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Seconddegree manslaughter. New york city is partially reopening after the coronavirus lockdown. Construction, manufacturing, wholesalers and previously nonessential retailers are resuming work with restrictions. Shops are being allowed to reopen for pickup but not yet customers browsing inside. In the u. S. And russia have agreed on a time and place for Nuclear Arms Negotiations in june and have now invited china. There has been no response from beijing so far. President trump engaged in a delicate balancing act tonight positioning as law and order president while also calling for and working on Law Enforcement reforms. Congressional democrats in the meantime unveiled a bill today they say will stop the Police Brutality and hold the police accountable. Some cities and states are already in the process of severely restricting, defunding or dismantling the Police Departments. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts has that story live from the north lawn, good evening. Since he launched his campaign 2015, President Trump has been a big supporter of Law Enforcement. For the most part, in return they support him but now i made calls for Police Reform and even calls to abolish Police Departments. In some cities President Trump continues to stand with him. President trump left no room for interpretation today when it comes how he feels about the movement to either defund or dismantle Police Departments across the nation. There will not be defunding or dismantling of the police. And there will not be dismantling of the police. The police have been letting us live in peace, and we want to make sure we dont have any bad actors in there. Speak with the demands differ depending on where you are. Minneapolis want to dismantle the Police Department and replace with communitybased city model. After refusing to support those demands, minneapolis mayor jacob frey was booed out of a sunday protest. The Minneapolis City Council president asked today if the police are abolished, who do you call if someone breaks into your house . I hear that loud and clear from a lot of my neighbors. I myself too. New york city Police Department and four code spirit mayor dave blows he doesnt say much but once significant funds to other programs. Something substantial, yes and that will be subject to negotiation and the first thing i want to see it go to his youth programs. Washington, d. C. , mayor still with increased budget spurring active bids to add defund the police to the new black lives matter mural near the white house. I have a budget that i submit to the council a few weeks ago of what we submitted is what we need for Public Safety. Not a penny more and not a penny less. On capitol hill house and senate to call for new Police Reform legislation by observing 8 minutes and 46 seconds of silence. Among the items proposed in the justice and police act changing the statute to misconduct from willfulness to recklessness. Creating National Police conduct registry and no knock warrants in drug cases create independent processes into misconduct and band show dominic choke holds. The president believes the best way to address the problems is to take the steps necessary to build trust between Police Forces and the communities they serve. Sometimes you will see horrible things like what we witness recently but i say 99. 9 , lets go with 99 of them are great, great people. They have done jobs that are recordsetting. It is likely all will factor into upcoming Trump Campaign events. Fox news has confirmed with the Trump Campaign that the president plans to renew rallies again, potentially sometime in the next couple of weeks. There is still a lot of logistical concerns because we are, after all in the throes of the pandemic, bret. Bret john, thank you. Joining us now the attorney general of the United States bill barr. Thank you for being here. Thank you, bret. Bret the effort across the country, there is this movement to defund the Police Departmen departments. Minneapolis city council with a veto approved vote saying they will essentially dismantle that Police Department. What do you make of that effort and what it means for the country . I think it is the exact opposite of the way should go. And i understand the history of rasul to Racial Justice in the country and why the africanamerican or at least some of it would view the events as manifest to it manifestations of the Police Departments. But i think in fact the past 50 or 60 years we had a lot of reform from the Police Department. I was attorney general and i can tell you there is a world of difference, today the police chief understand the need for change and there has been great change and i think defunding the police, holding the entire Police Structure responsible for the actions of certain officers is wrong. And i think it is dangerous to demonize police. Bret so how do these bad cops come if you want to call them that get through in the systems . Do you blame Police Unions . Do you blame the systems themselves for not waiting them out . How do you address what is frustration and anger . Attorney general barr not referring to any particular case but you have to remember it is a nonmonolithic system. There are 900,000 Police Officers in the United States. And right now, there is a crisis in policing because it is a tough job. What we had before covid, full covid economy. And weve had trouble attracting people and retaining people as Police Officers. We want the best, most responsible people we can get. We have to attract them into the profession. We have to train them. And we have to continue to professionalize the Police Forces. We have generally speaking excellent Police Forces in the United States. None of us as individuals want to be lumped together. We want to be judged by what we do as individuals. We dont want misconduct of others attributed to us. That is in every walk of life. One of the legitimate grievances of the africanamerican community, they are treated with suspicion and embraced as africanamericans. That does happen. By the same token, peaceful womens trader should not be treated as violent extremist because simply out on the streets. That is the same with Police Officers. Every organization has individuals engaging in this conduct, and we have to be careful before we say all organizations. Bret what would happen if a major American City, chicago, d. C. Disband its Police Department . What would that look like . With the federal government have to step down . Attorney general barr what it would look like is ventilated ventilated in shiism and chaos in the city. And that is why doing things that prevent us from having a strong effect of police force are counterproductive. You have more killings. Thats been shown time and time again. Bret a major American City doing that would be dangerous. Attorney general barr absolutely, we have to put things in perspective, obviously. When police use Excessive Force they have to be held accountable. The state and federal government zoomed in and immediately took up the matter. There is no question it is an issue and has to be dealt with patent terms of sheer numbers, the Police Officers who are pressing africanamerican communities. There are a lot more damage from a lot more killing come a lot more fear in general on the streets from criminal elements. For chicago, for example 50 people shot. If you pulled back the police from these communities, they will be more harm done to the communities. The president , you know has been attempting to address the criminal Justice Reform issue. He took the First Step Act and set up the police since Lyndon Johnson and looking for sites with these issues and coming out shortly but the proposals on this. And hes also advanced opportunity zones in the innercity. Hes pushing for School Choice for innercity parents that to me as a civil rights issue of the era is giving the parents the wherewithal to educate their children in the best schools possible. He is addressing that. Pulling the police back from these communities would make it far more difficult for these communities to have the equal opportunity and full participation in the American Dream they deserve. Bret as you know, there is a house bill and effort for Police Report form from congress which includes a few things. I would like to get your thoughts on that. And National Misconduct registry for the police. Attorney general barr i havent looked at the proposal, so im not exactly sure. On the issues of those but issue by issue, there is a prudent balance to be struck between making sure, accountable. Police is not like sitting in an office. We put these individuals into a highly charged, dangerous situations where their own life is at stake. They drill in adrenaline is pumping and so forth. We have to make sure we treat them fairly in those times of circumstances. Bret panning choke hold . Attorney general barr i think we should ban lateral choke holds except when necessary to meet lethal and list police are confronted with potential lethal force. I think there is a general agreement among Police Agencies we need clearer standards. We have to make sure those standards are claimed to we have to make sure they were systems in place to hold officers accountable. I think there is universal agreement on that. Bret is that a federal effort . A federal training efforts . Attorney general barr i think we need a federal, strong participation in the effort to set standards. Bret a lot of talk about monday reliving the moment at lafayette park. If you had to do monday over again, would you do Something Different . Attorney general barr based on what i know now, no. Monday, we were reacting to three days of extremely violent demonstrations. Right across from a lot of injuries to the Police Officers, arson. Things were so bad the secret Service Secret Service recommended down in the bunker and we cant have that in our punker so the decision was made. We had to move the perimeter one block and that is what we are doing. Bret did the president tell you he was planning on walking over to the church . Ag barr he didnt tell me. I found out later in the afternoon he might go outside of the white house. But like i said the decision to move outside of the perimeter was made sunday night by the park police in the Early Morning hours. On monday when i arrived, i agreed with the general of conception to move the parameters to fortify a sense of a stronger fencing and so forth, lafayette park, and also give some breathing space. In that decision was setting and execution at 2 00 with all the Police Tactical chiefs. Bret but i mean seeing what has come from it in the image that has at least been perceived, you wouldnt do it different . Ag barr the image has somewhat been created and miscreated in a sense that i havent seen any videos on tv of all the violence that was happening preceding that. Bret you were hit or something was thrown at you . Ag barr i did go to the park before the actual operation to move out the perimeter. I personally saw projectiles thrown and two were thrown at me. The Police Officers there in my security detail made me move back because they said the projectiles had been landing, things like rocks, bottles. Bret you said you wouldnt do anything differently, but the perception of clearing out the park, understanding you made the decision earlier and the president walking over, even the visual of the group all white, mostly male, it sent an image a lot of people jumped on. And said it wasnt a good thing for the president in retrospect. I asked you, would you do anything differently . Would you do anything differently even the walk over to the church . You were there in the defense secretary and so was the chairman of the joint chiefs. Ag barr you know, its not that was a decision for the white house and the president to make. My decision that you asked me about earlier was moving the perimeter one block to provide greater security for the white house. I would do the same. I dont say this as a critic of these kinds of leadership decisions made at the white house, but as i have said, the president of the United States should be able to walk one block from the white house out to the church. He should be able to do that. And this canard that this exercise was done to make that possible is totally false. I dont see anything wrong with the president walking over to the church. Bret the perception is the president was calling for i dont know how many, 10,000, but lets just say thousands of active military troops on the ground. Did you push back on the use of the insurrection act . Ag barr there was no need to push back. I think everyone was on the same page. What we were discussing is what would be necessary around the country and d. C. Specifically. And i think everyone agreed that if it became necessary, we could resort to federal troops as a last resort. Bret theres a lot of people charged with crimes evolved into riots and looting. To my knowledge, none of the criminal complaints mentioned antifa. Why is that . Ag barr we have some investigations underway and very unfocused investigations on individuals that lead to antipit. The initial phase of identifying people and arresting them, they were arrested for crimes that dont require us to identify a particular group. Bret does antifa have leaders . Ag barr it is a loosely organized group and have an elite or unusual system of communication and organization. There are people that can be characterized as leaders in any given situation. Bret are there people finding this effort, and organized effort that goes beyond date specific, funding the effort broadly, and are you going after those people . Ag barr there appear to be sources of funding and we are looking into the sources of funding. And clearly, a high degree of organization involved at some of these events and coordinated tactics and we are looking into that as well. Some of that relates to antifa. Some relates to groups that act very much like antifa. As i said, there is a witches brew of Extremist Group to exploit the situation on all sides. Bret when you look back at covid19 and what has happened, do you think we will conclude that elected officials went too far to shut down society to the point of trampling americans fundamental Constitutional Rights . Ag barr i think given the uncertainty involved in a very fast pace especially in certain areas, the original 30 day or so and even with extensions measures were appropriate, but i think that as time has gone by, the debris of impingement on fundamental liberties has never been anything like this in the United States. Nationally preventing people from engaging in their livelihood, telling them to stay home is sort of a form of house arrest in many places. Bret have these protests and demonstrations and what was seen across the country change that dynamic . Ag barr i think it should because it raises a fundamental question which is, why should some people enjoying their First Amendment rights by going out and protesting have broader rights than other people who may want to exercise, for example their religious First Amendment rights and go to church. As long as social distancing rules are complied with. Bret there was a report the u. S. Demand written handover Prince Andrew to be question at length about the jeffrey epstein. Is that true . Ag barr i dont think it is a question of handing him over but just have him provide some evidence. But beyond that, i will not comment. Bret so extradition . Ag barr no. Bret just asking for evidence. That case is still in process. You commented on the death of epstein and york convinced he committed suicide. Is there more to come from that investigation . Ag barr there might be more to come but i dont think anything will change that conclusion. Bret what is your definition of law and order. Ag barr the real test to frame the government is to have a government that is capable of governing, Strong Enough to govern, but not so strong that it abridges the rights of the people. And so you have to have power, but you also have to have control on the power. In the case of the government, for example, Excessive Police force, law and order means the government is bound by law and people have to be accountable for abusing their power. Bret this is unprecedented to have a pandemic with lockdowns and then this, that with protests across the country. Weve never seen anything like it. Ag barr that is right. The last time i was ag, i was a deputy before that and someone showed me a list of all the crises we handled at that time. While matt, it was an eventful period but nothing like we are seeing today. Bret mr. Attorney general, thank you very much. Ag barr think you can appreciated. Bret in part to train with my interview with attorney general barr he talked about the derm investigation and its timing. The Michael Flynn case, social media and big tech and about his relationship with President Trump. Parked him move that airs on special special report tomorrow night. When we come back, getting back down to business in new york. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis,. Little things. Can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. 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You can even say a famous movie quote and it will know the right movie. Circle of trust, greg. Relax, the needles are jumping. You can learn something new any time. Education. And if youre not sure what youre looking for, say. Surprise me. Just ask what can i say to find more of what you love with the xinity voice remote. Bret an economic wake up in a city that never sleeps. New york is reopening partially from the coronavirus locked and restrictions. It is part of the nationwide effort to revive the economy while still dealing with a paned band that that is affected 2 Million People in the u. S. And killed 110,000. Of course, David Lee Miller reports from new york. Although some new yorkers might not recognize him behind the mask that is Governor Andrew Cuomo riding the subway home the first day of new york citys partial reopening. New york is back. New york is back, lets get to work construction, manufacturing and curbside retail and as many as 400,000 people will return to work. It will not be business as usual. There was work to be done. But the businesses need to do this right. Including dr. Anthony fauci say they understand the right to protest but recent street demonstrations could spike the number of coronavirus cases, Infectious Disease expert dr. Trevor bedford tweeting we might expect 3,000 infections per day as a result of protest occurring mostly within younger, healthy individuals. A study in journal of nature with massive shut down steps with stayathome measures and other precautions presented 60 million cases and 250 million in china. As for the future senior white house larry kudlow said another relief package might focus more on longterm Economic Growth incentives. He echoes the president s call for a payroll tax holiday and giving tax breaks to tourism, entertainment and other hardhit industries. It pays more to work, invest and take risks. According to a new study from hard commit may have hit wuhan last summer. Satellite images say there is a surge in a number of cars and hospital parking lots. At the same time they say they saw an increase in the number of people with words such as cough and diarrhea on chinese search engines, bret. Bret David Lee Miller new york, thanks. The come Budget Office with the deficit about 1. 9 trillion in e first eight months of the fiscal year. That is 1. 2 trillion more than record of the same period last year. The federal budget deficit and made, and that is about double the amount in the same month last year. Late this afternoon the Federal Reserve sent stocks soaring by using the terms of the main Street Lending program. The dow jones gained 461 today and the s p 500 finished at 38, the nasdaq finished at record 111. Up next joe biden clinches with a garden in the g. O. P. Flinches and we will explain that next. But first the fox affiliates are covering tonight. Fox 2 in st. Louis a charges filed against 24yearold man who shot and killed a retired Police Captain during the night of violent protests. Stefon has been charged with firstdegree murder in the death of 77yearold david dorn and tried to protect his friends punch out from looters. Fox 10 in phoenix where fire crews put out a mass of boys that broke out of a construction site near downtown. The Fire Department says a fourstory apartment complex that caught on fire late sunday was under construction nearly halfway done. A live look at new orleans from fox 8, the affiliate down there. The big story Tropical Storm cristobal after inundating Coastal Louisiana and dangerous weather along most of the gulf coast. The storms sent waves crashing over mississippi beach is swamping parts of an alabama island town and spawning a tornado in florida. That is tonights live look outside of the beltway, with a special report. We will be right back. I had a heart problem. I was told to begin my aspirin regimen, and i just didnt listen. Until i almost lost my life. My doctors again ordered me to take aspirin, and i do. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Listen to the doctor. Take it seriously. All rightyeah. s do it. laughing bret and two nights 2020 report the math is finally on joe bidens side. The Presumptive Democratic president ial nominee now has enough delegates in his column to clinch that title. This comes as prominent republicans may be coming over to his side while some progressives may be disappointed over his stance on Law Enforcement. Correspondent peter doocy shows us tonight. To date joe biden met with George Floyds family and broke with activists and his party. A Campaign Said joe biden does not believe the police should be defunded, but the Trump Campaign is calling for more than a statement from a staffer. He doesnt have the strength to stand up to the extremist calling the shots in the party. Bret last week, 150 milliom the l. A. P. D. It doesnt make sense. Some places they are short on having enough people to cover the community. Others, the Police Departments got a lot more than they need to. So it depends on the community. Today the Biden Campaign 23 Million Dollar of the Justice Reform plan policing works best when out on they are cruisers engaging with and getting to know members of the community but in order to do that Police Department needed resources to hire a sufficient number of officers. Now the New York Times reports there were questions about george w. Bush or mitt romney will back trump as colin powell who voted clinton last times that hes sticking with the democrats. I worked with him 35, 40 years and he is now the candidate. I will be voting for him. What does speed night nomex beat team to seal the deal . On the spot about an africanamerican woman. I want joe biden to make a decision. We are out of time. It is not that simple. I dont want him to win. Has not been for a month since he trailed bernie sanders, pete buttigieg, Elizabeth Warren and Amy Klobuchar but he clinched the nomination and it will be official at the convention but we dont know if he will except in person or via zoom, bret. Bret peter, thank you. Even though joe biden by many a democrat the party has moved to the left and a major theme of this election year. That could be an ace in the hole for President Trump and the republicans. Tonight Doug Mckelway examines the rapid Left Movement of the Democratic Party. Speak with the civil rights struggle and the changes brought in the 1960s part of a revolutionary time. Some say that riots over the last two weeks have turbocharged a new revelation to my new radicalism in the Democratic Party. Talk of defunding even dismantling Police Departments has gained legitimate attraction from a trend one Democratic Party believes make it President Trump reelected. Trump will benefit from the Defunded Police movement because its very clear of any Law Enforcement, equally obvious there has been abuses and in some instances systemic and systematic abuses. That means we do better policing, not do what they were doing in minnesota, which is to try to disband the police. Civil rights marches the great because of that era was the lack of representation and elective office. The great promises if you just elect blacks to the offices, then an equity as would improve. But many progressives believe it is a continuation of the Civil Rights Movement unlike nixon who ran on a law and platform, trump faces no obstacles. He hit nfl commissioner Roger Goodell for support of players taking a knee calling it disrespecting our country and our flag. It may play to his base, but to swing voters, the wall street journal poll shows 21 margin more troubled by George Floyds death than protest violence. Unlike nixons time, succeeded to dominate academia, the arts and much of the media. The idea of defining the police is not all that radical until perhaps it is tried. Bret. Bret doug, thank you. When we come back to push and the pull of the New York Times outraged over not ed leads to changes. And now, theres boost mobility. With key nutrients to help support. Joints, muscles, and bones. Try boost mobility, with added collagen. So as you head back out on the road, well be doing what we do best. Providing some calm amidst the chaos. With virtual, realtime tours of our vehicles as well as remote purchasing. For a little help, on and off the road. Now when you buy or lease a new lincoln, well make up to 3 payments on your behalf. Bret heads are rolling at major Media Outlets tonight. The reasons have to do with race. Politics, Political Correctness and the change in the face of journalism. Here is Fox News Media analyst and host of media above. The irony of james being forced out as New York Times editorial editor is he eloquently defended his decision to write to run tom cottons oped. Until pressure from a staffer proved too great. Then a failure to read the piece in advance. To frustrate themselves and apologize and the woke children and apparently now run the New York Times newsroom. The weight media power, but penn smith writes today, there is a shift towards more personal journalism as traditional battle those with fairness from race to donald trump requires clear moral calls which means objective standards. The pressure to throw out the old rulebook started with Trump Campaign and some media figures say he posed a danger and something on the crusade, feeling the fake news. The protest following George Floyds killing have left many black journalist understandably frustrated. Mna denounced the times for running cottons argument troops may be needed to quell violence. In tom cottons fashion oped, Michelle Goldberg says there is generally no way to defend the administration without being bigoted or dishonest. When required, forced out and offered an apology for buildings matter too, staffers are tired to show both sides of any issues. There are no two sides of. And he announces we dont pretend to be objective about human rights. Of course not but the definition of racist spews but the police should be defunded is open for debate regardless of what the New York Times is fit to print, bret. Bret how we, thanks. We are not immune from mistakes and we address them immediately. We ran a graphic friday night that we should not have had on this show. Fulls to. It was used to illustrate market reactions to historic periods of civil unrest and should have never aired. The shows producers did not appreciate the significance of how it might be interpreted and we apologize for the insensitivity of that image. It was a major screw up on our parts. Im the executive editor and my show has my name on it so the buck stop stops with me. This has been addressed, and it will not happen again. Up next to him attorney general barr talks about the racial divide. The effort to defend Police Departments and the coronavirus lockdown. The interview and todays news when we come back. But Bristol Myers squibb is working to change things. By researching new kinds of medicines that could help you live longer. Including options that are chemofree. Because were committed to bringing new hope into lung cancer care. That Liberty Mutual customizes your insurance, i just love hitting the open road and telling people because were committed to bringing new hope so you only pay for what you need [squawks] only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Sleep this amazing . Thats a zzzquil pure zzzs sleep. Our gummies contain a unique botanical blend, while an optimal melatonin level means no nextday grogginess. Zzzquil pure zzzs. Naturally superior sleep. There will not be defunding or dismantling of the police. And there will not be in the disbanding of our police. The police chiefs, the officers understand the need for change and there has been great change. And i think defunding the Police Holding the entire Police Structure responsible for the actions of certain officers is wrong. The justice in policing act will remove areas of prosecuting Police Misconduct and covering damages by addressing the quality immunity doctrine. Democrats will not let this go away. We will not rest until we achieve real reforms. Bret democrats on capitol hill moving legislation to deal with Police Reform. Meantime cities and states taking action in their own hands and some defunding or dismantling Police Departments. Lets bring in the panel jason riley wall street journal columnist, Manhattan Institute mollie hemingway, Leslie Marshall democratic strategists and chris stirewalt, here at fox news. Jason, your thoughts on this defund, dismantle or whatever you want to call the effort and what it means, big picture. Jason , a lot of posturing, read to and it is unfortunate. I thought the attorney general had it right. The problem here is not policing to the extent that we dismantle or defund the police. We will only make it easier for the criminals to get a get away with crime. And people in these poor communities. This emphasis on Police Behavior and not talking about why blacks interact with the police so often, that is because of high crime rates in the community. I think we are just nibbling at the edges here. We know what happens when you scapegoat the police. We dont need to speculate what happened to michael ferguson, michael brown, baltimore after freddy gray, chicago with mcdonald, the scapegoat police, the entire department. They scaled back left proactive policing and we get spikes in crimes and Violent Crime and homicide. Inevitably, it is more dead black people. That is the result. I feel we are going down the same road with these proposals coming out of congress. Bret here is the proposal from the Minneapolis City Council and the new york mirror as well. To end our cities are hostile relationships with the minneapolis the Police Department. To end policing as we know it and to recreate Public Safety that actually keeps us safe. We will be moving funding from the nypd to youth initiatives and social services. The details will be worked out in the budget process in the weeks ahead. Bret the Biden Campaign put out a statement, Campaign Statement saying joe biden is not for defunding. Just moments ago on cbs the former Vice President said no, i dont support defunding the police. I support condition federal aid to the police based on whether or not they need certain basic standards of decency and honorable nests, is what he said. Leslie, your thoughts on the political implications of all of this . Leslie i have said and i as a democrat saying defund the Police Actually could be a political disaster for democrats because what you are seeing happening in minneapolis is basically tear down and rebuild in reform. In los angeles defunding the entire Police Department is not abolishing the Police Department or the same in new york. But the extreme individuals want with the funding is really reformation. That is the former Vice President is pushing for a peer that is what you saw democrats not only push for but for put forth in the house. And thats what the majority of americans want to appear they want to reformation. They are in favor of the protest. They are shocked, about what they saw on that video with mr. Floyds death. But to dismantle the Police Department and defund it entirely, i think most people knows is entirely unrealistic. In 27 to on 2017, there was a report that showed actually they have less crime. We went the attorney general today mollie said that they believe some federal standings, some federal training participation. Take a listen to attorney general barr. Ag barr i think there is a general agreement among Police Agencies that we need clearer standards. We have to make sure those standards are claimed to. We have to make sure there are systems in place that old officers accountable. I think we are going to need a strong, federal participation in the effort to help set standards. Bret mollie. Mollie weve seen a lot of hostility towards the police and the last week. What is interesting, the police tend to be one of the institutions that has the most credibility in the american according to americans. The police, the military are far more trusted in congress than the media. And so it seems that it might be wise for people who are looking to prevent bad situations from happening with the police. Remember, there are literally hundreds of millions of interactions each year between the police and civilians. We are focused, rightly so on a small percentage of those that dont go properly, but the proper way to do it might be less grandstanding and more specific things. I thought what attorney general barr said about clearer guidance to Police Officers knowing they will be in these difficult situations and having a clear understanding what is prescribed and what is not can be very helpful and can be more of a widespread action as opposed to a point of anger and hostility. Bret chris, the things from the interview. The attorney general said he was against choke hold and one of the things in the house legislation. Obviously, he made some news about Prince Andrew, wanting to ask him about things relating to jeffrey epstein. We have a lot more in part to transfer a series of questions, dts here let your take of that interview on what came from it. Chris im not surprised to hear bill barr and biden and pelosi to make this a federal issue. It is a juicy issue and motivates people. It fires people up. This is not a federal issue. I hate to break it to all these folks, this is the most local of all issues. What might work in one community will not work in another. Obviously if democrats nationally get attacked with defunding the police, that is suicide. That is absolute crazy case situation. No one wants to be a part of defunding the Police Department. When you hear pelosi, biden, one thing coming through let the federal government become more involved and less more involved in running the Police Department. That is an idea that will be a disaster if we go down that path. Bret jason, does this moment change the political equation as you look at the recent polls about where the president ial races . Do you think this moment more than the coronavirus moment changes this political dynamic . Jason it could come it really could help the president if the progressives continue down this road. Because i think people know in their heart of hearts, even black people come even black people in poor communities no that policing is not the main problem. The number one cause of young deaths among young, black men in this country is homicide. And it is not because the police are killing them, bret. Everyone knows that. These interactions between cops and low income black residents has to do with crime rates that are drawing the police to these communities. If we want to do something about black homicide rate in this country, we need to talk about the crime rates that are occurring in the communities. That is not a conversation progressives want to have. Bret this is a conversation we will continue to have. Panel, thank you. More time in coming days and dont forget part 2 of general barrs interview tomorrow here on special report. When we come back, the brighter side of things, some good news my name is trisha. Im 70 and i live in mill valley, california. My biggest passion is gardening. I love to be outdoors. I have jaybirds that come when i call. I know how important it is to feed your body good nutrition. I heard about prevagen and i heard about the Research Behind it. Taking prevagen, i have noticed that i can think clearly. My memory is better. I can say that prevagen is one of the most outstanding supplements ive ever taken. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Bret finally tonight a few silver linings. A newlywed couple is receiving widespread attention for an unusual moment during the protest in philadelphia and you see taking pictures before the ceremony. They post on a crowded highway with protesters all around them. That is a good wedding day picture. Some good news with the coronavirus, the new zealand Prime Minister said last known person infected has recovered a nation of 5 Million People among the first to welcome back fans and sports stadiums and embrace concerts and remove seating restrictions from flights. They are there. We are still one day closer. Thanks for inviting you into your home. Thank you for this special report. Balanced and unafraid, martha. Martha thank you, bret, good evening everybody. Good to see you. As we get rolling here tonight, good evening, everybody, my Martha Maccallum and this is the story. As leaders and Law Enforcement around the country gathered at the white house, policing is at a crossroads in america. This turning point on both sides may trace back to this specific moment. Three days after the killing of george floyd, hundreds of protesters gathered around the Third District and the Police Department of minneapolis. They were chanting chanting and threatening the officers inside with

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