His ground 0 replacement, Vice President Kamala Harris, who recently has been saying over and over she is ready for his job. Military veterans families of the victims and many others are calling the president s schedule quote, one more snub to the American People. Im Harris Faulkner and you are in the faulkner focus. It is the very first time that an american president did not attend a service at one of the attack sites or host a Memorial Service at the white house. President biden was on Air Force One as ceremonies of remembrance took place at the pentagon, shanksville, pennsylvania, and at ground 0 in lower manhattan. Loved ones of the victims killed on 9 11 are reacting to his absence. Its no surprise to me he is not coming to ground 0 or any of the 9 11 sites. No shock to my system. Quite frankly, i prefer he stay away anyway. We will be spared one of his stories of how he can relate. If our leader is so willing to not show up to the Memorial Services, it is showing the message that americans have forgotten and its okay to forget. Harris one oped is asking alaska, really . Another calls bidens 9 11 alaska trip a slap in the face to the state and nation. White House Press Secretary Karine Jeanpierre definitely was asked about this last week. 9 11, the president will mark the anniversary of September 11th Attacks this year in alaska with Service Members and their families. And as he does every year. Harris jason chaffetz, former republican congressman of utah and Fox News Contributor. The point isnt the zip code of where he marks it, it is the fact that ground 0, shanksville, pennsylvania, and the pentagon, those sites are unlike anything else in American History in terms of national security. Do you think the commanderinchief could be at one of the sites. It is not a priority for him and he is ex emotion plea filing that. I tend to believe if he really wanted to be there, he could have made it. He will miss it by a few hours. You think it was a mistake . They plan these trips sometimes months in advance. On the other hand, i have to tell you, harris, im inspired by ordinary americans who do extraordinary things and i think it is about the victims and the families. Joe biden at this point is not inspiring to a lot of people. He is a distraction and he does, he makes it about himself and tells stupid stories. I dont trust him to actually honor what america is feeling. And its sad that we are at that point but he is a Gaffe Machine and maybe its just better he is not there. Harris look, the machine will be speaking later today when he finally lands and you are right. We asked kjp and the white house about this last thursday. So clearly they could have put together a different flight plan by a few hours. They have to refuel on his way back so i totally get it. Come on, you mentioned families. I do want to share this. The Travis Manion foundation that helps our nations veterans to keep the 9 11 promise made, we will never forget, reached out today and just, you know, didnt mention biden by name or anything. Just wanting to remind everybody we cant forget what was so important. I sat with her, in fact, a few years ago, four years ago, in the george w. Bush president ial library and she told me about this foundation and about what it feels like to be a Family Member and not be forgotten. I can only imagine from what im reading and what im hearing from other families, this president is in danger of something thats going to break. Yeah, you know, our hearts and prayers, i remember when 9 11 happened. I think we all do. I hope we all do. I was far away from that site. But the families and the strength they went through, the United States, the way we came behind. I remember our little kids who didnt understand what was going on. We made macaroni necklaces and sent them to Fire Department in New York City. It was a great moment. We were all coming together. Yet this president is oblivious to all that. To be on Air Force One while this is happening. He didnt have to do that. It was a choice and he made the wrong choice yet again. Harris we love our troops in alaska and support them, too. He made a choice today. By the way, his choice included sending Kamala Harris, the Vice President , to ground 0. She did that today. The Vice President , though, has been asked recently if she is prepared to serve as president if biden was to be too old to run again or any other number of reasons. Here she is. They say joe biden is too old to run again. Are you prepared to be commanderinchief . Yes, i am, if necessary. But joe biden is going to be fine. We will win reelection. There is too much at stake and the American People know it. Harris its so interesting, jason, because in recent days she has said unequivocally yes, yes, yes. Your take on it. Im glad the Vice President was at the memorial. All political leaders should be there. Mayor adams and the Vice President was there. That was a good thing. Does it scare a lot of americans that Kamala Harris would be the commanderinchief . I personally look, im a republican. I make no bones about it. I think she is fully under prepared to be the next president and i think the majority of americans no that. She hasnt accomplished anything while she was in office. Im glad about she was at this event. Its about the families and remembering the attack that happened on this nation. The attack that happened in benghazi as well when we lost 13 americans. Harris i will ask my team to roll this. Former Ambassador Nikki Haley said if you run against joe biden at this point you are running against Kamala Harris. Can we roll that . We cant afford to have Kamala Harris become our president. Everybody needs to know. This is really me running against Kamala Harris for president. A vote for joe biden is a vote for Kamala Harris. And the thought of a president Kamala Harris should send a chill up every americans spine. Harris jason, maybe not everybody thought about this on this day and i have a personal connection because i did lose a loved one in a plane that hipped the pentagon. I feel a certain way today. Im im allowed to be. I disclose it. The president cant be here but puts the woman he often calls the president by mistake in gaffes, he says, and the woman who suddenly said she is ready for his job. I want to know your thoughts on it and well move quickly. I think nikki haley is right. She is pointing out that look, when you go to check that box on who you want to be the president its the president and the Vice President and there are a lot of us that believe that joe biden doesnt have the physical and cognitive capabilities to get through the next little bit let alone another four years on top of that. Harris all right. Well move to this. U. S. Appeals court has ruled the Biden Administration likely violated the First Amendment. It has to do with censoring americans Covid Content and questions on social media. Missouri senator eric schmidt called this another big victory for free speech. The white house responded this morning saying the administration said, quote, has promoted responsible actions to protect public health, safety and security when confronted by challenges like a deadly pandemic. So were looking at censorship and stepping on free speech and the white house all in one sentence. Yeah. The white house statement is just misty filing. Look, Senator Schmidt when he was Attorney General and filed the suit. The court made the right decision. It was suppression of First Amendment rights. A privately held company that is a platform and conduit to get information out. That was suppressed because government regulators, people that have police powers, were in there telling them not to do this. That is a suppression of the most fundamental First Amendment rights that we have in this nation. There should be more consequence than just a court ruling. I wish there were some people that were fired, prosecuted that do these types of things. This white house will pat themselves on the back and pretend it never happened. Harris thank you for being with me in focus today. Appreciate you. Fox news alert now. A team of rescuers working to free that american from texas that Cave Explorer and researcher who remains trapped more than 3,000 feet underground in southern turkey. They hope to have him out within several days. Mark dickey was an International Exploration mission in turkeys third deepest cave last week when he suffered internal bleeding from a stomach ailment. Crews say his condition is stable but fragile. And more than 150 rescuers are trying to get him out of there. Updates on their mission and his mission to survive as we get them. President biden facing appreciate criticism for claiming he does not want to hurt china. Well, his critics are digging in on that. Accusing biden of weakness and democrats see the consequences of their policies in the border mess spiraling out of control. When we do nothing about it and there are so many people coming. As you say theyre saying it is just the southern triangle. They blame Governor Abbott. This is the federal government also Kathy Hochuls problem. Harris New York Citys mayor is warning about a money tsunami. Senator Lindsey Graham is in focus in person next. Theres challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. 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We can help with that, too. Is it possible to survey foot traffic across all of our locations . Yeah absolutely. With the advanced connectivity and intelligence of global secure networking from comcast business. Its not just possible. Its happening. New york city cannot manage 10,000 people a month. With no end in sight. Were talking 12 billion of running our city, sanitation, police, education, libraries, everything that we have to run the city there is a minimum amount of money that comes in that we have to address this crisis thats a national crisis. Weve been ignored. Harris when he says ignored you know by whom, the white house. New york city mayor eric adams warning the migrant crisis in the big apple is reaching its breaking point. He is asking City Departments to cut budgets to compensate for the estimated 12 billion it will cost the city to deal with the influx over the next three years. Texas Governor Greg Abbott promised he would send even more buses of migrants to cities if the Biden Administration moved forward with a reported plan to keep those families in texas. The head of the Border Patrol union fired back at that plan. Once they are released they have the right to travel throughout the United States. As much as i hate this. As much as i hate The Catch And Release i also recognize what the laws are. The laws are if this administration chooses to release these people they are free to travel. He cant force them to stay in texas. Thats against the law. In one breath he says texas is violating the law and then he turns around will doing the exact same thing. Harris border czar Vice President Kamala Harris defended the administrations policy. We are seeing progress but were not going to have a constant. There will be fluctuations. Weather and circumstances fluctuate. It doesnt mean we keep our foot off the gas. We have to keep focused. We need a short and long term strategies. Harris too bad they dont have windows in their houses and cant see anything. Senator Lindsey Graham from the great state of south carolina. You chuckle. You take it seriously. They dont see what we feel and what were experiencing in america. Why is this happening . Not because of unpredictable weather. It is very predictable. They changed all of trumps policies. Eliminated remain in mexico, eliminated all the agreements we had with people in the northern triangle countries. If you set one foot in america the word is out you can stay and apply for asylum. What is happening is a direct result of their Policy Changes and nothing will change until they change their policy. One final thought. What abbott is doing sending these people to new york, they need to continue to do that. The only hope for change is when democrats push back. Send these Illegal Immigrants to democraticcontrolled cities all over the country and make it real to joe bidens party. He would like to contain it all in texas. How would you like to be living in texas under that policy . So i applaud Governor Abbott doing what he is doing. Harris talk to me about what that could look like. The way i see it, the cartels would take over texas. They would have a state that the white house would have given them. Nobody crosses the border without cartel support. We finished the last mile of illegal smuggling. So two weeks ago a smuggler associated with isis was bringing people here. This is 9 11. I remember where i was at. The broken border is not only bad domestic policy. It not only creates financial problems and human heart act. It is an open invitation for terrorists to come in and hit us again. I have never seen a higher threat than now. Taliban in charge of afghanistan. Safe haven for Terrorist Groups in afghanistan with a broken southern border. Isis Guy Smuggling People in. It is a matter of time until we get hit again unless the administration changes their policy. Harris and to share with our audience. Changes in 24 hours. Were living on borrowed time. Like today. 2 1 2 million have come across that border illegally. How easy is it for terrorists or a group of them to get in the middle of these migrants . The Border Patrol is overrun. They are Processing Millions of people. It leaves the border exposed. Harris i have been to the border and you have been there. When you go there you understand that we could sneak in seriously. They have taken all the clothes off when they get out of the rio grande and throw away their fake i. D. S in the grass. Put on other peoples can clothes that are dry and fan out. Texas has taken in 7 million. New york has taken in 100,000. They didnt all come from texas. My real fear 22 years after 9 11 is that our withdrawal from afghanistan has put every jihadist on steroids. The taliban are human scum. There is no reformed taliban. They are destroying women inside their country. The number 2 or 3 guy in al qaeda was killed by us in kabul. The combination of the Terrorist Group the Taliban Running Afghanistan and a broken border is a lethal cocktail that will bite us as a nation. The Warning Signs are there, mr. President , President Biden, we need to secure our border. You need to change your policy on immigration. You need to up your game. If you go to china you better tell the Communist Party chairman, president xi that we will hold you accountable for all the fentanyl deaths. Harris i will ask my team do we have a little bit of President Biden saying that he doesnt want to hurt china . I dont know how you go Forth Without Showing Strength against china, who just bucked the g20. They didnt feel like they needed to go there. Thats more about modi. President biden, china is hurting america. They steal Intellectual Property. Providing fentanyl poisoning. Fentanyl coming into our country is the leading cause of death of young people and china is a key player in it. They are threatening to invade taiwan. What i want President Biden to do is to let the chinese know that their rock bottom in the United States congress. One thing we all agree on. China is out of control. I want to push back on china. Mr. President dont say you dont want to hurt them when they are hurting us. Tell them they will pay a price if they keep hurting us. Harris here he is the president of the u. S. President biden i dont want to contain china. I want a relationship with china on the up and up. It is not about containing china. It is about having a stable base, a stable base in the indopacific. We arent looking to hurt china. Sincerely. We are all better off if china does well. China does well, abiding by the international rules. Grows the economy. I never heard on american president so out of touch with reality. China is involved in poisoning america through fentanyl. They steal our Intellectual Property. The f. B. I. Director said chain camera is the biggest threat to our economy threatening to invade taiwan. They are now entertaining helping russia. So President Bidens view of china is disconnected from reality. Harris its almost like they give him talking points at the start of the day and then he just sticks to those because china just bought the largest pork plant in america. I mean, china is making a land grab for farms and other purchases here in New York City for these empty buildings since the pandemic. They are already here per xi. How does that begin to change . Can you imagine how they took what President Biden said . He is coming over to china to assure them he doesnt want to hurt them. He is not apparently going to challenge them. I dont want war with china but you need to make it real. If you invade taiwan it will be the biggest mistake you ever made. If you poison america through fentanyl you will pay a price. You need to stop stealing our Intellectual Property. Thats what i want him to tell china. If you dont change you will have an enemy in the United States. It is because of you and covid that we are at rock bottom. It was china that destroyed americas economy through covid. Theyve lied about the origins of covid. They will not give us the information to find out where covid came from. The Average American considers china a threat because they are a threat. Harris all of that and yet he wants to go there, meet with president xi, and have some sort of a i dont know what kind of a relationship. He shouldnt go. That statement he should cancel the trip. They will see this as a sign of weakness. Before he goes to china, he talks about how he is not there to hurt them, that he doesnt want to contain china. Thats the wrong message. If donald trump or Ronald Reagan were going, maybe any other president the first thing you tell china if you dont change your behavior toward the United States youll regret it. Harris with the g20 you had the group of 20 nations that go and then you had 19 because china didnt go. He is outnumbered in terms of the population now by india. Modi is ready. I wonder if there is not something going on with him and why he is getting together with everybody else. Russia and north korea are getting ready to get together. Completes the triangle with china. In administration has been codling iran. We had them in a box. A Terrorist State trying to destroy its rail and kill us if they could. Biden policies toward iran is making them stronger. He doesnt understand the threats from china. He gave the taliban back afghanistan. He has a broken border anybody can walk through. Were lucky that we havent been hit already and the policies he is pursuing will make china more bold. He is going to china to say oh, will you be our friend rather than saying if you dont stop poisoning america and stealing Intellectual Property you will be on the sanctions list. Harris like he sees the world as mr. Rogers neighborhood. He is constantly ive never seen one guy so wrong about so much. Harris back to the border for a moment. The Vice President was here standing in for the president of the United States at ground 0 this morning and i made the comment that i dont think its coincidental she is talking now she can do his job. We know one job she cant do, the border. From what you have laid out today, it is our biggest weakness right now. We have a broken border, terrorists back in charge of afghanistan. What was 9 11 all about . Radical islamists were given safe haven in afghanistan. They want to destroy our way of life. They want to destroy israel. They want us all to bend to their knee when it comes to religion. They are still out there and havent given up that your ambitions. We had them in a box in afghanistan. Now they are back out. You have a broken border and terrorists in charge of afghanistan. It is a lethal cocktail on 9 1122 years later. Harris senator graham. What would you do about the situation between north korea and russia getting together at this point . Is that something we need to keep our eye on . I would tell china you need to make sure north korea doesnt help putin. I would put the burden on them to rein in north carolina. I would tell china if you are providing weapons to putin we will hold you responsible. North korea couldnt last one day without chinas support. This is how they could help limit this war. Tell north korea if you sell weapons to putin, you will be in trouble the whole world not just the United States. Harris all of us bringing to the full circle to the importance of this day. We promise to never forget. The least we can do it is not about foregetting. We are living in dream world. President biden is living in a dream world. It is a nightmare for us. All the families injured and who died all the soldiers fighting the war for 22 years. I cant believe 22 years after 9 11 the taliban are back in charge because we gave them the country. Our border is completely broken and President Biden is going to china to say wont you be my friend . Harris senator graham. Thank you for being here. Great to have you in focus and in person. Glowed blessing you. Another senator is teasing a possible third party run with the no labels ticket. Weve heard democrats call that a very bad idea. Republican candidate is speaking out about it. Plus President Biden losing his place and losing his patience during a very awkward Press Conference in vietnam. It is a movie weve seen time and time again. President s staffers yelling at reporters to insure the voters of this country dont get answers to simple questions and exactly what you are seeing here thats why. Harris can the white house shift the message from concerns about the president s age and competence . Power panel in focus next. V. Have you looked at the Interest Rates on your credit cards lately . Get ready for a shock. The rate on many credit cards is now over 22 . If you want to save hundreds of dollars a month, pay off the balances on your high rate cards and other debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday usa. And get the financial Peace Of Mind every veteran deserves. No one takes care of veterans like newday usa. Okay everyone, our mission is to provide complete balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Woo hoo ensure, complete balanced nutrition with 27 vitamins and minerals. And ensure complete with 30 grams of protein. Some people ask if our president ial election was fair . Moms, dads, grandmas and grandpas were just doing what they believed was justified. Now theyre each facing seventy years in prison. With no money to defend themselves. Only Perry Johnson has come forward with a substantial donation to help their defense. Others turned their backs. Come on if the rnc wont defend them, we will. Im Perry Johnson and i approve this message. President biden lets see, im just following my orders here. Staff or anywho hasnt spoken . Im calling oni said five questions. I dont know about you but im going to bed. It wasnt confrontational at all. President biden thank you. Harris wow, im going to go to bed. Mr. President , you said the silent part out loud. Another awkward moment on the world stage. His team cutting him office when you heard the voice answering reporters questions in vietnam. Poll after poll continuing to show americans are worried about his age. A new axios piece says bidens inability to use the president ial bully pulpit effectively a byproduct of advanced age has become a serious handicap as he seeks a second term. It is not the message but the messenger. Team biden and fellow democrats still trying to brush away those concerns. About the president s age, you are going to voters will see his vigor and his accomplishments. At the end of the day they will look at performance in office. He has a strong record to run on. Reflected in the polls but thats the opportunity, not the burden, the opportunity of being able to run on this record. Harris at least one of those people would like to run for president perhaps. Even the Los Angeles Times with this oped headline. Voters think biden is too old to run again. Can he persuade them theyre wrong . Good question. Power panel, charlie hurt Fox News Contributor and Washington Times opinion editor. Scott bolden former washington, d. C. Democratic party chair. Scott, what does the president have to do to convince a huge swath of americans now that he can do this . He is not too old . It is not his acuity. Here is the wrongful basis for the question or these polling. On one hand Many Americans think he is too old to run. Got it, right . They dont like how he talks and walks. He is an elderly gentleman. If you put him on the ballot, those democrats and many independents will vote for him if given the choice and be the democratic nominee unless something drastically happens wrong. He has a record to run on. The democrats and white house have to do a better job of messaging his accomplishments versus this whole age issue. Theyve got to message it in a way. There is a huge gap if regard to what were doing with the economy and what people arent feeling. Ive always said that. Harris i will go to charlie. Dont need to find a different way to sell policies on the border. I dont know how you put lipstick on that pig. I talked about the economy in my answer. The problem is not just the messenger. The messenger is terrible. The other problem is the message as you point out. Nothing is more glaring example than the border. And we are at a point where we even have deep blue places like new york admit crying uncle admitting the policies the intentional direct policies of this joe biden in the white house and the Democrat Party going back decades is destroying New York City, destroying the state, and destroying the country. Thats just one example. You can sort of point to lots of other examples whether its the policies of Spending Hundreds of millions of dollars in a place like ukraine to enforce their border while ignoring our border or going to a place like yawned and announcing our objective is not to contain china. Even if thats your intention why you would openly Say Something like that. All of the domestic issues. Harris i dont know, scott and charlie if you were able to hear senator Lindsey Graham moments ago who said he has not seen a time since 9 11 since the country was so vulnerable to attack. The economy plays a role in that as People Struggle to try to pay for the same things they had two years ago in excess of 8 thousand more average a house hold. I dont know what kind of messaging you can put on that, scott, to sell that. Were in a post covid economy, one. Two, we developed 13. 5 million. 11 million of which were put backs. You didnt create that. If he didnt get them back you would be criticizing the dems and bidens for not getting them back. Thats not a fair response. Here is the bottom line. The strongest economy in the world because of joe biden, right . The jobs, Manufacturing Jobs are back, inflation, i agree with you, we have to do better on inflation. It is trending downward. I think that if you look here you are harris we are still living with prices 10 higher than when he took office. It doesnt mean negative pricing, means were not getting more expensive at a faster rate. Charlie, wrap. Just that i think the economy is probably the worst part for joe biden and scott is right, there are a lot of democrats who will vote for this guy no matter what. Most independents and most normal americans look at their Economy Today largely because gas prices and inflation and they want nothing of it. Harris im looking at the polling from last week which shows that several of the candidates on the right side could beat this president by many points. Nikki haley, former u. N. Ambassador outside of the margin of error is what were looking at. Anybody from biden. Some of those democrats will look across the aisle. Good to see you both, thank you. Governor Glenn Youngkin pardoned the virginia parent who protested over his daughters Sexual Assault. A proper use of the pardon. The District Attorney is not happy and still wants to hold the father responsible. Outkicks clay travis in focus next. 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My name is Josh Sanabria and i am the owner at isla veterinary boutique hospital. I was 5. 6 years of age and i knew i was going to be a vet. Once alexandra called me to let me know that Bank Of America had approved my loan. It was important to me. We not only just provide the financing piece, we do everything that we can to surround them with the right people. All you need is a perfect, amazing team that will guide you through the right steps to be successful. And thats what Bank Of America was for me. Harris parents nationwide, you might want to Pay Attention to this development in virginia. Governor Glenn Youngkin has war doneed the dad arrested for confronting his local school board after his child, his daughter, was sexually assaulted by a biological male in a school bathroom. The governor announced the pardon on fox news sunday. Mr. Smith did what any father would do, what any parent would do. Stand up for their child. This was a gross miscarriage of justice and i was so happy to give him a full pardon. Harris there is more to this story. Mike emanuel has it. After Governor Youngkin announced the pardon the father, scott smith, expressed relief. A lot is off my shoulders today. This has been a long battle, a battle that should have never happened in the first place. A battle that governor Glenn Youngkin said today pretty solidly in his comments that my Constitutional Rights were violated. The Loudon County virginia prosecutor handling the case expressed her anger on x formerly known as twitter. This political stunt by Governor Youngkin is an unprecedented inappropriate intervention into an active legal case. He chose to interfere in the Legal Process but not for justice but for political gain. Glenn youngkin campaigned in 2021 on parental rights and parental involvement in schools after many parents were frustrated by covid lockdowns and by Curriculum Changes in the classroom. Virginia congresswoman offered this reaction earlier today. We are very proud of it. We passed things like the parents bill of rights and great to see Governor Youngkin continuing to stand with parents and parents rights. Youngkin has instituted policies increasing parental notification requirements and insisting students use bathrooms and locker rooms matching their birth gender. Harris mike, thank you very much. I want to bring in the founder of outkick clay travis. Your top line thoughts. Brilliant, smart, just, this is the correct decision that should have been reached a long time ago in this case. And for the criticism that is occurring from the virginia prosecutor, hey, you know what . They had an election. A huge part of the election was parental rights. Virginians put Glenn Youngkin into the Governors Office and happy he is there. He has a huge Approval Rating right now. A father speaking out, harris, you are a mom, im a dad. The idea that a father speaking out at a School Board Meeting about his daughter being sexually assaulted in the bathroom by a boy pretending to be a girl would lead to him being charged with a crime . Thats so absurd and absolute miscarriage of justice that this is the right result. We shouldnt have had to have the governor step in and issue a pardon in order to get there. Im glad that Glenn Youngkin was able to make this right choice. Harris since that time this has become an explosive issue for parents up against School Boards and unions, school unions, Teachers Unions across the country. So this is not a oneoff now unfortunately. The Sexual Assault is what brought this into the limelight of a minor. Heartbreaking. But watching what happened with that dad people can imagine it. Look, the white house, the d. O. J. , the f. B. I. , looking at us to see what well do as parents. Are we terrorists . What are we . This happened to me. I went and spoke two years ago to speak out against School Mask Mandates in my two youngest kids who were at the time enrolled in Public Schools in my county. And the outrage that poured forth for parents who were willing to step up and defend their kids was eye opening. Joe biden in the white house actually criticized the parents at my School Board Meeting for their behavior that day. Look, people are fired up and i think what covid did was it brought much of the teaching that is going on into the homes remote schooling, parents were looking over the shoulder and more aware than in past years when the lesson plans looked like. You know what the number one goal and number one sort of arbiter for whether or not we have Successful Schools . Parental involvement. The more parents are involved in their local school districts, the more successful the outcomes there are. The idea that we would be going after a father for trying to protect his daughter is everything i think that is wrong with left wing politics as it pertains to our schools. Harris We Saw Something over the weekend about prayer that gave a lot of people hope. An emotional finale to the u. S. Womens singles over the weekend. She is 19 years old. The world is watching. [cheers and applause] harris keep watching. 19yearold coco gauff become the youngest u. S. Open champion in more than 20 years. The last person to do it was 17 actually serena williams. Espn posted images of gaffs reaction and wrote she took a moment to soak it all in. Critics responded quickly and one was a senator in texas, ted cruz. Writing and correcting espn with thats called prayer, super bowl champion coach tony dungy i hate to put it to you espn. She was praying. It seems pretty obvious what she is doing here. Clay. First congratulations a tremendous win and great to see american tennis back in the Winners Circle for the u. S. Open. I dont know when our men will get back there. 20 some odd years where roddick won for americas tennis. Espn. Ist is obvious to anyone who cocoa was doing. She was humbling herself before her savior and that is a reflection of what often happens in athletics. I would argue athletes are more religious than the general population is and that in their moments of the greatest strength and triumph they oftentimes humble themselves in this manner and this is not the crazy thing that she was doing. It is part of what espn does. This is unfortunate. They dont want to acknowledge anything other than far left wing aspects of sports and culture. And this is such a swing and miss. I dont know how many people would have to sign off on this. This is their number one social media account. I would think there are 20 or 30 people employed running that account. Harris you think so . You are more optimistic than i am. It is part of their eco system that they could do it without 20 or 30 people looking at it. I think this is even worse, harris, 20 or 30 people looked at it and didnt see this as being an issue. And so that to me is emblematic of the culture they created that they could ever allow it to happen and why espn is failing on all fronts. Harris we can choose to pray with and for the people we watch in sports. Our choice. You know how i do. Good to see you. Thank you. Outnumbered after the break. Not coughing . Hashtag still not coughing . mucinex dm gives you 12 hours of relief from Chest Congestion and any type of cough, day or night. Mucinex dm. Its comeback season. Veteran homeowners, Credit Card Debt piling up . Great news. You can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate Credit Card Debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. Rates on credit cards have gone up to 22 . 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