clear >> bret: welcome to watching top i'm john roberts in for bret tonight. the expected migrant squatters in out of custody in new york and how they might have gotten into that property in the first place they deem with bipartisan green agenda and how much would you spend to survive the apocalypse. all of that and more is ahead. first breaking to night president biden said an immediate cease fire mr. hamas and israel is gaza in coming days. >> determined by our assessment of israel's immediate action on these steps. >> the direct result on world kitchen aid workers. one claims their staff was targeted. >> i don't think it was an unfortunate mistake bow direct attack on clearly marked people's. >> the president has seen that clip. >> he's been briefed and is ware. >> biden allies have been imploring him to shift his approach to the israel. >> strategy that the united states is implementing is not changing the mind privately with a small group of muslim community leaders doocy the house thank you. the southern border is the having migrant's accused of occupying a bronx home illegally. one something them is or retsed and we're learning how sanctuary city status is contributing to the squatted at me as the homeowner comes to assess the damage. he wants to remain nameless because he still feares for his life. >> he is not favor to safety. >> this landlord took us inside his bronx, new york a house after an eight month battle to evict eight migrants that broke into his basement and made it their home. >> they let then you? >> of course. last time even the officer was there and they were sitting down against us and they were showing me something like this. >> he tells fox news he rented the basement to an ecuadorle and her husband. the migrants broke in and broke his security cameras and cost him thousands of dollars. >> what are you do last week fa sho shoplifting charges. >> we have to work with ice and work within the framework of a very, very, bad law that the, it led to the governor having imposed upon us. >> two additional migrants remain at liker's island while ice is looking for jefferson, the d.a. had a 4 $45,000 bond but the judge set him free. >> nate, thank you. >> now to the financial toll of the migrant christ crisis near to the border. madison has the look at the staggering numbers tonight. >> cities across america are spending billions dollars on benefits for migrant who have crossed the border illegally. >> i feel like i slap in the face. i slap in the faces a me as a legal immigrant. >> how many benefits each asylum seeker is getting a story better told by smaller numbers in new york housing is guaranteed with tens of thousands of migrants flooding the system some have been housed in hotel rooms that go for $300 a night and mayor mcadams is running debit card program. $1,400 for a flame of four. >> hey, everybody is in new york because they want to get a food card. >> in los angeles migrants are given full coverage health insurance and called get one thousand a month through the cities guaranteed income pilot program. in chicago they have spent 300 million dollars on migrants since 2023 on things like rental assistance if you are a migrant there you can get $15,000 annually to help pay for your houseing but some places are cutting back on migrant housing. >> we'll still be a city that's welcomeing but we have to be conservative with our money. >> each new migrant that arrives to mile high city costs anywhere from republican. >> will not be involved in a third party run. >> no labels did have some achievements saying it gown ballot access in many states including arizona and nae very da and had a 70 million budget to tract voters that didn't want to support jump biden. joe leiber man died last week. today's news does not mean it will be just biden verses trump round. two cornell west and libertarian and green party candidates called all be in the mix in november. >> one of the big questions is will rfk get the criteria to be included in the debates. >> that tension in the middle east. the nasdaq was down today 228. why some chinese nationals will trying to sneak into into one united states territory. here'sw fx t in boston has a deadly late season nor-easter with heavy no snow. it has knocked out power from pennsylvania to maine. people in collegeville said an 82-year-old woman died when a tree crushed her car. fox 11 in los angeles said investigators are trying to solve one of the largest cash hooifts in the city's history. crew broke in on sunday and got away with this, listen to this. $30 million. no arrests have been announced. this a live look at state farm stadium in glendale arizona. the defending national connecticut huskies had tough time getting to phoenix and they'll be playing. they played and encountered mechanical issues with their plane and didn't take off until 1:30 in the morning. the groove arrived to the hotel at 3:15 local time. that's a live look at the beltway from special report and we'll be right back. ♪ behrrrrr ♪ whether you're doing it yourself or hiring a pro, today let's paint. ♪ behr behr behr behrrrrr ♪ ♪ behr behr behr behrrrr ♪ - no, no. - sorry... exclusively at the home depot. ♪ i have type 2 diabetes, but i manage it well ♪ ♪ jardiance! ♪ ♪ it's a little pill with a big story to tell ♪ ♪ i take once-daily jardiance ♪ ♪ at each day's start! ♪ ♪ as time went on it was easy to see ♪ ♪ i'm lowering my a1c! ♪ jardiance works twenty-four seven in your body to flush out some sugar. and for adults with type 2 diabetes and known heart disease, jardiance can lower the risk of cardiovascular death, too. serious side effects may include ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration that can lead to sudden worsening of kidney function, and genital yeast or urinary tract infections. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop jardiance and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection ketoacidosis, or an allergic reaction. you may have an increased risk for lower limb loss. call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of infection in your legs or feet. taking jardiance with a sulfonylurea or insulin may cause low blood sugar. ♪ jardiance is really swell ♪ ♪ the little pill ♪ ♪ with a big story to tell! ♪ we're traveling all across america, talking to people about their hearts. how's the heart? 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>> the trustees walked out of the meeting because of the mayor's decision to lock the others out. >> they came here to do a political theatre. which you just saw. >> in a town with boarded up homes the median income isless than $55,000 and the mayor earns more than five times that. the policy institute said she earns $224,000 as supervisor of the township and $45 as mayor of dalton so is greater in her salary than 50 other governors. >> she's absolutely scary. >> the village explained locked doors as a result of violence. as a media portrayal and they are using dalton to generate revenue, i.e. click bait. >> john: the doors of business hall are locked now and someone looking to get a permit has to wait for a vestibule for security person to let them in and then they can be let in. >> that's quite the pay dye day she's got. no wonder she wants to stay in power. mike, thank you. biden administration is close to closing highly an this dated standards involving menthol cigarettes. many law enforcement and free market consumer groups and the food and drug federation has missed dates the which of which was this week. there's danny cases of cancer at north carolina state that date back. the centers of disease control is investigating and john is in atlanta tonight >> this classroom has been closed since november after they detected chemicals that are commonly used construction materials when the hall was built in 1971. local station rb will said it has 152 reports of people who have cancer that studied there. >> the university is not offering health testing relating to the hall because we're still in the evaluation phase of the buildings environment. >> a cdc spokesperson said the national institute for okay a pansy is in health is evaluating at the university's post hall but there are no details about on-going regulation. officials are not calls this a cancer cluster. a designation that has a tailored government response. a cancer cluster in texas is comblamed on a near-by industrial site. toxic affects have been studied in animals but much less in humans. >> i think the's still fuzzy in terms of how much it would take to cause cancer in people if this ever really happens. >> john: experts say cancer clusters are difficult to prove because the disease so common. more than 40% of all-americans will be diagnosed with some type of cancer at some point during their lifetime. john? >> john: lot of concern for folks in north carolina. john, thank you. call it paranoia or prudent planning. we show you some of the doomsday planes for the ultra rich. many of them are paying big bucks for state-of-the-art bunkers in hopes of surveying the apocalypse in style. grid jenkins has that story. >> how many are you willing to spokened a doomsday bunker. what a ring of fire or water canons? modern bunker bipders say, if you have money they can build it. >> they want to have an extension of their lifestyle in their bunk. >> the ceo of a shelter company saw this happen when the war broke out in gaza. world war tree a terror attack and the power grid collapse but he said his biggest concern is something different. >> every jurisdiction could be concerned about civil unrest. it's not a foreign innovation anymore. that idea the russians are coming the russians are come, they are not. >> hubbard builds bunkers from average buyer to a billionary. this one and 400 k. for 20 grand you can get the basic bomb shelter. dig deeper and you can get the one hundred grand big bow. >> out's worth it 100% just to know that hey, just in case. we have it. >> we've come a long way john from these old fall out shelters of the 1960s and pew pole in 2020 said four out of ten americans believe we are living in the end times. build your bunker now john. >> or if you are mark zuckerberg you can have a hawaii island. griffin thank you. up next bret bare has the segment. on this day in history 56 years ago ma turn luther king junior was assassinated in tennessee. he was preparing for march and stepped out on the balcony of his hotel when he was shot dead. s joint symptoms held me back. don't let symptoms define you. emerge as you. with tremfya®, most people saw 90% clearer skin at 4 months and the majority stayed clearer, at 5 years. tremfya® is proven to significantly reduce joint pain, stiffness and swelling. it's just 6 doses a year, after 2 starter doses. serious allergic reactions may occur. tremfya® may increase your risk of infections and lower your ability to fight them. tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms or if you had a vaccine or plan to. emerge as you. emerge tremfyant®. ask you doctor about tremfya®. 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>> i am concerned and i would say that we should about go too far too fast and i can only imagine putting trucks in washington dc to ultimately determine the winner and losers. i have great concerns here. >> congressman james, what are your thought? >> the auto industry is not just responsible for 55.0 percent of the emissions gdp but all industry all ins states rely on the automotive industry to provide a reliable economic transportation. we all believe in clean air and water but we have to progress and make sure the federal government is never in a position to remove choice and freedom from the american people if you want an ev, get one if you want a gas car vehicle get a gas car vehicle but these are things that should be decided by the consumer. >> the model is broken because even with big subsidies only rich people can buy an electric vehicle and we don't have a grid toner guise them. we don't have enough transmission. the number one way we do with them is making them more affordable and that's why you see prices to get closer to party. >> congressman james the issue is about how feasible it is. we had the infrastructure bill. $5 billion was allocated for bipartisan effort to create charging stations but of the $5 billion as of a month ago it's frommed in four charging stations opening so far. obviously there are big planes for things but to congressman davis's point is this getting ahead of things? >> that's 1.25 million per station when we are supposed to have hundreds by now. in michigan wle where we have winter. what this leaves us open to is a china coming up with these vehicles and competing on their strong turf for vehicles that they can sell but low what we make. >> customer davis how are you working on this in the common ground way with congressman davis or others that see the same way and what do you tell the administration about this? we have automakers delaying their ev plans a number of them in recent weeks and months. >> of course there are those that are very supportive moving towards ev and however, there are others with grave concerns like i have, like we have heard. we're not there on the infras infrastructure. >> this is mandate. electric trucks. the rule will require electric models to account for 60 percent of urban delivery trucks and 20% of tractor-trailer sales. the harm is no idea mate benefit. this is the editorial board of the "wall street journal". 1.4 million chargers will have be in stalled to complete this mandate and that's 15,000 a month and the realism there is really the question. >> the real is something extremely in question. when you take a look at the natural resources that are be required to make these in the first place. you are relying an supply chain that we don't have these yet because we don't have the regulatory environment. unreliable supply chains can cause food shortages and ship shortages on level where's you don't have these deliveries and there's heavier introduction. you want to scale back the impact on the environment what will happen when you half heavier trucks on the road and you require more trucks to carry the same payload is you have more trucks damaging the road with more img about on our grid which makes our climate system is not good. we are pushing back across the i'll so say enough is enough. >> john: last thing congressman davis. when you talk to colleagues that are pushing for this and siding with the administration. >> we know that united states has a goal of 50% all knee electri electric vechles by 2030. move away from the all electric vehicle. the future is to destroy our planet. >> john: what do they say? >> there's a concern about the environment and i get that but i also come from an academic background and sometimes we can talk all day about theory and theory may not to align with what's practical and taking place on the ground. >> gentlemen we appreciate your time. this conversation will flas long, long time as we see this battle play out. thanks for coming on common ground. you can see all the common ground segments on my podcast common ground and find that at the bret ba podcast on the fox news page. >> up next the panel of president bidens threats to change u.s. policy towards israel and the stage is set for this year's final four. beca s you'd like to be. farxiga can cause serious side effects, including ketoacidosis that may be fatal, dehydration, urinary tract, or genital yeast infections, and low blood sugar. a rare, life-threatening bacterial infection in the skin of the perineum could occur. stop taking farxiga and call your doctor right away if you have symptoms of this infection, an allergic reaction, or ketoacidosis. ♪ far-xi-ga ♪ here's to getting better with age. here's to beating these two every thursday. help fuel today with boost high protein, complete nutrition you need... ...without the stuff you don't. so, here's to now. boost. clear leer se. end clogged gutters for good. call 833.leaf.filter, or visit today. >> tech: cracked windshield? 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>> there's always a lesson like that and look what happened in afghanistan was really the bloom coming off the rose for the biden administration and it showed his court promise of we've got this and we are going to be completely competent wasn't completely true but also who and what matters in this situation. whatever happened we're going to investigate this, is a tragedy but the reality is it also happened to the wrong aid workers. what i mean by that is jose andres isn't just an internationally known chef. he is a commodity in washington. he knows everybody and every newsroom, a lot of members of congress and senators and called the president himself. not every celebrity chef gets to do that. that's part of life this has change the conversation its way i reached out to my friend matt brooks, the head of the republican jewish coalition, to see where are you on this? they realize the same thing that a lot of voters do. time is not on israel's side here especially when you consider the very real threat from iran. >> john: in fact there was an interview with the former president donald trump did with israel in which he said pretty much the same thing. oh, sorry. we don't have the video. i will read it for you. he said "you have to finish up your war. to finish up you've got to get it done and i'm sure you'll do that and we've got to get a piece. we can have this thing going on. i will say israel has to be very careful because you're losing a lot of the world. you're losing a lot of support. you have to finish up. have to get the job done and you have to get onto peace. get onto a normal life for israel and for everybody else." the former president, who says that he is probably the most stalwart president ever when it comes to israel, saying it's time to get this wrapped up. >> israel is not only fighting a war against hamas, they are fighting a public relations battle and right now in this moment they are losing. to doug's point i think it was a turning point with the israeli strike on the world central bombing -- world central kitchen. going forward for not only president trump i think also benjamin netanyahu who is also someone fighting is public relations battle not only from the world but israelis themselves, so it's a very complicated situation. >> i brought up that president quote. former president. he wants people to understand he wants israel to achieve victory and do it quickly as opposed to the biden administration which wants a standing play cease-fire. the former president is light years ahead. speare let me play an excerpt of your interview with the former president. >> you're still standing 100% with israel. he achieved the abraham accords, first piece deal since sadat. what is your advice to netanyahu besides get it over in a hurry. >> that's all the advice you can give. they are releasing tapes of a building coming down. that's why they're losing the p.r. war. >> he said victory, victory would do it quickly. biden has been holding them back. i think they ought to listen to trump. >> there was a large degree of ambiguity in terms of not what the biden administration was looking for with israel but with the biden administration would do if israel doesn't comply. >> that goes directly to domestic politics here in america. as we had so many conversations of weaknesses donald trump has with the electorate, so does joe biden. we look at michigan. we hear all about the conversation about the problem he has with what israel is doing, supporting israel and how that might hurt him in michigan with muslim voters especially around dearborn. a lot of jewish democrats as well looking at this. a lot of uncertainty for where is the biden initiation today much less last week or next week. >> john: with hamas on the ropes and israel saying they have to eradicate hamas, will that put pressure on them to back off? >> puts pressure on them to reevaluate their strategy and pay more attention to civilian risks. >> john: great to have you with us today. really appreciate it. ♪ ♪ finally tonight, a special day. >> the final four is also bringing in volunteers who will be in the airport to answer questions about all the festivities as well as provide information. >> john: sky harbor airport has never been more ready for basketball fans expecting a massive surge of people similar to the 2023 super bowl. the airport has put up a final four countdown clock in preparation for this weekends college basketball national championship. it's also, my son would love this, redesigned recycling bins into basketball hoops. increase the number of volunteers. a lot of people will be trying to be steph curry. tomorrow on "special report," what we can learn from america's greatest presidents what they say now. thanks for watching "special report." "the ingraham angle" with kid rock is next.

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,Arrests ,State Farm ,00 Million ,30 Million ,Connecticut Huskies ,Issues ,Plane ,Phoenix ,Special Report ,Hotel ,Groove ,Beltway ,1 ,15 ,3 ,30 ,Behrrrrr ,Type 2 Diabetes ,Paint ,Pro ,Behr ,Behr Behrrrrr ,Behrrrr ,Home Depot ,2 ,Pill ,Risk ,Taking Jardiance ,Ketoacidosis ,Side Effects ,Sugar ,Heart Disease ,A1c ,Body ,Adults ,Death ,Twenty Four ,Seven ,Infection ,Symptoms ,Skin ,Doctor ,Dehydration ,Reaction ,Perineum ,Urinary Tract Infections ,Infection Ketoacidosis ,Genital Yeast ,Limb Loss ,Kidney Function ,Stop Jardiance ,Blood Sugar ,Insulin ,Feet ,Legs ,Sulfonylurea ,Heart ,Hearts ,Ekg ,Fingers ,Pads ,Kardiamobile ,Stroke ,Causes ,Anywhere ,Atrial Fibrillation ,Order ,Amazon ,9 ,79 ,Estate ,County Line System ,Ballot Design ,Halt ,Ruling ,John A Federal Appeals Court ,New Jersey ,Critics ,Ballot ,Backing ,Column ,Discreet Place El ,Party ,Advantage ,Immigration Problem ,Graham ,Government ,Push ,Talks ,Job ,Medical School Admission ,Country ,Doctor Trainees ,90 ,Defense Diplomats ,Earth Camp ,Amster ,Nato ,75 ,Military Support ,Organization ,Ukraine ,32 ,Sight ,Vision ,Hd ,Test ,Eye Infection ,Swelling ,Eye Injections ,Eye ,Eye Pain ,Treatments ,Retina ,Allergies ,Redness ,Separation ,Blood Vessels ,Eylea Hd ,Eyla Hd ,Don T Use ,Eye Pressure ,Heart Attack ,Increase ,Blood Clots ,Eye Floaters ,Corneal Injury ,Cataract ,Type ,Injections ,Retina Specialist ,Treatment ,Eylea Hd Today ,Potential ,Car Door ,Street Noise ,Paparazzi Taking Pictures ,Otezla ,Plaque Psoriasis ,Red ,Ned S Plaque Psoriasis ,Patches ,Ned ,Reactions ,Don T ,Blood Tests ,Doctors ,Flaking ,Itching ,Psoriatic Arthritis ,Thoughts ,Upper Respiratory Tract Infection ,Weight Loss ,Headache ,Vomiting ,Nausea ,Diarrhea ,Depression ,Movie ,Groovy Night ,Apr ,Selection ,Kubota ,Orange Days ,84 ,0 ,Dealer ,Tractors ,Kubotaorangedays Com ,3300 ,Mayor ,Everything ,Call ,Corruption ,America Tiffany ,President ,Mike To Bin ,Employee ,Trips ,Retaliating ,Sexual Harassment ,Dictator Accuser Of Embezzles Public Money ,Meeting ,Outrage ,Most ,The Public Out Of A Village Hall ,Trustees ,What S Going On ,Transparency ,Fb Toy ,Funds ,Resolution ,Others ,Theatre ,Saw ,Town ,Decision ,Times ,Homes ,Supervisor ,Policy Institute ,24000 ,55000 ,Five ,224000 ,Dalton ,Governors ,Township ,Salary ,Village ,45 ,50 ,5 ,Someone ,Doors ,Revenue ,Click Bait ,Violence ,Media Portrayal ,The Doors Of Business Hall ,I E ,Security ,Permit ,Vestibule ,Wonder ,Administration ,Law Enforcement ,Free Market Consumer Groups ,Standards ,Menthol Cigarettes ,Food ,Federation ,Drug ,Cancer ,Centers ,North Carolina State ,Cases ,Disease Control ,Atlanta ,Hall ,Chemicals ,Construction Materials ,Classroom ,Health Testing ,University ,Station Rb ,1971 ,152 ,Health ,Institute ,Spokesperson ,Evaluation Phase ,Buildings Environment ,Okay A Pansy ,Cdc ,Cancer Cluster ,Officials ,Regulation ,University S Post Hall ,Details ,Designation ,Response ,Affects ,Industrial Site ,Comblamed On A Near ,Texas ,Terms ,Animals ,Humans ,Point ,Disease ,Cancer Clusters ,All Americans ,Experts ,40 ,Lot ,Concern ,Planes ,Big Bucks For State Of The Art Bunkers ,Lifetime ,Planning ,Many ,Folks ,It Paranoia ,Rich ,North Carolina ,Ultra ,Style ,Hopes ,Grid Jenkins ,Ring Of Fire ,Water ,Canons ,Spokened A Doomsday Bunker ,Bunker Bipders Say ,War ,Ceo ,Lifestyle ,Bunk ,Shelter Company Saw ,Extension ,Power Grid Collapse ,Jurisdiction ,World War Tree A Terror ,Gaza ,Russians ,Bunkers ,Innovation ,Idea ,Unrest ,Hubbard ,Grand ,Dig ,Billionary ,Buyer ,Bomb Shelter ,Big Bow ,One Hundred ,20 ,400 K ,Way ,Just In Case ,Shelters ,Battle Play Out ,100 ,Bunker ,Pew ,Americans ,Opole ,Mark Zuckerberg ,2020 ,1960 ,Ten ,Bret Bare ,Segment ,Griffin ,Hawaii Island ,Cup ,56 ,Junior ,Balcony ,Tennessee ,Tremfya ,Clearer ,Joint ,Majority ,Infections ,Joint Pain ,Stiffness ,Starter Doses ,Ability ,6 ,Family ,Remington ,Member ,Vaccine ,Emerge Tremfyant ,Sure ,It ,Dog ,Transformation ,Farmer ,Coat ,Energy ,Them ,No Brainer ,Happiness ,Nutritious ,Remi ,Shopify ,Stage ,Business ,Spain ,Relief Factor ,Back ,Wife ,Three ,Supplement ,Milk ,Quickstart ,Lactaid ,19 95 ,9 95 ,Game ,Lactose ,Friend ,Nothing ,Cold One ,My Old Friend ,Delicious Too ,Kevin ,Sales ,Production ,Common Ground ,Ford Motor Company ,Electric Vechle ,Plans ,Efforts ,Edo ,Gas Cars ,Congressman Davis ,Number ,Democracies ,Republicans ,Congressman James ,Democratic ,Mandate ,Car Sales ,Tail Pipe Emissions ,Crackdown ,Battery ,Feasibility ,Tos ,David ,2032 ,2030 ,13 ,Trucks ,Winner ,Losers ,Washington Dc To ,Concerns ,Auto Industry ,Thought ,Gdp ,55 0 ,Industry ,Automotive Industry ,Transportation ,Ins ,Hair ,Car Vehicle ,Ev ,Freedom ,Position ,Choice ,Vehicle ,Consumer ,Model ,Subsidies ,Grid Toner Guise Them ,Issue ,Transmission ,Prices ,Charging Stations ,Infrastructure Bill ,Effort ,6 Billion ,5 Billion ,Frommed ,1 25 Million ,Hundreds ,Vehicles ,Michigan Wle ,China ,Turf ,Low ,Customer Davis ,Moving ,Infras Infrastructure ,Rule ,Idea Mate Benefit ,Tractor Trailer Sales ,Harm ,Electric Trucks ,Models ,60 ,Chargers ,Board ,Realism ,Wall Street Journal ,1 4 Million ,Question ,Resources ,Supply Chain ,Real ,Environment ,Ship Shortages ,Supply Chains ,Food Shortages ,Level ,On The Road ,Deliveries ,Introduction ,Payload ,Impact ,Grid ,Climate System ,Road ,Img ,Colleagues ,Siding ,Goal ,Electri Electric Vechles ,Planet ,Theory ,Background ,Conversation ,Bret Ba Podcast ,Thanks ,Gentlemen ,Fox News Page ,Policy ,Panel ,Bidens ,Threats ,Yeast Infections ,Urinary Tract ,Genital ,Stop Taking Farxiga ,Boost ,Protein ,Nutrition ,Stuff ,Clear Leer Se ,Gutters ,Visit Leaffilter Com ,Leaf Filter ,833 Leaf Filter ,833 ,Tech Vo ,Customer ,Schedule ,Safelite ,Morning Walk ,Tech ,Windshield ,Service ,Replacement ,Let S Go ,Pascal ,Nice To Meet You ,Singers ,Safelite Com ,Safelite Repair ,Prime Minister ,Respect ,God ,Pressure ,Phone Call ,Moss ,Politics ,Julie Manchester ,Netanyahu ,Doug ,Let S Chew ,Strike ,World ,Kitchen Workers ,Direction ,Tone ,Change ,Shift ,Aid Workers ,Support ,Some ,Charity Organization ,American ,Benjamin Netanyahu ,Countries ,Role ,Iran ,Sort ,Killing ,Gps Jamming Signals ,Irg C ,Distant ,Secretary Blinken ,Jarring ,Jolting ,Warfare ,Casualties ,Washington ,Idf ,Gang ,Afghanistan ,Innocence ,Congressman Michael Waltz ,Worker ,Aid ,Directing ,Incident ,Aid Worker ,Drone Strike ,Withdrawal ,Rally ,Bit ,Righteous Indignation ,Pentagon ,Lesson ,Members ,Bloom ,Houses ,Children ,Stones ,Rose ,Nine ,Reality ,Situation ,Tragedy ,Court Promise ,Wasn T ,Commodity ,Newsroom ,Part ,Chef ,Celebrity Chef ,Senators ,Isn T ,Congress ,Jose Andres ,Voters ,Matt Brooks ,Side ,Head ,Republican Jewish Coalition ,Donald Trump ,Interview ,Threat ,Fact ,Piece ,Video ,Peace ,Everybody Else ,Public Relations ,Turning Point ,Stalwart ,Bombing ,World Central Kitchen ,Israelis ,Quote ,Victory ,Speare ,Standing Play ,Excerpt ,Advice ,Abraham Accords ,Sadat ,Building ,Hurry ,Tapes ,P R ,Trump ,Degree ,Ambiguity ,Electorate ,Conversations ,Weaknesses ,Israel Doesn T ,Joe Biden ,Doing ,Problem ,Jewish ,Muslim ,Dearborn ,Put Pressure ,Hamas On The Ropes ,Uncertainty ,Initiation ,John ,Risks ,Attention ,Volunteers ,Airport ,Festivities ,Sky Harbor Airport ,Surge ,Basketball Fans ,Countdown Clock ,Preparation ,Information ,Super Bowl ,Son ,Recycling Bins ,College Basketball National Championship ,Basketball Hoops ,Steph Curry ,Presidents ,Ingraham Angle ,Kid Rock ,

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