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He said no. A few hours later his press secretary said that no was not in response to that particular question, but rather a a no o no more questions. Now hes expanding more on what he told Vladimir Putin behind closed doors. Of course all of this comes after yesterdays stunning retreat on comments questioning russian interference in his election victory. Correspondent peter doocy starts us off tonight from the white house. Good evening, you might need a white board for all of this. We will see if we can get by without a whiteboard at the white house. Good evening. As you know, President Trump has been taking some heat the last few days for not confronting russian president putin about election meddling in public. But now the president says that he stood up for the u. S. In private. I let him know we cant have this, we are not going to have it and thats the way its going to be. He said he blames putin for election meddling and wholesome responsible. Earlier he was asked if russia ever stop interfering. Is russia still targeting . It raised eyebrows because its the opposite of what director of National Intelligence dan coats said two days ago, that the russian threat is ongoing. But the white house spokesperson claims president s answer to the white house question wasnt what it looked like. A chance to speak with the president after his comments. The president said thank you very much, was saying no to answering questions. A reporter in the printable disputes that clarification writing your pool or characterized it as trump clearly responding to the question and claiming the russian government was no longer targeting. They stand by that report. Something more clear, the president s more muscular rhetoric towards moscow. There has been no president ever as tough as i have been on russia. Early in the president pushed back on critics who panned his performance at a News Conference with putin tweeting so many people at the higher end of intelligence love my performance in helsinki. Putin and i discussed many important subjects. We got along well, which truly bothered many haters who wanted to see a boxing match. Big results will come. Now it Administration Officials are complaining the progress made days ago in north korea, syria and ukraine arent being covered. Why are you covering everything that actually matters . There is more than election meddling. Democrats who want to make sure the president didnt make any deals with putin and private are trying to haul the american translator who was with the president to a public hearing. Democratic congressman bill pasquarello writes we need republican nomadic public testimony to ensure he did not further undermine our intelligence community. Jeanne shaheen elaborates further. The russians seem to know what was said and what was agreed to. I think its important for congress to know that as well. So if the president is not going to share that with us, then the interpreter is the one in the room who may have some of that information. At the state department is looking to see if a translator has ever testified like this before. Republicans dont think one should. If there are any deals done i want pompeo to tell us about it. I dont need a translator. Thats all politics. What i want is Congress Working together, team america on the field. Now republicans and democrats. We also learned this afternoon that the president is going to meet with his team to figure out whether or not the United States should honor a request by moscow to let russian authorities interrogate a handful of americans that they think may have committed crimes in russia. So far though Sarah Sanders says there is no commitment. Bret the state department came out after that press conference and said that will not be happening. We are talking about the story, the british businessmen mentioned by russian leader Vladimir Putin in his News Conference with President Trump. Hes now reacting to putins request that peter just mentioned, that the u. S. Providing to the russians for investigation. Bill browder is a a longtime critic of putin and has called the russian president unhinged. Hes not happy with President Trump either. A number of members of congress who are actually appalled and in shock that President Trump would be siding with Vladimir Putin and going after me and going after a number of senior u. S. Officials and ready to hand them over. Its beyond belief. Bret again, the state Department Said that is not going to happen after that White House Press conference despite the president saying it might be an interesting idea while in helsinki. It browder will be Martha Maccallums guest on the story right after special report. House republicans have passed a measure supporting ice, immigration and Customs Enforcement, in the face of a democratic effort to abolish the agency. We have two reports tonight. First, mike emanuel on capitol hill. With calls from the left to abolish immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ice, House Republican leaders decided to put democratic lawmakers on the record. I urge my colleagues to look into their heart, vote on this resolution, reflective of your own deepest belief. The nonbinding resolution required twothirds support from house lawmakers, which it earned with a 24435 vote. Democrats used the opportunity to hammer the family separation issue. This resolution is the legislative equivalent of fiddling while rome is burning. It does nothing to present the separations of babies from their mothers. Present avoid being in support or oppose to the men and women enforcing the nations immigration laws. The House Majority whip blasted democrats for lacking courage. Last year, i. C. E. Agents, they rescued or identified 518 victims of Human Trafficking. What if those i. C. E. Agents would have voted present that day instead of rescuing those victims of Human Trafficking . Luckily they showed up and did their job to keep america safe. And republicans called on democrats to stand up to their liberal base. While abolishice might make for a rope Bumper Sticker for radical leftist it harmful to our Law Enforcement. He defended his rankandfile members. Democrats refused to play republicans game when it comes to childrens wellbeing and the safety of those who come here seeking asylum. We are not falling for this tra trap. House Republican Leadership considered bringing up a measure sponsored by three House Democrats calling for abolishing ice. They want to the of introducing a bill to the far left of their own party, but they didnt have the guts to accept the consequences. Late today, Senate Republicans tried to call off a similar resolution regarding the men and women who carry out ices mission and enforcing the nations immigration laws. It was blocked. Bret lets take a closer look now at what ice is, what its people do, and the future of that agency. Heres correspondent gillian turner. Abolish ice ice is responsible to protect the sovereignty of this country. It has been a tough few weeks for the immigration and Customs Enforcement known as ice. Now the defenders of the of the embattled Government Agency, including its recently departed leader are fighting back. Ive never met a bigger bunch of patriots, hardworking people that are dedicated to protecting this country. Barely 15 years in existence, that this Government Agency now faces an existential crisis. Created in direct response to the tragic events of 9 11 and gave them a unique double mandate, protect interests at public and abroad and at home. It has wideranging authority but its primary mission is to enforce basilar federal laws regarding border, customs, trade and immigration. In a natural, ice keeps the bad guys out. On average we stop ten known or suspected terrorists per day from coming into the United States and thats primarily the function of ice and tsa working together. Today ice has over 20,000 people who work in 400 offices in the u. S. And around the world and an annual budget of approximately 6 billion. Now lawmakers who oversee the agency and support its mission want the American People to know ice is well worth the price tag. They stop these human traffickers exploiting children. Drug smugglers also. In 2017 alone ice seized almost a million rounds of narcotics, including the deadly drugs heroin and fentanyl continuing to fill the opioid crisis. They also arrested 103,000 criminal aliens. 5,000 Sexual Assault offenses, 2,000 kidnapping offenses and 1800 homicide offenses. While many democratic lawmakers may not see the utility of ice, the majority of the American People do. A recent poll finds that by a margin greater than two to one they are against disbanding the agency. Bret jim jordan met monday with investigators from a law firm looking into allegations that a nowdead team doctor sexually abused male athletes at Ohio State University decades ago. Jordan was assistant wrestling coach from 1987 to 1995. He says he was never aware of that abuse. Jordan has repeatedly delayed former wrestlers claims that he knew they were inappropriately groped by that doctor. A russian woman accused of spying for the kremlin made her First Court Appearance today. National security correspondent Jennifer Griffin has the latest from the pentagon. Good evening, jennifer. Good evening, brett. Maria butina pled not guilty to charges he was a russian agent. The judge denied her request to appear in civilian clothes and order are held without bail after the Adjustment Department made the case that she was a severe flight risk. Russian Foreign Ministry called the allegations farfetched designed to ruin the helsinki summit. It looks as if the fbi, instead of carrying out the responsibility of fighting crime, is implementing a political put up job sent to it by forces that are whipping up antirussia hysteria in the u. S. The fbi began tailing butina soon after she entered the u. S. On the student bs or three months before the president ial election. She attended Campaign Events and cpac. She hosted american gun enthusiasts in russia going back to 2013. One delegation included milwaukee sheriff david clark. She began a romantic relationship with Paul Erickson, a south dakotabased g. O. P. Operative. Butinas lawyer said the 29yearold was simply a grad student at american university, adding his client did not flee after the fbi raided her apartment on april 25th, week after she testified behind closed doors in front of the Senate Select Intelligence Committee investigating Russian Election meddling. The top democrat on the house select Intelligence Committees has republicans on his committee blocked them from issuing subpoenas to erickson and butin butina. We, for example, have Paul Erickson on our list to be brought in. He was somebody who engaged in correspondence about using the nra as a back channel to the russians. We were not permitted by the g. O. P. In the Intel Committee to do that work. Butinas next Court Hearing is next tuesday. Bret. Bret Jennifer Griffin live at the pentagon. Thanks. Lets talk about the summit, the president s comments, plus the latest with the russia investigation. Andrew mccarthy is a former u. S. Attorney, and a fox news contributor. Thanks for being here. Thanks for having me, bret. Bret i want to play a little bit more of that cbs interview thats airing tonight. Cbs news sat down with the president again today talking about what he said on election meddling. Take a listen. You say you agree with u. S. Intelligence that russia meddled in the election in 2016. Ive said that before. Ive said that numerous times before. And i would say that that is true. But you havent condemned putin specifically. Do you hold him personally responsible . I would, because he is in charge of the country, just like i consider myself to be responsible for things that happen in this country. So certainly as the leader of a country he would have to hold him responsible, yes. What did you say to him . Very strong on the fact that we can have meddling, cant have any of that. We are also living in a grownup world a strong statement, president obama supposedly made a strong statement, nobody heard it. What they did here is the statement he made to putins very close friend and that statement was not acceptable. Bret he is referencing their obama talking to dmitry medvedev. Take a listen really quick. Bret so, he went on to say that President Trump did we are not going to have it. He said he says behind closed doors and thats the way its going to be. Your thoughts on all of this and kind of the past two days back and forth . I take comfort in the fact that he has taken a much stronger position now, which is reflective of the fact that he understands that his administration is trying to be forceful in the idea that this is the position that we have to take. I think its unfortunate that he made the remarks that he made at the summit. One wishes that he was prepared at the summit to make the kind of statements that he said today, and hes going to pay the price for that because that story is now going to go on for a number of days, no doubt. But the important thing when the dust settles is that this is the position that we seem to have settled on. Its also the right position. Bret the Administration Says a lot of things can be accomplished potentially with russia. You wrote today that russia is also a fading country and that perhaps the president was swinging below his belt. I think russia is complicated. Its got very accomplished defense assets, intelligence assets. Its a force to be reckoned with in the world. Its also a country that has a lot of problems and from our perspective the most important thing about it is that this regime is committed late and antiamerican regime that annexes the territories of other countries, murderous people or attempts to murder them in the streets of cities in the west, and is really incorrigible he antiamerican. So obviously we have to deal with them in the world. As mitt romney said in 2012, they are our most important geopolitical enemy. I think he turns out to be exactly right about that. We have to deal with him, but we should deal with him from a realistic posture, which is that they are not in it for us. Bret i said right after the News Conference that the analysis of this president is that he didnt seem like he wanted to decouple any challenge to his win or russian interference, couldnt bulldoze apart. Can i turn to the investigation that is ongoing, you have a lisa page up on capitol hill, peter strzok. They already testified. You have the fbi director james comey tweeting that voters should vote democratic. If you have former cia director john brennan saying that this is potentially treason. Where are we on that side of the coin . We are unfortunately seeming to go in the wrong direction on the issue of the intelligence and Law Enforcement apparatus of the government having to be completely outside and above politics. Ive tried to cut some slack, not only because i used to work with a lot of these people and i thought highly of them, but also because they were thrust into a situation where they were unavoidably in the mix of the politics of the 2016 election and i think part of the way that we ever repair this is to restore the idea that these are apolitical institutions of the government that answer to the political branches, but dont participate in politics. And when you see the kind of remarks that are being made on twitter, i think its really unfortunate. It makes people say that to the extent the critique of our Law Enforcement intelligence agencies has been that they were politicized, if they are playing politics like this now, why should anyone doubt that they were playing it when they were in power . Bret i have 15 seconds. We dont know what the Mueller Probe is going to show. We dont know what we dont know, but on the other side of the investigation, do you think more shoes will drop . I think ultimately where it comes out is that there is no collusiontype crime and there is no obstruction, but the special counsel will find that there were some disturbing things, some disturbing people that were recruited into the campaign, that it was proper for the Law Enforcement and intelligence people to be suspicious about it, but there were irregularities. Bret andrew mccarthy, thanks, as always. Thank you. Bret up next, the young soccer players rescued from that flooded cave in thailand talk about their incredible experience. You want to see here this. Wsb and in miami as a fourth body is found the day after two planes collided over the everglades. It was discovered by fire rescue crews. The search has been going on since tuesday afternoon when the faa says two small aircraft crashed into each other. Box 29 in philadelphia as pennsylvanias highest Court Upholds the citys tax on soda and other sweetened drinks, rejecting a challenge by murphree merchants and beverage industry. They ruled the 0. 1. 5 per ounce levy is aimed at distributors and dealerlevel transactions and is not illegally duplicate another existing tax. Both dissenting justices say the tax does duplicate taxes already in place on retail sales sodas in that city. This is a live look at San Francisco from our affiliate fox 2. The big story there tonight, google says it will appeal the European Unions record 5 billion fine for using the market dominance of its android mobile operating system to force handset makers to install google maps. They say it has reduced choice. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. We will be right back. Es medley is the only complete multivitamin with antioxidants from one total serving of fruits and veggies try new one a day with natures medley. 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Bret members of that Youth Soccer Team trapped in a flooded cave in thailand for two weeks heading home from the hospital tonight as they. As they were leaving the hospital before kicking a soccer ball for a while they told stories of their incredible adventure to reporters. Benjamin hall has a highly experienced because they were trapped in an underground cave for more than two weeks and now all 12 boys and their soccer coach have left the hospital where they were being treated for dehydration and malnourishment. The boys are addressing the media for the First Time Since being rescued, giving us our most detailed account so far of life inside the cave in the moment they realized they were trapped. I was thinking we would be able to get out, try to calm down. I did not feel frightened. The boys say they first tried to dig their way out of the cave and continue to do so until they were rescued. They had no food, but they did have some water and a flashlight, which they conserved throughout. But by the end, some were fainting from hunger and very weak. I was really afraid not to be able to return home. They described how they stayed strong by meditating and controlling their breathing to conserve oxygen. I told everyone to fight, not to defeat. They described the moment they were rescued as a miracle. We heard some noises, perhaps people talking so we told each other to be quiet and listen. We werent sure, but then, yes, it was true. I could believe it. They paid special tribute to a Thai Navy Seal who died while laying down oxygen tanks along the rescue path saying they felt responsible but his sacrifice wouldnt be forgotten. They plan to honor him by entering the monk hood for a period of time. The team is in good shape. They are now heading home where friends and family have been preparing for weeks. They will take good care of the balls. If he wants anything, we will buy it for him as a present. We promise that when he gets out. Whatever he wants, we will do it. Four of the team have now been granted thai citizenship and what they all said as they now want to live life to the fullest. Some have even said they want to become navy seals. Bret amazing story. Benjamin, thank you. The u. S. State Department Says an iranian lawsuit against the u. S. Over reimposed sanctions is. Iran has filed it at the International Court of justice. It contends the sanctions were renewed after the u. S. Pulled out of the nuclear deal violate a treaty dating back to 1955. Those sanctions are contributed to an economic downturn in iran, which has led to public protests there in recent weeks. A Turkish Court is denying a request for the release from custody of an american pastor based in turkey was on trial on charges of aiding terror groups and engaging in espionage. Brunson was arrested in the aftermath of the 2016 coup attempt for the alleged links to the outlook Workers Party and a network led by by the u. S. Basd turkish cleric. The u. S. State department reiterating the administrations call for brunson to be released. Up next, while a Las Vegas Hotel is suing the victims of last falls concert massacre. They didnt work for me. I didnt think anything was going to work for me until i tried chantix. Chantix, along with support, helps you quit smoking. Chantix reduced my urge to smoke. I needed that to quit. When you try to quit smoking, with or without chantix, you may have nicotine withdrawal symptoms. Some people had changes in behavior or thinking, aggression, hostility, agitation, depressed mood, or suicidal thoughts or actions with chantix. Serious side effects may include seizures, new or worse heart or blood vessel problems, sleepwalking or allergic and skin reactions which can be lifethreatening. 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This much about 80 medicare will pay for. Whats left is on you. Thats where an aarp Medicare Supplement insurance plan, insured by Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company comes in. This type of plan helps pay some of what medicare doesnt. These are the only plans to carry the aarp endorsement for meeting their high standards of quality and service. So call Unitedhealthcare Insurance Company today and ask for your free decision guide. With this type of plan, youll have the freedom to choose any doctor who accepts medicare patients. And when you travel, your plan will go with you anywhere in the country. Whew call unitedhealthcare today and ask for your free decision guide. Bret the office of Inspector General at the u. S. Interior Department Confirms to fox news it is investigating a possible conflict of interest concerning interior secretary ryan zinke and a real estate deal involving Energy Companies over which he has regulatory control. Specifically named is the chairman of the helper corporation. House democrats contend their dealings and by questions of whether he is using his office for personal gain. He has defended his relationship with halliburton chief david lessard. New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo is being accused of trying to manipulate donors statistics after Campaign Finance reports revealed small contributions from individuals on or associated with his own staff. He first faced backlash after the New York Times reported one donor contributed to the campaign 69 times. The man, who shares the same address on his filing, donated 1. 67 times and 5 twice. At the head of the state Republican Party says he was trying to make it seem like he has a lot more support from small donors, grassroots donors, small dollar grassroots donors i should say. A Campaign Aide tells fox news its pretty standard to reach out to a campaigns Network People for support. The company that owns the las vegas whole from which a gunman Mgm Resorts International is suing the victims of that slaughter. 58 killed, hundreds injured. Now come the lawsuits. Not just from victims, but also from mgm resorts, which is launching a preemptive attack hoping to stem itself from liability stemming from a failure to stop gunman Stephen Paddock enters nearly two dozen weapons. How deep in the swamp does mgm want to jump . How low do they want to kick victims like myself and other survivors . A p. R. Nightmare perhaps but the casino hopes are brilliant legal strategy. They are filing their case in federal court claiming their lot known as the safety act shields the company. Mgm lawyers argue the law precludes any finding of liability against plaintiffs for any claim for injuries arising out of or relating to the mass attack. Wingtips has no liability of any kind to defendants. Lawyers for the victims disagree. It wasnt meant to provide immunity for a hotel casino who had willfully inefficient security process. All the bells and whistles going off that they didnt catch. Mgm claims that because the security vendor was certified by the department of Homeland Security against terrorism or acts of mass destruction it is not liable. Neither the sheriff nor the fbi classify the shooting as terrorism. Even if a judge somehow says this was terrorism in the safety act applies, they have to prove that the Security System they had in place was effective. Mgm claims that congress, after 9 11, stipulated all litigation related to Mass Violence belongs in federal court. The victims prefer state court, which is considered more friendly to their claim that mgm was negligent in providing security. Bret thank you. President trump is praising alabama congresswoman martha roby for winning the primary last night in alabama. The president tweets congratulations to martha roby of the great state of alabama on her big g. O. P. Primary win for congress. My endorsement came appropriately elite. When he came the floodgates open and you have the kind of landslide victory that you deserve. Enjoy Health Spending bill is proposing 5 billion to pay for the president s border wall. If thats well above the 1. 6 billion provided in the Senate Version of the measure. Meanwhile, the administration is racing against another deadline for reuniting children separated from their parents by attempting to enter this country. Casey stegall has the latest tonight from dallas. Busloads of parents have started arriving at at that annunciation house in el paso. Its 1 of 4 locations around the country identified by the federal government to assist the migrant families once they are reunited with their children and released from ice custody. So the government is centralizing the release process. Helping families locate housing or medical services to making things up. They will have future court dates. The pace of releases will increase dramatically in the next couple of days to where we may be looking at as many as 100 individuals, 50 families per day that will come to us. Hhs says all but 71 of the 2,551 separated children ages 5 517 do have a parental match. However, the government will not disclose how many reunions have already taken place ahead of next thursdays deadline. Illegal entry doesnt disqualify you from getting your job back. This as new battles continue in court. A federal judge has halted the deportations once they are reunited. The ruling was in a response to the brief filed by the aclu which cited growing rumors of mass deportation being carried out immediately after the reunification. We will have at least a week in which those families can consult about their options and decide what to do. A lawyer with the u. S. Department of justice expressed opposition to that weeklong suspension of deportations but did not address whether the rumors of mass deportations were in fact true. Bret Casey Stegall in dallas. Thanks. President trump says the new air force one planes will be red, white, and blue. The president tells cbs that two replacements will use patriotic colors instead of their current baby blue put in in the kennedy administration. Saves taxpayers within 1. 4 billion. The s p 500 rose 6. The nasdaq was off a fraction. When we come back, the panel with reaction to confusion for the president s latest comments about russian interference in american elections and what he is saying now. Allstate agents riding sweep. Call one today. Are you in good hands . A hotel can make or break a trip. And at expedia, we dont think you should be rushed into booking one. Thats why we created expedias addon advantage. 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Is russia still targeting the u. S. . The president said thank you very much and was saying no to answering questions. You havent condemned putin specifically. To hold him personally responsible . Well, i would, because hes in charge of the country, just like i consider myself to be responsible for things that happen in this country. So certainly, as the leader of a country you would have to hold him responsible, yes. What did you say to him . Very strong on the fact that we cant have meddling, we cant have any of that. We are also living in a grownup world. A strong statement. President obama supposedly made a strong statement, nobody heard it. What they did here is the statement he made to putins very close friend and that statement was not acceptable. I let him know we cant have this. We are not going to have it and thats the way its going to be. Bret putins very close friend, dmitry medvedev. We played that sound bite earlier on the show with president obama saying he would have more flexibility after the election. The president weighing in with cbs. Its the third iteration now of the fallout from the helsinki News Conference. Lets bring in our panel. Tom bevan, katie pavlich, news editor at townhall. Com and charles lane, opinion writer for the washington post. Cbs it seemed most clear what he said behind closed doors and what he says. But it took a little while to get there. Took a little while. Cleanup on aisle three is still going on and, look, this is part of what has been with trump. The administration has been pretty strong against russia. Trump has not and hes been trying to establish this report with putin he has this sort of glitch about the election, which i think was the initial cause of his flub in helsinki that he spent basically the last three or four days trying to fix that and clean it up. I think he has now gotten to a position where the administration is strong, but it certainly has cost them with folks on capitol hill and probably in Public Opinion as well. There were some questions answered today about what President Trump said to Vladimir Putin in that meeting, what he believes when it comes to russian modeling, who was responsible, but we also sought in the press briefings, with open up a whole controversy of questions with zander saying the president has considered allowing the russian government to interview or interrogate americans, meaning the former russian ambassador, who Vladimir Putin essentially wants dead. If we saw that she said that there has been no commitment from the United States to allow that to happen, but we also saw that they are not ruling it out and in the state Department Spokeswoman had to come out of state this is absurd, we are not going to even entertain this idea. So we have a few answers now on who the president thinks is responsible for the russian modeling, Vladimir Putin, but now we have this very serious issue of the consideration at least opening the door to that from the white house podium today about whether american citizens are going to be handed over to russian operatives for interrogation. Bret and i think they tried to clean that up at the state department and sarahs statement at the white house. We are going to check it out and see. Chuck, theres a lot of backandforth, basically over the premise of what came from the helsinki News Conference. When you stand back and look at this, what strikes you is that the entire mess was avoidable and entirely of the president s own making. All of this was foreseeable and he knew these questions were coming. He knew, or should have known, that a certain kind of response out there in helsinki would trigger this kind of backlash and he kind of went there anywa anyway. And this is what i think is most distressing to republicans, for the first time, the president seemed really out of his depth on a big issue on the world scale in a way that jarred republicans perhaps even all the way down to the base. Thats why i think is under so much pressure to clean this up and hurry up and start looking strong again because, i repeat, the main thing that was troubling to republicans, troubling to everybody about that performance in helsinki was he looked confused and he looked out of his depth. Bret as you mentioned, the administration has been clear, the director of National Intelligence that just recently said this about cyber attacks. The warning lights are blinking red again. Today the Digital Infrastructure that served this country is literally under attack. Every day foreign actors, the worst offenders being russia, china, iran, and north korea, every day they are penetrating our Digital Infrastructure and conducting a range of cyber intrusions and attacks against targets in the United States. Bret when the president tells cbs i told putin, i let him know we cant have this, we are not going to happen and thats the way its going to be, is that going to be the end of this chapter . Probably not. Maybe he said that to putin, maybe he didnt. We dont know. Bret the interpreter is being apparently called up to congress. Being crazy to me that the democrats think thats an appropriate measure. Nevertheless this is part of the problem that trump has got himself into. You dont know what he said to put in. You cant necessarily trust what he said. He said one thing one day and Something Else the next day. I dont think this is the end of it and while i said earlier i think this might hurt him in Public Opinion in the short term, if you go back and look at all the controversies that hes gone through, charlottesville, et cetera and still manage to have the highest standing among republicans of any republican president in the last halfcentury, i think this is not something thats going to last, we will be on to the next controversy. Im sure its right around the corner and this will be in the Rearview Mirror pretty quickly. Bret there were many other president s who had oneonone meetings that have just included interpreters. Ive covered a few of them. Correct. This is not a new phenomenon. You have a book about that very bret it wasnt pitching. But, katie, for democrats to call for the translator, the interpreter, how does that sit . Again, here we have a situation where there are very serious concerns about what happened and democrats, again, go too far in assessing the situation and therefore we cant actually have a conversation moving forward about what to do to fix the problem. If you put politics aside, you put the russian modeling aside, this is about no rebuilding morale inside the intelligence community. I had people texting me who are conservative Republican Trump supporters yesterday saying i cannot believe that he went out there in helsinki and did this to us. We feel betrayed, we feel like we can no longer defend this. How do we even talk about this now . If you just put the politics aside, this is about the commanderinchief now having to clean up the mess not on capitol hill, not in the communication trap, but with the people he is leading inside of this administration. Bret Vice President pence and we are told secretary pompeo made that case, that they could lose intel officials at the top if they do not do that clean up. Next up, the future of ice in the administrations immigration policy. An get comfortable keeping this tookus safe and protected. You can get comfortable doing the same with yours. Preparation h. Get comfortable with it. Are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi. . A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. Are you ready to take your then you need xfinity xfi. . A more powerful way to stay connected. It gives you super fast speeds for all your devices, provides the most wifi coverage for your home, and lets you control your network with the xfi app. Its the ultimate wifi experience. Xfinity xfi, simple, easy, awesome. The resolution is agreed to in the objection is laid on the table. This resolution is a legislative equivalent of fiddling while rome is burning. Despite the rhetoric being pushed by the left, the American People support immigration and Customs Enforcement. This is exactly the kind of climatic gotcha both that alienates the american public. We are not falling for this trap. Incorporated about those thousands of agents who are defending our border. What did they think about a bill that comes across the desk that says you want to abolish them . Bret the house voted today to support ice. The immigrations and customs agency. They voted 24435. 133 democrats voted present. The acting director said thank you to congress. If you have this issue of abolishing this organization. If you have democrats, the senate and the house, and some candidates, including the newest up in new york, calling for the abolishment of this organization. How it plays in america. Our latest poll, abolishing ice. You can see the favor opposed, unsure. Even democrats, only 25 . Back with the panel. Where does this fall for elections coming up in midterms . Immigration is certainly going to be a big part of the coming elections. You have this yoyo effect. Republicans get caught. The family separation, a 70 issue against them. Democrats reacted to that by going in the other direction wanting to abolish eyes. Thats a 70 issue against them. Bret now we are at 50 50 . No, but you are seeing democrats are now trying to move back in line, not supporting the position, trying not to. And youve got republicans in the administration rushing to meet this deadline and essentially going back to the previous policy, which some people call catch and release. Theoretically we are back to the status quo. You would think that might put us back in a position where you would have some sort of immigration compromise, but congress is so dysfunctional and tribal now its never going to happen. Bret it does seem like a long way off. Theres no way before the midterms that anything substantive is going to happen on immigration. There was a time not that long ago when the two parties overlapped quite a bit on immigration. Now the respective positions are built that wall, the g. O. P. Position, and the emerging democratic position might be abolish eyes. The abolish ice thing reminds me of the g. O. P. To abolish the irs or department of education. You sort of brand one agency as a symbol of everything you dont like about a certain policy and you promised to abolish it. Whether its politically successful or not. I think this one, privately, a lot of democrats have told they dont like being the party of abolish ice. Its never going to happen. Its a wild suggestion, but it does, just like abolish ice bret abolish the irs. Sorry. Bret and thats really the question. Can the democrats take over control with the progressive leading the way . This just seems like another example of democrats grasping for something that will resonate in the midterms. The economy is doing well. They cant talk about that. They dont have real issues, so they are going after ice. And lets not forget that democrats walk themselves right into this by backing the socialist from new york who won back. She said randomly that we should abolish ice. Senator gillibrand from new york then jumped on that and said we should abolish it and try to fix it and put something new in there. And then hundreds of protesters ascended on the senate, brought in signs and chanted for the entire afternoon about abolishing ice and senator gillibrand and a number of Democratic Senators and congresswomen and men showed up to protest with them. So this was of their own making and i think its a good thing the republicans called their bluff wanted to say if you want to make this an issue, you want to protest in the senate building, lets talk about it. Lets put it on the floor for the vote and now you are on record as present or no. Bret thank you. When we come back, animals run wild. And the paths they took, to a new home. Could their journey inspire yours . Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com. Until her laptop crashed this morning. Her salon was booked for weeks, having it problems . Ask a business advisor how to get on demand tech support for as little as 15 a month. Right now, buy one hp ink and get a second at 30 off at Office Depot Officemax can worldrenowned artist red hong yi use the chase mobile app® to pay practically anyone, at any bank . All while creating a masterpiece made of tea leaves . Yes. But this isnt for just anyone. Hong yi its for the strongest man in her life. Life. Lived reds way. Chase. Make more of whats yours. Its just my eczema again,. But its fine. Yeah, its fine. You okay . Eczema. Its fine. Hey hi arent you hot . Eczema again . Its fine. I saw something the other day. Myeczemaexposed. Com. Your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. Maybe you should ask your doctor . Go to myeczemaexposed. Com to learn more. Bret finally tonight, we thought we would end with some animals. A couple of them running wild this past week, or at least trying to. A newborn giraffe at an Ohio Wildlife Conservation Center seem trying to take its first steps. Its tough, its tough out ther there. That giraffe was born july 10th. Wow. It directs usually begin trying to stand and walk within the hour of being born. It got there eventually. In california, a bear was trying to beat the heat in a backyard pool. Imagine that your pool. The bear climbs in, several fences and eventually spent 30 minutes in that pool. Neighbors and Officials Say the bear was no stranger to that neighborhood. It had actually rome to that area before and was eventually sedated and returned to the wild. If not before enjoying that pool. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report. Fair, balanced and still unafraid. The story hosted by Martha Maccallum starts right now. Martha sometimes you just have to take a dip. Bret thats right. And martha thank you, bret. Good to see it in a period of breaking this evening, bill browder, once the wests biggest investor in russia, now after fighting to escape the clutches of Vladimir Putin, he fears that he may become part of some kind of exchange underway for 12 russian intel agents after he heard this. We can actually permit representatives of the United States, including the members of this very commission headed by mr. Mueller, we can let them into the country and they will be present for this questioning. Then we would expect that the americans would reciprocate and we can bring up mr. Browder in this particular case. Bret and then today, this

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