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The idea that muellers team has been compromised by bias and hatred for the president. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge takes a look. And evening. Good evening. With more than 10,000 messages of single texts, the dominated todays hearing has the attention of congressional investigators. I think the public trust in this whole thing is gone. Republicans say the antitrump texts undermine confidence in the special counsel russian investigation, pointing to this august 26 team text from fbi agent peter strzok to fbi lawyer leases b21 with whom he was romantically involved. The messages under scrutiny because they say along with albert government officials, speaks to a possible conspiracy. Strzok writes of them above the path you throughout for consideration andys office, no way he gets elected. Andy appears to be andrew mckay. Strzok continues im afraid we cant take that risk. This guy thought he was james bond. Rod rosenstein deflected questions pointing to an ongoing government watchdog review. Speak of the Inspector General is doing a thorough review. Thats how we found those Text Messages. Are you concerned that the comey fbi and the Justice Department worked with one campaign to go after another campaign. If you have those walmart shopping trump voters that peter strzok so derided in his Text Messages, how do they react . Do they have confidence in their fbi and department of justice . We have appropriate internal Affairs Officers who will get to the bottom of it. Stick a roast inside emphasize Robert Miller fired strzok last summer as soon as he learned about the antitrump texts that included calling candidate trump an idiot and dropping the fbom fbomb. On the team and their donations. How with a straight face can you say this group of democrat partisans are unbiased and will give President Trump a fair shake question mexico we recognize we have employees with political opinions and its our responsibility to make sure those opinions do not influence. Peter strzok did not say anything about donald trump that the majority of americans werent thinking. Democrats warned that alleged political bias can go both ways. I want to remind my colleagues that people are allowed to have their personal opinions and their political affiliations. For instance, special counsel mueller and former fbi director james comey and you are lifelong republicans. They asked rosenstein to keep an open mind about allegations against the president. Would it be appropriate for you to investigate these and other allegations of assault and unwanted sexual advances by the president of the United States . Any allegation you think warrants investigation, i would invite you to submit the evidence in the department will review it. Also today the president s son testified behind closed doors. We dont know the subject yet but we understand it has lasted several hours. Bret thank you. More on this with the panel. The bread alabama will send a blue democrat to the u. S. Senate for the first time and 25 years. At least thats what the leaders of both parties are saying. The results show Democrat Doug Jones completing a comefrombehind win yesterday over republican roy moore who was lead evaporated amid allegations of sexual misconduc misconduct. Correspondent peter doocy tells us tonight for montgomery, alabama, moore may not be done yet. The judge says the jury is still out. Its not over. Roy moore is refusing to accept a loss in his campaign to keep alabamas senate seat in republican hands. Thats what weve got to do, wait on god and let this process play out. The campaign is claiming to hope that when military ballots are counted next week, the whole they are in shrinks to have a point. That would trigger a taxpayerfunded recount. If the gap doesnt narrow, moores team can ask for recount they would have to pay for it. The winner, Democrat Doug Jones, is looking ahead toward the transition and taking up President Trump on an invitation to the white house. He is done with the race but hes not calling on moore to quit. I think as most people, including the president believe the people of alabama spoke and after elections, its time for healing, its time for reaching out. Jones won the africanamerican vote by an 87point margin. Voters under 45 by 26 and women by 12. Seven out of every ten jones bakker said the accusations of Sexual Misconduct against moore were important to their vote. There were also more than 22,700 writeins, greater than the 20,700 plus by which moore trails. I felt a lot of people might possibly go down an alternative road. That is, vote for a write in or choose a writein. The president to eventually endorsed moore says he predicted this would happen, tweeting today the reason i originally endorsed Luther Strange and his numbers went up mightily, is that i said roy moore will not be able to win the general election. I was right roy worked hard but the deck was stacked against him the deck was misplayed, the way some republicans he is, by moore bakker steve bannon. This guy does not belong on the national stage. He looks like a disheveled drunk who wandered onto the political stage. He is not representing what i stand for. Fannin has been laying the groundwork to challenge every sitting republican senator in 2018 except for ted cruz and orrin hatch. His colleagues at breitbart insist he will learn from this loss at of those midterms but the tuesdays result had a lot to do with republicans condemning the republican. Which credible figures in the g. O. P. Tell people not to vote for roy moore . That romney, ivanka trump, senator shelby. Thats where the defeat really came from. We have learned the highest profile politician to get involved in this contest, President Trump, has been working the phones today reaching out to allies, asking them if there is anything he could have done differently. The president wants to make sure that next time he doesnt lose another seat. Bret. Bret peter doocy in montgomery. Thank you. President trump says they jones won shows the need for republicans to nominate great candidates. The loss of the senate seat made the president s Closing Argument for a tax reform bill in Congress Even more urgent. Chief White House White house correspondent john roberts has the story, among others. Good evening. The loss in alabama was a huge blow for President Trump because even though he didnt make an appearance in alabama on behalf of roy moore, he did throw his political weight behind him, and moore still lost. Now the president has to navigate a way his agenda with a margin that leaves no room for error. Very close. Meeting with the house and senate tax conference, President Trump for politically the Roy Moore Lawsuit alabama stings. I wish we wouldve gotten the seat. A lot of republicans feel differently. They are happy with the way it turned out, but i would have come as the leader of the party, i would have liked to have had the seat. I want to endorse the people who are running. I will tell you to me its very, very just very important to get this vote. The loss of the republican seat puts more pressure on republicans to pass tax reform next week, particularly with the Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer badri Mitch Mcconnell to delay the vote until doug jones is seated. It would be wrong for Senate Republicans to jam through this tax bill without giving the newly elected senator from alabama the opportunity to cast his vote. The people of alabama deserve to have their representative in the senate to debate the biggest issues of the day, and the tax bill certainly falls under that category. If the vote worked just like january, the margin for victory would narrow even further than the current two votes. When asked by fox news about that, President Trump said a vote next week is crucial but play down the fallout of the alabama loss. I think its very important for the country to get a vote next week. Not because we lost a seat, not because of that, i dont know what the vote will be. So i think we are going to get the vote but i will say we have to get more senators and more congressmen that are republicans elected. In the white house grand foyer, President Trump made his Closing Argument for tax reform, assembling five families to illustrate how tax reform will affect everyday americans. The families were clearly thrilled with the idea. What this means to us as a family is we will be able to pour out into our communities, whatever that looks like, giving away to families in need. We are blessed to have such an amazing president and what a good steward he is of our country. So thank you, mr. President. The president pledged tax reform will lay the foundation for an american renewal. If Congress Sends me a tax reform, this is only a small beginning to the incredible things our people will achieve over a very short. Of time. And the tremendous heights we will reach economically and so many other ways. With a 5149 margin in the senate beginning in january, the president may face tough sledding with his 2018 agenda which includes controversial legislation like immigration reform, a fix for the socalled dreamers, and welfare reform. Not to mention that the president would like to take another run at repealing obamacare. Reporter how does the loss affect your agenda . I dont think this is going to affect it. We are doing a lot. This is the biggest thing we are working on. This has to do with other subjects. I wont mention the subjects but there are other subjects that are very vital, im talking about beyond tax and tax cuts. After the loss in alabama, democrats smelled blood in the water. They are expected to hammer the president all the way through until next november. Which is why President Trump stressed in a tweet this morning that republicans have to nominate great candidates who can win. Bret john roberts live on the north lawn. Lets talk about tax reform and legislative issues. Marc short is the white house legislative director of director of legislative affairs. We promise we get this done before christmas so American Families can enjoy it. They will have their taxes reduced and we are still on schedule to get it done. Bret this is what we received on capitol hill from the committee, the negotiators. 37 top individual rate. Corporate tax rate 20 goes into effect in 2010. 10,000 local Tax Deduction split between property taxes, income, sales tax. Repeals the corporate amt in the senate bill, graduate School Stipends preserved and as in the senate bill. Medical expense deductions. Amt exemption increased. Deductions maintained in the senate bill and private activity bonds, the senate position. Is that, as you see it, those details. I think congress will be announcing their deal. It seems you have good sources. Its a pretty exciting package. Bret you are saying distracts with what you are saying. It tracks with what we are seeing. Its pretty exciting deal for the American People. Tax relief, makes us more competitive, brings jobs home. Bret where are the concerns . Any concerns that susan collins, rand paul, are there any . We feel we are in good shape with those members, and with the scented body. What we did with the house and senate bills that already passed is they took care of our priorities. Semper fi the tax code, target whittle income families, each bill did that. The reconciliation process. We think its a winwin. Scioto new here Chuck Schumer same should wait until doug jones is seated. Alabama just had this special election. What do you say . The American People need this now. Theres no need for us to wait. We hope when doug schoens arrives here he will be wanting to make sure they get this done. Bret democrats point to harry reid in the wake of the 2010 election in massachusetts. That doubt with obamacare. Harry reid said we are going to wait until the new senator arrives until we do anything more on health care. Im not sure democrats should be holding a holding up the example of obamacare. Weve gone through hearings. Theyve been over 100 hearings on tax reform. The American People are ready for tax reform. American businesses are ready for tax reform. This president has helped turn the economy around. Weve had to coast basement quarters of over 2 gdp. Lowest unemployment among hispanics in history. This tax reform will help keep the boom going. Bret democrats, joe manchin was on neil cavutos show thing you could have reached out to them and made it permanent on the individual side. Take a listen. I guess the establishment says this is what weve got to do. They are determined not to have one democrat on an easy pickup. Just give me a little bit. I said do you have to jump all the way down to 20 . We said 25 . Stay there for three or five years. See if they gdp picks up the way you wanted to. See if the debt starts going down. If we see a good trend, goaded 20 or 21. Why give away the other 400 or 500 billion. Bret he says you couldve gotten them. We had meetings with Senate Democrats and house democrats. The Problem Solvers Caucus and other moderate blue dog democrats. When the president called in to a meeting, i got press coverage. We reached out, try to win their support. They didnt want to work on a bipartisan deal. I wish we couldve earned joe manchins support. Im a fan of his but they didnt want to come aboard. Bret government shutdown, is that the reality this will get punted. A continuing resolution put forward on monday is the going word and it will go into the middle of january. Continuing resolution to get us to midjanuary. We submitted the budget in late winter. Should be completed in september. Thats the way its supposed to work. The reason we have these continuing resolutions as congress doesnt get their job done. The president s anxious to get this funding bill. We need to make sure our troops are getting the resources they need. We are anxious to get a full spending bill. Bret are we here on Christmas Eve . I am hopeful we are not here. Hopefully this gets into january and then we have a spending bill to get us through 2018. Bret we appreciate the time. When we come back, new york democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand with a field with the president. Inmate put her own president ial aspirations front and center. Nexium 24hr is the number one choice of doctors and pharmacists for their own frequent heartburn. And all day all night protection. When it comes to frequent heartburn, trust nexium 24hr. s view on the Federal Reserve has voted to increase the key Interest Rate for the third time this year. Its upping the shortterm rate by a quarter. 2 a low range of 1. 25 . The central bank saying and expect the job market and the economy to strengthen further next year. The dow liked the news, gaining 81 for a new record close, another record close. S p 500 dropped 1. Nasdaq finished at 13. 5. Talk about democrat senator Kirsten Gillibrand of new york, potentially running for president , got a huge shot of political adrenaline yesterday when she and President Trump went at it in the media and on twitter. Chief washington correspondent james rosen reports for gillibrand, politically speaking, it may be the right fight at the right time. Im not going to be silenced on this issue. Democratic senator Kirsten Gillibrand of new york told the today show President Trumps Tuesday Morning tweet recalling her 2010 visited his Manhattan Office for Campaign Contributions and saying she would do anything for them, effectively accused her of being willing to trade sexual favors for cash. Thats how i and many people read it. It was intended to silence me. The white house denied any such intent. I think only if your mind was in the gutter would you have read it that way. Aids accused gillibrand of using the me too movement to help her career. Shes a far left senator with zero accomplishments. Shes out of touch with a wrecked people and quite frankly shes trying use the president s name to bolster her own. Stick a potential 2020 contender, gillibrand has previously introduced legislation tackling campus rape and Sexual Assault in the military. She has called for President Trump to resign. I will be resigning as a member of the United States senates. Gillibrand had greater success persuading her party to forceout senator al franken of minnesota who face similar allegations. It was also gillibrand occupant of Hillary Clintons Old Senate Seat who was first to say president clinton should have resigned over the allegations he faced. If she is leading on an issue in a way that its going to make democrats uncomfortable, i think thats the very essence of leadership. That you dont always say what your main supporters are going to always rally behind. Look at the leader of the pack. Kirsten gillibrand who last year was campaigning happily with bill clinton, sent thank you tweets and things its hunkydory and then when its expedient to throw the clintons over board, which theyve done, theyve done that as well. Washington post citing the website open secrets. Org reported that senator gillibrand received nearly 6,000 in donations for mr. Trump when he was a private citizen. We asked the Senators Office if those funds have been returned or donated elsewhere. No one got back to us. Bret thank you. Minnesota Lieutenant Governor tina smith will be that states next u. S. Senator. Democrat governor mark dayton has chosen his number two to replace al franken who, as you heard, is resigning over Sexual Misconduct allegations. Smith will fill the seat until a special election in november to complete the final two years of frankens term. Franken has not given a date when he will leave the senate. The trumpet ministry has withdrawn the nominations of a pair of perspective federal judges after objections from the head of the Senate Judiciary committee. I want republican Chuck Grassley expressed concerns about jeff midtier who is out for a spot in the federal bench in texas saying in a speech in 2015 that transgender children are evidence of satans plan. Also gone, bret talley, nominated for a federal judge position in alabama. He defended the early ku klux klan in an online message board for. President news reports had said omarosa was removed from the white house property last night. Secret service says it had no part in that. Deactivated her past. She was allowed to resign her position as Communications Director of the office of public liaison. Reports she tried to get access to the white house residence before being escorted out. Up next, serious trouble for an american held captive in venezuela. Heres what some are fox affiliates around the country governed tonight. Box 23 in portland, maine, is the state resorts to hiring private contractors for snow removal. Portland newspaper reports the state has struck a deal with an ohiobased company. The main Transportation Department has 50 open positions. State official blames the higher wages at private companies. Fox 11 in los angeles. Officials blame a weekold fire into the worldfamous getty museum on illegal cooking at a homeless encampment. The fire has consumed 422 acres and forced the evacuation of about 700 homes. Firefighters continue to battle a larger blaze thats the fifth biggest in state history. This is a live look at dallas from fox 4. Big straight there tonight, the Fort Worth City Council approves an expanded smoking ban. Limits smoking on patios and where smoke shops can set up business. The ban takes effect in 90 days. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. I even accept i have a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But whatever trail i take, i go for my best. So if theres Something Better than warfarin, ill go for that too. Eliquis. Eliquis reduced the risk of stroke better than warfarin, plus had less major bleeding than warfarin. Eliquis had both. Dont stop taking eliquis unless your doctor tells you to, as stopping increases your risk of having a stroke. Eliquis can cause serious and in rare cases fatal bleeding. Dont take eliquis if you have an artificial heart valve or abnormal bleeding. While taking eliquis, you may bruise more easily. And it may take longer than usual for any bleeding to stop. Seek immediate medical care for sudden signs of bleeding, like unusual bruising. Eliquis may increase your bleeding risk if you take certain medicines. Tell your doctor about all planned medical or dental procedures. Im still going for my best. And for eliquis ask your doctor about eliquis. Bret an american man jailed on weapons charges in venezuela apparently will not be home for christmas. Joshua holt from utah has been in custody in venezuela for a year and a half. He may not be a pawn between two countries with serious relationship issues. Kevin corke fills us in. [indistinct] it was a gut wrenching window into the mind of an american held captive in venezuela. 25yearold josh holt pleading for his life nearly 18 months after his arrest on what u. S. Officials call trumped up gone and espionage charges. The mormon missionary family called the allegations income principal. I heard death in my child. Its not something thats easy. No parent should have to deal with it. This is their wedding day. Holt went to venezuela to marry a fellow mormon he met online and start a family. Less than two weeks later, they were imprisoned by the venezuelans. We have been living in a nightmare for 18 months. Now he finds himself at the center of an international tugofwar reminiscent of the circumstance in north korea that ended earlier this year with the tragic death of american otto warmbier. He died in june after being held prisoner for 17 months. Our officers from the u. S. Embassy in caracas or last able to visit mr. Holt in november. Utah republican senator orrin hatch released a statement in which he called on the u. S. Government to redouble its efforts to bring holt home. Hes about as innocent of a kid as you can find out there. He, the light of our family. A light she says in danger of being extinguished. White house officials tell fox news the case remains a high priority. They acknowledge its a race against the clock. Bret kevin corke in the white house, thank you. The u. S. Is about to open the most expensive Foreign Embassy ever. Its in london and it comes with a price tag commensurate with its importance and its perceived attractiveness as a terror target. Senior foreign affair correspondent greg palkot shows us. A high tech, highsecurity fortress in london at a billion dollars. The new u. S. Embassy in the u. K. Is the most expensive ever. The walls are blast resistant, the glass and shatterproof. Diplomacy in the age of terror. The world has changed and so this building meets all those challenges, current challenges. Its designed for the next 50 years, 100 years. An important security feature especially for a u. S. Embassy in this land of castles, a 100foot wide moat offering protection on at least one side of the building. These folks here like to call it a pond. The exposed nature of the old u. S. Embassy pushed the move, five often deadly terror strikes in the u. K. This year underscored it. An urban environment in london, the attacks on the bridge and elsewhere, they are unknown and can happen any time. The new embassy is more remote but not without risk. Suspicious vehicles near decided to record had triggered control detonations. They will 1,000 staffers will be accommodated in a safe and open environment. This sale of the old embassy none of their property paid for the new one. The embassy according to ambassador johnson will be dedicated by President Trump and a visit scheduled for early next year. Do you think when President Trump comes here they will be satisfied by the standards . I think he is going to love it. The new u. S. Embassy opens to the public january 16. Unfortunately for the white house there is no sure defense against bad public reaction the president might encounter during any u. K. Visit. Bret greg palkot in london. Thank you. Up next, the panel on those derogatory texts about President Trump from two members of the special Councils Team investigating him. Also talk about the firing fire hearing today. Beyond our borders. Top officials from the worlds islamic nations are in turkey to try to forge a united stance against President Trumps recognition of jerusalem as israels capital. The palestinian president will not accept any role by the u. S. In a peace process. Turkey is calling israel a terror state. The head of the marine corps installations in the pacific apologizing after a japanese boy was injured by window that fell from an American Military helicopter. It is the second such incident in the past week in okinawa. The accidents have been fueled, or have filled sentiment against the heavy u. S. Military presenc presence. Two journalist working for reuters are in custody in burma. The governments accusing them of attaining secret important papers from Police Officers with the intention to share it with foreign media. The officers have been working in the region where burma has forced more than 625,000 minority Rohingya Muslims to flee to neighboring bangladesh. Some of the other stories where following beyond our borders tonight. Well be right back. Shut down cold symptoms fast. With maximum strength alka seltzer plus liquid gels. Tired of sore throat lozenges that only last a short time . Try new alkaseltzer plus sore throat relief. The melts dissolve quickly. Plus, the powerful pain reliever provides longlasting relief for up to six hours. Try new alkaseltzer plus. These Text Messages prove what we suspected, highranking fbi officials involved in the clinton investigation or personally invested in the outcome of the election. Clearly let their Strong Political opinions cloud their professional judgment. Instructed to not say anything about he did not say anything that the majority of americans were not also thinkin thinking. The instruction to pull him off the case was made by director mueller. Its important to understand the Text Messages were uncovered in the course of the Inspector General investigation which is not complete. Bret its being completed soon. Deputy attorney general on the hill, a fiery hearing. The Text Messages deal with fbi agent peter strzok threatening texts to fbi lawyer lisa page with whom he was romantically involved. Here is one of them from march. Lisa page. Trump is a loathsome human. Strzok says yes but he may win. In august, and this one took up a lot of time in the hearing. Whats the policy in one of a talking about . Lets bring the panel. Jonah goldberg, a. B. Stoddard, and matt schlapp. We received this letter where they detail how how this came out. In regards to the Inspector Generals investigation. The second text got a lot of attention. That second text, the optics are bad. The second one is the one that could point to actual behavior, actually taking action. There is no crime for fbi agents to have political opinion. I know some who are very Strong Political opinions on the other side of the partisan aisle. What matters is whether or not you put your biases or your opinions into action. The optics on that look bad, and i think this is sort of a hot mess. Its not helped by the fact that there are a lot of people who want to connect dots that cannot be connected yet that there is no evidence of wrongdoing yet. There are two tracks people want to muddy into one. One is how the department of justice and the fbi dealt with the Hillary Clinton investigation. I think that needs to be probed, maybe not with a special consul but an outside prosecutor. And then also how they dealt with donald trump. Right now we just dont have enough facts but a lot of this i think is worrisome. Ive been a pretty big defender of mueller so far. Bret heres trey gowdy. What happens when people are supposed to cure the conflict of interests have even greater conflicts of interest than those they replace. You nor i nor anyone else would ever sit peter strzok on a jury. We wouldnt have him dispassionately investigate anything. Why didnt we know it ahead of time . Bret rosenstein answers. Take a listen. How, with a straight face, can you say this group of democrat partisans are unbiased and will give President Trump a fair shake . We recognize we have employees with political opinions and its our responsibility to make sure those opinions do not influence their actions. I believe director mueller is running the office appropriatel appropriately. Mueller transferred strzok for the reasons we are talking about and i agree with jonah. At the can looks terrible. I think you behaved unprofessionally, perhaps unethically. If it leads to some kind of magical behavior. These cases are based on facts. Its not a trump tweet. Robert mueller is going to bring cases based on facts. He will not try to make up fact facts. The idea of trying to go after mueller and take him down still seems i am with judge napolitano on this, seems overblown. There was reporting at the end of last year before the election about how the fbi was trump land. So much antihillary, pro trump, especially in the wing of the new york fbi. This is the reason why james comey came out and ruined his reputation by doing and saying what he shouldnt do. She believed it was fatally injurious to her campaign. The pro trump forces in the fbi would leak on him, looking like he covered for her. Bret i guess when they are talking about andys office, the path they threw out for consideration or they should do this as an insurance policy because im afraid he says we cant take that risk. That trump gets elected. What are they talking about . Dont we want to know what that path is . What are they talking about doing . We talk about conspiracy theories and sticking to the facts. This goes down the Conspiracy Theory lane. What we see is prosecutors have wide discretion. I will disagree with a. B. A little bit. They can destroy peoples lives, not even on a conviction but on charges. In washington, d. C. , its very easy to get an indictment against a republican. Really easy. What you see here is people who have a lot of power, fbi agents who have a lot of power, and he goes question of did obama politicize the fbi in a way to try to harm the ultimate political opponent which was the republican nominee taking on his hand chosen democratic nominee. I think there are real questions that need to be answered. This is beyond smoke on the idea of james comey and what obama did during the election. General flynn worked for president obama. Obama fired him and then eventually the Obama Administration had a role in spying on general flynn. That might have all been right and good but this is also nixonian and scary. This email may be movie there are antecedents to those pronouns that are fine. I think we have to know, or the fbi really walks out of this with the same reputation they walked into it with. I think its bad for the country. Bret talking about bruce ohr and is wife who worked on the trump dossier. I think the problem is there are a lot of people who want to blur distinctions. Faith and confidence in the Justice Department. Strzok apparently reported that flynn he thought flynn spoke truthfully. Bret that is what comey testified behind closed doors on capitol hill. Flynn, according to strzok, didnt lie to the fbi. The decision to charge in which he has pled guilty to came from muellers office. You have a lot of evidence coming out thats damning about how the fbi, Justice Department dealt with Hillary Clinton and there are people out there trying to say that proves the Mueller Investigation is legitimate as well. I dont know that you can connect it. The legitimacy of the Mueller Investigation comes to one point was there inappropriate contact between team trump and Vladimir Putins government to rig the election . We are talking about all of this in the basic legitimacy of mueller is can it be not . Its all types of other information coming out that has nothing to do with that. Mueller got his job because the president of the United States fire the fbi director. I still say we can talk about the missteps. You can write a whole book about it. The fact is the American People are fair and the investigation doesnt find convincing evidence there was this type of collusion between team trump and the russian government, really all of this is a waste of time. What if they find something that leads them to believe there was something donald trump wanted to cover up about his familys past Financial Transactions or his own that would make you look like he possibly was colluding and therefore he fired comey and did other things to suggest the obstruction of justice. The American People are fair. What they throughout what they did with bill clinton was that they thought investigators went too far afield. You can find wrongdoing in all of our lives. If they find wrongdoing [all speaking] bret im going to take control and say next up, the Alabama Senate race. Well talk about that. You cant predict the market. But through good times and bad. At t. Rowe price. Weve helped our investors stay confident for over 75 years. Call us or your advisor. T. Rowe price. Invest with confidence. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. The name to remember. I want ycome on mom t easy. Go slow. Lets go mom slow down for the ones who keep pushing. Always unstoppable. Ladies and gentlemen, you took the right road. We lost a seat. And a lot of republicans are happy with the way it turned out. Enough was enough. 1,000 cuts, drip by drip, bad news. This was a referendum that the republican brand, even in deep red alabama, is positively toxic. There is no cause for spiking footballs. We are long way from the mountaintop. We need more senators and congressmen who are republicans. You will see a lot more of what we are doing right now. Bret the leaders of both parties say the Alabama Senate race down there is all wrapped up. Take a look at the numbers. Doug jones, the democrat, beating roy moore by 20,715 votes. If you have the writeins, actually more than that. They are still ballots to be processed. The roy Moore Campaign, roy moore himself is not conceding. The president called doug jones, the democrat, and offered his congratulations. And every other leader has had its over. The Moore Campaign is not one of them. This shifts the balance of power in the senate. We are back with the panel. Its likely thats not going to happen until january. You wont have a tax reform vote likely by doug jones. Thats right. Looks like theres a lot of progress been made in the conference on the tax package. The last time judge moore was on the balance in alabama, he won by little over 3 . Even in alabama, hes a controversial candidate. This race was lost almost from the beginning when d. C. Republicans tried to imprint on voters in a state, who they should vote for, too aggressively. Its going to backfire. It would have been smart for those forces to spend a little bit of time on Opposition Research because apparently there was a lot of Bad Information out there on judge moore. I think the candidate who could have won is the man who unfortunately said today he has cancer. Mo brooks was the candidate who probably couldve won by the normal republican margin for a senate seat in alabama. Bret on the house floor, unemotional speech, losing the primary probably saved his life. There is something more important than politics. Bret Lindsey Graham tweeted when it comes to alabama politics, steve bannon should have followed President Trump, his lead in supporting Luther Strange. Trumps instinct on the alabama race proved to be correct. Lindsey graham is working hard to butter up the president these days and its getting noticed. And i everyone can read through dumping on the candidacy of roy moore. Obviously, i agree he was completely toxic and its easy. There are a lot of people who are republicans in alabama who couldnt vote or they did writeins. Republicans eyes spoke to are the most nervous about the 4848 numbers. The disapproval numbers should be higher than that. Its a word because they are scared of the young voters and black voters and educated women who turned out for doug jones could topple them next year. Thats the irony. I agree with matt. The decision to lose was made a long time ago. We can argue about where the blame goes. The simple fact is this is still a bad sign for the g. O. P. Going into 2018. Trumpism works for donald trump and it doesnt really work for anyone else. Steve bannon claims hes trying to work for the trump agenda undermines the agenda by costing seats and undermining the senate. Bret variables about the economy, tax reform, obamacare, a lot of stuff we have yet to see. When we come back, the last special report online of 2017. Stay with us. Maybe its time for Otezla Apremilast . 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You got the walk. You got the stance. But i wasnt really feeling it. You know what, im not buying this. You gotta come a little harder dawg. You gotta figure it out. Eh, i dont know. Whats not surprising . How much money lisa saved by switching to geico. Wow performance of the night. Fifteen minutes could save you fifteen percent or more. Bret finally tonight, in honor of our last special report online show for the year, we have put together a special notable quotables, i know its midweek, to look back at some of the best moments. Jonah, molly and chuck still here. We have been drinking for an hour. We had shots in the green room. That ship has sailed. Mad about it. I know, its not really my dream job to be press secretary. I think my talents would be a little bit beyond press secretary. If he had or they hadnt released it ahead of time, we would be hanging on every word. Now you can eat your popcorn and ignore it because you already know what he is going to say. You going to watch it you better watch it on fox. Festival of hypocrisy and another time called it an orgy of hypocrisy which i thought was a little more accurate of a term. Thats cable. Merck says bret sucks now too. He still types in every once in a while. All right. We are going to do that again. Please tune in here sr online log on, rather. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Special report online begins in just seconds. But you want to watch the story hosted by Martha Maccallum. Can you do both at once. Martha yes, can you. Good to see you last night and good to see you tonight. The story digs into the growing pressure on the fbi and Mueller Investigation as americans want to know if what we are seeing here is a fair fight. And whether another investigation is called for to make sure. Martha good evening, everybody, im Martha Maccallum and this is the story. It was a packed hearing room today as Rod Rosenstein went on defense under intense questioning as Text Messages obtained by fox news reveal a clear political bias on the part of top fbi russia investigator peter strzok. These text

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