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Nation and the saudi crown prince. Plus, devastation in the Florida Panhandle. Families finding everything they owned is destroyed. Others lost their lives in the historic event. Were getting a new view of the destruction and the difficult days ahead. Lets get to it. First from the fox news deck, this friday afternoon, one of the most powerful hurricanes to hit our country is now a swirling patch of rain and clouds in the atlantic but left behind a path of destruction stretching from the Florida Panhandle to the virginia coast. At last check, more than one Million People in the southeast still didnt have power. Entire neighborhoods are flattened and 13 people are confirmed dead so far. The head of the federal Emergency Management agency says he expects search teams to find more human remains. One of the areas is mexico beach. Here new aerials from the scene. This is right where Hurricane Michael made landfall or just to the east of the spot as a monstrous category four almost category five storm. You can zeros of buildings are piles of debris, a woman that lives there says so many people lost their homes and livelihoods. Total devastation. Every piece of property, you know, got something wrong with it. Its levelled. Things that were on the beach are now on the other side of the street. Shepard officials in the panhandle say its still not safe for most people to return home. Leaving some folks unsure about what even happened to their homes and businesses. On noaas website, you can zoom in on any street there in the areas affected and see the damage. You can go to storms. Gs. Gov. Well give it to you on the screen in just a minute. I want to show you this spot, this is mexico beach. This is the noaa website. Heres the entirety of mexico beach. Well zoom in to one part, this is before the storm. So you can see houses and the Beach Community and the rest. And then this is before the storm and this is after the storm. Just complete devastation. Look at this area here. Watch the before shot. Beautiful neighborhoods. Middle class homes and above. All reduced to rubble. Again, well put the click on the the link on the screen for you so you can go there and check it out yourself. Coming up, we have an update from Tyndall Air Force base where 130 Miles Per Hour wind gusts flipped fighter jets and shredded hangers. Dramatic rescue from Panama City Beach after Good Samaritans flagged down a passing helicopter. First to phil keating live in mexico beach. Its a wasteland here in mexico beach. It will be awhile before theres any Communications Services here. I can only hear you through this satellite phone. Take a look at this wreckage. The lumber, all of it came from the other side of the street. The storm surge pushed it in here and every single structure that you see, if its not flattened, its badly damaged. Right there in front of you, that was a pottery store. Nothing now. Just a pile of wreckage and pots. Everybody that had a place here, people that loved mexico beach, their hearts are devastated by seeing these pictures coming in. Gathering what they can, what actually is retrievable and recoverable to take it out with them. We ran into several residents includes one man that rode the storm out with his dogs just down the road here about a mile. He said the water is rising super fast in this place. He got his dogs, broke a window and got in a boat out back and unreal as it is, he rode out the category four almost category five hurricane like that. They survived. Other people we talked to say they would regret it, never ever again not evacuate with a storm of that magnitude. I did just speak with Florida Task Force 2 and their cadaver dog. That they received a report of a fatality on their way to confirm it. Shepard its startling that they havent checked the broken down buildings and homes to see if theres anybody in there. Theres search and rescue from Law Enforcement and Fire Departments from the state of florida and other states. They continue to this minute going doortodoor all up and down the coast, all the way down to port st. Joe, knocking on doors, peeking through broken windows, checking to see if theres anybody inside. We hooked up with some orlando fire guys. They said so far after a full day, they did find 50 occupants, only two had injuries and they were nonlife threatening injuries. That was good. Action we get progress going here forward and more search and rescue teams are arriving, convoy after convoy, helicopters are all over the place, the entirety of it all still really unknown, shep. Shepard incredible site there, phil. Thank you. In panama city to the west of where the storm came ashore, some folks used flashlights to flag down a coast guard helicopter so the crew could save a woman surrounded by flood waters. That im told happened last night. Neighbors flashed lights to get the crews attention because they said they were worried about the womans health. They hoisted her in a basket and took her to the hospital. Last check, she was stable. Rick leventhal is live with more. Rick . Shepard, were not seeing as many rescues here in panama city because the flooding wasnt as bad but the devastation is widespread. We got an update that tell us the Radio Communications are bad. Theyre struggling to communicate. They believe they checked on 50 of the residents that stayed behind. They tell us the major roads have been cleared but the residential areas are still blocked. I can tell you this one major roadway isnt clear. Theres power lines down blocking the right lane of the four lanes here. You might see the National Guard vehicle here. There were police all day manning this location. The National Guard replaced them because tensions were rising. The wait here, outside a gas station and the wait here is five hours plus for fuel. The people next to us have been in line five hours to get to the pump and fill not only their vehicles but the cans bringing with them so they can fill their generators. The line, shepard, we cant even see the end of it. Its all the way down hundreds and hundreds of cars long. And to the left of that is the sams club, which is open and has been open for a few hours yesterday, open again today. The lines to get into sams club was hundreds of people long. Theyre selling water and other basic necessities so folks that are still here can get what they need. Shep . Shepard officials are telling people not to come back yet is. That true in panama city, too . Yeah, it is true. First of all, they set up road blocks outside of the city. Theyre turning people around. People that evacuated and want to come home are not being allowed in right now. The police and National Guard are telling them you have to wait. Its not safe to travel. They need to keep the roads clear that they can get the utility crews through and the tree crews through to cut down thousands of trees that have fallen on lines and homes and blocking the roads. The folks that are still here that rode out the storm, authorities are asking them if you can get out, leave. The water is not running and may not be for a while and the power could be off a month. We talked to a family at one of the pumps last hour who had been waiting for five hours to go there. They said were getting out, were leaving. Thats what authorities hope more people do. Its just clogging things up nor the folks that need to get this place up and running again. It is a monumental task, shep. Shepard i know that the storms western eye hit the eastern part of panama city proper. How widespread is the damage . Is it on the edges around callaway or is it into town . Oh, all the way in town, through town. We were driving around yesterday. We were stopping every few blocks to get out and get images of the hardest hit areas, the worst damages. We kept seeing more and more on every block, every street and every neighborhood. So there was no shortage of stuff to shoot of damages. Everything is pretty messed up here. The people that stayed behind for the most part, theyre okay. But they dont have the basic services. The problem major problem here is that they may not get the basic services for weeks. Shepard just incredible, rick. Thanks for being our eyes and ears on the ground there. Man, they need help in the Florida Panhandle and clearly its on the way. Much more on this story ahead. Theres another very big story were following today. After being detained in turkey for two years, an american pastor is finally coming home to his family. And theres news developing that i dont want to get ahead of, but theres developments that were expecting in the next frankly the next few minutes. Well have those important developments when they happen coming up from the fox news deck on a friday afternoon. Your insurance rates skyrocket after a scratch so small you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. But prevagen helps your brain with an ingredient originally discovered. In jellyfish. In clinical trials, prevagen has been shown to improve shortterm memory. Prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Shepard breaking news. A live look at joint base andrews. I can tell you that the president s that lifted off in marine one from the white house and is in route now to air force one at andrews. President trump heading out this afternoon to ohio for one of his pep rallytype events, maga rally. Hes been tweeting about turkeys decision to free the american pastor, the one detained for two years on charges of terrorism. A Turkish Court convicted dr. Andrew brunson today but released him on time served. We have video of his convoy leading the Court Complex earlier today. No word on what he was expected back on american soil. John roberts has more live. What more can you tells about the pastors release and the politics behind it, john . Im in touch with people that are in touch with pastor brunsons deligation. Apparently hes expected to be wheels up from turkey at any moment now. The president walked out to marine one from the oval office, he didnt stop to talk, which is an indication that pastor brunson is likely not wheels up and cleared turkish airspace just yesterday. As president , you dont want to make a statement how happy you are that he is released and have the turks reneg. The last time the deal was close it came unglued. If the president gets word on his way to Andrew Air Force base that pastor brunson is wheels up, he is likely to make a comment. If not, he will later this afternoon. For pastor brunson himself, hes expected to be headed to Ramstein Air Force base in germany in the next few minutes. He will have a medical checkup. If hes okay, should be a short layover im told and on his way to the United States. At the moment, looks like theyre going to try to bring him in to Andrews Air Force base. Could be anywhere between 6 00 tomorrow morning to noon tomorrow. We dont know yet. Its still very fluid. Pastor brunson happy to be released saying were grateful for the president s commitment to securing my relace. My family thanks the president and congress for their unwavering support. Im delighted to be on my way home to the United States. Long months of negotiations to get him released. The American Center for law and justice led by jay sekulow, heres what he had to say earlier today. Many of you have been praying for this day. I want to thank you. I know the pastor and his family want to thank you as well. Of course, a huge thank you to the president and his team for securing the release of andrew brunson. Nor the politics of this, relations between the United States and turkey have been rocky at best in recent years. The president slapped sanctions on turkey regarding this and other items as well. There was news yesterday that as part of the deal to release pastor brunson, the sanctions will be lifted. Im told that that is not the case. We were told this morning by larry kudlow theyre resuing the sanctions on steel and aluminum. They have not yet been lifted. Turkey is looking for help on this khaishoggi investigation from the United States as well. So it appears that this was a point of commonality for the two countries to Work Together on to achieve a different goal, shep. Shepard some developments as well, john, on another front. Thats regarding the president and communications with the special counsel, Robert Mueller. Yeah, weve been telling you for months that negotiations are going on for an interview with the president. The latest offers back and forth were some written answers to questions posed in written form by the special counsels office dealing only with russia and collusion. Im told that the president s attorneys have been working up some sample answers to questions about russia and collusion so they have a handle on the information they have. Im told that theres no deal yet for this to happen with the special counsels office. Im told that a deal is less likely rather than more likely. Still could happen. If it happens before the midterms, more likely that it could happen. If its not until after the midterms, its uncreasingly less likely anything will happen. The president s attorneys says the Mueller Investigation has gone on long enough. Still no moment. Shepard thanks. Ahead, more on the new developments in the russia investigation. Well hear from an attorney that says it could mean many things if Robert Mueller is willing to accept written answers from President Trump. He says it will undoubtedly help the president. Thats next. Were in memphis, tennessee, a city with one of the highest increases of womenowned businesses in the u. S. Its really this constant juxtaposition when youre a mom and an entrepreneur. With more businesses starting every day, how do they plan for their Financial Wellness . I am very mindful of the sacrifices that i make. So i have to manage my time wisely. Plan your Financial Life with prudential. Bring your challenges. Coaching means making tough choices. 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We dont think that he will john roberts mentioned a minute ago that he probably wont make any statements on the american pastor until that pastor is safely out of turkey and in route to the United States at a minimum. He could have discussions on other matters including john roberts reporting about potential written questions and answers from the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, recovery from the devastating and worldaltering for people in the panhandle hurricane that theyre just beginning to clean up from. So the president with an escort headed to air force one. Were watching this to see if he has anything to say. If he does, we dont want you to miss it. Sometimes he makes real news on these walks from one Transportation System to another. Looks like hes probably not going to make any right now as john roberts understandably predicted. So the trip off to ohio for the rally that will take place later today. As always, well stream that on our website as we always do. The president going up the gang plank and thats it. So more now on the news out of the white house that President Trumps lawyers have not yet reached a firm deal with special counsel Robert Muellers team to submit written answers to questions on russian meddling and possible collusion. Thats what sources familiar with the negotiations are telling our chief white house correspondent, john roberts. Alex little joins us now. Hes a criminal defense attorney, also a form area six about the u. S. Attorney and prosecutor. Alex, thank you. Good afternoon. Shepard your initial thoughts on the new developments. These negotiations have been going on almost a year. As that has happened, the investigation has continued. Im sure the special counsel knows more about what they want to ask the president. The real question is if theres doing to be an interview, if theres going to be a question and answer situation, how does that happen . The idea the lawyers of the president have said could be written will be beneficial to the president. They would have to get a subpoena and fight about that in d. C. And could be a constitutional case. But they dont want to do that. So you can see the special counsel moving towards acceptance of written questions. May suggest they dont want a court fight. Shepard you have said that that is good news for the president. Explain how. It is. Any time you have a witness and the president s a witness in this investigation that will have to answer questions under oath, if you have written questions, you can work with your lawyer on those, make sure the answer is as accurate as possible and stay away from any trip wires that might suggest theyre getting a different issue that youre addressing. You have the protection of your lawyers. When you answer a question with a investigator or a lawyer like Robert Mueller and his team, theres plenty of ways to mess that up. We know the president when he speaks extemporaneously is not the best. So this will protect him if hes able to do it by written answers. Shepard is it your sense this will probably happen . You know, its hard to say. The fact that were still months and months on without an agreement suggests that there will never be a meeting of the minds and the special counsel will have to decide whether or not he has to issue the president a subpoena which is a severe act if it were to happen. One thing that has hurt the president though is as this investigation has gone on, theres no doubt the special counsel knows more. Just a few weeks ago, the president s Campaign Chairman has agreed to cooperate with the investigation. He will tell them about what he knows. So the questions that special counsel would have today i think will be more pointed, theyll be backed up by more information. The president will have a hard time if there is something hes trying to hide or concerned about being able to do that. Time does not help the president in this investigation. Shepard alex little with its. Thank you. Ahead, turkish officials have evidence, clear an concrete, that the saudis tortured and murdered a Washington Post columnist. The saudi monarchy. Some lawmakers are pushing the white house to punish the saudis. Well go live to turkey next. Ta high Blood Pressure and cholesterol. But they might not be enough to protect my heart. Adding bayer aspirin can further reduce the risk of another heart attack. Because my Second Chance matters. Be sure to talk to your doctor before you begin an aspirin regimen. Billions of problems. Sore gums . Bleeding gums . Painful flossing . Theres a therabreath for you. Therabreath healthy gums oral rinse fights gingivitis and plaque and prevents gum disease for 24 hours. So you can. Breathe easy, theres therabreath at walmart. 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Theyre reporting that turkish officials have audio and video recordings, graphic ones were told that make it clear that jamal khaishoggi is dead. And that they shared those recordings with the United States. In other words, u. S. Intel has the information. The saudi columnist has been a critic of his own government. The u. S. And saudis are allies despite it all and particularly close in the trump administration. Saudi officials have denied any involvement in the columnist disappearance. It seems the facts are flying against that statement. Benjamin hall is live in turkey, about 200 miles south and west of istanbul. Ben . Hi, shep. All reports do suggest the tapes and audio tapes are graphic. Apparently if true, they leave no doubt whatsoever that khaishoggi was killed inside the saudi consulate and killed in a graphic manner. Now, turkey has refused to release the tape because they dont want to give away their surveillance programs but they have shared them with u. S. Intelligence. Imagine if they have detailed recordings inside the saudi consulate. I suggests that theyve had it under total surveillance. The two countries are major regional rivals. Both countries are pointing the finger at each other. Turkey is pointing the finger at khaishoggi and saudi rain said that turkey is trying to drive a wedge between them and the u. S. Whether or not they can Work Together is one question, whether or not they reach a resolution in this is another. Shep . Shepard tell us more ant what this could mean for u. S. Relations with saudi arabia. Shep, we heard President Trump saying he was not considering stopping the arm sales. 110 billion between saudi arabia and the u. S. Thats thousands of americans jobs and russia and china would suck up all of those weapons transfers. But there has been a push back on the senate. Weve heard from a number of senators from both sides, including senator murphy and rand paul that said they would be willing to force a vote through to push become against these arms sales. That would be a major issue nor u. S. Saudi relations. Arm sales have been a bedrock of the relationship as has oil and intelligence sharing. The arm sales would be key issue here. So if anything like that were to happen, we would see the relationship between the two countries change drastically. So the way were seeing this going suggests it could become a much wider geo political conflict. That if the allegations are true. Shep . Shepard Benjamin Hall live in turkey. Thanks very much. He mentioned the backlash from lawmakers from washingtons arms deals with the saudis. Mike emanuel is live with more on that part of the story. Hes live on the hill. Hi, mike. Good afternoon. Bipartisan lawmakers are saying if its true, the saudi regime murdered this Washington Post journalist, there would be u. S. Severe consequences. As they are telling us these incredulous things, all theyre doing is, again, undermining their relationship. If they killed this journalist, the relationship will be severely altered and will change much of the die dynamic. Murder is murder. I dont care who he may get upset with doing that. You repress the people. That wont play more in any religious group than it plays into the hands of extreme religious groups. Murder is murder. Already some leading lawmakers on both said of the aisle are talking about the possible need to punish the saudi regime. Shep . Shepard mike, some lawmakers say that the president should get tough on saudi arabia right now. No question about it. Weve heard from some leading democrats saying that if the u. S. Does not get tough, it will signal to this regime and to others that this type of behavior is acceptable. The message that this sends a u. S. Ally killing a journalist overseas unfortunately sends the wrong message to other regimes around the world that may be thinking of trying to silence journalists giving them a hard time. Some leaning republicans say they want to know what happened and get to the bottom of it. This administration is taking it seriously. This is this is a fresh deal. We start with a blank sheet of paper and they have been able to reconstruct a lot. Were not there to where we know the full picture. Until that happens, it would be premature for us to make any decisions. Its clear the Senate Intelligence chairman, richard burr doesnt want to jump the gun but many are demanning answers. Shepard thanks, mike. Fbi officials have pulled employees stationed in an around a half a dozen asian cities after claims that they partied with prostitutes. Now the justice departments Inspector General is investigating. Thats according to a report by our corporate cousins at the wall street journal. Fox news has confirmed that the doj watch dog is investigating fbi employee misconduct. We dont know the specific accusations just yet. Theres concern that foreign intelligence agencies could compromise u. S. Agents through prostitution, which is legal in some parts of asia. The fbi gave a statement that reads in part, all fbi employees are held to the highest standards of conduct and allegations against any employee are taken seriously. Upon learning of the allegations, action was taken to reassign certain personnel to nonoperational roles while the allegations are reviewed. Lets turn to a wall street journal reporter that covered the justice department. Nice to see you, aruna. Thanks for having me. Shepard what do we know act specifics of the accusation . At this point we dont know a ton. People were called back from five or six cities across east asia, Southeast Asia and this is conduct that was happening over the course of some time. But i dont have a clear sense and we dont have a clear sense publicly yet if the allegations centered around conduct in one city where they all went to or if it was conduct that was happening across these cities. We dont have a sense at this point. Shepard to we have an idea about how the information about this got to the higher ups . I dont have a sense of that yet. It was flagged and headquarters immediately pulled them back and referred to it the Inspector General and all of that happened pretty quickly once they heard about it. So well probably find out more in the coming months as the Inspector General conducts his review. But at this point, what we have is pretty limited. Shepard do you know the scope of the investigation or the number of people that were accused or anything like that . There were five or six people that were pulled back. So the allegations are at least involving them if not more people than just that. And just the fact that theyre bringing back five or six people from five or six different cities seems somewhat significant. Its not sort of one embassy, a couple of people at one embassy doing something. So its something that could potentially be significant but at this point we dont have many details. Shepard theres been similar issues with other agencies of the federal government in recent years. Yes. Secret service, the dea has dealt with similar issues in the past. With secret service, it was you have a lot of agents that are constantly traveling overseas ahead of the president , getting set up in foreign locations, in a high stress environment. Dea, too overseas a lot. We havent seen it as much with the fbi. They have somewhat more limited pools of people overseas. They is people at embassies. But yeah, we havent seen the same issues this publicly at the fbi. Shepard it will take awhile to get to this one. Thanks, a runa. Thank you. Officials at Tyndall Air Force base have given an update on the the situation there after Hurricane Michael caused massive destruction. The headline from the News Conference which just ended is mind numbing. And almost hard to believe. Its true. Its coming up. Oscar mayer deli fresh ham has no added nitrates, nitrites or artificial preservatives. Now deli fresh flavor is for everyone. Like those who like. Sweet. Those who prefer heat. And those who just love meat. Oscar mayer deli fresh. A fresh way to deli. Because when you want to create an entirely new feeling, the difference between excellence and mastery, is all the difference in the world. Introducing the allnew lexus es. A product of mastery. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. Face the world as a face to be reckoned with. Only botox® cosmetic is fda approved to temporarily make moderate to severe frown lines, crows feet and forehead lines look better. 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Com shepard every single building and residence at Tyndall Air Force base in the Florida Panhandle is destroyed or so badly damaged that its unlivable and will be that way for the foreseeable future. That from air force officials in the last hour that say that Tyndall Air Force base suffered widespread catastrophic damage after taking a direct hit from Hurricane Michael. The storm damaged at least three f22 Stealth Fighter jets when it ripped through Tyndall Air Force base. Each jet cost around 150 million. The pentagon released this new video showing the extent of the devastation. Think of it. 3,600 people live on this base. Its on 15 square miles. Theres not a single structure on the entire base that is liveable. Its if largest Training Base for f22 Fighter Pilots in all the country. Mike tobin is live in callaway, florida, eastern suburb of panama city. Very close to panama city. Just a couple miles from Tyndall Air Force base. Mike . Unfortunately, shepard, we heard from the commander of the 325th fighter wing, that word catastrophic applies to the flight line and the structures at the air force base. Tyndall is hope to the fighter jets. 143 million per plane. Because theyre fast moving they can get move of them out ahead of the storm. But some of those aircraft will be down for maintenance. We know there was extensive damage to all of the hangers on the base. What were hearing from the commander of the 325th wing out there, they havent been able to get the engineers in to do assessment of the damage to the flight line. We know that the damage is in fact extensive, shep. Shepard callaway is a town that we were talking about as the storm came through because we watched the walls, the eye walls of the hurricane and the western eye wall went over callaway. We were wondering how bad was it. You know, shepard, nothing is untouched. Im standing in an rv and boat storage facility. I see maybe one board that could be salvaged. Everything else is trashed. We saw local hardware and feed store. They dont have power but they opened up in the parking lot. Everybody out here needs tarps, bottled water, generators. Its coming in and the local hardware and feed store is delivering to the people that need it. Our house is in worse shape than the house that needs the tarps. What are you going to do . Survive like everybody else. Were going to keep going. Beyond that, what were seeing, shepard, rows and rows of power trucks coming up 75, 98. What we saw yesterday with the power trucks is they were burdened with clearing the debris out of the way before they got to work on the power lines. Governor scott has changed that. Hes established what he called push teams through the department of transportation. Theyre advancing the team and letting the power crew dos what theyre doing and that is speeding them up, shep. Shepard mike tobin in callaway. Thank you. The markets did a turn around today. Did you see . Bouncing back a bit after two straight big days of losses. On wednesday, the dow dropped 800. Yesterday closed down 500. Even if stocks end in the green, wont stop wall street from having to worst week in seven months. Up 300 points. Take the positives. Were having a positive day. It is a positive day. Let me explain something about this. You look at this 291 points. Were closing in on 300 minutes. You think wow, wow. But guess what . Not a lot of volume here. The conviction is low. Volume was very high on wednesday and thursday. So well see what we see next week. Lets put this weekend in perspective for a second. This is not a construction. A construction is a pull back, 10 . Its not a bear market. Pull back of 20 , this is just a pull back we had this week. Dont get so upset about everything going on. Its only a pull back. Shepard dont look at your 401 k . Do you know how often we have pull backs . Every nine months. Weve had 56 since world war ii. They recover in four months on average. I got the numbers because i want to explain to folks its not the end. Shepard context and perspective. We do it all. Shepard expecting big earnings next week. Yeah. We have bank stocks today. That was big. Although they didnt really they had good results but didnt show up. The big number here, s p 500 companies will see a 21 increase in earnings for the quarter. Red hot. Red spanking hot. Do you know what these guys will be watching for . Not the numbers but what they say about what is coming next. Theyre saying were worried about tariffs or Interest Rates . Were going to look for that perspective in those earnings announcements. People are laooking forward. Shepard bond yields are up. Make money off of a little money now. Yeah. Which is nice. Shepard yeah. If youre on a fixed income, earn some money. Play in the stocks. They call it a barbell strategy. Im Technical Analysis today. Shepard have a great weekend. Thank you. Shepard one of popes allies has resigned after facing allegations of covering up sexual abuse. Why pope francis praised the cardinal and suggested hes a fall guy. Motorcycle revving motorcycle revving motorcycle revving no matter who rides point, there are over 10,000 allstate agents riding sweep. And just like tyrone taylor, they know what it takes to help keep you protected. Are you in good hands . Minutes can mean the difference between life and death. Proposition 11 saves lives by ensuring medical care is not delayed in an emergency. Proposition 11 establishes into law the longstanding industry practice of paying emts and paramedics to remain oncall during breaks and requires they receive fema level training and active shooters and natural disasters. Vote yes on 11 to ensure 911 Emergency Care is there when you or your love one need it. Shepard a cardinal caught in the middle of a sex abuse scandal and accused of coverups in the catholic changeup has stepped down. Pope francis accepted Donald Wuerls resignation today and announced he made mistakes handling sex abuse. Made mistakes. Pope francis phrased his longtime ally suggesting that he was a scapegoat. Laura ingle is here. Did we hear from the carl . We did. Cardinal wuerl says he is touched by his gracious words of understanding. He said the holy fathers decision to provide new leadership to the arch disease can allow us to focus on healing and the future. Permits this local church to move forward. For my past errors in judgments, i apologize and ask for pardon. My resignation is one way to express my great love for you, the people of the church of washington. Many catholics have been angered over the sex abuse scandal have been eager to see a step like this. But pope francis says that wuerl served the church well. Card yeah wuerl has never been accused of Inappropriate Conduct himself. He was mentioned several times against his poor handling of the sexual abuse from 1988 and 2006. A world in a letter to wuerl, the pope said this today. Shep . Shepard thousands of people are molested and he wants to move on . He wants to move on and offered him a job. Shepard thats not how things work in the real world. Its happening today. Shepard top of the hour headlines moments away. For drivers with accident forgiveness Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty thousands of veterans get the money they need for their family and home. Thank you, admiral. By helping them use the valuable va home loan benefit theyve earned with their service. Thank you, admiral. It lets you borrow up to 100 of your homes value. Thank you, admiral. With todays high home values, that could mean a lot more money to pay debts and get ahead. Thank you, admiral. Its an honor to help you get the peace of mind every veteran and their family deserves. Call 18443831571. Shepard the dow went on a tear this afternoon. Just 30 seconds ago, up almost 350 points. Still up 300 points. It was. Now its up 290. Its up on the day and after the last couple days, well take it, right . Up more than 1 on the session. Like we reported earlier, nice to meet a lot of trades, but there will be action next week. Coming up in just a moment, well have Facebook Watch online. Neil cavuto coming up right here. All right. They went out buying. Welcome. Im neil cavuto. Youre looking at the closing bell. Nasdaq wrapping up what has to be certainly one of the more volatile weeks weve seen this year. You have to go back to february to see anything like it. Theyre relieved we closed out on a buying note. That was important to folks that said if we didnt, there could be panic in the weekend. Relief now. But a long way from being back to normal now. Thats what were going to explore as we kick things off

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