Bill. It would be limited to repealing the obamacare is of individual and employer mandates and the medical device tax. The measure would go to conference to cut a deal with the house. After the procedural vote, Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell pledged to keep working to get there and noted democrats doug two struggled with passing obamacare. We watched a similar process seven years ago. They had a lot of differences. We are going to sort this out with a so thoroughly open amendment process and a situation where 51 votes can change the bill. This democratic leader tried to convince moderate republicans to oppose this effort. Dont be fooled by this ruse. A vote in favor of the motion to proceed will mean deep cuts to medicaid, it may be even deeper than in the house bill. It wont be an easy lift going forward, but leadership was able to get past the first hurdle and has an opportunity to keep working at it to keep a Campaign Promise going back seven years. Bret live on the hill, thank you, mike. As we said, President Trump is on the road again tonight, hosting a rally for supporters in ohio. While we wait here, just about an hour from now we will see that here on fox, many are digesting what he has been saying and tweeting about one of his earliest supporters. His Attorney General Jeff Sessions. Kevin corke joins us live tonight from youngstown with the look at the appointed jabs at sessions and what that could mean for the Attorney General. I want to talk about whether Jeff Sessions will be relieved of duty. Keep in mind, he was the first senator to throw his support behind then candidate donald trump bid for the white house. He recused himself from the rest investigation, that may ultimately prove to be too much of a perceived slight to overcome. Im very disappointed with the Attorney General. We will see what happens. Time will tell. President trump was unwilling to put a timeline on when or again 11 00 p. M. Tonight. The president s former campaign chairman, paul manafort, answer questions before Senate Investigators today about his contacts with russia. Some in congress did not feel like they were getting all the answers. They played hardball tonight it looks like they may have won. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is on capitol hill with the president s aunt emma and advisor. The Senate Judiciary leadership issued a subpoena for paul manafort, the former chairman less than 24 hours before a highly anticipated public hearing. We want manafort to come like we want trump, jr. , to come. We are willing to give all sorts of accommodations. We cant mess around with back and forth and playing off one committee against another. As they spoke to reporters, manafort met Behind Closed Doors with Senate Intelligence Committee Staffers answering their questions. The Judiciary Committee senior democrats said he was only willing to prescribe a single interview to congress and would not be available to her investigators. Another democrat said Hardball Tactics may be in order to learn more about the trump tower session with a russian lawyer and others. I am convinced that subpoenas will be necessary for paul manafort, as well as for donald trump, jr. , and for everyone who participated in that june 9th, 2016 meeting. Former journalist Glenn Simpson whose company was behind the Unverified Salacious dossier compiled by former british spy is not cooperating with investigators and the congressional subpoena was withdrawn for wednesday senate hearing. The president s son in law was back on capitol hill for a second day, spending three hours Behind Closed Doors with house Intelligence Committee lawmakers. It was a very productive session. We had an opportunity to ask about a range of issues that the committee has been concerned about. I found it was straightforward, forthcoming. He wanted to answer every question that we had. On twitter, the president seems to mock the congressional russian pope to my prose. Jared kushner did very well yesterday proving he did not collude with the russians. Witch hunt, up 11 year old darren trump. A source today at fox news that the subpoena has been withdrawn in the last few minutes. Senator Dianne Feinstein has told fox news that manafort and donald trump, jr. , will not be appearing tomorrow at the public hearing. They are looking for a date on the calendar in september, in the meantime, they are saying they are trying to get all the records from both witnesses before the meeting. Bret one of the members at todays house intelligence hearing, congressman trey gowdy, the chairman of the House Oversight committee jointly right now to talk about all of this. Today Behind Closed Doors . He answered all the questions even when the democrats ran out of good questions, he kept answering them. He stayed one hour longer than he was supposed to. In fact, he stayed for one hour longer than dni dan coats date, who is the head of our Intelligence Committee. If you played a quote he used the phrase in the campaign. I went back through the quote with him word by word and said take out part of the campaign. Do you know of anyone period who can do not collude in and could have inspired with the russians 2016 primary or general election. The answer is no. I asked him that question every way you could ask a person that question, and the answer was always no. Bret he was one of the people in this russia meeting in trump tower. If all of this is accurate, where is the investigation to go . Understanding you dont know special counsel muellers direction where they could end up, but as far as you are looking at it . Universal witness we have to talk to pete just that june 2016 meeting, donald trump, jr. , would be so we want to talk to. Paul manafort would be someone would want to talk to. As to a relates jared kushner, who was involved in many different facets of the campaign, i could not have asked him more unequivocal, did you come wound, conspire, confederate, coordinate anything with russia or any other foreign actor lets go and if the answer was no at every different level. Under oath, he was also with the democrats the same amount of time in the answer never changed. He was as definitive as you could possibly be in answering that question in the negative. Bret i want to turn to now with the president has been saying about the Attorney General Jeff Sessions we will display some sound from that. His tweets, obviously, your thoughts on this and the president and the Attorney General that obviously doesnt have the confidence of the president. Aside from the levels of having worked in the justice department, i view that job differently from other Government Jobs over the cabinet level jobs. I dont think Personnel Decisions are usually well resolved over twitter. I think the president s frustration was not a recusal. I hope it wasnt, because i dont think Attorney General Jeff Sessions had a choice to recuse himself. If the president is frustrated, he should be frustrated by what led up to the recusal, which was senator sessions had a faulty memory. I think thats what led him to have to recuse himself. The recusal excelled was appropriate. His failure to recall meetings with the Russian Ambassador was what led him to that point. If the president is frustrated about that, understand his frustration, but you work all that out during the interview process, not after you get the job. Bret but if you are the Attorney General and you are reading and hearing all this, are you resigning . I would not say if my employer had lost confidence in me. On the other hand, Attorney General sessions may believe that he is doing the job in a way that he is supposed to. He doesnt work for the president , he works for a woman. Hes got to make that call. Its a very difficult circumstance, and again, i view that job differently than i do the secretary of commerce, secretary of agriculture. It is heart breaking to me as a former doj employee to see public squabbling between the commanderinchief and the nations top Law Enforcement officer. Bret do you think this will be resolved . Anytime soon . I hope so, bret. We are again, we will do three interviews this week. That all depends upon the pace with which the democrats on the house side act, and based on what i heard this morning, which was cramming 5 minutes of questioning into three hours, they benefit from this a blessing as long as possible. They benefit from this lasting as long as possible. At some point, i hope, our leaders are on our side and will say we will march forward with or without you, and again, bob mueller, which i think its what most people are waiting on, i hope they are not waiting on congress to unlock the mysteries of the world. I hope they are waiting on bob mueller. I dont have any idea how long that will take. We will put your health care have fun. Senate moves forward with their motion to proceed now amending the bill. If the Senate Finally gets a something that theyre going to pass in the go to conference committee, are you confident that you all will put something through. I am. Thats a lot of its and that might be the seventh son of the apocalypse if all that happens. I think that we can pass something if the senate is able to do so. Bret mr. Chairman, thanks for your time. The house voted to to sanction russia, iran, and north korea and it curtails President Trumps ability to ease the sanctions after the break. 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The toothpaste that helps new parodontax. Prevent bleeding gums. If you spit blood when you brush or floss you may have gum problems and could be on the journey to much worse. Help stop the journey of gum disease. Try new parodontax toothpaste. Approved a bill today that would impose more sanctions on russia, iran, and north korea. It would also limit President Trump powers to remove them. All of this as the u. S. Navy fires a warning shot at iranian boats today. Correspond or rich edson is following all of this. The u. S. Government is relying more on sanctions to restrain and confront its adversaries. This bill is a little different and the white house says the president will examine the final product to determine whether he is willing to sign a way some of his power. A Republicancontrolled Congress is moving towards curbing a republican president s authority. Congress is advancing a bill that would further sanction north korea, iran, and russia. If the president wanted to ease the rush of sanctions, russia would need to be conditions. Congress could also reject the changes. Secretary of state Rex Tillerson previously criticized this Similar Senate version of this bill, contending it would limit his flexibility in ongoing negotiations with russia. The State Department refuses to offer his position on the latest version. I will not get ahead of that, and i will also not comment on a pending legislation. The secretary has been for about sanctions on russia. We talked a lot here about the issues facing ukraine, how we expect and intend, fully intend, the sanctions to remain in place until russia stops the provocative actions that caused the sanctions to be placed peers because a European Unit is threatening retaliation as it targets russias oil and gas sector, exposing European Business to penalties. The sanction will also targets north korea and irans ballistic programs. Last week on the Trump Administration certified for this second time that iran was complying with the major elements in the nuclear deal. They promised a more aggressive posture towards applying. I applaud what its been two and, despite the nuclear deal which most people are opposed to, the fact is irans behavior as we just indicated is very assertive and very aggressive, and we intend to sanction that behavior, as we are doing what north korea and also with russia. To u. S. Officials have also told fox news a u. S. Navy patrof fired Warning Shots at an iranian patrol boat as it approached within a hundred 50 yards. As the first time during the Trump Administration a u. S. Navy ship has high fired Warning Shots at iranian vessel. A Sanctions Bill has now passed the house and the senate with only five lawmakers across the entire capital voting against it, making it very likely the president will soon have to consider whether to sign this bill. Bret live at the State Department, thank you. Stop wasting money, that was the message from jim matus to the pentagon following an Inspector General report highlighting money thrown essentially down the drain. The culprit, spending 20 million on camouflage force pattern uniforms in afghanistan were only 2 of the country is covered in trees. Secretary mattis called on employees to take it aggressive steps to end waste. A good day for the market today, the dow was up 100. The s p gained seven. The nasdaq was up one and a third. Up next, we will see what is exactly happening overseas and also, around the country today, we have in san antonio, texas, the truck driver arrested on charges of smuggling at least 100 immigrants in a truck. He was distraught when he called to g. O. P. What he was illegally transporting Illegal Immigrants for financial gain resulting in death. The state of florida said they today that his commercial driving had been suspended in april. Court documents state bradley did not call what 2911 after discovering people in the trailer. Ten of those immigrants died. Milwaukee were thousands of people had heard the call at the red cross in donated blood after issuing emergency calls, the red cross has experienced a 30 increase through midjuly. This is a live look at chicago from our fox news they are. A tech company that says it plans to be the first u. S. Company to offer Microchip Implant to employees. Wisconsinbased three Square Market says the chips will be placed between the thumb and forefinger and will allow employees to open security doors, log into computers easier, and pay for food and drinks in the break room. I said that way from special report, will be right back. And for the past 15 years ive been a navy federal member. Thanks to their fast approval process, when it came time to buy a new car, we got everything we needed to transport my wifes little bundle of joy. Who i just adore. Open to the armed forces, the dod, veterans and their families. Navy federal credit union. This is a story about mail and packages. And its also a story about people. People who rely on us every day to deliver their dreams theyre handing us more than mail theyre handing us their business and while we make more ecommerce deliveries to homes than anyone else in the country, we never forget. That your business is our business the United States postal service. Priority you when you switch to progressive. As easy as saving 600 winds stirring. Too treacherous for a selfie. [ Camera Shutter Clicks ] sure, ive taken discounts to new heights with safe driver and paperless billing. But the prize at the top is worth every last breath. Here we go. [ grunts ] got em. Ahh. Wait a minute. Whole wheat waffles . [ crying ] why leave the country last night. Chief washington correspondent james rosen is following the latest development in this case and joins us alive. Just minutes ago, democratic Congressman Denning and Waterson Schultz fired a Pakistani Born Act to map i. T. Technician that has worked with several members to conflict to he was arraigned on one count of Bank Fraud Charges in u. S. History court here in washington to date following his arrest last night at Dulles International airport prior to boarding at overseas flight. He pleaded not guilty and was released under strict monitorin monitoring. He started working for Wasserman Schultz in 2005. She of course was forced to resigned as chair of the Democratic National committee one year ago after wikileaks began posting her hacked emails online. In all the daily call into reports that awan, his brothers, their wives and others collected, at least 4 million for i. T. Services performed for democratic lawmakers. In addition to Wasserman Schultz included diane to get of colorado, jackie spear of california who sits on the Intelligence Committee, and ranking democrat on the house ethics committee. The investigation started with allegations that the awan group was arranged in double billing but reportedly expanded to include how Sensitive Health data was lowered. They were barred from House Networks if everyone in the u. S. Capitol Police Identified them as suspects in a criminal investigation. In announcing todays fire sink, she said mr. Awan previously served as a parttime employee but he has been fired. No Punishment Investigation have been for my share of our offense and we cannot comment on them. The daily caller has reported that authorities seized smash computer drives from awans resident, charging documents released today do not explicitly link this a Bank Fraud Charge to the house i. T. Case. Bret we will continue to file the story. James, thank you. The Boy Scouts Of America is facing backlash after a rally with President Trump he talked loyalty to politics. In a speech that lasted nearly 40 minutes, the president bashed his critics and recounted his Election Night win all at the jamboree for the Boy Scouts Of America. It sparked the day after controversy and all the reactio reaction. We have a story. At first, its great to be a welcome for a president admired. He was in his element outside the beltway before a crowd of 40,000. Who the hill wants to speak about politics when i am in front of the boy scouts . He gave the young scouts relive examples of how scouting has shaped the careers of many adults. Ten members of my cabinet were scouts. Then deviating from president ial tradition, he got political, taking digs at former president obama. Did president obama ever come to a jamboree . And the media. What do you think the chances are that this incredible massive crowd, recordsetting, is going to be shown on television tonight . 1 or 0 . The backlash came fast and furiously. Headlines read trump is unimpeachable. His Boy Scout Peach proves it. He broke with 80 years of tradition. Many scouts parents were outraged. One wrote my kids will not be returning to this organization appeared the Boy Scouts Of America issued a statement that it is nonpartisan and is not have anyone position, prada, political candidate, or philosophy. Trump supporters defended the speech as his signature style. He probably breaks tradition, but donald trump does not tailor his message according to the audience. We saw this when he spoke at an academy graduation. I am concerned about decorum and just in general the way that donald trump conducts himself as a president. This wasnt a speech the kids, and it should have been at a higher plane. Some criticism came before its own condonation. What was right with hitler comparisons. Before picture of hitler youth read i feel like i see what is happening at the Boy Scouts Jamboree before. Typical hashtag resistance. They will give donald trump no ounce of respect, even as they are president and commander in chief. Picked two mr. Trumps abrasiveness may be wearing thin, even its two interim country. A recent poll found that 24 of people in counties that mr. Mr. Kump two mr. Trump flipped to republican in the election support his use of twitter to express his feelings while 62 are opposed. Two bret thank you. A special session of the texas senate is debating a socalled Bathroom Bill mandating transgender use bathrooms corresponding to the first certificate genders. It bounced around the Lone Star State house and senate and the republicans hold the senate there, which is expected to pass this bill that stayed in the house. President trump turns on one of his earliest supporters. Our allstar panel weighs in on why the president would go after his Attorney General now and what may come next. Mom, purina one smartblend is expertly blended. With 100 nutrition, 0 fillers, always real meat 1. Lifelong smart nutrition. Its all in one. Purina one. Bret i am disappointed ie Attorney General, he should not have recused himself. Almost immediately after he took office. If he was going to recuse himself, he should have told me prior to taking office. I would have quite simply pick somebody else. I think thats a bad thing, not for the president , but for the presidency. I think its unfair to the presidency. I told you before, i am very disappointed with the Attorney General. We will see what happens. Time will tell. Time will tell. Bret Time Will Tell from President Trump at rose garden appearing in the news conferenc conference. In fact, after he tweeted today, and ukrainian efforts to sabotage trump campaign, quietly working to boost funds, so wheres the Investigation Ag . Attorney general Jeff Sessions has taken a very weak position on Hillary Clinton crimes, where are the intel leakers . The problem is the acting head of the fbi in person in charge of the killer investigation had 700,000 from hillary for his wife, talking about the Andrew Mccabes wife you got the money prior to the campaign. What about all this and where is it heading . Steve hayes, editor in chief of the weekly standard, olivier knox, and charles hurt, opinion editor for the washington times. We will talk about the health care movement, the stork boat, it was a big day. These two today this got the most attention. Who could have predicted tha that . Forget loyalty to Jeff Sessions. The question i have, what is the end game here . If he is trying to humiliate sessions into quitting, hes going to be left with rod rosenstein, and you think that the two Republican Senate will give him a new Attorney General . I dont think that they are. I dont really understand what the endgame here is except to just humiliate Jeff Sessions. I actually agree with his concerns. I understand what Jeff Sessions recused himself, i dont think you should have. I think in this political environment. Its very troubling that somebody who wants to see donald trump succeed, very troubling. This may be the most troubling thing i have seen where he is sort of letting himself, his rage, and get ahead his thinkin thinking. Bret olivier, its been floated that Rudy Giuliani was being talked about and the west wing. Giuliani says hes no knowledge of that and also said the recusal of his mind with the right thing to do. Here is the president with the wall street journal. When they say he endorsement, i had 40,000 people he said he was senator from alabama. I won the state by a lot, massive numbers, but he is senator. He looks at 40,000 people and says what i have to lose and he endorsed me. Its not like the great loyal thing about the endorsement, i am very disappointed in Jeff Sessions. I interviewed sessions after the Access Hollywood take him out. He was the only white guy going out and doing interviews. Where do you think this is coming from . The president is getting even more frustrated before with this russia investigation. What he is really saying is, Jeff Sessions to be the one looking into all of this, not bob mueller. Its a very clear that that is the place of frustration. Bret wasnt at the talk about the tapes of comeat that really triggered, in part, the call for more . More . Probably the recusal was before that. Talk about the tapes appeared bret to mexico a whole different set of tweets by the president. In some ways that was a selfinflicted wound. I do think they would give him the Attorney General, but i do think its unimaginable that we would get to the Confirmation Process without being grilled on how can you prove to us that you could be independent, how can you prove to us that You Wouldnt Fire Bob Mueller just because the president tells you too. Bret they are not going to give him an Attorney General who is going to make a decision different from the one that sessions did. Its coming from that frustration and its more the inside the white house, they give you all things russia, this whole conversation is fundamentally an effort to undermine antireligion might that effort resident. He was reacting to it on a very personal level and giving us this unprecedented remorse when you come to the Attorney General. Bret on this russia investigation, obviously we dont know what we dont know where muller is going and what he could conduct you to the president or his family. If you listen to trey gowdy, jared kushner, according to him, was very impressive, point by point with every element of this lack of conclusion two collusion type. It does make you wonder what donald trump he is setting up a whole universe of things, presumably, that are taking place in our investigation that we are not privy to, the public, the journalist covering this. It makes you wonder what is it that he is seeing because you cant really identify it. Jeff sessions recused himself months ago. This is a day after day tire that has taken up really the last week. I think what you are seeing here is very interesting. Jeff sessions was just 1 of 40,000 there, you have to remember when that came, he was a very important person giving his backing early an end legitimizing donald trump and representing in effect what became known as trump is in. The ideology, the policy side of what donald trump represents. Jeff sessions was a trump trumpist two before he was. He was no entry, he was on a number of issues. I think what you are saying is this potential risk to the president. If he separates trumpisn from donald trump, will or what policies he pushes and what he signs, we also have a lot of people who are for donald trump because they believe in the ideas that he campaigned on. Jeff sessions represented that and it donald trump loses that as part of his face, i think that could be politically perilous. There are some that are very aggressively defending Jeff Sessions. Here is the talk about the intel, going after the leakers, but also the hillary investigation. The evolution of that dating back to previous years from the debate. If i win that, i going to instruct my Attorney General to get a Special Prosecutor to look into your situation because there has never been so many lies, so much deception. A Special Prosecutor . I dont want to hurt them. They are good people. I dont want to hurt them. Bret so maybe now he does . I think that what he is considering how much he is getting grilled himself, i think that it starts to look sort of more appealing. Steven is exactly right about the fact that so many of the people that supported him, they really did support him because of those issues and every time he got into trouble during the campaign, what he did was pick it back to those issues like trade and immigration, fighting terrorism. It got him out of every single jam. He was talking about stuff that everybody was listening to and agreeing with nobody around here with even onto it yet. I wish that he would now, again, turned back to the issues he had a tremendous today and go back to health care. That Populist Message has gotten him out of so much trouble and he could get him out of trouble at this time too if he would keep beating up on Jeff Sessions. Bret we are going to turn to the big victory in just a moment. The sessions survive . Honestly, its unimaginable at this point. You have tapped him on the is a logical replacement. I havent heard a logical replacement that is one of the biggest bars you have to clear if you want to remove someone that is playing such an important role. I think theres a good chance that he quits. Who wants to put up with this . These Guys Hemming And Hawing with their long explanations. I will give you a straight answer no. He doesnt survive. Bret at the end of the table, next up, republicans vote to begin debate on a health care bill. Whats next . Stay with us. Its me and my best friend only new Tena Intimates has Proskin Technology designed to quickly wick away moisture to help maintain your skins natural balance. For a free sample, call 1877gettena. This is cand right now, lobster. Were serving up more delicious crab than ever. Classic favorites like crab lovers dream. And new dishes like southern king crab and dueling crab legs with Delicious Dungeness and sweet snow crab. Its all happening at crabfest. And crabfest is only happening at red lobster. Now this is seafood. And explore the range of aarp Medicare Supplement plans. All plans like these let you choose any doctor or hospital that accepts medicare patients. These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp. Call now and request your free decision guide. And start gathering the information you need to help you go longâ„¢. The consequences of the status quo, people who sent us here expect us to begin this debate. We can Work Together to improve health care in this country. Turn back now before its too late. [applause] mr. Mccain mr. Mccain on this vote they are 50, that yes are 50, senate being equally divided, the Vice President votes in the affirmative and of the motion agreed to. Now we move forward towards truly Great Health Care for the american people. Bret it was a big day and didnt know whether it was going to happen or not, but the u. S. Senate did move forward with Vice President pants breaking the tie and senator mccain making that emotional return ton two to proceed. Two republican senators voted no. Senator Susan Collins and senator lisa murkowski. They were pointed out by the president and he called them sa sad. I voted no on motion to proceed when dealing with a complex issue that affects millions of americans and won six of our economy. We must proceed carefully, making sweeping changes to the 50yearold Medicaid Program without a single senate hearing, its a mistake, we must work in a bipartisan way to fix the affordable Health Care Act serious flaws. We are back with the panel. Stephen, now they start what eventually would be vote for rama on all of these amendments that would change the house bill and if all goes as planned, symptoms or majority mcconnells mind, they do get to something that passes and gets to a conference committee. It seems like an uphill battle. I would say its a very steep uphill battle. What the vote didnt do today it was the fundamentals. A bunch of republican senators think this bill is too liberal, a bunch of others to think this is too conservative. Its deeply unpopular in the country and virtually everybody is unhappy with the process. Bret i dont know if the country fully knows whats in the bill because all the coverage of the bill is about process and how you are not going to get there or get there. As far as putting it headtohead against obamacare, i dont think theres been a ton of coverage on that. Theres minstrels that shw its deeply unpopular because of what you are suggesting, because no one has an idea of whats actually in the bill. I think its a huge challenge. It goes back into the house. One broad media bias. The media are not receptive to freemarket Health Care Reform because its easier to say youre taking my health care from 22 million people. But also republican screwed up the case. We are not just having obamacare victim sessions. Where were those in november . Why wasnt this case more broadly and firmly in front of members of Congress Earlier . I think they missed it opportunity there. They are scrambling. This is a last minute to mount lastditch effort to something together. Its been an ugly process and people still dont know. Bret the president portrayed that they would get to the finish line, olivier. What about it . I think the interesting part of the remarks the more the notion that this is a quarter inch wide legislation passed where the two factions that steve alluded to, the conservatives and some republicans are too liberal, when you think to that quarter inch wide narrow path where you lose people on one side. If you squeeze it would look to baffle a new compressor once i put it. The other side. I thought that was interesting. That showed a new appreciation at the process. I am struck by the fact that this whole thing was that just a couple months ago and its now been brought back. I do think that the church aligned this is not the end and its not the beginning of the end but it might be the end of the beginning. They do have to go through this votearama. You will see bill people go towards the bill or turn away from it. Its also go back to the house. This was a necessary condition for this to happen, but its not a sufficient one. Bret one of the most emotional parts of the day is senator mccain turning to the floor after a diagnosis from brain cancer. Hes coming from arizona likely from doctors orders. Even when it requires us to do something as satisfying even when we must give a little to get a little, evil in our efforts managed just 3 yards in a Cloud Of Dust while critics on both sides denounce us for timidity for our failure to triumph. I hope we can again rely on the humility in our need to cooperate and our dependence on each other to learn how to trust each other again and by so doing that serve the people who elected us. I will not vote for this bill as it is today. Its a shell here at bret talking about how the senate used to work and speech was remarkable. I talked to Mitch Mcconnell earlier in the day were he basically explained how no one ever expected no republicans ever expected that they would get to vote to repeal obamacare for a president who is going to then sign it. Meaning that they never expected trump to win. I think that there is some hope here. The fact that it was resurrected from pretty much at death the last couple of months, it does suggest that there might be theres a real hope, perhaps, in the house. This was one of the first times in modern political times where the senate has launched a legislated journey on something so big that they have no idea how its going to end or at what its going to look like at the end. Thats a great thing. The other thing that is noteworthy about this is that they are doing it without a single democrat. I think its a disgrace its exactly what the tea parties railed against the seven years ago. They dont have any idea whats in it. He wrote have regular debate, you cant have people bring up ideas, and there will be a pass or fail. Whatever animal we wanted they will have debates over couple day, graham. Bret senator mccain will oversee the debate on National Defense authorization funding at the pentagon. That is a big deal for him. We will cover it all here when we come back. They say imitation is the best form of flattery. Okay, yup. Good night. With Accident Forgiveness your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Switching to allstate is worth it. Not necessarily after 3 toddlers with boundless energy. But Lower Back Pain wont stop him from keeping up. Because at a dr. Scholls kiosk he got a recommendation for our best custom fit orthotic to relieve his foot, knee, or Lower Back Pain, from being on his feet. By reducing shock and stress on his body with every step. 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