Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20190411

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Our reporting begins with Julian Assange who could finally face justice here in the United States after he spent nearly seven years holed up in the Ecuadorian Embassy in london. He was arrested today after he was given the boot. Here he is in up the close. They had to drag him out and push him into a waiting police van. The u. S. Justice department looking to extradite assange after charging him with conspiracy to help a former Army Intelligence analyst, Chelsea Manning, hack into the pentagons Computer System to steal and publish government secrets. Julian assange sporting a dramatic new look and the long beard. We havent seen a lot of him since ecuador cut off his Internet Access more than a year or so ago. Assange flash add peace sign as the cops drove him away. Heres a throw back to when assange looked like this in may of 2017. His attorney is vowing to fight his extradition to america. The editor in chief of wikileaks called as song a journalist that exposed war crimes of the United States of america and now the victim of political persecution. This is journalistic. Its called conspiracy, conspiracy to commit journalism. This has to end. The c. I. A. Has called wikileaks a Hostile Intelligence Service embedded by state actors like russia. The website published emails stolen from the dnc and Hillary Clintons campaign which we now know were hacked by Russian Military spies. Julian assange has denied that he worked with moscow. Assange could get prison time for skipping bail in the United Kingdom years ago when he decided to hide out in Ecuadors Embassy to avoid getting extradited to sweden on a rape case. Today a british judge told assange that hes a narcissist that cannot see beyond his own selfish interests. The chief intelligence correspondent, Catherine Herridge reporting live from washington. Catherine . At the white house, the president tried to distance himself from the website and his founder, assange. I know nothing about wikileaks. Its not my thing. I know theres something having to do with Julian Assange. Ive seen what has happened with assange. That will be a determination i would imagine mostly by the attorney general who is doing an excellent job. He will be making a determination. I know nothing really about him. Its not my deal in life. The sevenpage virginia indictment was filed under seal in march. It accuses as song of one of the largest compromises of classified information in u. S. History. It states that the wikileaks founder engaged with Chelsea Manning to crack a Defense Department Computer Network password. The indictment reads in part at the time that he entered into this agreement, assange knew that manning was providing records of wikileaks containing defense training. Assange was receiving classified reports from manning for the purpose of publicly disclosing them on wikileaks website. He said a former head of Homeland Security and Defense Department general counsel told fox and friends that the legal picture is complicated. There may be a claim that what he was doing was legitimate journalist activity and what constitutes a journalist is a more complex question in the age 0 the internet. Its also important to know on the campaign trail, the president said multiple times or praised multiple times, wikileaks and the release of the emails, shep. As luck and fate would have it, the president who often used to say i love wikileaks has just commented again on wikileaks. As is the case most often, the White House Pool is in there for this and theyre hearing it and recording it. They are play it out. When they do, we will play it for you. First, an arrest of the first prominent democrat as part of the mueller probe. President obamas onetime white house counsel, greg craig, seen here indicted in a case that stems from the special counsels russia investigation. The Justice Department charges the high profile attorney with making false statements while about lobbying work that he did for ukraine. Back to catherine. What details do we have on this . Its not a lengthy indictment. It makes clear that the grand jury found that greg craig lied about his lobbying work on behalf of the ukraine. A Justice Department spokesperson issued a statement in the last hour that reads in part, a federal grand jury returned an indictment charging gregory b. Craig with making false statements and concealing information about his activities on behalf of the ukraine from the department of justice, the Foreign Agent registration act known as fara. What the indictment does, it appears to answer critics of the special counsel that felt that only republicans were prosecuted because craig is a high profile democrat. I would emphasize the timing seems to matter becoming before the imminent release of the mueller report. So this is really clearing the deck, shep. Shepard Catherine Herridge live in washington. Thank you. To the president in just a moment. First, bob bianchi, criminal defense attorney. If if theres those in our audience that want to say he exposed things that people needed to know, they can say that. But they havent gotten him on exactly that. They have been specific about the way that they plan to charge Julian Assange. Yeah, this is a really dynamic and unfolding scenario. Shepard hit him like a terrorist. Thats a big point here. Theres a statute of limitations issue on the conspiracy charge, which is usually five years. They put terrorism into that because that extends the statutes of limitations that means when they filed the seals of indictment, they only did it days before that that statute of limitations expired. Expect that to be a big argument in britain when they make an argument that these charges are not something that he should be prosecuted under. The statute of limitations has exposed. Shepard and that could be on the extradition charge. Youre saying he might not come over here . One, they have to prove theres a legitimate charge. It has to be the crime that that country itself would prosecute. That country would make conditions to the United States. For example, easy one to remember is like a recent murder case that i covered. They said the person that committed the murder cannot be charged with a Death Penalty if we bring them back to your country. So one person was convicted. The shooter was not because mexico refused to extradite unless that agreement was made. So extradition is a tricky thing here. Shepard if Julian Assange gets back here and they convict him on the charges, then what happens to him . I expect they want to extract data, Counter Intelligence information from him and information that was related to the mueller probe. So they have him for a lowlevel offense that carry as maximum of 20 years. If they go to this espionage piece, that this could fit and they say listen, if you dont play with us now, were going in, getting a superseding indictment and then were going to have to make you plead to the most readily approvable offense because thats the new guidelines under the department of justice after jeffery sessions, then you could be spending the rest of your life in jail. What the do got . Is it valuable . Is it valuable to other countries . Counter intelligencewise and individuals in the United States that may have helped out. If you want to play ball with us, were working to do that. Theres no doubt that thats what theyll do when they get him over here. Shepard youre a defense attorney. Used to be a prosecutor. You can prosecute and defend. Could you make a defense for Julian Assange that look, he was doing the peoples work. Can you make that defense and if so, how would you do it . Heres where its a media question and a legitimate valuable question here. We cannot have a government interfering with the media and access of data and getting that out to the public, this case go far beyond that. He actually assisted in helping break passwords and pass codes so that shepard would you say that if you were defending him . If i were defending him, id say he was trying to assist somebody in getting data. It wasnt successful. She did this on her own. You should look at this as a guy that was a journalist trying to get information that may have gone a little wayward, maybe stepped over the lines, but you dont need to hit a fly with a sledge hammer here. We dont know the facts other than what is in this indictment. He said you got the keys, the ears, the data. You want to give it to me, let me help you do that. Its a tough argument for the defense. Shepard well know soon enough. I suppose we will. Yeah. Its going to be a battle in the courts. Shepard going to be a process. Thank you. Bob bianchi. Were still waiting for the playback from the president on wikileaks. We heard the president talk about wikileaks on the campaign trail. Who can forget . Hello wikileaks. Helpful at the time. Now the president had Different Things to say today and well hear from the president on a number of different topics in just a few minutes. Well play it for you and you can decide. Alexa, who is listening to your conversation . Turns out some amazon workers are keeping tabs on what you say when youre around alexa. This cannot be a shock, can it . Guess how many employees are listening to what youre saying and writing it down for the amazon. Take a wild guess. Dont google it during the commercial break. Thats cheating. When we come back, youll hear how many employees are listening to what youre saying and writing it down. And later, florida man busted for bad behavior. This florida man was also a mayor. But first, Michael Avenatti tweeter in more trouble with the law. Prosecutors accusing the attorney of stealing millions from his client and he could spend centuries behind bars. I mean, no one lasts for centuries, but the law does. Thats coming up as reporting continues on a wednesday afternoon. Oh, todays thursday. If you have moderate to severe psoriasis, Little Things can be a big deal. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. With otezla, 75 clearer skin is achievable. Dont use if youre allergic to otezla. It may cause severe diarrhea, nausea, or vomiting. Otezla is associated with an increased risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts or if these feelings develop. 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You know your family we know Senior Living. Together well make the right choice. But dad, youve got allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Are you in good hands . Shepard Michael Avenatti got a dump truck of charges on his head today. Hes accused of hiding 4 million from a paraplegic client with a mental illness. Thats according to prosecutors in los angeles who say its just one of 36 charges against him today. The u. S. Attorney says that Michael Avenatti is convicted on all the counts he could get, theoretically speaking, 335 years in prison. The other charges include stealing millions from four other clients, also not paying taxes for years, lying about a Bankruptcy Court and bank fraud. Michael avenatti, among other things, represented the porn actress Stormy Daniels in lawsuits against the president after he had done allegedly all of that other stuff. These charges in l. A. Are separate from another case here in new york city. The feds say avenatti tried to shake down nike in that case. Prosecutors say avenatti and an unnamed associate threatened to hold a News Conference that nike had misconduct if they didnt pay him 25 million. Avenattis lawyers say hes not guilty. Jeff paul reporting live in our west coast news hub. Jeff . Yeah, shep. Investigators say instead of giving that paraplegic client his money, avenatti spent it on himself. The indictment says when the client filed documents, avenatti ignored the settlement information to the government knowing it could show the alleged embezzlement. As a result, the client stopped receiving his disability checks. In another case, avenatti received millions in a settlement for his client. The next day he bought a private jet, the same jet that was seized yet. In addition to the wire fraud case, they accuse him of bank, tax and wire fraud. These four areas of criminal conduct are all linked to one another because money generated from one set of crimes was used to further other crimes. Typically in the form of payments designed to string along victims so as to prevent mr. Avenattis financial house of cards from collapsing. Avenatti has been very active on social media today to respond to this indictment. In one tweet he wrote, i intend to fully fight all charges. I like forward to the truth being known as opposed to the onesided version. His next court date is april 29. Shepard thanks, jeff. Michael avenatti in trouble. Seems to me when all the media appearances were going on and the hysteria, many lawyers like myself are like what is this guy doing . This is not the way lawyers perform and handle their cases. Its more about getting money. I have seen and prosecuted unfortunately lawyers, not many of them, but a few that are getting into financial trouble so they do wheeling. Theyre taking in money from clients thats supposed to go to them. Thats our obligations as attorneys. Rather theyre using it for their personal life or pay off other clients that they scam from and committing tax fraud and not to mention the fact that theyre stealing their clients funds. Mr. Avenatti has charges against him in multiple jurisdictions and heres the physics of prosecutions. Audience ask this all the time. The high, the risk, the famous, they dont get charged. Before prosecutors pull a trigger on avenatti, theyre going to make sure they have is dotted and ts crossed and make sure they dont have egg on their face. Thats the benefit that high powered people that avenatti get. Once they feel they have enough evidence, they are teeth in like a bone and theyre going to make sure that they twist and turn him in the system. The more again, the narcissism or whatever psychological issues are going on, that he gets out there and tweeting in the public. Every lawyer knows, tell your client to be quiet. He needs to get a good lawyer that can do p. R. For him as well as defend him on these charges and mitigate and lesson the damage. Shepard one of the most interesting things about this, when he was jumping back and forth across the street between our two cable news competitors and making these claims and talking about running for president of the United States, he had already according to prosecutors taken the money from a mentally ill paraplegic that was supposed to have gotten a lump sum of 4 million. Avenatti told someone with mental deficiencies and physical impossibilities, no, you only get it out in drips and drabs and stealing money from this person. Thats dozens of things while he was professing to be this star in future president. Its quite a thing. Is it surprising that System People that act this way have some sort of mental thing in their head . They can feel they do what they want and how they want to do it and dont realize when they get public attention, you better be squeaky clean or youre going to get hurt. Shepard i mentioned to our audience the president was asked about wikileaks and now we have the video of is that available now . Lets play it. Thank you. I dont know much about it. Thank you. Thank you. So unless i missed it, this time there was no answer on wikileaks. All he said is i dont know much. Earlier he said he didnt know wikileaks. He may not know wikileaks more than the rest of us know wikileaks unless that they released a bunch of stuff. Its hard to forget but we have recordings. So here. This just came out. This just came out. Wikileaks, i love wikileaks. Ill tell you, this wikileaks stuff is unbelievable. Tells you the inner heart. You have to read it. So wikileaks documents show how the media conspires and collaborates with clinton campaign. Another one came in today, this wikileaks is like a treasure trove. Another one came in today. I was getting off the plane. They were just announcing new wikileaks. I wanted to stay there but i didnt want to keep you waiting. I love reading those wikileaks. Shepard i mean, it is what it is. Yeah, theres a shepard its helpful until it isnt. Now hes going to distance himself. Its hard to understand what donald trump means when he communicates. He communicates in an odd fashion. So when he says i dont know wikileaks, i dont know if hes saying i dont know if what theyre doing or i dont know the organization at all or i had nothing to do with it. Its hard to parse what hes saying. Its wobbly and slippery. Shepard we learned it doesnt matter. Were in a world that it doesnt matter. If you love the president , it doesnt matter. If you dislike the president , doesnt matter. If you want to disseminate facts, doesnt matter. People that dont want to hear them. If youre an opiner that says things that are not true on either side, doesnt matter anymore. I feel like at some point we will be back into a world where truth and facts matter. Were not there now. We talk about this in the legal world all the time. Were like nobody is even intellectually honest. They with flip their opinion depending on their political party. Shepard were about to get a moon landing. Thats in 50 seconds. Im looking forward to this. Here we go. Something that we can listen to . They used to call it nasa select and then nasa tv, this is now israel attempting to land a space craft on the moon. Are they speaking in english . No. Theyre the fourth country to do this behind china, the former soviet union and the United States. Israels space craft bereshete is the first privately funded one to do so. The name in hebrew for genesis. It spent six weeks orbiting the earth. Phil keating is covering this for us. Hes at the spot where apollo 17 landed. What are we expecting here . Were expecting it to land successfully. Moments ago, one of the people there said that we have lost communication with the space craft. So however, were still unclear whether that is expected or not. As you can see from the pictures, everyone looks pins and needles right now. Its supposed to touchdown in this minute, 25 after 3 00 u. S. Eastern time. Were waiting for a joyous celebration and announcement that they succeeded or something more somber. Well wait and see here. Theyre trying to land in the sea of tranquillity. Its wide open, a lot of space. Few rocks. A historic first privately led mission to the moon. Its so important in the audience there, newly reelected Prime Minister benjamin netanyahu. Israels lunar lander left earth. Based on these physical moves, im suspecting this was a success, how its in yiiddish, not english. Were the fourth to reach the moons surface. Its a tremendous achievement up till now. We didnt make it. But we definitely tried. I think that the achievement of getting to where we got is really tremendous. I think we can be proud. Shepard theyll go back to english in just a second. My understanding of things is everything went fine. Loopy loopy loop and slipped out of orbit and into the moons orbit and everything was on pace and then landing time came about three minutes ago, but about four minutes ago they lost contact. It landed, but didnt land right, didnt land properly and in a traditional sort of land way. It more, our understanding here in the early going, sounds like it crashed into the moon and that was that. What they believe has happened is, everything is going fine and at the very last minute, it slammed into the moon rather than landing on the moon. That isnt what they wanted. No, the plan was there was the threshold moment where if they felt like everything was not going perfectly, it would not do the final attempt, the last stage of the landing. It would continue in orbit and retry. They made it passed that point. The point of no return. Heading down. The plan was when it was about 2 1 2 seconds away from touchdown, it was actually going to stop its thrusters and float down there at zero kilometers an hour. Somewhere in that period, in those last 20, 25 seconds we believe is where something may have gone slightly off kilter, maybe landed on its side, maybe it ended up coming down way too hard. Either way, its really a shame for all of the ambitious private scientists and engineers in israel and around the world that contributed to doing this. That was morris khan there, the billionaire that spearheaded this effort. He put in 45 million of his own to get to where we are today. So certainly he has a lot more money and they will attempt this again. This is all pretty much just to show and prove that private entities can do what Government Entities have always done. Nasa, of course, last landing astronauts on the moon in 1972. The Trump Administration wants to return astronauts to the moon in 2024, shep. Shepard so phil keating live with us down on the space coast or in florida at least. So they gave it a good go. You heard him, theyre clapping about it. A lot of it went well. Just right there at the end. Wasnt perfect. It was creepy enough when alexa started randomly laughing. Play the last sound. [laughter] shepard alexa, shut up. No, we have an alexa on our set. I was talking about the round dot there on the cabinet. Listen now. Serious. Theres word that amazon has thousands of employees that are secretly listening to recordings of what you say to alexa. And in the room where alexa sits there and changes colors for you. Sometimes they hear you. Hear that . Thousands of amazon employees are listening and writing it down. Bloomberg reports the tech giant has teams stationed all over the world transcribing alexas recordings like right now. Amazon spokesperson told foxnews. Com, it does this to improve the customer experience. That it takes privacy and security very seriously. Again, amazon takes privacy and security very seriously. Thousands of people are writing down what youre saying. The fox business network, susan li reporting live from new york. Like things that were unannounced but not unexpected. Heres another. Thats true. We have thousands of amazon employees in boston, costa rica, india and romania. They might be listening and transcribing your conversations and they might be shared in internal chat rooms when the reviewers come across something funny or need to help make out words. They picked up sexual assaults and other criminal situations. Amazon was adamant about the recordings only took place after the user said hey, alexa or the term whatever they use to switch on the speakers. Amazon says that they have a zero tolerance policy for the abuse of their system and employees dont have a direct access to information that can identify the person or the accounts. They said that all information is treated with high confidentiality. Theres millions of these speakers across the country. 40 of the smart speakers market and if ones being used are amazons last year. Apple, siri says they lack personality. So how do you turn alexa off . Thats next. Shh. Youre headed down the highway when the guy in front slams on his brakes out of nowhere. You do, too, but not in time. Hey, no big deal. Youve got a good record and Liberty Mutual wont hold a grudge by raising your rates over one mistake. You hear that, karen . Liberty mutual doesnt hold grudges. How mature of them for drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because their first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Shepard so as previously mentioned, alexa is listening. How do you stop that . Susan li . All right. To prevent amazon from recording your conversations, you have to go to the alexa app on your phone go to settings, tap on your alexa account and go to the privacy tap. Hit how your data improves alexa. Turn the switch button to the off position and turn it to off on the use messages to improve transcriptions. Amazon says if you do this, it might prevent new futures from working properly. You have to decide. Shepard could you unplug it and throw it away . Yes, you could. Depends whether or not you want to keep the speaker. Shepard i suppose it does. Thanks, susan. Facebook just got a patent that could allow the social network to scan through your photos and see what products you have in your photos. Im not kidding. And then send you information to those advertisers. So like you have a pepsi in the back ground. Theyll go oh, he has a pepsi. Market rc cola to him. According to the patent document, heres how this would work. You post a picture of yourself. In that picture is a certain brand of coffee. Either on facebook or i. G. , right . And this new technology would scan the photo, recognize the coffee, send it to the company so that that company could post more ads on the social media site. Thats not all. Facebook could boost the photo into your friends feeds as a sponsored story. You know, it owns your stuff. So it can take your picture of you with folgers coffee and send it to your friends going hey, look what carroll drinks. Not clear how a social media user would agree to all of this. We did reach out to the facebook for a statement this morning. We have not heard back. Disclaimer time. Fox news and facebook have a partnership to deliver news on facebook watch. Fox news is soly responsible for its content and production. All right. Police in louisiana have arrested this 21yearold man and charged him with three counts of arson related to the three fires at African American churches there in just ten days. They say the suspect is the son of a local sheriffs deputy who was shocked and hurt as any father would be. Thats a quote. All three fires set in a single parish in southern louisiana about 50 miles west of baton rouge. Nobody hurt. The charge is all destroyed. Each had stood for more than a century serving generations of African American families. Casey stegall is reporting live from dallas. Casey . Is an attack on god, shepard. Those are the exact words used by the state fire marshal in louisiana himself to describe the crimes that Holden Matthews is accused of. Right now hes booked in the st. Landry parish jail charged with three counts of arson on a religious establishment. Each couldnt has 15 years behind bars if convicted but more serious charges could be added. For instance, if federal investigators believe this meets the legal criteria to qualify as a hate crime. Cops reported today they have forensic evidence linking matthews to all three scenes. What they dont yet have is a clear answer from him why. Even the suspects own father, a sheriffs deputy in the same parish had no clue apparently. I love roy matthews. He was one is one of my best friends. A great deputy. He knew nothing about his sons activity. When i had to call him in and we sat him down and told him what we wanted him here for, he broke down. It was tough. Its hard. Its not easy. Authorities say 21yearold Holden Matthews started the first fire last month destroying the st. Mary Baptist Church. Chen the Great Union Baptist church was hit. Two days after that, mount le santa Baptist Church was set on fire. All three houses of worship in the same parish with predominantly black congregations. Police say they have uncovered some information about this suspects past that they find interesting that he was a fan of this particular genre of music called black metal music. Shepard, its the genre of music that they say has racist undertones in a lot of pop and social culture. Back to you. Shepard more to be heard in the days ahead. Thank you. An update on a story developing yesterday. Fire officials in North Carolina say a gas line explosion injured more than two dozen people including nine firefighters. This happened about this time yesterday, the coverage at least, in downtown durham, North Carolina. The fire chief said that crews were able to get people out of nearby buildings before the blast, but they saw a coffee shop owner standing in a doorway of his business after they told him to leave. That man, the only person killed. The fire chief praised the First Responders for their efforts. Several were making rescues after the explosion. So extremely proud of the great work of the firefighters from the durham fire department. Again, they continue to work even after they were involved. They were victims of the explosion themselves. Shepard all of those firefighters expected to be released from the hospital today, including one that had to have surgery. Police say a contractor that was doing work nearby hit a gas line and caused a leak in the first place. Theyre investigating what caused the explosion. Florida man meet florida mayor. The former mayor of port richie in florida spent years smoking crack and using meth. Thats according to the Tampa Bay Times citing court documents. Fox news has confirmed that some of the other charges against dale massad, including attempted murder. Thats for firing at swat team members raiding his home. They were there because he was charged with practicing medicine without a license. The Pasco County Sheriff said that hes lucky to be alive. Fox news has reached out to his defense attorney for comment. We havent heard back. Thats todays florida man. Ahead, more reaction to the arrest of the wikileaks founder Julian Assange. What happened to the cat that he kept in the embassy for years. The cat that once had its own social media account on this national pet day. Yes, its national pet day. Well bring you that. Y team hels veterans buy a home without paying one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. If youre a veteran paying 1500 dollars or more a month in rent, newdays Operation Home can help you buy a home for what youre paying in rent. And you dont need a down payment or one dollar out of pocket for closing costs. Shepard more now on foxs top story. The arrest of Julian Assange on behalf of the United States. Hes facing charges here. Mike emanuel with reaction on the hill. Hi, mike. Good afternoon. West virginia democrat senator joe manchin sounded overjoyed saying his tickled to death about the arrest of Julian Assange. Thank god. I think well get some answers now. I hope we get him back to the United States. This is very much needed. Find out the facts. Angus king, a member of the intelligence committee, told us now hes hoping Julian Assange will be extradited to the u. S. I do. Hes been involved in effectively as an agent of the russian intelligence agencies. I think we have a vital interest in understanding his role in that process. Shepard Senate Intelligence chairman richard burr, republican of North Carolina said under the guise of transparency, Julian Assange and wikileaks have effectively acted as an arm of the Russian Intelligence Services for years. Mr. Assange engaged in a conspiracy to steal classified information, putting millions of lives at risk all over the world. Hopefully he will face justice. Ben sasse tweeted this arrest is good news for freedomloving people and concluding that assange deserves to spend the rest of his life in prison. And this is from senator cramer from north dakota. The First Amendment is not a lance to harm the country, reckless behavior. Its a right that needs to be treated with the kind of respect that it deserves. A guy didnt behind out in an embassy for seven years because hes innocent. Most lawmakers them Julian Assange is a criminal. Shep . Shepard now that Julian Assange is out of the embassy, some want to know what happened to the cat. Remember the cat . He had a feline friend named embassy cat, alternately wiki cat. Here they are together in happier times. The cat had an Instagram Account and a twitter account. It would make appearances at embassy windows time to time wearing a collar and tie. So what happened to the cat . Thats unclear. There are reports though unconfirmed that Embassy Officials were annoyed because assange didnt clean the litter box. If true, that would be annoying. So they gave it to a shelter awhile back. According to a newspaper out of italy, assange gave it away so it could live a healthier life. Thats your cat update from. A cat to a tiger and a brave soul betting that a lot of green will ensure tiger woods wins in augusta. Somebody in vegas put down 85,000 in the hopes that would will snag his first masters since 2005. The payout would be 1. 2 million. It would be the biggest wager in u. S. History of this kind. Breaking news involving one of the toughest antiabortion laws in the nation. That is next. This is the family who booked the flight, who saved by adding a hotel, which led to new adventures, that captured their imaginations and turned moments into memories. With flights, hotels, activities and more for your florida vacation, expedia has everything you need to go. Youre having one more bite no one more bite kraft. For the win win. My dream car. It turns out, they want me to start next month. She can stay with you to finish her senior year. Things will be tight but, we can make this work. Now. Grandpa, what about your dream car . This is my dream now. Principal we can help you plan for that. Shepard breaking news. Mike dewine signed a bill banning abortion after the first heartbeat is detected. Opponents say they will challenge the law in court. Some schools in michigan say theyre banning food deliveries to campus. Administrators say High School Students have been using apps like grub hub and uber eats to get lunch into the place. They say theyre concerned about safety and the deliveries are causing all kinds of disruptions. Alicia acuna live in denver. I would have done that. Of course you would, shep. Jeff spicoli, ridgemont high. The folks say the packages are piling up because the kids are coming to get their food. As a mother, this comes as a surprise that they figure out how to get what they want, especially if they dont want cafeteria food. They problably take their phone and order it in. Administrators say they can no longer allow multiple unauthorized people to come on to their campuses and inside their schools. The delivery costs on these apps vary and depend on the size of the order. Door dash does a 9. 99 a month. Uber eats charges 15 of the subtotal. So you have the two districts in michigan that have banned deliveries. Schools in ohio and delaware stopped kids from ordering lunch in. Granite bay in sacramento stopped this in 2017. The principal said they were getting sick and tired looking for students to give them their lunch. Shep . Shepard thanks, alicia. The woman who owns a house that looks like its out of the flint stones is fighting back and lawyering up. Heres the house. Her town in california sued her calling her property an eye sore and a public nuisance. You decide. Shes now accused the town of harassment. Trace gallagher has more. Hi, shep. The flint stone house is owned by Florence Fang. She used to publish the San Francisco examiner. She didnt build it. It happened in 1976 by an architect exsparementing with new materials. She bought it and has modified it. Along with the steps and the columns, theres statues of dinosaur. The city doesnt want the hes a taken down. Just want the new additions removed and now seeing mrs. Fang but she has no intention of taking anything down and hired a former mayoral candidate to file a counter lawsuit. Watch. Is it really about dino, fred, wilma or betty . Is it really about that . Or is it about treating mrs. Fang differently because she has a dream . And because shes chinese and because this is hillsborough. Those are all very serious issues that we will be addressing in the counterclaim. The city says theres a reason that they have permits and zoning laws and Florence Fang didnt follow any of them. The neighbors dont really mind the house. They tolerate it. These are rich people. Hillsborough is the 11th most expensive zip code in the United States, shep. Shepard thanks, trace. Its national pet day. I know because i read it on my phone. Thats luccia. Luccia of greenwich, village. Thats her in happier times in the summer. Luccia. And there she is on the living room floor. The lighting is imperfect there. For that, we apologize. Luccia in the elevator this morning. National pet day. Whose is that . Thats george. Not sure who said that. That is george. Have a great day, everyone. Have your pet spade or neutered. Byebye. Wait. No. Thats somebody elses. Sorry. Neil Elizabeth Warren is looking to ramp up taxes on the most profitable companies. Try a trillion dollars over ten years. Will it cost into profits and cut into those jobs . Welcome, everybody. Im neil cavuto. First id like to thank my colleagues and friends, deidra bolton and sandra smith and Charles Payne for filling in while i was out. Thanks. And Elizabeth Warren is not the only one pushing for tax hikes. But where shes targeting and for whom she hopes to get the money is a different story. Susan li is crunching the numbers. Susan . Welcome back. According to Elizabeth Warren, no loop holes, no

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