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Assaulting his wife and child. He opened fire and drop the gun and he drove off to be found dead later in the field. Matt finn is at the scene of this horrific tragedy. We will get back to him in just a few minutes. It is a astounding and has shaken the core this country to have this type of attack and shooting on a Small Town Church with 50 people inside that church on a sacred sunday. We report tonight on what happened. Of course, President Trump has been monitoring the situation in texas very closely while he is on a historic trip to asia. The president in japan. John roberts is also the live joining us from tokyo with more reaction from President Trump. Good morning to you. We saw the president with the japanese Prime Minister in the official welcoming ceremony. Two of them are inside having lunch in bilateral meetings on the table are concerns with north korea, japan, obviously the Missile Development program that north korea is engaged in. Japan knows all too well the effects of the Nuclear Explosion and so that is very worrisome to them what north koreas doing in terms of the nuclear program. Another big issue for the two countries, there is a trade deficit and the president would like to see that become free, fair and reciprocal. He has been watching the situation unfold since early this morning. Have a 14 hour time difference spread he was probably roaming around very early this morning. He tweeted around 5 00 a. M. , japan time with an indication that he had been watching the coverage. He had been briefed several times by the officials who were traveling with him and Texas Governor greg abbott. Here we have a president who was in the middle of one of the most important trips that he has made, if not the most important trip, in the middle of this, the shooting occurs in much of his attention is now diverted to whats going on in texas. Its the second time in a month that this has happened. There is a horrific shooting in an las vegas. The president reacted to that and because of his connections to las vegas, told his staff on no Uncertain Terms that he is going out there as quickly as possible. When he returns from his asia trip, that will be late on the h of november, he will probably make arrangements. I havent heard that officially but based on his reaction to the past tragedies and other national disasters, i would think its likely that he will probably make a visit that we havent had an opportunity yet to discuss with any official from the white house this new information that the killer had been dishonorably discharged from the military back in 2012 for alleged spousal and child support. There is a law that states that a person dishonorably discharged from the military may not purchase a firearm. We dont know if that provision of the law applied to this individual, but certainly the police and fbi are very curious for how he procured his weapon, and then what exactly it was that went so horribly wrong with his brain that caused him to walk in and take so many lives. Compared with the population, he killed four or 5 of that towns population, just to put it in perspective. Too that point, you had members inside the Church Sunday morning, 26 now dead. When you do that, he killed more than half of the people in that church service. The president will be holding a joint meeting with the Prime Minister of japan. I imagine hell get questions on that and north korea because, when you look at the trajectory of the development of north Koreas Nuclear weapon program, many experts believe they are only a few developmental leaps away from being able to put a Nuclear Warhead on an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile with a reentry vehicle that could hit any target in the United States. There is a serious concern among many foreignpolicy experts and intelligence experts, that should north korea get to the point where they have a nuclear weapon, then it is black male time. The leader of north korea can say to President Trump, look, we can make a trade. I will leave boston alone if you give me soul. Can you imagine the tradeoff that would be for an american president. Cap thats just one of the reason why they never want to see north korea develop a nuclear weapon, but in order to do that he has to engage the cooperation of china to a much greater degree than he has so far and thats why the meeting that he has coming up this week in beijing is going to be so very important. A delicate diplomatic dance, no doubt. Thank you for your reporting on tokyo. President trump is reacting today to the mass shooting from tokyo. We want to play that for you now. Let me begin today by addressing the horrific shooting in Sutherland Springs texas. Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and families of todays horrible and murderous attack. This act of evil occurred as the victims and their families were in their place of sacred worship. We cannot put into words the pain and grief we all feel, and we cannot begin to imagine the suffering of those who lost the ones they so dearly loved. Our hearts are broken, but in dark times, and these are dark times, americans do what they do best. We pulled together. We join hands, we lock arms, and through the tears and through the sadness, we stand strong. My administration will provide its full support to the great state of texas and all local authorities investigating this horrible crime, i have spoken just a few minutes ago with Governor Abbott and we offer our thanks to the first responders, all of the many people involved, both federal and otherwise, ultimately they stopped the suspect and rendered immediate lifesaving aid to certain victims of the shooting. I will continue to follow the developments closely. All of america is praying to god to help the wounded and the families of the victims, we will never ever leave their side. The president there in tokyo responding to this mass shooting. Our hearts are broken he said, and through the tears and the sadness we stand strong. We continue to pray for those who saw the face of evil today. The president call the evil thing we continue to pray as the nation does and we all do tonight. As the questions surrounds devon kelly, who was he, why did you do this, he may have some connection to this charge. Its all ongoing. His motherinlaw has a po box and thats an intriguing clue. When you consider he was convicted in military court of spouse and child abuse. If he was convicted of assaulting his wife and was dishonorably discharged for that and he served 12 months in military break, was there a connection to try to carry this out and lash out at everyone else in the town who may have been involved in the church. These are some of the questions investigators are delving through. Our houston affiliate joins us now. He is at the scene of the church. There are no words throughout this day as we been reporting. What is happening here . It is really hard to get your head around this. Its completely surreal. Let me paint you a picture. You can see the church behind me. It caused almost aglow with the lights but you cant see everything. You have these investigation tends allowing the investigators to do their work out of sight and theres a lot of work to be done. They have not identified all the bodies yet. There are people here who do not know whether their loved ones have been hospitalized. They are dead or they escaped. Everyone is hoping that somehow their loved ones managed to escape any sort of harm in this situation, but when Something Like this happens, its very difficult to imagine anyone would get away without some sort of injury. This gunman stood outside the church. I spoke with one man who said he saw three empty magazines lying on the ground. At least 90 rounds pumped into that church. There are about 50 people who belong to the church. All told, 26 people killed. 20 more injured. It was almost like shooting a fish in a barrel. It would have continued. It wouldve gone on but another man who lived in this vicinity heard what was going on, sob was going on and grabbed his rifle and rushed to the aid of the people. Engaged him, opened fire and fired at least two shots. We dont know if any of those shots hit him but it was enough to scare him away. He jumped in his car, fled and he drove his car into a field and they found him dead of a gunshot wound. Now whether that was a gunshot from the man who confronted him or his own gun, ironically they are the same type gun with the same type bullet so it could be very difficult to determine what happened. Right now, very somber feel in this town. About 600 people who live here, about 50 people who go to this church. Almost everybody in this town has someone who goes here, knows someone who goes here or goes here themselves. That is astounding. In terms of the man, Good Samaritan who grabbed his rifle, do we have any information at all . Clearly its been interviewed by authorities. We know who he is . Any reporters talk to him . Have authorities been talking to him for that heroic act for which he should be commended . Absolutely. He should be commended, but weve not talk to him. We have spoken to people who know who he is and they are protecting him. This is a small town. The people here know each other. The man we talk to who was changing oil on his car saw this all unfold. He saw the man in the mask, dark clothing and bulletproof vest went and opened fire. Then the gunmen spotted him as he opened fire. His friend came out and engaged in. If one for his friend, this couldve been worse. The unknown man, we must thank them as americans. He obviously sprang into action when he saw what was going on. We are thankful for him and for his actions. John donnelly, houston 26, thank you so much. Apparently he was full of hate, but what exactly caused evan kelly to do this. As we been reporting, he was dressed in black and he had planned the target for a while. Coverage of the story the Community Devastated after a 26yearold man entered a church and murdered 26 people, leaving 20 others injured. They range in age from 5 72. It happened about 30 miles southeast of san antonio. Pastor robert jeffrey, Senior Pastor of the First Baptist church and was in a Fox News Contributor joining us now. Give us your words for the texas community. I am praying for pastor pomeroy in the members of the church, that they would begin to experience the promise i know they believe in psalm 34 18 that the lord is close to those who are hurt and brokenhearted. Make no mistake, this was evil. The bible never denies evil or diminishes the pain of evil but it offers word of hope, evil will not reign forever. The messages one day jesus christ to return to this earth and put an end forever to evil. That is the hope we have. That is the hope we havent so many cling to tonight. Evil touching down in the heart of texas, and you, pastor jeffries have a large congregation in dallas, and it is my understanding, correct me if im wrong, that you at such a large place of worship, that you do have security on hand. Talk to us about that. We have a very elaborate security plan, its a combination of volunteers and paid officers, from uniformed and some plain clothed. We just finished working with Homeland Security to do an inventory and an assessment, a threat assessment for the church, but most churches, like most Baptist Churches had less than 200 members, but i think tonight, it proves that they need to security plan and they can have one. They can meet with local Law Enforcement and have that lawenforcement, the police, and do an assessment of their vulnerabilities. They can get volunteers to be watching throughout the services. They can have some commonsense practices like we do of not allowing backpacks into the sanctuary. They could have an evacuation plan in case Something Like this happens. Every church ought to do whatever it can to ensure the safety of their members. I think today was a wakeup call for churches of all sizes. Is that something that you could lead the charge and consult some of the pastors like pastor pomeroy. In this case we had a hero, a local hero who has to be a resident who chased the gunmen with his own assault weapon and perhaps thats the very gunshot wound that killed him, but back to the point of having volunteers in the church were armed, i think thats what youre saying, would they have to first meet with local authorities to make sure they know how to handle those firearms in the case of such a shooting like we witness today . Here in texas, we have a concealed carry allowance that allows people to carry firearms. Half of our members have firearms are somewhere close to that. In states that dont have that, they ought to meet with Law Enforcement officials to see what they can do. I think the most important thing for christians is to remember that we cannot be paralyzed by fear. We cannot keep people from gathering from worship. You are certainly not suggesting that we shrink back in fear. No, we cant. With that said, how is it that we have the members of various congregations around the country grapple with the fact that perhaps they do have to have escape plans in mind before they enter the house of worship . Perhaps they need armed members. We shouldnt be fatalistic but we should be realistic. They ar this world is under temporary control of satan and he has some ability to inflict evil against people. I think we need to do what we can to diminish that evil in any way we can until the lord jesus returns and puts an end to evil forever. The pastors daughter is one of the deceased. Have you had a chance to talk to him . If you have not what will you have to say to him. He is a man of faith and i have a feeling pastor pomeroy will lead his church and our nation in an example of what it really means to trusting god, even when all evidence points to the contrary. This congregation is faith filled. I think they will be an example to the nation. He has a experience the unthinkable. To have a child die in such a horrific way, an innocent child worshiping on a sunday morning like so many other americans, sitting there and what is supposed to be a safe space, now, no longer with us. The only comfort you can have in this is to believe what jesus said, and that is there is a better world for those who know christ. That is the only hope we have as believers, that this life isnt all that there is, there is Something Better awaiting us. Pastor jeffries, this is a tough night. We thank you for your strength and faith and your words of wisdom and solace that you offered our nation tonight. Thank you very much. God bless you. Thank you so much. Seem to you. Also tonight, from houston, pastor hosting is weighing in with prayers to those affected, and of course prayers for all of us in this country. Coming up in a few moments, when we come back, we go back live to the church. 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The Investigation Underway in sutherland texas, about 30 miles southeast of san antonio. 26 people were killed as they were worshiping. Among them, a 5yearold, the 14yearold pastors daughter and a pregnant woman. The killer was dishonorably discharged from the air force. He spent 12 months in confinement for assaulting his wife and child. Matt finn, who is on scene of this horrific tragedy joins us now live in texas. A short while ago i spoke to the chief share of and he says that he does not believe that the shooter had any connection to this church or this community. He does not believe that the shooter knew anybody inside this church and he considers this location a random target. That is what the sheriff is saying tonight. Okay, we lost our connection to matt finn who was there in Sutherland Springs texas at this scene of this mornings deadly shooting. The local Sheriffs Department there is saying that this keller, perhaps did not have any connection to those Church Members in Sutherland Springs texas. Matt, are you back with us . I could hear you guys, we were just putting a new battery in this microphone. I apologize for that technical difficulty but yes the sheriff is saying there is no connection to this church. There could be someone out there who know something much different, but right now that is what the sheriff is telling us. We also learned a short while ago that in addition to the 26 people killed, there were ten victims being treated at the nearby University Medical center. Their conditions vary with all types of injuries. Behind me, a stunning scene, this quintessential church, a whitechapel lit up in the dark of night by police lights. It is hard to wrap your mind around that little whitechapel and what went on there today. There are two, if not three large white tents set people working very calm and very quiet. The unimaginable happened here today. Investigators are swarming the area and weve also seen loved ones approach the scene. In fact, a short while ago i saw two women who approached the police tape and they had mentioned, one woman mentioned her nephew and one of the deputies led her underneath the tape. You can imagine there are still people who are approaching the scene, hoping they are arriving to identify a friend or Family Member who has been killed. The sheriff said they are still reaching out to families, trying to get in touch with them to let them know someone inside this church passed away. That is reverberating across the world. In tokyo, a live look where the president of the United States is participating in a u. S. Japanese bilateral summit. It is just after 12 30 p. M. Monday in japan. You can see the japanese officials and the president have spent most of the morning in meetings with the Prime Minister and the emperor. These official meetings have to do with several issues including trade, and most importantly, the threat from north korea and kim jongun and the possibility of another missile launch. If there would be one, you would see the president and rex tillerson. The president is speaking. It mostly pertains to trade in north korea and a couple other subjects that we lightly touched on. We are making tremendous progress on trade in particular, bringing the deficits down and having a very fair and equal trade, and i look forward to finishing up the discussions. A lot of great work and great friendships have been built and they will continue to be built. Thank you very much. This is a live look in tokyo at the u. S. Japanese bilateral summit. The president , just a moment ago briefly addressing the need to talk about fair and equal trading. Particularly in japan, and as we know, President Trump in the Prime Minister had a round of golf when the president first arrived in tokyo and they were told casual but lively conversation. Now, entering into the more formal meetings in tokyo, of course trade is heavily on the mind and kim jongun is heavily on the mind as the road regime leader is off to the races in an effort to gain Nuclear Weapons that could come here as far as United States. A big concern, not only here but in the region. The president will also be going to south korea to meet with the president moon. That is also on the mind of the president. Last week he just said no Nuclear Weapons. We dont want the development of Nuclear Weapons here in south korea so again, it is going to be, as john roberts reported earlier, a very delicate diplomatic dance that President Trump will have to do on his trip to asia as they are looking toward beijing to act in terms of getting kim jongun in line to stop his aggressive path toward trying to acquire and develop Nuclear Weapons. Good luck with that. I mean, they have, the chinese have stopped some of the cold but they are basically responsible for 95 of the trade with north korea and they are afraid of having refugees on the border but clearly they have taken some action by shutting down north Korean Companies in china and beijing as well as clamping down on the banks, but we will see if the president is able to get more progress when he meets with president from china. Now back to the breaking story, the horror in texas, joining us by telephone is congressman henry who represents the area for this terrific act that took place. Thank you for joining us on this very somber and sad evening. Thank you so much for your prayers and your thoughts. Absolutely. I think i speak for all our viewers and all their prayers and all their thoughts. A few months ago we had breaking news from matt finn indicating that the sheriff of Wilson County said there may be no connection between devon kelly in the church. Have another reports that kellys motherinlaw had a post office box there. We do not confirm that. At one point he had taught bible school at that church but we have not confirm that. What do you know about any possible connections or developments in terms of why he targeted this church . Im still waiting for Law Enforcement to give us a definite answer on this. I know the sheriff joe. He has been a friend of mine for 13 years i know him very well. Im listening to what he saying but i still want to see if theres any other connection. I still think personally, but i dont have any backup, how does someone come to this very small town of less than 400 individuals southeast of san antonio, how does he find that church, how does he do this in a random way. Its a small isolated community, and i still think theres probably some sort of connection but again, we will let the experts continue to do the investigation and see what comes out of this. Lets set the geography for our viewers. You are talking about north of Wilson County and between those two counties, just east of san antonio is Guadalupe Bay county. That is where the car was found. So you have him driving from the north, he drive south, he commits this run this actin as he tries to escape and get away, maybe hes shot by the bystander, hes driving north. Could he be driving back home . He crashed the car, whether he killed himself or from out loss of blood from getting shot out by the hero bystander. That could lead someone to think he knows the area. He is a local, he knows what roots and what local roads to take versus someone who just, a spur of the moment decided to attack the church. Youre right. He was heading north which is again, going north and im very familiar with that area. Ive represented Guadalupe Bay county and i still represent part of. [inaudible] im familiar with that, and the only major way there is i 35 but he seems to be taking some back roads to interstate 35 so lets see what comes out of it. To me, i find it strange. And hes dressed in Tactical Gear, hes dressed in black, hes got Tactical Gear on and hes ready for war, it seems if the police come. Maybe thats one reason he picked this church or maybe it was some sense of something personal that will play out in the investigation. Congressman, you know the area and you know the people. Its astounding, 50 people in that church all related or n known to everybody in that town. What are they going through this evening. What are your thoughts of solace and comfort. You know, ive spoken with the sheriff who knows that area very well. Ive talked to one of the county commissioners there, ive talked to some of the constituents, and you know, its one of those things, they cant believe that this is happening in a Small Community of less than 400 individuals. They Say Something that sometimes you only think it happens in small cities but heres a small town thats been hit by the situation, evil has descended into that Small Community and of all places, at a house of worship. Its going to take time for comh this grieving process, through this healing process. My office, once a month they will be there first thing in the morning to provide any assistance we can, but there are some students that will not show up at School Tomorrow and were going to be talking to the schools and see what we can help the schools with. Its a community that just never expected this type of situation to happen in their community. Its a most sacred place an affront to god and humanity that this would happen in the house of worship. We are looking there at the car in the field, finally, congressman any indication of what happened . Have you been told whether or not he killed himself in that car in the suv found in the field . Or if he bled to death because he was hit by that hero bystander. You know, the sheriff did tell me that the person who walked out of the church was shot at, this resident that went after him, we dont know if it was a shot from that individual or if he committed a selfinflicted, decided to kill himself. He wasnt very brave when this person came adamant with a weapon. He iran away and this is a type of power that we are seeing that he can shoot at people, five yearolds, a pregnant lady, but when 70 turns the gun on him, he runs like a coward and certainly, i intend to be there at the end of the week. Right now its a time for Law Enforcement to do their work. I dont want to get in there way. They need to do all the investigation and our federal officer there, our team let them do the work and i need to be there later on this week to help spend time with the families. The gunmen were shot out by Good Samaritan for the hero stopped another guy in a car as they were driving and he said he had to go chase this guy because he shot up the church and they chased him in their car until iran off the road. Two heroes on a day this nation really needs them. Thank you this act of evil occurred as the vics and their families were their in their place of sacred worship through the tears and through the saddens we stand strong. As the state that we are dealing with the largest mass shooting in our states history. It was, indeed, good meeting mostly pertain to go trade and north korea. A lot of great work and great friendships have been built. Theres no better day to be in this city than marathon sunday. She comes to the line, breaks the tape as she has won her first

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