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A look at the days top news and headlines. That he was copied on, blank copied on that he had during his time at the Bush Administration and the senators on the republican side saying, he you have already said that you are going to void against them, so why do we have to go through this . I think that they are going to run into a brick wall as far as logistics of getting those requests answered, Mitch Mcconnell has said that this is going to go forward october 1st. Chuck grassley has said that youre going to see 1 million plus documents. Not only all of the writings that deal with the 300 plus different decisions that were made, so there is plenty of reams of information to look at how this judge could potentially be a justice, and i do not think that the democratic efforts will go far. Dana all right, bret baier, thank you so much. We will see you, dana. Dana fox news alert, Facebook Says it has suspended 32 swiss suspicious pages, dana what is the reaction on capitol hill . The news broke an hour ago. You are absolutely right, lawmakers are quick to say that they think it is russia, that russia once a week america coming out of the vice chair of the Senate Intelligence Committee Mark warner of virginia saying todays disclosure is further evidence of the kremlin continues to exploit platforms like facebook to sew division and spread disinformation. I am glad that facebook is taking some steps to pinpoint and address the activity. Ben sasse saying russia and china understand that successful operations do not create new problems, but exploit existing fissures, Thats Why Moscow is working to divide americans by stoking both sides of nearly every culture war, the message here is washington and Silicon Valley must do better. Midterm elections just 14 weeks away. Dana. Dana no more than in 2016, mike emanuel, thank you. Let me be clear, our Intelligence Community has it right, it was the russians, we know that, they know that. Dana Kirstjen Nielsen this morning on who is behind efforts to meddle in the last election and in just a few minutes, i will ask the secretary whether she thinks russia is behind the latest influence campaign. I will also ask her about the ongoing things at the border including hundreds of Migrant Children not reunited with their parents. Keep it here. Much more to come. Sometimes, bipolar i disorder due to increased risk of death or stroke. Call your doctor about fever, stiff muscles, or confusion, which may mean a lifethreatening reaction, or uncontrollable muscle movements, which may be permanent. Side effects may not appear for several weeks. High cholesterol and weight gain; high blood sugar, which can lead to coma or death; decreased white blood cells, which can be fatal; dizziness upon standing; falls; seizures; impaired judgment; heat sensitivity; and trouble swallowing may occur. Youre more than just your bipolar i. Ask about vraylar. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. New ensure max protein. No mathere are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . Dana fox news alert, facebook announcing a short time ago that it has discovered a coordinated Political Campaign aiming at interfering in the midterm elections by using dozens of fake accounts and profiles on the platform. All of this as a department of Homeland Security forming a cyber hub to protect against threats, including those targeting the political infrastructure. Kirstjen nielsen joining us now. It is a pleasure to be with theo. In studio and in new york. Talk to me about the story just a moment ago, but this was what was happening in 2016 when Facebook Says, they did not know, or that they decided to Take The Money And Run with it, but this year its going to be different . It is a story that facebook is taking this very seriously, they should be commended for what they are doing today. And the threat is very real. The russians or whoever in this case, we have not attributed, but russians and other states are attempting to manipulate us. Dana there were some members of Congress Speaking out to mike emanuel that it was the russians, i guess we have any reason to believe that it was not them . I dont, but i have not seen the intel assessment yet. Today we have been celebrating our cyber summit, as you know, talking about different ways to begin ways with the private sector, i will be interested to see how the intel assessment assesses the newest and latest development. Dana tell me about your particular responsibility at dhs in terms of preserving the Election Security and threats against it . We protect political infrastructure, and the ability to protect the infrastructure, and we have made Great Strides in the last year. So i think 2016 was a wakeup call for all of us. Happy to report that all 50 states are working with us now. So we do everything from sharing information, Vulnerability Assessments to look at redundancy and demonstrating to the voters that their vote counted. Dana i understand that congress allocated 308 million, dhs gets to decide where they are getting that money. Do you think the states are spending that wisely to protect their machines in their systems . Is there enough money . Do we need anymore . Are they doing the right things to protect against the attacking . As we saw last year, devcon, they can find a way to get in there and the states have all of the response about it, it is not just your responsibility. They have the formal responsibility, we tried to support and channel our services. It is a step in the right direction, as you said, 380 million that will be used from the election assistance commission, the way in which the states are determining how to use them as an conduction with the governance model, they have to think shortterm and longterm, longterm supply chain and short term how can they have their statistics figured correctly, do task management, Information Sharing on the basics that they need to do. Dana showing that 62 percent in america think that the Trump Administration should be doing more to protect the nation from election meddling, how can you convince them that you are doing enough . This is part of your question earlier, there are different things happening here, one is an attack against election infrastructure, working hand in glove with state locals, the physical infrastructure of the system, the other is encountering for influence, and we have to do more there. Americans need to be aware that it is a real threat, happening real time, the fbi has the lead, a task force that supports them, and we work with the private sector such as facebook, Companies Like facebook to pull the content. Dana reporting that the russians are trying to figure out how to hack into the election grade, that would be an act of war, what are we doing, part of your summit this morning, i saw a lot of the Power Companies are there, there has to be a lot of coordination hopefully going on there. Yes, absolutely, that particular sector have been great partners for quite some time, we are trying to move towards a model collective defense. So the adversaries are truly crowd sourcing, using computers and bots, using our guns are governments our military, we have to do the same thing, bring everything on the government side and the private sector side. So if the electorate sector and the Department Of Energy working closely to understand how the electricity is generated, how it is distributed, where the vulnerabilities are, but yes, the russians continue to probe and try to get access to the system. Dana let me switch gears on immigration, as i understand there are 711 children who are considered ineligible to be reunited with her parents. How do you plan to get them eligible or is it possible that some of them might never see their parents again . So there is a lot to that number, first and foremost, we want to protect the children. So the reason that the numbers remaining as either because we had no way to prove that the adult that they arrived with it as a parent or guardian, we continue to work with others to get information to understand if they are, but also some of these adults unfortunately our hard earned criminals, we are not going to place children at the hands of those who have already been convicted in some cases of kidnapping, child abuse, and smuggling and trafficking. Dana so they dont have a legal status, do they become less and dreamers . We have 10,000 children at the care of hhs who came here unaccompanied, parents separated before they got to the border and send them with the hands of smugglers, criminals, frankly. And in some cases other adults, they will be part of unaccompanied children partner, working to find a sponsor, sometimes it can be another family member, or somebody that the family back home in their originated country designates. They will work to find them a home. Dana the stories are hard to read, write, especially for children who are apparently not the same as they were before the separation, with the aclu really pushing, and the federal government working closely with the judge to get this done, do you wish that there had been a better system in place in order to identify where the parents were going, where the children were going so that this would not be so arduous . What i really wish is that it should not be so broken, children should be with her parents, we should protect our borders and our communities, keeping smugglers and traffickers out, we cannot do that with a given law. I really wish that congress dana i agree, but the system that was put in place after they all came, that was our fault. We knew where the kids were in the parents were, but we tried to continue to pave it based each lowest comply with court ruling, but we had the plan in place, and the courts change the way where we wanted to do it, where he reunited all eligible families, but we continue to reunite all children with her family. Dana Kirstjen Nielsen, thank you for being here. We will check back in as the news breaks on the election. A key Special Election in the swing state of ohio, the outcome for that allimportant midterm, next week. And also up next, plus we are waiting for a News Conference on missing Iowa College Student Mollie Tibbetts. Scene two weeks ago, we will see if they are any closer on what happened to her. Polident is specifically designed to clean a denture. The wonderful thing about polident is the fact that its very, very tough on bacteria, yet its very gentle on the denture itself. 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That is the case, it is going to be tight, no doubt about it, but this time Special Elections are special for a reason, liberal donors from california, new york are flooding the district with ads and money to try to prop up democrat Danny Oconnors failing campaign, and just last week Danny Oconnor after running ads disavowing nancy pelosi, finally admitted what we already knew that he would not vote for her first speaker if given the opportunity. On the other hand just endorsed by john kasich in a new ad out today, so we feel that momentum is trending troys way. Dana i have to say that they must be doing something right if the race is this close . Hi, dana, thank you for having me. You are right, this is a Deep Red Republican district that democrats have not held since 1980. The fact that my counterpart is pouring millions and millions of dollars along with the with the republican counterparts or tried to drag Troy Balderston across the finish line is a really ominous sign for the election next week as well as their prospects in november. Dana let me ask you something then, depending on how it goes for you, whoever wins next tuesday, if it is this close, will be the Committee Try to help in november either way . We will stand behind troy in november, we are confident that he will be an incumbent number on congress, but as we see with georgia, arizona, they are special because they are fighting over turf and democrats like merediths group and others have poured a lot more money in trying to win the seat, but they become less competitive in november. Dana meredith, just a fact that you want to spend money, does that mean that you want to win . Of course we want to win, we would not invest a dime if we do not think that Danny Oconnor was within striking distance of winning this very republican seat. And i have to disagree with matt, they are spending, and rcc is spending significantly more money, hitting the panic button in this final week of television ads, and thats because they know if they lose their Special Election the november battlefield is much more competitive for democrats. If they have to spend at this rate to hold onto ohio 12, they are in big trouble in november, they will have a real loss of momentum if any exist anymore. Dana yesterday, over at mark keita stated a study of medicare for all, oh what it would cost, 32 trillion, with a t, do you find that not in this race in ohio, but is this issue of medicare for all an issue that republicans can use in their elections . And i will ask merritt at the same question, go ahead. Without a doubt, it has become orthodox, party members, candidates, nancy pelosi supporting singlepayer health care, 32 trillion in taxes, expect to see that and a lot of assets, but that is not the only thing that they will do. The pace of medicares insolvency, Ending Part D in the va as we know it, and giving the government complete control of your doctor, prescriptions, and hospitals, that is unacceptable, that is a fight we are ready to have in the fall. Dana one of the things that they have done such a good job on is figuring out recruitment for specific districts, a democrat that is here, and other progressive over there, but if the party is going for a medicare for all platform, does that erase some of those gains for moderate democrats . Lets talk about health care, we will welcome a fight related to which is ready for health care and which will increase costs and premiums in increasing costs of prescription drugs like asthma, cancer, diabetes, that is a Republican Party that continues to raise those costs. Dana but the headlines, if you are talking medicare for all, is that a good thing . Having a robust discussion on lowering the cost of health care and prescription drugs, and republicans are doing the opposite. And i have to say quickly about medicare, lets talk about medicare for a second, the republicans are, they gave a massive corporate giveaway that increase the dead and they want to pay for it by Cutting Medicare and Social Security. In ohio 12 on top of that, Troy Balderston wants to raise the retirement age. That is something that Danny Oconnor is taking headon and promising voters in ohio that he will protect their medicare and Social Security that they have paid into for their whole lives. Dana let me give you the last word there. She wants to talk about increasing costs, 32 trillion in new taxes, that is increasing costs. Dana that is the final last word. You are a man of few words today, right on time. Meredith kelly and matt gorman, love to have you on. Thanks, dana. Dana authority is updating us on the case of missing College Student Mollie Tibbetts. Moments from now. We will have that for you as soon as this starts. We will keep an eye on it. And the jury selected him case of Paul Manafort, prosecutor will be here to break down the risks for President Trump trump and robert mueller. And robert mueller. The potential of t onceweekly ozempic®. In a study with ozempic®, a majority of adults lowered their blood sugar and reached an a1c of less than seven and maintained it. Oh under seven . vo and you may lose weight. In the same oneyear study, adults lost on average up to 12 pounds. 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Some judges are very efficient and do not allow a lot of fishing, and others let it go for a long time period i wouldve expected anywhere between a half a day in a day. Dana when will we know more about the jurors . We may not ever, it depends on how much gets exposed publicly, there is a phenomenon of Celebrity Jurors that most judges do not like, so we will not hear a whole lot of bits and pieces of what their careers may be or how old they are. Dana the witnesses are not allowed to say words like collusion, 2016, trump campaign, President Trump, because i guess they want to have the integrity of this trial, separate from that . It is interesting, all of the political focus on this case and Paul Manafort and pardons and what will happen, but the trial itself is going to be much drier and much more apolitical than you might imagine. Dana i will keep you here, this Press Conference, and the disappearance of Iowa College Student Mollie Tibbetts. Mollie tibbetts of brooklyn, i well was reported missing by her family. Last seen on july 18th at approximately 7 30 p. M. While running the city streets of brooklyn. Her last known articles of clothing are darkcolored running shorts, a pink sports top and running shoes, the color unknown. Since july 19th, Law Enforcement have searched tirelessly for mollie. On any given day, 30 or 40 investigators are working on this case, and 200 leads have been followed up on, searches have included the utilization of canines, and investigators work in this case aggressively, seeking the public support by contacting the established tape lines that they have information related to mollies disappearance. In the tip lines is the quickest way to get information to us, to use the following tip line, the tip line for the investigation, that is now 8004521111. Or 5152 to 31 for zero. There is also a dedicated email to accept tips, that. Crime stoppers and iowa giving a 1,000 award for the discovery of Mollie Tibbetts. The Electric Cooperative agreed to match that reward for 2,000. And i would like to think the media for helping us get the word out and helping us find Mollie Tibbetts. Thank you. At this time i asked the Special Agent in charge. I want to spend a couple of minutes and say that i am very proud of all of my lawenforcement brothers and sisters of how we have come together, everything from skills to technical skills, and some people that have never met each other, and they are working together like they have been twentyyear partners to handle this. The amount of resources that were spending today and we will in the future, i am very, very proud of everybody coming together to work this way. And thats what i have to say. Thank you. I have another statement i would like to read, but i would echo what randy said, we view the media as a partner, we appreciate everything that you are doing, every evening when i go home i see her face on the news. It is very much appreciated. I know that the family appreciates that as well. So im just going to proceed on with a little statement here. Law enforcement officials and hundreds of others have devoted countless hours to the investigation. In the county investigation, since requested by the sheriffs office, dedicated every available deputy to do the searches. Since requested, the dci has dedicated many agents and analysts from across the state to help with all aspects of the investigation. The fbi has also committed many agents from a number of their Field Offices to assist with this investigation and continue to do so. More than a dozen local agencies have also volunteered their time and talent to assist with this investigation. Which includes fire and ems responders as well as members of the community. I will say that the investigators are not wanting for food or drink, there has been a constant outpouring by the community to make sure that our investigators are well fed and well hydrated, which allows them to focus their priority, which is defined mollie. As leads continue to come in, they are evaluated, prioritized, and followed up on. Missing person cases, some of the most difficult and demanding investigations. We have appreciated the assistance from local state and federal agencies along with the assistance from the public that is provided every resource they can. To date we have provided every investigative tactic, and we understand that people want to know details about the investigation, however we do not plan to provide findings or conclusions of investigative leads to the public at this time. Likewise, if we evaluate a piece of information and feel its release could lead us to mollie, we would do so. What we do know is that Mollie Tibbetts was seen jogging on the evening. Dana they are giving that much detail, but talking about how you can send in tips if you know anything. And heres more from chicago. You said following the case, what did you think about the Press Conference . Not a lot of detail yet. No, not at all. And saying that they will not provide any leads to the public, a highly anticipated Press Conference where we thought some of the obvious questions that remain in this case might be answered. Since Mollie Tibbetts went missing on july 18th, there are been extensive searches in cornfields, in homes, informs, they have not produced this missing young woman. Investigators have told us so far that they do not want to provide any information to the public, because they feel it might jeopardize their investigation. They might give information to someone that should not have it. There are some obvious questions remaining in this case including whether or not mollie had a cell phone on her at the time or the day that she disappeared. And investigators have extracted any information. Also Mollie Tibbetts described as an avid runner, and loved her fitbit, was she wearing it at a time that she disappeared . Have police extracted information from the fitbit . That could provide crucial information including the gps location in the heart rate at the time she disappeared. The boyfriends house, did she make it back at the day she disappeared . Are there signs of forced entry at that house or signs of struggle . Investigators tell fox news they will not release that information to the public. Mollies laptop, a male member of mollies family told the new station that her laptop indicated that she was doing homework inside the boyfriends home the night that she went missing. Did she end up back inside at that house . Or was she abducted out on the streets . That is one of the biggest questions remaining now. Dana thank you for that, asking james to stick around, doj prosecutor, what did you think of the Press Conference . Was there some psychology behind it . Two things, one to reassure the general public that if there is a murderer out there that they are doing Everything Possible to track this person down. That is a genuine and important component. But also probably trying to steer people towards talking. So you want to have individuals that are sitting on information feel like it is almost inevitable that they will be talk to. So why not be fourth closing and waiting for the agents to knock on your door and just called her to plan. Looking for a tip for someone who couldve been involved in the disappearance. Dana they believe that the media is a partner, is that how you would see it too . A little bit, it is not a partnership in terms of disclosing much to the media. Their reasons for that, but i think that they want to get the word out and they want to have everyone rethink where were they during july 18, what you might fit into the timeline or the chronology of where the young lady was . Dana you said that you were impressed with her father, why so . Her father was on the media the other day, i cannot imagine the feeling that he is going through. I have three daughters and one name mollie, so i get it. It is an indiscreet indescribable feeling, and how s not have details from Law Enforcement, when you know that that family is craving it, he is respectful of the process but he knows the importance to keeping information under a tight law compared to that is better in the long run for any investigation. It makes him suffer, but he suffers with dignity i thought. Dana that disappearance was a light 18th, and it is now july 31st, does that tell you anything . I think that there is not a whole lot of frantic talk that makes me think that this is a hostage situation, so i think that it is a wrongful death investigation, whatever that means in terms of what happened to her. But the time is not really on the side of an investigator, generally. Want to have as much information early as you can. Dana its good to have you here, former doj prosecutor. Thank you. Sure. Dana anything you have or need Flood Insurance, and important dates for home owners, because we have an update from capitol hill. You are going to want to stick around and listen to. The idea of comprehensive reform is great, but at the same time we need stability. We need something that is longer than two or three months at a time. If it was to expire it would be bone deep down to the narrow stoop. Call one today. Are you in good hands . But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Dana u. S. Senate voting for the Flood Insurance program, just hours before it was set to expire, but only for another four months, leaving millions of american homeowners waiting for a longterm solution. Ceo of the Insurance Information solution, sounds like a why should i have to worry about the national Flood Insurance program . But this has been a mess for a long time, this is a shortterm solution that just passed by congress . Shortterm solution is exactly at, what we are doing is punting this down the political football field, so we have a four month extension, that is great. It will not lapse through hurricane season, but some good news there, but longterm issues remain and need to be addressed. Dana does the program nema reform . Does it need different funding . Do homeowners need to take responsibility . Where is the rub . 50 years ago when it was established it was hard to model floods, and the government stepped in like it did in terrorism with risk insurance, but now we have new programs, the private market is ready to embrace the Flood Insurance area much more today than it was. But we still have a governmentsponsored program in which congress is determining the rates that can be charged. In insurance, you have to be sound coming have to charge a rate that associates with the risk, that is not being done because of the political nature. Dana they are flooding in the u. S. , you said that there was a 100 year flood every other day in the united states. This is a huge problem. They are about 5 million policies in force nationwide, half of them are in florida, louisiana, texas. Is that enough . Or do you see some places like maryland that had that terrible catastrophe with the flooding. 5 million is a big number, but it is 12 of the people that need Flood Insurance actually have it. And what you see is a governmentsponsored program, so if you can think of it more realistically, i was watching on the break, you have insurance commercials, i say that you cannot watch 30 minutes of Television Without three. Dana and for that we thank you. You get a market Flood Insurance the same way you can market auto insurance. Think about the take up, because 93 of people who need Homeowners Insurance have it. I mean, on the same and that is for a fire, wind, things like that. Well, flood creates more catastrophes catastrophes than any other in the world. Dana it is a big problem, im glad that you were here. Thank you. A Chipotle Restaurant closes after more than 100 customers fall sick. Health officials are saying nex next. And crews working nonstop for days battling an explosive wildfire in northern california. No let up inside. Jeff paul will report live from the fire zone, but he gives us a sense of the destruction, jeff. Until the day you leave for your trip. Addon advantage. Only when you book with expedia. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Destroyed, that number could rise as the fire continues to threaten a few more thousand homes. I lost it all. Every bit of it. Im sorry. Its okay. It has just been devastating, period. So hard, i cannot get my mind around it, because i lost everything. I mean, they gave you like 5 minutes to get out. What do you grab them 5 minutes . That is just one fire that has burned in the state of california, close to 15 major wildfires burning across the state, sing today to those fires have burned more than a quarter of a million acres of land, also destroying at least 1200 structures, at the moment wildfires threatening around 17,000 homes in the area as a result of forcing tens of thousands of people from their home. The car fire considered again the most devastating fire. And they are hoping to get some folks back in the areas, but out here, a lot of police and firefighters out here working to give those people back on their feet. Dana that is devastating, thank you. Winning a lot of basketball games, but lebron james may have just scored his biggest victory

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