Officers participated in the massive search for him for two weeks. Watch. Shortly after 8 00 a. M. , our suspect was captured. I want to say first and foremost, thank god there were no injuries to Law Enforcement or to the public. Harris i want to go first to nate foye who has done a fabulous job this morning before, during and after the capture. Nate, im asking about deportation right off the top here. Im asking what we know about this guy and i know you have details. Take us through it. Harris, right now he is at an Avondale Station Being questioned but he will go to a state prison facility. He will not go back to Chester County prison where he escaped two thursdays ago. The big update today he was taken into custody by the State Troopers as well as Border Patrol team and this all started at about midnight last night when the home alarm went off in what was the Search Perimeter. The home alarm went off and troopers were already in the area. They went to check it out and brought in the federal resources with the Aviation Units and picked up on Thermal Imaging at 1 00 a. M. An hour after the home alarm went off. Cavalcante caught a lucky break and bad weather rolled in and had to pull the Aviation Units out. Teams were able to track cavalcante and seven hours later at 8 00 a. M. This morning those tactical teams and Border Patrol teams made it in. They surprised him with canine officers. Bit by one of the dogs. The big takeaway here, harris, is that nobody was injured. No shots fired. People continuously have passed our camera and have driven by honking their horns. Everyone was on edge. They were particularly on edge after the report just a couple days ago now, monday night, when cavalcante broke into a garage within the Search Perimeter and stole a 22 caliber rifle. That changed everything. That made everybody here in town even more on edge and thats one of the main reasons why people are really, really happy this is finally over. Here is Lieutenant Colonel bevins moments ago. It brought a new level of danger for our people in the field when we knew he obtained a firearm. And so for me, the biggest sense of relief is no one in the community was harmed and no Law Enforcement officer was harmed either. I believe he was taken by surprise and i believe the canine played a large role if him not being able to utilize that firearm. Cavalcante did try getting away. He resisted arrest. It didnt work for him and he has been taken into custody after 14 days. His sister is facing deportation after not cooperating with authorities during this investigation. So she is an illegal immigrant as well. Cavalcante, of course, an illegal immigrant who came to the United States after being accused of murder in brazil in 2017 and then what he is serving life in prison for is murdering his girlfriend in pennsylvania in 2021. Authorities say he did that because she threatened to tell police about the murder in brazil. This is a man who stabbed his girlfriend 38 times in front of her two young children. So thank goodness he is finally in custody. Send it back to you. Harris those details are so important. The potential deportation or eventual deportation of his sister who police said today they were able to when i was watching the News Conference, keep people from helping him as best they could. I would assume she was on that list of people. Your last words. Yeah. Again she didnt cooperate. There is reporting that she coordinated the message with cavalcantes mother during the search as helicopters were flying overhead. The message from the mother urging him to turn himself in was blaring from the helicopters. But the big thing, harris, was when he dropped that stolen van off and breached the second Search Perimeter 20 miles south of here is when people were wondering when he dumped that van off was he receiving help then . It doesnt appear that he was because he was still in the area. We learned that when he stole that rifle a couple days later. Well try to learn more about that. It doesnt appear he got any useful help. Harris nate foye. Thank you so much. On the phone with me now a bill daily, former f. B. I. Investigator. Thank you for being with me. I want to hit a couple points with you and lets stick with him being an illegal inside this country. Cavalcante came to the United States illegally fleeing to puerto rico in 2019. Eventually settled into a township in Chester County, pennsylvania. His exgirlfriend who he killed was also a native of brazil. She and cavalcante were neighbors when they started dating according to what his sister, sarah, told cnn. The murder of that exgirlfriend was brutal. You just heard nate foye talking about the butchering. Forgive it. Thats how its explained. That word about debra, dead in front of her two young children, 38 times stabbed in a frenzied attack in 2021. He first killed 2017. Arrest warrant in 2018 in brazil. He comes to the u. S. And ends up in puerto rico in 219 and there eventually makes his way to pennsylvania and lives among us illegally. Why dont they just deport this guy 15 minutes ago . Well, harris, good to be with you. From the legal standpoint i cant speak to that but i can tell you as a citizen probably were better served by him being here in the United States and serving out a Life Sentence as opposed to being extradited back to brazil where perhaps he may not be convicted or is maybe on lesser charges and is out again to roam free or come back to the United States. I think you mentioned something earlier that is key around this. Weve seen it echoed across the country in a number of instances including the tragic bus crash a couple weeks ago in ohio which killed a young student on the first day of school. There is no way for people to think when people come across the border, even if theyre stopped and asked for identification or asked for their name or fingerprinted, there no databases or International Databases that will tell you all about these individuals coming through. There needs to be a more strenuous Immigration Process Put in place across our border. Stop the illegal immigration coming in and we all see some of these tragic incidents like this start to stop. Harris these are the people we know about. At least the neighborhood in that township in Chester County people knew about him. And no doubt that played a role, too, as the public was saying, many of them telling police as reported in the News Conference they werent afraid of this guy because they had their own gurns and they knew what he looked like. How about a million gotaways and all those people who live among us and we have no idea where they came from. We couldnt begin to vet them if we found them but we cant. They came illegally in the dark of the night. Building on that just here in just the short time after our commemoration of 9 11, the number of people stopped on the terrorist watch list, nonetheless those who got away is chilling to me from my experience and investigations ive worked on in the past. It does present further threat to our citizens from a terrorist standpoint. On a Criminality Level we are talking about certainly not all these people are. We know the vast number of the people are coming to a better life. We need a process to stop the immigration to put people through the process that other people from Around The World follow, a more rigorous vetting. Background checks and testing and then come through on the process to become a citizen. Harris we cant even handle the ones we have here. The department of Homeland Security led by Secretary Mayokas actually admitted at a hearing on the hill not long ago earlier this summer those 85,000 missing Migrant Children on his watch. They are still trying to figure out how that happened and how they fell through the cracks. If you cant keep up with the weakest among us who come across that border, how in the world are you going to go after the guys who professionally evade and kill . Exactly right. Right now we know the various cartels and coyotes and other people are making money off girls. No system were able to move those people across and take advantage of those who are the weakest. The children, women and all the people who are so disadvantaged. The other thing i would say about this particular case and getting back to it for a second is that as chilling as all the aspect are about this individual who is a murderer tried and true is that people expect the police the Flick A Switch and be 60minute show where he is caught right away. Its a very fluid situation. This person was very adapt at being a survivalist. He moved around. He was able to evade police in the searches that went on. But people think these things are solved right away. Theyre not. In this case it shows pulling together various resources, assets and Thermal Imaging used on the ground is kind of a proud moment for us as citizens to have our fellow citizens who are police out there using special tactics to prevent us from being harmed by individuals like this, out there who came together and solved this. Some people say it took longer than it should. I dont think so. Many cases have gone on much longer. I think they acted professionally, properly. One other point i want to make even if we look at the images of being taken into the bare cat. They treated him humanely. They put a warm blanket around him because they cut off his shirt to identify him but humanely put them in the back. These are compassionate. Harris not the compassion he showed the girlfriend he stabbed 38 times in front of her children. Bill, thank you very much for your expertise this hour. I want to bring in now representative chip roy, republican from texas. We were scheduled to talk about the border anyway. But i cannot begin without getting your Top Line Thoughts what were learning about this killer and what has unfolded. The rest of the country is getting a glimpse at what weve been dealing with in texas for years. Unfortunately weve been seeing it unfold in pennsylvania, now see the gory details of what happens when you allow untold migrants to bum rush our country in the false name of compassion. We see what happens in ohio when as your previous guest noted you have i think an 11yearold boy who died by someone who was released by the Biden Administration into our country. The thing that we arent talking about. We talk about one guy in pennsylvania. One guy in ohio. The Inspector General just told us that of a Million People who were released into the United States from the spring of 21 to the summer of 22, 177,000 of them have given us missing information, addresss that dont exist, fake addresss and we have no idea where they are. Thats the reality. 60,000 people being released every single day. Thats the truth. The truth. Harris, you and i have talked about this on your show many times. I have to sit at another round table in my district with another mom who loses a child to fentanyl poisoning. Another rancher getting destroyed and decimated. The number of individuals getting killed, getting harassed by migrants who come here illegally. Criminals. People associated with terrorist organizations. The numbers are off the charts that were now learning have come into our country. The simple question for my republican colleagues is, when are you actually going to say enough is enough . When are you actually going to do what you campaign on doing . What are you actually going to hold this Administration Accountable and use the power of the purse to stop this assault on the American People . Thats my position and i want to know if its the position of the remainder of the republican conference. Harris its a great question. You and i have spoken about this before with you making that same question and announcement. There has been some time. What is the answer . What are republicans telling you on the hill . Well, right now my position is very clear. No security, no funding. I believe that were seeing an increased understanding by my republican colleagues because guess what . They were at home in august. They are getting their butts kicked up and down by their constituents from new york to texas all the way throughout the entire country. They are seeing the reality whats happening on the ground and republicans will be a total and complete failure, a failure, if we do not hold the line and demand that President Biden come to the table, sit down with us, and pass legislation that will no longer fund a department of Homeland Security at war with the American People. Thats it. There is no negotiation on that. Secure the border or you shouldnt fund the department of Homeland Security. More and more of my colleagues are starting to understand that. Unfortunately some Senate Republicans are still Hand Wringing with shut downs. The American People are tired. They want their country back. Thats what this is about. Harris congressman from a border state. Your governor has told me in the last few days that 7 million have come across that border while places like new york city where i sit and work. I dont live here, 110,000 mostly Illegal Immigrants have come here. He blames the governor of texas, we all know the governor didnt put 110,000 people on buses. Many of these people got here on flights paid for by the government. So considering all of those numbers, i want to ask you about the infrastructure here for the illegals when they get here. Cavalcante, native of brazil, began associating with gang members and became addicted to drugs and alcohol and his exgirlfriend was caught, according to reports, she also came from brazil with him or they met after he got here. From reports, she could see the degradation in his life. Whats going on when they get here . How is there so much Connective Tissue between the bad guys coming across the border and the bad guys already among us . Thats the exact right question. Just last year i went out and met with the sheriff in Culpepper County in virginia an hour west of our nations capital. He walked me through the vast network there in culpepper of cartelrelated gangs and activity there where they went out and busted and they had stash houses there, girls that were being prostituted out. Sold into the sex trafficking business in rural virginia. Thats a glimpse into the vast Network Across our country. I said that a year ago. I said that on the house floor. Ive said that on news shows. Im trying to wake up our colleagues. Not just republicans but my democratic colleagues to say when will enough be enough . How is this good for migrants . Its not good for americans or for our security. It is sure not good tore the 73,000 americans dead from fentanyl ponceing. When will it be enough . The migrants thrust into the Sex Trafficking Trade like the movie the sound of freedom. What you see in the federal judges orders that weve talked about before detailing how an immigrant came to baltimore and his wife and daughter were being held for 23,000 or they would sexually assault and rape his daughter if he didnt pay that money. Thats happening every day. My democratic colleagues dont care. The president doesnt care. Mayokas doesnt care. I care. And i think a growing number of republicans care. But you will know whether they care on September 30th if they stand on the wall like those brave men did at the alamo and forefathers have done and say enough, mr. President. You will come down here and answer to us because we have the purse strings. Harris he has to go do that if he wants to put every person coming across that border, if he wants to court drug cartels and have them sit in the state of texas. If he is willing to lose a state and our republic to the cartel he will meet you. September 30th cant come fast enough. Congressman chip roy from the great state of texas. You have done so much along with other border states to try to help the rest of us around the country. But it is bigger than all of us now. Your last quick word. Thank you, harris, god bless. This is something that rises above daily petty politics. I dont want to hear the Hand Wringing. Lets do our job. Its time to stand up and do our job in this country to preserve and protect it for our kids and grandkids. Its our job. Harris we keep the images on your screen from a mighty capture earlier this morning in pennsylvania. 14 days on the run this guy. And when we last saw him he had a beard. We see the mug shot from prison, right . Look at him now. He has an Eagles Sweatshirt on from a couple hours ago. They eventually cut those garments off him trying to look for the tattoos on his body to confirm the capture. But you can see healthy and walking in with our men and women bringing him to justice again. This was a guy who was already serving based on killing two people and allegedly killed someone in brazil. They were after him down there. He comes here, will they deport him . You heard bill daley say well have to see what the law says about that. There is concern you send him to brazil and he gets off. They cant prove the murder against him there and then you have him all over again. Would he come here . He is connected the gangs, drugs, Everything Else. He is addicted to being here and to crime. I want to bring in paul mauro, retired nypd inspector and attorney. You come with everything. I have see you laid out a whole situation on my desk today because youve been studying this. What have you unearthed that you think the public needs to know . Lets take a macro view for a second. Get used to this story. It is not that migrants by percentages are more likely to commit crimes or not good people, etc. But it is just added strain on Law Enforcement across the country because the migrants are being shipped all over the place coming in over the border unattended and unstopped. All Law Enforcement is global. Even in small towns they are encountering folks they have no footprint on. Law enforcement one of the things you depend upon is the footprint. Digital and otherwise that people leave in this country. When you have somebody who comes in and we know nothing about. This case we know about the background and the brazilian indictment for murder. Harris thats because he killed two people here. There are instances here you dont know what you have. Some of these cases the countries arent friendly. Will we be able to reach into a country that cant stand this country and get information about who this person is were dealing with . Ive had that and an unnerving feeling. Get used to it. There will be more of this. Harris you made the point, i said it, too. The reason we know so much about this particular individual is because he committed double murder and the case against him they would have done all their Due Diligence and the dig being and searching they could to get the conviction and thats what happened. What are they calling it a catwalk how he broke out of prison and probably have video of that. We have still images how he fled. Then he gets out of that situation. I would have to say what would this guy ever be afraid of with our penal or justice system. He knows he is looking at life. Point out a couple of things. Look in the lower right. It looks like a lookout to me. Is he going to be investigated as abetting this . They will have to do a backwards look. Thats why the d. A. Was at the press conference. There will be investigation. I showed a video. As he crab walks up there look at his lower back. It looks to me like there is a bulge in his lower back. He has something on him. Looks like he planned it out to the extent i will need a towel to get over the razor wire. He had to get over there to get out of prison. He probably got and learned all of that in prison. Prison trade craft. A similar escape from the same facility. That word goes around in jail. He got convicted before all of this. Day before. He is saying to himself i have nothing to lose. I look at life in prison. I will take a shot and do what this other guy did. Usually prisoner when they get out of jail they have no resources, have to rely on other people to help them. Some people tried to help him and they stopped it. Part of the investigation. Prisoners only think i need to get out of here. This guy seemed to be resourceful. Got himself to the arboretum. He had water, maybe food. A reason he was at large as long as he was. If i could. 1 last thing out just to give you his mindset. He went south to the Longwood Gardens with all the forest cover. Then turned around and went 40 miles north taking him right by the prison that he had escaped from. Think about the nerve of that. He had to be in the area of the prison that he just left. I dont think most of us would do that. You see the ring Camera Photos where he is laughing and smiling at the camera. Like a joke. Felt it was a guy all in and im very grateful they got him alive and nobody was hurt. I didnt think it would end this way frankly. Harris paul mauro, always grateful for you coming with the facts and all the details of the things that we dont see. And dont know. Appreciate your expertise. Well move. If anything else happens on that, well take you there immediately. For now well move on. New democrat jitters are happening over joe biden and 2024. As a top liberal voice now says it is time for the president to exit stage left. Take a bow, just sit down. Bidenomics or bust. Hum. The alarming spike in Poverty Level and Credit Card Debt under his watch. But he is trying to sell this as good policy. Power panel next. When they look at bidenomics and see what has happened, the cost of gasoline, groceries, rent, Everything Else in their lives, i dont know how they can say boy, we would love another four years of that. But terry dot have directv. Come on. Work for dad here. Now, you can find the game easy. My barbecue is saved get in the redzone with sports pack. Call 1800directv my barbecue is ruined. Mom mom every day can be extraordinary with rich, creamy, Delicious Fage total yogurt. I just always thought, dog food is dog food i didnt really piece together that dogs eat food. As soon as we brought the farmers dog in, her skin was better, she was more active. If i can invest in her health and be proactive, i think its worth it. Visit betterforthem. Com so many hotels. [yells] [yells] [yells] trouble booking the family vacay . Come on. Comfort has free hot breakfast for the whole fam they have waffles and splendid pools cannonball bobby my store and my Design Business . Were exploding. But my old internet, was not letting me run the show. So, we switched to Verizon Business internet. They have business grade internet, nationwide. vo make the switch. Its your business. Its your verizon. Theres challenges, and i love overcoming challenges. When better money habits® content first started coming out, it expanded what i could do for Special Olympics athletes with developmental needs. Thousands of Bank Of America employees like scott spend countless hours volunteering to teach people how to reach their financial goals. It felt good. It felt like i could take on the whole world. Harris president bade biden is facing pressure to drop out from the left as well as the right. Drop out of running for 2024. He did give a glowing review of the biden presidency adding that biden was the right choice in 2020 but cites some big concerns. This combination of joe biden at the top of the ticket and the polls show people feel uneasy about somebody who is 82 serving another fouryear term. The combination of that and peoples uneasiness as reflected in the polls about the Vice President succeeding him. Time is running out. Another month it will be too late to have this conversation. I thought before it was locked in stone, it was worth at least raising. Harris he had a lot to say. The New York Times with this headline as democratic jitters grow, Biden Campaign tries to showcase his vigor. The times says with low Approval Ratings and shaky public performances thats kind. The president and his team are planning an ad blitz. Its not his age, its acuity and how he is doing. The president is bucking tradition with a massive 25 million ad buy much earlier than recent predecessors. The two you see there and all the detail. Power panel. Gianno caldwell and Marie Harf Fox news contributor and state Department Spokesperson under president obama. Gianiny a call from the left. Here is the thing. I have to be honest. I know if marie would admit this as well. I dont think this is simply about his age or acuity. I think democrats will run a blond, dumb donkey if they thought they could win. The idea in the democratic and Mainstream Media that biden is corrupt. This is the very polite way to push him out of the picture without actually having all of these allegations of bribery, allegations of alleged dealings with his son and china and all these other countries, money from oligarchs, emails, text messages. All these things that weve seen and any time if a republican was accused of doing these things democrats would be willing to impeach. Right now no inquiry, but ready to impeach. This is an issue for the Biden Campaign and want to run the campaign ads. If you look at the polling. 44 of americans believe he is corrupt. A lot of negatives joe biden has. This is a big one thats coming ahead. Harris before he brings it up. Some of my best friends are blond and brilliant. I meant blind, not blond. I also thought you said blond. No, im sorry. I apologize. Thank you for correcting me. Harris i want to say this marie. An interesting point that he is making. This could very easily be about things other than the obvious acuity and some people have pointed to his age. This really could be about the viability of a candidate who is under an Impeachment Inquiry and formed an impeachment war room inside the white house. Do you want that look when eventually you are hoping the First Black Indian president takes over, Kamala Harris . You know democrats are thinking that. He will be really old by the end of the potential second term. That does matter. You know, harris, it is interesting. Elections at the end of the day are choices. They are not popularity contests in a vacuum. I think the white house feels very confident that the record joe biden and his administration have developed and the bills theyve gotten passed and jobs they helped create. The economic boom in many places thats coming back, they are very confident that if you put that record out, even with these other comments about age and acuity, all of that. When you put it up against who any of the challengers could be or likely to be from the republican party, that they would rather be the Biden Campaign than the trump campaign, the desantis campaign. Bidens numbers are a floor, not ceiling. We have seen Donald Trumps numbers if he is the nominee and leading candidate, his numbers are close to their ceiling where we are now. There are a lot of people that will never vote for him. Brass tax and counting votes, the biden teams feels very comfortable with where they are. Harris hold on a second, team. Come up with the republicans beating biden last week and nikki haley in particular outside the margin of error . I think we need to put the facts on the screen. I appreciate you maybe looking at different polling, whatever. This was the one that every liberal network was leading with last week as well. I want people to see this. If in fact he has hit the bottom, it is a really, really low number to hit the bottom for biden. He has a big climb out. If you count numbers like the ones in the economy, it could be the most slippery climbout ever. I disagree with maria. Almost 70 of democrats want to see a second choice. Those are horrible numbers when you think about the fact that Consumer Prices are up, gas up 60 since biden took office, you look at the popularity that has crashed. Even one of the selling points for joe biden in 2020 was the fact he was an empathetic figure. Most americans dont see him like that anymore. All the things we were sold on joe biden especially the independence and maybe some of the republicans who may not have liked trump were saying it wasnt really true and now theyre in a serious situation. No one spends 25,000,015 months before an election to say were in a comfortable place. It doesnt make sense. Harris by the way, new numbers from the labor bureau this morning they show inflation accelerated and ticked up in august. Its half a Percentage Point in a month. Biden insisting his economic policies are only doing great things. Lets watch. President Biden Bidenomics is another way of saying restore the american dream. As you might have seen recently, further evidence of how well bidenomics is working. Thanks to bidenomics were working our infrastructure and Supply Chains even stronger. Bidenomics is about making sure that we build an economy that doesnt leave anybody behind. President Biden Bidenomics. Guess what . Its working. Harris maybe he is whispering because its not working and he thinks he can lie to us in a whisper. Census data showing the u. S. Poverty level saw its largest one year jump between 21 and 22. From under eight to more than 12 . The Child Poverty rate, this is one that really jumped out at me, has more than doubled during that same time. Not only is he wrong, he is hurting people particularly children with his policies. Marie. Well, he has passed legislation to help reduce Child Poverty. Most republicans voted against it. We have to be honest about the facts. You can find facts and figures on both sides. Harris they cant get jobs. The wages dont matter to the children who are now double numbers from what they were in poverty. And it is lipstick on a pig if you tell me that you want to blame republicans and anybody else. They voted against it. They vote against legislation that helps children get out of poverty. Thats just a fact. So look, i will agree, though, that there is still economic pain out there. So the biden team has, as their job, to make the case to the American People why these numbers that in many cases are good. Not all. Why they are better than what the alternative would be if donald trump the reelected. How they are investing in communities where people are seeing Manufacturing Jobs come back for the first time in a long time. They have to make that case and they probably have to do it a little better according to some of the polling. Harris you want to blame republicans say they didnt vote for a bill. Nationwide Credit Card Debt up 43 billion. That really hurts children and the home because people are putting things like staples, food, gas on something that has a revolving credit and gets bigger every month because they cant pay off the card. Thats not something that has come to a vote. The president has to use his bully pulpit. Gianno, last word. Maries premise with democrats couldnt be happier when the party, the numbers we look at Child Poverty hurts working class people. The people trump brought with him. Africanamericans and hispanic individuals who cant put groceries on the table the same way they used to back when the economy was good when donald trump was in office precovid. Well talk about the facts we have to be completely honest about it. Joe biden has done a terrible job for americans and people are fed up with it. Harris marie harf, gianno caldwell. Top republican senators say theyre for owes over the biden policy exchanging prisoners with iran. It gets worse, news of the deal came out on the anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. Maybe thats why he didnt want to be down at ground 0 or any of the other attack sites from 9 11 or the white house. Senators like tom cotton calling it shameful, blackmail. Chuck grassley and mitt romney a terrible idea. Mark meredith with more from the white house. Good morning. The white house says the deal it is making with iran about securing the release of five Iranian Americans detained overseas. There is a chorus of republicans saying it will further embolden the Islamic Republic. Were awaiting the details from the five u. S. Citizens. They were moved out of prison to house arrest. The other part of the deal is about the money. The South Koreans ungreaseing 6 billion in iranian assets an the iranian say they can use. The president of iran sitting down and saying iran will use the money any way it sees fit. This money belongs to the Islamic Republic of iran and naturally we will decide, well decide to spend it wherever we need it. Now the white house is facing questions whether or not thats true or not. The u. S. Insists the 6 billion will only go to humanitarian needs. We heard from john kirby with the National Security team. The money is not a blank check for iran to use however it sees. He is wrong. I dont know how else to put it. He is wrong. Not the way the deal is structured and not the way the funds will get disbursed. We talked about the republicans that are outraged and also heard from democrats who worry this creates a dangerous precedent that it will happen over and over again where americans can be used as pawns in order to get money or assets unfrozen. Harris frightening. Thank you very much, mark, for your reporting. Parents in california are fighting the state over a policy about a School Gender rule. They dont want schools to keep secrets from parents. Of course they dont want that. We dont want that. Who wants that . A few people do. You know who they are. Cases like this are playing out across america. The fight for parental rights is on and in focus. Iling up . Great news. You can use your va benefit to pay off your high rate Credit Card Debt with a lower rate va home loan from newday. Rates on credit cards have gone up to 22 . For late payments, as much as 30 , more than three times higher than a newday va loan. So pay off your high rate debt with a lower rate newday home loan, and you can save 500 or more every month. Heres why you should switch fo to duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a built n engine like google, but its pi and doesnt spy on your searchs and duckduckgo lets you browse like chrome, but it blocks cooi and creepy ads that follow youa from google and other companie. And theres no catch, its fre. We make money from ads, but they dont follow you aroud join the millions of people taking back their privacy by downloading duckduckgo on all your devices today. Harris they served America Valiantly and now taking part in an International Celebration of their sacrifices. The invictus games. Benjamin hall is in germany with a look. Great to see you. Great to see you, too. There are many stories we get to tell on this job. This perhaps might be the best one. Because i spent the last few days people who have sacrificed for their country showing no matter what your injuries you can do incredible things. Them and 21 other countries Around The World and being here is a pleasure. I want to have you listen to a couple of the american sportsmen weve spoke to. Sergeant first place rolled over an ied in afghanistan in 2014 and lost her leg. The victories here are greater than just winning medals. It is the difference between life and death for most of us. So being a part of a team again, feeling useful, getting yourself back active and in the gym, all those things combined help the Mental Health aspect and then you can go back to work. Sergeant green was injured in a Motorcycle Accident in 2014 and lost a leg and competing in four sports and says doing so has given him his life back. These games bring you life. These games teach you curate a lifestyle for you to help you live life post injury because it gives you a gill to work towards. Shoves no matter what you go through or how traumatic you have another chance and opportunity to don a uniform. They are here again wearing the colors of their country. Whats amazing as well a couple of the people who are participating in the team were with me in hospital. They recovered and pushed through. Im here as well. No matter what you go through, you can get anywhere you want. Harris amen. Benjamin, great to see you again. Thank you for those stories. God bless you, my friend. A california judge is siding with the state and has now put on hold a School Districts next steps. A School District wants parents to be notified when their kids begin a transgender journal. The states Attorney General says it amount edforsing outing and he supports the judges ruling. The only north star here are you violating the law . Theyre violating it. The court agreed with us today. Harris a judge and the state wants secrets to be kept from parents. Parents were split on the decision at a recent board meeting. They decided to use our Taxpayer Dollars and money in order to sue our district because our district decided not to keep second from the parents. You used fear to create hysteria about transgender students. I want to say how proud i am of this board that we have. Thank you so much for continuing to stand up for what is right. The recent decisions and actions of this board are off base and while strong opinions on either side remains Unproper Truckedive to the improvement of student outcomes. Harris Chino Valley Unified School board president. Welcome back. You said you would be with me for an update. Emily, Senior Counsel at Liberty Justice center. Emily, you have decided the take on this case and defend parental rights and the school board. Why . Thats right. Its so important that parents Constitutional Rights are protected. Chino valley instituted a policy to make sure no secrets are kept from parents it is a fight we want to stand. Harris do you think we can win . The law is not on the Attorney Generals side here. There is no California Law that says schools can keep secrets from parents. The law is clearly on our side and we intend to fight this hard and win in court. Harris sonia, i would imagine now that people have really started to voice themselves at the school board meetings. They see the power in that. No matter how they feel on the issue i look at how they were calm and talking from different points of view. You have made a difference no matter what. Thats not enough for you. No. I mean, were here to do a job. We are here to bring back the family unit. Sacramento waged and war and were prepared to fight. Were provided with the best team. So excited to link up with emily and have her apt our district. The judge said something, he said the judge was on their side absolutely. But on the wrong side and admitted he never looked at the document. How can you make a fair judgment without looking at the document . Harris what do you mean he never looked at the document . Its not a joke. He went on record and literally said two things. He said i didnt even look at the defense paperwork, ours, that we hand delivered him an extra copy in addition to getting them on time and also said something. He said the state is trying to make him legislate law from the bench. Now you tell me, regardless of his decision and we all know that im not trying to say bad things but the judges are appointed by who . And he says those two things and you call it fair . It just shows the dictatorship in california. Guess what . Parents are linking up. We arent going to give in or give up. These government bullies arent going to win. Well win. We have the law on our side like emily said. Harris you are avoiding democrats in general. Its a very blue state. Democrats in general but gavin newsom and his political cartel and puppets is doing everything he can. Without saying it himself. He is trying to use everybody. We all know his final goal. We wont give in. Thats the most beautiful part we have a Rock Star Team ready to take this on. I believe in my heart well win. Harris quickly, just remind everybody of your story. We dont have a lot of time but i want people to understand whats happening with parents and how you got to be where you are. Im just a soccer mom without the knowledge of how bills went through when the shutdown happened. We saw an attack on families and our students at schools. We got involved, start evidence asking questions, didnt know what the school board was. Found out our school board didnt care about parents voices. I won the seat and made a promise to our community and here i am today. Harris emily, we appreciate you being with us today as well. Again, keep us posted on this push forward. The whole country is watching you. From virginia where this started to california. God bless you both. Thank you. Thank you for watching the faulkner focus. Outnumbered is after the break. Ners to combat todays rising prices. Lower your Monthly Payments with the three cs pay down your credit cards, pay off your car loan, consolidate your debt with a va home loan from from newday. Tech cracked windshield on your new car . You dont have to take it to the dealer. Bring it to safelite. We do more replacements and recalibrations than anyone else. Customer thank you so much. Tech vo schedule now. Singers safelite repair, safelite replace Teeth Sensitivity is so common. It immediately feels like somebodys poking directly on the nerve. I recommend sensodyne. Sensodyne toothpaste goes inside the tooth and calms the nerve down. And my patents say you know doc, it really works. With fastsigns, create custom graphics that get tails and tongues wagging. Fastsigns. Make your statement. 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