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Plan to replace doddfrank. Punishing sanctuary cities and one border state is taking matters into their own hands. I will talk to greg abbot, governor of texas. President trump marking 100th day with rally in pennsylvania putting pressure on capitol hill, republicans to get a win on the board with a measure to repeal and replace obamacare and even calling out two pennsylvania lawmakers by name. We are going to give americans the freedom to purchase the Health Care Plans they want, not the health care forced on them by the government. And i will be so angry at congressman kelly and congressman moreno and all of the congress in this room if we dont get that damn thing passed quickly. [cheers and applause] theyll get it done. We know them, theyll get it done. Maria lets talk about that right now with Washington State congresswoman, rogers, the chairwoman of the House Republican caucus. Thank you so much for joining us once again. Thank you, great to be with you. Maria what happened last week, did we actually turn the payment, are we closer than ever possibly in this upcoming week . Yes, we are moving in the right direction. We are have been the important membertomember conversations. Its our priority to move a Health Care Bill out of the house and rescue people from family law. Obamacare, although wellinterpretationed, we see premiums go up, copays and deductibles, we need to provide Better Health care future and thats our goal as we continue the conversations and im optimistic that we will move forward very quickly. Maria it feels that way. I was told that you perhaps had the votes last week and didnt have members for one reason or another and but it looks that close. The legislative process does take time, theres 237 house of representatives. Each one needs to make sure that they unction whats in the legislation, they have questions that need to be answered. We are very close and when we have the votes we will move this bill as soon as we can out of the house. Maria before that, youll have to vote on a spending bill, right . How close are you there . Are you going to get the only any omni spending bill . We are 98, 99 there. Working in a bipartisan way, so this has been house, senate, republicans and democrats working with the administration on a spending bill, clearly, we want more accountability, more transparency, we need to make sure that we are continuing to bring down the deficits and bring down the debt of this country. The work on tax reform i guess begins and within that white paper that the president unlearned last week in terms of tax reform package that he would like to see, he was talking about doing away with all sorts of tacks, certainly from obamacare, i know that you have been working on fighting those may fifth regulations by the fda. Talk to us about that and why you think its important in terms of getting rid of regulations and tax that is were in present in obamacare . Obamacare had nearly trillion dollars in increased taxes, we also saw many regulations, one of the most burdensome were regulation that is were way beyond that were ever intended. Label requirements, now on deli, grocery delis, any Food Establishment in the country. I am leaving an effort to bring common sense menu labeling, we are not getting into the debate as to whether the calorie counts are going to be required but do it in a common sense way. For example, you look at a pizza shop that is 34 million combinations of pizza and the fda says, no, you cant put an ipad in there and allow the customer to go in deciding what kind of pizza they want and the toppings and be able to see in realtime the calorie counts, you need to put it on a menu board. Those requirements do not help us accomplish goals. Talk about big brother. When would you expect the house ways and Means Committee to start marking up the white paper that President Trump put out and are you expecting the kind of fight on tax reform that we saw that you had over health care . Why would we expect that you wont have another major battle here when it comes to the border adjustment tax, when it comes to the deductions that the president would like to eliminate . We are excited to move forward on tax reform. This is a once in a Generation Opportunity to relieve the American People of the tremendous tax burden that they currently have, allow individuals and families to keep more of their hardearned dollars and simplify the tax code, bring down tax rates, close loopholes, we are united around that goal. The ways and Means Committee has been working weeks and months so a lot of preliminary work has been done. Thats what gives me encouragement. Im thrill that had the administration is has made a top priority, this is our time to do it and, yes, theres going to be members that bring different perspectives and priorities to this debate. We are united around a goal of simplifying the tax code, bring down tax rate and closing loopholes that. Will keep us on track. Maria do you need to be budget neutral when thinking about tax reform package . If you dont have a bored adjustment taxes which would have raised 1. 1 trillion or so. If you dont have that in tax package, do you want the dollars to show anywhere. It is my goal that its budget neutral and the reason that its important is it gives the certainty, when bush, when george w. Bush lowered tax rates, we had tax reform both in 2001 and 2003. Youll remember at the end of those ten years, those tax rates were set to expire. I believe it is important that we give people and businesses the certainty beyond this tenyear budget window and the way we do that is getting to budget neutrality so that those rates stay in place. Thats my goal as we move forward with tax reform . Maria where does that revenue come from . If you dont have a bored adjustment, how do you make that revenue up . Thats all part of the discussion that we are having as we are moving forward with tax reform. Maria we will leave it there. We will see you soon congresswoman Kathy Mcmorris rogers there. Now one state is pushing ahead with its plan of its own, Texas Governor greg abbott joins me next and follow me on twitter and let us know what you would like to hear from governor abbott, send me a tweet, stay with us as we look ahead on sunday morning futures, back in a moment testing testing is this thing on . Huh . Come on your turn where do pencils go on vacation . Pennsylvania laughter crunchy wheat frosted sweet kelloggs frosted miniwheats. Feed your inner kid we ship everything you atcan imagine. N, and everything we ship has something in common. Whether its expedited overnight. Or shipped around the globe,. Its handled by od employees who know that delivering freight. Means delivering promises. Od. Helping the world keep promises. The world is getting the message, if you try to illegally enter the United States, you will be caught, detained, deported or put in prison, it will happen. Maria that was President Trump, but now the Lone Star State is taking matter into its own hands, one step closer to crack down any city trying to protect illegal immigrant. Governor, good to see you, thanks very much for joining us. Good morning, maria. Maria i want to get sanctuary cities but let me offer condolences and support on deadly tornadoes and what youre up against, can you give us an update . Maria, it was a horrific tragedy last night. Multiple tornadoes across texas. We are still gathering information about the update, there is the possibility of meaningful loss of life, many people losing their homes, i will be traveling up there later on today to get a better assessment of what exactly is taking place but i urge all of your viewers to keep texans in their prayers and people who suffered here but let us know that we have been through these before, texas anticipates will rebuild and restore the loss of property, we cant do anything about the loss of life but we will come together as a team as we usually do here in the state of texas. Maria what a horrible fatal story. We are certainly sending our support and love to texas, governor, we will follow any update. We know that there are many people unaccounted for. At first sanctuary cities are concerned. The president has been very clear, attorney general jeff sessions, has been clear they want to withhold federal money from any city thats not following the law but you see whats happened, how are you dealing with it . For one, i as governor of the state of texas have always withheld money from a declared sanctuary city in the state of texas. Austin, texas is in Travis County, Travis County declared sanctuary city policies so i withheld money from them. Importantly is the way that i did it. The state of texas has grant contracts with Travis County in those contracts we put in there the terms that in order for them to receive grant money they had to not have any type of sanctuary city policy. What i dont know is what type of arrangement like that the Trump Administration already what i do know that the Trump Administration has those similar contract terms, they will be able to withhold money to those cities. However, maria, thats a smart part of what we have done. We have spent a bill in the capital behind me. One it can expose them to very high fines about 25,000 per day if exposed them for jail time for any sheriff or official and can also subject the county or city or whichever political body it is to legal action in the event that they release somebody. Think of kate stanley, this would be allowed the people to sue. Maria yeah, this bill really puts sharps teeth to stop policies. It could be, you know, are you willing to go and withhold money. Understand this, maria, as i have already withheld money from Travis County. It is their own decisionmaking process that for one is causing them not to receive the money but also is their budgetary process decide to go spend taxpayer money on sometimes a meaningless operations choosing operations over public safety. Remember, maria, when you look at the function of government, federal state or local, our primary function as government is to keep our people safe. It is inexcusable for Travis County to do what its done, that is to release from jail people who have committed crimes against our alleged committee crimes of Sexual Assault, Sexual Assault of minors and many of those back out on to the streets, thats contradictory to the function of what government is supposed to do. Maria this provision is apply today criminal alliance that commit a crime. Maria, its just clear, unfortunately, that there are some officials in the state of texas as well as across the United States who simply do not want to apply the rule of law in their jurisdiction, who want to promote lawlessness and its inexcusable and one tool that we now have is the ability to remove these officials from office by subjecting them to criminal penalty by forcing them into the jail that theyre letting people out of. Maria what do you make of this judge pushing back saying to the Trump Administration, no, you cannot do that, he continues to face pushback on all immigration proposals for . The reason he does is because its coming from the ninth circuit. The most overruled federal court and they simply dont follow the rule of law. I dont know the terms of what the obama the Trump Administration has done, here is what i do know and that is i know the constitution, ive dealt with the issues and i was involved in one of the issues in the obama case and what i know is that the federal government cannot withhold money that would be cut to state funds. These funds we are talking about here is not such a draconian cut, they were going to withhold medicaid funds, thats far more money than grants. The Trump Administration structures withhold of money going to states because the sanctuary city policies, the same way texas did and that is through the contract form the way they engage in grants of the state, the Trump Administration will be successful as the state of texas has been in withholding money to sanctuary city states and counties. Maria yeah, pretty extraordinary. We should point out that Travis County is the number one county in the country for not complying with the immigration rule. So its obviously been going on for a long time and we are watching what youre doing in terms of solution, governor. We will see you soon. Up next, the first 100 days of President Trumps are in the book . What grade does he get . A look with ibm ceo. Up next choicehotels. Com. Badda book. Badda boom. Thats it . He means book direct at choicehotels. Com for the lowest price on our rooms guaranteed. Plus earn free nights and instant rewards at checkin. Yeah. Like i said. Book now at choicehotels. Com when you have a digital notebook to capture investing ideas that instantly gives you stock prices, earnings, and dividends. An equity summary score that consolidates the stock ratings of top analysts into a single score. And 4. 95 online u. S. Equity trades. You realize the smartest investing idea, isnt just what you invest in, but who you invest with. Maria what kind of marks does he get from business leaders, im joined by chairman and ceo of ibm, jena. What are your thoughts of what we heard in the past weeks in terms of tax reform . Well, when it comes to tax reform, this is a topic that i and others have advocated very strongly that we need a new modernize tax system, we are the lowestperforming, lowestcompetitive thats out there and im please today see the broad pillars, theres two main pieces of our business thattic are important and the rest are to be negotiated but one is the rate and the second part is really important, the territorial system. Thats a modern International Tax system that allows you to move your profits around. If you have those two tenants in a good spot that make america competitive and enable growth and spur investment, i think you have a good plan,ic you have a good basis there. Maria a lot of people say that businesses have been sitting on cash for the last several years is because of tax rate and because of regulatory environment, it feels that President Trump is trying to alleviate right now. I dont know if the 15 corporate stacks rate stays, i know this is going to get marked up but anything better than 35 . Even if its 20 , do you think that dictates behaviors on companys part . You create more jobs, one part that you have to keep remembering is if you get certainty that helps dictate a companys behavior. With longterm understanding with what you can do with your money, you will make longterm investments. Thats what really spurs jobs. If you can make longterm investments. When you say, i can move the money, and i can create new business, i will buy a company here and not there, those are things that you do when you have certainty. And your point is right. It doesnt matter the exact number here, its about being competitive. Those are move and check with each other but with a competitive system and territorial system, competitive rate and territorial system, youll have a foundation thats going to be very good. Maria, well, look, you have business all around the world, but this repatriation story is an interesting one. Taking the tax to take money from overseas to bring it back to the u. S. Down from 35 to possibly 10 , gary cohn said 8 , 10 . Thats a big deal. Would that move companies, you think to move the money . I know you are moving money all over the world, but you would be poise today bring money over the world. 10 we billion cash in total. We have investments, we have businesses and operations everywhere, when you generally look at the amount of money that all companies have that they have accumulated overseas, that kind of a policy will then help them make decisions that they will put the money in the most competitive places and if you make america one of the most competitive places, thats where the money will come. I think its really quite clear, there isnt a mystery about that. Thats why i think this is going to be good. Maria its amazing to hear you speak of a company thats 106 years old. One of the greatest companies in the world and yet you continue to redefine the story, youve got watson, youve got the cloud business, tell us about what youre doing to accept rate some growth at ibm right now . This is a key point. 106 years old, we are the only tech company that has lived era to era to era. And era can be 20, 30 years but we have transcend ourselves but to do it you have to completely change parts of what you do and what you offer. One thing that doesnt change about us, we really do the Mission Critical systems of the world and enterprise work for companies. But around that, we have become the Enterprise Cloud company and we have the Artificial Intelligence platform for business. We will touch in some way 1 billion people by the end of this year. Maria wow, what does that mean the ia platform . If your in the consumer world, you may interact, voice to text, what makes you competitive, we believe people are going to compete on the essence of their data and what they can make out of it in the future. Maria one more question, when you Start Talking about data and encryption, people think a robot is going to take over my job. What about that . What about robotics . Im glad you asked that. The era that we are entering, we call it cognitive. Some people call it ia. Its really augmented intelligence. We are going to solve so many more problems than we are going to cause. Thats going to lead the skill. So what do you have to do, it gets back to training. Even already, so before we talk about replacing something in our industry, theres a half a million open jobs, theres 5 million open jobs in the country. Why arent they filled . They arent filled because people dont have contemporary skills. This has been one of the biggest areas Workforce Development that we feel strongly and i dedicated a lot of time with the administration. Theyre very open to this and to helping on this, i think it is publicprivate that has to happen to fix education but it comes down and we have a chance, i think, the fundamentally to change the skills of the country right now. Maria this is really promising stuff. Thank you so much. President and ceo and chairman of ibm. Coming up the white house rolling up what it is calling the biggest tax cut in u. S. History. What will it mean for you for the taxpayer. House Financial Services committee will join us next as we look ahead on sunday morning futures right here live, stay with us finally. Hey ron theyre finally taking down that schwab billboard. Oh, not so fast, carl. Oh no. Schwab, again . Index investing for that low . Thats three times less than fidelity. And four times less than vanguard. Whats next, no minimums . No minimums. Schwab has lowered the cost of investing again. Introducing the lowest cost index funds in the industry with no minimums. I bet theyre calling about the schwab news. Schwab. A modern approach to wealth management. Maria W Administration unveiling a sweeping plan and collapses seven track brackets to three and the white house also say that is millions of families would see some much needed relief. I spoke with White House National Economic Council director gary cohn about the plan. Maria, we almost look at it as four brackets. We have seven brackets in the tax code right now that makes it difficult. We also want to simplify the tax code as well. I will talk about that as well. Going to the 10 bracket, 25 bracket and 35 bracket makes it simpler and easier for people to do their own taxes, we took the standard deduction and you doubled it. If you take a medianincome family, 55 and 56,000, we are giving them a standard deduction of 24,000, meaning they will have taxable income about 32,000. They will have an effective tax rate in the midsingle digits f they get a tax child credit they could have effective tax rate about zero. We think thats very important for low and middleincome families. We are going to put money back in their pocket. Theyll be able to use that money to improve their quality of life, to improve their house, make improvement or buy a car, thats very important. We are going to simplify the return by increasing the standardized deduction, so we are going to have a very simple tax system. As i said the other day, we want to go back to simpleonepage tax return where people can do it themselves at the kitchen table. Maria you think this is going to dictate behavior. Look, youre keeping more of your own must be, youre probably going to put that into the economy, what do you see in terms of the behavior of individuals and companies when they do get much more attractive tax rates, you think you can get growth up pretty significantly with those numbers . Maria, absolutely. The president s agenda and the number one objective is to grow the economy and create a better job environment. If you look at the tax rate, whats the number one thing we are going to do . We are going the make america competitive for businesses, we are going to want businesses to open their operations here in america, we are going to be competitive against all of the other countries. Average tax rate for businesses is 23 , we will be 8 below the odc average. If youre a Business Today deciding where you want to domicile, the United States is going to be very attractive. Youre looking to higher incremental worker, the tax rate does come into that decision. By coming into the United States, the incremental worker is getting cheaper. Youll hire the worker and put them to work in the United States, they will eastern more money, they will have more money in their pocket and spend more money, all of this is very good to drive the economy. This all adds up to more and more Economic Growth which is the president s number one objective in the economy. Maria my thanks to gary cohn. Congressman, good to see you, thank you for joining us. Thank you. Maria the tornadoes in texas are in your district, we just heard from your governor, our condolences to you, sir, we know that there are a lot of lives unaccounted for, can you tell us anything from the ground . Well, thank you, its devastating particularly in van zant county. They were hit by tornado a couple years ago. We had the loss of life, five lives already. Lots of devastation in Henderson County and van zandt county. The people of east texas are going to heal and rebuild and i would ask all of the viewers to keep the folks in east texas in their hearts and prayers, they mean a lot at this time, maria, they mean a lot. Maria we certainly will, sir and we will be watching your leadership. Let me turn to some of the issues on the agenda, certainly in the upcoming week and one of those is health care. Are you expecting a healthcare vote in the house this week . Im certainly hoping for a healthcare vote this week. I think we are very close. Weve had a number of members representing different caucuses within our broader House Republican conference who have been in negotiations, i think we are very close. Its not a done deal until its a done deal. Obamacare is collapsing before us. Whether you look at the exchange, whether you look tat coops, peoples premiums are skyrocketing, peoples deductibles are skyrocketing, failure is not an option. A Real Health Care plan allowing choice still offering protections for those with preexisting conditions and i look forward to supporting it. Maria so many things on the agenda right now and its on your dock, i know that you have been working on the choice act within doddfrank, i want to get to that in a moment. We just heard from gary cohn, how are you going to ensure that, in fact, the goal of americans seeing a lower tax rate actually takes place . I know that after this the president put out his white paper. We are going to see the markups in house and ways means. When you take away all of the deductions that may very well make ones rate go up. How are you producing lower tax for the middleclass . Its take get away many deductions and credits, many are special interest provision that a lot of hard working folks and east dallas dont benefit from. So clearly politics will intrude into politics, its just what happens in washington, d. C. I think we have an opportunity that we havent had in a generation. People are coalescing around idea and a lot of similarities what chairman brady, the chairman who is writing the tax plan in the house and the white house plan are, i think most americans want something that is simple and i think effectively, most people will see their tax rates go down, the tax plan as i understand it would preserve the mortgage interest deduction. Maria right. And charitable deduction. Otherwise the whole idea is to simplify the code, bring down brackets and make our tax system more competitive. As you well know, we have the highest Corporate Tax rate of any industrialized nation in the world. Thats the number one reason why jobs go overseas. Its not the cheap labor, its not that that doesnt play some role, but very difficult and high rate of taxation on our business enterprises. Thats got to stop in order to make america competitive again and frankly to make America Great again. One to have real victories and successes of this white house so far has been rollback in regulation. Absolutely. Maria the president has put forth. You have been working on this closely, on the doddfrank legislation and how it might look differently. Tell us about the choice act and what you want to see in terms of the doddfrank legislation . How might that look different . I want to doddfrank legislation to go away. They said it would end too big to fail but codified it into law and then puts taxpayer bailout behind it. They said it would stabilize our Financial System but big banks are bigger, the small banks are fewer. They said it would help the consumer but instead since doddfrank, we have seen free checking cut in half, bank fees go up. Rates of bank increase, many working people find it far more difficult and expensive to get a mortgage. Bottom line is doddfrank has failed. We want Bank Bailouts for none. Its a system that says that if a bank would put together what is known as a 10 simple leverage ratio, have a very strong capital, more capital required than doddfrank, they they essentially can have a doddfrank offspring, privately finance insurance policy against failure. So we would replace complexity with simplicity, we would replace bailouts with bankruptcy and we would replace federal micro management with market discipline in a word, maria, we would let freedom free, a lot of economists have supported this including nobel laureates. A committee will mark up legislation next week and i look forward to bringing it to the entire house of representatives soon. Maria we know that one of the reasons that banks have been sitting on cash and not willing to lend more is because of those capitol requirements, what you just mentioned. Real quick, sir, fannie and freddie, prioritize, is that on your agenda . Absolutely. We have got to reform our Housing Finance system. We still essentially have a government monopoly and we are peating many of the same mistakes, maria, that led to the crisis in the first and i look forward working with the administration, my counterpart in the senate and we are going to get this done. Maria we will see you soon, thank you very much, congressman. A programming note tomorrow on the fox business network, i will be sitting down in exclusive interview with secretary mnuchin, steven mnuchin, the treasury secretary will be my special guest tomorrow on the fox business network, hope you will join me beginning at 6 00 a. M. , exclusive on more on the president s tax cut plans. President trump celebrating his first 100 days in office. How has he measured up so far . My panel will joins us next live on sunday morning futures. We will be right back. Whoa,i just had to push one button to join. Its like im in the office with you, even though im here. Its almost like the Virtual Reality of business communications. No, its reality. Intuitive one touch Video Conferencing is a reality. And now its included at no additional cost with vonage business. See why 3,000 companies a month are switching to vonage. Business grade. People friendly. Maria welcome back, President Trump held a rally last night in pennsylvania touting his first 100 days in office as a success, but how does our panel think he measures up, lee carter partner of maslansky partners, democratic strategists and Jon Hilsenrath with the wall street journal. Thank you for joining us this morning. Lee, kick us off, first 100 days. Lee they were as bad for democrats as donald trump. Donald trump secured his base, we saw that last night at the rally. He loves his people and thats why he was running for president i think to fight for those people but i dont think hes changed anybodys minds who was uncertain and the people who have opposed him are opposing him more strongly. That said, tax reform, the roll out can change a lot of peoples minds. Maria he has two major pieces of legislation perhaps sort of on the horizon if we get a healthcare vote next week, we will see what happens in the senate. You said the first 100 days were as bad for the democrats, why . Lee they are always against things instead of for things. I think barack obama was elected because people wanted change, they wanted something different, they wanted washington, d. C. To work for them. I think democrats are saying, we are just going to fight things, be obstructionist and thats something that people are tired on both sides of the aisle. Maria people are going to get upset. Possibly, democrats are pretty happy with the first 100 days for all the reasons you might expect. I actually think he should divide 70 days and 30 days. The border wall stuff getting not going anywhere, the travel ban getting rejected over again, health care falling apart and tweets and wiretapping and god knows what. Maria they did surveil him. He spent his time in the last 30 days in a better way frankly, he tweeted less, the action in syria i think is hard to argue against, particularly if youre a parent, the thing he did last night, countering Correspondence Dinner with his base point. Maria gorsuch. Absolutely, none of this moved the needle. Hes still historically low Approval Rating for the 100 points by a lot and the people who liked him were his fans are still his fans and the people who disliked him and said you should have never been president still feel exactly the same way. Jon i think its a slightly different take. It wasnt a very good period for the economy, we had a report out on friday which said the economy barely grew in the first quarter. Maria 7 tenths of a percent. Jon 7 tenths of a percent gdp, theres a disconnect on what the economy is doing for what donald trump is going to get done. Stock markets hit new highs, nasdaq hit new highs, Consumer Confidence is very high, Small Business confidence is very high, he has to deliver and get the economy growing again or this disconnect is going to go the other way and we are going to see stock prices falling. Expectation is 4 growth and its. 7 and thats less. Maria 7 tenths of a percent. Jon we are going to get pretty good Growth Numbers in the second quarter. Maria is that a trump economy or obama economy. If it had been good it would have been a trump economy. [laughter] jon one of the weak points in the numbers was gdp spending. People arent out spending money. Some of that might have to do with trump. Maria a take a short break. President s finest hour, more from the panelists. Ow sunday morning futures continues. But entresto is a medicine that helps make more tomorrows possible. Tomorrow, tomorrow. I love ya, tomorrow in the largest Heart Failure study ever, entresto helped more people stay alive and out of the hospital than a leading Heart Failure medicine. Women who are pregnant must not take entresto. It can cause harm or death to an unborn baby. Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor if youve had angioedema while taking an ace or arb medicine, dont take entresto. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure. Kidney problems, or high potassium in your blood. Tomorrow, tomorrow i love ya, tomorrow ask your heart doctor about entresto. And help make tomorrow possible. Youre only a day away. Maria welcome back, we are back with our panel and oped this week kim strassel the tax reform package this week, Jon Hilsenrath, was President Trumps final hour, do you agree . I dont know jon i think the atmosphere has worked really well for him and they stayed on message. They came out on wednesday and captured all the headlines across the media and got everybody focused on tax reform. The question is the problem is he has a very narrow Playing Field to play on in congress. Its going to be hard for him to get all of this through specially if democrats arent going to work with him he has to figure out how hes going to pay for this stuff and figure out how hes going to advance tax cuts permanent as oppose to temporary. Maria committee for responsible budget said this could cost 3 and 7 trillion. Thats a really big range. Jon that cant Pass Congress without democratic support. They have to go by the rules of reconciliation which dont allow for deficits beyond a tenyear window which means big deficits, tax cuts would expire after ten years, thats of no use if youre trying to im going to make the prediction as a democrat, youre not going to get democratic support for that. Lee youre not going to get democratic support for anything. You know, youre not going to get votes from that. Maria you dont think that dems are going to allow tax reform to happen . Not this tax reform. Its not clear what this is. Its a onepage piece of paper. A santas wish list than actual plan. Maria to be fair its very similar to the house plan. One last point, that he was not elected to give tax cuts to the wealthy, right, he was elected to help the middleclass. Maria hes taking deductions. His own treasury secretary said that they dont know if this will help the middle class. Lee i have to say from a political perspective, messaging perspective, this has been done so well with mnuchin, everybody is on the same message, they are talking about what the benefits this is, about the growth in the economy, jobs for the american worker, it is something politically, i think, hes doing really smart and i think that any republican who opposes this is going to seem foolish because its like youre trying to oppose the middle class and oppose growth. This one is a much better rollout. If he can get it through congress, but because of the rules of reconciliation, because democrats wont work with him, its going to be hard for him to get what he put out there. Lee low dont you think its typical donald trump . He ended up being defeated. Maria great panel. Have a great sunday. That will do it for sunday morning futures. I will see you live in la when i sit down with steven mnuchin. Why pause a spontaneous moment . 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