Transcripts For FOXNEWSW The 20240703

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Like its theirs to give away to the highest bidders . Wall street, big tech, the big donors. They want a certain set of policies and they usually get their way. Sucking up to china. I want to contain china. I want to make sure we have a relationship with china that is on the up and up and squared away. Funneling tens of billions to ukraine. We are always preparing a new plug Military Package for ukraine. We do these president ial drawdown packages essentially every couple weeks. Millions of Illegal Immigrants streaming across the border. We have responded with a model approach that has proven to work. We all know these policies are ravaging america. Democrat policymakers, so far have been cared. Its there america to shape and to control and frankly to give away. Its not yours to defend and enjoy. Things on the surface at least may be changing. Last night we told you democrats have begun serious conversations about whether biden harris ticket is a best shot for keeping power. A well respected liberal columnist wrote what many of accounts are privately thinking. The biden must step aside for the good of its party. Tonight, we sense the winds may be shifting on the policy front as well. The warning again delivered via Washington Post column written by another prominent globalist fareed zakaria. Bidens efforts have amounted to a bandaid on a message about immigration. The president must use the power he has 2 stop asylumseekers while the system tries to process the millions of cases outstanding. Wow. Thats coming from reads zakaria and that is huge. His words when i was reading this, selective ripped out of an old angle from 2021 when i was warning an open border would break america and break the pregnant bride and demonstration. His of the migrant crisis is exposing democratic Policy Weakness at every level. Administration that is scared to take on progressive wing right just shuttle shelter roles in new york and massachusetts. Now, that is quite the aboutface from a columnist and cnn post were just a month ago declared that there was no Border Crisis because the Biden Administration support or plan worked. So in one month zakaria went from no crisis to we must change course . What the heck happened . Back in 2018 zakaria was doubling the usual liberal invective when he examined the motivation of all of us border hawks. Some of this might be rooted in racism. It also represents a kind of heightened nationalism read more emotional conception of the nation. And immigration has become a proxy for that gut feeling. A sense of the country must be able to defined itself. Choose who to allow to come in and preview its own citizens over foreigners. Of course racism is not whats a play here. Got the last part right. I go further. We believe americas future should be determined by its own citizenry. Not by condrey of elites want cheap labor and probably change our electric by turning our nation into what Teddy Roosevelt warned would become what . A Polyglot Boardinghouse if borders were not controlled. Of course far left politicians like aoc, they just want to streamline this never ending illegal population coming into the country. She spoke today but, there were all adoring fans in the audience. The Work Authorization so that folks here can get to work and start supporting themselves as soon as possible. The faster the oaks can work legally the better we can stop this problem. How does she like them apples . Jerry mather got careful as well. Welcome immigrants in our citys intestine of the immigrant communities and are compelling us into the future. Thats new york my friends. These democrats care more about the border crushers sucking up sitting State Resources than they care about american citizens and legal immigrants struggling to pay their own bills. The American Dream will not be bullied into submission today. We will continue to fight for the American Dream. We will not be bullied and we will not be pushed into a corner. Now wait, bullied and pushed into a corner is exactly how the American People feel over the border issue. Are gonna keep coming here. The entire world knows that theyre giving everything for free in queens and in manhattan. This can be a line all the way from here to south america. Its never an end. We need to close the border. We cant afford this. Our city is going to go bankrupt. How we supposed to raise families here . And are calling us racist . There calling us white supremacist. American see whats happening here. Many now feel like their second class citizens of their own country and like were strangers in a foreign land here. No american in his right mind supports whats happening now. Just this week and in one day 9100 migrants crossed the border in arizona. 7400 of them illegally and those of the ones we know about. Thats it. There are others that got away. Sources tell fox the agents apprehended over 7400 Illegal Immigrants at the border on tuesday and combined with encounters of the ports of entry. That number hit 9100. On to the issue of immigration that has been a problem for biden. In the most recent cbs you go pole a whopping 2 thirds disapproved of his handling of immigration. Only 34 percent approved. Among republicans 91 percent disapproved. 74 percent of independents disapproved. But, Out Of Touch Democrats somehow 66 percent of them think scenes like this are just fine. Yeah. Looking good. Those numbers are worse than they appear by the way. As i intimated the outset republicans opinions on bidens handling of immigration broke down along partisan lines. Which brings us back to zakaria. He is smart enough to see the situation isnt sustainable. Hes no dummy. Its not sustainable politically or practically. The angle believes the white house may be, it may be considering a move to at least have the appearance of tiny things at the border. Just so you understand, this is not because somehow joe biden who doesnt think about anything and the puppeteers are controlling biden have some Policy Epiphany on the issue. Because its become a huge political liability to them. The bus the president ial race. I think its becoming a appeared the fact is the damage that this open border has artery done to america is incalculable. Democrats who dont listen to zakaria and dont reverse their stance on this should never be allowed near a position of power again. Thats the angle. 20 now is Tulsi Gabbard former hawaii congresswoman a Fox News Contributor Bridget Tulsa could have you in the studio. Look at these pictures now were showing yield. These are sidebyside pictures. Yet the Eagle Pass Texas or will have one person there. Weve got Eagle Past Texas showing people streaming across the border. Just climbing over the border fence and walking across. We also have a situation, oh thats delaware. Okay, thats not a border. Were biden is about to land for we can of well, who knows what. A border of insanity on the left and the other border on the right. The guys abort avoiding the border. You hit it right on the head. Its s clear that this president and his ministration they dont care about securing this they dont care about the interest and wellbeing of American People who are being impacted very negatively impacted by the Biden Harris Administration Open Border Policy. Where people that not only lived the southern border states. Searcy new york people all across the country are being g impacted by these unprecedented levels of Illegal Immigrants crossing the border and its the cartels and the Human Traffickers are the ones were benefiting and profiting perks these are past scenes. You and i during the time we were sitting here before the show started saw dozens and dozens just popping across. They walk across the waves or water atop crossed it. Then they say hi to the Border Patrol officials. Then the process in essentially in a matter of a couple of hours usually because i dont have anywhere to keep these people, they are released. Chelsea, with a notice to appear. A piece of paper they could get on a plane. They could travel in any mass transportation. They usually get a plane ticket or bus ticket to wherever they want to go. Most people are like wait a second i have never traveled in the last year because i cant afford it. Yeah, it is an Open Border Policy and what were seeing is no matter how many times mayorkas or anyone from the invited ministers or democrat in congress, the border policies are working. The border is secure. Everyone coming across the border knows its not they can get away with this. We gotta go back to the trump policy of remaining mexico. We gotta go back to the policy of securing our borders with their physical electronic means. Congress and the ministration have to Work Together to fix these broken asylum laws. Now, you got the new stuff that came in from tucson. Theyre just reeling in tucson and getting no help. 13,000 apprehensions 1300 rescues, 23 human smuggling events. 9 narcotics events. One firearm seized. Thats the tip of the iceberg. Thats just tucson. You think theres only one firearm there bringing in . The bringing in 13,000 across our border. Chelsea, you have ellie mir karen bass whose author making a comment in axial sink with evidence city that welcomes immigrants. So i think we have the soundbite. We lived in a city that welcomes immigrants. And so i think we have been able to handle it. I am fearful that any day planes could start coming. Because they should all stay in texas. Of course. Theyre not getting the real threat that is occurring right before our eyes because of the administration policy. They should all be sent to la, san francisco, chicago, new york, washington d. C. The people much to go home for the weekend. All the Big Liberal Cities. They have to feel the effect of their own policies. And all these Big Liberal Cities we see many, many homeless people. Many people who are struggling just to be able to get by. The Social Welfare Systems are already being stressed. They dont have enough money. If you agree the democrats might pull some stunt, some sister moment and show like 10 deportations and put that on a viral load. Subject should keep an eye out for. I would be surprised if they didnt think the voters are so stupid that if they try to put shiny rapping on this horrible, horrible problem that were somehow can apply it before this next election. Zakaria i think is big. Is a very well respected columnist. He admitted this is politically driven. Is not driven out of a concern for the country or the people. They want to remake the country, do they not . They want cheap electric and electric cars tulsa, great to see you the great champions of free speech added again. Chuck smith late on friday is asking judge tanya chuck and as he described as a narrow tailored tag order to prevent trump speaking publicly about the governments prosecution of him. This would prohibit the president from saying anything or publishing anything that would raise a serious and substantial danger of materially prejudicing the case. Who decides that. Prejudice the case by the way the allegations of possible witness intimidation, raising the possibility in the petition itself. That shows us if anyone is trying to president its case in smiths office. Look, we know whats going on here. The most obvious. They want trump both to hurt trumps chances of winning the election by limiting his speech. And that one hope he violates any gag order and then they could throw him in jail as soon as possible. So 2 things they want. I thank you kinda knew that this was all going to happen. Joining us now and im delighted is mike davis founder of the article 3 project a former clerk for justice neil gorges. Mike, your Immediate Reaction here. I think they want trump behind bars but heard him in his election bid. This is outrageous but, unsurprising coming from jack smith in the Biden Justice department Criminal Defendants not the government have the sixth commitment right to a public fair and speedy trial. Criminal defendants not the government have a First Amendment right to speak out against the government. That includes terminal defendant speaking out against the judge and the prosecutor in the process. The case law is very clear. What are they afraid of . Why are they afraid the President Trump is going to speak out on this case . They wanted to indict a former president s and a leading president ial candidate 4c trying to take amount of this president ial election. They see this is backfiring and its making him stronger, tough on dawn. They want to silence him. They want to silence him under a vague protective order, a gag order against a Criminal Defendant which is not supposed to go against caramel defendants. Criminal defendant was also candidate for the presidency and the leading candidate. By what, 40 points . If this doesnt demonstrate mike, why is so perilous for the nation 12 gone down this indictment front in the first place. We said this exact thing was can happen. They pulled some stunt with all your intimidate a witness. Just because you dont want trump to beat president or the want president to be put in jail as soon as possible and get them off the campaign trail. Hes here in washington tonight speaking. Jack smith is the to curse graced former prosecutor who got you reversed unanimously when he brought a Bogus Criminal Charge against former Virginia Governor Bob Mcdonnell, likely Vice President john kennedy 2016. They took amount. Jack smith took out Bob Mcdonnell the Supreme Court reversed him several years later. The damage was only done. Does biden think working have a democrat prosecutor on a democrat judge and a 95 percent trump deranged deceit democrat during decide the next president ial election . And if he speaks out does judge tanya put him in jail, are you kidding me . Whos a credit we left wing in the eyes of many herself. Trump responded untruth social mike, sing apart, im campaigning for president against an incompetent person who has weapon eyes the doj, fbi to go after his political opponent. Im not allowed to comment . They leak, alliance who they wont allow me to respond . How else will explain the jack smith is deranged or crooked and joe is incompetent. Trump is funny. You have to give them not. I think that truth social post would be something that smith would take to the judge and say, ha, he violated the gag order is presumed she will consider seriously issuing. Then whats a penalty for that mike . How do you then enforce the gag order if trump says ahead, try. Come after me. You know trump is going to do that. She could hold him in contempt to put them in jail with the Secret Service protective detail . Give me break. This is a saint by the Justice Department that has been leaking illegally out of his grand jury in this investigation all along. Trump cant respond. This is the same Biden Justice department that said these people with their legal Intimidation Campaign outside of Supreme Court Justices Homes leading to ammonium Assassination Attempt against justice capital departed Justice Department still maintains those are protected by the First Amendment even though there clearly illegal under federal Obstruction Of Justice statutes. Yet President Trump put out a truth criticizing jack smith and tonya . Its witness intimidation. Im saying that as president she the case further against donald trump. Mike, Those Parted Landing At Wilmington for another very trying and substance filled weekend there. Mike, thanks so much. Between a rock and hard place thats were democrats are finding themselves. As a focus in what looks like now and snl skit that is the biden harris ticket. Some of the makeup folks are saying its time for all republican primary candidates to unite behind trump. Vivek ramaswamy both topics will become back. To duckduckgo on all your Devie Duckduckgo comes with a builtin search eg but it doesnt spy on your seac and our browser blocks creepy ads that follow you around fro and other companies. Theres a lot of moments, he and its free. Download duckduk is 80 where he makes people nervous. His his hand on the steering well. 80 is a new 40, didnt you hear . This is not a real issue, you gotta talk about something else. That doesnt work. It does not work. They know deep down but it has to be replaced. They know the voters know it as well. How would you say President Biden is doing in his job we want to attend . 1. Do you thank you should predicate in 2024 . No, i think he sucks. Worst president ever. It to think they should price replace him as a democratic nominee . Absolutely. I believe those people are saying that is doing a good job ought to be required to take a test before their vote counts. To think democrats should replace biden as a nominee . I think so, yes. Im an independent. Either way, if youre going to a good job for this Company Country i dont care if youre republican or democrat. There to talk about taking kemal off the ticket. That they should. Yes. Shes done nothing. 20 man out for vic ramaswamy. 24 republican president ial candidate. For vic, good to see in studio. What you think is going on . As a Contingency Plan among the democrats being seriously considered . Given all these guidepost this week . Absolutely. I could save this for a long time laura. I dont think that President Biden run against someone like me a general election. The contrast would be to start. I think thats what these charges are all about. You see right when pardons popularly begins to dip. Thats when they bring that first indictment. Not the bill think they should indict hunter biden 4. But the felony gun charges. Not the foreign selling off of our Foreign Policy. I think id like that. With her going to do is a documents case thats hanging and hovering. Pull that out when parted refuses to step aside. Thats when The Deep State and federal exercises their religion over them. But the 2forone. The good to legitimize the prosecution of trump and claiming its headed across partisan boundaries. When in fact the real divide isnt partisan at all. Its between the managerial class in The Deep State. An everyday citizen. What do you mean when you say managerial class . The people that were never elected. Of bureaucrats. Is that your generation you call him the managerial . For vic youre on point all the time. Is a serious subject matter. For vic when you look at where you are and where desantis says you guys are neck and neck. Then he of trump. Altogether you all are about 84 percent of the republican electric. Was dying laughing this week when romney is up there, god bless him. He started about how hes retiring he said with a Party Returns its old base. Its old clear principles. Then there will be room for people like me. You guys are 84 percent of the party. Thats a populist america focused party. I think the America First movement is a new Republican Party. The old guard is gone. Much of the Democratic Party is now taking chapter and verse out of that oldschool Republican Party when it comes to Foreign Policy and other issues. I think the America First movement is the only way forward for the Republican Party. I think we have a legitimate debate on who will be best positions to carry that banner forward. I think the data is clear. 3 of us are speaking at an event later tonight which is why im in dc. Thats the future of the President Trump. To sam to chitchat with him for a while . Were friendly. How you doing for vague. I love your hair. I like both of those guys in this race and i respect aspects of both of them. I do think it will take somebody to reach young voters to wind this in a landslide. Why dont you jump out and support trump . I think i can unite this country that no one else can. Hes up 45 points on you desantis. Im just doing the devils advocate thing. Youre doing your job ask your mom Trump Supporters where we love the vic come up with over on and governor desantis. Youre new to this game, your younger youre new to this game. Ron desisted is tested. Both of you together, i mean if people dropped out and said, donald trump is obviously the guy most people want and we will put our country before ourselves. We will support them. The fact of the matter is the countrys best offal may have a vigorous legitimate debate with interparty about who will best Carry Forward that agenda. I think this cant be a 50. 1 election. I dont think we have that as a country its gotta be a wave. I think were bringing young people along the next generation along. I think for long time we have been running from something. I was her moment to start running into something. I think being a true outsider in this race. You only get to be an outsider once is my advantage and i think people will want that. They love hitting you. I say that, whose day . Business insider have this report on you and they say former employees said used to have them set the thermostats at 64 degrees and you ridiculed the idea of summer fridays. Love that. I hate summer friday dress. Once White Glove Service from staffers meeting to have a high bar. Thanks people were not put on this earth to serve him. I dont get that oh put people on this earth to serve him. People are hitting you, your neurotic, your mercurial and your paranoid leader. Do any of those things describe you . I think thats an unfair characterization. Some true to the fact im very demanding. I work 18 hour days. Theyve said that about me too for vic. I dont hold anybody at a standard dont hold myself. You want to achieve things in this country without hard work that is an american value. And youre never gonna turn liberal or be prochina. Dead set for this country. Part of what gets this in the country is hard work and dedication. But the citizens of this country first. Dont talk to zelenskyy, im taught want to talk to maui. Its great to have you in studio. First time a person. Thanks so much fun tonight. The Dc Establishment and circling the wagons around the precious to bus moneybag. Next someone whos ready to expose it all. Senator mike lee, count wheat. Stay there. Dntua you should get a Second Opinion from Innovation Refunds at no upfront cost. Sometimes you need a Second Opinion. [coughs] good to go. Yeah, i think ill get a Second Opinion. All these walls gotta go ah ah ah id love a Second Opinion. No. Im going to get a Second Opinion. With Innovation Refunds, theres no upfront cost to find out. So why not check like i did for my Small Business . Take the first step to see if your Small Business qualifies for the erc. One of the most frustrating things for republican and independent voter is no matter who we sent to congress the Us Government keeps falling further and further into debt. This year alone were projected to run a 2 trillion budget deficit. That means borrowing 2 trillion more weve already borrowed. Will be 32 trillion in debt . This isnt a time for peace. The democrats can say in response to this is it you want shut down the government you want to hurt our military and senior citizens. Thats complete false. In fact the military and the seniors are being hurt probably among the most from the Horde Inflation thats made worse from outofcontrol government spending. Think like not all Senate Republicans are big spending or believe we should cave to the democrats demands. Joining us down, senator mike lee who sits on the Budget Committee joins me now. Senator, why is it that we only seem to have 2 choices . We either have trillions in unnecessary spending and new debt or we shut down the government . It seems like the only 2 options even when we have a Republican House and supposedly what, a lot of republican senators. It seems great, doesnt it . Its because it is. If one party in washington always wants to spend more. Always wants to grow government. Then we have another party whose members and whose voters want something different. Want government to be more careful on how it spends their money. Once it not to have 33 trillion in debt. Debt accumulation to a degree impacts inflation. Constantly. What happens the toplevel leadership very often ends up playing for the same team. They end up pursuing democratic objectives. At least the government objectives. Youre talking about your colleagues in the senate, mcconnell, poon, cornyn, others. My question to you senator lee is, people like you will come on or maybe josh hawley or jd vance. We have 40 or so more senators and they rarely come on to talk about these issues. Most of them will say oh no we cant shut down the government. Toby musser shut down the government. We want to cut government spending. Wheres Mitch Mcconnell on this . Helping biden. Exactly. Its a false choice. The false choice that helps biden the democrats every every time. Its a false choice that says either you vote for this bill and this bill is the one they presented to you. Its been resented i call it the law firm. The law firm of schumer and mcconnell, mccarthy and jeffries. They come together with a handful of appropriators. Their bright ability great in the dark of night. The come to us at the end of the Spending Process with maybe 48 hours of shutdown and they say here you go. You wont have time to read it or discussion or amend it. Youve got a pass it. You gotta pass it to find out whats in it or we will blame you for shut down if you vote against it. The government shuts down. This is wrong. Its gotta stop. I will tell you laura, this will continue exactly as long as enough republicans join forces with democrats to pass it. They are responsible. Republicans in the senate and some of the house responsible for this Nightmare Spending that the democrats want every time. The omnibus bill which is where they shove everything into one bill then you have no chance to control anything. That was somewhat halted, correct by ron johnson and is at process going to be the same where its just one bill . Or has that been dealt with . The law firm was pushing for miniature omnibus. We called a minibus. My friend and colleague, ron johnson came to the floor and objected it. Required unanimous consent. He projected and said were not graduate this way. Most of the republic is dont want this. You see these bills come up and it unites all 51 democrats. In 10 or 15 republicans will reliably join forces with a law form to pass it. Weve got to stop passing bills that unite democrats and divide republicans while bankrupting america. We need a new Senate Leadership. Im gonna say it, is not popular to say. We need a new Senate Leadership or we will lose this country. Senator, youre one of the heroes up there. Thank you very much and your tweet thread on this was hysterically funny. We had a huge reaction last night to last Night Segment on the state of womens empowerment. What i call the democrats, the party of. [bleep] hub. Lisa booth and if you dont duffy alfonzo, next. They slept on me for 15 years. Things i collected, pollen, dust, dander. All that time they could have protected me with an allerease mattress protector. It wouldve been soft and blocked 99. 9 of dust, dirt, and allergens. Allerease for a clean, healthy nights sleep. 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I think thats what the left wants for the Younger Generation i think they wanted generation of hopeless women who are not happy no lives. Not fulfilled and thats why theyre trying to remove these anchors from our lives like faith, like family, like relationships that give us purpose. Empty vessels are more easily controllable. Its working. If you look at some of the studies. I think cdc was out with a study not too long ago where almost 57 percent of High School Girls fill persistent feeling of sadness or hopelessness. One out of 3 High School Girls have seriously considered suicide and i think thats within intention. To drive people to that hopeless feeling in life and its working and its at. Evita, youre young. You look just like your mom. Youre married, i think. Youre married a young age . Yes. You defy in many ways the prevalent thought in your generation there are a lot of young people that are being told marriage again, is a prison, its outdated. Do what you want to do. Dont worry about the old traditions and the old ways. Especially women. And you say . Thats exactly right. I was in college not too long ago. I saw the way Hookup Culture really hurt women. I know the left is telling women in order to be happy and ordered to have value you have to forgo marriage. Focus more in your career then your love life. The reality is thats not true. Its not true for your soul. Thats not true biologically. Women and men want to be happy and need to be together. Theres so much hatred between the sexes that the left is stoking. I will say this, if you want to be happy in life do the opposite of everything but the left is telling young women to do. Thats the answer to all of our problems. This is radical feminism. Its under the umbrella of neomarxism. And what they want to do is not empower women or help women. They hurt women. They distort womens sports. They hope them hurt them socially. Interminably liberal women are not happy. Theyre trying to destroy everything thats good and beautiful in the world starting with femininity. When they say beauty its something none of us recognize as beauty. None on the inside or the outside. A recent piece lisa, highlighted this new phenomenon i guess in the dating world what comes to men. Noting that more than 6 10 men ages 1829 are now single. One man says a lot of us are checking out. Retarded being told we dont measure up either physically or financially. Lisa, wow, thats depressing. Weve created this really confusing landscape for dating. I do think theres this push on the right to tell everyone you need to be married in your 20s. I dont agree without the sense of i believe in god and i think gods timing is right. He has a different path for each of us in life. That will look different for each person. I know for myself im 38 and havent been married yet. I dont think i was ready to be married when i was younger. Join the club. Very stubborn. I think god needed more time with me to mold me. Evita haddad together. She was lucky. Needed more time laura. Now that im ready i think my guy is maybe taking the scenic route to get here. I think each of us have a different path in life. Dont think we should have a narrow minded approach. Getting married in your 20s is beautiful. If its getting married at a later point thats also beautiful. The good thing is you both are beautiful. I know we will keep talking about these topics. Told everybody wants to talk about these topics and i think theyre interesting. Lisa, and evita, thanks so much. Friday following use with tsic Raymond Arroyo is next. Stay there. Arroyo is next. Stay fastsigns. Make your statement. Friday file is returned to Fox News Contributor Raymond Arroyo, all right ramming it appears that cnn has finally caught on to our reporting. Well for the most part, weve all reported on the president s habit of doing the hokey bogey at the end of every speech, you know he can never find the staircase to exit. It is the side with a handrail mr. President. And if cnn did not report this fascinating recurrence, they have gotten wise to other biden routines. This president has a pattern at this point of embellishing his stories about his own past his biography, he did three times in one speech last month, alone. Laura after three years of after ignoring the obvious that cnn acknowledges biden lied about being in a Bridge Collapse in pennsylvania, lied about being born days before his grandfather died, and light about talking to an amtrak conductor who was that at the time of the conversation. I mean, the question is why are they doing this now . Why three years . That is a good question to entertain. Raymond to be like filed you now saying well you know the vaccine, it does not prevent transmission, and it doesnt prevent you from spreading the virus like we have been saying that for three years. Thanks a lot. All right raymond i guess its friday, and i guess that means you get another three wishes what . So kind so good to me, lori related to the president , i wish politicians would stop auditioning to be product pitchman. You are embarrassing yourselves. Ill ask you nicely. But he wont. [ music ] [singing] what is with witmer and the rap music . These people are not exactly michael and del laura, do you think their presence help sell any products at all . Know, when i first or that music i thought kamala was doing another one of her dances there. First of all i think she has bigger problems with the uaw and what is happening with the car market. Because of the stupid electric vehicle mandates. I mean, she has a lot more problems and that all right you get another wish this is ridiculous. Is my second wish major American Brands would start partnering with divisive figures who only killed market share. Dove soap just announce a partnership with blm accidents bryant, as there Fact Liberation ambassador i kid you not. Here is ambassador madame ambassador in her own words. So when i think about what Fact Liberation looks like to me it looks like centering the voices and the experiences of those who live and who maneuver through spaces and institutions in a fat body. Fact liberation looks like fully embracing those differences and have this conversation the set of shying away from them. Wait a second, we are centering on the maneuvering into spaces. Okay. Laura, i can follow any of it i guess lizza wasnt available she was in her own fashioning problem. The real challenge here with miss bryant is she was a blm asked of us who out it supposedly a university of virginia student, it turned out to be a fraud. So after hearing this story we all might need about. Maybe that is the pr competing. Everybody needs to get clean finally. Finally watching the Video Music Awards this week aspire my last wish, i wish we could see a red carpet that features people on their feet for a change. This is tv personality suki on a. [ music ] [singing] is she demonstrating a new Birthing Technique what is that on the red carpet . I guess she is benihanas sister, i dont know where she came up with the name, shes a rapper and i hope that last receiver. All right arent you charitable is saying on you saying that shes mimicking. I thought you were saying she is a Product Pitch Woman for a new kind of high pile carpet or something, i did not know what was going on . It is high piled something not carpet a leave it there. You have your three wishes raymond thats it for us tonight follow me on social media an instagram, it is america now and forever happy friday, jesse waters takes it now. Welcome to jesse what is prime time, tonight,. If we dont get up and fight for our city the site is coming for us. At the tea party, new yorkers turning on democrats. They need to work something out man. Smoking gun video joe in business with hunter. Drop your weapons, head

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