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Pentagon with the white house talking tough on and directly to iran. Fox news was first to report the latest iran Ballistic Missile test. The white house has responded. Mike flynn said the u. S. Would not ignore these apparent violations of u. N. Security Council Resolution to do 31, put in place following the nuclear agreement. The obama element is ration failed to respond adequately to tehrans actions. Violations of international norms. As of today, we are officially putting her on unnoticed. Iran carried out the Ballistic Missile test on sunday 140 miles east of tehran. The missile is a medium range missile. U. S. Officials tell us it traveled 600 miles before exploding. It failed on reentry. Last night, fox news reported iran carried out another secret test december 6th. Flynn holds iran responsible for ice Suicide Attack on monday a Suicide Attack on monday. The white house said neither incident is a violation of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Instead of being thankful to the United States in these agreements, iran is feeling emboldened. Translator this is a flagrant violation of a security Council Resolution. I will meet President Trump soon and i intend to raise the issue the renewal of sanctions against iran, sanctions against Ballistic Missiles and additional sanctions against terror. The israeli Prime Ministers warning, the Security Council held an emergency meeting. He admitted his country tested a missile but says that he has a right to do so. The resolution passed after the nuclear deal does not compel iran not to undertake any activity related to Ballistic Missiles designed to be capable of delivering nuclear weapons, including lodges using such Ballistic Missile technology. That watered down language pushed by the russians on behalf of our iran has come under criticism in the wake of the nuclear deal. James Jennifer Griffin, thank you. The president is urging Senate Republicans to use every tool at th gorsuch confirmed to the nations highest court. Chief White House Correspondent john roberts joins us. John, you attended the briefing with the National Security advisor that Jennifer Griffin was reporting onward what do we understand the white house to mean when they say they are putting iran on notice . To be perfectly honest with you, the briefing this afternoon from the Senior Administration official did not shed a lot more light on what the United States and the white house plans to do in the wake of the missile test. The Senior Administration officials who briefed us told us the u. S. Would respond appropriately. They said there are a large number of options on the table which could include but not be limited to financial and economic sanctions, support for irans opponents, and some other things. But they would not tell us one way or the other whether military action by the United States was on the table. They did add that they did not want to act prematurely or irrationally and provoke a negative response. They wanted the message to come directly from the white house and not the state department to reflect the importance of this issue to the president and they also hoped iran would heed the notice and change its behavior. It was all part of a day of tough talk that also focused in on the president s nominee for the Supreme Court, judge neil gorsuch. Judge gorsuch is an exceptionally qualified person. In the meeting, President Trump laid down a mark at democrats. If they try to filibuster his nominee, the president would urge Mitch Mcconnell to pull the trigger on the socalled Nuclear Option. If we end up with the same gridlock theyve had in washington for the last, longer than eight years, in all fairness to president obama, a lot longer than eight years. If we end up with that gridlock, i would say if you can, mitch, go nuclear. That would be an absolute shame if a man of this quality was caught up in the web. The Nuclear Option would change the threshold for gorsuchs confirmation from 60 votes to a simple majority of 51. While democrats have previously gone nuclear on some of president obamas lowerlevel appointments, using it for a Supreme Court nominee would break decades of precedent. I would say its up to mitch but i would say go for it. The president is asking for an elegant and dignified confirmation process, when he believes is befitting a nominee of gorsuchs caliber. He fears democrats will try to drag gorsuch through the ringer. They want to make you look as bad as possible. The press can be very demeaning too. Im sure they press will be dignified in this case. Another of the nominees has run under rocky shoals in the senate. To say they will vote against the confirmation of betsy devos. It would leave devos with zero margin of error, a 50 50 time with Vice President pence is the time breaker. She is unbelievably qualified, and advocate for teachers, students, parents. I think the games being played with betsy devos are sad. There was no criticism today of the president s signature extreme vetting order. British Prime Minister theresa may, who seemed in lockstep with the president the day he signed the order, told her Parliament Today the order is a travesty. The government is clear that the policy is wrong. We wouldnt do it. In six years as home secretary, i never introduced such a policy. We believe it is divisive and wrong. The white house continues to tweak the application of the order, clarifying that legal permanent residents, green card holders from the seven named countries will not need a special waiver to reenter the country. James the president made an unannounced departure from the white house today. He did. He is on his way back from Dover Air Force base where he attended the dignified transfer of chief petty officer william ryan owens, the 36yearold member of Seal Team Six was killed on saturday in a raid, intelligence gathering raid, in yemen. President trump had already spoken to owens widow a couple days ago and also praised him, saying a Heroic Service member has been taken in our fight against the evil of radical islamic terrorism. This is the first combat death on the new president s watch. James thank you. The state department finally has a new top diplomat but Senate Democrats and even some Senate Republicans are making life difficult for some of the president s other cabinet nominees still awaiting their up or down vote. Looming over capitol hill is the specter of a major battle regarding the Supreme Court. Republicans in the committee change the rules to get around an ongoing democrat boycott. That allowed the nominations of Steven Mnuchin for treasury and dr. Tom price for health and Human Services to be voted out of committee. After the vote, chairman orrin hatch blasted the democrats. Its another way of roughing up the president and his choice of nominees. We had a full hearing here. We have not been treated fairly. The panels top democrat cried foul. Seems to me the basic proposition of breaking the rules so that you can, in effect, look the other way, in the face of strong evidence, serious ethical problems for two nominees is exceptionally troublesome. Jeff sessions nomination to be the next attorney general was also approved by the Senate Judiciary committee. At that hearing, tempers flared when minnesota democrat al al franken. He should be here. Let him make his case and we will go back to you. I object. We are here to talk about the nominee, not a colleague. On the senate floor, Rex Tillerson was confirmed to be the next secretary of state. The final vote was 5643, carried by republican support. The temperature on capitol hill may hit a new high when judge neil gorsuch basis confirmation. Senate majority leader Mitch Mcconnell said if gorsuch received unanimous approval when he was confirmed on the court of appeals. Not one of the democrats who still serve with us opposed him. Including senator feinstein and senator schumer. The leader emphasized, that gorsuch must burn democratic votes. On the subject as important as the Supreme Court nomination, bipartisanship or should be a prerequisite, essential. Thats what 60 votes does. Republicans note president obama Supreme Court nominees were confirmed without a procedural cloture vote. They are pushing that judge gorsuch be considered with a straight up or down vote as well. James mike emanuel stalking capitol hill for us. Lets learn more about the confirmation process for judge gorsuch. Bret baier spoke with a man who will wield the gavel during the confirmation hearing. We are here in the Senate Judiciary Committee Room joined by Committee Chairman senator chuck grassley. Thank you for having us. I appreciate you calling me. You moved out the hearing for the attorney general with a vote 119. Jeff sessions making it out of the committee here and now you will begin this process. For judge neil gorsuch paid lets talk logistics. Time frame. Lay this out for people. Its usually about six weeks from the nominee until we have a hearing. During that six weeks, it gives him an opportunity to oneonone meet with members of the judiciary committee. 20 out of 100 senators, and then also so many opinions that hes been involved in at the Circuit Court level, they will have to be gone through by the best of lawyers that we can get to do that for both republicans and democrats. Judge gorsuch has hundreds of opinions from the tenth circuit alone. It takes time to go through all that. After the six weeks, then you start the hearing process. Hopefully one day of hearings, but it could take two days. And then we will have at least a separate day for those who are for or against him. After that process is done, he will be put on the agenda the next week, and under the rules of my committee, any one member of the 20 can hold it over. So obviously hes going to be held over one week, and then holding over the one week, then the next week, we debate within the committee and vote on it. And then it will go to the senate floor. Want a ghost of the senate floor, it will be up to goes to the senate floor, it will be up to Mitch Mcconnell. Sure you are the chair. Dianne feinstein is the ranking member. Its 11 republicans to nine democrats. The questioning for judge gorsuch, will it be limited . How many rounds . I dont want to be arguing, taking half a day to argue what we are going to do. I think we are going to let people ask the questions they want to ask your kid if its one round, two rounds, three rounds. The longer it goes on, they have to realize we have to get this done and we stain session until we get it done. There is a time component. Key things are pending in the courts, big cases that is been really held back to final arguments in april, waiting for potentially a ninth justice. Do you feel confident that you can move judge gorsuch through the process in that time . Just so people understand, there is nothing arbitrary about this. We know what it has taken to get other people through the Supreme Court justice process for the hearing and everything else. They generally follow a pattern, so i would guess that we ought to be able to have this on the senate floor the first week of april if senator mcconnell wants to, and i think he does want to get it done. And that there will be days of debate it takes and then a vote so that he can be sworn in on the Supreme Court hopefully by the middle of april. How much impact does judge merrick garlands nomination and that process that happened in the choice that was made have on this process . I think if people want to bring that up, i think they should realize that i was at the center of that debate over whether garland should come up or not. It was a big deal in my reelection in iowa and i made very clear in the february 23rd letter when i said it should follow the biden rule and we let the People Choose in the new president would make it. I said well before the election that whoever is elected president , we are going to process it. Trump was elected. We are processing his nominee by people need to understand that i didnt know who was going to be elected. In fact, it looked like up until election day, that secretary clinton was going to be the president. If she were president , we would be processing her nominee. Democrats look at it differently and they are upset about the process and what happened. Senate minority leader schumer was on the floor today talking about 60 votes. Heres what he said. If this nominee cannot meet the same standard that republicans insisted upon for president obama Supreme Court nominees, 60 votes in the senate, then the problem lies not with the senate but with the nominee. The answer he says should be enough to change the rules of the senate but to change the nominee to someone who can get 60 votes. President trump said if they are not moving this forward, you should use the socalled thermoNuclear Option. What do you think of that . We are not even going to talk about that because we want this to be about the qualifications of a man that got through the United States senate ten years ago for the Circuit Court of appeals by a unanimous vote plus the fact that you want to remember in the first term of the clinton administration, the first term of the Obama Administration, we had two and that eventually four people on the Supreme Court now. There wasnt a single filibuster or obstruction on the part of republicans against that. I guess i would be pleading legitimately that democrats ought to give the same courtesy to a republican president. Considering what we are seeing with the cabinet nomination process and that confirmation process, how much patience do you think leader mcconnell and President Trump will have if we see that through this confirmation process . I dont know that he has to worry about it. If it comes to the senate floor in the first week of april with the idea that we need to get that seat filled and you are up against easter break, i think that senator mcconnell ought to be telling the senators right now of what his plans are to move this along and that if you have to go into the easter break, do it. We are proceeding that this person is going to be confirmed and confirmed in the normal way that the last four justices have been confirmed. 60 votes. They have may have gotten 60 votes to be approved but it wasnt a precondition for getting them brought up on the part of republicans otherwise we would have been accused obstruction. I guess they look at the garland nomination as someone who shouldve been given a hearing and saying isnt their hypocrisy . The hypocrisy comes when they say what they just told you, when over a 30year period of time, if there was a vacancy in the last euro presidency, it shouldnt be processed. They are telling you there should be one rule for a democrat president and another rule for a democrat president and you think this republican senator can stand for that . I guess thats a no. Judge gorsuch, you think he shouldnt have any problem here or on the floor . Even democrats have said about him, he is an eminently fair and qualified person. Hes a person that believes judges ought to judge and not legislate. He ought to interpret the constitution as closely as he can to the original intent of the writer spirit he shouldnt be stretching federal law beyond congressional intent. He looks at it from a dispassionate point of view, which every judge showed, the law, the facts of the case. Leave your personal views out of it. That you look at the law and reach a conclusion that maybe you dont even agree with because thats what the law requires. Do you believe democrats will try with all their might to stop this nomination . Or do you think they will hold their powder dry for the next pick . If they were to do the latter, it would be one thing because gorsuch is a person that is not scalia but he is darn close. Now the balance of the court isnt upset. Thats why they shouldnt be finding fault with gorsuch. You have four liberals, four conservatives, and kennedy in the middle, the more moderate. The court is balanced, what they want. The next one might be a different story depending on who leaves. We will be covering it all the way through. Thank you for the time. I think you too. James, back to you. James thank you. Lonely comeback, Rex Tillerson is now the top man at foggy bottom. Can the new secretary of state make progress in a world bursting with Foreign Policy challenges . Stay with us. Afoot and lighthearted i take to the open road. Healthy, free, the world before me, the long brown path before me leading wherever i choose. The east and the west are mine. The north and the south are mine. All seems beautiful to me. What are you doing . Getting your quarter back. Fountains dont earn interest, david. You know i work at ally. I was being romantic. You know what i find romantic . A robust annual percentage yield thats what i find romantic. This is literally throwing your money away. I think its over there. That way . Yeah, a little further up. What year was that quarter . What year is that one . 98 thats the one. You got it nothing stops us from doing right by our customers. Ally. Do it right. Lets get out of that water. James america has a new top diplomat. Rex tillerson was confirmed by the u. S. Senate this afternoon. Rich edson is at the state department looking at the world the new secretary of state has traveled before but never with the responsibility sees he has now. Replace top deputies, reassuring employees already criticizing an executive order they are charged with implementing. This is newly confirmed secretary Rex Tillersons department of state. In securing senate confirmation, tillerson has overcome the concerns of senators who opposed him over exxonmobils relationship with the putin regime during his tenure as ceo. They also claim that Schiphol Airport fails to understand the former ceo of exxonmobil demonstrated that he is unaware of global affairs. He failed to recognize and condemn Human Rights Violations around the world. At Rex Tillersons business experience will only enhance his ability to provide the president a sound, unbiased judgment. Tillerson turns to a new relationship with russia. He says he will work to bring peace to syria. Skeptics claim the russians will continue their support of the dictator. Given the president s criticism of the Security Alliance with nato. The new administration has promised to address Chinese Military and economic aggressio aggression. While he has waited for the senate to approve his nomination, the white house is already delivered a message to some of the employees. The bureaucrats have a problem . They should get with the program or goal. In response to state Department Employees using an internal dissent channel to criticize the executive order halting immigration from seven predominantly muslim countries. A redline for us, we start saying a whole bunch of chemical weapons grade employees use the same channel in june when more than 50 criticize the Obama Administration for refusing military strikes against the assad regime. Tillerson must address the staffing issues, especially as several top diplomats are leaving, some with decades of experience in the massive bureaucracy. James rich edson at the state department. A Top European Union official says donald trump is 1 of 3 existential threats to the eu. Senior Foreign Affairs correspondent greg palkot explains from london. Europe is afraid. Less than two weeks into the administration of President Donald Trump and the leader of the European Union is branding longtime close ally the u. S. A threat. The change in washington puts the European Union in a difficult situation. With the new administration seeming to put into question the last 70 years of american Foreign Policy. Leaders point to his encouragement of uk Prime Minister theresa may about britains exit from the eu as well as criticism by a trump aided that germany is undervaluing the euro to exploit the u. S. In trade. Translator we tried to stand on ground in the Global Market with competitive products in fair competition with everybody else. Add to that, trumps criticism of nato, his apparent friendliness with russian president Vladimir Putin and the ongoing anger over the executive order on immigration. Europe is hoping for the best but fearing the worst. If this relation blows up, its going to be externally painful for everybody. The best is to avoid it. In fact, some politicians mostly on the right have been finding Common Ground with the president. British member of the European Parliament Nigel Farages stood up today and defended trump amid heckles all around. Seems to me that actually with all the antitrump rhetoric, actually what we are hearing is the true nature of the european project which is genuine antiamericanism. European leaders are looking to meet with President Trump but a white house aide reportedly rebuffed a summit specifically with the European Union. They were said to be told its not a priority. James. Greg palkot, thank you. The Federal Reserve is declining to raise interest rates. The fed ended its latest policy meeting announcing its keeping its benchmark rate unchanged very last month, the fed raised the rate for the first time in a year. Stocks were up. The dow gained 27, s p 500 finished ahead, nasdaq jumped 28. During the president ial campaign, donald trump appeal for africanamerican votes with a simple question what have you got to lose . Today, with black History Month kicking off, the new president met with africanamerican leaders at the white house. Kristin fisher reports. And President Trump sat down with africanamerican leaders for a listening session, he heard one idea that stood out. Darrell scott, a pastor, said he had been contacted with some top gang thugs in chicago for a sitdown parade lowering the. Totally out of control. President trump double down on his twitter pledged to send in the feds of chicago doesnt fix their carnage. They are not going to solve the problem and what you are doing is the right thing. Were going to have to do something about chicago. It may mark a turning point for President Trump with africanamericans, when he tried to head home in his inaugural address. Mothers and children trapped in poverty in our inner cities. This american carnage stops. Here and now. It was a more polished version of a line he trialed on the campaign trail in michigan, one that got him in trouble with some africanamericans. You are living in poverty. Your schools are no good for you have no jobs. 58 of your youth is unemployed. What the hell do you have to lose . Mr. Todays meeting marks the start of black history mont month. The president is poised to meet with a congressman about the cost of Prescription Drugs. It will be likely be some time john lewis boycotted his inauguration and is protesting his immigration order. Sean spicer said the white house will be hosting a series of events in honor of black History Month, including the dedication of a stamp for civil rights icon dorothy height. James Kristin Fisher in the White House Briefing room. Thank you. At the pentagon Inspector General says u. S. Central command did not falsify intelligence on isis to paint a more favorable picture of the Obama Administrations conduct in the war against the terrorist group. The ig says investigators could not substantiated allegations that information was falsified, sing Intelligence Analyst to allege the wrongdoing could not provide specific examples. House Armed Services Committee Chairman says the igs investigation confirms problems within Central Command first identified in a joint Task Force Report he helped author. Clearly there were some of these intelligence products that were altered to be more favorable to the Obama Administrations efforts. The task force could not prove that it was intentional misconduct. Its hard to prove whether there is a difference in judgment or somebody is intentionally trying to please their superiors. A source tells fox news whistleblowers are likely to appear before hearings. President trump wants to bring Prescription Drug prices, which he describes as astronomical, back down to earth. The big question is how. Here is brian yunus from new york. President trump seemed to ease tensions with Drug Companies on tuesday in a meeting at the white house with top ceos, mr. Trump proposed ideas Drug Companies welcome. We have to get lower prices. We have to get even better innovation, and i want you moving Companies Back to the United States. I want you to manufacture in the United States. Were going to be lowering taxes big league, getting rid of regulations. I think that president understands whats at stake. Yes, we have to be responsible with regard to pricing but we absolutely have to continue to have incentives for companies to take risks. President trumps change in tone came after he called out Drug Companies last month for rising prices. They are getting away with murder. Emphasize the u. S. Government should begin negotiating lower drug prices for medicare and medicaid, an idea pharmaceutical companies oppose. A report in december concluded Drug Companies benefit from monopolistic business models. On monday, diabetes patients filed a class action federal lawsuit against the nations three insulin manufacturers, accusing them of colluding and simultaneously increasing their drug prices. The average Sticker Price has increased 57 for insulin. In the last three years. Mount sinai dr. Ronald tandler says the increasing prices especially affect diabetic seniors on a fixed income. One of the patients who came through our emergency room with uncontrolled blood sugar levels told me he literally had to decide whether to buy insulin, the prescribed insulin, or eat. Of the 80 drugs covered by medicare in 2015, insulin counted for the second largest purchase by the government. James brian yunus, thanks. Former Vice President joe biden has endorsed tom perez to become the next head of the democratic party. Minnesota congressman Keith Ellisons consider the other main contender. He enjoys the backing of senator bernie sanders. Good news for former president george h. W. Bush and his wife, barbara. They will handle the coin flip during sundays super bowl in houston. Mr. Bush was released on monday after a twoweek hospital stay. Mrs. Bush spent a few days in the same hospital. They tweeted out today they are honored to be invited. How bad is the partisan fighting on capitol hill over President Trumps nominees . Will we see some casualties who dont make it to the cabinet or the Supreme Court . Our allstar panel weighs in next. Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection, or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Side effects may include diarrhea, nausea, upper respiratory tract infection, and headache. 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I think they might go ahead and pulled the Nuclear Option . I think they might. Theyre going to say you lead the way. Why dont we follow along . There is nothing wrong with having a fight but we intend to win the fight because weve got outstanding nominees. James there was a number of key players, the first of them, President Trump, meeting with activist groups on his Supreme Court pick, neil gorsuch and urging the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell to push the button, use the Nuclear Option and rewrite senate rules so the judge can win confirmation with a simple majority vote. Will it happen . With the republicans needed . Lets bring in our panel. Byron york, a. B. Stoddard, and syndicated columnist charles krauthammer. Firstclass mines and friends all. To you, charles. Do we see the Nuclear Option shaping up . s to go if you listen carefully to mcconnell, he never answers the question about if hell do. He simply says we will do what it takes and were going to get the candidate through, going to get the nominee through. Everybody understands what that means. It means that if he has to come he will do it. Hes a traditionalist. He doesnt want to have to blowt want to be a new harry reid on this. But i dont think it helps, and i have supported blowing up the process and eliminating the filibuster if necessary. But i dont think it helps if the president keeps saying it. It looks like its pressure from another branch and it polarizes a debate over gorsuch into a sort of a conflict between the Trump White House and the democrats. Thats unnecessary. This is such a strong candidate that if you leave it as an issue between the candidate on his merits against obstructionist democrats who are demagogue in him we have already heard the accusations today, completely wild, completely out of control, calling him extreme and going through a list of things which have no relation to reality. You pick a fight like that, i think in the court of public opinion, gorsuch wins hands down. Let him do it. Let him carry the fight with the organizations who are behind him with the senate being behind him and i think in that kind of fight, he wins. The democrats i would guess wont even threaten to filibuster. James its an extraordinary moment we have come a Supreme Court nomination pending at the outset of an administration with all of these nominees for cabinet posts still pending. As we reported earlier, Rex Tillerson was confirmed by the United States senate today to serve as secretary of state. The vote there was 5643. Our Research Shows that the highest number of nay votes for any secretary of state in history. Some of the recent votes, john kerry almost unanimous. Hillary clinton, almost unanimous. Condoleezza rice getting 13 nee votes. This brings the total number of trump cabinet nominees who been confirmed to six. That is still one shy of the number of nominees that new president barack obama had confirmed on his first day in office. Byron york, is betsy devos, the education secretary nominee, and travel . Yeah, she is in trouble. You had to republicans come out today and say they are not going to support her. You had 50 to republicans, which means shes got 50 right now, and the Vice President can break the tie. She can get in if nothing changes. But its going to be as close as it absolutely physically possibly can be, so much so there is talk about trying to get her through the Senate Quickly by the end of this week while Jeff Sessions is still a republican senator and can vote for her. They are going to need every single vote theyve got to. s the one thats been an objective of the white house legislative office, to stagger these votes so that Jeff Sessions can still be in a position to vote because his vote is needed for betsy devos. He is out of committee and he can be voted on pretty soon if the majority leader wants to do that. James the rancor on capitol hill in this Political Climate is excessive. Heres a little sample of two senators from each party talking about the nomination process and how its going. Republicans are doing everything they can to rush these nominees through, even if it means bending the rules and cutting off scrutiny and debate. Democrats are going to keep fighting back. And that she was on the other foot, when the shoe was on the other foot, we confirmed seven of president obamas cabinet nominees on the day he was inaugurated. But apparently this is the new normal and i hope our democratic colleagues realize that this is not serving the public interest. James a. B. Stoddard, Wayside Committee action that the democrats were boycotting the Committee Hearings on these nominees then senator hatch on the Senate Finance committee convened the Committee Without the democrats present and they voted on two of the president s nominees. Have you ever seen anything like that . s to go know what these are different times. I think the democrats realize all they have left in the arsenal is stalling tactics. They dont have the power to stop trumps nominees unless without republicans breaking like they are on devos. They see now this pictureperfect Supreme Court Justice Nominee who they are going to be hearing from their constituents about. They are going to be under a lot of pressure on that debate. Its almost as if they have this really illadvised strategy to flood the zone and get mad about every single cabinet pick. That wasnt effective but now that they see neil gorsuch, they have decided they need to slow things down. No one will remember in the end the election of 2018 or 2020, the stalling techniques. The white house is fighting back by saying its the democrats causing chaos. Stay with us. We will come right back to you guys for President Trumps National Security advisor who put around unnoticed. What does that mean . The panel does know. Stay tuned. Houthi forces that iran has trained and armed has struck saudi vessels and threatened United States and allied vessels. The Trump Administration condemns such actions by iran that undermine security, prosperity, security throughout and beyond the middle east which places american lives at risk. As of today, we are officially putting her on on notice. James that was retired general michael flynn, the president s National Security advisor, making his debut, if you will, since the Trump Administration took office on the world stage with the blonde and somewhat cryptic warning to iran that they are being put on notice. Everyone in washington and around the world is wondering what that means. Sean spicer sought to clarify. We wanted to make very clear that we felt as though their actions were provocative and in violation and making sure they understood that we werent going to sit by and not act. James still later, a senior official briefed reporters on general flynns warning but didnt provide too much additional clarification, saying only that the administration is considering a range of options and will respond appropriately to iranian aggression paired what does this mean . We are back with the panel. Byron york, this seemed to be stunningly vague on the part of the National Security advisor and the press secretary and the senior official. Is there utility in dealing with our adversaries on the world stage to employing such vagueness . Stick i think you are getting at it. I dont know whats on notice means and i dont think anybody outside the white house knows because the advisors didnt tell anybody in the press but they were talking about. Sanctions, some other sort of activity . I think the bigger thing was to try to show iran and the world that this was a big deal. Iran has done this before. Obama basically didnt ever do anything, and if you listen to general flynn, his statement knocked the Obama Administration two or three times in the course of that. I think the intention was to come out and say we are doing things differently. How . Unclear. I spoke to an official familiar with general flynns thinking on this and he told me there are specific steps that are under review and that there is a time frame in which to execute the steps. Beyond that, i couldnt be told anymore because its classified. James charles, will the administration, and striking a sharper posture with iran, have a limited toolbox from which to choose . It is inherently limited, not so much as in the obama years when there was nothing in the toolbox because obama was not going to act. But strategic ambiguity is a good idea. You dont want to announce what youre going to do. The president said we have to be unpredictable but you have to be careful. Once you say you are officially on notice, what youve done is established a redline. Its not as dark as the obama redline that he established in syria and then walked away from but you are saying were going to do something and i think we should do something. We are long overdue. The iranians have gotten away with murder. The Obama Administration was hostage to its own Iran Nuclear Deal and didnt want to disturb the waters. This administration is not hostage but it needs a set of steps, perhaps naval attacks on the proxies of the iranians, the Houthi Rebels in yemen. Perhaps more provocation on our part in the persian gulf when those speedboats go around and harass our boats or perhaps economic sanctions. But i dont think that they can civilly say you are on notice ands and have nothing happen. If you have a set of alternatives, they have to be prepared to act on them and they have to have a plan for counteracting when the iranians do counteract as they inevitably will. James the Iranian Foreign ministry launched a rhetorical salvo at the new president of their own. It seems that under current circumstances certain figures in the United States with political and propaganda motivations are seeking pretexts in order to ease the International Pressure and criticism they have faced due to imprudent decisions over antimuslim travel ban or not fulfilling the u. S. Responsibility to fully implement its commitments under the joint comprehensive plan of action. Is charles correct that the Trump Administration drew a redline today . Yes. I think when you do that, you need to do something privately so you are ambiguous in public but putting pressure on yourself to tell them privately this is what we would do. This is i believe the 12 missile test in addition to the provocations at sea against us and our allies. Since the iran deal became official in july of 2015. Will they do one again . Is likely. They need to be told privately what will happen so that there isnt another missile test or this will be an obama redline that everyone will laugh off. They were saying that general mattis wanted flynn to soften his language in the public statement. I dont know what the original language was but you have to have a plan to come out. The iranians are shrewdly saying, not only trying to stir up antiamerican sentiment because of the muslim travel ban, but they are also trying to stir up pressure on the Trump Administration which that it would rip up the iran deal to make a decision on the iran dea deal. They are challenging and testing the new president. If you come out and say we are drawing a line here, you have to be prepared to fulfill it, and that has to be translated to them pretty aggressively in private. In the campaign, he was kind of all over the place on the iran deal occasionally. Sometimes he would tear it up. Sometimes he would keep it and strengthen it. It appears they are making the argument that the missile test plus the attack on the saudi boat is apart from the iran deal. They are talking about the u. N. Resolution and that we can take some sort of action against iran but not actually affect the four corners of the iran deal. James at a minimum, some kind of marker was laid down. I dont know if i agree its a redline. Thank you, panel. We will be right back with more on special report. Up next, a quality moment with you want to be quiet for. With every early morning. Every late night. And moment away. With every click. Call. Punch. And paycheck. 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Thank you for watching special report, i am james rosen and for bret baier. Here now, the first 100 days with martha maccallum. Martha breaking tonight, as democrats walk out of hearings and threaten filibusters, republicans are quietly starting to turn the wheels of congress in spite of them. Some of the biggest battles are still ahead. I am martha maccallum, it is day 13 of the first 100. Good to have you here tonight. So, the white house markings and victories this evening in areas where they have not had too many. They have confirmed, the senate has confirmed Rex Tillerson to be the next secretary of state. Attorney general nominee Jeff Sessions has also moved forward. He is now in the final stages of his nomination process and the senate. You are looking what it should the busy Committee Room. Look at it. For the second straight day, there are many empty cha

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