The continent of africa that the u. S. Wants to tout about u. S. Investment. More than 24 hours have passed since Major General Harold Greene was tragically killed in that attack in afghanistan. The president hasnt commented on it yet. Josh earnest did react. One reason the white house doesnt want, to you know, slight anyone who loses a life in afghanistan, all of our troops who serve bravely and lose their lives are important. You dont want to highlight one death. This was a major situation not just with major Harold Greene being killed bath dozen americans being wounded. I would anticipate if the president doesnt mention that in his Opening Statement it might be something hes pressed on. Because beyond this one terror attack the question remains whether hell shift strategy at all at the end of this year. Hes expected to leave behind 9800 u. S. Troops in afghanistan and given whats happened in iraq right now and the violence there and isis, trying to move closer and closer to baghdad he could get a question, obviously, about whether hes rethinking the idea of pulling most u. S. Troops out of afghanistan at the end of the year. Youre guessing right now from your inside knowledge that most of this will focus on Foreign Policy . Reporter no doubt about it. As you laid out the challenges in the last hour its hard to remember a time when any president either party had this many crises to deal with. You remember in his last new conference last friday at the white house the president was pressed about the crisis but about his own leadership and whether or not americas standing in the world has taken a hit. Whether or not hes been aggressive enough in dealing with these crises. He gave a vigorous defense of his Foreign Policy, of course, last friday as he has at many of these news conferences and basically said look america cant solve all these crises but it might be something hes pressed on again sneepd henry at the state department. Well head back when the president arrives. Theres new grumbling about a lack of transparency at best. Stonewalling at worst from the obama administration. Its not coming from just republicans on capitol hill. Chief Congressional Correspondent mike emanuel tells us who is complaining now. Reporter 47 inspectors general assigned to go after wait, fraud and misenactment are blasting the peace corp, Justice Department for withholding information. Thats nearly two third of the governments independent watchdogs who signed this letter to the top oversight leaders on capitol hill. Chairman darrell issa called it troubling. Most often ig activities are not public until they are completed so some of the best examples of obstruction probably are the ones igs dont want to say in a public format. Reporter they wrote the privileged interpretation of the law presents serious challenges to the authority of every ig and our ability to conduct our work thoroughly. A 1990 act ensures ig have complete, unfiltered and timely access to all information and materials without unreasonable administrative burdens. Ive never seen a letter like this. My folks have check. Never even a letter with as to ugs complaining. This is the majority of all Inspector General saying they see a pattern thats making them unable to do their job. Reporter the letter said it withheld records for three reviews until they found they were helpful to the departments top leadership. Justice spokesman said everything sought was provide and quote because the documents at issue included grand jury material, credit reports and other information whose dissemination is restricted by law. It was necessary to identify exceptions to the law to the accommodate the igs request. If theres anyone that should have transparency it should be the watchdogs inside the government working for the president. Reporter expect hearings on this issue when congress returns. Issa said since theres bipartisan respect for Inspector Generals he hopes there will be help. Mount sinai hospital in new york say tests on a man who recently traveled in west africa have come back negative. Also we learned a short time ago the cdc has issued a level one activation of its Emergency Operation center. That is the highest level. The cdc says it is basically an all hands on deck administrative procedure. Theres not an increased threat they say here in the u. S. The cdc has a number of quarantine rooms. This one is in newark. Anyone with a suspicious disease can legally be detained until he or she is cleared or sent to a hospital. In atlanta two american victims are improving. Lets get the latest. Reporter the Ebola Outbreak has claimed 932 lives in west africa according to new numbers today from the world health organization. The virus has no fda approved treatment or vaccine. But researchers at Auburn University have developed a compound that appears to restore the immune response in animal cells exposed to ebola and other immune blocking viruses. In the future what we learned from how viruses turn off the immune system will open up these other ten or 12 categories of viruses that may be leads there. Reporter still in testing the auburn treatment wont be ready for current ebola patients but may offer hope for future. Another experimental drug is already making headlines for its use in treating two american missionaries who contracted ebola while serving in liberia. Zmapp uses components from three different antibodies grown in tobacco plants. They work in three different ways. One binds the top of the virus and alerts the immune system. Two others bind to a different part of the viral surface month less ridicule and neutralize the virus, they block the infection. Reporter those american missionaries are being treated in a special isolated unit here in atlanta. Their condition sim proving but still too early know whether zmapp is responsible for their recovery. Lets head overseas now before the president arrives at the state department. Scheduled three day ceasefire between israel and hamas appears to be holding tonight. Israel with drew its ground force yesterday after destroying 32 tunnels used by hamas to infiltrate israel. Tonight Rick Leventhal shows us the search for those tunnels left the palestinians. Reporter gaza is battered and bloody with an estimated 10,000 buildings destroyed, about 10,000 people wounded and nearly 2,000 dead. Military analysts say the destruction is by design, a deterrent used effectively against hezbollah in lebanon in 2006 and israels Prime Minister said it could easily have been avoided in gaza. Israel deeply regrets every civilian casualty. Every single one. We do not target them. We do not seek them. The people of gaza are not our enemy. Our enemy is hamas, our enemy are the other terrorist organizations trying to kill our people. Reporter hamas says israel is at fault for targeting their houses leaving half a million homeless. Today for the first time we saw the scene of one of the wars worst moments. Were in southeastern gaza in the town of rafah. Weve been asked not to film this area right over here. Were told that is where the nanl is located that was dug by hamas between rafah and israel and were told thats where the three Israeli Soldiers were ambushed and killed last week which sparked a firestorm from the israeli military. There were fierce battles here along the border. The family that lived in this particular house were told got out days before that and this house was very heavily damaged. You can see bullet scarred walls, bullet scarred mirror and walls that have been completely blown out. The owner of the home also told me theres another tunnel that was located just over here. Now he says he had no idea that these tunnels were here and i asked him how thats possib, how could you not know there were tunnels around your home. He said the israelis didnt know how could we know. We cant verify the mans story but whats clear is his family cant live here any more. Meanwhile peace talks continue in cairo seeking a long term truce but the two sides remain far apart. Netanyahu says the only way to stop the violence is to demilitarize gaza and stop hamas from rearming but it seems highly unlikely hamas would agree. Hamas may let rockets fly again when this ceasefire is schedule to end at 8 00 a. M. Friday. Rick, thank you. The body of Major General Harold Greene is on its way back to the u. S. He was killed in an insider attack by an afghan soldier or one dressed like it monday night near kabul. As many as 13 others were wounded, some seriously. Were told the suspect hid in a bathroom with his nato issued automatic weapon before opening fire through a window and then being killed himself. Theres no word yet on a possible motive or whether the general was targeted. Today the Army Sergeant who was freed from captivity in afghanistan in exchange for five taliban leaders spoke to the lead officer investigating the circumstances of his disappearance. These are newly released pictures of bowe bergdahl. The army says Sergeant Bergdahl was advised of his reits and his civilian ran attorney was present. Some of bergdahls platoon mates labelled him a deserter. Defense secretary chuck hagel says theres growing threat tonight that russia will invade ukraine. He points to the increased build up of Russian Troops along the bothered. Russias state news agency said all imports of Agricultural Products from the u. S. To russia will be banned. Lets bring in our panel before we hear from the president. Jonah goldberg, ron fournier, a. B. Stoddard and charles krauthammer. Jonah we heard a lot of things as we managed to squeeze special report into different hours but that last story about chuck hagel warning russia invading ukraine seems the most press on the International Hot spots front. I think thats right. Getting back to my initial point from the beginning, one of the things that obama need to do tonight is convey a sense that hes simply on top of these things and is not overwhelmed, he has a plan, hes got his hands around the problems that america is face. One of the reasons why hes been in such trouble politically lately in the polls he doesnt give that sense. Charles, it seems Vladimir Putin has just thumbed his nose at all of these increased sanction, all of the efforts of the u. S. And eu. Look, i think hes got a lot of calculations as to whether he wants to invade, whether there will be resistance, whether hell succeed. His people are not doing that well on the ground. But the one thing hes not having to take into account is resistance that barack obama will give him because he gives him none. And this is a major this would be a european country invading another which would be something that we havent seen since the end of the Second World War and involving a great power. This is extremely dangerous. It will scare the hell out of eastern europe. If his secretary of defense is saying this might be imminent he needs to Say Something about this tonight. Its already scared eastern europe. The polish Prime Minister yesterday saying that he thinks that world is on the brink of war and that sent the u. S. Markets down into a tumble yesterday. Back to where we started about these polls. These new polls on Foreign Policy the president is at approval of 36 . That mirrors a fox poll a couple of weeks ago and a cbs poll. At 36 , that is affecting a lot of things. President obama with all thats going on, the chaos around the world doesnt that have confidence of his own supporters, he doesnt have the confidence of the majority of the country, people are worried about our economic stability and future growth at home and they are seeing this happening around the world in four or five different areas. The whole middle east ablaze and changing rapidly and putin really benefiting from the fact that were distracted by not only a conflict between the israelis and hamas but whats going on with syria, with isis, with iraq, with afghanistan. And seeing that president obama is distracted. I would argue, i would disagree with charles that president obama did actually take a lead on sanction, took a while for the europeans to follow. It was perhaps too late but it is true that he doesnt seem to follow up on his word. President obama at the state department. As i think everyone knows by now this first u. S. Africa leader summit has been the largest gathering weve ever hosted with african heads of state and government and that includes about 50 motorcades. Ill begin by thanking the people of washington, d. C. For helping us host this historic event and especially for their patience with the traffic. As ive said, this summit reflects the reality that even as africa continue to face great challenges, were also seeing the emergence of a new, more prosperous africa. Its being led by africans. I want to take this opportunity again to thank my fellow leaders for being here. Rather than a lot of prepare speeches our sessions today were genuine discussions, a chance to truly listen and to try to come together around some pragmatic steps that we can take together. Thats what weve done this first we made important progress in expanding our trade. The 33 billion in new trades and investments that i announced yesterday will help spur African Development and support tens of thousands of american jobs. He aim to bring electricity to 60 million African Homes and businesses. Today i reiterated well continue network with congress to achieve a seamless and long term renewal of the african growth and opportunity act. We agree that africas growth depends first and foremost on continued reforms in africa, by africans. The leaders here pledge to step up efforts to pursue reforms that a attract investment, prode barriers that stifle trade especially between african countries and promote regional integration. And as i announced yesterday, the United States will increase our support to help build africas capacity to trade with itself and the world. Ultimately africas prosperity depends on africas greatest resource its people. Ive been very encouraged by the leaders here to partner with us in supporting the entrepreneurs including through our Young African leaders initiative. Theres an increasing recognition that if countries will reach their full economic potential then they have to invest in women. Their education. Their skills. And protect them from gender based violence and that was a topic of conversation this afternoon. This week the United States announced a range of initiatives to help empower women across africa. Our new alliance for Food Security and nutrition continues to grow, aiming to lift 50 million africans from poverty in our fight against hiv aids well work with ten african countries to help them double the number of their children on lifesaving antiretroviral drugs. Even as the United States is deploying our medical First Respond towers west africa to control the Ebola Outbreak were working to strengthen the health systems. I also want to note that the American People are renewing their commitment to africa. Today, interaction, the leading alliance of american ngos is announcing that over the next three years its members will invest 4 billion to promote maternal health, Childrens Health and the delivery of vaccines and drugs. So this is not just a government effort it is also an effort that is spurred on by the privatesector. Combined with the investments we announced yesterday and the commitments made today at the symposium hosted by our spouses, this has helped mobilize 37 million for africas progress on top of, obviously, the substantial efforts that have been made in the past. Second, we addressed Good Governance, which is a foundation of Economic Growth in free societies. Some african nations are making impressive progress but we see troubling restrictions on universal rights. So today was an opportunity to highlight the importance of rule of law. Open and accountable institution. Strong Civil Societies and protection of human rights for all citizens and all communities. And i made the point during our discussion that nations hat uphold these reits and principles will ultimately be more prosperous and more economically successful. In particular, we agreed to step up our collective efforts against corruption. Several leaders raised the idea Avenue Partnership combat illicit finance and there was widespread agreement so we decided to convene our experts and develop an action plan. Third, were deepening our Security Cooperation to meet common threats from terrorism to human trafficking. Were launching a new Security Governance Initiative to help our african countries continue to build strong professional Security Forces to provide for their own security and were starting with kenya, niger, mali, nigeria and tunisia. Our partners made it clear they want to increase their capacity to respond to crises. We also agreed to make significant new investments in african Peace Keeping. The United States will provide additional equipment to african peacekeepers in somalia and the Central African republic. Well support the Africans Union to support their Peace Keeping and we will have a Rapid Response partnership for deploying african peacekeepers in support of u. N. Or au missions and join with six countries in recent years have demonstrated a track record as peacekeepers, ghana, senegal, rwanda, tanzania and uganda. Well invite countries beyond africa to join us because the entire world has a stake in the success of Peace Keeping in africa. In closing i just want to say this has been an extraordinary event, an extraordinary summit, given the success we had this week, we agreed summits like this cab critical part of our Work Together going forward. So we agreed that the u. S. Africa summit will be a recurring event to hold ourselves accountable. Ill strongly encourage my successor to carry on this work because africa must know they will always have a strong and reliable partner in the United States of america. So with that im going take a couple of questions. Ill start with julie pace of associated press. Wheres julie. Thank you, mr. President. Theres a lot of discussions surrounding this summit about the Ebola Outbreak in west africa and theres an untested and unapproved drug in the u. S. That appears to be helping some of the americans who are infected. Is your administration considering at all sending supplies of this drug if it becomes available to some of these countries in west africa and could you discuss a bit the ethicses of either providing an untested drug to a foreign country or providing it only to americans and not to other countries that are harder hit if it can save lives . We got to let the science guide us. I dont think all the information is in on whether this drug is helpful. What we do know is that the ebola virus both currently and in the past is controllable if you have a Strong Public Health infrastructure in place and the countries that have been infected are the first to admit that whats happened here is that their Public Health systems have been overwhelmed. They werent able to identify and then isolate cases quickly enough. You did not have a strong trust relationship between some of the communities that were affected and Public Health workers as a consequence it spread more rapidly than has been typical with the periodic Ebola Outbreaks that occurred previously. But despite, obviously, the extraordinary pain and hardship of the families and persons who have been infected and despite the fact we have to take this very seriously its important for us to remind ourselves this is not an airborne disease. This can be controlled and contained very effectively if we use the right protocols. So what weve done is to make sure were surging not just u. S. Resources but we reached out to European Partners and partners from other countries working with the w. H. O. Lets get all the help workers we need on the ground, lets help to bolster the systems that they already have in place. Lets nick as early as possible any additional outbreaks of the disease. And then during the course of that process i enthusiast its entirely appropriate for us to see if theres additional drugs or medical treatments that can improve the survivability of what is a very deadly and obviously brutal disease. So, were going to were to discussion on the Public Health approach right now because we know how to do that. But i will continue to seek information about what were learning with respect to these drugs going forward. If its effective would you support fast tracking its approval in the United States. Its premature for me to say that because i dont have enough information or enough data to offer an opinion on that. John carl, abc news. Thank you, mr. President. When you were running for president you said, quote, the biggest problems were facing right now have to do with george bush trying to bring more and more power into the executive branch and not going through congress at all and thats what i intend to reverse. So my question to you has congresss inability to do anything significant giving you a green light to push the limits of executive power, even a duty to do so or put another way does it bother you more to be accused of being an imperial president pushing those limits or to be accused of a do nothing president who couldnt get anything down because of a dysfunctional congress. I think that i never have a green light. Im bound by the constitution. Im bound by separation of powers. Theres some things we can do. Congress has the power obviously. I would love to fund a large infrastructure proposal right now that would put millions of people to work and boost our gdp. We know we got roads and bridges and airports and, you know, electrical grids that need to be rebuilt. But without the cooperation of congress, what i can do is speed up permitting process, for example. I can make sure that were working with the privatesector to see if we can channel investments into much needed projects. Congress has to pass a budget and authorize spending. I dont have a green light. What i am consistently going to do is wherever i have the Legal Authority to make progress on behalf of middle class americans and folks working to get in the middle class, whether its by making sure federal contractors are paying a fair wage to their workers, making sure that women have the opportunity to make sure they are getting paid the same as men for doing the same job, where i have the capacity to, you know, expand some of the student loan programs that weve already put in place so repayments a little bit more affordable for college graduate, ill seize those opportunities and i think thats what the American People expect me to do. My preference in all these instances is to work with congress because not only can congress do more, but its going to be longer lasting. And, you know, when you look at, for example, congressional inaction and in particular the inaction on the part of House Republicans when it comes to Immigration Reform, heres an area where ive said before, not only the American People want to see action, not only is there 80 overlap between what republicans say they want and what democrats say they want, we actually passed a bill out of senate that was bipartisan. And in those circumstances what the American People expect is that despite the differences between the parties there should at least be the capacity to move forward on thing we agree on. And thats not what were seeing right now. So, in the face of that kind of dysfunction, what i can do is, you know, scour our authorities to try to make progress. And were going to make sure that every time we take one of these steps, that we are working within the confines of my executive power but i promise you the American People dont want me just standing around twiddling my thumbs and waiting for congress to get something done. Even as we take these executive actions ill dont reach out to democrats and republicans, to the speaker, to the leadership on both sides and in both chambers to try to come up with formulas where we can make progress even if its incremental. Do you believe you have the power to grant work permits to those who are here illegally as your supporters have suggested . What i certainly recognize with respect to Immigration Reform and ive said this in the past is that we have a broken system. Its underresourced. We got to make choices in terms of how we allocate personnel and resources. So if im going to, for example, send more Immigration Judges down to the border to process some of these unaccompanied children, that have arrived at the border, then thats coming from some place else. And were going to have to prioritize thats within our authority and prosecutorial discretion. My preference would be an actual comprehensive Immigration Law and we already have a bipartisan law that would solve a whole bumplg bunch of these problems. Margaret, bloomberg. Thank you, mr. President. Along the lines of executive Authority Treasury secretary jack lew has previously said the executive branch of government doesnt have the authority to stop or slow company inversion. What youve called distasteful and unpatriotic. But now hes reviewing options to do so and a lot of businesses including some of the ones who are paying attention to this summit are inned in. What i i wanted to ask you what prompted this apparent reversal, what actions are under consideration. Will you consider an executive order that would limit or ban such companies from getting federal contracts and how soon would you like to see treasury act given congresss schedule . Just to review why were concerned here. You have accountants going to some big corporations, multinational corporations but that are clearly u. S. Based and have the bulk of their operations in the United States and these accountants are saying we found a great loophole. If you just flip your citizenship to another country, even though its just a paper transaction, we think we can get you out of paying a whole bunch of taxes. Well, its not fair. Its not right. The lost revenue to treasury mean it has to be made up somewhere and thats typically going to be a bunch of hardworking americans who either pay through higher taxes themselves or through reduced services, and in the meantime the company is still using all the services and all the benefits of effectively being a u. S. Corporation they just decided that they go through this paper exercise. So, theres legislation working its way through congress that would eliminate some of these tax loopholes entirely. And its true what treasury secretary lew previously said that we cant solve the entire problem administratively, but what we are doing is examining are there elements to how existing statutes are interpreted by rule or by regulation or tradition or practice that can at least discourage some of the folks who may be trying to take advantage of this loophole. I think its something that would really bother the average american, the idea that somebody renounces their citizenship but continues to entirely benefit from operating in the United States of america, just to avoid paying a whole bunch of taxes. Were reviewing all of our openings. As usual. And related to the answer i gave jonathan about executive actions, my preference would always be for us to go ahead and get something done in congress. And keep in mind its still a small number of companies that are resorting to this because most American Companies are proud to be in america, recognize the benefits of being to pay their are responsible fair share of taxes to support all the benefits that they received from being here. But, you know, we dont want to see this trend grow. We dont Want Companies who have up until now been playing by the rules suddenly looking over their shoulder and saying what some of our competitors are gaming the system and we feed to do it too. That kind much herd mentality, i think, is something we want to avoid so we want to move quickly as quickly as possible. Just to clarify, the federal contracting seems an area like worked well for you on issues like promoting gay rights, contra accepts policy. It is fair to say it would attach margaret, im not going to announce specifics in dribs and drabs. Chris jansing, nbc news. Russia said today its going to ban food and agricultural product imports that was about 1. 3 billion last year. At the same time defense secretary chuck hagel said the amassing of troops along the border of ukraine increases the likelihood of an invasion. Are sanctions not working . Well, we dont know yet whether sanctions are working. Sangs are working as intend in putting enormous strain on the russian economy. Thats not my estimation. If you look at the markets and look at estimates in terms of capital flight, if you look at projections for russian growth what youre seeing is that the economy has ground to a halt somewhere between 100 and 200 billion dollars of capital flight has taken place. You dont see investors coming in new to start businesses inside of russia. And it has presented the choice to president putin as to whether hes going to try to resolve the issues in Eastern Ukraine through diplomacy and peaceful means, recognizing that ukraine is a sovereign country and that it is ultimately up to the ukrainian people to make decisions about their own lives. Or alternatively continue on the course hes on in which case hes going to be hurting his economy. And hurting his own people over the long term. And in that sense, we are doing exactly what we should be doing, and were very pleased that our european allies and partners joined us in this process as well as a number of countries around the world. Having said all that, the issue is not resolved yet. You still have fighting in Eastern Ukraine, civilians are still dying. Weve already seen some of the consequences of this conflict in the loss of the Malaysian Airlines or jetliner, and the sooner that we can get back on a track in which there are serious discussions taking place to assure that all ukrainians are heard they can work through the political process that they are represented, that the reforms that have already been offered by the government in kiev are implemented to protect russian speakers to assure decentralization of power the sooner we move on those and the sooner that president putin recognizes that, you know, ukraine is an independent country, you know its only at that point we can say the problem has truly been solved. In the meantime sanctions are working the way they are supposed to. Troops that are amassing on the border are more highly train, seem to have more sophisticated weaponry. Does that make you reconsider as a few democrats have suggested providing lethal aid to ukraine given those troop moments . Keep in mind the russian army is a lot bigger than the Ukrainian Army. So the issue here is not whether the Ukrainian Army has some additional weaponry. At least up until this point theyve been fighting a group of separatists who have engaged in some terrible violence, but who cant match the Ukrainian Army. Now if you start seeing an invasion by russia, thats obviously a different set of questions. Were not there yet. What we have been doing is providing a whole host of assistance packages to the ukrainian government, and to their military, and we will continue to work with them to evaluate on a daybyday, week by week basis what exactly they need in order to be able to defend their country and to deal with the separatist elements that currently are being armed by russia. But the best thing we can do for ukraine is to try to get back on a political train. David ohito, the standard. Thank you, mr. President. Youve been hosting african kings, Prime Ministers and president s for the last three days, but back home in africa lady freedom is afraid. In egypt in ethiopia dozens of journalists are impry second. In kenya they passed bad laws targeting the media. What can we do to make sure we have a strong media and more importantly to release the journalists behind bars. So many countries in africa are facing threats of terror. You mention ad few measures youll take. What can the International Community do also to neutralize terror threats in mali, cameroon, nigeria, kenya. What was the last part of the question . Could the terror threats is you kept kenya no, no. First of all with respect to journalists and the media. The last session that we had on Good Governance emphasized that Good Governance means everybody has a voice. That government is transparent. And there by accountable, and even though leaders dont always like it, the media play as crucial role in assuring pele that they have the proper information to evaluate the policies that their leaders are pursuing. And so we have been very consistent in pushing governance not just in africa but around the world to respect the right of journalists to practice their trade as a critical part of Civil Society and critical part of any democratic norm. You know, the specific issue of the al jazeera journalist in egypt weve declared privately and publicly that they should be released. We have been troubled by some of the laws that have been passed around the world that seem to restrict the ability of journalists to pursue stories or write stories. Weve also been disturbed by efforts to control the internet. Part of whats happened over the last decade or two is that new media, new technology allow people to get information that previously would never have been accessible or only to a few special skbriists but now peopl punch things up on the internet and. You up information thats relevant to their own lives and communities. So, were going to continue to push back against these efforts. As is true on a whole range of issues and ive said this in the past. You know, many times we will work with countries even though they are not perfect on every issue. And we find that in some cases engaging a country that generally is a good partner but is not performing optimally when it comes to all the various categories of human rights, you know, that we can be effective by working with them on certain areas, and criticizing them and trying to elicit improvements in other areas. Even among countries that generally have strong human rights records there are areas where there are problems. Thats true of the United States, by the way. You know. And so the good news and we heard this in the summit is that more and more countries are recognizing that in the absence of Good Governance, in the absence of accountability and transparency, thats not only going to have an effect domestically on the legitimacy of a government, it will have an effect on Economic Development and growth. Because, you know, ultimately, you know, in an Information Age open societies have the capacity to innovate and educate and move faster and be part of the global marketplace more than closed societies do over the long term. I believe that. Now, with respect to terrorism, i think theres uniform concern of terrorist infiltration in many countries throughout africa. Obviously theres a concern that we have globally. A lot of the initiativethat we put forward were designed to partner so that countries first and foremost can deal with these problems within their own borders, or regionally. And the United States doesnt have a desire to expand and create a big footprint inside africa. What we want to make sure we can do is partner with the african union, with individual countries to build up their capacity and one of the encouraging things in the sessions was a recognition that fighting terrorism also requires Security Forces that are professional, that are discipiplined, that they themselves are not engaging in human rights violations, that part of the lesson that weve all learned about terrorism is that it is possible in reaction to terrorism to actually accelerate the disease if the response is one that alien jaat populations, or particular ethnic groups or particular religions. So the security initiatives i announced today can make a big difference in that direction. Its not just a matter of us providing better equipment or better training, thats a part of it. But part of it is also making sure that these Security Forces and the intelligence operations are coordinated, and professional and they y are not alienating populations. The more we do that the more good we can do. One important point on governance, a society in which everybody feels as if they have a stake in the existing order and feel their grievances can be resolved through political means rather than violence and thats just one more reason why Good Governance has to be part of the recipe that we use for a strong stable and prosserous africa. Last question, jerome cartilli. Earlier today israeli Prime Minister described his operation as justified and proportionate. Do you agree with these two words and israel and hamas are thinking of prolonging the ceasefire. Your hopeful a truce can be achieved. I have said from the beginning that no country would tolerate rockets being launched into their cities. And as a consequence i have consistently supported israels right to defend itself and that includes doing what it need to do to prevent rockets from landing on Population Centers and more recently as we learned preventing tunnels from being dug under their territory that can be used to launch terrorist attacks. I also think it is important to remember that hamas acts extraordinarily irresponsibly when it is deliberately siting rock launches in Population Centers. You know, putting populations at risk because of that particular military strategy. Now, having said all that, ive also expressed my distress at whats happened to innocent civilians, including women and children during the course of this process and im very glad that we have at least temporarily achieved a ceasefire. The question now is how do we build on this temporary cessation of violence and move forward in a sustainable way. We intend to support the process thats taking place in egypt. I think the short term goal has to be launchers do not resume. The work that the Israeli Government did in closing off these tunnels has been completed. And that we are now in the process of helping to rebuild a gaza thats been really badly damaged, as a consequence of this conflict. Long term, there has to be a recognition that gaza cannot sustain itself permanently closed off from the world and incapable of providing some opportunity, jobs, Economic Growth for the population that live there, particularly given how dense that population is, how young that population is, were going to have to see a shift in opportunity for the people of gaza. I have no sympathy for hamas. I have great sympathy for ordinary people who are struggling within gaza. The question then becomes can we find a formula in which israel has greater assurance that gaza will not be a launching pad for further attacks, perhaps more dangerous attacks as technology develops into their country . But at the same time, ordinary palestinians have some prospects for an opening of gaza so that they do not feel walled off and incapable of pursue iing basic prosperity. I think there are formulas that are available but theyre going to require risks on the part of political leaders, theyre going to require a slow rebuilding of trust, which is obviously very difficult in the aftermath of the kind of violence that weve seen. So i dont think we get there right away. The u. S. Goal right now would be to make sure the ceasefire holds, that gaza can begin the process of rebuild iing and tha some measures are taken so that the people of gaza feel some sense of hope and the people of israel feel confident theyrt g the kind of rocket launchers that weve seen over the last several weeks. Secretary kerry has been in consistent contact with all the parties involved. We expect we will continue to work as diligently as we can to move the process forward. It is also going to need to involve the palestinian leadership in the west bank. I have no sympathy for hamas. I have great sympathy for some of the work that has been done in cooperation with israel and the International Community by the palestinian authority. Theyve shown themselves to be responsible. They recognized israel. They are prepared to move forward to arrive at a twostate solution. I think they are sincere in their desire for peace. But they have also been weakened, i think, during this process. The population may have lost confidence in the hope to move forward and we have to rebuild that as well. They are the delegation thats leading the palestinian negotia negotiators and my hope is we will be engaging with them to try to move what has been a very tragic situation over the last several weeks into a more constructive path. All right . Thank you very much, everybody. Thank you all who participated in the africa summit. It was an outstanding piece of work. I want to remind the folks in case theyve forgotten, of the incredible young people who participated in the fellows program, were very proud of you and looking forward to seeing the great work you do when you go home. President obama wrapping up after the summit and talked about the experimental vaccination for ebola vaccine and says science has to lead the way and science has to raise confidence that it can be contained in the u. S. Asked about the prospect of comprehensive action or work towards grant per midst for work orders for people who are here illegal the president said he did not discount that process and scouring authorities and i will work within the confines of my comprehensiexecutive power. And Russian Troops amassing along the border of ukraine. And the president was asked if sanctions are working. He went on at first to say he doesnt know and said theyre working on the russian economy and Vladimir Putin has a choice to make. And on hamas. He said no country would tolerate rockets to fire into their cities and said hamas is a acting extraordinarily irresponsible when it places rocket launch eers and has no sympathy for hamas but the People Living in gaza who feel would off. It was scheduled for 5 00 p. M. And started at 6 15 and just finished right now. Its such a privilege to listen to such a master or rater, it was riveting. I thought the answer to ukraine was shocking to me, where he said the sanctions are working as intended. Theyre clearly not. This is a perfect example of leading from behind. Theyre doing what theyre supposed to be doing. It was supposed to deter putin. Putin is not deterred, his popularity is through the roof, they are not effectual. If they invade, maybe we will send weapons. Maybe the point is if you send weapons now they wont invade. He seems to always want to play catchup with events. Two things. One, did he say anything today that changes the dynamic in russia or the middle east . No. Did he say anything that would give hamas or putin pause . No. Domestically, he again established himself, tried to position himself as the aggrieved compromiser. We saw from the polls today the public doesnt buy it. I was surprised he dodged the question about what he would do on immigration by executive action but still wants to work with both parties in both chambers with some compromise. Hes really not doing that. He wasnt trying to get a message out on any particular domestic issue in this great opportunity to do so. I was surprised he didnt have more questions on Foreign Policy. We suspected him to take many more. On the ones he had, i agree interesting he did not use this night to say anything to the leaders of putin or hamas with a fragile leadership in place and change the dynamics in place. To think, charles, moments before, earlier in the day, his defense secretary, chuck hagel said we could be looking at war between russia and ukraine as these troops or amassed along the boarder and in the Opening Statement ere was no statement and fortunately Chris Jansing asked the question she asked. His answer was demonstration of a word he loves, extraordinary lethargy distance disinterest uninterest, where he said if russia invades we will look at the policy again. On sanctions he said, well, im not sure if its working. He seemed to have zero interest in the issue. Was willing to let events dictate. This is to russia, the one country that can deter russia is ultimately the United States. Were just saying were going to watch. If that isnt a signal to putin he doesnt have to factor the United States in his calculation, i dont know what is. He was equally as sort of lethargic and disinterested and detached in talking about hamas. He has no sympathy for hamas, his own state Department Says its a terrorist organization. He said placing weapons among civilians is irresponsible. Its a bloody war crime. Theres no passion, no interest, nothing behind it. You have to wonder why did he hold the press conference . Im not sure he advanced any issue at all other than to showed a ver saris, bad guys in this world you dont have to worry about this guy. Hes going on vacation, grabbing the golf clubs and hell be gone for a month and well see you when we come back. If russia has taken over ukraine well see them when they come back. This guy is an incredible writer. Im stunned all the time by the passive voice he uses and weak. To say hamas is irresponsible. Frat boys are irresponsible. Words matter when youre trying to lead the world. Im stunned by how poor ly poor it seems greater tonight than last night . Everybody expected him to take some sakz during this congressional recess on immigration. Ron was right. It will be a nuclear bond going off. Hes trying to say it will be legal and scouring his Legal Authority but it will be plically vepli politically very toxic. Thanks for inving us sqinto your home. We apologize to the viewers of the five. Greta has you covered right now. This is a fox news alert. The israelis andnd palestinians are still talking, indirect negotiations in cairo and the fragile ceasefire is Still Holding at least for now. How long . Rick in gaza city with the very latest. Rick. Reporter we are right in the middle, the longest quiet in gaza in the past 30 days. The question is how long will it last . Israel said its willing to extend the ceasefire agreement past 72 hours, past the friday morning cutoff. There is less indication hamas is willing to keep its finger off the trigger. There are reports hamas said unless there are significant

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