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What should have been an easy race for a republican in a solidly red state has been unexpectedly competitive because of allegations of sexual impropriety. Despite repeated denials of these allegations, moore continues to face questions even on election day. Judge moore, if you win, are you prepared to face an Ethics Committee investigation . Well take that up when we get to the senate. Reporter moore plans to hold an Election Night watch party in this building behind me. The rsa Activity Center in montgomery, dana. Dana last night moore brought in some friends to get some attention for his rally. Howd that go . Reporter yeah. He billed it as a drain the swamp rally. His Campaign Workers went all out decorating it with dark green camouflage. They brought in some plants to make it look like a swamp. Moore was joined by steve bannon, former milwaukee sheriff david clark and texas congressman lou gomer. We need to get to the bottom. If somebody got money for trying to destroy a righteous man, theres a place called prison that is a good place. Reporter moore supporters are describing todays election in alabama as a referendum on President Trump and his agenda. Dana . Dana all right, jonathan, thank you very much. For more on this, i have brett baier. Best person that we could have here tonight. Youre anchoring special coverage tonight. Right. Should be fun and interesting and exciting. Dana in the next block were going to explain how Fox News Voter Analysis is going to work. I wanted to ask you, in some ways this special election culminates a year where the 2016 Campaign Never really ended. Thats right. The special election is remember, lets go back to the beginning. Is because Jeff Sessions left his seat in the senate to become attorney general. So it leaves this open space. This has been a race that has been percolating for a long time. Then sexual allegations of misconduct have dominated the news and they became a central part of this campaign. I do think with all the other allegations of other politicians and other figures throughout the media, that roy moore had a bit of a spell where he wasnt the center of focus. And i did give him a little bit of time to shore up some of his base. Dana people would say these allegations are different from other allegations. Hierarchy. Dana definitely. I want you to listen to steve bannon talking about i guess establishment republicans. Listen. Theres a special place in hell for republicans who should know better. Dana there are many that he could be referring to. The senior senator from alabama, richard shelby, mitch mcconnell, condoleezza rice. But it was ivanka trump, the president s daughter, who first used that phrase used to describe the allegation ab roy moore. I wonder if the president has a limited tolerance for swipes against people like his own daughter. Im just surprised he let those go. Do you know what . He fully campaigned. This is not holding back. Hes doing robo calls. Hes tweeting saying vote roy moore. Theres no holding back by the president himself in this campaign. Its interesting to see that dynamic between his daughter and really the president. Dana also thinking of steve bannon whos made a failed bout against ivanka trump. The president , it seems like he lets those go. Im surprised with this one in particular. The word choice was specific. Steve bannon is a smart person. He used it for a good reason. Youre exactly right. The interesting thing about this race is the Democrats Campaign said we are going to win if a democrat can win in alabama. And were not sure that you could. If they can, they said they are going to win. That was the prediction. Dana right. He was saying democrats, even though there are some polls that show them up, there are other polls that show roy moore about the same. Nobody knows. Doug Jones Campaign manager said they know they have a big hill to climb tonight. Thats true. Dana our special election coverage starts at 8 p. M. I will be on marthas show. Then 8 p. M. Dana and you will be on the five. That will be fun, or dangerous. One of the two. Dana can i ask you about this morning . Seems like a day cant go on without republicans and democrats, democrats going after President Trump about allegations against him of Sexual Misconduct or allegations of harassment. President trump tweeted about gillenbrand, a total flunkie for chuck shumer and someone who would come to my office begging for Campaign Contribution not so long ago and would do anything for them is now in the ring fighting against trump. Very disloyal to bill and crooked you. Listen to gillibrands response. It was a sexist man attempting to silence me. I will not be silenced. More will the women who stood up to the president yesterday, nor will the womens standing up against policy they do not agree with. Dana as usual, the tweet. Theres one section that people will focus on. This one is and would do anything for them. So everybody is out talking about this today. I wonder if the white house will use if it will be the tweet speaks for itself or dont bother with twitter, just watch what he does. How do they explain this . You were at that podium. Dana we didnt have twitter. Twitter was not an issue. I think Sarah Sanders will say the tweet speaks for itself, if i had to guess. Listen, this president has, with his twitter account, thrown these look at this over here kind of message. I am sure there are people in the white house, including perhaps the chief of staff, who wished he didnt go down this road today on this issue. But he is pushing back saying that gillibrand came to him for contribution. Dana no doubt. It was the paranthesis that caught everyone off guard. Dana all of this is happening while the president is making progress on the hill. You have tax reform and the Conference Committee tomorrow. And you also have news just today that there seems to be progress on the end of your spending bill with the republicans convincing the democrats that daca, the dreamers issue, is not going to be at the end of your spending bill. I think thats significant. That is significant. Paul ryan saying it is going to be separate. Chuck shumer was on the floor this morning saying they are negotiating with republicans to pass daca and have increased border security. Now, what that looks like and whether they call it a wall, i dont know. The fact that they are even talking that theres negotiation before the end of the year in a separate bill is significant. Dana that was last week the democrats said there is no way theyre going to do the end of the spending bill without daca. Looks like they caved. We will see. Brett, thank you. Federal authorities filing terrorism charges against the man accused of setting off a pipe bomb in a new york city subway system. That bomb failed to detonate, leaving only the suspect seriously injured. Rick levanthal is following the story. Reporter he now faces five federal charges including a weapon of mass destruction and bombing a place of public use. They say he admitted to building the pipe bomb and chose the time and location here at the Port Authority to try and maximize damages and deaths, saying he did it for isis. The device itself was filled with explosive materials and metal screws and a trigger was a christmas light wired to a 9 volt battery. Police say ullah began his radicalization three years later in 2014. And started studying how to build an ied one year ago. Yesterday morning as thousands came in to new york city through Port Authority, the Port Authority bus terminal, one man came with a hate filled heart and evil purpose. In the middle of rush hour, as every day new yorkers hurried to their jobs, to their schools ready to start the workweek and get going with their busy lives, one man came to kill, to maim and to destroy. Reporter ullah will likely be presented with the charges in his hospital bed either today or tomorrow, dana. And we will go to cower once recovered from his injuries. Dana the sus speaks family put out a statement that was very critical of Law Enforcement tactics. Whats that all about . Reporter lets remember that in the minutes after yesterdays bombing, the nypd and the fbi began aggressively pursuing leads. That meant trying to hunt down anyone who may have been associated with the bomber. That included searchs of the suspects residence and family members homes. They pulled a couple kids out of class, kids related to the suspect. While the family said it is heart broken by the violence targeted at the city, they took exception to the tactics used by authorities. We are also outraged by the behavior of the Law Enforcement officials who have held children as small as 4 years old out in the cold and who pulled a teenager out of High School Classes to interrogate him without a lawyer, without his parents. Reporter well, today the fbi said its initial priority is to identify any other potential suspects or threats and say theyve been moving with speed and with purpose, but they didnt directly address that familys concerns, dana. Dana all right, rick. Thank you very much. As voters cast their ballots today in alabama, were gonna talk to the nurse from the fox news polling team to find out how theyre going to analyze the race between roy moore and doug jones. Its new. Stick around. At planters we know how to throw a remarkable holiday party. Just serve classy snacks and be a gracious host, no matter who shows up. Do you like nuts . But when we brought our daughter home, that was it. Now i have nicoderm cq. 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Fox news left the pool of the network pool that conducted the exit pools. Were using a system that involves three different sources of data. First is the a new kind of poll. Very large poll of every state where theres an election. That poll is conducted by phone as well as the internet. We coordinate or calibrate the two polls together to get a much more accurate view of the state. The second thing were doing is were combining those poll results with the actual vote results. Our sample is big enough so we can look at small geographies in every state and we can find out how accurate was that poll. So far in our test, weve been hitting it dead on suggesting that we have a much more accurate snatch shot of the electorate. And tonight were experimenting with a new kind of sample precinct where were collecting data. Big data model. Of all the precinct data, measuring how it compares with historical trends and using that to make an accurate call and get a much more accurate snap shot of the electorate. Dana if youre a viewer, why would you want to watch our coverage . Is it that much better than what youll see at other places . We always want to be very generous toward exit polling. It serves viewers as well as the Political Community well in the past. Its tough to do. Theres states like colorado or washington or states like oregon that are completely there and you can do exit poll. Our capacity to do the kind of interviewing that arden is talking about is terrific. Why will would you be interested in looking at special election . I think some of the bias that exists when you go to a person handling an exit poll after theyve come out of the polls, weve seen it difficult in the past to get an accurate picture. I think our early picture is going to be more accurate, more reliable in combination. Dana let me ask you about this. Fox news poll came out. It had jones at plus ten. Democrat at plus ten. The emerson poll shows moore at plus 1. The monmoth said its tied. Its all over the map. Nobody knows whats going to happen tonight. Why would there be so many discrepancies . This is a special election. It is a lot harder to assess what the electorate is going to look like. I have confidence in the fox news. Dont focus on the margin, focus on doug jones. You look at the last three poll, the only three polls that use traditional phone poll methodology, sort of testing methodology. All three had jones at 50 . The other side may be going to moore, we dont know. Thats a fairly interesting assessment for which the conclusion is this could be a really interesting night tonight for the first time daron was saying since 1994 that a democrat has a serious chance of win. Dana you have a map. We only have about a minute left. What are you going to be looking for . Alabama is a state we havent spent a lot of time on in awhile. There are predictable countieses that we should be looking at. To the tepbgts that moore over or under achieves in those places will be really instruckive. I take a look at places like mobile in the south, which went to 56 for trump. I think thats a place that, if moore had trouble breaking 50 , that spells a problem. Theres huntsville up north, madison county. 56 for trump. Closer he gets to 50, im talking about moore and the republicans, the more suggesting he could be in for a long night. Dana President Trump won alabama by 28 points. Republicans are obviously strong there. We will see what happens tonight. Thanks for coming on to explain it. Well see how i goes and well have you back with the midterms in 2018, it will be pretty interesting. Most of the attention in alabama has been on roy moore. His opponent in the senate race seems confidence he will be the focus after the polls close tonight. Well check in on doug Jones Campaign in just a moment. Dana stocks moving higher on wall street. Dow and s p500 on track for a Third Straight record close with banks leading the way as the fed meets to discuss Interest Rates and the economy. The fed is expected to raise rates tomorrow for the third thyme year. Thats good news for banks, which can charge more to lend money. Democrat doug jones expressing confidence today in his campaign. Watch. We feel very good about where we are in this race, what weve done, what weve accomplished. Dana democratic candidate speaking after he cast his vote surrounded by cheering supporters earlier today. Experts say he needs a heavy turnout among africanamerican voters to win the election. Fox Business Network jeff flock is live in birmingham, alabama. What is the turnout so far and who does it help . Reporter africanamerican communities, as a matter of fact, dana. Were trying to get a sense of that. Right now the secretary of state said initially 20 to 25 which would be high for a turnout for a special election like this. He now says today higher end on that prediction, maybe 25 . Maybe even more. I have seen pretty strong turnout here in the africanamerican community. Doug jones is pretty popular as a result of having been a u. S. Attorney and prosecuting the two of the four klans men charged in the 16th street Birmingham Church bombings back in the 60s. His adviser, one of his advise eurers to his Campaign Said they feel really good about it. Fascinating to hear about the fox polling and how we get to where we are. So many people in the state have been talking about the fox poll with a ten point lead for doug jones. Here is what jim trippi had to say. Actually they dont have that on tape, we do have what he said which is essentially things are breaking their way. Youre on the fence, maybe you would think you would more likely go jones way. As to roy moore, as you know, he voted today in his fashion riding up on a horse and going in to cast his ballot. He also said today on a radio show making some headlines that he believes, if elected, the senate does not have the Constitutional Authority to remove him. He says hes sure about that. So dont worry about it. We talked to doug jones about that. Fact, i asked him that very question when he came out of voting himself today outside birmingham. Judge moore has been consistently wrong about the constitution. Consistently wrong. Reporter famously removed from office a couple of times because of issues on, what was constitutional. Voters get to decide today, dana. It will be an interesting evening. Dana thank you so much, jeff. Well check in with you later. New calls for the president to resign. Well hear from some democratic representatives. Plus new calls for immigration reform. Why yesterdays new york city subway bombing has the president saying changes must be made. The lottery system and chain migration. Were gonna end them, fast. Congress must get involved immediately. They are involved immediately. I can tell you we have tphrepb douse support. They will be ended. Its red lobsters new ultimate surf turf event. And that means five mouthwatering pairings to choose from. Like our new feast with lobsterwrapped scallops and a juicy steak. Or a new lobster and seafoodtopped filet. Tempted . Better hurry in, it ends soon. Dana not an easy end of the year in congress. Never is. A dog fight over a new spending bill could come to a head just after christmas as republican lawmakers try to pass tax reform by next week. Mike emanuel is live on capitol hill. What is the latest on the tax reform push . Reporter dana, good afternoon. Differences between the house and Senate Tax Reform bills are being hashed out in the Conference Committee. Gop leaders are hoping for a fine agreement in the coming days. Theyre warning about attacks coming from democrats. I suspect over the next few days well continue to hear the scare tactics, the his tearical rhetoric from the defenders of the status quo. Outlandish statements like, tax reform is armageddon, bad for women, and people will die. Its really getting ridiculous. Its misleading the american people, who will be the ones who gain from this plan. Reporter this comes as Congress Must approve a government funding extension by the end of next week, the 22nd. Democrats are clearly trying to turn up the pressure on the gop. Were members of congress. We can hop, skip and work at the same time. They should be able to work on a tax bill an the major omni bus bill. Thats our responsibility. They decided to jam this tax bill through. Reporter that set the stage for a busy stretch right before christmas. Of course, deadlines are when things get done here on capitol hill. Dana everywhere, as a matter of fact. Then last week, three lawmakers were pressured to resign. Now some democrats are concentrating their efforts and going after President Trump . Reporter thats right. Youve got dozens of democrats stepping forward saying it is time for the House Oversight committee to conduct a bipartisan investigation of President Trump. I stand here demanding accountability, a full investigation from congress when the white house will not provide its own. I stan here in support of over 100 of my colleagues and im sure millions across america asking for this fair and transparent investigation. Reporter democrats are saying while the Ethics Committees are looking into alleged congressional bad behavior, the oversight should do the same for the executive branch. Dana . Dana mike, thank you very much. We now bring in president and ceo of squared communication and former chief of staff for maria cantwell, as well as founder and partner of hdmk. These two are long time friends. And adversaries. Dana i know you have been on the opposite side for awhile. Take a listen to what representative jackie spier said about President Trump and senator gillibrand. What took place this morning, what the president tweeted about our colleague, senator Kiersten Gillibrand is grotesque. It represents the conduct of a person who is ill equipped to be the president of the united states. Dana shes basically talking about the parenthesis in that tweet that she would do anything. What do you know is the benefit to the white house to having Something Like that out there . Is it a distraction enough that allows the other legislative issues to skate under the radar . Im not sure its that calculated. Over the last 18 months weve grown acustom to having policy that comes forward through the Trump Administration for that trump campaign. Then weve got the tweets. I think most of us, with the exception of a few members of Democratic Party over in the house of representatives, understand that these tweets are part of the thinking of the president. They had in his own two hands. And theyre different from how we go forward on policy and run investigation and other things. I did what i normally do. I looked at it. Dana and moved on. But the democrats are not going to move on. Is the strategy by the democrats now to have this all out concentration to get the president either to be investigated and continually call every day for him to resign . Clearly 100 democrats have called for this investigation. Started out as five this morning. Now up to 100 and rising. Senator gillibrand was in a bipartisan bible study meeting when the president started tweeting these things. The president has a strategy. His house is on fire. He lights five other fires nearby so you dont notice his. This is way below the belt even for him. Dana you can imagine it will probably come up at the briefing today. Let me ask you about this issue of chain migration. The president talked about it a few months ago, but hes mentioned it again after yesterdays terror attack. Saying the chain migration causes problems and that it should end. Take a look at these other countries. Australia, canada, germany and the united kingdom. They all have some sort of merit based immigration. Its not just, you know, extended relatives being able to come because you happen to actually get a permanent position here in the united states. If not citizenship, then a green card. I think the republicans can get behind this idea. It seems to me that the president has the upper hand here. What do you think . Well, thats just it. I think theres some bipartisanship that can be allowed for in some of these programs that have stood around for a long time, that have allowed immigrants to come to this country. I tell you what, in the ideal it sounds great. A mother comes to america, gets an education, gets a job, brings her husband and her children here. That sounds like a great thing until its not. Until theres a bomb in a subway. Dana one of the differences is, terry described what would be the nuclear family, as we would define it. Its when you start getting into the cousin, uncle, second cousin, that there seems to be a concern to figure out a way to narrow it down. I know senator schumer had some discussions today with his republican counter parts about dealing with daca perhaps after the new year and not in a spending bill. Do you think that we could get to a bipartisan immigration bill just based on necessity regardless of partisan politics . I hope so. The democrats have something we very much want. Permanent solution for this dreamers situation. The criminal yesterday in new york was a permanent resident. The bombers in boston in 13 were permanent residents. That program should be taken a look at. Those people ended up being permanent residents and criminals. We have to find a common ground. I think its a little delusional to believe that if we did have some bipartisan movement on the immigration stuff, that some of these issues could be resolved easily. The problem i have is you just really have to be delusional to believe that even if we fixed all of these programs e, we would be safe from terrorism. The threat is still there. The random acts of violence that take place on a daily or weekly basis all over the world is still there. Just focusing on these bureaucratic machinations of how people get in and out of the country. I dont think it is a strategic way or approach to solving our terrorism problem. Dana it certainly isnt partisan in any way. I also think i wonder about okay. So if you deal with chain migration going forward, that might be a good and useful thing to do. What do you do for people who come here, like the terrorists from yesterday, follow the pattern. They come to america. They have this opportunity. Theyre actually working. Its like three to five years later that they get radicalized and then carry out these attacks. I completely agree with terry. People who try to protect us have an impossible time figuring out the moment in time where these people are on you tube planning to put a bomb on themselves and walk into a tunnel. I dont think you can follow that with a federal poeu policy. Theres so much criminals throughout that want to do this. Im not sure you can get to this point where you can fix this with legislation. And the internet doesnt have any borders. You could become radicalized dana the internet doesnt have borders . Absolutely. Dana indeed. Did i step in it . Dana i think youre okay. You will be allowed to come back. Michael and terry, thank you very much. Thank you. U. S. Forces in somalia launching an air strike. An armed drone hitting a bus loaded with explosives. Jennifer griffin is live at the pentagon with more. Jennifer . Reporter welsh dana, a u. S. Drone destroyed what the u. S. Military said was a bomb hra den bus in somalia driven by militants 40 miles southwest of mogadishu. A statement from u. S. Africa command said the strike using a heat fire missile removed a quote imminent threat to the somali capital two months after massive truck bombs killed over 300 people. There have been 31 american air strikes this year in somalia against isis. Twice the number of strikes compared to last year. There are now more than 500 u. S. Troops on the ground in somalia. The largest number of troops in somalia since blackhawk down. In 2014 there were only a few dozen. Last month a Senior Pentagon official denied any rampup in somalia, despite what is obviously an expanded u. S. Military presence there. I do not believe necessarily theres a rampup. Its just the density of the targets is such that theres some opportunities to do those strikes. I would not assess it with a buildup as youre calling it. Reporter with the increased u. S. Presence in somalia and rapid targeting of alshabaab, the need for good intelligence is increasing, dana. Recent strikes have led to accusations of civilian casualties by local farmers as u. S. Troops rely on information given to them by local Somali Forces and people who often have their own vendettas among rival clans. Reporter jennifer griffin, thank you very much. Mitch mcconnell was just asked about what happens if roy moore wins tonights special election . Were gonna tell you his answer. Plus an uphill battle for Fire Fighters in Southern California. Look at this. Theyre working to keep one of the states largest ever wild fires from spreading. We are live in the fire zone. And republicans in Congress Hard at work to reconcile their two tax bills. So what will the compromise look like . Well tell you. Do you need the most trusted battery this holiday . Maybe not. Maybe, you could trust the world would be just as happy without them. screaming or, you could just trust duracell. Its beginning to look a lot like christmas the White House Briefing is set to start in just about 16 minutes from now. Were expecting questions about the special election in the state of alabama. Roy moore said he is not concerned about a special Senate Investigation should he win. He claims that would be unconstitutional. According to our own judge, the law says otherwise. Were all expecting questions about President Trumps comments regarding the new york senator Kirsten Gillibrand. We havent heard from the white house since he called well have the reason live at the top of the hour. Shepard smith reporting. See you then. Dana were learning more about the Port Authority Police Officer who rushed into action during the attempted terror attack near times square. Port authority giving credit to these four officer. Jack collins, sean gallagher, drew preston and anthony manfordini. Three have a military background. Gallagher is a marine veteran. Preston was in the army and did three tours in iraq and manfordini is a bomb technician. Thanks to them. New Treasury Department announces the tax reform bill is going to pay for itself. Its using previous estimates as a starting point saying the economic agenda will boost 2. 2 growth up to 2. 9 . Part of the increase, it says, will come from changes to the Corporate Tax rate. That kind of Economic Growth would generate 1. 8 theres tkl in traditional tax revenue, enough to cover a tax cut. Thats what the treasury says. Joining me now is jon lieber Washington Tax Services principle. Chuck shumer, senator from new york and minority leader, said the treasury is using fake math and that basically it is going to blow up the deficit and generate almost no Economic Activity to make up for it. I dont know if thats just a partisan argument, but where do you stand on the treasury analysis . Certainly not the case that theres going to be no additional Economic Activity coming from this tax bill. All the nonpartisan analysts agree this tax bill will boost growth. Youre going to see growth from acceleration. This bill will generate growth. The question is how much. The treasury study uses some more aggressive assumptions than other analysts do. They also include the tax deregulation. Because of those two factors they are able to get more growth than the congressional score keepers are. Dana but if you add in the deregulation piece of it, isnt that fair for the administration to do that . You are looking at you dont look at the economy in separate segments. Yeah. Id also expect some growth coming from deregulation. Other people are asking how much growth are we gonna get from this tax cut. They kind of go beyond the scope of that. Theres not a really strong methodology estimates the growth that comes from deregulation. We dont have a good sense of how quality that assessment is. Dana this morning i woke up and saw a headline saying there were several European Countries that were upset about the republican tax bill. One of the complaints was that it will make American Companies more competitive. They even think it could violate some sort of rules. I would imagine President Trump would like a headline like that. Isnt that what he wanted to do . Yeah. Absolutely. That validates the fact that this is a pro growth bill that will help the u. S. Economy and help u. S. Corporations compete. Both in the u. S. And around the world. The european country really have two mayor complaint. The u. S. Corporate rate going from one of the highest in the industrialized world to right in the middle. From 35 to 20 . Which means the European Countries are probably going to have to respond with a lower rate of their own. Second complaint is that the u. S. Bill includes some provisions that may violate some of the International Trade rules the u. S. Agreed to. Because of that, we expect the European Countries to probability retaliate. Dana would that be successful . It could be. I mean, thats going to be up to the wto. Thats a very long process. It would have to be adjudicated by judges elsewhere. They probably have a strong claim on parts of the bill. The rate reduction, theres Competitive Pressure to lower the rate. Dana lets zoom out and just think more broadly about the bill. Almost every poll shows that the bill, as it stands, is slightly unpopular with the majority of the people. 52 was the numbers today. Do you think that once the bill passes and if people do see more money in their pay checks will they be happy . Or are there some people who may end up paying more that it wont be good for the republicans . Next year the vast majority of people are going to see more money in their pay checks. Doubling of the standard deduction, lowering of the rates. These things are going to result with a boost in after tax income. Can President Trump properly message that so that people know the reason that they got a gain in after tax income was because of the tax bill. Right now the main stream media, democrats are doing a wonderful job painting this as a give away for the rich. I think theres going to be pressure to push back on that narrative. First thing theyre going to point to is your pay check will be bigger. Dana the proof will be in the numbers for everybody, i suppose. Jon lieber, thank you very much for being here. Thank you, dana. Dana fox news alert. Mitch mcconnell asked just moments ago about what should happen if republican roy moore wins todays special election in alabama. Today mcconnell deferred answering any question about moores potential future in the senate. Listen. If roy moore wins do you know whether or not you will seat him . Also would you invite him to participate in conference . David, all of those are good questions for tomorrow. We await the outcome of the Alabama Senate race. Dana stay tuned to fox news all evening to find out who wins in our special election coverage. Largest wild fire in Southern California still burning out of control. Adam housely is in the middle of it all. I understand the smoke is pretty brutal there. I see you have your mask again. Reporter it is thick here causing problems to people who live here, also firefighters on the line. Good news, its not being dispersed. That smoke is just sitting here. Theres no wind, allowing firefighters to get a great handle on this fire. Details coming up. Why did you take Credit Card Debt on . Second kid. Private school. Medical bills. Moving costs. Solid ground. A personal loan from sofi is a smart way to consolidate Credit Card Debt. Certain borrowers cut their credit card Interest Rates 42 and increased Credit Scores 17 points on average. Borrow up to 100,000 with low rates and no hidden fees. Find your rate in just two minutes, and take on your debt at sofi. Com. Dana california, the thomas fire continues to push further into Santa Barbara county. The fire is now the fifth largest the state has ever seen. Its burned through 234,000 acres, but fire crews are making progress. Adam housely is north of los angeles. Adam, there are multiple fires in Southern California but the thomas fire is causing a lot of the damage, right . Reporter the others are basically out. This one is still burning. It was the most concerning. They made incredible headway on that one. The smoke has just been sitting here in carpenteria. I didnt pinch this off the ground. Thats just by me scraping stuff up. Thats the ash that covers and blankets everything. Thats why everybody has one of these things on throughout the day here no matter what youre doing. Everyone is wearing one of these masks. The good news is the winds arent stoking this fire. It is being driven by local humidity and fuel. Thats whats happening with this leg. Theres one more up toward montecito. Mostly on the ground because they had to cut in line. To give you an idea of how big this fire, fifth largest in california history. 230,000 acres have been chewed up, nearly 800 structures have burned. Another 200 have been damaged. Its amazing the fatality levels are so low, which is the good news. Bad news, so much has been chewed up here, dana. Firefighters, roughly 6,000, are on the ground. Theyll be doing this for possibly a couple more weeks. In order for containment to come up they have to walk around the edge of the fire to make sure theres something still smoldering. Theyve done about 30 of it so they still have a long ways to go. Right now the most confident theyve been in eight days. This fire has just been chewing everything in its path up for eight days. Yesterday, all this were flames. Today we really dont see any flames, so thats good news. Dana have people been allowed to go back home . Reporter yeah. Lot of places they have. They saw some flames this morning in the high end area montecito. Here everybody has been allowed back. Theres still a few homes scattered in the hill sides, too. Dana all right. Adam housely, be safe. Well check in with you. And well be right back. Youre going to want to tune in to the Daily Briefing tomorrow. Ill be talking with paul ryan about the future of the republican tax bill, the results of the alabama election. Thanks for joining us. Im dana perino. Its been quite an interesting day. Ill be on the five. Martha and bret baier will talk about the Alabama Senate race. Im dana perino. Heres shep. Shepard its noon on the west coast, 2 00 in alabama and 3 00 in washington where dozens of democratic lawmakers are calling for a congressional investigation into Sexual Misconduct allegations against President Trump. And the new york senator Kirsten Gillibrand saying the president cannot silence his accusers. The allegations should be investigated and investigated thoroughly. That is the right thing to do. Now the president taking aim at senator gillibrand calling her a lightweight that begged him for money. Said she would do anything for it. Expect questions about this in the White House Briefing. Role tide and war eagle. Theyre casting ballots in sweet

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