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Day in four states, including pennsylvania. A potential make or break spot for democrats trying to take control of congress. Plus a passenger jet copilot sucked halfway out a window in mid flight. Lets get to it. Breaking news, Shepard Smith reporting live from the fox news deck. Shepard President Trumps summit with kim jong un may not happen. Why . You cant trust the North Koreans. This is not new information. North koreans cant say what they want, worship as they want, congress grey gait were and when they want ever. North korean human rights vials are as deplorable as anything on the planet. The government has committed crimes against humanity, including termination, murder, enslavement, torture, imprisonment, rape, other forms of Sexual Violence and the north korean government has forced its citizens to have abortions. The dictator had his brother murdered with a banned nerve agent. North koreas main cash crop is weapons. Giving them the ability to get away with all of is that, their Nuclear Program its on billboards all over pyongyang. Why would the dictator responsible for such atrocities in a hermit kingdom give up the weapons that let him do what he does with little push back . Very good question. And with that as background, here is the news. According to the news service in seoul, north korea has cancelled the summit with the South Koreans. Its done. And its now threatening to cancel the upcoming meeting between President Trump and kim jong un. It is set for june the 12th as of this moment. According to that same south Korean News Agency, north korea is angry about ongoing military drills between south korea and the United States. Its calling them a rehearsal for invasion. This happens every year. It always calls them a rehearsal for invasion. This is nothing new. But suddenly, its a bargaining chip with america. Or chairman kim is trying to make it that on the runup to a planned meeting thats now on the rocks. Rich edson is live at the state department. Rich . Good afternoon, shep. And u. S. Officials are still looking into this. Defense officials are telling our Pentagon Team that u. S. South korean exercises remain ongoing and the United States and south korea have no plan in giving up or canceling those exercises. Now, this is a little bit of change in the recent rhetoric from north korea in that according to reports out of the region over the last several weeks, north korea reportedly told south korea it had no problem with these exercises, which have been ongoing for some time now. At least in the shortterm have been going on for some time. They have been going on for years. The United States has always maintained these are expensive exercises. It has a right to conduct them with south korea. Its ally in all of this. And north korea has continually complained about them, shep. Shepard yeah, we have been hearing this for years. But the rhetoric had changed until, well like an hour ago. Yeah. They had called it the kim jong un Charm Offensive. And this rhetoric that we have now heard today reverts to what we have been hearing for years from north korea. For generations from north korea. You remember last week President Trump even thanked kim jong un he had treated those three prisoners excellently after he thanked them for sending them back to the United States and releasing them. Even when north korea over the last few months, at least, had differences with the United States, it also avoided verbal confrontation with the United States. North korean official said at a lunch with secretary of state mike pompeo that simply we just perhaps disagree a little bit with the u. S. Assessment that sanctions had anything to do with kim jong un wanting to talk to the United States. It was north korea that made that decision. Witbut that wasnt couched in the typical rhetoric we hear. Shep, the condition on the ground remains the same. While we have seen this historic verbal warning between the United States and north korea. North korea still has a Nuclear Program. North korea still oppresses its citizens. North korea still has an icbm program and the United States and several dozens of other countries continue a very robust sanction regime against north korea. We are working up to this summit here. And we have seen what analysts have been calling the Charm Offensive by kim jong un. But there are very, very long way to go between the United States and north korea would have what anybody would call a normal diplomatic relationship. Shepard Breath Holding on indefinite suspension. Thank you, rich. A fresh round of deadly protest in gaza and the west bank and israel is now facing International Backlash for using deadly force against palestinian demonstrators. But washington is standing behind jerusalem firmly. Meantime, Gaza Health Officials say Israeli Soldiers killed at least two more protesters today after shooting dead dozens of palestinian yesterday. The violence and the protests showing signs, at least for the moment, of easing. I want to show you where this is all going on. Yesterday we saw tens of thousands of palestinians at the gaza border. You see the green strip right off the med in the southern corn there. Today the Associated Press only showed dozens showed up there. Although reports are they saw hundreds of protesters in the west bank, including in the streets of bethlehem. The question is are they reorganizing for something later after funerals. The Trump Administration and israel each blame hamas for the violence. In fact, the Israeli Military claims the militant group is telling rioters in this area to break through the border fence and infiltrate nearby israeli communities. Thats the directive from hamas. Israel also suggests two dozen of the protesters died yesterday shot dead by israeli troops were actually hamas terrorists. But some of the palestinians who were hurt say they really did nothing wrong. A number of protesters and i were at the border and a peaceful march. We were surprised that military jeeps fired gas and live bullets and they used violence and wounded a number of us. Shepard a number of human rights experts working for the United Nations accused israel of, quote blatant excessive use of force, unquote, against the protesters. And eye for an eye lash in his words. And we are hearing concern from some of americas closest allies. Very tight allies, including france and germany and the United Kingdom who have separated from the United States on this matter. Meantime in gaza, families are now burying the dead for them, this fresh pain echos grief from long ago as palestinians mark the moment 70 years ago when a war in the middle east led to israel becoming a state. And the palestinians losing their homes. We have team fox coverage. Our Senior Correspondent Rick Leventhal at the United Nations where there is an emergency meeting today. First, David Lee Miller live tonight in jerusalem. David lee . Shepard, you make a good point. There was a key he is legs deesn today is it going to be temporary or is it meaningful . The Israeli Military did beef up today in anticipation of a significant amount of demonstrators out on the streets near the border. Today marks the anniversary of israels founding. It is what the palestinians call the day of the great catastrophe. The demonstrations which began two months ago were supposed to pee peak today. That didnt happen. Now, there are a number of reasons why. Egypt has intervened asking hamas to cool things down. The egyptians have leverage on hamas because they control one of the one of the only borders other than israel. Another consideration to keep in mind is that today, as you mentioned, 60 funerals took place in gaza and a third factor, the hospitals in gaza are overwhelmed. There is a shortage of doctors, a shortage of blood, a shortage of equipment. That is something that may armayhave reduced the number of protesters out on the street today. All that said, one of the hamas leaders did say these demonstrations are going to continue. Shep . Shepard David Lee Miller, live for us this evening in jerusalem where we are monitoring developments along the gaza and the west bank and well have updates as they become available. U. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley said the opening of the American Embassy in jerusalem is not to blame for the violence at the gaza israel border. She spoke at an emergency meeting of the u. N. Security council. Ambassador haley said the Terror Group Hamas has been fueling deadly protests for years. Long before the u. S. Recognized jerusalem officially as israels capital. She said the violence also comes from those who do not want israel to exist anywhere. Team fox coverage continues. Rick leventhal live at the u. N. Rick . And, shepard, israel has long complained about a lack of support here at the u. N. Didnt get a lot of it today except from Ambassador Haley. One after another we heard from ambassadors fro ambassadort and bolivia, russia, sweden, france and a dozen others condemning the escalation of violence at the border. A couple did condemn hamas for use of civilians as human shields. Overstepped authority with lethal force referring to the protesters as peaceful and unarmed. The insinuations that palestinians themselves have the responsibility for their deaths because they are protestinprotesting against the protests are racist provocative situations. Once again, the palestinian leadership is using every ounce of its energy to attack us and to attempt to destroy us. The Palestinian Ambassador spoke for more than 30 minutes, shep. He called israel a cowardly power, acting above the law. What does the United Nations plan to do from here, rick . Well, there is no definitive action likely from the world body. Any move like a resolution would have to be unanimously approved by the Security Council and, of course, the u. S. As a permanent member of that counsel. Strongly protective of israels right to defend its borders. Kuwait today called for an International Investigation into possible war crimes. Says it will present a resolution to the counsel tomorrow to try to protect palestinian civilians. But Ambassador Haley says no matter what, the u. S. Is sticking to its plan to keep that embassy in jerusalem. There is no plausible Peace Agreement under which jerusalem would no longer remain the capital of israel. Recognizing this reality makes peace more achievable, not less. Palestinians have threatened that there can be no twostate solution as long as the embassy is in that holy city, shep. Shepard rick lesson that you live at the u. N. On the east side. Thank you. In the middle east, peace depends on getting two long feuding sides to pu put aside their differences. In north korea, it depends on convicting a dictator to put away his Nuclear Weapons. Even though they gave him all his power. Today, in both regions, the prospect of peace has, perhaps, slid a little further away. Well consider what comes next coming up from the fox news deck on this tuesday afternoon. Patrick woke up with back pain. But he has work to do. So he took aleve. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Aleve. All day strong. With tcalled audible. Le app you can listen to the stories you love while doing the things you love, outside. Binge better. Audible. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Shepard continuing coverage of fox top story report from south Korean News Agency that the dictator kim jong un has cancelled his meeting with the South Koreans and is threatening to cancel what would be an historic summit with President Trump. The reason . Joint military drills between the United States and south korea. Lets get straight to Michael Ohanlon from the brookings institution. Senior fellow of Foreign Policy there. Michael, its nice to see you. Good to see you, shepard. Shepard these drills have been going on forever. The North Koreans have complained about them forever. Suddenly they are complaining about them again. As usual you got right to the point. The if you pleasey thing was though they didnt complain them b. Them for a couple months. In fact, when the south Korean National security advisor went to north korea a few weeks ago, it was remarkable that he came back with the news that kim jong un didnt mind the exercises, supposedly. And said that he understood why they had to happen, which, of course, is what we say and what we firmly believe. As long as there is a powerful military threat from north korea, even if the atmospherics are better these days, we have to that takethat threat seriously. Two big drills for a year for a very long time. It looked as if north korea wasnt going to care. That was going to be apparently a concession. Maybe they are starting to rethink their tactics, maybe they feel like they are giving away too many concessions for free before a negotiation or maybe kim jong un is looking for an excuse to get out of the summit all together because he decides he doesnt like the path that he is headed on towards denuclearization. There are all sorts of possibilities. Shepard who says he is headed towards denuclearization. Only he says that. He has already gotten a lot here, hasnt he . Well, he has gotten a lot of diplomatic attention. Shepard thats what i meant. I believe the chinese has lightened up in some of their enforcement of sanctions. They are not supposed to, by the way but they have. Otherwise he hasnt gotten much concrete or tangible now yet. He has gotten promise of potential down the road if he when he gives up nukes. The Trump Administration is holding up the line the benefits wont flow until all the Nuclear Weapons are out. I understand why President Trump would begin with that going in position. I dont think its realistic though as a way to get through negotiations. So maybe what we are seeing now is kim jong un starting to negotiate back before the talks even begin face to face. Shepard what does history tell us about where we are right now . Its not as if we havent reached this point or something similar in recent years. Right. Well, there have been a number of summits with north korea. Of course, the pace of these recent meetings with secretary pompeo and president moon of south korea and others has really incredibly intensified and the promise of a summit with a u. S. President is a firsttime thing, unprecedented in relations with north korea. But, we have had previous periods, socalled sunshine policy of about 18 or 20 years ago and south korea really tried to be warm towards the north when kim jong uns father was in power there. And that didnt work out. You know, the South Koreans changed president s. Kim judge ill behaved much worse. He broke out of a Nuclear Agreement he was supposed to at that time. State of belligerence. Thats the kind of thing thats happened in the past. Shepard i want to read something we have just gotten. This exercise targeting us, says the North Koreans, which is being carried out across south korea, is a flagrant challenge to pan moon jom and declaration running counter to the positive Political Development on the korean peninsula. Again, that from this report that has just come out. Quoting again, the United States will also have to undertake carefully deliberations about the fate of the planned north koreau. S. Summit in light of this provocative military ruckus jointly conducted with the south korean authorities. Now, that suddenly and finally sounds like north korea again. Yeah. All though the word ruckus is pretty mild by their standard. Shepard it. Usually find much more colorful language. Point welltaken. We are starting to see a little bit of buyers remorse. The north koreas arent comfort wble detaunt when it hinges on them giving up Nuclear Weapons in their entirety really fast. I see this as a employe ploy asa negotiation process. I dont believe they want the summit to be cancelled, at least not yet. They are trying to say we are not going t as easy as first seen. They have then about this upcoming exercise photographer as you pointed out, shepard, they even said they didnt care. If they are now going back to an earlier complaint, its because they are trying to use it for a purpose. Either as a negotiating card or because theyre just nervous about the entire process of detente and they want it to stop and just go back to where we were last year which i would regret but it would be typical of whats happened in the past. Shepard the North Koreans have now given the United States administration an instruction. How might our administration respond in such a way that it serves our interests . Well, we have to keep doing military exercises in south korea, as you well know, shepard, and as any military officer in the United States will insist upon. I have done some writing over the years in which i have suggested with a colleague here that we could perhaps scale them back in size. That the size. Exercises is not crucial to military readiness. If it really gives North Koreans some anxiety, we could find a way to break the exercises up into smaller pieces. I think thats most we could consider doing. If thats good enough for them, i would encourage the Trump Administration to think things through in those terms. But that may not be enough. Shepard Michael Ohanlon from brookings. Thank you as always. An encouraging sign for President Trumps pick to run the cia. Brand new on fox news channel. Why gina haspel and the white house may want to send a thank you note to a couple of democrats. 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The future of awesome. Shepard there is breaking news on fox news channel. And brand new it looks as if President Trumps nominee to be the next director of the Central Intelligence agency will have enough votes to win confirmation. This has just happened after gina haspel wrote a letter to the top democrat on the Senate Intelligence Committee Mark warner of virginia. She wrote that the u. S. Never should have used harsh interrogation tactic or torture after the attacks of 9 11. Gina haspel ran one of the black sites where torture happened after getting the letter, senator warner the democrat said he will vote for gina haspel. So did senator Heidi Heitkamp the democrat of north korea. Two democrats, which makes a total of four democrats who they will confirm gina haspel and that should do it. Our chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge is live in washington. Catherine . Well, shep, you are right. Really everything was all changed in the last hour with confirmation that two more Senate Democrats are going to back the nomination of gina haspel. Its been really a fast moving target all day as you mentioned. We have senator mark warner. He is the senior democrat on the Senate Intelligence committee. Heidi heitkamp also. Senators manchin and also senator donnelly as well say they will now support her. All of this sort of came together after gina haspel took the unusual step of sending that letter to mark warner where, in the past you have heard directors say or nominees say that they would never restart the program what was different today is gina haspel said it never should have happened in the first place. That may have been an effort to secure some of these final votes to get her passed that magic majority number, shep. Shepard new extended warnings, i guess about russia continuing to mettle in our processes. Earlier today the nominee to head the National Counter Terrorism Center promote intelligence sharing and break down the stove piping that led to 9 11, testified that its a mistake to underestimate the russians even after so much public shaming and sanctions. I would say that i dont think anyone in my profession or the Intelligence Community will underestimate the potential of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin with Intelligence Services and their capabilities most but more importantly their intent. I think what we saw in the last election cycle their intent is there and capabilities are clearly there. We heard testimony this morning about a new term deep fakes. What may be the next front line in digital warfare. I believe that this is next wave of attacks against america ability to produce fake videos that can only be determined to be fake after extensive analytical analysis. By then the election is over. Intelligence community and Law Enforcement actively working to not only understand the complexities and capabilities of adversaries but what from a predictive analysis we face Going Forward with the election this fall as well as in 2020. Based on the testimony this morning, all of that including this new Technology Deep fakes they think will be on the table in november, shep. Shepard Catherine Herridge on capitol hill. Thank you. Youre welcome. Shepard the russian president Vladimir Putin rolled into crimea today and he did it in the drivers seat of a truck. Because putin, he was showing off a new bridge that links southern russian to the crimian peninsula. Really . And you wonder why he invaded there in the first place. Remember the area he decided to take away from ukraine i should say back from ukraine back in 2014. This is the very definition of a victory lap. At the time the world said the reason he is doing it is he wants this bridge. He needs a warm water port. So he stole part of another country. Mission accomplished. President trump with an update on the first lady and when she could come home after doctors performed what we are told was a kidney procedure. Thats ahead. Also, the president spoke as he headed to a lunch with Senate Republicans. Some of them are saying and quite vocally that the white house should apologize, finally, for a staffs comment about one of their own. The arizona senator john mccain. Thats next. But, first, a fox extreme weather alert. Adam klotz with severe storms. Looking like theyre coming here to tiny town. Yes, they are, shepard. We are tracking a line of severe weather. Everything behind me in the yellow are severe thunderstorm watches. Everything in the red are twornstornado watching at this point. Arrive at late as 11 00 p. M. Time this out for you. Drill down on, this the entire line, everything you are looking at in the yellow this is currently a severe thunderstorm warn storm which means winds up to 60 miles per hour. Every one of these pink areas thats a tornado warn storm. This is running toward the coast. If we time it out unfortunately it will arrive at some of the largest Population Centers right in the heart of rush hour. I will put this in motion for you. Sometime tamp up in the corner 4 00 p. M. Running up to 6 00 p. M. Looking at line of big storms philadelphia, new york, up toward the boston area. We get on the back side of, this you dos in the clearing off in the overnight hours. More rain on the back side and unfortunately for folks through the dmv stretching up toward philadelphia possibly a flood situation for them. More Shepard Smith reporting will be coming up after the break. T. Im your phone, stuck down here between your seat and your console, playing a little hidenseek. Cold. Warmer. Warmer. Ah boiling. 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Meantime pope francis says he is thinking about possibly retiring during his morning homily he said he has questioned when it might be time to take leave of his flock. Pope francis explained that Pope Benedict the xvith who retired in 2013 opened the door to future popes and some heart warming video of one dog rescuing another. This happened in mesa, arizona out of phoenix. One of the dogs named smoky fell into a pool didnt get out. See the other pup trying to help. Eventually he jumped in and nudged him to safety. Calling him a hero. Well be right back. Man two bulls were fighting, thud bam hit the truck. Try explaining that to your insurance company. Woman another ding, another scratch. Itll just be another chapter in the story. Every scar tells a story, and you can tell a lot more stories when your truck is a chevy silverado. The most dependable, longestlasting, fullsize pickups on the road. Heres something you should know. Theres a serious virus out there that 1 in 30 boomers has, yet most dont even know it. A virus thats been almost forgotten. Its hepatitis c. Hep c can hide in the body for years without symptoms. Left untreated it can lead to liver damage, even liver cancer. The only way to know if you have hep c is to ask your Healthcare Provider for the simple blood test. If you have hep c, it can be cured. For us, its time to get tested. Its the only way to know for sure. Shepard topping the news at the pot of the hour. President trump meeting face to face with Senate Republicans g. O. P. Lawmakers continue to demand an apology from the house. Over a comment about john mccain. Its been five days now since the Trump Administration official said the republican senators opinion doesnt matter because he is dying anyway. The number two republican in the Senate John Cornyn of texas called the comment totally inappropriate. G. O. P. Senator Chuck Grassley from iowa said the focus should be on everything that senator mccain has sacrificed for our nation. We should not do anything that detracts from his service as a Public Servant and more importantly what he did to defend freedom. Does the white house owe him an apology . If i had said that, i would apologize. Shepard foxconn firms that the white house special assistant kelly sadler made the comment after senator mccain told his fellow colleagues not to vote for President Trumps pick for the cia gina haspel. Mccain is home in arizona where he has been dealing with aggressive form of brain cancer. The white house has not denied the comments and it has not apologized Spokesman Says she have dealt with the matter internally. John roberts is live out on the north lawn. She has apologized in person were led to believe so whats the difference . I think there is a big difference, shep. Can you have a difference of opinion with somebody. Clearly do not like the fact john mccain was the one that torpedoes Obamacare Repeal and replace. They do not like the fact he is calling for gina haspel to not make it through the confirmation. Big difference between having a difference of opinion and having some common decency. The white house is trying to change this from being all about the leak. Even though this is gaining a lot of steam on capitol hill. They are trying to make it more about the leak than about what was said Kellyanne Conway said with martha maccallum. All kinds of leagues. Some leaks exist because of the policies being put forth but none of them are helpful. And i will tell you Something Else is going on in this white house but not as badly as it was at this beginning where its not so much leaking as using the media t chief each other. Thats a tried and true tradition in washington. One the white house has been practicing since the day of the inauguration. Kellyanne conway though says people who are Staff Members at the white house should be competent, loyal and be able to reinforce the agenda that prevails here. There is a growing chorus of senators who are very upset and you showed a couple of them, shep, as to what was said about their colleague john mccain. Listen to what Mitch Mcconnell and senator jeff flake said earlier. The person who said that should apoll devise. Apologize that would be easier to do. It wasnt the president making the statement im sure if he asked her to apologize she would. I dont know why he hasnt. I really dont. That really is at the core of this, shep. Kelly sadler or even the white house came forward at the end of last week remarks were made we very sorry we appreciate and honor john mccains service that would have been it. It would have been over. Apparently that was the plan early on and then for some reason the plan changed kelly sadler dug in her heels with a growing chorus of voices on capitol hill now. Members of their own party saying she needs to apologize. So what they have done here, shep, is perpetuated the story as opposed to getting it out of the headline, shep . Shepard both republican and democratic lawmakers are now pushing back against the president for his promise to help the Chinese Telecom zte. This didnt even come up with the meeting that the president had at the Senate Republican policy luncheon. A lot of headscratching going on. Isnt this the president who declared America First and isnt this the president that said china is stealing america jobs. Now he has done 180 and trying to protect chinese jobs. Listen to what senator marco rubio said of florida earlier today. Well, i dont know what the genesis was behind that. Every conversation we have had before then there are a lot of different voices in the administration. I think there are some that arent in favor of ending all this disagreement with china. To say me, its perhaps the single biggest geopolitical issue the country faces. This is probably our last chance to rebalance that very important relationship and if we dont i think the future years we are going to pay a terrible price. The Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer has been very supportive of the president s tough approach to china but after seeing how the president has back pedaled here on zte has changed his support into sharp criticism. Listen to what he said just a few minutes ago. It was the first time we showed china we were going to be tough and meant it and its begun to have an effect on china. No sooner that happens the president backs off, bad for american jobs. Bad for american workers. And worst of all, bad for security in america. Clearly are zte, shep, the president is looking at the big picture here. He need president s xi jinpings cooperation with trade and trade deficit. He needs president xis help on north korea particularly now with some factions of north korea going squishy on whole idea of the summit. But, as far as zte goes. You had the heads of six intelligence agencies back on february the 13th testimony to congress saying they wouldnt recommend nibble in this country use those products. And bill, the top Counter Intelligence official, nominated to head up the National Counter intelligence and Security Center says zte phones could pose a National Security risk to the United States thats why so many people are scratching heir head over this whole thing. Shep . Shepard john roberts. The first lady 345e6r7 is melanp is doing well after kidney procedure bred. Doctors at Walter Reed Medical Center treated mrs. Trump for benign kidney operation. That procedure was successful. President trump has thanked the incredible doctors. And expects his wife home in the next few days. The United States putting new financial pressure on the iranians. The Treasury Department slapping sanctions on the man who overseas all of irans major financial decisions. Thats the equivalent of our fed chairman. The move could isolate iran from the Global Banking system even further. It comes a week after President Trump pulled the United States out of the Iran Nuclear Deal or at least made a decision to stop abiding by the terms of that deal. The financial squeeze could help pressure the country back into the negotiating table. The National Security correspondent Jennifer Griffin is live at the pentagon. What more do we know about these new sanctions, jennifer . Well, shep, today the u. S. Treasury designated the head of Irans Central Bank as a terrorist accusing him of funneling millions to hezbollah. New sanctions will target Irans Central Banker for funding she a proxy fighters across the middle east. Treasury secretary Steve Mnuchin just back from opening the u. S. Embassy in jerusalem accused the iranian banker of funneling money from the Iranian Revolutionary guard corps through a bank in iraq. That iraqi bank is also being sanctioned today. All of this comes exactly one week after the u. S. Pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Deal. Since then, both israel and iran have taken actions to provoke one another. Raising concerns about a new war breaking out in the middle east, shep. Shepard iran is apparently trying to save the nuclear deal . There have been a number of high profile meetings in europe. Russia and china and traveled to brussels today to meet with european leaders to discuss how to save the iran deal. Very good and constructive meeting i believe we are on the right track to move forward to make sure in the interest of all remain participants particularly iran will be preserved. Back home in tehran the head of irans Atomic Energy agency said he was not optimistic on talks to save the 3yearold deal which has limited irans protection of enrich uranium and allowed for intense inspections of Irans Nuclear facilities. Irans nuclear chief also threatens to resume enrichment and even increase that inrichment much beyond the approved 2015 levels if the europe feigns cannot find a way to keep their end of the bargain sanctions relief and Economic Investment in iran. He said the discussions are, quote not based on trust and he is not optimistic, he says about the europeans ability to deal. Shep . Shepard Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. Breaking news citing a south Korean News Agency saying that the north has cancelled the meetings with the South Koreans and that the meeting with President Trump is kind of up in the air the States Department spokeswoman has just spoken on this Heather Nauert says we have not heard anything from that government or the government of south korea to indicate we would not continue conducting these exercises or that we would not continue planning for our meeting between President Trump and kim jong un next month. So, if this, you know, brush back on the South Koreans and sort of the equivocation on the United States meeting is a real thing, then the state department hasnt been told about it gordon chang has just tweeted our north korean experts say look, they just met with the chinese. If they are really equivocating that cant be a coincidence. That news is developing. Well watch it along with you. The news continues right after this. I love my grandma. Anncr as you grow older, your brain naturally begins to change which may cause trouble with recall. Learning from him is great. When i can keep up anncr thankfully, prevagen helps your brain and improves memory. Dads got all the answers. Anncr prevagen is now the numberoneselling brain Health Supplement in drug stores nationwide. She outsmarts me every single time. Checkmate you wanna play again . Anncr prevagen. Healthier brain. Better life. Shepard now the story i mentioned at the top of the news hour, a copilot sucked nearly out of the plane when the cockpit window shattered at 30,000 feet. And we have pictures. Here it is. A big chunk of the windshield missing. This happened, were told, over china, according to media there. The pilot made an emergency landing. He says the seat belt saved the copilot. The seat belt kept the copilot strapped in there take a look inside the cockpit. We have a picture of that, too. The pilot says everything was floating in the air because they lost pressure. The passenger says there was chaos in the cabin. The Chinese Airline reports all passengers and the pilot are okay. Gravity doesnt work up there . Thats kind of weird, isnt it . 30,000 feet things floating in i dont know about all of that. Copilot and crew member have injuries. Investigators looking into what caused it. Last month a engine blue out on southwest flight and killing a woman partially sucked out of that window. Nobody reported anything about stuff floating in the plane at 30,000 feet. I just dont know about that. The missouri governor Eric Greitens has declared a great victory after prosecutors suddenly dropped a sexrelated charge against him. He had been facing a felony invasion of privacy charge. The accusation was he had been having an affair with a hairdresser. During that affair etook a photo of her while she was blindfolded bound and naked and told never to release his name or he would release the photo. The lawyers said the case fell apart because there wasnt enough evidence. But the governors troubles are not over. The prosecutors plan to refile the charge through prosecutor or assistant attorney. Also facing a separate felony charge in yet another case, the governor of missouri. Lawmakers say they are Still Deciding whether to impeach the man. Matt finn is live in st. Louis. This thing just keeps on taking new life. It does. A short while ago the attorneys for the governor filed a Police Report against one of the lead investigators alleging perjury and misconduct. Met in secret with one of the witnesses and arranged for a 100,000 payoff. A spokesperson for the prosecution says these claims have no merit and we are now waiting for a response from the prosecution. Moving onto the governors potential impeachment, lawmakers are expected to meet here in a few days to decide if they will recommend to move forward with impeachment proceedings which carry a very high burden and could play out for months. The state senator here, the state majority floor leader and the attorney general have all called for Governor Greitens resignation, shep . Shepard matt, thank you. The Royal Wedding is just days away. Folks in the u. K. Are getting ready are to the arrival of thousands of tourists traveling there for the celebrations. Ahead, details on the call Meghan Markle reportedly made to her father to convince him to still come to the wedding. This whole father story line, i dont know about this father story line either. Now, if you your jet would descend really fast would things were floating yes. Dad and the wedding . Come on, leave it alone. Pah that will never work. No, no, no, nah. A bulb of light . . Aha ha ha a flying machine . Impossible a personal computer . ha smart neighborhoods running on a microgrid. A stadium powered with solar. A hospital that doesnt lose power. Amazing. I like it. Never gonna happen. Marshall tuck will change that. In california, 3 million kids cant read at grade level. Tuck turned around struggling schools, raising Graduation Rates over 60 . Marshall tuck for state superintendent. Marshall tuck. I support the Affordable Care act, and voted against all trumps attempts to repeal it. But we need to do more. I believe in universal health care. In a Public Health option to compete with private insurance companies. And expanding medicare to everyone over 55. And i believe medicare must be empowered to negotiate the price of drugs. California values senator Dianne Feinstein to negotiate the price of drugs. To california schoolsd, need big change. Marshall tuck is the only candidate for state superintendent whos done it before. Less bureaucracy, more classroom funding. Marshall tuck for state superintendent. Marshall tuck. Shepard the brits are getting ready for more than 100,000 people to descend on windsor where prince harry is set to marry Meghan Markle. Images in slide show this afternoon. This is the main shopping street in windsor. U. K. Flags flying high. This is a lady who loves it all. Showing off prince harry and Meghan Markle dolls. She runs a bed and breakfast in london. Here have a cappuccino in windsor. It has an image of the couple in the foam and one in the corner has Queen Elizabeth on it there you go, getting ready for the royal thing. We also have new details on this weekends Royal Wedding. Meghan markles father reportedly says he has changed his mind and does want to walk his daughter down the aisle which seems like the right thing for a father to do. I guess its been very complicated. None of it is none of our business. Tell me more. A week going on with Meghan Markles dad. Last week it came out he was paid by paparazzi to take some photos. Then yesterday he told tmz that he has had a heart attack. Shepard a heart attack. And didnt want to go to the wedding and embarrass her. Today he told tmz he does want to go and that she called and texted and she loved him and didnt care about the photos. The queen apparently cares about the photos. If he does go they have a nice little chat about protocol when he gets there. Shepard that should be go. If he doesnt end up going because of health issues, Meghan Markles mom might be the one who walks her down the aisle. Odds have her being a top contender. She could also pick her fatherinlaw to be prince charles. Other people think Prince William will walk her down the aisle although he will be bizzing being best man. Shepard and father. She might walk down by herself. Shepard pretty modern. We are looking forward to it. Sandra smith and i will be there to anchor the coverage of the Royal Wedding this saturday. We will start around 5 00 a. M. Really a special fox friends in the Early Morning and then 6 00 a. M. Eastern, 5 00 in oxford. Start at 5 00 in the morning for the Royal Wedding. I know nothing about the royals. Hoping sandra does. Should be a fine time had by all. Hope you will join us that saturday morning as you wake up with a little coffee. Should news break out. Well break. In not today though. I have got to get on a plane to london. See you there. Lord willing and the creeks dont rides. Your worlddont rise. Your world with cavuto coming up after this. Me. The thought of my symptoms returning was keeping me from being there for the people and things i love most. So, i talked to my doctor and learned humira can help get, and keep,uc under control when other medications havent worked well enough. And it helps people achieve control that lasts so you could experience few or no symptoms. Humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. 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Welcome, everybody, im neil cavuto and this is your world and confused world. Indication that the North Koreans could, and i stress could, be threatening to walk out of this big summit, whatever you want to call it with the president of the United States. That, after kim jong un indicated he is going to cancel his upcoming talks with the south korean counterpart. So everything frozen in place. At issue are a lot of these tests that we do. Joint military exercises we do. And have done for quite some time. And now the North Koreans are making a big deal of it. Were going to get into the Market Impact on all of this, the confusion over all of this. Right now, to the state department

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