was unlawful because he didnt report it. He took the money and he laundered it through a variety of Shell Companies and one way that he got was able to hide the money was to have the Shell Company directly buy things for him. This max a mil million fellow extremely high end clothing stores. This shows in the prosecutors mind and auger to the jury, this shows a pattern of deception on his part. Dana, this is the tip of the iceberg. The judge sin parent nkt havent even gotten to the principle conspiracies yet. Starting with the least of his ills which is clothing. When they get to Bank Accounts and real estate, then you will start to see money really pile up. Dana i have another question. I might have disagreed with the judge on this but maybe you agree with him. The judge says they cant use the word oligarch because that can connotes Criminal Behavior on behalf of these people backed by russia. Isnt that exactly what they are. I think oligarch is a fair disprichings the people we are talking about. A lot of leeway and thin skinned and persnickety. This one is very thinskinned and cranky. This is not serious interference with the governments case. He also doesnt want to hear the word trump. Just doesnt want the president s word to come in. Dana i think that is smart. With respect to trump tower not with respect to trump himself. Dana i think that is smart for the judge to do that and probably good for the governments case to keep it secret. Actually is good for all parties to keep it separate. Although Everybody Knows who manafort is and what did he with respect to the president. He managed campaign at the time he won the republican nomination. Dana yesterday there was a question whether former colleague rick gates would testify or not. Yesterday was no and today obviously yes. Judge made a statement i dont know how with you prove it. The prosecutor knows his case better than you do. They will decide what witnesses to put on. The court doesnt decide. I can say that as a commentary but difficult to say that as a judge in his own courtroom. You have to live with him he has that discretion. This one likes to make a lot of comments, editorial comments about the case. As long as those editorials are not made in the presence of the jury, its essentially harmless. Dana this is day three. I read that the government has said that it is possible they could wrap up their case by middle of next week. Thats a lot faster than any of us thought. We thought it would take two or three days. It took two or three hours. Rocket docket in Northern Virginia that the government likes. A little bumpy for them so far but they are getting their evidence in. Dana love having you here judge andrew napolitano. You are welcome. Dana primary going to the polls today in tennessee where congresswoman Marsha Blackburn and Phil Bredesen are hoping to he radio place retiring republican senator bob corker. Steve harrigan is live in nashville. Why is this race getting so much attention . Dana, a lot of National Attention here. A lot of outside money pouring in as well. This senate race could become the most expensive nut history of the state of tennessee. It could decide who controls the senate. It can also mean a lot to determine President Trumps influence and popularity. Keep in mind, in 2016, he won this state by 26 points. And the republican likely candidate martha black burn is basically running on a platform that she will do everything she can to push forward out pits agenda. Heres blackburn. A u. S. Senator who is going to support the trump tax cuts because the trump tax cuts are working. And they know that my opponent called them crumbs. Said he would have voted against the tax cuts. And they want someone who is going to be there every step of the way for tax cuts. If blackburn does win, she will be the first woman senator in tennessees history. Dana . Dana Phil Bredesen, trying to run away or distance himself from the Democratic Party . He really doesnt have much of a Democratic Party to lean on here. In the state of tennessee. Its been 28 years since the democrats have been able to elect a senator. And bredesen has been really careful not to attack President Trump directly. Instead, he said he is really going to pick his battles. Here is bredesen. I intend to be a senator who is not up here to work for or against the president. Im not here to work for or against any political party. But to try to figure out in this state whats best for the people of tennessee. When it comes to democratic calls to abolish ice, for example, bret sen has called that, quote, a stupid idea. Dana, back to you. Dana all right, thank you. Karl rove is up next with his take on what happened today at the white house. About russian meddling and our efforts to combat it. man managing my type 2 diabetes wasnt my top priority. It was our tresiba® reason. He needs insulin to control his High Blood Sugar and, at his age, hes at greater risk for low blood sugar. Tresiba® releases slow and steady and works all day and night like the bodys insulin. vo tresiba® is a longacting insulin used to control High Blood Sugar in adults with diabetes. Dont use tresiba® to treat diabetic ketoacidosis, during episodes of low blood sugar, or if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Dont share needles or insulin pens. Dont reuse needles. 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Now we will hear from her mother and vastly increased reward for finding her. In addition, feel like shopping . We will take you to the longest yard sale or garage sale as it were anywhere in the nation. How long could it be . Hundreds of miles. Jeff flock is on the shop today. Top of the hour on Shepard Smith reporting. Well see you then. Relative to my discussions with the president on whatever issue it is, knows i do not go public with that, i dont think thats the right and proper thing to do. Our focus here today is simply to tell the American People we acknowledge the threat it is real, it is continuing. And we are doing everything we can to have a legitimate election that the American People can have trust in. Dana that was director of National Intelligence dan coats at the white house moments ago. And there were quite a few other heavy hitters standing alongside him. Im joined now by karl rove former White House Deputy Chief Of Staff and Fox News Contributor. He is joining me now. Carl, i wanted you to explain to the viewers what its like at the white house when you realize that you have a problem that the American People are anxious about something as big as election integrity. And what is the process of pulling everybody together and how important is it for them to speak with a united voice . Well, we have seen in the last two days what is possible in the white house. Yesterday we had secretary of Homeland Security nielsen convene a conference on Cyber Security that didnt happen overnight. Thats obviously been in the planning for some period of time. But that was that was an effort to lay down a message on a wednesday that the government has been actively involved in this. That we have partners up and down the level of government, federal government, state government, local government, and were focused on the problem. And then today they followed it up with a power panel if you will by bringing in all those officials with National Security and with Cyber Warfare. Putting them in the White House Briefing room and having them say to the American People we know this is a problem. We acknowledge its a problem. We have been working the problem. And we are going to continue to work the problem. So now they have spent two days, you know, signaling the American People we dont want russia to interfere in our election. They are continuing to try to interfere and we are doing everything we can your government in washington to stop them. Dana okay, great. I want to then move onto the other topic that we originally had you scheduled to talk about because that briefing was a surprise to everybody and, of course, we will continue to cover that you wrote today about President Trump and trade and one of the things you wrote was that when it comes to the European Union, with his meeting with mr. Yung juncker, mr. Better path for trade policy if he reverses course he risks the dynamism that has marked his tenure. The reason for the tariffs to begin with was toy to try convince the chinese to modify their behavior. Instead, they have been retaliating. So the president now feels that a potentially time to put more pressure on in order to modify their behavior. Dana what was the message you were trying to get across in your column today . Well, this is one approach, which is to say, look, were going to raise prices on our consumers and make it more difficult for you to sell things to us. Well both be painful. And until and unless one of you decides to blink, were going to keep this up. And i think thats one way of going about doing it but, there are two things two points i would make. One is Larry Lindsey this morning in a newsletter to his clients, the economists that you and i served with the head of the National Economic council made a point that the chinese have a tool to lessen the effect of those tariffs on their on their economy, on our economy and on our trading relationship. They are devaluating their currency. So, in essence, they will pay for the air force, you know, by sending us goods that are being, you know, in essence, worth less. Dana right. In terms of dollars. Basically saying we are willing to take part of the pain in order to keep selling you goods. They may not be able to do that forever. But, trade wars are not easy to win and everybody gets hurt in a trade war. I think the president on in his News Conference last week laid a better alternative out to reign in the chinese. That is to go to the wto. He promised a new relationship between the European Union and United States reform the wto to update its standards. The wto doesnt talk about things like trade related investment measures. Thats the way the chinese steal our intellectual property. We have tools to use to get at subsidies. The president talking about creating new tools a far better direction to go and likely to result in some permanent changes new england the chinese. Im not certain this is going to get the chinese to change their attitude on stealing intellectual property. Ainsley we just have a few seconds left. Do you think its important for the president to do something soon in regards to the mid terms or does he have some time here . He doesnt have a lot of time. People in the midwest are being hurt. Anybody who grows soybeans or breeds pork is having a problem already willing to give the president piece. If they can solve the problem with chinese mistreating us great they will run out of patience and may run out of patience before the election. Particularly if this spirals up. We have 88 billion. 90 billion worth of positive benefit from the tax cuts this year. The president is talking about sanctioning, already sanctioned 34 billion worth of trade with 25 tariffs. Now they are talking about 200 billion of trade with a 25 up to 25 tariff. Thats 50 billion. Between that and what they have already sanctioned, a big chunk of the benefit of the tax cut of more money in peoples pockets is being taken away. Dana all right, karl rove, thank you. You bet, thank you. Dana update on Deadly Wildfires in california. Crews battling more than a dozen now. The largest the carr fire now the sixth most destructive wildfire in california history. Inferno is also taking a big financial toll. The state has already spent more than 25 of its annual fire budget just a month into the budget year. After a decade of being blocked in china. Looking to breakdown the great fire wall . Plus ohio state exfootball coach urban meyer on leave. While the winning coach is under fire. Your Digestive System has billions of bacteria but life can throw them off balance. Realign yourself with align probiotic. And try new align gummies with prebiotics and probiotics to help support digestive health. Ohio state head football coach urban meyer has been put on paid leave after claims he failed to respond to abuse allegations against a member of his staff. The exwife of a former oust Assistant Coach claims she told meyers wife of the abuse at the Hands Of Zac Smith in 2015 and believes all the coaches knew about the problem. Fox news 24 7 Sports Reporter jared max joins me now to explain. Jared . Good afternoon, dana. Interesting story here, one we wish we werent talking about. Urban meyer, one of the highest paid coaches in College Football second all around. He is a big fish here and somebody they want obviously should be paying for something that took place. We live in very different times because if you are not necessarily the person who did this, people hearing the story today wait did, urban meyer . Urban meyer is not accused of Domestic Abuse here. We live in different times. He did not go and report. He is accused of knowing and not reporting. Did he cover this up . And if so, he could lose his job. He just signed a new Contract Extension in april which says if there is any sexual misconducted which he fails to report, he could lose his job and that can reportedly be a loss of almost 39 million for urban meyer. We live in very different times. They can reach back to things that happened before even though he has a new contract it . Could be from this university or another. Think about joe paterno and horrible scandal with jerry sandusky. Paterno was this legend in College Football. Because he did not report the heinous activity that he is said to have known about What Sandusky was doing, joe paterno became vilified. We saw a legend go from that to this. There is a saying there is a reason we have a saying you should stick your nose where it doesnt belong. If do you that today, it could cost you your career. Dana then there is a new report that claims that the former ohio state wrestling coach is Calling Accusers of congressman jim jordan and asking them to recant. Russ apparently by text message nb nbc news got text messages from former wrestlers the two boys not two boys at the time they were young men to recant their story. If you have something nice to say about jim, this would be a good time. If you feel there is something that you said that you got wrong, you could make a statement. Was there pressure . I dont know. Again, a same, similar story in the sense of if you knew something, nowadays you need to go report it. Dana pretty interesting. All right, all right, jared mac, thanks for being here today. How katy perry came to the aid of one of her fans who had to miss one of her concerts

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