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Us what is going on tonight in the iraqi capital, here in washington looked at some of the other hot spots for the u. S. Entering the new year, we begin with correspondent outside the president s florida compound where officials are keeping a close eye on the situation. Good evening, kevin. The president for his part has been quiet throughout the dayda, but his administrations reaction to the ongoing unrest and the threat has spoken loudly and with unmistakable clarity. As soon as we saw there was potential for a problem, they got in and there was no problem whatsoever. The contrast could not have been more stark. Glitz and glitter on the one hand. Great and gumption on the other. And there were still surprising parallels between the president s new years eve gala and the deployment of additional u. S. Marines to the embassy in baghdad. In each instance, a projection of calm. Amid simmering unrest. We had some great warriors come in and do a fantastic job, they were there instantaneously, as soon as we heard. Tis will not be a benghazi. There is a stark difference between facilities and baghdad and benghazi. The president s point about the Quick Response underscores both the threat to u. S. Personnel and property and the strength of historypr, numerous otherwise peaceful embassy days and nights to fall into chaos and carnage. With that fact as a stark the president accused tehran of being fullyei responsible for te embassy assault, ordered 750 750 soldiers deployed. About 3,000 more prepare for possible deployment in the next several days including said the secretary, the immediate deployment of the 82nd airborne. We have told the Iranian Regime count leaps times do not refuse President Trumps strategy with weakness, unfortunately this regime has done that which is why you saw the strikes over the weekend. The president s decisions have been relatively muted, some democrats placed blame squarely on his shoulders. Democrat chris murphy tweeting, really hard to overstate how badly trump has bungled things and then the middle east. Suggesting what the white house has called iran coordinated protests are instead antiu. S. Protests thanks to trims mishandling of our own policy white house officials continue to kevin, many thanks. The militants who broke into the embassy says they Group Achieved its intended aim by rubbing americans nose in the dirt. Correspondent trey yates has an update tonight to fall from our middle east newsroom. Iraqi militiamen and protesters throw rocks towards the u. S. Embassy. On the rooftop, american troops stand guard. As the embassy suspended operations wednesday until herther notice. For the second day, i rock is backed by iran attacked the compound, lighting fires and spring pro iran statements on the structure. Mike pompeo canceled a multi multivisit dont want visit to europe. A Iran Supreme Leader accused the u. S. Of committing crimes by striking targets on sunday, killing 25 of the eye running iranian backed fighters. They are using Something Else as an excuse, they are attacking the rocky soil, killing a number of people. The iranian government denied and strongly condemns the u. S. Militia attacks. Tuesday night, nearly 100iv u. S. Marines arrived to reinforce the embassy as the sky was bright with flares fired by helicopters. Through midnight, demonstrators set new fires and through molotov cocktails towards the parking area of the embassy compound. Dozens of militiamen slept in baghdads zones before clashes erupted again in the morning. By late afternoon, many of the members had begun to withdraw. Pickup trucks were loaded with gear, demonstrators carried flags and chanted, claiming victory. A the intended aim of this task, we pulled out from the stakesut triumphantly and we soaked americans nose and dirt. U. S. Officials do have thousands of troop on standby. Last year there were multiple attacks by iran on western infrastructure, thus every single event could act as a spark to once again ignite the region. The new year begins with a host of Foreign Policy challenges for Trump Administration already facing an impeachment battle here at home. State department corresponded sets the table for what could be a very busy 2020 overseas. Secretary of state mike pompeos first trip of the new year is off. The state Department Says monitoring events in iraq the assault on the u. S. Embassy in baghdad will keep the secretary in washington. I will make sure i am in the right place to ensure that our people, that americans are safe and secure in the middle east. I may have to change or delay my trip, that is what i will do. Officials blame iran for the attack, and warned the sanctions campaign they expanded will continue in 2020. Iran is one of several Foreign Policy challenges the Trump Administration faces in the new year. The Administration Says it plans to build on his successes, democrats say they are has mostly been failure. I think in those weakness of a Foreign Policy, which we saw not just in the middle east but in with respect to russia and china and certainly north korea. North korean dictator kim jong un is threatening to unveil a new strategic weapon. He likes me, i like him, be get along. He is representing his country, i am representing my country. We have to do what we have to do. Kim says his country is no longer constrained by his agreement with the president to halt nuclear and Ballistic Missile test. The u. S. Tried unsuccessfully to get north korea to dismantle its weapons. Kim now promises to move even further away from a deal. And while the president says he is ready to sign phase one of the trade agreement with chinana in two weeks at the white house, there are a host of economic and human rights differences between the two countries. Ts the u. S. Has supported democracy protesters in hong kong and has denounced china surveillance, detention, and reeducation of its minority. The prospect of a peace deal with the taliban in afghanistan, differences or cooperation with russia, in venezuela, a ukraine centered impeachment trial, questions on the u. S. Relations with its european allies and all else unexpected from International Events or an unpredictable president. Also some tension with some folks across the street in congress and saudi arabia. Certainly on Foreign Policy and one of the hallmarks of the demonstration has been a stronger relationship with saudi arabia. To provide a greater check on iran, but that is a lot that has gone on with that relationship, the killing of Jamal Khashoggi a while back, the war in yemen, these are issues that congress has started to push back on creating some tension there as well. Rich edson, thank you very much. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Mitton yahoo says he will ask carla meant to grant him immunity from corruption charges. Could delay his trial for months until after elections in march. He said in a nationally televised address he is the victim of an unfair conspiracy and he will seek to invoke the law that will protect him from prosecution while he remains in office. Now to impeachment, one republican says the goal to have the senate trial done in the first few weeks of the new year, tonight correspondent Gillian Turner looks at what is on the impeachment agenda. The impeachment thing is a hoax, its a big fat hoax. President has less than a week until they return to washington, all eye is our own policy. President trumps allies are using the pause in action to change the story the story. It will turn out to be a series of criminal acts, it will involve the highest level of the obama administration, its the reason why the Democratic Party is in panic. Lawyers say he is ready to defend, should he get the call. I would testify, or do what i do best i would try the case. But Congressional Democrats are consolidating evidence of their own, the House Intelligence Committee is bracing for a new document dump from one of Rudy Giulianis associates. Asthe Justice Department gave hs legal team a new years eve surprise when it shared evidence that they seized from his home. He has now asked the judge permission to hand all of it to congress, his Attorney Says his iphone records and o personal documents corroborate the strength of the specter of this and other evidence prompting Susan Collins to call her Senate Colleagues not to counter chickens just y yet. It is inappropriate in my judgment for senators on either side of the aisle to prejudge the evidence before they have heard what is presenteded to us. All evidence remains moot until Senate Majority leader Chuck Schumer and Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell agree on whether the pending senate trial includes witnesses. Earlier thisen week, schumer renewed his call for key white house witnesses to testify after a New York Times investigation revealed new details about the roles in the president s decision to withhold military aid to ukraine. These new revelations are a game changer. Told reporters yesterday he is betting the trial is done and dusted before President Trumps state of the Union Address slated for early february. It wont happen though until Speaker Pelosi gets the green light. Gillian turner, thank you very much. A n into nice democracy 2020 report, the start of the calendar year finds the democratic president ial candidates preparing for thefi start of actual voting early next month. This evening, correspondent previews the primary season from nashua, New Hampshire. Nt mayor Pete Buttigieg is starting 2020 on a a high note. Campaign says they raised 24. 7 million in the last three months alone, and for all of 2019 they say they raised over 76 million form more than 733,000 individual3, donors. Big numbers for a candidate who started 2019 with little name and even less money. At midnight, 2020 came and went at the end of the fccs fourthquarter filing deadline. A senator Bernie Sanders says his campaign received more than 5 million individual contributions, the Booker Campaign says they meet their year end goal of 800,000, andrew yang says his campaign expects to raise over 12. 5 million in the Fourth Quarter and a 25 increase from the third. More money means more resources, more yard signs, more door knocks, but hopefully turn into votes on election day. The Iowa Caucuses are now 33 days away, the New Hampshire primary eight days after that, that is nevada, then south carolina. On march 3rd at super tuesday and six of the most popular states have primaries. Elections for over 50 of the democratic delegates will have taken place by the end of march. I dont have to tell anyboy in this room how important the iowa caucus is. Mayor Michael Bloomberg is skipping the early states. It was too late to enter the early for. He will focus on a super tuesday. Its very difficult to substitute months of campaign in the early stage with ads, i dont think it can be done. Gang and most of the other candidates plan to extend spend 2020 in the early states. The first day of 2020 talking to voters in New Hampshire. By the time we get to super tuesday, we will have a whole wealth of momentum. The dnc house six more primary debates scheduled between now and april the convention is in july. Mike. Ellison, thank you very much. President trump says the federal government will soon announce a new strategy to tackle under age vaping. The president says he is going to protect families, children, and the vaping industry. He suggesting certain flavors in cartridgebased ecigarettes may be taken off the market for a period of time. In september the administration said virtually all flavored ecigarettes would be removed from the market because of their appeal to youngma children. Up next, 2020 figures to be a crucial year for the United States Supreme Court chief Justice John Roberts beginning soon with the president s impeachment trial. First, here is what some of ouro fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 11 in los angeles with the 131st tournament of roses parade in pasadena. Tens of thousands of people gathered under partly cloudy skies cheering scores of colorful floats that rolled down the five and a half mile route. This years theme was the power of hope. Fox live in new york is more than 90,000 jewish people congregate at Metlife Stadium to celebrate the completion of the reading of the a process that takes evident a half years. Security was tight after recent antisemitic attacks in the new york area. Is a live look at chicago from fox 32 the big story there tonight the first day of the illegal sale of Recreational Marijuana in illinois. Customers began lining up hours early at dispensary, illinois the 11th state to broadly allow marijuana use and sale for people 21 or older. That is tonight live look outside, we will be right back. You look more like a heather. Do you ever get that . Its nice to finally meet you in person. Youre pete nocchio . Oh, the pic . That was actually a professional headshot. Im sure thats it, yeah. I, uh, i think ive lost a few pounds recently too. Im actually doing a juice cleanse. Wait you dont. glass breaking gasp ah oh. with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. We all use our cellphones very differently. So, shes always on social media. Hes always watching sports. Someones video chatting her friends. Hi, gianna my parents are getting older, so knowing that i can get in touch with them at any time is really comforting. 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Mexican prosecutors say sevee people linked to the november slaughter of three american women and six children in a suspected drug cartel and bush have been detained. Three men were arrested and charged with organized crime for drug offenses for others are being held under house arrest. None has been charged with murder. The taliban unleash a new wave of attacks in northern afghanistan today, local officials sayn the countrys Security Forces were targeted at least 26 people were killed. The new year will bring increased scrutiny for Supreme Court chief Justice John Roberts. He will preside over the president s impeachment trial in the senate, tonight correspondent onic what else the high court will handle in 2020. The house will be in order, just hours after democrats launched theirir impeachment inquiry, chief Justice John Roberts seemed to anticipate the partisan storm headed his way. Telling an audience his court was being dragged into a polarized political environment. You name it, immigration, executive power, guns, i suspect its not a role the court is actively looking for but it seems inevitable that they will be drawn into this political controversy. Like it or not, the nine justices know they are hot button docket will be closely watched from a partisan perspective. Especially in a president ial election year. Among the cases they will decide in the coming months, abortion and a restrictive louisiana law on who can perform it at local clinics. Immigration and the administrations plan to end the dock a t program. Civil rights protections for lgbt workers and whether employees can be sued for job discrimination and President Trumps efforts to shield his banking and congressional records from committees. The court will be an issue in 2020, it wasre a huge issue in 2016. It helped get trumpet elected, conservative voters said they wanted to be able to pick the next justice. Chief Justice Roberts is set to play a major role, the man in the center literally and for gillefiguratively. He has voted with some of his more liberal colleagues to put some of trumps policies on hold. We do have to be above or apart from the criticism because of course we make unpopular decisions. Ir the first among equals could prove the equalizer, the swing or the deciding vote. Religious liberty and whether certain businesses can deny their Artistic Services to lgbtq customers. Congressional subpoenas for top trump aids, a prelude to perhaps another round of impeachment articles against the president e aclu has been aggressive in taking the administration court. We have been very busy fighting back because in our view the Trump Administration has violated constitutional law in so many fields. For the most part, the crump stomach court hav, e comic the courts oldest member Ruth Bader Ginsburg despite recent Health Scares including cancer, the flu, and fractured ribs is also determined to stay put. This audience can see that i am alive the justices will get to work in two weeks, then it is a race to the finish with some ofpu the most contentious decisions coming at the end of june and in the middle of the election race. Thanks a lot. Up next, the Opioid Epidemic we will focus on what is being done and in one of the hardest hit areas. Beyond our borders tonight, australia is deploying military troops and aircraft to help communities ravaged by g wildfires. Theyey have left at least 17 people dead nationwide. Thousands of residents and tourists have fled to the shoreline, more than 175 homes have been destroyed in a New South Wales region. At least nine people died as torrential rains and severe flooding hit indonesias capital during new years celebrations. Thousands of people were evacuated, one domestic airport closed. Jakartas governor said as much is 14. 5 inches of rain drenched the area. Pope francis has apologized for hitting the hand of a well wish or who grabbed and yanked him toward her in his new years wishes to the public in st. Peters square. The pope confessed to losing his patience with the woman while he was strolling in the square tuesday night to admire the vatican nativity scene. Well be right back. A peaceful night sleep without frequent heartburn waking him up. Now that dream is a reality. Nexium 24hr stops acid before it starts for allday, allnight protection. Can you imagine 24 hours without heartburn . Force factors alpha kingtime to boosts total testosteroner game. For more lean muscle in the gym, more energy, and more passion and drive so you can rule the bedroom. Unleash your potential with alpha king. Now available at gnc. 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Tonight we hear from a point man in the fight against the threat. Joining me now is West Virginias state attorney general patrick morrissey, its great to have you. Thank you very much. Your state has been at the forefront of the fight against the Opioid Epidemic. We have some stats we can put on the screen right now, West Virginia has the highest age adjusted rate of Drug Overdose deaths involving opioids. 49. 6 per 100,000, the sharp increase in heroin and synthetic opioid overdose is the highest prescription ove overdose rate. What have you done to tackle this problem . This is the challenge of our generation. People have been suffering for so long, we have lost a generation too terrible, senseless,do overdose deaths. What we have been trying to do is work on attacking the problem from a supply, a demand, and an educational perspective. When i took office, there wasnt an opioid fighting unit in the attorney generals office. Now we have about a dozen people working on it, not only on enforcement but also getting out to the schools and educating them up partnering up with other Law Enforcement entities, we have to get to the hearts and minds of a lot of people outs there. Weve also been very aggressive not only in civil litigation but rweve gone off to the root causes of the problem. There are so many reasons why prescription drugs proliferated in West Virginia for a prolonged period of time, we have to go after those root causes because that is the only way out. I will work right now, whether it is going after the dea, we have been working with them to fix the oversupply issue or the existing civil litigation, i think its making a difference. How has the response been from washington . I think its mixed, only started this process back in 2015 i did freedom of information act request to the obama administration. To be honest they didnt pay much attention to this issue, they gave it lip service. President trump has been very effective to work with, he personally believes that we have to do something meaningful to attack thisve problem. His intervention made a big difference with the dea reforms and some of the resources that are going to treat this problem. Treatment is so critical as well, that we fix people in their heads and their hearts. Is there a legislative response . Do you need congress to speak stomach to do something. What the federal government has done in terms of providing resources to West Virginia, it really matters. But we need people on the ground, we need local community groups, Public Health groupstt come up partnering up with Law Enforcement, state level anc federal level. It will take everyone working together to make a difference here. I think we are beginning to see that in West Virginia, but we are a long way to go because as we are making real inroads on the prescription side of it, that supply amount is way down. There are still a lot on the enforcement, that holds a very consistent dominic consistent problem. There has been talk about going after the sackler family, they have offered 3 billion, your counterpart announce this lawsuit, take a listen. I have filed the nations most extensive lawsuit against the very companies and the family behind them. Those who make, distribute, and have misled the American People about the true dangers of thesee drugs. This lawsuit contains detailed allegations about the sacklerga family, and their attempts to hide the vast fortunes they collected at the expense of actual lives. That was march 28th, what has happened since then . First, West Virginia i filed a lawsuit also against purdue and one of the members of the sackler family. I think it has as we are trying to solveve this, has to be accountability throughout the pharmaceutical supply channel. Not only the companies, it could be individuals as well who were knowingly misrepresenting the nature of these products. Thats ongoing, we have been talking with the sacklers and with purdue about attentional settlement. At the bottomti line, i want to make sure West Virginia is put first in any of the settlements we were hardest hit and we have to make sure there is real relief that flows. The best way that can happen is through accountability. Do you do get the sense that the pharmaceutical industry understands this . I think there needs to be more appear to some of the numbers on the table are inadequate, i say that because i know the harm that has occurred in West Virginia, that is part of the reason why i am holding out and some of the broader settlements because its been so much senseless death, there was misrepresentations that went on with a lot of the pharmaceutical companies. We have to make sure those accountability, at a minimum that the right amount of dollars goes to address the treatment problems. Patrick morrissey, the great state of West Virginia, happy new year sarah. Same to you my friend. U. S. Troops had to the middle east, we will get reaction from the panel will become backs. But first some sad news to pass along, former National Basketball association commissioner david stern has died, stern was the leagues longest running commissioner staying 30 years. He suffered a brain hemorrhage last month. David stern was 77. Im embarrassed to even say i felt like i was going to spend my whole adult life paying this off thanks to sofi, i can see the light at the end of the tunnel as of 12pm today, i am debt free we have no debt, we dont owe anybody anything, and its fantastic when we see you enter through our doors. We dont see who youre against, or for. Whether tomorrow will be light or dark. All we see in you, is a spark. 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Irani and back to terrorists, the president said today we will continue to hold islamic republican dominic republic responsible. He has said they see iran responsible for the situation in iraq that iran is controlling this. You cant do anything, this has nothing to do with iran. Be logical. We have a new year and renewed tensions with the regime, lets bring in our panel. Chief Congressional Correspondent for the washington examiner, political politics editor. Happy new year to all of you. Its interesting to watch the president s rhetoric versus the reality of what is happening in the middle east. The president has campaigned and talked about getting us out of the middle east, withdrawing troops, rewarding the notion of endless wars, but the reality of whats happening in iraq when you have these irani and backed militias attacking americans, our interests. Has given the hawkish wing of the Republican Party and the president s hawkish side more momentum heading into the year. The president has a bipolar Foreign Policy where his rhetoric doesnt necessarily match what is goingli on on the ground. New year is going to offer some challenges, because i ran is going to stop there will be likely new attacks, new found challenges ande President Trump will have to decide how many more trunks will troops will be stationed in the area. To really dominic reinstall those sanctions. The sanctions are economically crippling iran. This is a form of panicked aggression, this is part of the iron dominic asking iraq to get us out of there. We i think in this instance they blinked and we pulled out of it without any serious fighting or any serious deaths or injuries, thank god. But thehe actors who were at ply here said we will be back if we dont get our way, if we dont get the u. S. Forces out of iraq. That tension has been there for years, i rockies dont like americans in their countrie countries, and now theres a problem with iran asking with their proxy. Its a problem any president will face, some people will blame him for it pulling out of the iran a nuclear deal and they are saying that is the cause of this, but i dont think that would mean detentions would be over. No surprise during this political season, there is bickering back and forth, comparing the obama Foreign Policy with the trump Foreign Policy, take a listen to that. I think donald trump has proven over and over againr that he is the weakest Foreign Policy president of our lifetime, or my lifetime anyway. And we are seeing this play out in iran where basically since day one he has played into the hands of the hardliners in iran. President obama rewarded iran by giving them cash and negotiating a deal thatti was in the best interests of chyron that allowed them to go down the path of obtaining the weapons that President Trump is trying to prevent them from getting. One president obama was in office and he had the nuclear deal, they said literally plane loads of unmarked bills and the regime made that money to fuel expansionism throughout the region. Now because of these unprecedented sanctions, i agree with susan, they are tripling the irani regime. The sheer militias in iraq, we are succeeding in destabilizing end squeezing Iranian Regime. They are working, the problem is we have seen in a series of escalating attacks, the japanese Norwegian Oil tankers, the unarmed u. S. Drone, the u attack the saudi oil facilities, then the u. S. Military base and killed an american citizen, now this attack on the embassy, we have not been successful, we have not put enough on iran for that behavior. So if we dont put a cost on that behavior, the attacks will continue to escalate and become more serious and the problem gets worse for President Trump. We fought secretary of state mike pompeo would be heading to the ukraine tomorrow which is all very interesting because of course that is the country at the center of President Trumps impeachment, take a listen to this. The situation is it likely to disrupt your planning . I will be in the right place to make sure that our people, the people of the state department and americans are safe and secure in the middle east. If that means i have to delay my trip, i will. We now know the trip has been postponed. Josh i wise move . It is, the middle east is extremely unpredictable right now, like mark was saying this administration we will see if they put their money where their mouth is. There has been a lot of rhetoric, the president s first tweet was very tough, then he talked about diplomacy and peace and in a statement that marlowe go last a night. Its very important to be on the same page, pompeo is sending a tough message, but will there be more tough rhetoric directed at iran . The president s attorney talking about testifying at an impeachment trial, take a listen to this. I would testify, i would do demonstrations, i would give lectures, i would give summations. Or, i would do what i do best, i try the case. I would love to try the case. Theres no doubt that would be mustsee tv, your thoughts. O one thing i can say about e senate is that they dont like a atmosphere in the chamber, they want to keep this as formal as possible. If they dont want anything unpredictable, of course Rudy Giuliani entering e the chamber and interrogating witnesses or participating in any way, even as a live witness, i dont see any appetite for that. Comments like that are behind the reason why i think youll see senators back away from witnessing because what you will see as democrats saying we want to bring in our witnesses, we have a list of people here, the president says okay thats fine we have our witnesses too. So i think that will create this, they will cancel each other out and say we will not go with witnesses. Ps to send the articles of impeachment, which he has not agreed to do yet. Speaker pelosi has zero levera leverage, zero, not zilch, she has put a gun to her head and said dont move or i will pull the trigger. Republicans to look at her and say make my day. Panel, next up a special new years day lightning round looking ahead to the top issues of 2020. Days and nights out of , days and nights out of , keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Yeah. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Only pay for what you need with Liberty Mutual. Con Liberty Mutual solo pagas lo que necesitas. Only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Because the tempurbreezeâ„¢makes stransfers heat. Away from your body. So you feel cool, night after night. And now tempurpedic is ranked number one by jd power in Customer Satisfaction with retail mattresses. Do that are degrading . Ideo tapes, film reels, or photos, legacybox professionally converts them to dvds, thumb drive, or the cloud. Legacybox is simple and safe, with over half a million satisfied customers. Visit legacybox. Com today, and get 40 off. The court will be an issue i. 2020, but that is perfectly normal. What the court is trying to avoid is the perception that a votes and decides cases politically, the chief justice in particular its his role to ebe the guardian of the legitimacy of the court and trying to find ways to just push back on this idea that the court is the justices are voting their politics, not really a legal institution. There will be some redhot issues in front of the high court this year, take a look at this. Abortion regarding the restrictive louisiana law, immigration regarding white house plans to end the daca program, civil rights protections for lgbtq workers, gun rights specificallyou dealig with new york citys ban onse eransporting a gun outside the home, and executive power regarding President Trumps efforts to shield his financial records from congress. We are back with our panel. Mark, susan, and josh. Josh. John roberts will be in the spotlight this year, starts with a very partisan Senate Impeachment trial. He has been making comments most recently last week talking abou his worry about the court to being seen as a political institution, he has always been a fairly reliable conservative vote. The one thing i am going to be watching in the next six months until the june takes place, does he try to find some middle ground. Does he try and steer the Court Decisions on these very hot button cultural issues. Immigration, the daca, does he try to findin some pragmatic ground . That is a great point, thats exactly what he did with obamacare. He found a middle ground where he kept the law alive but still made a point about some of the problems with it. That also paved the way for the end tool of obamacare to. I think another important issue is whether or not there may be a vacancy, if there is one in there very well could be, they mentioned about Clarence Thomas of course his questions about the health, if there is a vacancy do republicans inn the senate will fill it. They have pledged to do so, when they make that a step to do so, it will absolutely blow apart the democrats and republicans who already are atad war. Quarter of trump voters said that the Supreme Court was the number one issue for them, why they voted for trump in 2016. The more the Supreme Court is on the front burner for voters, the better it is for the president. Soon we will have actual voting in 2020, the polls wont matter, andrew yang is raising a lot of money, he says he has momentum, cory booker says look out he could still come back, you are talking 2020 campaign. . The message means a lot more than money, fundraising figures Pete Buttigieg had a very Strong Quarter but we havent had a lot of bowling lately in iowa. It seems to me that Pete Buttigieg crusted in december and the establishment candidates biden and sanders are having their moment in the national polls. Biden is improving his fundraising from last quarter, Bernie Sanders seem to be raising over 25 million in the Fourth Quarter, i think it is to, 78yearold candidates bernie and biden that are the ones to watch. Fears of peaking too soon right . I look at it as a question of whether biden will be the first nominee president ial nominee to succeed after losing in iowa and New Hampshire. Bill clinton lost and became the nominee, biden is poised to potentially lose both the early states but he is the only one g with a durable lead everywhere else. He is the one with the minority backing, that is absolutely 100 required to become the nominee. No one else can even come close. The election is trumps to lose. Joe bidens old and fragile, not up for a fight. Sanders and warren are so far left they will scare away the swing voters, Pete Buttigieg, the left hates him because he was attacked at the center and he was a small town mayor with not a lot of experience in the a field, impeachment is backfiring and energizing republican voters. The cavanaugh hearings redux, the economy is booming. 57 of americans say they are doing better off personally financially since donald trump came into office. That doesnt mean he cant lose, but the dynamics are there for himam to win. Quickly we are running tight on time,e, predictions for issus you are watching this year. North korea, kim jong un has threatened missiles and the new year, President Trump has been watching it. He thats something that could be a challenge for him, if the economy is going well he may have to worry about national security. The big issue is the economy if it continues doing well, record low unemployment, the stock market s p up at 42 this year, since the president took office if it stays strong i think that may deliver the president a second term. But thats the story, how does it do throughout the year . We get hard into the election season, if you stay strong its okay if it starts to weaken it is a real vulnerability and i think it creates an opening for biden who will likelyin be the nominee. B to speak out the story it for me is the democrats desperate effort to save their moderate and house majority. As soon as trump is acquitted, they will turn to focusing on housel democrats, already they have been giving trump a million things the logjam has gone through, they will spend the year trying to figure out how to just really save those people. Quite an interesting thing to see the president having a usmca ceremony, he needs to get a deal done. Will make him what to do with last years christmas tree. So much more than i could have imagined. My grandfather was born in a shack in pennsylvania, his father was a miner, they were immigrants from italy and somewhere along the way that man changed his name and transformed himself into a successful midcentury american man. He had a whole life that i didnt know anything about. He was just my beloved grandpa. Bring your Family History to life like never before. Get started for free at ancestry. Com the sun is risin as the day begins time for reflectin on family and friends and hey, we got somethin just for you sniffing its a cup of your favoriiiite. loud splashing highpitched laughter dang woodchucks with geico, the savings keep on going. Just like this sequel. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. You have power over pain, so the whole world looks different. The unbeatable strength of advil. What pain . The sleep number 360 smart bed. Prices of the season on can it help keep me asleep . Absolutely, it senses your movements and automatically adjusts to keep you both comfortable. The queen sleep number 360 c4 smart bed is only 1299. Plus 0 interest for 24 months on all beds. Ends new years day. Mike finally tonight, a very special way of recycling Christmas Trees. None of this is about me. Its about the veterans, getting the canes to my brothers and sisters. Mike he started a nonprofit, canes for veterans after injuring his back during eight years of military service. He began making canes out of recycled Christmas Trees in 2016. This Holiday Season he called on his community to donate trees. C more than 1,000 trees were donated. How cool is that . People will have a cane that was someones christmas tree. We thank you so much for watching special report. Happy new year. Im mike emanuel. Thank you for being with us. Tucker good evening. Happy new year. Welcome to Tucker Carlson tonight. With every new year comes resolutions to make ourselves better. Tonight we have a special on sobriety, fitting for the holiday. Millions of americans struggle with addiction to alcohol, illegal drugs, painkillers. O addiction has claimed hundreds of thousands of lives. Tonight we wont just talk about how the addiction happened, we will discuss how to escape it. W well talk to people will turn their own lives around. L first up, dennis rodman. Hes an nba legend and parttim diplomat. Even fame and money was no

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