Talking about it. President putin may very well want to address it. Very strongly. He feels very strongly about it and he has an interesting idea. Dana john roberts is in helsinki before he gets a chance to come home and be stateside with us again. John, what did the president say about u. S. Intelligence and russian collusion . Good evening to you, dana. The president has heard several times from Vladimir Putin, i didnt do it, russia didnt do it. Head heard that several times over the telephone, seen it in print. Putin said it to the president s face in vietnam at the apex summit and he said it again today. The president says he said it powerfully. We heard from the president twice last week when he said he was going to ask putin about it. Didnt know if putin about it. Didnt know if there would be a perry mason moment. When asked about it today, he seemed to side with putin over the cia. He was put on the spot. Do you believe putin or do you believe the intelligence agencies . Perhaps not wanting to derail any talks with putin, the president answered this way. All i can do is ask the question. My people came to me, dan coats and some others and they say they think its russia. I have president putin, he just said its not russia. I will say this. I dont see any reason why it would be. I dont see any reason why it would be russia. A very unusual statement. The intelligence agencies have a consensus agreement that it was in fact russia that was meddling in the 2016 election. The Senate Intelligence committee thinks the same thing and we saw that mueller has induded 12 agents of russian intelligence in connection with hacking of the dnc computer and setting up a couple websites, d. C. Leaks and others to disseminate the information. So all of that would seem to fly in the face of putins denial but hes sticking to it and the president giving him a lot of low way today. Dana what the did putin say when he was asked if russia has any compromising information about President Trump . Its been a subject of speculation over here. You know, the word humor in Vladimir Putin are not used in the same sentence. That was one occasion during the press conference when there was a little laughter in the room. Putin said, you know, i used to be an intelligence agent and i know how these dossiers are created. Then he addressed the question about whether or not russia had my compromising information on the president. Listen here. Yeah, i did hear these rumors. But we allegedly collected compromising material on mr. Trump when he was visiting moscow. Let me tell you this. When President Trump was in moscow, i didnt even know that he was in moscow. Didnt even know that he was in moscow. The president answered that by saying look, if the stuff in the dossier was true, somebody would have put it out there. Vladimir putin basically saying stop talking about this. Its nonsense. But of course, that wont put it to rest. Dana the birds are wanting you to get back on your plane and get back. Looks like its a beautiful place. Thanks for your report. Todays summit in helsinki is the latest meeting between american president s and russian president s in finland. Gerald ford and meeting their soviet counter parts in the city. Bill clinton sat down with boris yeltsin. Im joined by Stephen Yates and noah rothman from commentary magazine. Noah, going into the summit, it was unclear what the outcome was supposed to be. The russians apparently said, well, the meeting is the deliverable. How do you think it went . I dont know how the meeting went. All we know is the press conference. The press conference was a mess. As far as the substance of this summit, difficult to gauge because we dont have an agenda. The public reporting suggests that the president is seeking some sort of assurances from russia in order to facilitate american withdrawal from syria. Parts of syria, east of the euphrates. Nobody will talk about that publicly because its probably tactically unwise in my view. So what were hearing is a lot of rhetoric. But im not sure what we were supposed to achieve, which makes it difficult for americans to engage. How do we know this is successful when we dont know what success looks like. Dana based on what noah just said, if we can go to what President Trump said on syria, please. Working with israel is a great thing and creating safety for israel is something that president putin and i would like to see very much. If we can do something to help the people of syria get back into some form of shelter and on a humanitarian basis and thats what the words were, both of us would be interested in doing that. Dana awed laudable goals but will the russians keep their word and iran out of the area. What do you think about that . Its hard to believe. But its a little bit like the kim jongun meeting in the sense that you need to sit down and have the leader put his cards face up to see whether you have the pieces of a deal to do. We know President Trump doesnt follow the playbook that we used before in the white house, but this is what his m. O. Is, to get in, try to work the person, see what the contours of what a deal might be. I think there was some utility of giving it a go. Im as skeptical about anybody about putin or russia pursuing american interests in syria, but the experience in syria hasnt worked so its worthy to explore what else is on offer. Dana the real news, noah, that President Trump seeming to side with putin and the russians over his own intelligence agencies. Take a listen to what putin said to jeff mason of reuters when asked about trust. Why should americans and why should President Trump believe their statement that russia did not intervene in the 2016 election given the United States that u. S. Intelligence agencies have provided . You trust no one. Where did you get this idea that President Trump trusts me or i trust him . He defends the interests of the United States of america. And i do defend the interests of the Russian Federation. We do have interests that are common. Were looking for points of contact. Isnt this part of the russian m. O. , to say that facts dont matter at all . Theres no such thing as truth . I have no idea where trump must trust russia . He said as much in that press conference. We have to believe not your own ears and your own eyes. Could i say, by the way, that the nation of donald trump, the president said the humanitarian conditions on the ground would be looked after by russia is crazy. Russia has facilitated starvation campaigns in some cities. Theyre implicated in the attacks on hospitals and maternity wards. They have covered for individuals that attacked a humanitarian convoy. The way that russia is interested in human rights and only interested in a genocide regime is overwhelming. To fail to mention that in public is a disgrace. Dana theres widespread criticism of the president today. Some of it is coming from former Obama Administration officials. This is what john brennan wrote. Donald Trumps Press Conference performance in helsinki rises and meets the threshold of high crimes and misdemeanors. It was nothing short of tre treasonous. Is it a little galling to listen to Obama Administration officials talk about getting tough on russia when the crimea situation, the syria situation, the ukrainian situation, all of these things were not dealt with under obama either . They dont have any legs to stand on. John brennan is no less of a political hack than the man that hes trying to criticize. People forget what he did before. Hes a partisan. Covering for what i think was a complete lack of real engagement. Human rights situation in syria was devastatingly bad during the Obama Administration. The wave of migration across europe is directly related to their inaction. The spread of chemical weapons and their use with impunity has been cultivated under their tutelage. Nobody has much credibility in trying to say that they have the fix now. That was really rank partisanship by his part. Dana we will see much more of that. But noah, the president is not without some critics today, so congressman trey gowdy put out a statement. He said russia is not our friend. Russia attempted to undermine our democracy, impugn the reliability of the 2016 election and sow the seeds of discourse among americans. Im confident mike pompeo, dan coats and nikki haley, chris wray and others that its possible that russia was involved in our election. Now to give you the last word. This constant consecration by the president that he doesnt want to talk about russian interference, which our intelligence agencies say is real and mueller say, okay, heres 12 examples to hit putin over the head with without saying this is an attack on my legitimacy as president. Both things can be true and separate. He won the election and russia tried to interfere. Doesnt mean that he won the election because they interfered. No. I havent seen any evidence to suggest that the two issues are the same. He seems to have an ego investment in the idea that he won the election by his superior campaign and any russian interference undermines that. Kudos the trey gowdy and others that are not redefining what high crimes mean. But i dont think that solves the problem. I think dan coats has a legitimacy issue. I dont know how he continues to serve after president has said i dont trust you in favor of an american adversary. This is a significant crisis in the administration, this is not just talk. These things have effects. Dana well talk about that later on. Appreciate that here. Stephenates and noah rothman, thank you. Stay with fox news all day as Chris Wallace has an exclusive interview with russian president Vladimir Putin. Later tonight, sean hannity will speak with the president off of the meeting. President trump and Vladimir Putin agree that ensuring israels security is a priority, but what action will they take . Plus putin weighing in on the 12 military officers indicted in the Mueller Probe. The offer hes making to the special counsel. Just to say it one time again and i saw it all the time, there was no collusion. I didnt know the president. Is there was nobody to collude with. Lets take a look at some numbers 4 out of 5 people who have a stroke, their first symptom. Is a stroke. 80 percent of all strokes and Heart Disease . Preventable. 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Where life meets legal. Dana the trump putin summit coming days after indictments from the mueller investigation. 12 military officer as cued of hacking the democrats in the 2016 election to help the trump campaign. Vladimir putin addressing that in the press conference with trump. We go back to the 12 alleged Intelligence Officers of russia. I dont know the full extent of the situation, but President Trump mentioned this issue. I will look into it. We have an existing agreement between the United States of america and the Russian Federation in a treaty that dates back to 1999. The mutual assistance on criminal cases, this treaty is in full effect. It works efficiently. Dana joining me now, shelby holiday, a video reporter. You saw her here last week. Can i have one more sound buys for you, this is Donna Brazile from the dnc and what she thinks about this. The most important thing now that we know there are several witches, no some 400 pound guy sitting on the bed, the president has to acknowledge this and defend and protect our democracy. The russians took our emails and data and can still use that information to damage our democratic institutions. Shelby what are you hearing from your sources . I would imagine that putin has to be embarrassed that our Law Enforcement and intelligence is able to tell him exactly what happened. Its a real breach for them. He must be wondering where else they might be exposed. This raises concerns about how we know everything we know. Who is in charge of speaking to reporters and disseminating information. We know so much about its alleg alleged. Its an indictment. Its very alarming to Russian Military intelligence. A couple of thing of Donna Braziles comments. The one thing the democrats are worried about, how many emails that were hacked that were not released were. People compromised and maybe they will appear on a campaign in a couple years and does russia still have leverage over them because they didnt release all of the information they. Have the other thing to point out, its not just Donna Brazile and the democrats. The president needs to take this issue head on. Im hering from john mccain, paul ryan, republicans across the hill are saying first of all, if the president doesnt trust u. S. Intelligence agencies, which he sort of alluded to in the press conference, if he doesnt trust u. S. Intelligence, how can we protect Cyber Security in the future . If hes worried about this undermining his election, that seems to be driving his policy and thats not a good thing. Dana the president saying earlier that theres some fault on our side. I guess hes talking about not having good passwords and not being aware that you can be hacked . Hes saying its the democrats fault because they kind have great Cyber Security protection. If you read the indictment and i would encourage every american to read it because its fascinating, it was not something that you can protect with just systems. Everyone that does Cyber Security knowing everybody is vulnerable. We all have gmail accounts, separate email accounts. Its the equivalent of somebody creating a fake email address that looks likes somebody that you speak to online, creating a link that looks like something and sneaking it into your inbox. And the gru, its the same organization in russia that is implicated in the poison that has taken place in the u. K. In the last few months . Yes. The gru is this secretive and elite military intelligence branch. First of all, directed by the kremlin. The 12 officials from the gru are indicted signals that Vladimir Putin told them to do what they did. Its also a very aggressive and sophisticated branch of Russian Military intelligence. Theyre also blamed for the downing of the ukrainian the civilian passenger plane over the ukraine and other aggressive acts that the entire world is looking at. How skeptical should people be about president putin and cooperating on Cyber Security . Republicans, democrats, everybody im speaking to are all concerned that President Trump said putin had a good idea and putins idea was to share information and collaborate on Cyber Security. Dana thank you. Well keep in teach. Thanks for having me. Dana well tell you more about the ties between the russians that Robert Mueller and indicted and putin showing off his ride before the summit. Well have that and more from helsinki today. [music playing] vo from the beginning, wells fargo has supported Community Organizations like united way, nonprofits like the american red cross, and our nations veterans. We knew helping our communities was important then. And we know its even more important today. 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Theyre pointing the finger at them and pointing the finger firmly at the gru, the group that youve been talking about. Theyre russians Largest Military Intelligence Service and they have a hand in numerous activities in countries around the world. Brush officials have been saying theyre close to identifying the actual individuals that tried to assassinate the russian spy and his daughter. And members of the gru flew into the u. K. For this operation and theyre the same Intelligence Organization behind the interference in the 2016 election. Theyre the main ones acting on behalf of russian when acting abroad. As you said friday, the Justice Department announced the indictments of 12 gru officers in the hacking of the dnc and the clinton president ial campaign. And sergei scripple served for 15 years in the gru. He knew it in and out and he started working for the british Intelligence Services and handed over details about them. They have gone over traitors in their own ranks. We know the gru sent their Cyber Security folks after them and they hacked the phones. Theres no longer about the attempted assassination of sergei skripal, its about the murder on british soil. And now britain is saying this is unacceptable. Dana so barring that, what effect could this have on relationships with russia . You have to say normally this would have an a detrimental one. This is the one thing that country goes to war over. In light of what were seeing, things are different now. There were actions taken against russia as a result of this by the u. S. And the u. K. Youll remember that the u. K. , the u. S. And their western allies expelled around 150 Russian Diplomats in a sign of solidarity over this initial poisoning and many of them were covert spies and many of them were in fact also in the gru. So its been a very interesting time. A lot of focus on this group now. Russia retaliated after that expulsion by doing their own. Now we hear that they deny any involvement in the poisoning of the skripal poisoning and the elections. The u. K. May not be far from identifying individuals of their own the way the Justice Department did. From the u. K. Point of view, evidence just is mounting and getting closer to the russian state. Benjamin . Dana this just in. We have a statement from the dni, dan coats. Well tell you what that says after the break. Meantime, President Trump wants to improve military cooperation with russia. Did a summit with putin accomplish that and what is about the future of troops in syria. Our militaries have gotten along. Probably better than our political leaders. Many tours of duty. And for the past 15 years ive been a navy federal member. Thanks to their fast approval process, when it came time to buy a new car, we got everything we needed to transport my wifes little bundle of joy. Who i just adore. Navy federal credit union. Our members are the mission. Dana fox news alert. Director of national intelligence, dan coats issuing a statement in response to what the president said at the press conference. The role of the Intelligence Community is to provide the best information for the president and policy makers. Weve been clear in our assessment of the russian meddling and their ongoing efforts to undermine our democracy and we will continue to provide unvarnished intelligence in support of our National Security. Nuclear proliferation on syria. Those are the pressing issued discussed in the meeting between President Trump and Vladimir Putin. The crisis in syria is a complex one. Dana National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is live at the pentagon. Were there any new agreements about syria . There was no announcement at the press conference that the u. S. Military would pull out of syria. The president has hinted as much. The u. S. Still has 2,000 troop theres in syria. The president offered to Work Together in syria with russia, which has backed the assad regime and even having chemical bases on russian made planes and helicopters. From the pentagons perspective, russians interests in syria are different than the u. S. Interests. Russian innovated with the goal of propping up the assad regime and bases in the mediterranean. If we can do something to help the people of syria get back to some form of shelter on a humanitarian basis, both of us would be interested in doing that. No mention that russian war planes bombed a humanitarian convoy. The president suggested russia and the u. S. Could Work Together to stop iran from filling the vacuum in syria and has spoken to the israeli prime minister, netanyahu, to that effect. Its not clear that russian has any control over the iranian generals. Today syrian backed forces took three more towns in southern syria. Civilians are fleeing the area. The Syrian Military couldnt have done so without Russian Military help. Dana thats telling. Tell us about the new agreement on nuclear arms control. Isnt russian violating the current deal . Thats right. There was no mention of a new disarmorment deal between the u. S. And russia. Heres President Trumps take. The main thing and we discussed this also is zero collusion. It has had a negative impact upon the relationship of the two Largest Nuclear powers in the world. We have 90 of nuclear power. Its ridiculous. Its ridiculous whats going on with the probe. A strange turn to the Mueller Probe and oblique reference to u. S. And Russian Nuclear weapons. Top officials have accused russia of violating the inf treaty in europe. That arms control agreement stated neither side could deploy short or intermediate range groundbased nuclear or conventional missiles like the one you see there. The vice chairman of the joint chiefs here testified in march of last year that russian was threatening all u. S. Forces in europe with these landbased cruise missiles that they have deployed. Theyre posing a direct threat to nato no mention by the president today. Dana thanks, dana. Well learn more from behind the scenes. Amazing moments at todays News Conference. Vladimir putin sending a message to the president with a soccer ball saying the ball is in your court. I had to reiterate things i said several times, including in our personal contact that the russian state has never interfered and not going to interfere in internal American Affairs including election process. Dana antron is here with the washington post. Glad you can be with us. I want your take on the perspective in moscow and youre learning about this press conference. What is their takeaway . Youre hearing really a lot of the same things that youve been hearing on state tv and from president putin himself now for many months. Youre hearing that the Mueller Probe is a witch hunt, youre hearing that the people that are bringing forth accusations of russian meddling and trying to discredit trumps presidency. So we heard over and over things today from President Trump that weve also heard from president putin. In that sense, you can say its a step forward for putin after many years of dealing with american president s who all in their own ways pushed that u. S. Led western world order and often criticize him for what he was doing in his own country. Indeed. And in others like ukraine and crimea. I want you to take a look at what the president said of the russian pipeline. Listen. Actually i called him a competitor and a good competitor he is. I think the world competitor is a compliment. I think that we will be competing when you talk about the pipeline. Dana do you think that putin has any concerns that the president would be able to actually move in and maybe be able to sell more to germany than russia could . I think he has some concerns, but i think he knows hes on good ground just in terms of what concerns the geography. Germany needs a lot of gas. Its much easier to get that gas via a pipeline from russia than it would be via the sea in liquid natural gas from the United States. Obviously on that particular point, putin very much has the german political establishment on its side, which is very critical of putins foreign policy. They want to make their own decisions how they buy their energy and russian gas is a important part of germanys energy supply. Dana tell me about this automobile that putin traveled with, showing off a little bit. Yeah, that to me was kind of one of these classic prestige points that is important for putin in these kinds of madefortv events. For a long time he has been driven around in a big mercedes limousine. That rubbed some people in russian the long way. A few years ago, the russians launched this own project to build a russian made highend limousine for the president. Something to rival what we call the beast in the United States. They brought it out in may for the first time. And this anticipation, when is putin going to ride in this limousine . Today of all days was the day. They flew in this limousine on special plane just as they fly in the beast on special planes when the president is president travels. He zoomed through the streets of helsinki in that new russianmade car. One of those ways that putin pushes dana reminds me of when putin told george w. Bush that his dog was bigger, faster and stronger than barney, which gave us a collective eye roll. Anton, thank you. Thank you. Dana after the indictment of 12 russian Intelligence Officers, Vladimir Putin says russia and the u. S. Should Work Together on Cyber Security. You think that is a good idea . Well talk to a former cia station chief about that very thing next. Since my stroke, he hasnt left my side. With the right steps, 80 of recurrent ischemic strokes could be prevented. A bayer aspirin regimen is one step to help prevent another stroke. So, im doing all i can to stay in his life. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. From this day forward, til death do us part. Selectquote can help you keep your promise. With Life Insurance starting under 1 a day. But you promised dad. Come on. Selectquote helped jim, 41, keep his promise by finding him a 500,000 policy for under 26 per month. And found kathy, 37, a 750,000 policy for just 22 per month. Since 1985, weve helped millions of families by finding them affordable coverage by impartially shopping highly rated insurers offering over 70 policies. Dad, youre coming right . You promise . You promise . You promise . I promise. To give you the protein you need with less of the sugar you dont. Ill take that. [cheers] 30 grams of protein and 1 gram of sugar. New ensure max protein. In two great flavors. Shepard Shepard Smith on the fox news deck. President trump refusing to say whether he believes putins denial of election meddling or believes u. S. Intelligence agencies which have confirmed that russia did enter fewer with our election. Reaction, the former head of the cia calls it treasonous. And well talk to Chris Wallace who just spoke with Vladimir Putin. Well have him live top of the hour. Well also speak with him regarding the content of the discussion and much more. Thats top of the hour or Shepard Smith reporting. See you then. Dana President Trump says Vladimir Putin made an incredible offer to allow russian and u. S. Investigators to Work Together on allegations of russian cyber attacks. Heres how putin described it. We favors the continuing collaboration in maintaining Cyber Security. Id like to point out specifically that hour special services are cooperating quite successfully. Dana joining me now, daniel hoffman, former cia station chief and a fox news contributor. So glad to have you here. I wanted to have you listen to what President Trump said in regards to this idea. During todays meeting i addressed directly with president putin the interference in our elections. I felt this was a message best delivered in person, spent a great deal of time talking about it. President putin may very well want to address it and very strongly. He feels very strongly about it. He has an interesting idea. Dana do you think, sir, that was President Trump being polite and saying he had this idea but we wouldnt act on it or is there room for some sort of Cyber Security . Theres been more about creating a Cyber Security working group in which the u. S. Intelligence community and Russian Services would participate. Its like inviting a criminal to solve a crime which the criminal committed. I dont see the point of inviting the russians to help us on something that we know they did. We know they meddled in our election. Dan coats says the system is blinking in the same description that george tenet did around 911. This occurred during the previous administration, but the answer has to come from this president. Dana right. And lindsey graham, a senator from South Carolina tweeted this. Missed opportunity by President Trump to firmly hold russia accountable for meddling and deliver a strong warning, this answer will be seen by russia as a sign of weakness and create more problems. Its imperative that congress hold hearings. President putin on the end of the world cup in a nice gesture giving the president a soccer ball. What about the idea of cooperation and better relations than weve had in years . That might be true but we also have a lot of antagonism still left to deal with. Right. We have a multifaceted relationship. Theres areas that we should Work Together like arms control. Theres other areas like syria where a Strategic Partnership that was discussed today is out of the question. Russia has aided assad and blocked countless u. N. Security Council Resolutions which would have helped put an end to the crisis. Putin shares most of the blame along with assad for the migration problem in europe. North korea is an area we could have worked together. Counter proliferation is important. Certainly not on on Cyber Security, the president is going to be faced with a situation where the russians have proved to have meddled again in 2018. We should have warned putin counter attacks would happen. Dana and its possible he said something privately to him. We wont know that. Let me ask you, if you were the cia station chief in moscow today, what is the one thing to follow up on tomorrow, the deliverable expected of you . Right. The key after a summit like this is to collect reflections. In other words, how do the russians view this summit, how do you Vladimir Putin portray it with his own people. Did he say things that werent true . Perhaps he did. Thats over to the Intelligence Community, the onus is on my old former colleagues that do an outstanding job and fbi and cia and others to collect the intelligence so the president is as informed as he could be about putins true plans and intentions. Dana thanks, daniel. Senator schumer is discussing the summit. The president held a News Conference with the man that directed the interference in our 2016 elections. At every step along the way, the president is kneecapping our allies and offering a helping hand to our adversaries. When it comes to the interference in our 2016 elections, the president has managed to point his finger just about everybody except the culprit. Its inexplicable. Maybe its not. President trump has blamed secretary clinton, blamed the dnc, hes blamed the fbi, he said that both countries are responsible for the state of relations between the United States and russia. The one person he has not blamed is the person he stood shoulder to shoulder with this morning, Vladimir Putin. On friday, Rod Rosenstein and bob mueller handed President Trump the evidence that president putin had requested. The 29payment indictment is a document of unparalleled work and is exactly what the president needed to stand up to mr. Putin. He should have marched in, put the indictment on the table and demanded justice. Rather than taking the opportunity to confront putin, rather than taking the opportunity to demand that putin hand over the named russian intelligence agents indicted last week, the president sided with Vladimir Putins denial over the unanimous, unanimous conclusion of the United States Intelligence Community. He took the world of the kgb over the men and women of the cia. Rather than placing blame for what happened in 2016 on russia where it belongs, the president put what is best for him over what is best for the security and wellbeing of the United States. The question now looms, what if anything will congress do in response to this awful trip. Where are republican colleagues. Where are the republicans who roared approval when reagan told gorbachev to tear down the wall. Where are the republicans that demanded a strong response when putin annexed crimea . Where are the republicans that know in their heart that the president is giving away the store to Vladimir Putin . Now is the time for our republican colleagues to join us bipartisan and stand up. If we wait much longer, our global alliances will fracture, the institutions that america created and the work in world war ii will crumble, our allies will abandoning us for china and others and russia will emerge stronger for it. Thats what he wants and thats what President Trump is helping him do. Our republican colleagues can take steps right now to push back against this slippery slope the president has put us on. Speaker ryan today said nice things but talk is not enough. We need action. Bipartisan, strong action. We need our republican colleagues to stand up for the good of this country. Im asking our republican colleagues to do four things. First, they can start by refusing to water down and inside ratchet up sanctions against russia. In the house right now, theres an effort to ratchet these sanctions down. Given what mr. Putin said today, given the indictments, given what mr. Trump said today, that cannot happen. Sanctions should be ratcheted up and as you know the House Republicans have been pushing a provision in the defense bill that would create a loop hole in sanctions targeted at putins defense and intelligence sectors. They should target that immediately. Second, our republican colleagues should demand that the president s National Security team that accompanied him to the Putin Meeting immediately testify before congress. What kind of briefings did they give him beforehand, what did he say to them afterwards. We need them to come before congress and the American People immediately. Theres so many troubling questions out there. And if you think the press conference was bad, imagine what happened inside when the president and mr. Putin were alone. We need answers. We need them now. Third, our republican colleagues need to end once and for all their attacks on the department of justice and the fbi and special counsel mueller. The special counsel needs to finish his work. The president needs to sit for an interview with the special counsel now more than ever. Enough delay, enough interference. Its time to sit down for an interview. Fourth, our republican colleagues must demand loudly and clearly that the president insists that the 12 russians named in the indictment last night be sent to the United States immediately to stand trial. Im asking leader mcconnell and speaker ryan both friends to make sure these four things are done. In fact, for the sake of our country, im asking them to join us in making sure these four things are come. Senator mccain spoke out loudly. Hes been the conscious of the Republican Party when it comes to taking actions on issues like these, a few of our republican colleagues have spoken out and talked the talk. But its time for the Republican Party to walk the walk given the direness of this situation. The president is doing grave harm to the standing of these United States while kowtowing to the number 1 enemy we probably have on the globe, Vladimir Putin. He will continue to do so if he is not checked and the best people to check him are not democrats, but his fellow republicans. What the president has done is an insult to all americans. Democrats, republicans, independents. We all have to stand up together and push back. Ready for your questions. You alluded dana im sorry. We listened to Chuck Schumer, the senator from new york. Hes the minority leader. Mike emanuel is live on capitol hill. We have two minutes left. Id have to have your take on capitol hill. Good afternoon. The president s allies have been quiet after that News Conference with Vladimir Putin, a lot of lawmakers on both sides have been quick to emphasize they have no doubt that russia meddled with the 2016 elections and theyre saying that Vladimir Putin is not our friend. Everyone who has dealt with putin understands fully the best way to deal with him is through strength. I just felt like the president s comments made us look as a nation more like a pushover. Paul ryan was quick to put out a statement saying theres no question that russia interfered in our election and undermines our democracy here and around the world. Ryan said the president must appreciate that russia is not our ally. Weve heard bipartisan support for the Intelligence Community. Dana . Dana lets go back and listen to Chuck Schumer answering questions from the press. Its appalling and demands some kind of explanation other than its selfserving of the president. In the wake of the press conference what is your sense of what the president might have gotten out of this and what president putin might have when you looked at the press conference, president putin was the real victor. He got almost everything he wanted. I dont know a single thing that the United States got that we wanted. Okay. Thank you, everybody. Dana that was Chuck Schumer making his first comments about President Trump gave a press conference with president putin. Tonight youll see an interview with sean hannity and the president. Thanks for joining us. Im dana perino. Heres shep. Shepard its noon on the west coast. 3 00 on the east coast. 10 00 be in helsinki. President trump head his summit with Vladimir Putin. A reporter asked about election meddling. Whether the president believes putin or american intelligence. People came to me, dan coats came to me and some others. They said they think its russia. I have president putin just said its not russia. I will say this. I dont see any reason why i would be. Shepard fact check. It was. The president of the United States will not say he believes his own government over president

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