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I am bret baier. The attorney general throws a job the special counsels way of suggesting Robert Mueller could have and should have reached a decision on obstruction in russia investigation. From william barr comes one day after mueller declared that the special counsel team would have declared that the president did not commit a crime if they had had that confidence. The exchanges 24 hours apart coming as President Trump walked back a tweet about russia and the now former special counsel before heading out of town. While democrats head towards tricky territory and the push for impeachment. The president is promising new dramatic action about the southern border. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts joins us live from the north lawn with a plethora of president ial headlines pretty good evening. Just another typical day, bret. President trump has been out of washington most of the day, a Commencement Speaker at the u. S. Air force academy today, but keeping up the fight against the latest political fallout of the mueller investigation. It was President Trump as commander in chief today at the air force Academy Graduation shaking the hands of all 989 graduates. [cheers and applause] on the way to colorado it was President Trump in full attack mode, ripping into Robert Mueller and his team. He is a totally conflicted person. I think that mueller is a true nevertrumper. He dislikes donald trump, 18 trump haters including people that work for Hillary Clinton and some of the worst human beings on earth. They have nothing. In the public statement, mueller again stated that he did not reach a conclusion on obstruction, speaking to cbs, attorney general bill barr said that he was baffled by muellers refusal to find a conclusion. I feel that he could have reached a decision. He couldve reached a conclusion, the opinion says that you cannot indict a president while he is in office. But he couldve reached a decision as to whether it was criminal activity. Not making a decision whether there was criminal activity, mueller suggested that there was plenty of string for congress to pull on. The constitution requires a process other than the criminal Justice System to formally accuse a sitting president of wrongdoing. Im not sure what he was suggesting, but the department of justice does not use our powers investigating crimes as an adjunct to congress. Adding fuel to democrats because to begin impeachment proceedings against President Trump. The president insists that he is not the one who should be investigated and hurled criticism at mueller. Why didnt he investigate strzok and page, and comey, and all of the lies. And brennan and the lies, and clapper analyzed congress, and all of the things that start the investigation . President trump kept up the drumbeat that there were conflicts above air force one saying that he came to the oval office along with other candidates seeking to be named to the director of the fbi. He had already been in that position for 12 years. I told him no. But the Mueller Report quotes former president ial adviser steve bannon as saying although the white house thought of beseeching mueller to be a director again, he did not come in looking for the job. The report also says that bannon dismissed the idea that mueller was fatally conflicted. He recalled telling the president that they were ridiculous and none of it was real or could come close to justifying precluded mueller from serving the special counsel. Asked about impeachment, President Trump said there is no basis for it. Pointing out to that mueller found no underlying crime. The findings of the Mueller Report to the starr report that ended in the impeachment of bill clinton. If you look at bill clinton, that very nice gentleman who has been on my side, as you know. His special prosecutor, it was guilty, guilty, guilty. So many guiltis with me, there was no guilty. President trump will remove to get away from the Mueller Reports, with a big announcement on the border today as he was departing for colorado, one of the things that the president has been mulling over his tariffs against mexico if they do not do something to curb the flow of migrants heading north from the border. And customs and Border Protection just a little while ago announced that on wednesday morning a group of 1,036 people crossed illegally from mexico into the United States and the el paso soaked sector, that is the biggest single group to ever enter the United States unmasked. Bret big debate on that issue, but we are also learning about hundreds of minors being held at the u. S. Border facility is beyond time limits, what about that . Talking to somebody from Customs Border protection, it is a system that is absolutely overwhelmed. Minor children are supposed to be over released, but so many are coming across the border and cannot process all of them in the period of time, so some have been staying in custody as long as six days, im told that the Border Agents are doing everything that they can to process these children as quickly as possible, but they insist that they need help from Congress Closing the loop holes and giving some help legislatively. Bret , we will have a big story on that tomorrow, the democrats calling on the House Speaker to start impeachment proceedings against President Trump. But the move is one that is brought with political peril. Mike emanuel takes a look at the possible consequences to her party. It is a dirty word, the word impeach. President trump came out swinging. A dirty, filthy, disgusting word. It has nothing to do with me. To speak of the president followed that up with a tweet, case closed with special counsel mueller leaving leaving the stage. Justin amash supporting impeachment and the drumbeat is growing with at least nine 2020 candidates calling for it. I did not take an oath to support donald trump, i took an oath to support the constitution of the United States. So far Nancy Pelosi Nancy pelosi is resisting the pressure. I will not be swayed by a few people who think one way or another who are running for president. But with republicans impeachment could be a way to go on offense and stir things up for the next election. This has been their plan all along, they have been pushing for it since they won the majority. Targeting 55 house democrats, 28 districts, won by republicans in 2016. 31 in districts won by President Trump. Dan four identified as purple seats that are trending red. Some names include cheri bustos of illinois, california, and they could be at risk of the democrats agenda on abortion, green new deal, and more. That Mueller Report is an impeachment referral to the United States congress. A variety of ways to launch an inquiry, al green has already attempted to put articles of impeachment directly on the floor, but it was set aside. The House Judiciary Committee could begin writing its own articles of impeachment based on the special counsel Mueller Report. And if approved by the committee, those could go to the house floor. Once passed by the house, the president would be impeached, but it would be up to the senate to act on on the articles requg a twothirds vote to convict the president. For some context, 40 plus lawmakers in favor of impeachment, less than 10 of the entire house and 17 of the democratic caucus, that could be why pelosi is more concerned about her members in swing districts. Since impeachment will be dead on arrival in the senate. Bret nancy pelosi and joe biden. Thanks. While congress focuses on possible impeachment, it was reiterated that russia did interfere with the 2016 election, and in a significant way, and that deserves the attention of every american. So what if anything is being done to prevent it from happening again . Catherine herridge takes a look. Russian Intelligence Officers who were part of the Russian Military launched a conservative attack on our political system. To speak of the Russian Election threat book ended Robert Muellers ten minute statement at the Justice Department. There were multiple systematic efforts to interfere with our election. And that allegation deserves the attention of every american. They are is where support on both sides of the aisle to support the National Security threats caused by foreign nations meddling in next years president ial election. My biggest interest is how do we make sure that the russians in 2016 do not do again what they did in 2020 for whatever candidate they choose. Mark warner the leading democrat on the Senate Intelligence committee, along with richard berg, expected to include their bipartisan russia investigation by august. When Congress Comes back, because the white house has not been willing to acknowledge and take action on their own, we should passed Bipartisan Legislation to secure the election. They seem to be on the same page, advocating for a physical audit trail. We are doing a lot, we are trying to do paper ballots as a backup system as much as possible. Because going the good oldfashioned paper is the best way to do it. Mueller was clear that the russians tried and failed to break up the trump campaign. This is the response of the activity as well as our conclusion that there was insufficient evidence to charge a broader conspiracy. When democrats reclaim the majority in the house, they made election reform front and center passing the first bell, and strengthening Election Security with a 1 billion investment. There was resistance in the republicancontrolled senate. Bret thank you. It is no secret that President Trump had a long feud with the john mccain. But a new report states that the feud may have sunk to a new low ahead of the president s trip to japan. But as National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin reports from the pentagon, naval officers say some details are blown out of proportion. A senior u. S. Defense official confirms that there was an email between white house and Navy Personnel requesting the usS John Mccain be kept out of sight during the president s memorial day visit. The president admitted as much after his spokespeople called the story fake news. I would never do anything like that. Somebody did it, because they thought i did not like him. Okay . And they were wellmeaning. I will say. I did not know anything about it. I would never have done that. The email proceeded the president s speech in japan on board the uss that was docked near the mccain undergoing repairs after a 2017 accident. Acting defense secretary Patrick Shanahan pushed back on any suggestion he was involved. I would never dishonor the memory of a Great American patriot like senator mccain. I also think it is important that i would never disrespect the young men and women that crewed that ship. The tarp that covered the name on the u. S. S John Mccain was taken down before President Trump spoke on board. And it was according to a navy spokesperson. When you are attacking my father and war heroes, it creates a culture in the military where people are clearly fearful to show my fathers name in one way or another. And that i think that that is what has started the chain of events and actions. Mccain was not removed and remained in the birth prior to the president s visit. They were not the only sailors who were not invited to attend the president speech. Sailors on board the uss t dome were not included either. Bret thank you. A new line of attack in the fight over adding a Citizenship Question into the 2020 census. A filing in new york states that a long time resistant experts played a key role in adding the question to the senses. There is an argument that it is part of a wider republican effort to strip the power of democrats in latino communities. The Trump Administration says that the question is there to protect minority voting rights. Whether to add the question into the census or not is currently before the supreme court, a ruling is expected by late june. Wall street bounced back at closing the day on the plus side, the dow finishing up 43 points. The s p 500 low six. And the nasdaq ahead 20. The storms have finally passed through the plains, but it is going from bad to worse in some areas dealing with recordbreaking flooding. Matt finn joins us live from one of those hardhit areas in arkansas again tonight. Good evening, bret. People in oklahoma and here in northwest arkansas are exhausted, dealing with this flooding devastation and unfortunately right now, the Arkansas River is carrying flood rivers across the state into more towns and levees. Im told that the towards the capital of little rock. It is difficult to comprehen comprehend. The National Guard is moving with the water, setting up a sandbag operation in arkansas, state officials tell fox news lake conway could see substantial residential flooding. Right now in fort smith, hundreds of homes are impacted or flooded. Helping frantically move his parents out of their fort smith home in less than ten hours. I still hurt. Yes, it was amazing how fast we moved the house out. And seeing the whole street in the community how fast they moved out. The water here in the fort smith area is starting to reseed, but it could be days until he goes all the way down and people can get back into their houses. Flooding is a major concern along the illinois and mississippi rivers. 1 million sandbags are stacked in the prairie state. The governor calls the flooding a grave situation and deployed 200 National Guard troops with an equal amount on stan boy st. There are 20 feet of sandbags near valley city. Nationwide the u. S. Is being plagued by deadly tornadoes prior to 13 days of twister touchdowns from texas to pennsylvania and more could be on the way. Several deaths have been blamed at least a dozen spread out over five states. The Severe Weather continues creeping up the northeast with pennsylvania, maryland, new jersey, looking at severe thunderstorms that could bring them damaging wind gusts, hail, and more tornadoes. Bret, the majority of homes never see water like this, so many homeowners say that they do not have flood insurance, and amidst all of the disaster and across the country for the third time today, the house failed to sync with the senate and pass a 19 billion federal aid to bill. Bret matt, thank you. Up next, hollywood and the abortion controversy, from some of the fox affiliates, fox 32 in chicago where our kelly was hit with 11 new Sexual Assault charges related to one victim. It is unclear if it is the same person who was one of the four initial accusers. Already facing ten counts of aggravated sexual abuse, and thats where three of the victims were minors when the alleged abuse occurred. Fox 40 in sacramento where the state Assembly Wednesday unanimously passed a landmark bill, limiting when officers can use lethal force. It states that officers will be able to use lethal force only when it is necessary, and if there are no other options. If this bill becomes law, it would make it one of the toughest standards in the nation. And this is a live look at phoenix from sunny phoenix in the affiliate fox ten. One of the big stories is the addition of selfdriving tractortrailers to that area. Selfdriving Vehicle Division announced wednesday that the trucks will start driving on freeways this week. And expand to more rubes overlooked time. They say that the testing will start with two drivers and each of the rigs. That is a live look outside the beltway from special report, we will be right back. Just listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. Ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go but prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. 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The Death Penalty is no longer an option in New Hampshire. Lawmakers voted to override the governors veto of abolishing Capital Punishment in the state of media way. The Death Penalty applied to only seven cases, but New Hampshire is the 21st state to abolish or overturn the Death Penalty. Hollywood is getting in on the abortion debate, not just through political statements by stars, but with threatened boycotts from the companies they feature them. National correspondent william la jeunesse with the report from los angeles. A shot across from disney chairman. If it is law, i dont see how it is practical for us to shoot there. Telling georgia if there bill stands banning abortion after a fetal heartbeat is detected, the studio will likely abandon production in the deep states including marvel action movies. It is the latest in that abortion debate, nine states have passed antiabortion laws. A disney, netflix, warner media, and universal all threatening to boycott georgia if it takes effect january 1st. Brian kemp mocked hollywoods threats, vowing to not let the list of celebrities or others undermine georgia values. We will not back down, we will always fight for life. Since then, more than 100 actors vowed to boycott georgia, including jessica chastain, natalie partman, Alyssa Milano of insatiable. A studios may be forced to take sides. Many people will not want to work there, and we will have to heed their wishes in that regard. The decision is not easy. If the tax credit makes many shows possible and profitable. According to the georgia film office, the tv and Film Industry generates 90 to thousands of jobs and billions in revenue, following california new york, but the abortion debate threatens the economic engine. Many in hollywood hope a judge blocks the bill, alleviating their need to boycott, others have promised to stay and fight, donating to the aclu. But many in georgia do not appreciate what they consider black male, not their own issues, and already pulling out of georgia and many expect more to follow. Bret think you. A programming note, Martha Maccallum and i will be hosting a town hall with 2020 democratic president ial candidate Julian Castro on june 13th. A taking place in phoenix, arizona. This sunday, another democratic candidate Kirsten Gillibrand will be sitting down with Chris Wallace for a town hall that airs at 7 00 p. M. Eastern time right here on fox news channel. Up next, how one of the governments own cyber programs may have been used in an attack on baltimore. But beyond our borders tonight, and hungry, the search is on for nearly two dozen people who went missing in the danube river combo when a sightseeing vote collided with a cruise ship. The small vote sank within seconds of the crash during an evening downpour, seven people have been found dead so far. Needing more than 3 billion to repair cyclones killing more than 600 people. Some aid workers feared the worst is yet to come, because the cyclones wiped out crops on the eve of harvest, meaning hundreds of thousands of people might have to rely on food aid well into next year. And President Trumps son in law and adviser Jared Kushner met with Benjamin Netanyahu about the longawaited plan for mid east peace, hours after Benjamin Netanyahu found out he would face a second election, downplaying that new saying that they had a little event last night, but it would not stop the rollout of the peace plan. Just some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight. We will be right back. This is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Its just really chic. I love this thing. Its gorgeous. I would pull up in this in a heartbeat. I want one of these. That is sharp. The allnew chevy blazer. Speaks for itself. I dont know who they got to design this but give them a cookie and a star. Play it cool and escape heartburn fast with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. Tum tum tum tums with new tums chewy bites cooling sensation. But i can tell you Liberty Mutual customized my Car Insurance so i only pay for what i need. Oh no, no, no, no, no, no, no. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Bret the city of baltimore is recovering from a rant somewhere attack that crippled the Computer Network three weeks ago. We brought you that story here. While the restoration effort has been slow going, we are learning now that the program used to attack the system could be one that was created by our own federal government. Correspondent Gillian Turner has details from baltimore. It is day 0. 23 a ran somewhere attack crippled the city governments computer and email system. Reaching baltimores digital system, process and demanded a ransom payment in bitcoin to unlock it. Mayor jack young is holding firm, he says paying the hackers would only encourage more attacks. Now in a new twist he is blaming the nsa, he says that the ran somewhere used in the attack is a spinoff of a cyber weapon created years ago to use against enemies. Called maternal blue, and they stole it from the nsa and a 2017 breach. He plans to seek emergency funds from the federal government who he says let the virus out. Some cyber experts say no way. The agency has messed up, by losing control of the hacking tools. And we have not seen any consequences. If this was an insider problem, the message is coming you can get away with it. Cyber experts call it a classic ran somewhere attack it, and it is just the tip of the iceberg. It will get worse before it gets better and cost you more money to fix it later then it will to fix it now. The hackers found in achilles heel in baltimore in the city as they have held hostage of this year whose officials rely on outdated i. T. Systems and unsecure networks. Residents still unable to pay water bells, tickets, texas, and close real estate deals online, leaving City Employees no choice but to induct daytoday city business by a phone and inperson. Now working 12hour shifts to accommodate the backlog and folks are fed up. Christopher langan says he drove all the way to city hall to pay the ticket in person to avoid a late fee. A choice he came to regret as the day wore on. It is more of an inconvenience about a half a day. This is my third time back. Now a new promising sign, City Council Members say that they have been able to restore some government emails. They said that they are prioritizing firefighters and first responders, all in all, the city council says, it will cost the city about 18 million. Bret Gillian Turner, live in baltimore, thank you. The battle between america and china is not simply about trade, some experts are warning dependence on china for medicine is a National Security threat. Correspondent brian manis looks at the potential danger. Experts warned china could use american reliance on the medicine against us. China can withhold supply and degrade medicine, put lethal contaminants in them. Or sell us medicine that do not have any of the medicine in them. Federal Drug Administration shows that 80 of the active ingredients found in americas pharmaceuticals come primarily from china. Author of china rx, Rosemary Gibson says that is part of chinas plan. Chinas aim is to be a global pharmacy to the world. It wants to disrupt, dominate, and displaced american and other western companies. In 2015 china unveiled made in china 2025, a National Plan to make it the world leader in ten high tech manufacturing sectors including biomedicines. We all know about how china dumped its deal in the United States below market price and drove out so many factories and jobs and communities were devastated. We have the same story with a lot of our medicines and that happened with penicillin. Americas last penicillin plant closed in 2004, now china is trying to dominate generic drugs making everything from Blood Pressure meds to chemotherapy drugs. 94 of the prescriptions are for generics. The military is also at risk because our troops and veterans are being given china source to generic medicines. I have no doubt that they would consider weaponizing their dominance of the pharmaceutical market if they felt that that would give them an advantage over us strategically. Identifying drugs made in china is difficult, because pharmaceutical manufacturers are not required to display the source of their ingredients. Bret before we had to break, thad cochran has died, he was a navy veteran who represented mississippi in congress for more than 45 years. A driving force behind more than 100 billion in funding to help gulf coast states recover from hurricane katrina. He was also skilled at using his seniority in the senate to steer billions of dollars to his home state for economic development, grants, and research. President trump tweeted his condolences this afternoon saying that he never let our country down. Thad cochran was 81 years old. Were oscar mayer deli fresh and you may remember us from. Your very first sandwich, your moveinday. Feast. Your bold canine caper. [child] thats not for you, bandit your dinner in the dark. Your mammoth masterpiece. [whispering] your 3 47 am snack. And. Whatever happened here. 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But he had his reasons for not doing it, which he explained. Im not going to you know argue about those reasons, but when he did not make a decision, the Deputy Attorney general Rod Rosenstein and i felt that it was necessary for us as the heads of the department to reach that decision. He seemed to suggest yesterday that there was another venue for this, and it was congress. Im not sure what he was suggesting, but the department of justice does not use our power as an investigating crime as an adjunct to congress. Bret attorney general william barr with cbs saying that he thought Robert Mueller couldve come to a conclusion one way or another with obstruction of justice but he did not, so barr did. We will start with judicial analyst judge Andrew Napolitano hello, susan page, and charlie hurt, opinion editor for the washington times, okay, he is so matteroffact in his delivery. It is really such a contrast to politicians on the hill, but it is a stark difference saying that he should have been able to make a case. In more than that, it was a real shot across muellers bow, because you think about what happened, he did not have to come out and say any of this as he sent in itself against his statement, nothing you said is different from what was in the report. And just as if he were to testify in front of congress, nothing he would say there would be different than what is in the report, why did he say it . Why did he do it . I cannot answer why, but clearly it is aiming to send a political flare. And kind of role the political waters, and he waited until bill barr was on his way to alaska, the furthest you can be away in the country in order to do this. And it cannot help but think that bill barr was firing sort of a shot back across muellers bow and responds by saying, he did not, why didnt he do his job . Why didnt he make a ruling on the obstruction issue . Because i think that he knows the reason, the answer to that, and i think that mueller knows the answer is that they could not charge the president. Bret ultimately, susan, because of the rules of the special counsel, it is attorney general barrs decision to make, not Robert Muellers. Mueller says the reason they did not come to a conclusion was not because he did not have the evidence, but because they were prohibited from bringing an indictment. And he said that it would be unfair to make a charge without giving the person you are charging the opportunity to respond in court. You can accept that it is his real reason, but that was his justification for the action that he took. You know, i think it is hard to be inside muellers head, there could be two reasons why he made this announcement yesterday. One is that he differed with the interpretation that barr put out about what his report said. It is different. His interpretation of what was said is different from barrs description of it. In the final thing that mueller said that every american should be concerned about russias influence and attempt to meddle in our election. And it is still getting no attention. Bret we did a piece about it today, what is happening and not happening, i agree, he probably thinks that people do not read the report, i did. I know a lot of members of congress dated and people here did. To judge, there is the difference, your take. It is not uncommon for two prosecutors looking at the same evidence to come to different conclusions. This happens every day and every prosecutors office. But i think that you hit the nail on the head when you said, it is up to the attorney general to make these decisions. I think that the reason that mueller did not come to a conclusion on obstructionist ot because the evidence was not there, they are ten crimes outlined, there is an indictment on any of them if the defendant was not the president of the United States. He knew that the attorney general would never give him permission to do so. And he is a soldier. He is a marine. He does not want to challenge and take on his boss. Bret you think that the ten things listed there could be actually prosecuted . Absolutely. So do more than 1,000 former federal prosecutors. Even though there is no underlying indictment on the conspiracy . Underlying indictment theory is not even embraced by the president to doj. Bret i understand that you could go forward with the crime, but you think that the prosecutor would do that . I dont know if a prosecutor would, but under the law there is enough for a prosecutor to do so. And as far as the olc, office of Legal Counsel opinion, it is an advisory opinion issued in october of 2000. 45 days later, the Justice Department prosecuted the president of the United States for obstruction of justice and perjury. 45 days after that he pleaded guilty to a felony while still in office. It is clear that the opinion is not a bar to prosecution. Bret i guess the question is if he was never going to make a case, he was never going to go nogo. To decide if he had a case or did not decide, why would he not say that at the beginning . Number two, how long did he know he was not going to make a case . And how long did you know that there was no collusion . Number three, why do we go through all of this other than the rational part which is incredibly important . You just asked the first three questions that whoever on the House Judiciary Committee gets the question of him first on the republican side congo congressman collins, the ranking republican will want to ask. One thing that bob mueller said yesterday that is absolutely not true is that this is not the last time that we will hear from him. Probably going to subpoena him next week. Bret there is no way that any prosecutor could prosecute the president for carrying out the duties of the president. In trying to decide what is part of his duties and what is obstruction of justice. It is just, there is nobody no one is in that position to do it. Bret we will continue this, more on this conversation about impeachment, the political decisions, and there is a lot more here. We will just call an audible and be back after this. What bad back . Advil is. Relief thats fast. Strength that lasts. Youll ask. What pain . With advil liquigels. But super poligrip gives him a tight seal. Snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mikes denture. To help block out food particles. So he can enjoy the game. Super poligrip. You ever wish you werent a motaur . Sure. Sometimes i wish i had legs like you. 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The xfinity store is here. And its simple, easy, awesome. The 41 house members calling for impeachment, including one republican at this point. I want to go back to correct one thing. Bill clinton was not indicted, he was, pleading guilty to a misdemeanor on his last day in office to avoid postpresidency indictment. Pleading guilty to information which is an instrument in lieu of indictment. It was a misdemeanor, but not indicted. You can debate the olc whether it is legal opinion, right or not, but bill clinton one is one to correct the record. As you look in impeachment, judge. You think that that will get him seen here . I dont know the answer to that. I agree with mrs. Pelosi that impeachment without a broad bipartisan National Consensus behind it is fruitless, futile, and needlessly divisive. Now when the Sam Ervin Watergate Committee which was both houses of congress began the investigation of richard nixon, there was no Broad National bipartisan consensus behind it. At the end of the investigation when the House Judiciary Committee started, there democrt to nothing core of the left as i see it to that once impeachment bret it is incredibly peerless, thats why nancy pelosi and joe biden are where they are. House members support impeachment, none of them are the 40 Democratic House members that flip the seats in 2018 and delivered control of the house to the democrats. And that is the balancing act that nancy pelosi has. And she is pretty unflappable. There is more frustration with democrats that has fueled the fire, but if you ever wanted to have a leader who could hold the line, at least for the foreseeable future it would be speaker nancy pelosi. Bret here is bob mueller and the president today. If we had confidence that the president clearly did not commit a crime, we would have said so. I think that he is a total conflicted person. I think that mueller is a true nevertrumper. He dislikes donald trump. He did not get a job that he wanted very badly, and then he was appointed. And despite that, and despite 40 million, 18 trump haters including people that worked for Hillary Clinton and some of the worst human beings on earth, they have nothing. It is pretty amazing. Bret what about that, charlie . Im going to stop to give mueller props, because obviously he has a very deep animus towards the president. What we saw yesterday was a display of the animus. But i do think he deserves credit for one thing paid he did not let that affect the outcome of the investigation. The investigation was clear of all of that angst. But going back to the state that mueller made. A bret when he asked congress to do their job, is that part of the animus . Yes. If there was no purpose except for two boil up the political waters and get democrats in the frenzy to call for impeachment. But the statement from mueller, it is almost idiotic. Prosecutors prosecute. They do not exonerate people. What position does he have to clear somebody of wrongdoing . He cannot do that. He is a prosecutor. No. Bret and there is Jussie Smollett in chicago. With that story. And the things that you have been saying about all of this, your response. I hear from that all the time. I will tell you. I am analyzing the laws as i understand it to be, not as the popular will look sad, but i agree with what charlie just said which is that prosecutors do not exonerate. The word doesnt appears in the code, they decide if there is enough evidence and they prosecute or they dont say anything. Bret panel, thank you. Will me come back, friends for life. Just listen. vo theres so much we want to show her. We needed a car that would last long enough to see it all. avo subaru outback. Ninety eight percent are still on the road after 10 years. Come on mom, lets go applebees new loaded fajitas. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Applethis is a commercialitas. And i know youre thinking. I dont want to hear about insurance. cause lets be honest. Nobody likes dealing with insurance. Right . See, esurance knows its expensive. I feel like im giving my money away. So theyre making it affordable. Thank you, dennis quaid. Youre welcome, guy in kitchen. I named my character walter. Thats great. Id tell you more but i only have thirty seconds so heres a dramatic shot of their tagline so youll remember it. When insurance is affordable, its surprisingly painless. Cant see what it is yet. Re . What is that . Thats a blazer . Thats a chevy blazer . Aww, this is dope. This thing is beautiful. I love the lights. Oh man, its got a mean face on it. It looks like a piece of candy. Look at the interior. This is nice. This is my sexy mom car. I would feel like a cool dad. Test test bret finally tonight, you cannot buy a kidney but you certainly can show some heart when you rent a billboard in l. A. To try to find a match for a friend. Thats exactly what ilia did for his best friend. He suffers from a Kidney Disease known as fsgs he has been on dialysis for two years. He wasnt finding a match. 5,000 later this billboard has n than 200 inquiries to try to help antonio get that match. A gesture like in this is something he would have done for any of his friends. I think he very much deserves that it happens for him. Bret pretty cool. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. The story guest hosted tonight by sandra smith starts right now. Good evening, thank you. And good evening, everybody. Im sandra smith in for Martha Mccallum tonight and the story tonight. Attorney general william barr taking the gloves off. His target Robert Mueller. Barr rejecting the special counsels claims that the obstruction of justice decision was out of his hands. That interpretation . I personally felt he could have reached a decision. More from the embattled attorney general in moments. But, first, its up to you to get trump. That is essentially what democrats heard when Robert Mueller said this yesterday. The constitution requires a process, other than the criminal Justice System, to formally accuse a sitting president of

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