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Bloody and battered after an elite patrol teamed up with state police to take him down. They used thermal technology to track his movements, and then unleashed a canine in the morning to sniff out and subdue the brutal killer. State Police Officers revealing what they believe was the key to his capture. They were able to move in quietly, they had the element of surprise, cavalcante did not realize he was surrounded until that had occurred. That did not stop him from trying to escape. He began to crawl through thick underbrush, taking his rifle with him as he went. One of the customs and Border Control teams had a dog with them. They released the dog. Dana the community that was locked down for two weeks can finally rest easy. Local residents saying how relieved they are, they wont have to worry about a killer on the loose. I flipped the lights on and off when he flipped the lights back, that was the moment my wife was already on 911 but i was like, he is downstairs, call 911 right now. It was a scary moment. The saga of living in longwood when he is 2 miles away, very tense, very mental on edge. Im so excited. I feel like crying. Ive been up all night, every night the last two weeks. Dana now that cavalcante is back in custody, there are new questions about how easy it was for him to escape in the first place, and judge, the jail says there are new protocols to make sure security is better. This happened actually not too long ago with another prisoner that caught him right away, bute stuff, its a lot, but he is now in custody and will probably be for the rest of his life . Jeanine yeah, i dont think he is going anywhere. Calls to have him deported are ridiculous. When i was d. A. , i would have people deported were convicted thinking, let his country pay for him instead of us. They let him go and come back in. The first thing i want to say is kudos to the colonel, bivens. This guy was measured, focused, determined. He never lost faith. He had a huge team to coordinate. Congratulations to him. Now as it relates to the prison, this is a prison where the maximum term of incarceration is 24 months. So it really is like a county jail. And they are held there until they are moved to the state prisons. But we have seen a lot of problems in these county jails, or facilities like rikers, where everyone was asleep, or Jeffrey Epstein apparently i was thinking of you, jesse supposedly killed himself. There has got to be a new requirement. There is new technology in place. The guy that was on the watchtower, he got fired. But, you know, people get comfortable when they are on a job for 15, 18 years. And weve got to test, retest, and continue to make sure that they are doing their job correctly. But i think the biggest story here is not just the resolution of the people that they just said they were tense come on edge, didnt sleep because schools were closed, this is a guy we knew had killed someone. He was illegal. When he came into this country, we didnt know he killed someone in brazil, all right . But every day in this country, people are coming in from other countries about whom we know nothing. We know nothing. We dont know their backgrounds. We dont have their fingerprints. Even the Attorney General and the state of florida had to go to court to get the Biden Administration to stop releasing Illegals En Masse into the interior without knowing who they are. How many more are there from other countries . That is my concern. But now that it is all said and done, congratulations. We saw firsthand that Law Enforcement works well and works well together, and for all of you people who want to defund the police, just talk to the people who were worried about police not being there when he was around. Dana yeah, you want the police at this point. Greg i disagree completely with everything you just said. First of all, data, i question whether it was a stolen eagles hoodie. This guy is a multiple killer, maniac, in philly, thats an eagles fan. [laughter] i am happy he was caught. He is a jerk. He drank all of my ovaltine and hugged all the blankets, but i do not get the outcry over this at all. True, he is illegal, but america is a melting pot, and that includes killers, right . Is not like he voted for trump, dana. I get it come he is a Violent Rr Fender but since when in the last three years did that really matter . Every city has released a slew of reoffenders who went on we were promised i would only affect nonviolent offenders and we were lied to. I am disgusted, disgusted, dana, that they sent the evil police after this guy when clearly social workers could have handled this. And remember, according to the squad, prison is cruel and inhumane punishment, so anyway, that escape was just an accelerated version of early release. He took the initiative and beat the soros d. A. S to the punch, and we are punishing him. So to summarize, he escaped, so what . He is not the criminal. He is not the oppressor. The prison is. Police is. Society is. He was clearly oppressed by the system. I only hope, in the next few months, when he declares his new identity as a woman, they better put him in the prison of his chosen gender, and if the female inmates complain about the assault on the rapes, they are just being transphobic. Dana hear, hear jeanine bravo. Dana what more is there to say, jesse . Jesse just got a job at msnbc. That was very good. I like the part where they catch him and then they make him say cheese. Line up behind him and take photos. Thats great. So the dog was on last night and he said exactly what the judge said. If you have a wide open border, you have americas most wanted from the third world piling in. You have no clue who these people are. And then we had john w people are. And then we had john walsh and americas most wanted, and he said that he was surprised that this task forcalsh, wane wasne to bring in marshals, to bring in thein national guard, to bri ino sharp shooters. Ters because at two weeks, you know, hes about to kill again. So thankfullo y they got the gu. Fetterman hadnt said a word. He was Walking Around going woo about impeachment. And this guy looks like he was h probably trying tois get back t brazil because they dont have an extradition treaty. That is a long walk. I dont think he was getting on a flight but im glad they caught him before he got to delaware because hunter probably would have gotten his hands on him. This was a great job by these guys, two weeks and if you know what its like in a manhunt, im sure you know what thats like greg. Greg great bar. Jesse j four years in colle these guys you dont understand, theyre sleeping in gymnasium floors, theyre given meals in a box, theres bugs out there, it ist damp, its terrible and th. Finally got him so congrats. Dana and, actually, a lot of new technologies were used, including that thermal imaging l but also people with ring cameras they were able to catchc him soat that they were able tol track hie m a little bit and ke him in that Perimeter Tulsi nome question that entire community, it was definitely a Community Effort de supporting lawfi enforcements l ability to catch him. H you know, august we saw the higheswet number of illegal borr crossings ever in this country. You couple that with the department of homeland securitys leaked letters t saying, hey, we get that the Detention Facilities are at capacity so were encouraging you guys to repiece people into the interior to be able to make room and not go over capacity. President bidens Open Boarder Y policy is no different from his policies domestically to not prosecute criminals. So youre seeing over and over, basically an undermining of the rulesi of law, the president th doesnt care about the safety and security of the American People, is unwilling to enforce evenpe the laws that actually exist to protect the American People and ultimately, therefore, is de facto taking the sideng of criminals, Human Traffickers and the cartels. And the American People, these communities, are the ones who th suffer as a result. Dana so glad its over for al sl those people there. Os yes,e sir. Greg philly eagles jesse. Jesse i know. He stole the shirt, greg. Eagles country. Greg seemed to fit him verya well. Dana and then they cutnd t v off that was good tv we watched this morning. B ahead More Bad News from President Biden his favorite Media Columnist saying he shouldnt run again. Im pete hegseth and im a cohost a fox friends weekend. Just like everyone else there used to be a lot of reasons why i voted, whether it is taxes on the military, but today, there is really only one reason my kids. I asked myself the question, what kind of country, what kind of future are they going to inherit . And you know, thats on me. Thats on all of us. So i think hi, im michael, ive lost 62 pounds on golo and i have kept it off. Most of the weight that i gained was strictly in my belly which is a sign of insulin resistance. But since golo, that weight has completely gone away, as you can tell. Thanks to golo and release, ive got my life and my health back. 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I havent been anywhere in conversations with democrats, people who follow politics, where this has not been an issue that has been something that absorbs people, fills hole Dinner Conversations, but it hasnt been discussed in public and i thought it was appropriate that that discussion begin. Were Running Out Of Time for there to be a meaningful process of looking at alternative candidates. In a month or two it will be done. So i think this is the time to have that conversation, and i hope that the democrats will join in this. Greg clearly msnbc hasnt paid their electric bills. Morning joe is revealing how democrats are all thinking the same thing about biden but are too afraid to tell voters the truth. Everybody we talk to, every political discussion, all it talks a lot about trump but when it comes to joe biden, people say, man, hes too old to run, isnt he . I mean, hes not really going to run. Every discussion, when i say every discussion, i dont mean 99 of the discussion. Every discussion. We got it. I asked reverend al if he was hearing it all the time on our show this past week, hes hearing it as well. Greg all right, jesse, do you think that joe biden will die of embarrassment from this slight. Jesse hes definitely embarrassed. And because he probably cares what people like ignatius think. But ignatius to me seems like an intelligence operative. Greg i agree. Jesse so ignatius whos the one that got the flynn leak that bounced flynn. Ignatius is the guy that said chris was the truth teller and the laptop was russian disinformation. When american intelligence want to get something out they feed it to ignatius so the fact the Intelligence Community wants them to say this and nudge joe biden out of the picture tells me theyre worried about the impeachment hearing. Because in the impeachment, all of the evidence is going to come out. The american Intelligence Community is compromised by the biden corruption. They knew everything going on they covered it up, talking cia and fbi. They dont want that out there. They dont want offshores, they dont want the ukraine bribe spotlighted. Theres a lot out there they need to contain. And its not like he even said he wanted kamala. Hes like get the whole ticket gone. Greg oh, man. Tulsi, i hate to say this but he actually spoke truth tulsi yes. Greg as i heard that, i goes like this feels like an intelligence operation, and next youre probably going to hear it from nbc. Youve got msnbc, theyre all state run. What do you make of this . Tulsi i also think jesse is telling the truth. Lets be real here. You know, way back in, whatever, 2019, 2020, President Biden was not the democrats first pick. Its not who they wanted. They wanted kamala harris. She was the one who was supposed to be anointed. President biden is going to blow it. So this is, whether its ignatius and all these other people, this is the democrat elite and the partners this in the Main Stream Media who are focused on power. They are concerned bidens going to lose the election and its going to negatively affect them. And if he is not the vehicle, as increasingly it seems he is not then they are going to find someone else to step in who will be compliant, who will continue to push their same policies, their open border policies, divisive policies, their anti freedom policies, their warmongering policies and, again, give the American People no choice. The other thing thats interesting, in the article they keep saying there is no credible primary challenger to joe biden, while at the same time the dnc is doing everything they possibly can to block rfk jr. To make it so anyone anyone who dares to vote for him their vote definitely will not count. They wont even allow him to come and talk to the Dnc Rules Committee and say hey guys i have something to say here. Greg if he goes independent theyre going to lose and he could win. Dana did you ever hear the phrase cat ose the roof. When you come home and your cats dead and instead of telling you the cats dead they say the cats on the roof. Dana the cat might be on the roof. Now the Biden Campaign saying theres Government Interference in an election if that were to be true. David ignatius is saying what everybody is saying privately even morning joe admitted that t also bidens age isnt just a fox news trope, its been the subject of Dinner Table Conversations this summer. What they do they think anything fox news says is a tail wind for them to continue but no, actually, this is all happening. But more important than teen Intelligence Community thinking that this has to end, its that what David Ignatius did was give a green light to the democratic establishment to say, you can start the drum beat, and because his family is not asking him to resign in a graceful way and say look, ive made all these accomplishments, im going to turn this over. What David Ignatius also said is kamalas not going to win this for you guys so you better do something. But its getting late to stand up a National Campaign and really the only one that could possibly do that right now that has an appear rat us the would be kamala harris. So theyre in a world of hurt. And the cat is on the roof. Greg the cat is on the roof. Judge, so the drum beat has started. Do you care to make a wager with me when this will happen . When will joe be replaced . We keep talking about if, and now we realize its when. Do you care to make prediction. Judge jeanine is there a prize behind it . Greg i say. Jesse is it thanksgiving, the over under. Judge jeanine thanksgiving, thats good. I like that. Dana the friday after thanksgiving. Judge jeanine yes, thats a good call. Okay, you know whats interesting about this is, you know, joe, his age has been the subject of Dinner Conversations all summer they say, and they say they dont have a conversation without talking about it. It really shows how in lock step the Democrat Party is. How totalitarian it is. Everybody, 7 out of 10 democrats think hes too old. And yet no one will say anything until they get the okay from ignatius and i think that that is so telling in itself. And the amazing thing is ignatius calling upon the inner character or the allegiance of joe biden to look in his soul and figure whats right for the country. Hog wash. Hes incapable of doing that. Hes got to be pushed out. Ill tell you another thing which may be a piece of it. The Democrat Party is all about destroying donald trump. Its not about our policies are better, we want that open border, we want to make sure theres no bail ever. Its like we have to destroy trump. So this week isnt trump up one point in the trump biden faceoff . Greg yeah judge jeanine its like all of this stuff is coming together and theyre saying maybe we cant beat trump with this guy biden and the truth is the impeachment and with the fact that now theyve got the okay, bidens gone. Hes gone. And kamala, i mean, iing nashs took care of her and thats the end of that political ideology Political Correctness and picking someone for identity politics. Greg exactly. We have to start a pool. Jesse okay. Greg yeah, all right. Ahead breaking news about a democratic governors gun grab. Grab. Its time to sleep next level on the sleep number climate360 smart bed. The only smart bed in the world that actively cools, warms, and effortlessly responds to help relieve Pressure Points for both of you. For up to 44 minutes more restful sleep per night. Save 1500 on the sleep number climate360 smart bed. Plus 0 interest for 36 months. Sleep next level. Shop now at sleep number. Com jesse a democrat jesse a democrat pacing mayor blow back over her gun grab a federal judge issuing a temporary Restraining Order gutting Michelle Griffins 30 day ban on carrying firearms in public places. This is the geek of her headache, the state democrat Attorney General said hes going to refuse to represent her offices in the cases citing his oath to the constitution. Ow. And the sheriff who oversees the county where she wants the gun ban flatout says hes not going to enforce it. The temporary ban challenges the foundations of our constitution, but, most importantly, it is unconstitutional. My oath was to protect the constitution, and that is what i will do. This order will not do anything to curb gun violence other than punish law abiden citizens from their constitutional right to selfdefense. I have a fact for you. Criminals do not follow the law or a Public Health order. Jesse but it looks like the liberal governor doesnt care what her critics say. My question to Law Enforcement is where are you . Its not for police to tell me whats constitutional or not. They havent supported one, not one, Gun Violence Effort in the state of new mexico, including Domestic Violence protections, universal background checks. Jesse greg what do you call when you say you want to do something and everybody just runs away . Greg lets go watch Jesse Watters show. Jesse ha ha. Yes. Greg two things, these are physical i can do this. The sheriff has the best bald head ive ever seen in my life. If i lose my hair, i want that head. Grissoms got crazy eyes its pretty clear. We now have six different lawsuits, now i like lawyers. Jesse what . Greg and i hate to like lawyers. Thats when someone gives you a Veggie Burger and it kind of tastes good. Youre look i can what happened. Griffin might have just given new mexico to trump. This was such a missed step. Again its another case where the democrat, who often confuse the republicans and libertarians and everybody else of doing things that they do, in this case it was like stealing your rights theyre actually guilty of, you see that with the First Amendment speech its progressives, the second amendment, your life as a parent, all coming from the progressives. So again the socalled Constitutional Crisis we keep hearing about on the right is a delusion and on the left a reality which is why i salute tulsi from leaving the party. Its really important because you can tell all the people that are kind of moving away where theyre getting targeted whether tulsi or rfk jr. Or roughly brand. Did you see him talking about trump, other great people elon musk, joe rogen are because they realize their rights are being encroached upon. Jesse i appreciate youre making comments about peoples character is particulars. Greg i learned that from you. Jesse tulsi you just mentioned is this going to make people, democrats, walk away from the Democratic Party . Tulsi i think were seeing it happening in real time here. When you have the democrat Attorney General, you have the sheriff, you even have the aclu there in new mexico coming out against what this governor has done, i think its very telling of the direction that were headed in. One thing i thought of i know governor grissom we served together in congress, in military both in training and combat, leaders are tested that when youre in a situation under pressure, will you think clearly . Will you be able to make decisions and still execute the mission. Shes clearlying under pressure but she is acting frantically and nonsenseically basically saying something, someone has to do something and i am doing smshgs i am taking bold action without any thought for, okay, well, what does the constitution of the United States say . Both. Shes violating both with this socalled Public Health emergency that shes ordered and even admitted to a local reporters that said hey, will criminals abide by your temporary ban . She said no. She sees it. Yeah, its insane ask. Dana dana did see just light her political future on fire. Dana i think she thought she having giving it a boost and instead she has set the Anti Gun Movement back by a lot. So shes extremely unpersuadable. If you have the acc la saying, yeah, youre crazy that is probably not very good for you. The other thing, to tulsis point she didnt even talk to anybody in the state beforehand. Now shes at orders with the state Attorney General and the police and flailing around saying why isnt somebody else doing something. So she decided im going to get to the left of gavin newsom. They all see the writing on the wall. They think joe biden isnt going make, so theyre thinking how can i get attention and what is the issue in new mexico on crime but its not the legal gun owns are caughting the problem, its the problem theyre not prosecuting the crimes and putting people in prison. How bad does it have to get the governor. Im not going to defend you madam governor. The good news about this whole thing is that everybody disagrees and the shocking part is that she is an attorney and it stunts me that she doesnt understand what it takes to change a constitutional amendment, okay, that it takes two thirds of both houses of congress or threequarters of the ratification of the states. It doesnt even occur to her then shes out there trashing the police, the police have not sorted not one of my legal efforts ever. And its stunning to me and the police go out there every day michelle. And put their lives on the line and you want to trash them and you dont care that the guys with the legal guns respect going to listen to you and you dont expect them to listen to you and, in fact, a federal judge has just put a hold on the whole thing. You have a judge david urias issued a temporary Restraining Order limiting key parts of michelle grissoms order on gun violence a Public Health emergency. Its real clear that this is unconstitutional. I think its the end of her career if she thinks people respect people who dont understand the law or understand the systemment. She doesnt understand her own system. If you can create an exception to the constitution, on any health emergency, you can just create an emergency to get rid of one of the amendments. You sure can, all right. Up next the Covid Lack Leap gets covered up even worse. A Whistleblower Makes an explosive claim about cia acts and bribery. The day you get your clearchoice dental implants makes every day. 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No. Theres my little marzipan [ laughs ] oh, my daughter gives the best hugs were just passing through on our way to the jazz jamboree. [ Imitates Trumpet Playing ] and we wanted to thank americas numberone Motorcycle Insurer for saving us money. Thank you. [ laughs ] mara, your parents are exactly like me . I know, right . Well, cherish your friends and loved ones. Lets roll, daddio lets boogiewoogie judge jeanine did the cia offer hush noun bury the Covid Lab Leak theory . A senior level cia whistleblower making that shocking claim to congress. He says the agency he works for, quote, bribed their own analyst to say that the virus did not escape from a lab in wuhan china. A gop congressman dishing on what the whistleblower told him. Hes a senior level person, employee, of the cia. What he is saying is that the cia, in their effort to decide whether this came from the lab, the virus came from the lab or it came from nature, they have a Covid Discovery Team that comprises of seven people. Six of the seven people went with the idea that this this came from the lab. What hes alleging is there was monetary payments of some type going from the six people to change their mind and to go with saying that this is we were unable to determine this. Judge jeanine the cia denies the Bribery Allegations but said that they would investigate it. All right, jesse, its interesting when you follow the science and follow the money, they lead to the exact same place. And was the cia so invested in fauci that they had to do this . They may be. They say they give bonuses to agents that do investigations. So the question is, was the bonus tied to a specific answer . And thats what we want to know, but, yes, we already know that money did go to the lab for gain of function research. Right. And we also know through whistleblowers that we were using the access to lab to spy on Bioweapons Programs in china. And if that was the case, thats a good 0, but why would we need to bribe agents to cover that up, so my hunch would be that money we sent over there for gain of function may have created covid19, not just any old virus that they were studying because remember they say we didnt create that virus. Maybe they did. Maybe thats why. I dont know, but maybe they did. Judge jeanine you know, i remember dana when rand paul was called a cook and a nut andr was derided for pushing back against saint fauci. What do you think those people have to say now. Nothing. Theyll be silent. This is probably another situation where the whistleblower will be supported by one group and derided by another group when i think we need a lot more information. The cia says it will investigate. Well, investigating yourself is strange and maybe the Biden Administration, the biden white house, if they are really concerned about band they dont trust, need to get some sort of third party to vest because this is serious but the strange thing were on the Information Super Highway and these stories go so fast that this story is going under the radar. Its not something youre going to see, you will a see it here, but, wait, the cia browbeat its own agents . That would be huge news, worse than water gate. Yes, instead its basically like a pip. Its amazing because the Conspiracy Theaters were branded as Conspiracy Theaters and crazy and then the cycle starts over and they gas light us about something else. Will it ever end. Greg it is, because its infuriating and all of us were talking about this and we were either labored bigots or conspiracy freaks. But it wasnt the cia that was doing that, its the media. And whats to tell you when the media sounds like what the cia wants it to sound. Its the same damn beast and its starting to make a lot more sense. Remember, the insurance policy, peter strzok, crossfire hurricane, the steele dossier, the 51 intel a gents including four cia heads. That was something that was amplified and embraced by the peed i cant, just wasnt them alone. The news about jfk, ukraine. We cant trust anything. You kind of start to see this, and its kind of scary and its real. Its not the cia thats alone in this, they work among us. They wore if our industry. Heres an exercise for viewers when air a done watching the five. You dont need to watch bret. Im kiting. But sit done and go through twitter, now x, and watch a little bit of nbc or msnbc or Karine Jeanpierre and just make a lug who do you think bears a striking resemblance of the desires of the cia. Im not saying that they are designed for the cias but im not not saying it. Do you know who im talking about . Thats not a question thats a go home homework. Yes. Judge jeanine let me ask you this, how much does this kind of activity affect the American People in terms of their competence as it relates to terrorism, National Security and all the other issues we rely on them for. Jesse judge the big issue here is one of trust. You know, the cia was formed and exists to be able to gather information and intelligence, added to our elected leaders, for our freedom and security. Now we have a situation where we and our elected leaders should now be questioning saying, hey, well what are the motives behind this . Are they trying to manipulate information to achieve a specifi specific. Theres so many questions here if our leaders cant make informed decisions then its the American People and our country that suffer. Judge jeanine all right. Up next, new evidence of socalled alien bodies that shocked the mexican government. To duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtin search eg but it doesnt spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies. And its free. Download Duckduk Tulsi welcome back everybody, it is time for the fastest. First up, is this what aliens look like . Scientists brought out two nonhuman bodies at mexicos firstever ufo congressional hearing. These little guys have Three Fingers on each hand, elongated heads and are said to be almost 2,000 years old. Heres the scary part. They showed off xrays showing one of these beings had eggs inside. Judge jeanine eggs tulsi i feel like i have to go to greg first feels like a natural question for you. What would happen with these eggs. Greg this was in my 23 and me. I just want to know is earth a sanctuary planet, because im pretty sure this guy left because of climate changed and, what a coincidence by the way, we have an Impeachment Inquiry Jesse and now space aliens, we have an election coming up. This is going to be the Distraction Space ate generals and im here for it. I dont question the aliens i question the timing of this story. Thats true. Dana youve been in and around the white house in washington. Even before i worked at the white house i was skeptical of the whole alien thing, i know people dont i know people say its air gantt to think were the only human beings or only beings. Maybe it is. Im skeptical by this, in modern day penal have drawn picture of aliens and they look Something Like that. Isnt that weird. Jesse yes. He looks just like et they saw the movie et. First of all if thats an alien, i can take him. Okay . I mean that thing is skinny and small. All right, thats number one. Number two, what about the guy that he said he saw an alien and that he tested he was one of the whistleblowers or something, send them to mexico, see if its the same thing that he saw. Are you a believer . Jessy. I am but not with this. You see that guy in the white lab goat . That guy right there, looks like a Pudge Country Guy they asked to put a lab coat on. What does a legitimate scientist look like . Yes, and its not going away. Er there two of them. Jesse Two Aliens Tulsi who hugh the hottest item this year is trash, at new york Fashion Lease especially, i can feel him looking over my shoulder. Heres the kicker no one even noticed until the Security Guard came in and talked to them. What do you say about the judge, number one, and number two, if he didnt look back, the audience believed it. The audience had no problem with him. Judge jeanine camera bulbs park, would you wear that . Would you wear that if you could walk down a runway. No. On my watch. Jesse i like how he looked over his shoulder. Thats like me when i. If emma saw the show she would probably buy it. If Sarah Jessica parker was in the audience she would say i would pay 1,200 for that. Thats the sick state of american capitalism. Greg another example of the emperor wearing no clothes rite because nobody in the audience did anything. Jesse and i dont like when they make see through trash bags because when you unload it you can see all the garbage. Greg what are you embarrassed about, what are you throwing away. Jesse youve been riffling through my trash you know everything. One more thing is up next. If it hurts when you poop sometimes like pinching off a porcupine and youre sweatin your next trip to the loo colace is the brand you need to soften stools were all agreed 2 should be easy to do trust colace to soften stools, with no stimulants, for comfortable relief. Sports betting in one place in his lab. They would place in money lines in real time. 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Bucks nation brings you closer to the truth. Now is the time to be completely honest with exclusive Crime Stories you cant see anywhere else. You believe the killer is still out there. Thats what i believe. All part of fox justice on fox nation. Sign up and get your first three months of fox nation for 199. Its time now for one more. Thing. Jesse, new jersey, former troopers Heritag Eritage Foundation held a golf outing the other day, which i Brieflybriefly G participated in there. The guys are. We had a great morning morninge these men are brilliant. So were the women. We love law enforcemen theest. T, you guys are the best. Thank you for protecting and serving. Prim hav Jesse Watters fromo time. We have an eyewitness to theh capture of cavalcante. Plus greenwald, perino lash ,and banderas. Well, a couple of danas right there. All right. ,greg, youre next. Coupl all right. Tonight on that wonderful show called gutfeld who do we have . We have brad palumbo, joe derosa, cat tip tyrants. Its amazing. Lets do this. Gregs fashion news. Everybody knows im a fashionista. I dont talk about it, but they justd it b understand it by loow at me. Im beautiful. My wife, Elena Moosaife Elen yon google or if you like. She is a wellknown Fashionio Designer and her first collection for Adolfo Dominguez is out and her Dressest Domingrk are selling out. We have a few examples here of her dresses. I never talk would about this, but i thought it would be nice. Yeah, these are awesome. This is their work. So if you go Adolfo D Dominguez and i want you to go brich viewers are very wealthy viewers to go and buy hr some of her stuff because,g her shes been working her off in spain for the last year. I hae ive been living alone. Thats why i got a dog. So b t seriously, i got a dog because shes in spain doing this. Sog this g Go To Adolfo Domingu get a picture of my wifea and maybe you dont. The d thats not her, by the way. I dont know. But the dresses are great. Yeah, the dresseres, guys, sheal is just not impressed. She is a brilliant designetr, and i congratulate her judge. Her. , ill be on fox and friends. Im getting up early to talk ab new show, the living, the luxury life and traveling family was done this weekend when part of an office chair flew into the windshield of their car while driving on Interstatcae 15 in utah. Thankfully, no one was injured, the passenger said that the accident was the luckiest unlucky thing, as the chair did no thet go through the windshieh but apparently it fell out of ae truck and wald os sitting in thn Middle Of The Road when a car, two lanes over ran over it and then a piece went flying. I listened to Everyone Strap downruck your items firmly in yr truck bed, jean. All righteed. , people. Yes. All right. Whats better than Baseball Dogsreg wha dog and baseball. So dogs at the ballpark. This is the socalled Simba Camc At Citi Field gives dogs. That attend a game a chancee cu to shine. And its really cute. And greg, you and gus are due there thnext weee next week. Going to take greg to the helmet, hold him up like that. Oh, i would love that. Ouch. Our hearts are still with the people of mauih. In lahaina, who are recovering still from toe disastrous wildfir le they had a big paddle out there to honor those lives tha who wee lost, as well as to start the healing process. For those who are still recovering from that, that crazy and unprecedentedco disaster. Our hearts and prayers are continuing to bentin to wi. Indeed. All right. That is it for us. Have a great night, everybody. Well see you tomorrowesse. Welcome to Jesse Watters. Prime time tonight. Tters is jopre biden the person who can stop donald trump . Id like him to think that through carefully because i have my concerns. American intelligence warnsln biden, dont run dogs, droneces helicopters. Every asset available was put out foicoptersr this capture. Our nightmare is finally over and the good guyr thiss won. The killer is caught. Oh, how the hounds hunted them down. You know who wanted everyone

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