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This horrific day in Broward County, especially for the families of what have been confirmed by multiple people of multiple fatalities. We dont know the total number at this point. In the distance, you can see we are about a quarter of a mile from the high school. Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school. Four grades, 3,000 students, described as your everyday American High School by students ive spoken with. You have the bomb squad down there. Fbi mobile command center. Hundreds of Law Enforcement vehicles are here and no traffic can get closer to the high school. Nearby hotels and elementary schools. Thats where some of the evacuated students have been taken to rendezvous with their parents in a very panicfilled three or four hours this afternoon. All of this happening around 4 00 2 30 eastern time right as the school day was just about to end. Helicopter aerials provided by wsvn showing students running for their lives and for safety with backpacks still on. Reminiscent of what we saw back in the 90s i think columbine columbine at the Columbine High School massacre. The suspect was arrested by Law Enforcement about a mile and a half away from the high school and hes been named. According to the associated press, citing an unnamed federal official, as nicholas cruz, 18 years old, described as a former student of the high school but not a current student. Some reports from students inside the school at the time the shooting or that the alarm had been pulled for a regularly scheduled fire drill earlier that day. Around 2 30 p. M. , thats when the suspect and shooter pulled the alarm and started shooting students as they fled the classrooms to run down the hallways. We do believe inside the school there are casualties that remain on the ground and what is going to be an enormous crime scene. Some of the most tear felt moments came this afternoon when the Broward County School Superintendent Robert Runcie spoke about what he knew and what he saw at that moment. Take a listen. Cant confirm the number at this point that there are fatalities involved here. Reporter can you tell us how many transports, maybe a dozen . I dont know the number thats been transported at this point. Again, there are numerous fatalities. Its a horrific situation. Students and teachers inside the school told Law Enforcement the suspected shooter was wearing a black hat, burgundy shirt, black pants and thats the exact outfit being warned by the suspect handcuffed and taken into custody. That suspect i deed as nicholas cruz, 18 years old, taken to a nearby hospital for treatment. We dont know the extent of his injuries but according to students inside the school, they had heard about School Shootings but they said what happened here today was unimaginable. I was praying to god thinking he could save us and we could make it out alive. I called my parents. Its so crazy. All i could think about was my family, my friends, everything. You never think it would happen to you but it does. As this was unfolding and Police Officers in s. W. A. T. Teams were going classroom to classroom clearing them out, releasing the students to safety outside the building, it was truly an unimaginable day for elected leaders. The governor, the president both tweeting out comments, expressing grief and condolences to the families. Governor rick scott of florida is on his way down here and should be arriving soon to be here in person tonight. Senator bill nelson spoke with Shepard Smith this afternoon live on the air, one of two florida senators. He seriously laments the fact that he is once again responding to yet another School Shooting. Our heart goes out to the families of the students, the school, they are grieving. I have already said my prayers to give them comfort, but this is a tough time. We are expecting Broward County sheriff scott israel, who was appearing last year at the Fort Lauderdale International Airport at that horrible crime scene. He is and on point, on the scene sheriff so we are expecting him here in the halfhour. It is valentines day and some of the students first interviewed by local media this morning said we heard a pop, pop, pop. We heard they were valentines day balloons being popped by students because there were numerous valentines day parties inside the high school. Unfortunately those turned out to be not the sounds of balloons, bret, but the sounds of gunfire. Bret the students inside the classrooms trying to get out of the school as authorities were trying to get them out. A couple students talking to our local affiliate. Dont have those sound bites yet. Want to ask you, the shooter is believed to have gone to that school. 18 years old but had some history about talking about showing pictures of guns, according to Trace Gallagher, getting that from authorities. That was also from a student at the school being interviewed by our fox miami affiliate saying he knew who the kid was. Hed been in an alternative school with him in years past. Didnt like to associate with the guy because he thought the guy may have been trouble, showing himself on photos of his guns and according to Trace Gallagher and the Los Angeles Bureau chief, the suspect had a social media history of looking at gun friendly, bomb friendly websites. Bret phil keating on the scene. We are waiting for this News Conference from authorities on the scene, multiple fatalities in the School Shooting in southern florida. Joining us from capitol Hill Peter Doocy outside senator marco rubios office with the senator, who hasnt spoken yet. Peter. We are inside senator rubios office. Senator rubio, this happened in your state. Who have you been talking to and what have you been hearing . Stick we have talked to the local authorities in charge of the investigation, the Sheriffs Office, First Responders. Superintendent of schools. Its a terrible situation. Its going to be a pretty dramatic casualty number. My understanding is some of the next of kin family have not been notified. I also hope people reserve judgment. I have seen a lot of people on television talking about why this happened. The facts of the case are important. The more details that become available, we will have a deeper conversation about why these things are happening. Its a day you pray will never happen and its happened. This is a situation where unlike School Shootings 10, 20 years ago, there are a lot of pictures and videos coming from inside the school. Is there anything youve seen so far today that has stuck with you particularly . We had some of the students inside were using social media to document the moment. There is one image, unfortunately its in the public domain, someone was injured. No face or identifying features but perhaps enough for a loved one to see and think that maybe one of their loved ones whos been impacted by this. Its a terrible situation. Its amazing the amount of carnage one individual can carry out in a short period of time. Well orchestrated and planned. As i said, it is still an active scene. Authorities are still working through the school to see what else is there. I think we will learn more in the next 12 hours that will shed more light on how this can happen. What kind of updates are you getting . Does the fbi call . Does the governor call . The governor is traveling there. He was out of state. We have spoken to local authorities. We have to understand they are just working their way through their building right now. A lot of people speculating about this. Its important to wait for the facts. There may be more about this in terms of what they find once i get inside the building. There is a protocol they have to follow to ensure there hasnt been any explosives. Im not saying there is. Im saying its protocol they follow. It still an active thing. And evidence they have to gather. This is an individual whos going to be prosecuted. This is a School Shooting or the individual suspected of carrying it out escaped, survived, taken to hospital but he is in custody. What should happen to this person . Obviously is going to be charged with a crime but for Law Enforcement, they will want to know if anyone else was involved and whether theres any existing dangers. Sometimes they become complex. There mightve been an incident that happened beforehand. They may learn others have been hurt in the process. Theres things left behind the could be harmful. Theres a lot that goes into this. I know people on the news, im not saying you but in general, they need to report in real time but theres a protocol. The first is to prevent any further injury and the next is to gather evidence because this guys going to trial and it needs to be evidence presented in order to gain a conviction. Based on what youve seen from the response, there are probably a lot of students and their families watching. They wont have school for the next few days. Should they feel safe going back . Well, as i said, we are going to learn more about the facts of the case over the next few hours. As the public becomes aware of them, it will shine light on it and therell be lots of questions asked. In the interim, i would say for those who have not been harmed, they are grateful and happy thats the case. For those who have or who have been impacted or the students who havent been physically harmed but went through this experience, we want to ensure they have the resources. The School District in broward is phenomenal. They are well organized. Theyre mobilizing counseling efforts that everyone is going to need. This is not the kind of thing you expect when you send your kids to school. Its not something people easily confront. Its a difficult thing. The injuries are deeper than just the physical ones. Our immediate thoughts are with those of lost loved ones and maybe have not yet been notified. Some of your colleagues are trying to make this about policy and gun control. Is this the appropriate time . Its not only because people dont know how this happened. Who this person is, what motivated them, how did they get a hold of the weapon. Its important to know that before you jump to conclusions that theres a law we could have passed that could have prevented it. There may be but shouldnt we at least know the facts . We can always have that debate but if youre going to have the debate about this particular incident, you should know the facts before you run out and prescribe some law you claim could have prevented it. Ive seen a lot of that on television. Maybe there is a lot that could have prevented this instance but we dont know that, and neither do they. Do you have any plans to go back to florida sooner . We have a vote on an important topic on immigration. We will have to evaluate how it is, when we can get there and what would be appropriate in terms of the setting in place. Im sure we will be there at some point soon. As i said, its a developing situation. I havent thought that far. Senator marco rubio from florida. Bret. Bret thank you. We are getting horrible news from authorities. They are saying at least 16 people dead in florida. We are waiting for a News Conference on the ground to get updates from the authorities on the scene. Thats the number we have at this moment. As we know, thereve been many taken to local hospitals. We didnt know the total fatality number. Its not been completely confirmed by the authorities telling reporters on the ground that number stands at 16. Take a listen to a couple other students describing the scene. We heard banging up and down the hallway. We went into a huddle in the room and we heard gunshots. We heard him going up and down the hallway. He shot in my door. There were dead bodies in the hallway. People were killed in the hallway. My sister was running. She was in the bathroom at the time and she ran from him and got to her room she found open. Its the one horrific scene. Joining us now, the other senator from florida, democratic senator bill nelson. Senator, ive heard you react today but you listen to those students are your thoughts as you are getting the number of fatalities from authorities. When i was on your colleagues show, Shepard Smith, earlier this afternoon, i knew it was many fatalities. I didnt want to jump the gun and said a number of fatalities. As you start to confirm the number, it comes and our worst fears are realized. Of course you grieve. You just think how theres parents who are grieving, the School Officials and maybe a schoolteacher among those fatalities. You can imagine what they are going through. My thoughts and, ive already prayed for comfort for all of our people down in Broward County. Bret listening to the schools superintendent, senator, this was a joyous day. They were celebrating teacher of the year in Broward County. She got a new car. And then he was driving got word of this shooting. I understand its the biggest shooting in Broward Countys history and now with this fatality, it will likely be one of the biggest in the nation. Remember it was just a year ago that we had the shooting in the Fort Lauderdale airport, the very same county. Remember it was just a few months ago the mass shooting in las vegas. You can go all the way back to sandy hook and beyond that. Back to columbine. Bret, what does it take for us to come to our senses as a civilized and loving people to stop this mass murder . Bret i guess its a question, you know, the politics of this and fighting about how to get to a solution. On this day, its tough to see how you can stop it as it is now. Is it the access to guns . Is it the Mental Health aspect of things . We dont know the answers to what motivated this kid. Do you have anything from authorities about the suspect and what was behind it . No, and of course the investigation will bring all of that out. But you have asked the right questions. Was it legal to purchase it . Was it a highcapacity caliber weapon . Was he treated in some way for a Mental Health condition . All of the above are things that ought to be examined and ought to be, tried to be dealt with in the future. Bret in the current environment, is it going to happen . Well, when you consider, as i shared with Shepard Smith earlier, when you consider that Dianne Feinstein had a bill that we voted on that was simply to take the terrorist watch list of terrorists and put a prohibition that they could not buy a gun and that was defeated. I dont know the answer to your question, bret. Bret we are waiting on authorities. Obviously they have their hands full trying to piece all of this together but this is a massive undertaking for the Broward County Sheriffs Department. If those numbers end up like is being speculated on the number of fatalities, then indeed this is one of the worst crimes and tragedies that florida has ever seen. One death is too many. This may be multiple. Bret senator, we appreciate your time, especially on a day like this. Its very tough to talk about. Our prayers are with the families. Lets talk more about this with retired fbi special agent in phoenix today. Thanks for joining us. Your thoughts on this and some of the things the senators have commented on. Is another tragic day that weve seen many of these occasions. What weve seen since the beginning of this year, there are been 18 separate School Related shootings in the past 45 days. Some of them have been suicides. Others, shots fired and no one injured. Here are the worst thats happened. There has to be an answer. Bret sometimes, for example in las vegas, we still dont really have all the answers. Its frustrating to people. From an fbi point of view about an investigation, getting to motivation. Beyond just the determination this person has lost it, we dont know the details of this kid, 18 years old. Tell us how the fbi goes about this. The fbis unseen in florida right now working with the local authorities. The fbi has the resources to collect all the evidence. Its a massive crime scene. Large school thats going to be close for sometime. Part of the evidence is also going to help reveal part of the answer of what is driving this person. The fbi is going to look at his computer and everything hes done, all of his social media. Files hes written and deleted from the computer, the fbi will bring back. We want to figure out, was this person driven by some ideology such as terrorism . Probably youre going to find some sort of Mental Health issue. Thats what we hope to find to prevent the next incident from occurring. Bret for the order of who is in charge, currently it is the Sheriffs Office and the fbi is working with them in less there is some determination that the feds take over. Correct. Its a local crime. The Sheriffs Department is the primary agency that has jurisdiction for the fbis there to support because they have the resources. They will pull in investigators, special agents, and evidence collection teams from various offices to supplement. The Sheriffs Department doesnt get to stop with this one crime alone. They have to continue to protect the people of that Community Day in and day out. There will be other crimes later tonight and tomorrow. Bret finally piecing together the bits of information, his social media. We talked to, recent days events, it all is factoring into what they are looking at now. They are going to bring in everything. They are going to talk to everybody he has spoken with at the school, anybody hes been friends with in the past to try to piece together what caused this, how could it be prevented and what we can do next time to make sure it doesnt happen again. Bret thank you very much for your time. We appreciate it. President trump has been briefed and is commenting on the shooting. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts has that. Theres other news obviously today as we wait for this News Conference on the ground at parkland florida. The numbers we are getting, possibly at least 16 dead in this shooting. We dont know for sure. We should put a caveat on it. We are getting that from authorities on ground but its not locked in. We expect a News Conference to confirm these numbers. We know 15 were taken to multiple hospitals, but we dont know who was still left in the school. Again, the white house putting out a statement and the president tweeting. John roberts has reaction from the north lawn, busy news day but this is taking precedence. Clearly there was a lots. The president had a number of meetings and a number of items weve been following for the past week. The president s thoughts were clearly on the School Shooting, tweeting this afternoon as the event was still unfolding my prayers and condolences to the families of the victims of the terrible florida shooting. No child, teacher or anyone else should ever feel unsafe in an american school. And then a few minutes later just spoke to governor rick scott. We are working closely with Law Enforcement on the terrible florida School Shooting. This is the second Fatal Shooting of this year. According to preliminary reports about the death toll, this would be the second deadliest shooting since President Trump took office. You remember the las vegas shooting. The president traveled to las vegas. It was a place where he has done a lot of business in the past, felt an affinity for it. He also has a deep affinity for florida as well. Hes going there this weekend to spend the weekend at maralago. I would imagine we will likely hear from the white house, probably not today but maybe tomorrow, that the president when First Responders and Law Enforcement get the situation theyre under control and wrapped up, that the president may make a visit to that part of the state. Bret john roberts, thanks. Were going to go live to the scene. This trust conference is about to begin. This is Broward County sheriff scott israel. We are going to get this audio for you momentarily. Florida department of Law Enforcement and countless local Public Safety entities. I want to think everyone from Public Safety from the bottom of my heart for your efforts today. The fbi and broward Sheriffs Office will be doing the Crime Scene Investigation and the followup to this horrific, horrific incident. As i said before, this incident truly makes me sick to my stomach. Its horrible, catastrophic. We are saddened to say 17 people lost their lives. 12 people in the building, two people just outside the building, one person on pine island road in two people lost their lives in the hospital. There are people who are still undergoing surgery and just pray for the city. Pray for the school, the parents, the folks who lost their lives. Its a horrific, horrific day. As i said before, my triplets graduated from Stoneman Douglas high school. Its just horrible, absolutely horrible. We continually ask you in the media to continually put out the message. If you see something, say something. If anybody has any indicator someone is going through a behavioral change or on their social media that there are disturbing photos, perhaps bombs or firearms or videos or pictures that are just not right, please make sure Law Enforcement knows about it. You can follow us on twitter. We are going to put out numbers where people can possibly call. Are all of the wounded and fatality students or is it a mixture of students and teachers . Can you give anything on motive . We dont know. Can you go back there . Students, teachers, a mixture of both. I dont know if there will be any teachers but there is certainly students and adults. Were there any signs . I believe there will be. Our investigators began dissecting social media and looking at the website and nicholas. He is in custody. We have already began to dissect his websites and things on social media that he was on and some of the things that come to mind are very, very disturbing. Reporter what can you tell us about him . He is 19 years old. He was born in 1998 in september. He was a former student of douglas high school. He got expelled for disciplinary reasons. I dont know the specifics. I think you might have surfaced at terra bella high school. We are trying to confirm that. Can you speak to the number of weapons he had . I dont know anything about the firearms at this point. He had countless magazines, multiple magazines. At this point, we believe he had an ar15 rifle. I dont know if he had a second one. Can you speak about the fire alarm that was pulled . Did he say anything when he was apprehended . I think he has left Broward General north. The investigation will continue. Anything we uncover. I know its going to be a long night for all of us. Continue pleased pray for these victims and families. We will give you a briefing. A timeline for when the first shot was fired question mexico no. Can you go over the number of fatalities . We have 17 confirmed victims, 12 victims within the building. Two victims just outside the building. One victim is on the street at the corner of pine island, and to folks, people lost their lives at the hospital. Do you think this kid woke up this morning hellbent on causing massive destruction . I have no idea. Outside and went inside. Started outside and went inside. Thank you. 17 fatalities. What about injuries, wounded . At one point i reported there were 14 folks who went to the hospital. Two succumbed to their wounds. I dont know if more people were wounded or were just just finding out more people went to the hospital. Perhaps they werent transported by us. Perhaps their own families or friends transported member will keep you updated. Have all of the families been notified at this point . All right, that is the sheriff youre in Broward County, scott israel. Very grim, very saddened. A horrible day for his county and personally as his triplets all went to that High School Years ago. Bret phil keating with the Broward County sheriff scott israel. Summing up, nikolas cruz, 19 years old, former student said to be the shooter here. Expelled for some kind of disciplinary action at some point. Went on a shooting rampage today according to authorities. Parents and some student said he tripped the fire alarm in that school and they ran from the classroom in the hallway and he started shooting. Shooting to people outside, 12 inside the building. Fatalities. One died en route to the hospital. 17 people dead overall. The sheriff says a mixture of teachers and students. At least 14 taken to the hospital. He doesnt know the total injured at this point. Again, 17 dead. Lets bring back retired fbi special agent john iannarelli. The fact that the subject probably tripped the fire alarm is telling. In training for active shooters, schools are teaching students go inside, locked the door, secure. The fire alarm is going to bring people in the hallway and give the shooter many targets. Bret the sheriff also talked about social media and looking back. If you see something, say something, suggesting there may be a history of this guy talking about guns, bombs, other things and trying to show off ahead of the day that turned into one of the deadliest in florida histor history. Its been seen by Law Enforcement time and time again when we look at social media, web postings, websites, there are telltale signs. These are the kind of things that when the public is told if you see something, say something, this is what needs to be reported. It may not have given rise for Law Enforcement intervention but perhaps it could have helped him getting Mental Health help or taking precautions against this particular person. Bret thank you for your time and expertise. We appreciate it. Another listen to some of the students who saw this go down. They pulled the fire alarm and they told everybody to evacuate. When we were down by the portables, we got word from the students, and we walked across from the canal. We ended up right over there. I heard a lot of gunshots. When the police lacked us out, there was dead bodies everywhere. There was to there and there was more. It was scary. We were in class and the fire alarm goes for the second time in the same day. We go to the field like we are supposed to and i hear gunshots. You could tell definitely gunshots. Bret some of the students who had to deal with a horrible scene. 17 dead. Steve helton as a former advisor to david cameron. Mara liasson, National Political correspondent for National Public radio and matthew continuity. We have seen so many of these. There is something of a numbness when you hear it happens but then when you are hit by the number, it is shocking. When you listen to the kids talk about what they saw, i have a middle schooler and high schooler. Its theyre been 12 School Shootings in 2018. We have had 45 days of 2018. This happens too much. Bret getting to stopping this, steve, is a conundrum. It doesnt happen in Great Britain the frequency it has here. It happens but it doesnt happen in these numbers. You heard senator nelson, senator rubio. Wait for the facts. See what the deal is. Theres a hunger to try to figure out how we as a country are going to tackle this. There is. As mara was saying, its really hard to take. No child should have to see things like that and have to recount them in the way we just heard. Of course there is a natural human reaction which is to say there must be something we can do. There must be some policy of some kind and make this not happen. The british perspective for me is, having been here six years in america, and lived here and understood things i didnt understand when i lived in the u. K. , yes, its true that in countries like the u. K. They look at this and say whats the matter with them . Why does this keep happening . Why cant they sort it out . Now that im here, i understand its not as simple as that. Theres a heritage and culture and history here. Some solutions that may seem obvious in other countries are not obvious here. Its important to point out when we see Something Like this, focusing all of our attention, these Mass Shootings. Most of the people who died from gun violence in america dont die in these situations. They died once and never get attention. I think the idea that there is a simple solution is just not true. Bret for example, the numbers out of chicago day today are staggering. We cover them here but in this situation, these mass School Shootings, it does not appear this guy has a terrorist tie. We dont know. Hes been expelled for disciplinary action, seemed like a troubled student who was talking about guns and bombs before. He was born in 1998, a few months before columbine. Really kind of inaugurated this historical epic of School Shootings. We are coming up almost on the 20th anniversary of columbine in 1999. Its been a generation. You see the preparation that goes into not only the authorities but almost the students. The way they were describing their experience. Some were clearly emotionally rattled. Others were describing it because they are kind of used to the procedures. Its become kind of a way of life which i dont think anyone counted on when columbine happened. Another x factors social media. When columbine happened, we had cable news and 24hour coverage. Now we have realtime accounts from students themselves. On the one hand, that gives us a perspective about what happening. On the other it means sometimes misinformation and rumor can get involved. We are living in this era but there have been new changes i think that make it all the more visceral to us. Bret our job is to cover it. We dont want to make this guy a star, but this is a major event in u. S. News at this moment and frankly this year. Mara, what do you think, as we do this every time, what do you think comes out of this . Well, we have certainly learned not to predict any kind of legislative solution is going to come out of this. It didnt come out of newtown where several dozen kids were gunned down. I dont think theres a simple solution but i think there are some things you could do to make these less frequent. To make gun deaths in general less frequent. Why do people on a terrorist watch list still allowed to buy guns. Isnt there a better system for flagging Mental Health problems . I dont know what they would be but it seems there are some simple things, maybe not wave a magic wand, but this shouldnt happen this often period. I dont care if we live in a country that has a strong, proud heritage of owning firearms. This shouldnt happen this ofte often. Bret that we can say definitively. There must be ways we can make it less happen less frequently. Bret there are 535 lawmakers behind me in that building. Weve had a lot of time over the years. Why do you think it doesnt have to be a gun policy issue . Couldnt be a Mental Health issue . And we have these discussions after these horrific events, that phrase comes up a lot. Mental health. I think we need to go deeper than that because theres a sense of social breakdown not just in america. I dont want to make it american but you see it in countries, we sought in the u. K. When i worked in government there and it was one of the things we tried to address and it comes back to things like the disintegration of the family. People not growing up in stable, loving homes. All the other issues we deal with piecemeal. They go back to that notion of stability in the family home, and that is something government can help address. I dont see any sign of the kind of focus we need on helping make sure every child in this country grows up in a stable, loving home. That certainly would help with this. Bret in the shortterm tonight we all grieve for 17 families who will not have their kids coming home. We dont know if they are all kids or teachers and kids but 17 families will not have loved ones coming home tonight. And that is stunning. One of the things weve seen after these events if you plot legislation passed on the state level and elsewhere, what happens is gun laws get loosened. It gets easier to buy guns, easier to carry them openly. Bret the argument is if it was a Security Officer with the gun, couldve stopped. Its an argument. Those are the kinds of legislation thats been passed. Why . One of the reasons and you cant ignore it is there is an externally powerful lobby in this country that doesnt want any of these laws passed. A lobby that is very effective at electing representatives. Mainly because it enjoys public support. One of the paradoxes of the columbine era is that even as we see these highly noted, sensational, mass events that are horrifying, the politics of gun control have shifted right. It and so how one addresses the situation is a mystery. Its not just guncontrol. Its privacy concerns concerns. The sheriff mentioned see something, say something. Look at social media. I am sure that the wizards of Silicon Valley eventually will develop a program that will be able to appeal through social media and determine who is most likely to commit crimes such as this. Bret we run into privacy concerns from people who say this is big brother looking into my life. The culture makes it hard for us to address these problems politically. There was a time when certain kinds of semiautomatic weapons were banned in this country. That ban expired and its been impossible to reinstate it. None of these shootings would have a number of fatalities. Some people would be killed. Not as many. Bret hold on. Lets stay clear to what we kno know. He had an ar15. We dont know where he got the gun. People say if he didnt have the gun, he would have a bomb and he would plant the bomb. We havent had a lot of school bombings. Bret you know what i am saying. Im not talking about this particular instance but there was a time when we banned assault weapons. Bret last word, steve. I think there is something that can be done but it has to be deep and long term and address the social causes, not just the symptoms. If this town goes all in for trying to find a gun related solution to this, its not going to happen. Something useful that could come out of it is real action around the social causes of this, particularly in terms of the family. Bret lets talk about whats happening in the building behind us. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel on capitol hill with reaction. We heard from the senators from florida but a lot of reaction on capitol hill. Good evening. You have House Democratic leader nancy pelosi saying another unspeakable tragedy due to gun violence. She is saying enough is enough. Its time to do something about gun control. You have other makers lawmakers being more cautious. Expressing condolences to the families. Thinking First Responders and taking a wait and see approach. Last fall you have the las vegas tragedy, there was some talk, seemed like both parties were talking about taking action on bump stocks, those devices that made the gun and shoot faster. That went nowhere fast. A lot of folks will be talking about Mental Health and gun control in the days ahead. Bret we should point out a lot of other stories happening simultaneous. Immigration and the debate about immigration. We expect some votes in the senate tomorrow afternoon, thursday afternoon before lawmakers leave town. Sequencing of bills will be important because if you do the president s plan last, Republican Leaders that may have a chance to get you closer to 60 votes. They need 60 votes in the center to get anything across the finish line so they need democrats to come aboard. That will be something to watch for tomorrow. What bill they do and what order, there is the 22 member common sense coalition, as they call themselves, its been meeting since the Government Shutdown trying to come up with the deal on daca. Maybe a lighter version of what the president has proposed. They say they should be ready to go. 68 page bill. If you do that last, is that the last train out of town . That will be something to watch for tomorrow, how they stack the bills and how close they get to 60 and if anyone of them gets to 60 and passed the senate. Bret talking immigration is these votes get ready. The grassley bill is the one the white house supports. The one the house had said it could pass. If you get another moderate bill, even if they have 22 or whatever, you dont know it can pass the house or that the president will sign it. No question. You have paul ryan getting a lot of pressure from his right flank. Conservatives unhappy about the budget deal, concerned about spending. They are saying its a moment for his speakership. There will be watching closely. They want a more conservative bill from house judiciary sherman bob goodlatte. Theyre making it very complicated on a very controversial issue. Bret thank you. Tomorrow we are going to get in the weeds of the bills until he was in in them. Thank you, mike. Some of the other headlines tonight as we are looking live in florida. 17 dead in this School Shooting. There are other stories in washington. President trumps personal attorney admits he paid adult film star Stormy Daniels 130,000 out of his own pocket to keep her from telling her story of an alleged encounter with mr. Trump. President trump has denied that affair. That was the headline today. President trump condemned Domestic Abuse and violence abuse. Comes as questions continue about who was aware of the Domestic Abuse allegations against then staff secretary rob porter who has since been fired. Top navy admiral in the u. S. Pacific command testified north korea wants to conquer the south and unify the peninsula under the rule of kim jong un. Admiral harry harris raising concerns about chinas growing military and cyberspace capabilities. Big stories we are covering obviously in washington, but this story in florida taking all of the air out of the news coverage. The sheriff and Broward County moments ago filling in some of the blanks. This incident truly makes me sick to my stomach. Its horrible. Its catastrophic. We are saddened to say 17 people lost their lives. 12 people within the building. Two people just outside the building. One person on pine island road and two people lost their lives in the hospital. There are people still undergoing surgery. Pray for this city. Pray for the school, the parents, the folks that lost their lives. Its a horrific, horrific day. Bret lets go to phil keating on the scene. Good evening. Hi, bret. Marjory Stoneman Douglas high school is just behind me. About a quarter of a mile. Its a major thoroughfare and Broward County. All of the streets are closed off. The grim news moments ago coming from a very stonefaced sheriff scott israel who was seen a lot of crime in his time being sheriff of Broward County. Never before a horrific day like today. You heard him say 17 dead, 12 inside the school. I will tell you those 12 fatalities which definitely include students. Its unclear whether it also includes teachers but those bodies remain inside the school right now as it remains a very active crime scene. S. W. A. T. Teams have cleared out every single classroom of the school. There is no longer that scene happening. But there is certainly plenty of evidence to be gathered tonight and into the Early Morning hours. When the medical examiner of Broward County determines the bodies will be removed, they will be. This was a day of death and destruction. They do believe they have the killer in custody. 19yearold nikolas cruz, former student expelled from a different school. More details as we know them. Bret thank you. We are still trying to get any motivation. Lets go down to the hospital. Lets listen in. The suspect was treated and released in police custody. Of our eight patients, we had two mortalities, three in Critical Condition and three are stable. Reporter what condition was the suspect in . I cant disclose that. Reporter 17 patients at Broward Health north. No, no. Systemwide there was a total of 17 patients. Nine here, seven at Broward General and one at coral springs. Reporter can you talk about what type of injuries you are seeing . Of the eight patients we had not including the suspect, two mortalities, three in Critical Condition, three stable. Reporter what kind of wounds . Out of respect for the family members and out of respect for our patients, we are not going to disclose that information. Reporter have a all been shot . Yes, they are. Reporter sometimes we see people trampled on their way out or other sorts of injuries. Thats why he wanted clarify. They were all gunshot wounds . That is correct. Reporter can you elaborate on the ages of the patients . Again, we cant talk about information related to the patients out of respect for the families. Reporter i know you were in lockdown. Can you describe for us, a mass casualty incident, what was it like inside . We work very closely with our prehospital personnel, fire rescue on scene, in conjunction with the browards Sheriffs Office. We routinely run drills at our institution to be ready for instances like this. We have a process in place that gets initiated so there is calm, collected care our patients receive. Reporter can you tell us about the fatalities . Their ages, do you believe their students, possibly people working at the school . We prefer not to comment on our patients and respect for our patients. Reporter seeing this sort of thing, as human beings, outside of being doctors, treating these people who have come in here after experiencing if not the worst event of their lives, having the responsibility of treating these people and ensuring the best outcome they can have. How does that affect you all as human beings . Well, we do this every day. Fortunately for everybody we are located close to the high school where this shooting happened. Fortunately for everybody, they brought these cases to our hospital and we were able to do a great job to do the right thing. Reporter the suspect was brought here. I know you cant say much about his medical condition or whatever. For people at home, they may be surprise the suspect was brought here. How do you do your job knowing that. Every patient that comes in gets treated as a patient and we take care of them medically, and thats what we do. Reporter any particular reason he was brought to this facility . Because of the location. They have to go to the nearest trauma facility. Reporter is this the biggest mass casualty you can remember . Yes. Reporter are you expecting more reporter can you tell us that there was a large or small caliber . Not right now. Reporter are any still in surgery . Is surgery still going on . We still have patients in surgery. Reporter did all undergo some sort of surgery . No. Reporter do you know what their demeanor was like . Was anything obvious . I prefer not to comment on specific patients demeanor, but as a human being, you can imagine that they would be in shock or be emotional about the whole situation. Reporter thats it, guys, we have to go. We work closely with our personnel who set that up. Reporter one more question. Reporter can you show what connects to the three in critical in terms of the chaplain now here . They are going to go through surgery, going to recover, and going to go home. Thank you very much. Bret that is the doctors from Broward Health briefing about the situation at the hospital. They said 17 patients, two died under the care, also treating the suspect and did not get into the injuries that he sustained. 19yearold nicholas cruz. To some of these sound bites from the kids have been really tough to listen to. We were just there in the moment, and then we had our hands on our heads, get everybody out walking to their home. There was a fire drill . We thought it was a fire drill, but we heard the shots before hand, im guessing that he wanted everybody to come out. Who is he . I dont know if it was a he or a sheet, the person who had the firearm. So the person that you think did the shooting pulled the fire alarm before hand . Yes, to get everyone out. What did you do at that point . We went into the corner, we were silent and texting our parents. When the police came, we got more reports of people dying and one of our teachers being shot trying to save a student. Bret thats what they saw today in the hallway of their school. And they did not expect that. They did not know that it was coming. A 19yearold is now in custody behind this deadly rampage that left 17 dead. We do not know the motive of yet. But he was expelled from this particular school, and he apparently was showing off pictures of guns and bombs prior to this day. So tonight, another deadly day for an american school. A gunman opened fired in florida near miami, we heard the Broward County sheriff talking about to the 17 People Killed so far. They have other people in surgery at this moment, the shooter identified 19yearold nicholas cruz, former student who was expelled. He is in custody. The sheriff says that the suspect had an ar15, multiple magazines. The sheriff does not know the motive as of yet. Since february of 2017, you have had a number of School Shootings, and you have had a number of shootings just in the past few months across the country. Obviously we covered the situation in chicago with the shootings there as well. But the Mass Shootings have become something of a normality in the u. S. The question now for washington and the rest of the country is what can the country do about it. It is a debate that we will be having here on special report Fox News Channel and the building behind me and the president who is engaged commenting and expressing condolences for the tragedy today. We will keep you covered with continuing coverage on fox. Thank you for inviting us into your home tonight. That is it for special report fair, balanced, and unafraid. The story with martha maccallu. Martha we have brandnew information tonight about the shooter. He was taken alive into custody, a short time ago. This shooter unlike most of the others did not to die in a hail of bullets. After taking the lives of 17 innocent young people today in the state of florida. This young man will have to talk. He will have to face justice. And that is something that you rarely see in the deadliest shootings that we have seen in our schools in america since the columbine. He reportedly pulled the fire alarm into draw everybody out. They had a safety drill just that morning

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