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Hello there, kevin. Reporter youre right, saying it was a test the to the power of reconciliatioreconcili president obama marked his japanese countermapart, 75 year to the month since the attacks at pearl harbor. For those who came here hoping for a direct, specific apology from the japanese leader, they left wanting. It was a day for reflection. Andon. But not for an apology. Translator as the Prime Minister of japan, i offer my sincere and everlasting condolences to the souls of those who lost their lives here. Reporter japanese Prime Minister shinzo abe today acknowledged japans role in the deadly attacks on pearl harbor 75 years ago this month at the memorial site of the u. S. S. Arizona. Abe struck a tone similar to that of president obama who spoke at hiroshima earlier this year. And while the sounds of battle have long since faded, some vestiges of the war do remain. Most notably, the security relationship that effectively calls on the United States to assume the role of protector of the japanese empire. A role that comes at a very heavy cost to the american taxpayer. Both in terms of manpower and money. Something that thencandidate donald trump called unsustainable. I want japan and germany and saudi arabia, south korea, and many of the nato stations, they owe us tremendous. Were taking care of all these people and what i want them to do is pay up. Reporter analysts believe trumps comments have created a level of uncertainty among leaders in tokyo who, like abe, have long dealt with the complicated internal politics of americas military presence in okinawa. While trumps suggestion that japan assume more of the burden for its defense would be a departure from existing u. S. Policy, experts doubt the rhetoric will be reality. They have common interests, common values and they are threatened by a country that has challenged both tokyo and washington and that, of course, is china, and i think that will be an important element of the glue that keeps these two nations marching forward together. Reporter still, it was abe who was the first world leader to greet mr. Trump after his victim arory in november, a sign if the dynamics change, the relationship, one of americas most important, will endure. Poignantly and perhaps most importantly, the president thanked world war ii veterans, many of whom were in attendance here today, doug. Brave members of the greatest generation. Well never forget that day and certainly will never be forgott forgotten. Doug . Reporter kevin cork from pearl harbor tonight, thank you, kevin. Russia is blaming the United States for uptick of casualties in the syrian civil war. Reuters is reporting Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov told john kerry that the u. S. Decision to ease some restriction on arming Syrian Rebels may lead to more casualties. Rescue workers have recov recovered a flight recorder from the Russian Military plane that crashed into the black sea over the weekend. Officials have not announced the cause of that crash, but theyre anxious to squelch speculation that it might have been caused by a bomb planted on board or portable air defense missile. Russias Domestic Security Agency said it found no indications or facts pointing to a terror attack or act of sabotage. All 92 onboard the plane are believed to have died when it crashed two minutes after taking off en route to syria. Israel is doubling down on their pub lilic feud with the oa administration saying they have ironclad information proving washingtons role, declaring israeli settlements illegal. Correspondent john huddy reports the outrage from jerusalem. Reporter the fight between israel and the United States over last weeks u. N. Vote is heating up. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned the u. S. Ambassador and according to one official ordered all Israeli Cabinet ministers to refrain from traveling to or meeting with officials of the country that voted in favor of the antiisraeli resolution. Israeli officials continue to say they have evidence the Obama Administration orchestrated and crafted the resolution. At todays briefing, state Department Deputy spokesman toner tried to deflect the blame. Did not take the lead in drafting this resolution. That was done by the egyptians with the palestinians. Reporter the are resolution passed 140 with the u. S. Abstaining breaking the longheld tradition of the u. S. Shielding israel at the u. N. It demands israel, cease all settlement activities in the occupied palestinian territory including East Jerusalem and the settlements have no legal validity. Prime minister netanyahu called it a shameful ambush against israel by the Obama Administration. But tried to find a silver lining. Im encouraged by the statements of our friends in the United States, republicans and democrats, alike. They understand how reckless and destructive this u. N. Resolution was. Reporter yesterday the Prime Minister tweeted this. The nations of the world respect strong countries that stand up for themselves and do not respect weak countries that bow their heads. But theres concern that if israel doesnt tread lightly, there could be another resolution before president obama leaves office. Thats even more binding than the one voted on friday. A senior israeli official told me tonight that he has information the u. S. May try to propose another resolution in the coming weeks, preempting Israeli Palestinian negotiations. That said, secretary of state john kerry is expected to make remarks tomorrow about his vision for the future of Israeli Palestinian negotiations. A speech that israeli leaders will be closely watching. Doug . Thank you, john. President obama has repeatedly said that he will do what he can using a pen and a phone. Incoming President Trump may only need his phone. And 140 characters or less. Correspondent peter doocy is in West Palm Beach, florida, reporting on the soon to be tweeter in chief. Reporter the president elect plans to keep sounding off even after his swearing in. President realdonald trump will not give up his platform to reach world citizens and World Leaders and the person who will have to explain what the next president did or didnt mean with his tweets says its exciting. He has this direct pipeline to the American People where he can talk back and forth to 17 Million People on twitter. Reporter that means mr. Trump will still have a way to defend himself like with this post. I gave millions of dollars to djt foundation, raised or received millions more, all of which is given to charity and media wont report. It means mr. Trump will also have a way to go on offense when he wants to like he did after american diplomats ignored his advice and let an antiisrael resolution pass. It said the United Nations has Great Potential but its a club for people to get together, talk and have a good time. So sad. That comes as prominent conservatives like House Speaker paul ryan, texas senator ted cruz and arizona senator john mccain are calling for the incoming president to strip funding from an agency whose foreign policies, they say, conflict with American Foreign policy and were talking about a lot of money. The u. S. Has about 3 billion tied up in u. N. Activities every year, 2. 3 billion for peace keeping, a quarter of the total u. N. Peace keeping budget and 600 million toward the United Nations staff and infrastructure. 22 of that budget. This morning, one trump ally suggested getting rid of the skyscraper that houses the United Nations headquarters on manhattans east side. We ought to get jackhammers and jackhammer the whole thing off, float it into the east river, ask anybody who would like to host it to come pick it up. Haul it off. And it will be a lot easier to park in manhattan after we get rid of it. Reporter this afternoon, as authorities in new york worked to clear trump tower, because of a suspicious package, the president elect tweeted from here at maralago, president obama campaigned hard and personally in the very important swing states and lost. The voters wanted to make America Great again. That is the latest president elect pushback against president obamas claim that he could have won a third term in november except, of course, for the fact that president obama never could have run in november because hes term limited. Doug . Indeed, he is. Peter doocy in West Palm Beach tonight. Thank you, peter. President elect trumps cabinet may be almost full with only the secretaries of agriculture and Veterans Affairs remaining to be nominated. As well as the cabinetlevel position of u. S. Trade representative. Nominations are only half the battle. The senate still gets to have its say through the confirmation process. Chief Political Correspondent carl cameron tells us what to expect. Reporter while democrats plan to grill and oppose most of the president elects cabinet nominees, republicans control the majority and have few complaints. All in all, trump is going to get virtually everyone that he nominates. Its possible that hell have to withdraw one or two because of problems that emerge. Reporter mr. Trump has tapped five members of congress for his cabinet. First up for confirmation, alabama senator Jeff Sessions for attorney general who with the expressed support of Senate Democrat joe manchin of West Virginia appears poised to kick off the confirmation professice with a bipartisan approval. Trumps pick for secretary of health and Human Services is Georgia Republican congressman john price, an orthopedic surgeon. Despite their opposition, all the nominees may be confirmed. There isnt really that much they can do. Other than do a lot of angry yelling. Reporter Rex Tillerson for secretary of state may be most contentious. The ceo of exxonmobil has done business with World Leaders including russian president vladimir putin. Some gop hawks have so far not committed to support tillerson, til they better understand that relationship. Tillerson disagrees with trump on Climate Change and believes its real. James mattis who retired three years ago has fans in both parties. Because the law requires military men to have been retired seven years before serving as civilian defense secretary, he needs a congressional waiver. For secretary of transportation, elaine chao is a near shooin. And is the wife of Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell. Former Texas Governor rick perry famously vowed to abolish the agency. Lakewi likewise, Oklahoma Attorney general scott pruitt has been a leading critic, and halt increased use of ethanol which trump supports. Those committed to serve the Trump Administration, six multimillionaires including Steve Mnuchin, and including wilbur ross for secretary. Of course, the president elect has his own business con flinfl of interest to sort out, promises to explain how he plans to do that before hes inaugurated in 24 days. The dow was up 11 finishes 55 points short of the 20,000point mark today. The s p 500 rose 5. The nasdaq jumped 25. Shopping malls can get crowded and crazy this time of year, but this year some turned violent in the midst of postchristmas shopping. Correspondent rob schmidt reports that some of the brawls around the country may not have been spontaneous. Reporter it was mayhem the day after christmas as fists flew at a mall in ft. Worth, texas, the teenage brawl captured on cell phone video. Local Police Arrived after calls of gunfire, finding a number of fights instead. Officers so s seen here trying jump in and stop this melee before anyone was seriously hurt. Malls all over the country looked like this yesterday though there appears to be no connection. This video recorded near cleveland, ohio, shows more of the same. Teens all meeting at their local mall and a fight erupting. Pushing, shoving, punching and running, sending shoppers fleeing for the exits. I seen a girl get trumbled over. It was scary. It was really scary for real. Reporter at this mall in elizabeth, new jersey, a chair crashing down on the floor sounded enough like gunfire to cause a panic. The small fight erupted at which time someone slammed a chair down, causing a loud noise. Another patron yelled, shots fired, or gun. At that time, pandemonium happened. Reporter around eight people were hurt there. People screaming shots fired at a mall on new yorks long island caused panic as well. The Fox Valley Mall in aurora, illinois, was evacuated after fights broke out in a crowd of about a thousand people. A Police Sergeant was punched in the face. Eight juveniles have been charged. At least two of these fights may have been coordinated owenli ed including this one in aurora, california, at the town center mall, after around 500 teens met at the food court. Trying to take control, one Police Officer said he was surrounded by an unruly crowd and thats when the decision was made to shut down and evacuate the mall. There were five arrests. No customers or officers were hurt. After receiving reports of possible flash mobs, Police Responded to two different malls in memphis, tennessee. Many Shopping Centers were packed yesterday as many other stores were closed for the official weekday observance of christmas. Doug . Rob schmidt in new york tonight. Thank you, rob. Football, a part of the Holiday Season as much as food and shopping. But as the College Bowl Season approaches, the big new years weekend, some schools are fighting off negative press. Correspondent mike tobin reports from chicago. Reporter with multimillion dollar payouts and National Prestige on the line, critics charge the pressure to cover up a dark side of College Sports is running away from us. If were not really concerned about whos on the field and what theyve done to other students and what that says about the culture role, participating in it, i think theres a concern there. Reporter star running back scheduled to take the field when oklahoma plays in the sugar bowl. He served a oneyear suspension for bashing a woman in the face breaking four bones. That was before the video got out and the public saw the violent reality of that assault. The coach who once supported him changed his tune. It was, you knows, significant penalty and discipline. 2 1 2 years later, its fair to say, it isnt enough. Reporter Ten University of minnesota players were suspended for sexual contact with one woman who told investigators she attempted to refuse some of their advances. Police did not charge but the players were still suspended for violating the University Code of conduct. When the rest of the team boycotted in support of their teammates, the coach backed them. Tracy clays tweeted, have never been more proud of our kids. I respect their rights and support their effort to make a better world. Now some 400 teachers and parented signed a petition calling for clays to be fired. The petition reading in part, tracy claeys tweet fails to acknowledge the tragic historic mistreatment of women, demonstrating hes not an appropriate or effective leader for young people. I dont have time to worry about my job. I love working with the kids and thats my responsibility to make sure theyre prepared. Reporter attorney andrew miltonburg says there is an emotional component to what is happening here. Theres a tremendous amount of Political Correctness running through the University System with respect to sexual misconduct. And oftentimes athletes are being treated much worse. Reporter it should be noted the county attorney is taking another look at the minnesota case with consideration for criminal charges. Doug, back to you. Mike tobin in chicago tonight. Thank you, mike. Coming up next, how the u. S. Health care system is going to change under a president obama. First heres what some of our fox affiliates around the country are covering tonight. Fox 6 in birmingham, ab ablabam preparing to commission the u. S. S. Gabrielle giffords, completed testing in the gulf of mexico. When choosing the name the navy cited giffords perseverance after being shot in the head in an assassination attempt in 2011. Fox 11 in los angeles, actress carrie fisher, enduring fame as Princess Leia in the star wars universe died at the age of 60. Fisher was admitted to the hospital on friday after suffering a medical emergency on board a flight to l. A. Besides her accolades in a galaxy far, far away, fisher was in an accomplished author who detail ld hde tai tailed her addiction and Mental Illness in several bestselling books. A big story in tampa tonight, florida lawmakers making a push for stronger laws punishing texting while driving. Right now authorities must stop drivers for another violation to issue a ticket for texting and driving. Several bills are moving on a state level to make it a primary offense in the sunshine state. Thats tonights live look outside the beltway from special report. Well be right back. Health care was a key issue for candidate donald trump, and it is set to be at the top of the agenda for President Trump. Starting in january. Correspondent rich edson examines what a health care fight on capitol hill could really mean. Good evening, rich. Reporter good evening, doug. It has been republicans congressional priority for years, vote to repeal obamacare. And the next time they pass a repeal bill, theyll have a president who says he will actually sign it into law. Leading to the second overhaul of the American Health care system in less than a decade. Whats your name, maam . Reporter chris runs an Internet Marketing business from his home in northern virginia. He, his wife, jina, and children, sawyer and scarlett, have obamacare insurance. They bought a midlevel silver plan on healthcare. Gov and receive a subsidy. They say some of the related costs are too high and the system has been inefficient. My biggest thing is it just comes down to cost. My, you know, when it comes to business and family, i dont really care about politics. The tax credit is not compensating for the increase of the premiums going up, so the tax credit is really not helping us out in terms of lowering the cost. Reporter and their Health Insurance may soon change. Dramatically. Hey, look, we need to get obamacare relief to families as fast as possible. Reporter as republicans move to replace obamacare, they must decide whether or how to prevent millions from losing that insurance while they draft its replacement. Republicans in the congress are not going to vote take Health Insurance away from 20 Million People. So no matter how much they talk about abolishing obamacare, theyre going to need a replacement. Reporter they would still need to agree on how to pay for these insurance credits, whether to keep or repeal obamacares taxing and spending cuts, how much to give states to insure their sickest payments, whether to scrap all obamacare insurance reforms. Its going to be hard to get to the finish line, settle on a single play. They have to decide what kinds of subsidies they want in the individual market for Small Businesses, decide what do they want for the equivalent of the cadillac tax or not have anything like that at all . What will be the insurance rules, how they handle preexisting conditions . Reporter obamacare covered 20 Million People, features popular provisions, allowing young adults to stay on their parents Insurance Plans until age 26, prohibits Insurance Companies from denying coverage and charging more money for previous illnesses. Days after donald trump won the president ial election, the wall street journal folk to him and reported, he favors keeping the prohibition against insurers denying coverage because of a patients existing conditions. And a provision that allows parents to provide years of additional coverage for children on their insurance policies. Of those he told the paper, i like those very much. Its a lengthy list of questions whose answer will have substantial consequences for American Families and Small Businesses. Bottom line, i mean, Small Businesses are run by people that have families, and when you have a lower cost of business, youre going to be more likely to hire people. When i see my costs going up, and then im thinking that in six months from now, my costs are going to be going up further, it makes me a little scared to hire somebody to help me out. Reporter uncertainty about whether a republican plan will be better than what they have now. The Obama Administration says nearly nearly 6. 5 million signed up for obamacare coverage next year. An improvement, though, potentially insignificant in the long term, as Insurance Companies and their customers look ahead to what republicans will create. Doug . Thank you, rich. Donald trump may want to repeal and replace, but what does that really mean, where does that leave the u. S. Health care system . Joining us from massachusetts is jonathan gruber, economics professor at m. I. T. , one of the ashlgt architects of obamacare. From baton rouge, louisiana, bill cassidy who serves on the health, education, labor and pensions committee. Gentle he gentlemen, thanks for joining us tonight. Happy new year to you both. Good to be here. Doug. Professor gruber, lets start with you. I know you do not want to relitigate the past, all the controversies associated with obamacare. You leave the law is working precisely as it was intended to do, correct . I believe the law is working well. Any law could be working better. I think the fundamental goals of covering the uninsured, covered 20 million uninsured, ending discrimination in insurance markets, not allowing insurers to discriminate against the sick and ultimately moving toward cost control, where the costs of employersponsored insurance, what most americans have, is 3,600 below where it was projected to be at this point. Could it be better . Lots of laws could be improved. Yeah. Is it worth ripping it all up . Not at all. Right. You mentioned on cnn last october some changes youd like to see. Im quoting you, i wish the mandate penalty was stronger. I wish the federal government had done more to get states to expand their medicaid programs. What do you mean by you want the mandates stronger . What do you mean by that precisely . Well, basically any Insurance Plan, the Way Insurance works is people pay in when theyre healthy and benefit when theyre sick. The only way to make that work is to make sure that everyones in when theyre healthy so the money is there when they get sick to pay out. If you have a system which does not insurance the health youre in, insurers will kick the sick out and not provide them insurance. Theres no alternative to that but to have individual mandate to make sure the healthy any alternative which gets rid of the mandate cannot prevent the discrimination against the sick which is really popular among american citizens. Senator cassidy, you want to respond . First, for all speaking about the wonderful things about obamacare, for eight years the American Voter has been consistently voting against politicians who support obamacare. Culminating in the election of President Trump. And it begs the question why. If its so wonderful, why do the voters vote against it . Because the voters are sick of people in washington, d. C. , telling them how to live their lives. They just are. They think this gives way too much power to washington, taking it away from the individual and from her family, and from the state. As regards, how do you cover other people, the republican plan isnt the mandate with a penalty, it is that you give states the option that those eligible would be enrolled unless they choose not to be. When people turn 65, they go on to medicare. They dont say oh my gosh, theres a mandate on medicare, they say, im enrolled in medicare. The republican alternative would say, hmm, states, you can decide if someones eligible that they would be enrolled unless they choose not to be. You make it really easy to get out, but otherwise youre enrolled. That way you restore the law of big numbers. All those young, Healthy People are actually in, to help spread out the cost of those very expensive illnesses. What were hearing from mr. Trump, senator cassidy, is few and far between, very sparse in terms of details, not exactly what were hearing from the house or the senate about repealing and replacing. What precisely is the timeframe for repealing and replacing . What precisely do you replace it with at this point . To that point, arent you kind of boxed in by obamacare as professor gruber would say . Youve got 20 newly insured people. How do you get rid of that . First, first, i think we know the president elects instincts, its for marketbased reforms. Thats number one. Number two, im a physician. Ive been working for 30 years in a hospital for the uninsured. And so i take as a person as i look at, that woman, she voted for trump, she hates obamacare but shes got a breast lump and she needs to make sure in this transition, her breast lump, her cancer, is cared for. As long as we keep her as the prism through which we examine this problem, i think well do okay. What can we do to help her but to transition to something more market oriented . I believe in Price Transparency. If shes going it get a ct scan ordered of her breast, then she should know the cost of that ct scan before she has it done to allow her to comparison shop. If you introduce that, you actually lower costs. You give her the power. She has the power of choosing based on quality and cost. And in so doing, you expand her ability to influence her care much more so than obamacare did. Professor gruber, he makes a good point about this choice. Something which seems to be neglected in obamacare. You know, im afraid the senators providing the same garbage salad of empty talking points weve heard from republicans for years. Lets just take one simple example, Price Transparency. There have been dozen studies of Price Transparency, credible, scientific studies. Not a single study has found Price Transparency lowers costs or improves health care quality. Could it . Sure. It could. Many things could be true. Once again, the question republicans is, wheres the fire . We have a law that is working, providing Insurance Coverage for 20 Million People. They want to take it away without a credible alternative. They have no alternative. They have no proposal that has been vetted by the Congressional Budget Office and scored. Senator . Go ahead. Well, yeah, its not been scored but ive actually introduced two pieces of legislation that would address this and the studies looking at Price Transparency looked at 50,000 operations. If you look at that which is most apparent, Plastic Surgery and lasik surgery, where theres Price Transparency, people advertise on bulletin boards, excuse me, on street signs. Those have actually decreased in costs over the last ten years. So where you make it immediate, where you make it where the person understands, give the power to the patient, obamacare took power from her. Republicans think she should have the power. I dont know why theres such resistance on the left to that. It would give the patients the power, good things happen. In my practice, i see it in life. Professor gruber, you often make the point, many on your side of this debate make the point you got these 20 million newly insured. You never delve into the quality of the care theyre getting or they might get and usa today reported on may 4th of 2015, little over a year ago, im quoting here, three quarters of Emergency Physicians say theyve seen e. R. Patient visits surge since obamacare took effect. Just the opposite of what many expected would happen. Why are people still going to the emergency room when theyve got this comprehensive care that youre touting . Well, first of all, we actually remember with obamacare, weve run the experiment once, ran it in massachusetts. Got a fiveyear head start in studies what happened. What happened in massachusetts, emergency room visits did go up because people suddenly had more access to the system. Over a few years as people got used to having insurance, they went down. The same things going to happen nationally and the main thing to understand is that if you look at the quality of insurance that people have in the market, before obamacare, you could, for example, have insurance policy which said well cover your first 10,000, after that youre on your own. Thats not insurance. Obamacare ended that. Okay, even many republicans have said, well, they like ending that. They like moving to real insurance. The point is, how do we move to real insurance . How do we bring the sick into the system without having the healthy in the system . Theres no evidence that purely marketbased policies are going to work. Look, im an economist. Im for marketbased solutions. The problems, when theres evidence, it works. No evidence that work here. Senator cassidy, ill let you respond to the last word. Its amusing to hear him criticize policies with 10,000 deductibles. Bronze level of policy has a 6,000 deductible. Thats an Insurance Plan that works. A friend of mine, no one believes me so i put it on my facebook page, he got his quote, he and his wife, 61, 62, their policy is 39,000 a year and they have 6,000 deductibles. Now, if this is a policy that works, id hate to see one that does not. We, indeed, actually do know things that lower costs. Health savings accounts have improved. The Academic Studies that when someone has a Health Savings account, she becomes activated. More aware of cost. If you combine that with her actually having the ability to know the cost, she receives the care she needs, but at a lower cost to both her and to society. Gentlemen, this is a research, the professor is a little bit wrong on that. Gentlemen, this is a conversation and a debate which is going to escalate in the coming months. Well with heari inbe hearing f you i have no doubt. Thanks to both of you. I appreciate your time. Coming up next the allstar panel joins me in the studio to break down the Foreign Policy hotspots and how things could be different under a president theres a lot of back and forth about the language of the resolution, but the fact is this is an extraordinarily radical step by an outgoing american president intended to box in his successor. You know, im a bit i wouldnt say surprised, disappointed in the volume of the reaction because i think it fails to acknowledge the totality of this president s record and, frankly, the fact that weve had a disagreement on this issue related to settlements for years. This is not new. Still resonating across the world today, the Obama Administrations decision last friday to abstain from a vote in the u. N. Security council, a vote that condemned israel for its settlements in the west bank and elsewhere. The importance of this, regardless of whatever the Trump Administration does unilaterally, is that it has now become, in effect, international law, a condemnation of the one democracy in the middle east. E now. Fortune magazines nina easton. Matt schlapp, contributor with the hill. A. B. Stoddard at real clear politics. And charles krauthammer. You said the United Nations should be emblazoned with the trump logo and sold as condos in the aftermath of this. What else do you say . Id also collect the parking tickets of all the u. N. Ambassad ambassadors. Thats the problem. That would close the budget deficit in washington. This is a blow against israel, will have a hard time recovering. The Trump Administration cannot do it because it requires Security Council action. And that you cant get without the chinese and the russians who will never undo it. The fact is that americans have to really think about why we still invest, support, in a sense, psychically invest in the u. U. N. Which was a great idea 70 years ago when it was an idea. Its a complete failure and a farce. 60 of its activity is devoted to reports, attacks, demonization of one state, the one jewish state on the planet, a dot on the map. For example, you hear about the world health organization. It corrupts everything it touches. Talking about the israel causing a Health Crisis within its territories. This isnt a time when the russians are dropping bombs on pediatric hospitals in syria. Where children there were dying. For lack of medicine, lack of food. Theyre obsessed with israel. This is really a time, were going to have a lot of disruptions, a lot of rethinking of our relationships. The way we are, for example, with taiwan and china. Time to rethink our devotion, slavish devotion, to an institution that devotes itself to attacking an ally and to undermining american interests. And a. B. , this points out what charles just said, presumed power of donald trump to change this. We cannot undo this resolution, i dont think we can. Does he have power to do that with the sheer power of his influence . As charles points out, the power is to swing influence and opinion against the u. N. Thats building in the congress and that seems to have resonance. The problem is that we dont know what obama still has left to do, so as you see the israelis try to collect this evidence theyre going to show to trump to prove that obama both produced and provoked this resolution, this is going to be an ongoing story as we have one president at a time, but its a story that trump will relish being involved in. Again, its not that he can undo it and get a result, but it is definitely a threat to the u. N. Over the long term. Matt . Doug, why do you want to be our friend . Why would anybody want to be americas friend when this is how we treat our strongest allies . You have a president whos gone around the globe apologizing to everyone, including apologizing and reaching out his hand to the castro brothers and to the mullahs in iran and sets a terrible example to the authoritarian leaders across the globe and look at how we treat our friends. The most disgusting part of this, this is happening at the tail end of the Obama Administration where basically his third term was denied and he ought to do the right thing for the country, which is that kind of just manage everything until the new president gets inaugurated and allow the next president to try to build important relationships across the globe. And obamas doing everything he can to bind president elect trumps hands and its wrong. Last word on this before we move to other Foreign Policy issues. In some way it was a gift to the president elect, it gives him an opportunity to cement and show his support for israel, a. Bs, the whole question of do we support too much this give too much Financial Support to this institution that is often a forum for attacks on western countries, such as ours, who are funding it, thats something thats been going on for years and i think this helps to crystalize Donald Trumps argument about not just the u. N. But other international institutions. Are we carrying too much of a load . Particularly with the u. N. , where, again, it does do a lot of good, a lot of peacekeeping efforts and so forth, but it does tend toward being this forum for antiwestern rhetoric. In other Foreign Policy news today, just a short while ago, Prime Minister abe of japan wrapped up his visit to pearl harbor, this following seven months ago the visit president obama made to the hiroshima memorial in japan. It, again, draws attention to this absolutely key relationship the United States has at a time of unrest in the south asian sea there, the asia pacific region. Heres gordon chang speaking about the importance of this relationship. At this moment, it looks like that u. S. japan relations will continue to be strong under the trump presidency. There are a lot of important forces that drive these two countries together. They have common interests. They have common values. And they are threatened by a country that has challenged both tokyo and washington and that, of course, is china. And i think that will be an important element of the glue that keeps these two nations marching forward together. Charles, japan was always included in trumps remarks in the campaign about engaging in unfair trading practices. Weve got to be very careful to look at the japanese u. S. Relationship, purely through an economic lens, purely as a matter of trade. Its a terrible mistake. One of the miraculous successes of u. S. Foreign policy since the Second World War was the befriending of two terrible enemies, germany and japan, to the point where theyre our strongest allies in that region. And we did that through incredible statesmanship, truman, eisenhower and others, of course, and that is something that we have to be very careful about. If we want to talk about the balance of who pays for what, the japanese actually pay for quite a lot of our soldiers of that cost, i think its more than half of soldiers in okinawa which causes a lot of japanese nationalist resentment against the u. S. I would tread carefully on there on that. This is a region where china is a rising threat. Just yesterday, it sent its first Aircraft Carrier into the south china sea. It came near taiwan. Theres a lot of trouble. I think this administration, the first four years of this administration, china is likely to be our biggest crisis threat and were going to need all the allies we can. We have no stronger ally in the region than japan. Out of time for this segment, but coming up next, the complicated cases for many of president elect trumps cabinet picks. That when we return. Process of putting together one of the great cabinets, certainly a cabinet with the highest i. Q. That anybody has ever i mean, these these are seriously great people. Every one of these nominees, particularly a guy like tillerson, needs a thorough, thorough hearing. The one thing we will insist on as democrats is it not be just a quick, you know, five minutes to each person in one day. Well, the new congress convenes next week. January 3rd. Then the week after that, the first of the confirmation hearings gets under way on january 10th and 11th with the Senate Judiciary committee taking up the case of senator Jeff Sessions. Lets take a look at the cabinet posts that have already been filled now. Only two vacancies remain. Agriculture and veterans affair. Then looking at the list of billionaires on the cabinet picks thus far. Look at them all. Four of them all. If youre not a billionaire, youre at least a millionaire in the trump cabinet. Here is the list of millionaires. So what problems does this amount of wealth pose in the conf confirmation hearings . Gives democrats an ton opportunity to make a lot of noise. Treasury secretary nominee Steve Mnuchin took over indie mack bank and will be accused by Elizabeth Warren and allies of foreclosing on 36,000 families in california, alone, for example. Well hear a lot about that. Well hear a lot of noise about the labor secretary from unions in particular, do not like him. However, the end of the day, it becomes a numbers game. I mean, you really need because of the action by the democrats, you only need a majority now. So you just need to hold your republican ranks together and i think the problem, the person with the problem there is Rex Tillerson because hes got that one, just one person, one extra republican in the committee, Senate Foreign Relations Committee and some republicans have expressed concern about his relations with putin. So, you know, you really have to look at republicans less than how much noise the democrats are going to make. Matt, mr. Trump is going to get a hard lesson in the speed of government here. Only because of the wealth associated, there are so many forms to fill out. Look, Jeff Sessions that i think will be fine. But at the end of the day, someone like Rex Tillerson, who not only has this vetting question, but he also has real concerns on the right. He is for carbon tax. Seems to be okay with the idea of Climate Change. Theres questions about his positions on social issues which are important to the base of the party. And then there is just this basic question of, you know, what is his Foreign Policy philosophy . Its a lot of fronts to have opened up against you. A. B. . Yeah. I think nina is right. I think we will hear a lot of protests from the democrats. But, in the end, they have among their ranks senators who are going to come out and vote with the republicans. On many of these picks. They are just going to pick their battles and maybe oppose one or two. If you are up in cycle in 2018, its just too risky to do more than one no vote. So they will do their opposition research. They will try to embarrass the nominees. They will have sort of big shows at the hearings but in the end, i dont think they are going to cause a loss for any of these nominees. I would say so though that their right to demand scrutiny of people like Rex Tillerson. The fact that senator bob corker the chairman of the committee has not required him yet has not asked for his tax returns, when he has all this foreign business with foreign governments is absolutely ludicrous. This has been demanded of someone coming in as secretary of state in other administrations, democrat or republican. And there is no reason that Rex Tillerson should be able to get away with being vetted without those. There is only so much democrats can do here, given the fact that this partial Nuclear Option remains in effect. Simple majority vote to confirm all of them. Thats why we should all thank god for harry reid. [ laughter ] thats going too far. No, its the only time i will ever say it but its true. I mean, and he was warned at the time in 2013 the pendulum will swing. You have abolished the filibuster, i think in the end its going to end up being used for the Supreme Court as well. I dont think that trump and his people are going to allow the filibuster to prevent their nominee for the Supreme Court. Thats essentially the big mandate that trump has. And theyre not going to squander it. And i think its probably a good idea as a matter of policy. But none the less, it was a kind of vindictiveness on the part of reid and the democrats deserve the blow back. I agree with a. B. I think what the democrats ought to do, you pick one or two nominees. Maybe pryce at hhs where you have a fight on obama care, pruitt on epa because then you have a fight on carbon. The democrats will try to turn it into a religious test. Believer in Global Warming . Thats not the issue. Are you a believer in the constitution where the e. P. A. Should administer the law and not make it that would be a fight that republicans, i think, should welcome and would win. A. B. , you spend a lot of time up on the hill. And you know that Mitch Mcconnell is respects tradition. And Senate Tradition very, very much. Is there any scenario under which he would impose the full Nuclear Option for Supreme Court justices . He doesnt want to talk about that now. And thats interesting that charles says that trump and his people are not going to allow a 60 vote requirement. We just dont know he stunt actually have a mandate. So we dont know. They dont have a really strong majority. They might in desperation because they dont have the numbers. Go with the Nuclear Option on Supreme Court picks. But, they would probably roux the day one day as well. I dont know how much trump is going to face from leaders like mcconnell who already said to trump the way he has spoken about our intelligence officials, you know, the russians are not our friends. Mcconnell has already pushed back on trump. I expect him to continue to. So we just have no idea where that debate is going to go. Matt, one thing we can say about all the cabinet picks or we can guestimate i should say, that they will all have tremendouslyway in how they rupp their respective departments or agencies. Because trump really have evolving, at least at this point into the tweeter in chief and this is how he delegates authority. I think, look, this is a very big philosophical question. Do they centralize power over policy questions in west wing which the last two president s have done or allow cabinet secretaries to rolroll with it. I was thinking that the cabinet secretaries would have more atoni. After i see all the advisors coming into the west wing i doubt that will happen. 20 seconds, nina. There is a long of personalities with strong positions like betsy devos at the education department. Think are coming in who are going to have an agenda particularly betsy devos on school choice. I think you will see active, visible cabinet secretaries. Thats it for the panel. But were going to go granny style when we return. A basketball throw back story next on special report. And finally tonight. Houston rocket star player aku is going retro. Watch the rookie debut his granny frey free throw style against the phoenix suns last night. Astros look like they are going to have a very good year coming up. I hope. So there it is. Underhanded. Oh, he makes it. This young man was shooting terribly from the freethrow line in louisville. He switched to underhanded after his freshman year. And he has gone from a bad free throw shooter to an excellent free throw shooter. You just dont see young kids doing this anymore but he can make them. He has a 2 for 2. And there it is. Bonus points to whichever one of our panelists who can name the nba star who did that originally. I cant think of it. It drives me crazy. Wilt chamberlain . No. Rick berry, the San Francisco warriors. The then San Francisco warriors. Thanks for watching us tonight and inviting us into your home. Thats it for special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. Tucker carlson tonight with ed henry guest hosting right now. Good morning. You are watching fox friends first. It is brand new year soon. Thank you so much for starting your day with us. Laerts get start to the top story. Israel bracing for another potential clash with the Obama Administration. Hours from now secretary of state john kerry set to as tensions reach fever pitch. Good morning kristin. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is concerned with what secretary of state kerry is going to say today. He feels it is his duty to outline his path for peace in the milled east. Two state solution between the israelis and palestinians. This is taking place days

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