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Country have we had a president with these kinds of extensive business entanglements. Or a president who refused to adequately distance himself from their holdings. President trumps businesses and his dealings violates the constitutions anticorruption provisions. Known as the emoluments clauses. The lawsuit filed in Maryland District Court contends that the president s ownership harms the state and districts. The defendant has used his position as president to boost the patronage of his enterprises. Foreign diplomats and other officials have made clear that the Defendant Position as president increases the likelihood they will frequent has properties and businesses. The Press Secretary dismissed the suit. It is not hard to conclude partisan politics may be one of the motivations. The suit was filed by two dont nourish a harmful story. If somebody calls you, accuses you of a crime, you have to respond. What you dont have to do is get into continuing exchanges with the accusers about what you may or may not have done, keeping the story alive. Bret the president is a counter puncher. He was as a candidate and businessman. Senator Lindsey Graham and others are saying its a different ball game now. What about the effort, and it seems that some of the service, Newt Gingrich being one, are going after bob mueller. I somebody who shouldnt be leading this investigation. I think bob mueller, broadly speaking, has earned his reputation, a very good reputation. There is no question he had james comey were close friends. He probably didnt know when he took over this investigation, which weve noted, has largely been an counterintelligence investigation and not yet a criminal investigation. Nonetheless, the role of his friend comey and his credibility now have come into play and are probably going to be a piece of the investigation. Its a fair question to ask, whether bob mueller should be that guy leading the investigation into at least that piece of it. Whether you can do a recusal of some kind part part of the inquiry and remain Special Counsel is unclear. Its not an unfair point to raise that he has this friendship and it does raise an ethical question. Bret when you heard the testimony of comey saying that he leaked the contents of the memo to a friend to the New York Times in order to spur on and create the Special Counsel. And that is one of the things about comeys testimony. I suppose he had to admit he had done that but it casts doubt on his role and makes it seem less like a lawenforcement officer than someone who was trying to control the outcome of things. I think thats what some people are complaining about with him in the past. Bret seems the Attorney General asked for this to be a public testimony. What do you expect . I expect him to be an effective witness. He is seasoned at this. He was a prosecutor and a District Attorney before a senator, so he knows how to handle himself. I think he has probably got a story to tell and my guesses he will be an effective witness. Bret thank you. White House Press Secretary sean spicer says the administration is confident President Trumps travel ban will be upheld by the u. S. Up in Court Despite another setback today. The ninth Circuit Court of appeals maintained a block of the temporary ban on visitors from six muslim majority nations. Spicer said the u. S. Needs every available tool to prevent terrorists from entering the country. We are awaiting the Supreme Court decision, but there is no indication when it might come. We will see if we get it tonight. Stocks down today. Dow lost 36. S p 500 dropped 2. Nasdaq fell 32. The president is pushing what he says are major gains for the u. S. Economy since he took office. Kristin fisher looks at some of the numbers and what they mean. The night that the Billionaire Businessman won the white house, he made a promise. We will double our growth and have the strongest economy anywhere in the world. Five months into his presidency, while the economy hasnt doubled, its growing. I point President Trump emphasized on twitter this weekend. The fakenews msm doesnt report the great Economic News since election day. Dow up 16 . Nasdaq up 19. 5 . Drilling and Energy Sector are way up. Regulations way down. Fox news factchecked those points. All are true. The question is, how much can be attributed to President Trump and his policies . Financial markets must reflect the confidence of investors and Business People and to some extent you can give him credit for bolstering their confidence in the economy. I think pretty much Everything Else is has very little to do with his policies. Trump administration has been trying to capitalize on the good news about the growing economy, but their efforts keep being overshadowed by other news. Last week was infrastructure week, a jampacked push to jumpstart the president s trillion dollar plan for roads, railways, airports. His daughter concedes it was eclipsed by the former fbi directors testimony. Last week, while he didnt get the level of headlines, it will have a more important impact. We are focused on why the American People elected donald trump as their president. This week, the white house will try again with Workforce Development week and ations it s hurting manufacturing. The bill is passed. Congress is making moves to trim regulations on the financial sector. Last week, House Republicans passed a bill to roll back many doddfrank reforms. Congress is still nowhere near passing the massive tax cuts promised by the president , though even that might not change the markets. If something happens and it turns out that the government isnt wellequipped to deal with it, i think it could shatter peoples confidence. For now, they seem to be willing to just enjoy the entertainment and not get freaked out. Stick with the president s overall Approval Ratings may be at record lows but his Approval Rating on the economy is actualh higher. Over 44 . Bret thank you. Whats your take . Is the media missing the story on the state of the u. S. Economy and how does it feel to you . Let me know on twitter at bretbaier. Use the hashtag specialreport. Or on facebook at facebook. Com bretbaiersr. Ubers chief Business Officer is leaving the company before the release of a report expecting to recommend big changes to the Corporate Culture and management. The board is said to be considering whether the ceo should take a leave of absence. The Ride Sharing Company has been rocked by Accusations Management has sponsored work place environment where harassment, discrimination, and bullying are left unchecked. Delta air lines and Bank Of America have pulled their sponsorships of a new production of Julius Caesar featuring the fatal stabbing of a dictator dressed like President Trump. The president s name is never mentioned but the 400yearold play features a caesar with a gold bathtub and a pouty slavic wife. A sign of how fractured the Democratic Party is. Supporters of Bernie Sanders want to start their own party. Peter doocy tells us why. The Democratic Party needs fundamental change. Them and trying to change it isnt even a democrat. Independent senator Bernie Sanders. Today, that Democratic Party has almost no political presence at all in many states. Thats not a failed model, i dont know what i failed model is. The hallmark of the sanders rallies, Progressive Ideas to move the party forward, things like tuitionfree college and singlepayer health care. The focus on the future is a lot different than the democrat who beat him in the primaries last year remains focused on the past. Comey was more than happy to talk about my emails but he wouldnt talk about investigation of the russians. Hardcore sanders supporters are so fed up with the Democratic Party whose new chairman is best known for using bad words. This is a [bleep] budget. They want to break away and start a peoples party. A 15 page document targets latesummer to start the party and outlines plans to host a Founding Convention and circulate petitions to get on ballots as soon see 2018 midterms. Organizers believe only a new party that inspires the Progressive Majority to vote can defeat trump and his agenda. Only a Progressive Party can take away trumps monopoly over electoral populism. Proof that problems on the left are just hypothetical. The Capital Pride Parade distracted by activists upset that Parade Organizers were being too accommodating to the police officers. That the celebration was bankrolled by corporations. Despite turbulence on the left, the National Party fundraising operation is as healthy as ever. Democrat running in georgias special election is not a progressive and has raised more money than any candidate ever. 23000000. 95 of that came from all tied came from outside georgia. We are going through some of the growing pains republicans went through in 2008. We dont have a strong leader in the party right now. Thats not what a lot of democrats want to hear, but we are finding our way. A test of the sanders clout tomorrow. The candidate he endorsed in virginia is a contender so he could become the first person this year to get endorsed by sanders and win. Bret thank you. Republicans have their own internal battles, one of the most fierce is over health care and how to repeal and replace president obamas legacy reform law. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel is on capitol hill. If we had the greatest bill in History Of The World on health care, we wouldnt get one vote from the democrats because they are obstructionists. Thats what they want to do. The challenge for Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is crafting a consensus plan among his g. O. P. Members. 52 republicans and the senate, mcconnell can only lose two and most expect rand paul will be a no. Democrats have been trying to pin the failure of obamacare on republicans, suggesting they have undermined the law. I have a message for our republican colleagues. Very simple. Abandon repeal, stop sabotaging our health care system, and you will find democrats waiting to work with you to improve the health care system. Democrats are attacking the g. O. P. For a lack of outreach and no transparency. We may be days or weeks away from the republicans moving directly to the floor. A significant bill that may affect hundreds of millions of americans. Tax cuts, cut back on health care, defund planned parenthood without a single public hearing. Moderates are pushing for the Medicaid Expansion to be phased out. Mitch mcconnell has offered three years, try to make sure he doesnt lose his conservative members. A key republican notes mcconnells job on this issue is completed. The bottom line is the senate is divided between Medicaid Expansion states, nonMedicaid Expansion states, the proper role of government, which is trying to bring us together. Democrats passed obamacare on the Party Line Vote and have fought for years to protect the law against efforts to repeal it, now the democratic playbook appears to be trying to flip it around and blame the g. O. P. Experts note after campaigning on repealing and replacing obamacare for seven years, failure is not an option. At the end of the day, the glue that has to get this together is a sense that they have to do something. They cant walk away failed to do anything. If they do, its going to hurt everybody. G. O. P. Sources say proponents of a Senate Health care plan been sent to the Congressional Budget Office and im told tomorrow is excited to be a big day when g. O. P. Leaders find out from their members whether they are closer to a deal. Bret mike emanuel live on capitol hill. Thanks. Medicare reportedly erroneously paid almost 730 million to doctors under a federal initiative designed to shift Health Care Records from paper to computer files. Wall street journal reports the payments were made over three years to doctors who had earned bonuses under the program but hadnt. Or had no proof. Up next, thousands take to the streets of russia to protest corruption in Vladimir Putins government. Heres what some of our Fox Affiliates around the country are covering. Fox 29 infidel player in philadelphia. The defense rested without calling bill cosby to the stand. Because we could spend the rest of his life in prison if convicted. Fox 25 in oklahoma city. The manhunt for four escaped jail inmates who broke out this morning. The Lincoln County sheriff says he believes the four are dangerous with nothing to lose. This is a live look at orlando from our fox affiliate, fox 35. The oneyear anniversary of the deadliest Mass Shooting in modern u. S. History. Hundreds of people shoulder to shoulder outside the Pulse Nightclub where 49 people died at the hands of a gunman pledging allegiance to isis. Omar mateen was eventually killed by police. A large gathering scheduled for this evening in downtown orlando. Thats tonights live look outs bret nationwide protests against russian president Vladimir Putin led to hundreds of arrests. Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent amy kellogg shows us the latest display of defiance by the russian opposition. Crowds chanting putin author provocative protests. Today meant to be a show of patriotism but marked by anticorruption protesters. Riot police cracked down on the protests, Arresting Hundreds across the country. The organizer was himself arrested at his home before he even got to the demonstration. Authorities said he violated public order because he called the protest for a place he did not have a permit for. After a fiveyear low of opposition activity, they are out on the streets. It was this video he produced that became the protesters battle cry. He alleges the Prime Minister Skimmed Public Funds to buy a lavish estate, a vineyard and yacht. The story touched a nerve in the anger has spread beyond navalny. We want to change the situation. A group of bandits stealing money. Translator putin continues to steal and his oligarch friends continue to steal. The white house condemned todays arrests. We will monitor the situation and call on the government of russia to release peaceful protesters. Putin has been in power for over 17 years and its expected he will run again for president next year. Navalny has said he wants to run for president but we may never know just how broad his popular appeal is as he has a suspended sentence for fraud, something he says is trumped up. The one thank you. In 19yearold man in custody tonight in london, police say he was involved in the London Bridge terror attack. Three terrorists were killed by police that night but authorities are Holding Seven other people in the investigation. 12 people previously arrested have been released. Amazing video tonight from the final game of the greek basketball playoffs. About 2 minutes left, a flayer hits the bench of the visiting team. The game resumed. All of the home teams fans were gone. Since the visiting fans dont come because of fears of violence, and left no fans at all. The visiting team went on to wi win. Qatars Foreign Minister says no one can dictate his countrys foreign policy. As we have reported here on special report, several regional neighbors have cut off relations with that country, accusing the government of qatar of funding terrorism and activism. It has with the u. S. In a difficult position. Tonight we hear from one of the people on the inside. Rich edson reports from the state department. He spent more than 400 days in egyptian prison. Authorities arrested him, the bureau chief for Al Jazeera English on charges he up terrorist organizations. Egypt eventually pardon him and hes doing his employer. I filed my lawsuit while i was in prison in egypt. I met members of the Muslim Brotherhood who confirmed that the network had given them cameras, live transmission equipment, and use their footage without the knowledge of us, which contributed to our tough situation. When he filed his lawsuit, al jazeera denied the charges. Months before fahmys arrest, egypts overthrew. One of the many examples of the deep and complicated rivalries and conflicts among middle east countries. Several, like saudi arabia and egypt, have severed ties with qatar. In in the latest encounter, President Trump is taking sides. One of the big things we did, and you are seeing it with qatar and the things that are actually going on in a very positive fashion, we are stopping the funding of terrorism. We are going to stop the funding of terrorism. State apartment official says secretary of state Rex Tillerson and a dozen phone calls has spoken to his counterparts in the region, attempting to end the standoff. Tillerson has called for calm and thoughtful dialogue. Noting that qatar has improved and fighting terrorism. Adding it needs to do more. Qatar denies the charges. It has hired former Attorney General John Ashcroft firm. Ashcroft will enlist the support and expertise of government leaders, including officials who held senior positions within the intelligence community. Federal bureau of investigation, Department Of Treasury and homeland security. President trump has suggested other countries needed to do a better job of addressing terrorist financing. More countries besides the United States are becoming involved, trying to resolve the issue. Russia, iran, turkey and even france. Bret rich edson at the state department. Montana republican congressman elect reggie and forte gianforte. He will perform 40 hours of Community Service and take 20 hours of anger management counseling. I just want to say i am sorry if and when you are ready, i look forward to sitting down with you. When you make a mistake, you need to take full responsibility. This was not a proud moment but i am ready to move on. Bret gianforte has apologized for essentially body slamming ben jacobs of the guardian. And settled all civil claims. 18 penn state Penn State University Fraternity Brothers are facing charges in the hazing death of a 19yearold pledge. Correspondent bryan llenas has the details. One by one, Penn State University Fraternity Members walked into a Pennsylvania Court room for a hearing where they watch Surveillance Video from 12 cameras inside their frat house showing what prosecutors called a Hazing Ceremony that ultimately killed a 19yearold sophomore. Prosecutors played three hours of video from february 2, showing piazza and others running through a speed drinking game. As the video played, detectives narrated the final moments. Frat brothers are seen piazza is seen stumbling throughout the house. They laid the unconscious 19yearold on a couch after he falls down a flight of stairs headfirst. One of multiple falls that night. At one point, a Fraternity Brother is pleading with his brothers to call 911. Over the course of the next 12 hours, the video shows Fraternity Brothers slapping piazza, pouring beer on him, sitting on his legs, hitting him in the abdomen, others walking viorsts electrical police are called in the morning. Piazza died in the hospital from a traumatic brain injury and shattered spleen. His parents sat in the front row and his father cried as the prosecutor showed photos of his phone on the hospital bed. As expected, both parents left the courtroom before the video played. I dont want to see the video. Im concerned about what we will see and that being the last visual of my son being alive. Preliminary hearing continues. If this goes to trial, eight of the Fraternity Members face aggravated assault charges, punishable up to 20 years in prison. The other ten face lesser charges, like tampering with evidence. Bret george h. W. Bush is celebrating his 93rd birthday. The family had planned a lowkey gathering at their summer home. In the past, the former navy pilot has marked his birthday by skydiving. His Chief Of Staff jokes that she has hidden the president s parachute and there will be no jumping out of an airplane this time. Happy birthday, president bush. President trump tries to shift focus on his agenda while the Attorney General prepares to testify about the russia investigation tomorrow. We will talk about that with the panel after the stay out front with tempurpedic. Our proprietary material automatically adjusts to your weight, shape and temperature. So you sleep deeply, and wake up feeling powerful. Find your exclusive retailer at tempurpedic. Com approaching medicare eligibility . You may think you can put off checking out your Medicare Options until youre sixtyfive, but now is a good time to get the ball rolling. Keep in mind, medicare only covers about eighty percent of part b medical costs. The rest is up to you. 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These are the only Medicare Supplement insurance plans endorsed by aarp, an Organization Serving the needs of people 50 and over for generations. Plus, nine out of ten plan members surveyed say they would recommend their plan to a friend. Remember, medicare doesnt cover everything. The rest is up to you. Call now, request your free Decision Guide and start gathering the information you need to help you keep rolling with confidence. Go longâ„¢. Is the president okay with him testifying in the open setting . We are aware of it and hes going to testify. The president was clear last week that he believes the sooner we can get this addressed and dealt with, that theres been no collusion. He wants us to get investigated as soon as possible and be done with it so he can continue with the business of the American People. Bret sean spicer at the white house after the president tweeting about the investigation and jim comeys testimony. The Attorney General has requested that the hearing be public. This is the tweet. I believe the james comey leaks will be far more prevalent than anyone ever thought possible. Totally illegal . Very cowardly Attorney General Jeff Sessions will testify in open session before the Senate Intelligence committee tomorrow. Meantime, ivanka trump talking about how surprising this town has been. Its hard, and theres a level of viciousness that i was not expecting. I was not expecting the intensity of the experience. This isnt supposed to be easy. My father and this administration intends to be transformative, and we want to do big, bold things. We are looking to change the status quo. I didnt expect it to be easy. Bret the president , her father, holding his first full Cabinet Meeting today at the white house. Lets bring in the panel. Mollie hemingway, anna palmer, and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. Okay, obviously the administration wants to turn the page but the president keeps weighing in. They understand there is a lot of rage about the president and they do want a little bit of pushback so i think theyre looking for that. I keep on remembering the last debate when donald trump was asked if he would accept the results of the election and he said he would wait and see. We spent many days talking about when a threat it was and how damaging it was to the norms where you accept the electoral results. Here we are in june with a huge class of people who seem largely to be unable or unwilling to accept the results of an election and doing everything in their power to gum up the works. I think there are parts of this that are selfinflicted by the trump administration. There is a heck of a lot of this about people not being able to accept a won the presidency. Bret the White House Briefing is still largely about this topic, and obviously its a focus in washington. Here is sean spicer on the whole question of tapes. Does President Trump have Audio Recordings of his conversations and meetings with the former fbi director james comey . He made clear he would have an announcement. When the president is ready to make it. What is he waiting for . I think the president made it clear on friday he would get back on this and his position on the conversation. So what is he waiting for . Hes not waiting for anything. When hes ready to discuss it, he will. Bret so its not going away, the question about the tapes. We dont know if there is tapes or not. The big question is, trump has put out a statement, clearly saying there are tapes. Everybody wants to see the information. I dont think you are me or any reporters are going to stop. Its something hes done to reporters, saying you have misquoted me. I have a tape on it. But hes rarely put forward evidence. Bret this is President Trump reading between the lines, but it was a tweet that said he better hope there are not tapes. The question is, we no longer take his tweets as somebody on a riff. These are statements from the president of the United States. I think it was a tease. I think he enjoys keeping the country, the media, hanging on his every word. I have nothing against ivanka trump. She has done a splendid job in a pretty difficult situation, but its a little bit rich when the trump family is complaining about the viciousness, considering what her dad called little marco, lying ted, and cricket hillary, as almost three random characterizations from the campaign. Hes pretty good at the street fight, and what he is getting is a street fight back. But i agree theres a large part, particularly of the Democratic Party, that will not accept his legitimacy, thats a real problem. He is the president. He deserves at least a chance to govern. I think these endless hearings, we are now on the tertiary branch of accusations against the administration with what we are going to hear tomorrow from the Attorney General. What did he say . Was there a third meeting with the russians . His entire life was antirussia, antisoviet. Do we think he colluded with the russians . This is just investigations for their own sake and to produce a lot of smoke. The president has contributed with the tweets but so far up until now, it is all smoke. Bret here is the former House Speaker Newt Gingrich. I think this is going to be a witch hunt. I think that comey himself by his own testimony tainted this process. You have a director of the fbi deliberately leaking in order to create a Special Counsel we are now supposed to believe its going to be a neutral figure. I think that is nonsense. I distrust independent councils. I think that the People Mueller is bringing in are dangerous people, and any of her book and who thinks this council is going to be neutral is crazy. It will be like expecting the post or the New York Times to be accurate. Bret thats a big shift. Three weeks ago, he said robert mueller, superb choice. His reputation is impeccable for honesty and integrity. I am guessing the turn comes from comeys testimony about producing the leak that led to, he said he wanted to form a Special Counsel. People keep saying that mueller is a man beyond reproach and that he will do a very good job. Its also true that hes very good friends with comey who now appears like he might be a target of a proper investigation. That their friendship and the history that mueller and comey have might cause problems in terms of getting to the bottom of what includes a coordinated Leak Campaign by intelligence officials and so it might be too much to ask mueller to dig into his friend prayed i dont how theyre going to resolve that but something needs to be done e confidence in this investigation that doesnt just run roughshod. Bret Isnt The Right move to go after the guy who was the Special Counsel . Even if theres a connection, is it the right move strategically . Usually thats not what the lawyers advise. To go after the investigator. For good this is going to be tough for them. How are they going to remove mueller . Has been widely praised by senators on both sides of the aisle. I think the question is, there is nobody whos going to be able to say hes not going to be able to do it unless he himself wants to recuse himself. Bret i want to play one more sound bite. This is largely overlooked from the weekend. Senator Dianne Feinstein being asked about what came out in the comey hearings, about the former Attorney General Loretta Lynch and what she told him about the clinton email investigation. I would have a queasy feeling too, to be candid. I think we need to know more about that and theres only one way to know about it, and thats to have the Judiciary Committee take a look. Bret you have the Attorney General sessions testifying tomorrow. Could there be a Loretta Lynch testimony . I thought it was a refreshing moment. I am surprised it was her. Stepped out of the role of partisan and said there could be something here against my peopl people. Lets investigate it. I think we are getting lost in a Hall Of Mirrors investigating, connor investigating on both sides. The world is going to hell in a handbasket. North korea, qatar, the persian gulf. We are obsessed with what i think are reflections of reflections of reflections. Yes, its a question about Loretta Lynch. That was a long time ago. The only reason its being raised is because in the context here, you want to be fair and balanced. To coin a phrase. But i think its not going to produce anything of substance. At least we have not seen any evidence of that. I give a general amnesty. Lets get on with the business of the country. Bret we report. You decide. Another good phrase. Next up, are democrats wandering in the Democratic Party needs fundamental change. Bret well, the president does agree. He says the democrats have no message, not on economics, not taxes, not jobs, not on failing obamacare. They are only obstructionist. This is Bernie Sanders, a socialist, independent. Talking about forming his own party, progressives. The democratic seat losses, including 2016. There are a lot. We are back with the panel. Charles, seems like for all the talk of splits within the Republican Party and that they cant curd the cats on health care, tax reform, there s a major split in the Democratic Party. And they have no idea how to resolve it. The left has the energy. They also have the leadership. They have him, they have the senator from massachusetts, warren. They are the ones who are leading the conversation. But if they want to go that way, that is koolaid. This country is historically, for 250 years, has not taken kindly to socialism. Thats essentially what hes offering. They think its the moment. I think they are going to go for singlepayer health care, which is a fairly radical idea. If they pursue the sanders route, particularly if they have a peoples party, that will destroy the democrats and it will give a very unsteady split, republicans and new lease on life. This is selfdestructive. Bret there are the purists who say it is about a progressive message and then there are those who say we need to win, which is the same Battle Republicans had with the trump candidacy. Goes back to 2014 when Mitch Mcconnell made a decision to go after some of the Tea Party Republicans in primaries and said no, we are going to find candidates for general Election Races that can win. The biggest gift bret is there a mcconnell on the democratic Side Fighting that battle . So far, no one has risen up. There is not anybody whos being the establishment democrat to rise up and say they are the voice of the party. The biggest gift democrats have had his donald trump because he is unifying them. Bret here is tom perez. Trust isnt something you are given. Its something you have to earn. A lot of folks have lost trust in the party and thats what we are all to do, to make sure we earn the trust through our actions. Whether it is the Affordable Care act repeal efforts, whether it is immigration, fighting for good jobs and good wages. It is difficult to be in the minority. You dont have many options other than obstruction i think democrats have done a good job using the limited tools they have. The Slate Legislature situation is bad and that there is no bench and its hard to develop talent. This was a challenge that tea party had that the Republican Party had to deal with. I think its clear that democrats are not managing the ascendancy of this movement. But Bernie Sanders lost to Hillary Clinton and yes, part of that mightve been corrupt because of what the Democratic Party was doing to ensure her victory. This is a message that resonates with Snarky Young White People but im not sure it extends beyond that. Bret here is President Trump. They are obstructionist. Thats what they want to do. Thats the game, they think its the best political game. We have had to call races and we won both of them. They spent millions and millions of dollars, congressional races. We have another one coming up, and we have been doing well. They are obstructionist and they are going to have to face their constituents and when they say, what your message . They have no message, no direction, no leader. No compunction to cooperate with the white house. Bret when you hear Bernie Sanders say that the Democratic Party really has no political presence or message, doesnt that take away from the whole russia stole the election mantra . s to go it does, and i think hes right. It was the lack of message that killed them. The russia thing was a convenient excuse. Mightve had a peripheral effect at best, if at all. One of the most poignant moments in the release of those emails was the internal emails in the Hillary Campaign sort of a year in in which, it says whats the message of the campaign . Why is she running . She doesnt know why she is running. Shes angry with her staff because no ones come up with the reason shes running. You run a Campaign Like that, youre going to lose. If you run on the far left, youre going to lose as well but this is not unusual for an opposition party. In our system, we dont have a Shadow Government like you do in parliamentary system. Theres a lot of splits. Republicans did it with obama in power. Obstructionism in the face of liberty is no vice. Bret mean tweets. Bret mean tweets bret baier is as liberal as msnbc, is a Fence Trailer who cares what george bushs associates think about what our president says. From greg trevino, bret baier looks like a reptilian shape shifter. An Army Soldier Toy that you buy at cvs. Bret baier looks like dick trac dick tracy, 1960. Thats mean tweets monday, we thank you for tweeting and always. Thanks for watching. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight, thats it for this official report. Fair, balanced, unafraid. The story with martha maccallum, who does not look like a toy soldier, starts right it is tuesday, june 13th. Attorney general Jeff Sessions testifying before the Senate Intelligence committee. The subject, the only thing washington is talking about, russia. Guilt by association, classic witchhunts, Jeff Sessions denounced as a russians by, anyone can be. Fox news alert, terror targets, brandnew threat from isis amid the recent wave of global terror, it is not over and america is next. Rob the massive manhunt intensifying from a man who murdered a 15 year veteran in cold blood. Fox and friends first arts right now

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