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With demands for documents. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts is just on the driveway tonight. President trump seem to suggest today that his white house might think invoke executive privilege and might deny any request from congress for information. The president saying when the Obama White House was asked to something similar by republicans in congress, they didnt give one document. Signing an executive order today to address the epidemic of military suicides, President Trump took a moment to rip the democrats for their zeal to investigate him. President trump the witch hunt continues, the fact is that i guess we got 81 letters, there was no collusion, it was a hoax, there was no anything, its a disgrace to our country. The white house is incensed after the House Judiciary Committee sent letters to some 81 individuals, agencies, and organizations looking into alleged obstruction of justice. Public corruption and other abuses of power by President Trump. Committee chairman Jerrold Nadler said its a matter of congress fulfilling its oversight role and its colleagues today agreed. They are asking questions and demanding answers, thats what congress is supposed to be doin doing. Texas republican senator john cornyn said after successive congressional investigations found no collusion on the part of the president , democrats are going to plan b. No evidence of collusion and our democratic colleagues cant stand it, this is all about setting up the stage for impeachment proceedings. We will soon find out if the special counsel has found any evidence of collusion, the white houses former liaison to the molar investigation ty cobb said he doesnt believe there is any. In contrast to the president , he had a high praise for mueller. He came from and arguably privileged background, he has a backbone of steel. The new attorney general confirmed he will be handling release of the report. There is new information tonight about something Michael Cohen told congress in his testimony last week regarding a possible president ial pardon. I have never asked for nor would i accept a pardon from President Trump. Contradicting what cohen said, fox news has confirmed that at one point his former attorney approached President Trumps outside counsel of the possibility of a president ial pardon. Rudy giuliani would not speak specifically to the cohen case but told fox news any time an attorney raise the issue of a pardon he would say the president has said he would not consider any pardons now. Of course that doesnt mean he in any way is diminishing his constitutional power to make those decisions in the future. Cohens spokesmen insist that he was telling the truth last week in a testimony to congress, saying we stand by the truth of mr. Cohens testimony before the House Oversight committee. Bret food and Drug Administration commissioner Scott Gottlieb is stepping down he led the agency for nearly two years. Among the challenges hes facing opioid academic, rising drug prices and under age vaping. He cited what he called the challenge in being part from his family in connecticut. China is announcing a seven and half percent rise in military spending. Foreign companies will be treated as equals with their chinese competitors, beijing is aiming for 6 to 6. 5 growth this year, thats slightly down and would mark a new three decade low, well have the National Economic counsel director here in just a minute. The markets were flat today as investors waited for more details on trade negotiations between china and the u. S. The dow lost 13, the s p 500 was off three, the master act dropped one. Michael bloomberg said today he is not running for president in 2020. Bloomberg made that announcement on his news website saying democrats could not allow the primary process to drag the party to an extreme that would diminish our chances in the general election. There are obviously plenty of others in a democratic field who are into night, many of those are senators or people who could run for senate. Correspondent peter doocy tells us that is creating something of a talent vacuum for democrat leadership. Of the huge field of a list Democratic Candidates for president in 2020 it means a thin crop of a list Democratic Candidates for senate in 2020. Just look at texas where beto orourke is a big star but shrugged off Chuck Schumer and decided not to challenge john cornyn. I think after he ran against senator ted cruz hes got stars in his eyes and i dont blame him. David perdue is up for election next year, stacy abrams is teasing some sort of campaig campaign. Im going to run for something. The New York Times reports the latest wild card ms. Abrams is seriously examining a senate or president ial campaign. Same story in montana where steve daines faces reelection and could be challenged by the term limit democratic governor, that governor isnt spending a lot of time lately in iowa where voters have no say over the Montana Senate race. Other democrats have seen the writing on the wall. Like oregon senator jeff merkley who just gave up on a white house bid. My best contribution is to run for reelection. If other democrats start sluggishly, they could follow suit like colorados potential challenger to john hickenlooper. He is running for u. S. Senate, he hasnt figured it out yet. Speak out some republican incumbents seem to be rooting for a long president ial season. The prospect of running for president is pretty exhilarating and i wish him well. If beto orourke or stacy abrams runs for president , they are going to need to do better in swing states than they did in their home states because they both just lost that they are. Whoever the eventual nominee is will have help from Michael Bloomberg who he says isnt going to run but he will write checks. Bret lets get some insight on the economy and the china trade deal, joining us tonight National Economic counsel director larry kudlow. First of all, give us an update on china and these negotiations, there is optimism on the streets, is there optimism in this building . The meetings two weeks ago went other than we thought, the documents that we put together with chinas top guy went further and deeper than we thought possible, that includes all the issues, the intellectual property theft issues, the ownership issues, commodities, perhaps most importantly from the standpoint of investor Bob Lighthizer who has done such a great job, enforcement issues. A multilayer enforcement process that at least for now says if china doesnt live up to its agreement, we have the right not only to keep tariffs but to raise tariffs and they will not retaliate. That is breakthrough stuff, well see if president xi in the politburo agrees to that. Bret on your former network, heres some analysis in the jittery markets on this. Its key for what is going to happen to the markets Going Forward but at the same time, if there is no trade agreement, we will have more paying both on the gdp side and earnings side, earnings are the key for china in terms of equities. Bret basically saying this has cost the u. S. , how do you respond to that . I dont think so. We looked at the evidence, their tariffs, our tariffs, almost uncountable fraction of gdp to be perfectly candid. I think china has been hurt more than we have. The stock market crashed for a while, our stock market went down, head its collection, came back on better news. Theres a lot of good Economic Data out there, i hate to say it, china orono china, we have a very good at purchasing managers report today, Consumer Confidence is back up. We had big job gains for the month of january, we had a new report on february, wages are rising, its the best bluecollar manufacturing story since Ronald Reagan these are terrific things. The rollback of red tape and deregulation, the trade reforms, the Energy Dominance is creating exactly the kind of 3 plus growth we anticipated. Bret you are still bullish on china and a deal coming to a finish line . Optimistic. We have to hear it from president xi and the politburo. Bret is there a time line . I dont want to go into a timeline. There is hope that perhaps by the end of this month or early april, the two leaders will get together and finalize an agreement. Dont hold me to that because its not written in cement yet but we must hear back from them. The documents are very clear, we have to get signoff from the chinese politicians. Bret Mike Bloomberg said hes not running, other 2020 candidates talking about the economy and how they will handle it. The ultra millionaire tax that ive been talking about, it requires families with a net worth above 50 million to pay a 2 tax on just that part about 50 million. If your question is am i going to demand the wealthy and large corporations start paying their fair share of taxes, i will. Bret what do you say to people who say people need to pay more at the top of scale, this is what they are campaigning on. Is that going to strike a chord . Im putting socialism on trial. Look at the facts and figures, the top 1 pays almost 40 of the income taxes, the top 10 pays about 70 . The bottom 50 pays less than 3 , we have the most progressive tax code of any of the Large Industrial countries around the world. Its factually completely incorrect. Heres another point. You should be incentivized, you should get rewarded for your hard work and your investment, this is one of the great things President Trump has done. Hes ended the war on business, he has stopped punishing success and he has said to men and women go out, take a rip at the ball, by your own company, start producing and grading jobs. Thats the new face of the trump economy, this is something we havent seen it many decades. This business about fairness and Income Redistribution and socialism, this is just a smoke screen. The democrats are playing a recession card, the rest of the country is in prosperity. Bret the National Debt stands at 22 trillion, if you look at the projection its only increasing. You have another candidate who is getting into this race it seems, Howard Schultz the former ceo of starbucks, who talks about this a lot on the trail, listen. I think the greatest threat domestically to the country is this 21 trillion debt hanging over the cloud of america and future generations. The fact that Interest Rates are going up, we will be paying close to over 400 million in interest which i think is the number one and number two issue in terms of federal expense to the country. Bret its been reported that the president has said thats not my deal, somebody else will deal with that what about the National Debt and deficits . What is the administration doing . The key point is the burden on the economy. Deficits as a share of gdp or debt as a share of gdp. Those numbers have inched up a bit, we have just had a big tax cuts, the biggest tax cut in many decades. We are making an investment in americas future, its already beginning to pay off and if that means we incur some Additional Debt in the short run, so be it. Our numbers show with Economic Growth of 3 as far as the eye can see, those ratios, deficits to gdp will come back to about three or 4 . Debt to gdp which is hovering around 70 or 75 . Bret candidate trump said hes worrying about the u. S. Becoming closer to greece, President Trump is still worried about that but focused on growt growth. Absolutely, hes a growth gu guy, the whole program here is to unleash americas potential. Be creative, use your godgiven talent. I dont want government control of the economy, i dont want collectivism, thats not where we are going. We are entrepreneurs, we are risk takers, we are workers, and we are owners. That will solve all of these problems and people will be very prosperous and they will be in a happier mood. I miss the happy mood. Bret thank you for your time, we appreciate you coming out here in the cold. Up next, how democrats in the house are trying to deal with a lawmaker who keeps saying nasty things about her colleagues. Fox 40 in sacramento where Officials Say a protest over the shooting of an unarmed black man by police has ended with 880 arrests. Prosecutors declined to file charges against officers who shot Stephen Clark last march. The state attorney general also declined to bring charges, officers thought he had a gun but he was holding a cell phone. A new round of elections in the nations last unresolved congressional race, results were thrown out because of concerns about ballot tampering, candidates must file by march march 15th. The special election will be september 10th. This is a live look at new orleans, the big story there the weather for mardi gras. Temperatures for fat tuesday in the 30s and 40s, you have to bundle up there. People wearing multiple layers of pants, sweaters, but still a very colorful mardi gras season which began january 6th. Thats two nights live look outside the beltway. Well be right back ito take care of anyct messy situations. And put irritation in its place. And if i can get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. That were playing four on four with a barbershop quartet . [quartet singing] bum bum bum bum. Pass the ball. Pass the rock. Were open just pass the ball no, i cant believe how easy it was to save hundreds of dollars on my Car Insurance with geico. Yea. [quartet singing] shoot the j shoot, shoot, shoot the jaaaaaay. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent or more on Car Insurance. Believe it geico could save you fifteen percent conventional wisdom says you cant make a 400 horsepower sedan, thats also environmentally conscious. We dont follow conventional wisdom. This is moving day with the best inhome wifi experience and millions of wifi hotspots to help you stay connected. And this is moving day with Reliable Service appointments in a twohour window so youre up and running in no time. Show me decorating shows. This is staying connected with xfinity to make moving. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Stay connected while you move with the best wifi experience and twohour appointment windows. Click, call or visit a store today. Bret authorities have identified all 23 victims of sundays tornado outbreak in eastern alabama. Their ages ranging from 6 to 93 years old, one family lost at least seven people. An alabama sheriff says the number of unaccounted people have dropped from dozens to about seven or eight, President Trump says he will visit on friday. A storm of a different kind is brewing among the house of representatives among democrats. Leadership tried to put in end 21 freshman lawmakers continued criticism to how colleagues is supposedly trade patriotism for Campaign Contributions for people sympathetic to israel. Mike emanuel tells us what is being done about it. Lawmakers have heard enough from minnesota congresswoman ilhan omar so the houses expected to vote on a resolution condemning antisemitism what doesnt mention her by name. A draft acknowledges the dangerous consequences of perpetuating stereotypes and condemns antisemitism as contradictory to the values that define the people of the United States. Leading republicans say thats not enough. If they are really serious about addressing the problem, nancy pelosi have to remove her from the Foreign Affairs committee. That has been underscored by the comments of some of the new members of the house of representatives. I am concerned about it. What congresswoman omar said i thought was wrong and hurtful. Ilhan omar tweeted over the weekend being opposed to Benjamin Netanyahu and the occupation is not the same as being antisemitic. New york democrat blasted her urging her to retract, lawmakers must be able to debate without prejudice or bigotry, i am saddened that representative omar continues to mischaracterize support for israel. Omar fired back, i should not be expected to have allegiance, pledge support to a foreign country in order to serve my country in congress or serve on committee. A leading democrat warns lawmakers must choose their words carefully. We are hurting people at times with our language but weve got to protect everybodys freedom of religion, period. A Trump Campaign advisor took a much harsher tone. She is filth, she has no place in the congress. Jumping to her defense, fellow freshman alexandria ocasiocortez. If we called resolutions on sexist statements, a good chunk of congress would be gone. Better on lawmakers and some of the profile new freshmen, a senior democratic source venting to fox saying here democrats go again fighting amongst themselves, spending another week on this and not focused on policy. Bret congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez is also facing severe consequences concerning allegations or chief of staff funneled nearly 1 million in donations into private companies controlled. Correspondence Doug Mckelway has those specifics tonight. Returning to washington this morning, congresswoman alexandria ocasiocortez denied violating Campaign Finance laws, the alleged violation is laid out in a complaint to the fec by the conservative Nonprofit National legal and policy center. It states they congresswoman, her chief of staff, and others orchestrated in extensive off the books operation through two Political Action committees. Three years ago, the staffer for bernie sanders, explained his hopes for a new model to bundle small contributions into a onestop shop for ten progressive candidates experienced in fundraising. We are trying to find people who arent career politicians and part of the advantage of having this unified campaign for Campaign Infrastructure and fundraising aside from the candidates is you can get working people to run without them having to focus on fundraising. The complaint alleges he transferred 885,000 to a Third Company which is exempt for reporting expenditures. The complaint said the actual vendors, staff, and fundraising expenses were not disclosed. Its a cut out. Anyone who contributed the maximum out to her Campaign Organization and then contributed an additional amount to the Political Action committee means that she accepted contributions in excess of the limits. Not only that, she didnt report those to the fec. This is about as a serious and allegation as it gets, it includes fines and going to jail if it was all true and found guilty. There may be another benign explanation, her first few months in office showed her to be idealistic but naive. A heavy dose of hard learned experience about Campaign Finance law. Bret when we come back to the white house, is the u. S. Losing its military superiority over russia. One top general says it might be au possibility thats why this w for every other fullsize pickup. And this year, its deja vu all over again cuz only the ford f150 with its high strength, militarygrade Aluminum Alloy body gives you bestinclass torque, bestinclass payload. And you got it, baby. Bestinclass towing. Still leading the pack. This is the big dog this is the ford f150. It doesnt just raise the bar, pal. It is the bar. Ahhh, ha. Oh yeah, baby. Like a fool i went and stayed too long. Now im wondering if your loves still strong. Ooo baby, here i am, signed, sealed, delivered, im yours applebees 3 course meal starting at 11. 99. Now thats eatin good in the neighborhood. Dealing with your insurance can be frustrating. Lets be honest but with esurance, just snap some pics and you could get back on the road fast well, not that fast. This editor made this commercial fit in 15 seconds. When insurance is simple, its surprisingly painless. Bret at the west wing of the white house, welcome back where officials are hearing some unsettling news tonight about the russian military. One top American General feels the gap between the russians and the u. S. When it comes to the military is narrowing. Lucas tomlinson at the pentagon tells us how. Russias military is modernizing at a disturbing pace threatening to undermine American Forces in the region, that from the head of u. S. And nato forces in europe. The United States maintains a global mirror military superio, they threaten to a road competitive military advantage. To counter russia, the general told lawmakers he needs more troops in europe as well as strike groups. His comments come one week before the pentagon rolls out its 2020 budget. Late last year, Russian Forces held their largest war games since 1981. Proclaiming more than 300,000 troops, thousands of jets and tanks, and more than 50 warships participated. It wasnt that large but it was large and we should take notice, it included china which is the first time i can recall them providing forces in a partner training scenario which is quite unusual. In response, the u. S. Navy sent the uss harry truman to the arctic circle, its the first time a u. S. Aircraft carrier has ventured that far north to send a message to moscow. The pentagon is looking to retire truman early within the next ten years, reducing the navys carriers to ten from a cold war high of 15. Report issue warned the u. S. Military might struggle to win or perhaps lose a war against china or russia. The general warned nato ally turkey not to purchase the russian s400 air Defense System saying the u. S. Should not move ahead with its sale of advanced fighter jets. Bret chinese hackers are going after american universities as part of an effort to steal research with military applications. The chinese assault on americas military and Higher Education has gotten worse says a new study of beijing spying on our soil. I Cyber Security firm has detailed chinese efforts to steal American Research about maritime military technology. The study claims chinese hackers have breached u. S. Navy contractors with special interests, snatching some Rain Technology and designs of missile systems. The report also says beijing has tried to hack more than 200 universities in its quest including mit, duke, penn state, university of hawaii, and the university of washington. We have seen a huge increase in Chinese Government activity related to this type of theft. If they are saying it came from china theres a lot of great evidence to support it. Fox news has been investigating chinese efforts to infiltrate american academia. Some of the universities are claiming they are aware of and reacting to the threat. Texas republican senator ted cruz will reintroduce a senate bill aimed at blunting beijing spying at the u. S. , the legislation is called the stop Higher Education espionage and theft act. The Chinese Government is investing vast sums of money infiltrating american businesses and they are engaged of a host of nefarious activities. This is a systematic threat to undermine our universities and economy and we need to be serious in combating it. The navy told fox news that does not comment on the specific acting cases but recognizes the serious natures of evolving cyber threats. Fox news asked for comment on the allegations but the Chinese Government did not respond. China has long denied despite the growing mountain of allegations. Bret up next, how disobeying his mother got on ohio teenager in front of congress today, well tell you what he did your typical bank. Capital one is anything but typical. Thats why we designed capital one cafes. You can get savings and checking accounts with no fees or minimums. And one of americas best savings rates. To top it off, you can open one from anywhere in 5 minutes. This isnt a typical bank. This is banking reimagined. Whats in your wallet . I never count trthe wrinkles. S. And i dont add up the years. But what i do count on, is staying happy and healthy. So, i add protein, vitamins and minerals to my diet with boost®. Boost® high protein nutritional drink has 20 grams of protein, along with 26 essential vitamins and minerals your body needs. All with guaranteed great taste. The upside im just getting started. Boost® high protein be up for life. Hey, who are you . Oh, hey jeff, im a car thief. What . im here to steal your car because, well, thats my job. What . What . . What . laughing what . . What . what . [crash] what . haha, it happens. And if youve got cutrate Car Insurance, paying for this could feel like getting robbed twice. So get allstate. And be better protected from mayhem. Like me. Bret welcome back to the white house, a most unusual hearing just down the street up on capitol hill featured a teenager from ohio who went against his mothers wishes. What he did put him in the witness chair at a congressional hearing. Once he turned 18, the High School Senior defied his parents and got vaccinated, today he testified about that decision to a Senate Committee investigating outbreaks of preventable diseases describing his mother as an antivaccine advocate. When he tried to share information with medical journals and Government Health agencies, like many in the antivaccine movement, she wasnt sold. Information is in my mind at the forefront of this matter. My mother returns to antivaccine groups online and on social media looking for evidence of defense rather than through Health Officials and critical sources. Government officials have long said vaccines are safe and effective for the vast majority of people but today medical experts said misinformation including links to autism is causing some parents to opt out and creating a potential health crisis. There is no evidence at this time that vaccines cause autism. We should not be accepting of 17 states allow broad exemptions for any personal belief. Among those are washington and oregon were a Measles Outbreak has sickened at least 75 people. At todays hearing, senator rand paul said even though he has vaccinated his own kid, he is strongly against the government forcing parents to do it to their children. Bret as john roberts mentioned, the president is creating a task force to create some solution to the growing problem of suicides among veterans. Happening at twice the rate of the civilian population. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin with a desperate search for answers. 20 veterans take their lives each day. President trump today we can help end this crisis. Three battle hardened soldiers from the 82nd airborne, were invited to the ceremony because their unit was among the hardest hit in afghanistan. Now they are taking part in a Pilot Program to prevent more suicides. They feel alone. You get back and ill pay the bills. We are going to go grocery shopping. What about the air strikes . One about the predator drone strikes . I remember at one point i got the bright idea, lets quit all my meds. That doesnt work, dont do that. Bravo company lost 16 members while deployed to kandahar in 2010. Youre so wound up by this kind of death and destruction that you come back and you just start to unravel a little bit. Things become hard, things become distant, things dont matter as much anymore. I saw the pebbles of the bottom of the well. These soldiers will attend a reunion as part of a va initiative, part of a three day retreat to connect combat units and back in touch with their battle buddies. After the funeral, the Independence Fund reached out to the va to try to develop some type of program or system, what can we do to program this pandemic . 70 of all veterans who commit suicide are not registered and therefore are not being helped. The president s executive order seeks to change that by bringing them into the system. Bret up next, the president says the expanded democratic investigation into his activities are ridiculous, well find out what the panel thinks when we come back. Opposition leader in venezuela juan guaido is appealing to support for venezuela state workers to oust disputed president nicolas maduro. They say his election was invalid making the legislative leader the interim president. Britains Counterterrorism Police are investigating after three padded mailing bags containing small explosives were found today near a major transport hubs in london. Police are advising all transport stations to operate and be vigilant and report any suspicious packages. No individual or group has claimed responsibility. Some of the other stories beyond our borders tonight, well be right back i know you want to leave me for schwab, but before you do that, you should meet our newest team member, tecky. Im tecky. I can do it all. Go ahead, ask it a question. Tecky, can you offer low costs and awardwinning full service with a satisfaction guarantee, like schwab . Sorry. Tecky cant do that. Schwabbb calling schwab. We dont have a satisfaction guarantee, but we do have tecky im tecky. I ca. Are you getting low costs and awardwinning full service . If not, talk to schwab. Come hok. , babe. Nasty nightime heartburn . Try alkaseltzer pm gummies. The only fast, powerful heartburn relief, plus melatonin so you can fall asleep quickly. Oh, what a relief it is mental health. Hiv. Patients with serious diseases are being targeted for cuts to their medicare drug coverage. New government restrictions would allow Insurance Companies to come between doctor and patient. And deny access to individualized therapies millions depend on. Call and tell congress. Protect medicare patients. Stop cuts to part d drug coverage. Want more from your entejust say teach me more. Into your xfinice remote to discover all sorts of tips and tricks in x1. Can i find my wifi password . Just ask. [ ding ] show me my wifi password. Hey now [ ding ] you can even troubleshoot, learn new voice commands and much more. Clean my daughters room. [ ding ] oh, it wont do that. Welp, someone should. Just say teach me more into your voice remote and see how you can have an even better x1 experience. Simple. Easy. Awesome. All of you. How you live, what you love. Thats what inspired us to create americas most advanced internet. Internet that puts you in charge. That protects whats important. It handles everything, and reaches everywhere. This is beyond wifi, this is xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Xfinity, the future of awesome. President trump the fact is we have 81 letters, there is no collusion, it was a hoax. Our goal is to hold the Administration Accountable for the obstruction of justice, the abuse of power end of the corruption. Its not bad timing, its politics. Congress has an independent responsibility, and very solid one to do oversight. Bret now we realize the only collusion was done by hillary clinton, the committees have gone stone cold crazy. 81 sent letters sent to innocent people to harass them, they wont get anything done for our country, the greatest overreach in the history of our country, the democrats are obstructing justice. The real crime is what the democrats are doing and have done. Lets bring in our panel. Guy benson, Mollie Hemingway sr. Editor at the federalist and jeff mason, correspondent for reuters. If there was any ambiguity, i dont think the president left anything at the table. It reminds me of something he said after the midterm election, he said the democrats from his perspective have a choice. We can either Work Together on things like infrastructure or president ial harassment. He made it pretty clear he views this as president ial harassment and i suspect that means we arent going to be seeing a lot of cooperation. Bret sound majority leader piping and sing this process doesnt seem like it has worked before. President trump sometimes the politics of president ial harassment hasnt worked out too well. I remember when we decided it was a good idea to impeach president clinton and his approval waiting went up and hours went down. I believe i was the first person to describe in detail congressman nadlers plans to use his power to go after the president when he called me a liar, hes probably moving away from that story now. We see what i wrote was exactly what his plans were. Senator mcconnell raises a really good point. Impeachment is not something that goes over well with the american people. I think thats why President Trump is reframing this as president ial harassment as to his benefits. No matter whether they actually end up impeaching him or trying to impeach him, just the act of going through these investigations going after his business dealings from decades past fits that narrative that this is president ial harassment rather than legitimate oversigh oversight. Bret we are waiting for the Mueller Investigation to wrap up, whatever we learn and whatever the attorney general puts out from this but the former president attorney today said that bob mueller is an american hero, take a listen. I think hes an american her hero. He is a very deliberate guy and hes also a class act and a very justice oriented person. Bret the current legal team has taken a different tact. Done a lot of reporting, thats exactly the view that william barr the new attorney general takes. I find it interesting that it doesnt seem like some people on the left who just months ago were hair on fire wanting to pass bills to protect bob mueller are already moving on to a post bob mueller world with a strange anticipation that its going to be a dud or not much there and ramping up more sprawling investigations into russia, obstruction, and other things and i agree with David Axelrod which doesnt always happen, he was on twitter yesterday saying democrats run a risk of overreach and whipping up all this attention to more and more investigations. Undecided people might come around to the harassment witch hunt mentality. Bret ty cobb took a different tack when he was the president s lawyer but in this podcast he said that the president has cooperated to the t. Documents if the special counsel wanted to interview them they should do it freely and pretty interesting. Weve seen the white house, weve seen their strategy today in terms of responding to that news of probes coming from congress but they have cooperated and they have said that its something they are proud of. Its something the president sees as one reason to say there has been no collusion. Hes saying from the very beginning its been a witch hunt and he believe any proof is going to suggest otherwise. Bret Mike Bloomberg is saying today hes not getting in, essentially sending the message that the party should not go to the extremes to the far left but hes not going to jump in the pool. He himself is pretty far to the left in his positions on guns and autonomy but it doesnt speak to how dramatically to the left the Democratic Party has swung and it might be a problem if they are competing for voters to be able to swing back in times of the general after they have disenfranchise so many people. Bret this dustup on capitol hill about antisemitism, take a look at the House Minority with steve scalise. Why would you have her on a committee that important, that sensitive to our Foreign Policy if she has those kinds of antisemitic beliefs unless youre willing to tolerate it . It shouldnt be tolerated. She ought to be removed immediately from the Foreign Affairs committee. Weve got to protect free speech in this country too but understand we are hurting people at times with our language. Weve got to protect everybody freedom of religion, period. Bret they are talking about congresswoman ilhan omar from minnesota, the second time she has raised eyebrows here in town about something that was seen as antisemitic. A resolution did not make it to the floor today, democrats having a problem herding the cats on an antisemitism resolution. Thats interesting, that shouldnt be terribly hard one would think but apparently it is proving to be a bit of a challenge for speaker pelosi. I would argue this is strike three or four for representative ilhan omar, she said all about the benjamins referring to the jewish lobby, the israel lobby and twice commenting about this dual loyalty trope that is known to be antisemitic. How many apologies and listening tours do we get until finally the democrats decide we are going to do with the republicans did with steve king and actually come up with consequences. As of now, forget consequences, they are struggling to put together a coalition to pass a resolution condemning antisemitism which is breathtaking. Bret panel, thank you very much. When we come back, we meet the when we come back, we meet the. Look limu. A civilian buying a new car. Lets go. Limus right. Liberty mutual can save you money by customizing your Car Insurance, so you only pay for what you need. Oh. Yeah, ive been a customer for years. Huh. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Hey, how ya doing . Uh, phil. Are you guys good with brakes . Were ok. Just ok . We got a saying here. If the brakes dont stop it, something will. Thats not a real saying. It is around here. I wrote it. Just ok is not ok. Especially when it comes to your network. At t is americas best wireless network, according to americas biggest test. Now with 5g evolution. The first step to 5g. More for your thing. Thats our thing. Conventional wisdom says you cant make a 400 horsepower sedan, thats also environmentally conscious. We dont follow conventional wisdom. Bret shot at the west wing here on the north lawn at the white house. Finally tonight, this video came to me from my brother, who happens to be a big simpsons fan. A recent episode included a verbal cameo. There you have it, Abraham Simpson for gotten hero no more get tonights last word. No, you just gott the last word. No, no. You get the last word and then i say last word. You did it again. Last word. It doesnt work that way. Last word. Yes, it does. Last word. Dont mess me last word. Im from porchester. Cut his camera. You, sir, are banned from cnbc, ntsb, and reefing to using nbnc last word. Im calling bret baier, last word. [laughter] bret i have finally made it thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. The story hosted by Martha Mccallum starts right now. Waiting for that phone call. Martha im going to get the last word. [laughter] thank you, bret. Good evening, everybody. I am Martha Mccallum and tonight this is the story. We are joined by three powerful senators at the center of the biggest stories on the hill today. Senator Lindsey Graham says the president will win in court on the National Emergency and he has brand new data about whats going on on the border and he says it will prove it. He is coming up. Also senator mark warner the top democrat on the senate intel Committee Investigating the president says there is enormous amounts of evidence. We will ask him about that. And senator rand paul who has been challenging the president s stance on the border and on afghanistan. But, first up, democrat senator mark warner and republican senator richard burr have been invti

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