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Making their feelings clear. And a fullthroated apology to try to cut off the growing dnc email scandal. Welcome to the Wells Fargo Center in philadelphia, site of this weeks Democratic National convention. Im bret baier and this is special report. Right now, Campaign Workers for Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton are trying to hand off what they fear will be a massive floor protest by sanders supporters. That includes a sanders text begging his delegates to behave. And an apology to sanders and his people from Party Leaders for hacked emails showing what appears to be a conspiracy to tear down his candidacy and give Hillary Clinton every possible advantage in the primary season. Add to that the party chair, the leader of the pack. Shes been sent packing and prevented from gavel thing convention to order to avoid boos and jeers and what one senior dnc officialed called a defining moment in one shot. We begin with mike emanuel, an incredible rocky start to this convention in the city that made rocky famous. Reporter there are signs the Bernie Sanders movement may have outgrown the man, with sanders trying to get his supporters to support party unity, even though Debbie Wasserman schultz resigned yesterday, she was still supposed to gavel this into session about 90 minutes ago. After a rough reception from her home state delegates, Wasserman Schultz backed off. Florida is the most significant battleground state that will make sure Hillary Clinton is the next president of the United States of america. [ crowd booing ] reporter for the Opening Night of the convention, the democrats are rolling out some of their biggest names. Corey booker, first Lady Michelle obama, massachusetts senator Elizabeth Warren and senator Bernie Sanders, who took the podium late this afternoon. Senator sanders is going to be closing us out tonight. Hes going to be talking about how we are stronger together when we join forces as a party to take on the rigged system and get this economy working for everyone. Hel no, dnc, we wont ill noe for hillary. Weve got to elect Hillary Clinton and tim kaine. [ crowd booing ] brothers and sisters this is this is the real world that we live in. Reporter and the interim chair of the dnc reiterated to latinos she wants to make amends. I apologize on behalf of the Democratic National committee for the senseless emails that have come out as a result of a security breach. Reporter clintons focus today was on Battle Ground North Carolina, and selling her qualifications to being president. The person who decides questions of war and peace, life and death. Reporter she addressed the vfw convention and talked about the election deciding the next commander in chief, and took this swipe at donald trump. I dont understand people who trash talk about america, who talk about us as being in decline, who act as though we are not yet the greatest country that has ever been created on the face of the earth for all of history. Reporter election statistician nate silver predicted if the election were held today, donald trump would have a 54. 5 chance of winning the white house, including winning florida, pennsylvania, ohio, North Carolina, iowa, nevada, and new hampshire. Clinton aides say dont judge the polls until after this week in philadelphia. Well, my friends, ill tell you, were going to have a very different kind of convention than they had last week. Reporter a great deal is on the line with the sanders speech tonight, with Many Democrats hopeful he can deliver a turning point address that seems to be a high bar. Were still hearing plenty of boos out here. But hes going try to get his supporters on board. Mike emanuel with a no tpp sign over his shoulder. Lets get more what were learning about the email hacking and the investigation into it. Heres james rosen. Reporter with wikileaks publication of 19,000 internal dnc emails very already toppled the partys chair on the eve of the Democratic National convention, the fbi announced its agents are working to determine the nature and scope of the intrusion. We need to let the fbi do their work before we try to inform any conclusions about what happened and what the motivation was behind it. Reporter Law Enforcement sources confirm that the emails could be traced into two intruces first reported in june and believed to be the work of two russian intelligence units, leading Hillary Clintons campaign manage tore speculate that the kremlin orchestrated the affair to sabotage the former secretary of state. Further experts are saying that because they possessed those emails, that russian state actors were feeding the emails to hackers for the purpose of helping donald trump. Reporter Clintons Campaign chairman was less willing to make that leap. I think that we dont have information right now about that. Reporter the white house reportedly convened a high level meeting on the dnc hacking late last week, just hours before wikileaks posted the documents. Today, the president s spokesman declined to comment on the providence or the contents of the emails. Im not aware that this particular incident or the reports of this particular incident have been the subject of conversation between president obama and president putin. Reporter its not the first time the Clinton Campaign has seen a conspiracy at work against the presumptive nominee. In january, brian fallon accused the Inspector General of collu ding with republicans. Nor is the last document dump expected from wikileaks. Theres very strong material. Reporter and just nine days after Julian Assange issued that threat, bloomberg reported that Russian Hackers had also penetrated into the email systems of the clinton foundation. Where this is all going, what its iffing to meet for this democratic ticket and the general election is all very much up in the air. Anybody who tells you they know what its going to mean probably belongs back in the ussr, bret. James, thank you. Now to the republicans. Donald trump is laughing right now at democrats who made fun of his convention as fractured. Hes also dismissing as a joke the Clinton Campaign assertion that russia is leaking dnc emails to help him. Carl cameron is in winston salem, North Carolina ahead of the big rally there tonight. Reporter in the first big rally since the Republican Convention it turned out that webby fla debbie flamed out and shes gone. Whether you like it or not, she worked very hard to rig the system so that its true, right . Reporter the Clinton Campaign maintains the dnc was hacked because the russians want trump elected. Trump cast clinton saying she knew everything that her servant was doing at the dnc. They just got caught, thats all. They laughed at bernie. The hackers also stole dnc research on trump Campaign Chairman paul manafort. Obviously we dont know who is behind the seeks. I do know one thing, the leaks put the dnc at risk. But the leaks of hacking mrs. Clintons server sitting unprotected in her home certainly created a greater risk than what the rnc leak did. Reporter amid the chaos at the Democratic National convention, trump took a Double Barrel shot at the ticket. Shes got bad judgment when it came to picking a Vice President ial candidate for that side of the party. People dont even like the guy. Reporter trump amped up the putdowns. Why did hillary get rid of her middle name . Huh . Hillary, why did she got rid of it. Hillary rotten clinton, right . Maybe thats why. Its too close. Reporter too new polls suggest trump may have gotten a small bounce. Cnn has trump at 4845 over clinton. She trailed by seven in their last poll before cleveland. A cbs poll has them tied at 4242. They were tied at 4040 before the convention. Pollsters caution to wait for after filly for an overall snapshot. Earlier today in roanoke, trump was incredibly irritated at the Facilities Management where he held the rally, because he felt they hadnt adequately air conditioned the place, even threatening not to pay them. Something hes been known to do for decades in business when contractors or vendors did what he considered to be insufficient work. Bret . Carl cameron live in winston say legal. Carl, thank you. This is a fox news alert. At least 15 people are reported dead in a knife attack outside tok tokyo. Dozens are said to be injured. Again, 15 dead. Police say the suspect told them he was a former employee. Officials in florida say a shooting at a nightclub appears to be gang related and not terrorism. At least 17 people were hurt, two killed. Three suspects are now in custody. President obama is facing new questions tonight about the wisdom of his immigration policy, specifically welcoming Syrian Refugees into this country amid a rash of attacks by refugees in germany. Kevin corke has that story from the white house. Reporter the late nest a strange of attacks in germany carried out by refugees. Sundays bombing perpetrated by a 27yearold syrian who had been denied asylum in the country a year ago. Hours earlier, another refugee killed a coworker and injured two others in a knife attack. Those incidents coming after a week after a knife attack. The Obama Administration continues to admit Syrian Refugees at an accelerated pace. More than 1500 refugees have been admitted since the beginning of july. And a total of more than 6900 since last october, according to the state departments refugee processing center. Almost every Single Person being considered for Refugee Status is seen violence in their country. The United States has a responsibility to step up and respond to the call. Extreme vetting, tough word. Extreme vetting. Reporter donald trump says whats happening in germany could happen here. And if elected, he intends to stop it. If a person cant prove what they have to prove, theyre not coming in. One word describes this, invasion. Theyre here in the United States, and theres going to be a slow, methodical attack on all the western countries. Unless we do something to stop it, it will increase. Reporter critics argue its that lack of willingness to peacefully integrate thats creating problems not just for refugees but for the countries that take them in. Kevin, thank you. Today on the markets, stocks were down. The dow lost 78, the s p 500 fell 7. The nasdaq dropped 3. Coming up, why did 60 minutes not just bury the lead in its Hillary Clinton interview but throw dirt on it, as well . Media analyst howard kurtz is next with that. But first, a look down on the Convention Floor and what makes this stage unique. They started working on this arena at the end of may. It takes about 15 million to transform this place. This stage is massive. Its the biggest l. E. D. Screen in the world. This is the same arena george bush accepted the nomination in 2000. Special report continues after this. Safety doesnt come in a box. Its not a banner that goes on a wall. Its not something you do now and then. Or when its convenient. Its using stateoftheart simulators to better prepare for any situation. Its giving offshore teams onshore support. And its empowering anyone to stop a job if something doesnt seem right. At bp, safety is never being satisfied. And always working to be better. Ominous skies outside the Wells Fargo Center. Inside, the new members, house members, just e llectelected, j introduced. Obviously, people are watching. Welcome back to philadelphia. The Democratic Convention. Theyre watching and waiting to see what happens with the sanders supporters. If you were waiting to hear Hillary Clintons response to this whole dnc email scandal and she canned out her appearance on 60 minutes last night, you were still waiting. Thats because the folks of cbs put her answer to the question online. Not on air. Fox news media analyst howard kurtz tells us its par for the course with the political press. Reporter the media questioned early on whether donald trump was headed for a debacle, the New York Times saying republican officials bracing for chaos, and the mishaps fuelled the bad news narrative. This convention is a mess. Reporter there were few negative predictions for the dnc. And when wikileaks released 20,000 emails, it did not create a furor. No front page story in the New York Times or the washington post. The email story didnt explode until it prompted dnc chair Debbie Wasserman schultz to resign on sunday during a 60 minutes interview, scott pelley asked about the email. I didnt know anything about it, and i am adamantly opposed to anyone bringing religion into our political process. Reporter but 60 minutes put that portion online only. I was struck as i was reading the emails to her in the interview, her eyes widened as if to say what is this about . What are you talking about . Reporter but the story had broken the day before that saturday interview. Its too early to know exactly how this came about. Reporter president obama seemed to contradict himself about the benghazi attack. That was posted two days before the election. Most tv interviews are edited for time, but how does this not make the cut . Bret . That is amazing. Howie, thank you. Lets get some perspective on this conventions early chaos from brit hume. Good evening. Good evening, bret. On the day the convention opened, democrats woke up to news their Party Chairman had been given the heaveho and their candidate has fallen behind in the polls. Democrats thought the republican gathering in cleveland last week, such a glaring display of disunity, that they could capitalize by making their own unity the them of the first day. Then came the leaked emails, the Debbie Wasserman schultz ouster. So much for unity. Not to mention the chorus of boos and thumbs down that greeted sanders when he urged supporters to support the clinton ticket. They were and are afraid of so alienates sanders supporters that they dont back the nominees this ball. Theyll be deeply relieved if tonight isnt dominated by the cheering of sanders and the booing for his support of the ticket. If this sounds like the dilemma faced with the republicans and donald trump, it is. But the difference is, they didnt nominate the candidate they were afraid of, the republicans did. But hes ahead in the polls. Were following the Convention Schedule here. Theres not a worry that Hillary Clinton or tim kaine are not going to get the nomination and the roll call vote. But there is a worry there could be something embarrassing on the floor. Look, we cannot rule out after what he saw today in those meetings with sanders and his supporters and the one with Debbie Wasserman schultz in the florida delegation, that Hillary Clinton and tim kaine could be booed by the convention thats nominating them. Thats possible. These sanders delegates are convinced, and sanders is himself a conspiracy theorist, that this nomination was stolen from him by the Democratic National committee. Brit, thank you. When we come back, senator chris murphy with what in the world is going on down there on the floor and his thoughts on this convention. But before we head to break, a look at the allimportant seating chart for state delegations. As theyre practicing the speeches up here on the stage, we can give you a layout of the delegations on the floor. A little different than the rnc, in that there are not as many states on the floor. Its a smaller space. But just to give you a sense of the delegates here, the importance over there, illinois, that is the place where Hillary Clinton was born. Here, arkansas, she was the first lady of arkansas. Next spot over, pennsylvania. Thats the home to her father, born in scranton. Then you have virginia, and that is senator kaines home. New york, she was senator of new york, has a home there. Then the state of florida, a swing state she needs to win. Also the home of Debbie Wasserman schultz, who wont be the dnc chair after this week. Special report continues after this. The wolf was huffing and puffing. Like you do sometimes, grandpa . Well, when you have copd, it can be hard to breathe. 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People back home in my state, people in swing states across the country are making up their mind on this race based on which candidate they believe is going to be best for putting wages in their pockets, protecting this country from terrorism. And i think Hillary Clinton is going to come out very well on all of those analysis. What happens here and in philadelphia, its interesting for you and i and for people that Pay Attention to politics, but heres what we know. Polls tell us that 90 of Bernie Sanders supporters are supporting senator clinton. So theres a small handful that have made a little bit of noise. Maybe as more and more find out about what was written in those emails, theyre we talked to a bunch here who say theyre really angry about it. And the fact that the Party Chairman had to resign and couldnt even gavel in this convention, thats kind of embarrassing. What people should be angry about is we have mounting evidence that it was the russian government what is the evidence . Right now, we have suggestions from counterterrorism experts who have looked at this pattern. We know that the russians have been probing the dnc system earlier in the year. That certainly fits a pattern of behavior from the russians. We dont know that for sure. Are you then connecting the dots from the russians to the trump coordination . What people should be angry about is this is potentially a Foreign Government that is trying to influence an american election. Im not suggesting that theres any coordination between donald trump or the russian. But if thats the case, that should be the outrage coming out of the last few days, not the content of the emails. Even when the head of the party is saying that were going the tip the scales for Hillary Clinton and not Bernie Sanders, as the primary is going on . Isnt the substance of those emails relevant and disconcerting to you . At what point is the dnc chair not supposed to be unbiased in this race . Whats relevant is the context of the dnc. If you look at the context of the dnc in this race, they were balanced in their approach. Bernie sanders himself says it is not the dnc that caused him to lose the nomination. If you looked at any of our internal emails, you would probably see things that we dont project publicly. But what we day the Democratic National committee to do is run an impartial election, which they did. Scott pelley asked Hillary Clinton about this. You wouldnt have seen it on the show, but it was on the web additional video. Take a listen at this. In your view, any effort in the dnc to favor one candidate or another would have been improper . Again, i dont have any information about this. And so i cant answerspecifical. We ran our campaign. We ran hard. I cant speak to what people who were not working for me, who were saying whatever they were saying, i cant speak to that. I can only speak to my campaign. So how does she not know about it . I dont get it. Well, remember, she wasnt running the dnc, right . We had people that had been at that partys helm for a long time running it. I can tell you in my state, where Hillary Clinton won in a close contest, people made up their minds based on their evaluation of Hillary Clinton as a candidate and Bernie Sanders as a candidate. And nothing that the dnc was doing had anything to do with the decisions that voters in my state made. This is much to do about nothing youre not worried about any demonstrations or embarrassing things from the sanders supporters or the projection of not being unified . I think this makes wonderful tv, so i get it. But 90 of sanders supporters have decided to support Hillary Clinton, so that loud minority may be making a show today, but it doesnt have an affect on the election. Your speech on wednesday, youve been very outspoken about guns and the efforts to take them off the streets. That will be the focus of your speech . That will be the focus of my speech. We need to talk about the intersection of guns and terrorism. We need to admit that terrorists are not trying to hijack airplanes or make bombs in their basement. Theyre going to gun shows and buying assault weapons. We need to talk about the fact that smart gun policy is also small antiterrorism policy. I think that is what youll hear from speakers this week on the floor. Youve seen the pushback time and time again, and you think this is a winning issue in the general election . I think you wouldnt be having a night at the Democratic Convention dedicated to the issue of smarter gun policy if it wasnt. I dont think it was for a long time, but right now people see that the lack of any sensible gun policy, for instance, our unwillingness, republicans unwillingness to stop people on the terrorist watch list to get guns is making our country less safe. Hillary clinton is the only candidate who is dedicated to taking guns away from people on the terrorist watch list. Senator murphy, thank you for your time today. Democrats, their convention, the Debbie Wasserman schultz back and forth, well talk about all of it with our panel after a quick break. And i couldnt wait to get my pie chart. The most shocking result was that im 26 native american. I had no idea. Just to know this is what im made of, this is where my ancestors came from. And i absolutely want to know more about my native american heritage. Its opened up a whole new world for me. Discover the story only your dna can tell. Order your kit now at ancestrydna. Com. Is the world truly ready for a vehicle that can drive itself . An autonomousthinking automobile that protects those inside and outside. Ready or not, the future is here. The allnew eclass. Selfbraking, selfcorrecting, selfparking. A mercedesbenz concept car thats already a reality. Mercedesbenz. The best or nothing. [ crowd boog ] this was the chairwomans decision to step down. She reached out to secretary clinton to notify her about that, and the secretary released a statement yesterday thanking her for her work. Her resignation opens up the possibility of new leadership at the top of the Democratic Party that will stand with working people and that will open the door for the party to those people who want real change. Bernie sanders reacting to Debbie Wasserman schultz stepping down. She couldnt gavel in this convention. They were worried about boos on the stage. And there you saw her talking to the florida delegation, her home state. The republican nominee tweeting today, how much bad judgment was on display by the dnc writing those dumb emails, using even religion against bernie. Crooked hilly knew everything her servant was doing at the dnc, they just got caught. The state of florida is so embarrassed by Debbie Wasserman schultz and crooked clinton that they will vote for change. Lets bring in our panel. George will. Julie pace, White House Correspondent to the associated press, and monica crowley, columnist for the washington times. George, the start of day one of the Democratic National convention. Well, she protracted this, Debbie Wasserman schultz did, more than she should have. That being said, not even Bernie Sanders or his supporters can possibly believe that he left the nomination because that he lost the nomination because of the emails. Bernie told them, we want political transformation. They got Debbie Wasserman schultzs head on a platter, they got an apology from the dnc, they got changes in the platform, and not only have they not stood down on the floor here, but Bernie Sanders sent a personal email to delegations saying, as a personal courtesy to me, please dont have any protests or demonstrations on the floor. So far, what were hearing weve seen a couple of dustups when Hillary Clintons name was mentioned, there were boos. Julie . I think viewers might not be aware of whats happening. You have real coordination going on between the Clinton Campaign and sanders aides. Aides reached out to the Clinton Campaign and said they did not think Debbie Wasserman schultz stepping down was going to be enough and they needed help to tach down the protests. Hes going to speak, Elizabeth Warren is going to speak. What everyone is hoping is after tonight, this moves forward in an orderly fashion. You were talking about antiestablishment, that atmosphere, fighting against establishment, this email scandal is establishment. Absolutely. And the civil war thats been brewing in the Democratic Party just exploded out into the open. This has been going on for a while. Now were seeing the fruit of whats been bubbling underneath. And bret, to your point, we have long said that the real split in this country is more the bipartisan ruling class versus everybody else. The Bernie Sanders people feel that they have been unheard, the way on the right those that respond to donald trump. I think that these are true believers. I think they have bought into the leftist revolution, and that they are willing to carry this revolution forward with or without Bernie Sanders. What does Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders, in their speeches tonight, george, have to do to tip the hat to the progressives, even as tim kaine, who clearly is not on that side of the party, is the Vice President ial nominee. I think they have to emphasize that the policy differences between mrs. Clinton and senator sanders are small, partly because she started on the left and also because he moved her to the left. What theyre really arguing about is process. I think that will hold minimal attention to the public. Mara . Whats interesting is even though you seen all the boos, polls show that 90 of sanders supporters are willing to vote for her. Thats a stat senator murphy mentioned, but that was before the email scandal hit. That might change something. But weve seen more sanders supporters than delegates are willing to fall in line. If you were a sanders supporter and you saw what was in these emails and you heard your candidate from the beginning say hey, theyre fighting against me, this whole thing is rigged and it turns out wait a second, it was, respect you mad . I think for both donald trump and Bernie Sanders, their strongest message to their supporters and to people that dont support them is the system is rigged. Theres something thats happening beneath the surface that real people, average voters, dont have any control over. That just proves it, not to say that it moves the needle that he could have won, but that there was Something Else happening. And its incumbent on Bernie Sanders, if he does want to see the tensions lowered, to come out and acknowledge he did lose this based on votes and a fair system. I dont know if hes going to say that, but that would be something he could do to lower the tensions. Relook. Rethink. Reimagine. Because right here, right now. Its time to take a closer look at botox® cosmetic, the only fda approved treatment for the temporary improvement of both moderate to severe frown lines and crows feet. See what real results can really look like. So talk to your doctor about botox® cosmetic. 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Democratic governor dan maloy from connecticut. Its obviously connecticut night on special report. We had senator murphy earlier and governor maloy happens to be speaking during our hour talking about the republican ticket and also democratic governors. Meantime, continuing the main story, the d. In c issuing a statement saying on behalf of everyone at the dnc, we want to offer a deep and sincere apology to senator sanders, his supporters and the entire Democratic Party for the inexcusable remarks made over email. These comments do not reflect the values of the did. Nc or our steadfast commitment to neutrality during the nominating process. The dnc does not and will tolerl language toward our candidates. Apologized for their comments and the dnc is taking appropriate action to ensure it never happens again. We dont know anybody getting fired. Were back with the panel. Julie, they are trying to bend over pack wards and season saying that this is russias fault. Absolutely. That has been such an interesting line from the Clinton Campaign and the dnc over the last couple of days suggesting not only was russia behind the hack ever the emails but they were also releasing them at this time to help donald trump, drawing connections to paul manafort, Donald Trumps Campaign Chair who had worked for ukraine and russia so it really, i think, is kind of a muddled message and i think it does show that this is a pad moment for them. Any time you are trying to though the russians out this in the middle of a Democratic Convention, you are probably doing something wrong. Yeah. I mean both the Campaign Chair and anybody you talk to, including senator murphy would not go down that road once pressed on the connection between russia and the trump campaign. But they have thrown it out there. George . Well, its the sort of thing we might learn if we saw the candidates tax returns. Perhaps one more reason why we are not seeing his tax returns because he is deeply involved in dealing with russia and al departs and allah garts and others. Whether thats good, bad or other. I emailed the tax returns, you didnt get them, hillary . I dont know thats a good response or not. Go ahead, finish. Well, i think what we are going to see tonight is this is no longer bill clintons party. Its his wifes party and very different one. 1934 only 35 identify themselves as liberals. Today twice that 1996 in his state of the Union Address bill clinton said the ear wrath Big Government is over. 20 years later in every particular, they want to expand the range of government. Mara, there is new polls out today and cnns poll donald trump takes the lead, 48 to 45 . That is a 6 point bump from his convention. And then the new cbs Poll National is 42 tied. A number of state polls had closed as well. Suggesting that he got maybe more than average republican bounce from a convention. Yep. He did. He got a bounce. The l. A. Times has a poll, too, that also shows the same thing. He definitely got biewngets his favorability went up and where he made the most advance where with white noncollege voters. He already had a 19 point lead now its 39 points. Its like 62 to 31 that he has got with that group. That is his base. Doesnt show necessarily that he made big gains outside of his base, but he is really pushing that segment of the population to the limit. The question is, monica, how much of a bounce can hillary get out of this convention . Considering how it starting, democrats do get more traditionally of a bounce than republicans do from their convention. But, what happens at the end of the week will be key. Yes. And it remains to be seen. I mean, day one, its been a chaotic hot mess for the Democratic Party. We will have to see how the week progresses. She could have a phenomenal speech and this will be a long memory by thursday. Then again, i do think that the people who have supported Bernie Sanders and who have bought into his revolution are deeply, emotionally invested in this so the apology that you read earlier somehow i dont think its going to placate them. They dont want to be turned into fools and hypocrites. If he is going to ask them to turn around and support her, a lot of them tell me they cannot bring themselves to do it. Whether they stay home, whether they turn their votes to jill stein or the libertarian candidate, we dont know. Gary johnson and william welt, say their name. What we are saying tonight sounds very tired that might be a function of eight years of a democratic president. Might be a function of the fact that the nominee has been on the National Scene for 25 years. It might be that the perception is we have tried these ideas and they havent succeeded. Julie, another person speaking tonight is the first lady who has a high Approval Rating not only with this crew but across the country. She will likely defend, what, the last 8 years and what has been done . Absolutely. And i think she will try to cast Hillary Clinton as a continuation of that for republicans. That will be a talking point that they will use. Which will be full circle from 2008. It really will. It is Pretty Amazing to see the obama mass and clintons in parallel tracks. First lady very popular. Strategic to have her speak on this night knowing this was also going to be a night with a lot of tension. I think she might be able to calm this room probably better than anyone else. Id say that being different is what makes him special. Just like our discounts each one is unique, but together, they help save our customers a lot of money. Okay. Pop quiz, whos my favorite student . Gwen . Yeah its gwen. Yeah, gwens the best. Gwen . Yeah its gwen. 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Finally, completely wrong. [ buzzer ] i have been waiting for the opportunity to say that. Sir, you have a chance to steal with 10 points. Zoe miller. This is not fair. We have a champion. 6560. The greatest competition that we have had. That looked like tough competition. Thanks for inviting us into your home tonight. Thats it for this special report, fair, balanced and unafraid. We have got you covered all night special americas election headquarters 10 00 p. M. I will be here with megyn. Greta goes on the record right now. If you thought the Democratic Convention was going to be a yawn, hold on to youre seats. Bernie sanders supporters disrupting the program. [chanting] and stunning Political Drama unfolding with the chairman of the dnc getting booed by the state off the stage by her own delegates. And that was before the Convention Even got gaveled to begin. No one expect this high stakes drama. On the record is live in philadelphia, pennsylvania and get ready because we are kicking off prime time at the 2016 Democratic National convention and just a short time ago the Convention Officially gaveled. In but, in a

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