mccalman this is the story, jorn -- john kirby will join the life your onset in washington dc, first though the aftershocks keep coming this afternoon from a rare 4.8 magnitude earthquake in the northeast shaking up lots of homes and people and pets inside them watch this >> martha: near whitehouse station new jersey, outside of new york city, homes also shook 50 miles away in pennsylvania. >> having an earthquake, holy [ bleep ] what the [ bleep ] did you feel that? what the [ bleep ] >> martha: plenty of people also felt it in new york city a look at this video from earth cam as city's most monuments were rattled, you can see the statue of liberty going back and forth a bit there the fox weather meteorologists reporting live from new york city pretty amazing shot today nothing we usually see in new york or new jersey or pennsylvania. >> a bit uncommon right? i have to tell you the epicenter of this earthquake was about 45 miles west of new york city but people here could feel it and it has been a mixed bag of experiences, some people i just talked to a food vendor who was on ground level when the earthquake having he said he did not feel a thing i have also talk to someone who works on the 34th floor of the building and they said yes, they felt it the chair was rattling the windows were shaking a little bit so that is what it has been. kind of a 5050 bag i have a french family next to me who are in town from georgia raise your hand if you could feel the earthquake today, raise your hand if you could not, you guys were in the same hotel room right? so what did you feel when the earthquake came through. >> on the 19th floor there was a vibration in some waving back and forth some unsteadiness. >> you had your feet on the floor you are on the bed right? >> yes. >> so in the earthquake happened were you scared at all? >> no just confused. >> that's another sentiment i have heard a lot, people just confused trying to figure out what was going on and from what i have heard it sounded like a truck was rolling by, right? >> well yes, we were just caught off guard i was putting on makeup so i was nicking why is this unsteady. >> we appreciate your time best of luck in new york city hopefully no more earthquake happen and mark that no major issues reported hear throughout new york and new jersey so everybody seemingly safe at the current moment. there have been five aftershocks since the initial earthquake and officials are urging people to, if you do feel and after shock, a drop, cover, hold. >> martha: drop and cover and hold, thank you nick, with that we bring in our associate professor of physics at fordham university one of the country's oldest seismic observatories. i have to admit that i did not know that fordham university had this technology and it has been there since 1924, tell me a bit steve about what happened from a scientific perspective, what fault this is why it has been quiet for so long and why you think it perked up today. >> the east coast geologically has been pretty stable for a very long time so what happens is these plates that we are sitting on, we are sitting on these massive rock plates that kind of move around the earth and you can see this if you look at the map and say well south america fits into africa and so we have had this idea of plate tectonics and continental drift for most of the century now. but these plates are still moving and pushing against each other there are stressors that build up and eventually they release and when they release it produces an earthquake and that is what we feel. when the stress is relieved on these plates and faultlines. that is what happened today. >> there have been five documented aftershocks, are there likely to be more? how do you know if this is just the beginning or whether that was the whole event? >> i think that was the whole event i think everything is now settling down, there will be some aftershocks maybe for a few days or a couple weeks but those events are going to be at a much lower magnitude than what we experience with the primary event. this big earthquake was a 4.8 and that was substantial in terms of earthquakes, especially for the east coast but in other parts of the country and the world that is sort of moderate. they are familiar with these types of earthquakes, they happen more routinely it is just a rare event for the east coast to have something of this magnitude strike just because we have been stable for so long. >> martha: while i ask you this question if you could show the video of the earthquake shaking the united nations and yankees stadium and morristown new jersey backyard not far from where i live, as i understand it these happen all the time in the earth right? give us a sense of how much activity is out there all the time and also are you surprised when you see some of this shaking in these images that there wasn't more damage? or was this not strong enough to produce that kind of damage? >> well i think we engineer and build for a whole range of different effects, mostly on the east coast we are concerned about things like hurricanes and high wind so our buildings are given some flexibility to them to withstand any of the shaking that we have, even our skyscrapers if you are in a skyscraper on a windy day not even to strong but moderate wind you can feel the skyscraper move, it is disconcerting to some people but it is completely normal and built in to the engineering specifications so it does not surprise me that given this magnitude of earthquake that we did not have substantial damage to buildings. and it's a rare event for the east coast but there are hundreds of earthquakes every day around the world this is a normal situation. >> martha: very cool science that you study to look at the earth and see how it is moving on no that it has settled down, looking at the equipment that you see and look at every day. thank you very much great have you with us today. >> thank you for having me. >> martha: have a good day, coming up john kirby joins me live in studio from washington as critics warned president biden's pit on israel may play right into hamas hands. >> mr president are you abandoning israel? are you abandoning israel? are you abandoning israel? [ inaudible ] her uncle's unhappy. i'm sensing an underlying issue. it's t-mobile. it started when we tried to get him under a new plan. but they they unexpectedly unraveled their “price lock” guarantee. which has made him, a bit... unruly. you called yourself the “un-carrier”. you sing about “price lock” on those commercials. “the price lock, the price lock...” so, if you could change the price, change the name! it's not a lock, i know a lock. so how can we undo the damage? we could all unsubscribe and switch to xfinity. their connection is unreal. and we could all un-experience this whole session. okay, that's uncalled for. >> martha: israel firing to senior military officers after calling its strike on gaza that killed seven eight workers a grave mistake. they are also reopening a crucial border crossing in northern gaza just hours after the white house called for an immediate cease-fire which was yesterday actually and issuing this ultimatum, if there are no changes in israel's policy there will have to be changes in hours. here is retired four-star general jack kang. >> now what have we done? we have just strengthened hamas hand rather dramatically. and leveraged them in those negotiations. >> martha: we bring in john kirby the national clinic agent advisory and i should say welcome first of all and we are waiting for your boss who is at the site of the baltimore bridge collapse and we will go there when that gets underway but thank you very much for being here general jack king it says we have strengthened hamas hand by saying to israel that either you find ways to carry this out in a more -- we're losing far fewer civilians, we will change our policy in our support for you he says it is appalling we should stay out of it. >> with all due respect to the general who i know and like i would just have to disagree you can't look at all the things we have been doing for israel since the 7th of october and suggest that we are somehow walking away from their ability to defend themselves. and franklin the call yesterday the prime minister made very clear to net and yahoo that we know they have a right and response will led to protect from that threat and we will continue to protect -- help them do that but it's how we do that that matters because one thing that does strength and hamas hands is for them to capitalize on the imagery of the civilian info structure and capitalize on the imagery that is out there of innocent palestinians being killed and wounded as a result of this conflict, we want to get that cease-fire in place temporary, six weeks or so to get hostages out it more humanitarian assistance in. >> martha: hamas started this war. >> they did indeed. >> martha: they crossed the border and slaughtered families and children, none of this would be happening may fit wants weren't for what happened on october 7th and here i want to play a sound bite biden and also vice president harris back in october and december on what the reaction should be, watch this. >> do you believe that hamas must be eliminated entirely? >> yes, i do. >> we support israel's legitimate military objectives to eliminate the threat of hamas. >> martha: does the white house still believe that hamas, as the president and vice president said need to be completely illuminated. >> of course,, sure, actually, they can't have any control, no more governance in gaza whenever this war is over, of course we want that threat taken away from the israeli people, and you are right on the 7th of october, people are forgetting there was a cease-fire in place on october 6th and more israelis were slaughtered. >> martha: the wall street journal today said that president biden seemed to forgotten that errors are a tragic and inevitable part of war. this panders to the anti- israel faction in the party into day by harshly condemning israel, lecturing it and then blaming it not hamas for the larger humanitarian disaster in gaza, is it not hamas' fault that these people are suffering? >> hamas started this war as you said, no question about that this would not exist without the decision to violate that cease-fire but what we have also said is israel, in edition to having the allegation to go illuminate that threat also has an allegation to do everything possible to protect civilians and allowing mentoring assistance and we just have not seen them meet those obligations to the degree that is needed. we have tens of thousands of dead and injured palestinians and some of them are hamas no question about that but the toll is too high, we want israel to succeed here, of course we do, but how they do that matters for the long term and for their own security. >> martha: we all have seen over the course of history that when war is provoked by the aggressor the retaliation sadly ends up with tens of thousands of people killed. when we left afghanistan we had a similar tragic hellfire missile attack that landed and killed ten people, a man who was carrying water bringing water as part of the mentoring aid and at that point you were asked what are we going to do about that who is accountable this is what you said. >> none of their recommendations dealt specifically with issues of accountability so i don't anticipate there being issues of personal accountability to be had with respect to the august 29th airstrike. >> martha: so there were seven children killed by that u.s. hellfire missile no accountability you said was part of the plan so why is this so different from what we did there? >> well these are events that happened three years apart into different geographic locations and two different countries two different sets of circumstances to different types of threats that were being evaluated and to completely different militaries involved with two different chains of command so i think we have to be careful comparing both events to closely. we also had an independent investigation of that incident and that independent investigator found that there was no need for personal accountability but did find that the u.s. military needed to make some systemic changes procedural changes in how we looked at intelligence and acted on that intelligence the israelis similarly have said the same thing about this event this week with the wc k. strike that they are going to make some systemic changes, we are glad to hear that and we will be watching to see what those changes are and how they can put them into effect but these are two different events. >> martha: not that different though john. >> i understand that. [ simultaneous talking ] >> martha: this was a trigger moment it appears for the white house because obviously the momentum has been building to take a harder line against israel and their tactics but this was the event that really pushed things over the edge and so why is it so different in terms of what israel has carried out in the midst of war in these aid workers, in my heart breaks for them as it does for the seven children who are with this man under this hellfire missile but the aid workers know they are in a war zone and that they are taking a tremendous risk at their own safety. >> and first began they were two different incidences and understand there are similarities but it would be, i think, in prudent to try to compare two things that happened three years apart in three different -- two different can't -- conflicts but these rays have said they made a mistake year they have come clean about what happened and we will be looking at their report to see what we can thank of it as well and they said they are going to improve and they need to improve the de- confliction process of aid workers and that will be important going forward. >> martha: this is antony blinken yesterday speaking about the saying that israel risks , talking about distinguishing loss from terrorist like hamas and i will let him say it and we can talk about it after, let's watch. >> as has been said whoever it saves the life saves the entire world. that is our strength, it is what distinctions us from terrorists like hamas if we lose that reverence for human life we risk becoming indistinguishable from those we confront. >> martha: does he believe that israel is now less distinguishable from hamas. >> of course not, no. >> martha: that sounds like what he is saying. >> i think you is just referencing our idea, as we said earlier that a modern military like israel's, a democracy, when you go to war like this there is an obligation to do everything possible to minimize civilian casualties and damage to civilian infrastructure, no one wants to see in sun life killed and the israeli defence force again has apologized for this they recognize that they made a mistake and i don't believe in the president doesn't believe that israeli soldiers are waking up every day and putting their boots on the floor and saying, hey, were going to go kill some civilians today. they're not trying to do that but it is still happening and it's happening at a rate that is not acceptable. and we are urging them to be more careful and we will continue to do that, we are open to having conversations with them in the coming days about rafah because we still believe a major ground operation when you have more than a million people there it just not a smart idea. were not saying don't go after hamas battalions, no one has ever told them not to. >> martha: you think iran look at this developing and so the great, u.s. is urging israel to cool this whole thing down and that's going to provide a great opportunity for us. >> if i was iran and i was the supreme leader and that's what i thought i think they would need to look closer because that's not what we're saying they'll be wrong to come to that conclusion we are not saying that israel can't prosecute despite were just saying that the howell, the way they are doing it needs to change. >> martha: we have president biden jumping in here from the bridge in baltimore we will watch that at the horrible crash at the bridge at the scene there we will listen to what the commander-in-chief has to say. [ applause ] >> president joe biden: buy the way folks i said my dad, dad you are missed bouncing baltimore, please sit down, the biden family goes all the way back to being water men in this for a long time back in the mid-18 hundreds and my father born and raised here in baltimore and there is a strong connection we still have family in the region as well governor more senator congressman and johnny o., i like that, johnny oh,. [ laughter ] >> president joe biden: to all of the military member's and first responders and most important of the people of america i am here to say urination has your back and i mean it, urination has your back. and you have, without exaggeration one of the finest delegations in the congress of any state in the union and they know how to get things done and we are going to get this paid for aren't we? all right i was just briefed by the unified command about the ongoing impact of the strata collapse of the francis scott key bridge last tuesday the damages devastating and our hearts are still breaking eight construction workers in the water when the bridge fell six lost their lives most immigrants but all from maryland hard-working strong selfless after pulling the night shift fixing potholes they were on a break when the ship struck just seconds before one of the men named carlos who was only 24 left a message for his girlfriend, here's what it says. we just poured cement we are waiting for her to draw he said well to all of the families and loved ones who are grieving i have come here to grieve with you, we all are. is not the same but i know a bit about what it's like to lose a piece of your soul and to get that phone call in the middle of the night that says your family members are gone. i have been there it's like having a black hole in your chest like you're being sucked in and unable to breathe, the anger, the pain, the depth of the loss is so profound. and we know it is hard to believe they probably won't believe me but i can tell you now from personal experience the day will come when the memory of this loved one as you walk passed that park or church or something that you shared together is going to bring a smile to your lips before it brings a church or i. it will happen, it will take a while but i promise you it will happen and that is when you know you will be able to make it and i promise you it will come , our prayers for you is that that time come sooner rather than later, but it will come. also never forget the conservation these men made to the city. we will keep working hard to recover each of them and you know my vow is that we will not rest as carlos said until the cement has dried and the entirety of a new bridge , a new bridge. [ applause ] this afternoon we took been tour to survey the wreckage and from the air i saw the bridge ripped apart but here on the ground i see community that is been pulled together i want to thank you all the first responders and the port workers the state and local officials who sprang into action before dawn and to have been here ever since and we did talk i think two or three in the morning we were out here and within minutes of the collapse the u.s. coast guard arrived on scene and within hours personnel from the army corps of engineers and the navy in the department of france petition were here to assist in every way possible. >> martha: we will keep a close eye on that room of the $1.2 trillion instructor bill, only about 40 percent of that money has been committed when we talk about where the money is going to come from it seems like it's already out there for roads and bridges so we will see were that goes and when we come back kelly and conway on the little headwind that the president is facing next oooo. trouble seeing, buddy? 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>> i think this might be a turning point i would say that hamas would start this war and could end this war today but i don't think that the be left biden much choice because all of biden's public commands to have israel do something to reduce civilian casualties and provide more aid have gotten nowhere, as you were saying with john kirby of course mistakes, tragic mistakes are made in wartime and of course the united states has been in that situation as well but i think it just something about the killing of these aid workers in a clearly marked convoy and royal food kitchen, they have had a tremendous impact and donald trump, your former boss said to me recently that israel has to finish this up and now he's saying this is a pr debacle for israel and i think even joe biden would agree with that. >> martha: speaking of that let's play that from the interview here is the former president donald trump, watch. >> you have to get it over with and you have to get back to normalcy, i am not sure that i am loving the way they are doing it because you have to have victory they are losing the pr war israel is absolutely losing the pr war. >> martha: it sounds like the current president and the last president are premuch on the same page on this. >> well maybe that little part but let's not forget that downtown has been to israel as grantor and chief as president there is no more pro-israel president then donald trump, seven presidents, seven made promises to move in the u.s. embassy to jerusalem and to recognize jerusalem as the capital of israel, one president, i'll trump, that promise. the golan heights, the list goes on and even keeping in check a nuclear capable iran you have joe biden in his very first week in office saying to the hutu you're not dangerous let's get back and all sort of nonsense i think that president biden is keeping no one pleased or happy about his positions, is ever-changing and he looks almost glib and disinterested, complete disengaged that it porter dear ask him are you abandoning israel, he should have turned around and said of course not but here's what i think and here's what needs to happen, you see what is happening on the ground, young people, voters of colour in some of the states they don't really care what joe biden has to say in making excuses they are standing with the 31 or so democrats in the house across the street here who refused to condemn hamas in a resolution it's very straightforward, this is not just happening on college campuses it's happening in the halls of congress where we have some of the youngest and most prominent democrats in their party refusing to condemn hamas, the last point you look at joe biden's handling of issues and where he does the worst right now these well above 50 percent the southern border which we knew coming in would be a powder keg for him and israel hamas war which is newer, six month old and he is not handling either of those in a way that i think suggests he will make any kind of course correction between now and early voting in five months so that he can when back some of these voters they can go to arche junior or trump. >> martha: and no doubt this is weighing on him in a big way here is a bit of a way back from november 4th 2023, not that long ago but this is still very much in the mind of the white house, watch this. >> he needs to halt his actions immediately and realize that he is going to face massive opposition from in the best -- democrat voters next election. >> you have a whole generation of voters coming out who are going to be able to vote in this next election and if you don't stop this genocide now you will not get these boats. >> there's no question that the prostitution of this war has hurt joe biden clinically it's easy to say he's doing this now to repair the damage particularly with the left wing of his party who never much liked israel anyway but i don't think that's right i think that biden continues i don't think it's fair to say he is abandoned israel but what is the alternative? again hamas i still can't get over the brutality and the barbarism of the october 7th attack or the taking of civilian hostages which the alternative would be that american taxpayers pay hundreds of millions of dollars for military aid and the president of united states doesn't have anything to say about it and israel does whatever they want, even if that is hurting israel and i think that is what is happening. >> martha: it is a tough thing to navigate and you feel world opinion but what i feel is not articulated we only have a few seconds here but just as a quick thought, is the y., what happens to iran, iran no doubt watches this and says of the u.s. is backing off this is fantastic news for iran. >> absolutely and of course they are watching all the bullies and strongmen there watching what happens and the word that encapsulate what is happening right now in this country is weakness and people want strength the opposite of strength is witness the opposite was it is failure and five of those hostages or american and i do not hear the commander in chief the american president say that today from the south line. >> martha: and 31 americans died in the initial attack that was begun by hamas who started this war that they are now in deep into gaza at now so thank you very much kelly anne and how we seven months to go and this will continue to be a very hot button issue thank you both for being here it's great to see you. a collision of two incredibly rare events as millions across the country prepare for a total solar eclipse, a powerful earthquake jolting the northeast she thinks her flaky gray patches are all people see. otezla is the #1 prescribed pill to treat plaque psoriasis allison! over here! otezla can help you get clearer skin and reduce itching and flaking. with no routine blood tests required. doctors have been prescribing otezla for nearly a decade. otezla is also approved to treat psoriatic arthritis. don't use otezla if you're allergic to it. serious allergic reactions can happen. otezla may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. some people taking otezla had depression, suicidal thoughts or weight loss. upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. with clearer skin girls' day out is a good day out. live in the moment. ask your doctor about otezla. ava: i was just feeling sick. and it was the worst day. mom was crying. i was sad. colton: i was diagnosed with rhabdomyosarcoma. brett: once we got the first initial hit, it was just straight tears, sickness in your stomach, just don't want to get up out of bed. joe: there's always that saying, well, you've got to look on the bright side of things. tell me what the bright side of childhood cancer is. lakesha: it's a long road. it's hard. but saint jude has gotten us through it. narrator: saint jude children's research hospital works day after day to find cures and save the lives of children with cancer and other life-threatening diseases. thanks to generous donors like you, families never receive a bill from saint jude for treatment, travel, housing, or food, so they can focus on helping their child live. ashley: without all of those donations, saint jude would not be able to do all of the exceptional work that they do. narrator: for just $19 a month, you'll help us continue the life-saving research and treatment these kids need. tiffany: no matter if it's a big business or just the grandmother that donates once a month, they are changing people's lives. and that's a big deal. narrator: join with your debit or credit card right now, and we'll send you this saint jude t-shirt that you can proudly wear to show your support. nicole: our family is forever grateful for donations big and small because it's completely changed our lives and it's given us a second chance. elizabeth stewart: saint jude's not going to stop until every single kid gets that chance to walk out of the doors of this hospital cancer-free. narrator: please, don't wait. call, go online, or scan the qr code below right now. 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and you woke up from the earthquake tell me about what happened. >> we were in bed and the earthquake hit we didn't know it hit at first we just thought it was the bed shaking but it was an earthquake and we realized after it just kept shaking. >> how long did last and how intense was it. >> it didn't last long maybe like one minute or two and. >> it wasn't strong enough to make anything fall. >> things were just shaking, the tv or shaking the desk was shaking it wasn't too scary. >> but you knew right away it was an earthquake. >> we assumed. >> did you get alerts sent to your phone. >> we got an alert a bit after but not right away , we got it on the car to new york. >> kind of a wild morning to wake up to but thank you for talking to us that some of what we are hearing that we just wanted to show you around here and alive look at new york city the mayor told everyone go back to doing everything as usual on this friday afternoon and that's what people are doing in the big apple to walking around in times square after that 4.1 magnitude earthquake hit near whitehouse station new jersey you can feel from baltimore and massachusetts to the border in new hampshire feeling that ground shaking, no major damage reported though in the area so the quake interrupted the commute in new york city for hours and a new jersey, you can check this out, along the lines of transit customers in new jersey waiting for penn station while the bridge and tunnel and tracks were all inspected all three airports, new york, jfk, laguardia are all back open even though it they had grounded stops across the new york area. prepare for the aftershock that is what we are hearing now from authorities and we have heard reports of that aftershock in new jersey. so we will keep you posted on that but it is either i felt and things are falling off my desk or people are like what earthquake are you talking about? so depends on who you talk to. >> martha: thank you very much alexis, alexis mcadams in time square new york city for the first time in seven years we are about to see a total solar eclipse here in the united states, nasa says more than 30 million people live in the path of totality a lot more are travelling to get to the path of totality for a first hand look on monday others will be watching from planes in the sky we bring in corey powell american scientist and editor and founder of open-minded magazine it's great to see you again great to have you back on the show. >> it's nice to be here. >> martha: you have your clips t-shirt you're ready to go. >> my shirt from 2017. >> martha: i'm glad you kept it, give us three scenarios, these people who are going to the path of totality, what exactly will they see? when they look up into the sky and for how long? >> well first of all i hope everyone has clear skies if you are right in the path you will get between three and four minutes of the sun completely covered by the moon. you have a long lead up over the period of about an hour you will see the sun getting into a thinner and thinner crescent, use your clips glasses for that part you don't want to look straight at the sun when it is completely covered it goes from being a weird looking son to something like you have never seen before it is a glowing circle in the sky and it's very hard to believe that it's real so for the people right in the path they get the best of all the experiences. >> martha: what will be see in new york city because this will happen during the 3:00 hour on monday so what is the best case scenario for what we might see? >> for people not right in the path you don't get that really cool, you don't get the ring or the corona you don't get that totality but what you do get is a long period of the sun getting eaten away into a little crescent as the moon passes in front of it and again put on your eclipse glasses, they don't cost much and they're easier to get everyone is selling them, and you can watch this you can see this dance, the moon passing in front of the sun in one of the coolest thanks to me is if you're standing anywhere were there are trees around you looked down at the shadows and the shadows of the trees turn into little crescent and it's the strangest thing you look at the sidewalk and the sidewalk is just covered with little crescent's and it's very beautiful. >> that is cool and glad you brought that up. what if you are in an airplane, what would you see? >> if you're in an airplane what they are trying to do is basically fly you along carrying you with the moon and earth so the eclipse last longer i've never had that experience, i have seen photos and videos of it is prespectacular first of all you just see more, it lasts longer you chase the shadow but you also get to see the shadow projected onto the ground and you can really see and feel the whole geometry of the shadow from space hitting the earth and you can kind of watch it move through and sweep over the landscape it's quite spectacular. >> martha: i just have to go through this again to get it straight for myself but i solar equips we have the moon in between the sun and the earth right? a lunar eclipse is when the earth is in between the moon and the sun? >> exactly, so if the moon is blocking the sun for us then you get a solar eclipse, it's alert where around if the earth is blocking the sun for the moon we look back and see a lunar eclipse. if you happen to be standing on the moon at that time you would see a solar eclipse. so that is something to look forward to. >> martha: and in 1967 there was a solar eclipse viewed from the surface of the moon which you can look at pictures of its very cool. >> the surveyor three robe. >> martha: fascinating we will see what we see on monday we hope for a nice clear day so that everyone can get a brilliant view of this and the images we are looking at are just really spectacular so it's a great thing to stop and think about how small we are on this day, corey thank you. >> it really is amazing, earthquakes, and the majesty of nature. >> martha: prepowerful stuff thank you very much. >> thank you. >> martha: good to see you influential radio host charlemagne that god stands -- sounds off on what he says is driving de i, diversity, equity, inclusion in corporate america, listen. >> it's just corporate pr, they want good vibes and they want to cover their [ bleep ] okay? did you know that if a company gets sued for civil rights violations just having a der program can be counted as evidence in their favour? even if the program doesn't dupuis bleep it is the eye have a black friend of the legal system. >> martha: making money host charles pain joins okay everyone, our mission me next. >> martha: breaking right now new video from the border at mexico, our correspondent telling us that they spotted two men trying to get through one of the many holes in the wall, matt says the men turned around and took off then screamed let us cross, why are you so racist so that is just a little slice of life at the border you can see the hole in the wall right there that is coming in from our own matt finn covering the border for us right now. and new backlash against diversity, equity, inclusion efforts also known as dei this time from popular black radio host charlemagne the god who says yes we want diversity equity and inclusion but watch what else he says on the daily show. >> the truth about dei is that although it is well-intentioned it is mostly garbage, in fact maybe the only thing that dei has accomplished is giving racist white people cover to be openly racist. did you know that if a company gets sued for civil rights violations, just having a dei program will be counted as evidence in their favour, even if the program doesn't do [ bleep ] okay? it is the eye have a black friend of the legal system. >> martha: with that we bring in charles pain the host of making money on foxbusiness good to have you with us do you agree with what you heard it therefrom mr charlemagne the god? >> i agree with most of it in the sense that it is lipservice and virtue signalling it's not result oriented and i think that the real problem from the very beginning was the e. part because we sorta use use the equality and equity part that throws a lot of people off at those businesses off and is just one of these things where a company says yes, we do this and we got the program but there is no results, you can see silicon valley almost every year they say they put out these reports we don't have any black borders we are going to do this next year we don't have any black workers that were going to do that, and is not all on the company right? it is also on society that is not generating the kind of opportunities because we don't have the right education for most americans to be quite frank. but this program some of these programs i'm tired of them they are just lipservice and they really are bs. >> martha: one more soundbite from him on the daily show let's watch this real quick. >> over 900 studies have shown that dei programs don't make the workplace better for minorities in fact it can actually make things worse because of the backlash effect. the biggest failure of dei is that the number of black people in power at big companies is basically the same as it was five years ago in fact maybe the only thing that dei has accomplished is giving racist white people cover to be openly racist. >> martha: charles, as we all cover we saw a lot of these types of programs and efforts after the killing of george floyd and that followed a number of events that culminated in this pushback where corporations were challenged about what is your program what are you doing about this and most of them seem to have buckled under this pressure and what he is saying about the studies that he cites is that they didn't accomplish any goal at also i guess the question for us now is how do you accomplish that and i think you touched on it a moment ago when you talk about education. >> to be quite frank with you i wouldn't say they buckled to it it was just an easy box to check. to be quite frank you start the program bring in somebody and also create this title so you have all of the sort of chief diversity officer titles and if you look at the organizational chart none of them led to the ceos office, like other real officers in the company it was just speeches and bs and checking a box and that's not what we want right? we don't want fake results we don't want fake efforts and that's what it is. and you know what? some corporations need to change their culture but i know a lot of people in business and the lot of my white friends that run big companies say i am trying but we also would love to see more black candidates who are prepared, and in life there are times when someone takes a shot not everyone who had a job in this building was 100 percene qualified but someone saw something in them when i got my first job on wall street i was not the best candidate in terms of academics but the guy interviewed a lot of people and saw something in me but overall our country has to do a lot better not just for black people or hispanic people but for the nation in general because we are falling so far behind that this conversation is a moot point from where we all could be but listen we have a jobs report out today, native americans are not getting jobs they are losing jobs and that is a warning signal >> martha: i can't help but think about the areas most damaged during covid learning loss and in many cases minorities were the hardest hit in that equation and i think if we had a nationwide effort to make sure that these kids caught up and we give them the tools that they need and it's barely discussed from the halls of power in this country and i think we really need to. >> needs to start in kindergarten. >> martha: absolutely. >> in kindergarten, give them the hardest and most rigourous curriculum out there. >> martha: it's all about days off and shorten schedules but that's not going to get us there. thank you it's ours good to see you, thank you. that is the story for today, for friday april 5th but as always the story goes on and i will see you on fox news sunday this weekend i will be in fort shannon, texas governor greg abbott will join me and senator chris koontz, and join us then

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