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Well show you what started this and how it ended. Lets get to it. Announcer now, Shepard Smith reporting lie from the fox news deck. Shepard good friday afternoon from the news deck. In the Russian Military showing of the new nuclear missile. President Vladimir Pugh and says it can strike anywhere on earth. Putin claims the United States and nato Missile Defense systems would be useless against the socalled satan two. The test launch comes as tensions are rising between russia and the United States and our allies a month for that matter over the poisoning of a former russian spy and his daughter in england. The kremlin denies any involvement, but investigators say the weapon was a nerve agent that the soviet union invented. Russias ambassador to the United States telling nbc news today show he cannot remember the last time relations were this bad between moscow and washington. Because it seems to me that its poison. Its a toxic atmosphere and today, russia is responsible for everything, even for bad weather. It is high time for us to stop blaming each other. Shepard no one ever said they were responsible for the bad weather. More retaliation from moscow today after the United States, United Kingdom, and two dozen other nations announced they were kicking out Russian Diplomats because of the poisoning attack. Live this afternoon from the state department. Good afternoon. Russias Foreign Ministry said they have top diplomats from 23 countries to inform them today that they are kicking out some of their officials from russia. These are the same countries to join the United States and the United Kingdom and kicking Russian Diplomats out of their countries. The list of 23 today includes australia, germany, canada, the baltic states, sweden, many others. The russian Foreign Ministry also threatened to expel diplomats from belgium, hungary, and montenegro. Those four countries joined the other 23 a little later on so letting them get away this time was just a warning. All of this boils down to moving today. He says in video here from the airport here in washington, d. C. , 60 russian to the mets and their families have to leave the u. S. By monday. Many of them were stationed at the nbc here in washington, d. C. Others also will russian plane there with a uhaul at that airport. The u. S. Is closing the russian consulate in seattle so officials are moving out ahead of the monday deadline there to get out. Last year, the u. S. Closed its San Francisco consulate and now russia has no consulates on the west coast of the u. S. In response to all of this, the u. S. Has until tomorrow to evacuate its consulate in st. Petersburg in washington. So u. S. Is trying to clear out of that facility right now ahead of tomorrows deadline. Shepard the Russian Ambassador to the United States seemed to sum up the russians positions on this matter. He did, he said he cant even get a meeting here in washington, d. C. He heard that from him earlier today. He says hes having trouble meeting with officials here even on capitol hill. It took him three months to get his first meeting with the senator. Officials on capitol hill, congressional sources tell us there is a pretty significant reluctance to meet with russians, certainly publicly especially with what happened after some other senators met with Russian Ambassadors so theres a reluctance there. Also at a higher level on that, less than a month ago, secretary of state Rex Tillerson when he was acting as secretary of state is in the capital of ethiopia staying in the same hotel as Russian Foreign minister sergey lavrov. Couldnt get a meeting to get. Shepard retention at the state department. Looking into russian meddling and possible collusion with team trump and other matters. Reportedly focusing on the 2016 republican convention. Thats a according to the reuters news agency. The special team has been asking witnesses about a particular event that both attorney general Jeff Sessions and then Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergey Kislyak attended. Sessions with the senator at the time in the Trump Campaign advisor, reuters reports investigators were asking detailed questions about any conversations the two men had come and not just at the convention but beyond that. Also on the sideline of a Campaign Speech that President Trump gave a few months earlier at the Mayflower Hotel in washington. So far, no comment from session sessions. Last summer, he told senators it was possible that he had a brief conversation with the ambassador at the hotel but nothing formal he said. He also said he did not know the ambassador would be at either location. I would just say with regard to the two encounters, one at the Mayflower Hotel that you referred to, i came there not knowing he was going to be there. I dont have any recollection of even knowing he would be there. I didnt have any communications with him before or after that event, and likewise in the event at the convention, i went off the Convention Grounds to a College Campus for an event. At the mayflower event. Let me finish that one. I didnt know he would be in the audience. Shepard so he didnt know. Thats not to say he didnt talk. They accused sessions of misleading him during his confirmation hearing when he said he did not meet with russian officials during the campaign. Thats what he said first and then session said he never lied. He said he met with the ambassador as a senator coming out of the campaign advisor. Reuters also reports that Robert Mullers team is asking republican officials apparently deleted a section of the partys platform. Remember this issue . It was part of the platform that called for giving ukraine more firepower to use against russia. Remember, russia invaded a crimea part of ukraine took it over. President trump has denied any collusion took place and has repeatedly called the investigation of witch hunt. Peter doocy is live in south florida and your President Trumps golf where he is spending easter weekend. There are some new questions raised by this reuters report about why in the week before President Trumps was officially added to the top of the ticket and the rnc was going over the platform for 2016 in cleveland, there was a softening of language about giving weapons to ukraine because some waters interpreted the softening as a confession to russia and one republican from the Platform Committee tells reuters that she remembers j. B. Gordon, who was a Foreign Policy associate of the campaign telling her that he was going to work with candidate trump to change the verbiage about ukraine. Now j. D. Gordon tells fox that its recycled garbage from nearly two years ago that came today with a fake news media. Character assassination by Anonymous Sources and guilt by insinuation. And you can quote me on that. We just did. Shepard today, we got an update on President Trumps a border wall proposal from u. S. Customs and Border Protection. The acting Deputy Commissioner talking about 100 miles of projects for this year. He admitted its not all wall and is not all new at all. He also could not confirm this tweet from the president a couple of days ago. President trump noting the start of his wall, the pictures are not the start of his wall at all. They are a project that was started back in 2009. Not new. Not the wall, an old project. But Officials Say the construction is new. Heres the acting Deputy Commissioner when a reporter asked about the president s tweet. Im not sure which way youre talking about, what was in the media that i saw this week was the construction project at the other underway. Its new features for the wall that they are putting up. They are replacing the dilapidated landing mad is new. Shepard peter doocy, back to you, what to make of this . Customs and Border Protection are not telling us they think its reasonable for us to expect to see about half the border covered with some sort of fencing or wall system or the equivalent of 1,000 miles. Because the truth is, walls work in the data shows it. Dhs and cbp are fully committed to a balanced investment in physical infrastructure to access and control, technology, and personnel to support critical Border Security missions. But it is not clear today how much of the 1,000 miles hes referring to needs to be built new and how much of the 1,000 miles is fencing that can be spruced up. I would say its all new because it is a different design going in, its replacing stuff that is unsuitable, dilapidated wall, this hold landing that doesnt serve our needs anymore. I would call it all new. Just like President Trump, they want 25 billion to build this wall system but they dont know where that money would come from. They would welcome some pentagon funding for that, of course thats something there have been reports about over the last few days but they have no reason to think at the pentagon is going to fund the wall at this time. Shepard whats the latest on the president s pick to head the va . There some surprise now from the leader of a veterans group, iraq and afghanistan veterans. He tells the Washington Post that its great that he and Ronnie Jackson served in a rack and he is our generation. It doesnt appear that hes had assignment that suggests he can take on the magnitude of this job and that makes him a surprising pick. According to the twitter account of press secretary for the white house sarah sanders, she said mike pompeo, gina haskell, have served our country with honor and distinction. Highly respected on both sides of the aisle and should be confirmed without delay. I now the outgoing va secretary has some advice his predecessor. To make sure that he is consistent with the president s agenda to push really hard, always to keep the veterans interest at heart, to make sure that he is working closely with congress in a bipartisan way, they cannot afford to be politicized. Also does not want the va to be privatized and that is part of his morning on the way out. Peter doocy in south florida, thank you. During the height of the cold war, the United States and russia were the only superpowers in the game. The Global Politics are much more complex this time around. And potentially much more dangerous. Our next guest says there are ways to start getting russia under control so how do you do that . Will explain coming up from the fox news deck on this good friday afternoon. Found in jellyfish, prevagen is the number one selling brainhealth supplement in drug stores nationwide. Prevagen. The name to remember. Mitzi Psoriatic Arthritis tries to get in my way . Watch me. mike ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. 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Relationships of the United States are the worst we can ever remember, quite a combo. Lets turn to the lena, a fellow informed policy. Is this chatter . Is a something more . Is there a way to know . I dont agree with the Russian Ambassador on too many things but i agree with him that we are in a downward spiral when it comes to u. S. Russia relations. Given the expulsions that we saw happening this week, i dont see a clear end in sight. We dont have the same rules we had during the cold war with the soviet union new, we knew what they were doing and not many of those rules of the game are pretty much gone. Shepard how do you ratchet the tension down . Theres a few things that that u. S. And allies and europe can do. They are deeply dependent on the global economy. He u. S. Remains russias largest trade partner. What that means is this is a lot more leverage that we have over russia than they have over us. And theyre testing all of these muscles, doing some saber rattling but at the end of the day, we been in a position where russia can destroy the u. S. And u. S. Has all the power to destroy russia but we need to start thinking about strategically. How to be punished russia, impose consequences and limited power in the world. The economy is one way to do that. Another way to do that is to go after the dirty money. They love having their yachts and their villas all over europe and the United States as well and this is stolen money from the russian people and we can really go after them for that. Shepard whats your assessment of whats been done thus far . I think the Trump Administration has done quite a bit to send a very clear message to moscow. The expulsions that we just saw where the most significant scene since 1986 and the Reagan Administration expelled 55 soviet diplomats at a time and this time, the u. S. Expelled 60 so this is a very strong signal. It was coordinated with europe and i think the kremlin got the message. Another thing the Trump Administration has done well as theyve impose new sanctions on russia. And this will continue to be ratcheted up. I have no doubt about that. Shepard is the tone right from the president . To the president be speaking up more or is it the correct in your estimation . What weve seen is this dual track emerged in the United States where we have the administration, wrapping up sanctions, imposing new punishments on russia and then we have the employment of russia hogs coming up, they think russia is an aggressor, not a potential partner. So President Trump has remained relatively quiet as the administration has taken some very significant steps. Personally, i would like to see the president speak out very clearly about what the russians have done and the consequences of the u. S. Will impose. Shepard thank you, appreciate it very much. Police releasing video of the deadly shooting at a barbershop. On the investigation into what went down on that San Francisco street. Also following to elements in sacramento in the case of stefon clark. Police have said they thought he had a gun when they shot him dead. He did not have a gun. His family has released results of a private autopsy, and they are sending. Its next. More and more people have discovered something stronger. More dependable. Longer lasting. In a chevy truck. And now, you can too. See why chevrolet is the most awarded and Fastest Growing brand the last four years overall. Current competitive owners can get a total value of over eleven thousand dollars on this silverado all star when you finance with gm financial. Find new roads at your local chevy dealer. I accept i dont i even accept i i used thave a higher risk of stroke due to afib, a type of irregular heartbeat not caused by a heart valve problem. But no matter where i ride, i go for my best. 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Thats the result of the autopsy for stephon clark. Attorneys for clarks family paid for this autopsy and it came out just about an hour and a half ago, the results did. Lawyers say the fact the bullets came from behind, seven of the eight bullets indicate clark was not approaching the officers as a Sacramento Police have said. This is a body camera video from the shooting almost two weeks ago. Police said they thought clark had a gun. Later, they said they found only a cell phone near him. Hundreds of people have protested clarks death including Sacramento Kings basketball games. Police in california releasing body camera video of a deadly shootout at a barbershop that happened last week in San Francisco the cops just released the recording. It shows the officers point of view as he walked into the shop and a man pulls a gun and fired at him. Hard to see that man, so we zoomed in to highlight this video for you. Then, the cop drops to the ground and they exchanged gunfire paid theres no sound on this video until the shooting stops and somebody yells out about children in the shop. Investigators say the man who fired at the officers died in the shooting and that five other people were hurt. Our chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt in our west coast news hub, how did all this star start . The suspect was 21 years old and on march 21st, his family called the Police Things that was threatening them, was trying to break into their garage and had flashed a gun. They went to the family home. They were told at that point that he had gone to this barbershop. The police as you can see in the dash cam video converged on the barbershop. And as a shot started being fired, and they started running and ducking for cover. It appears from the video from inside that he was the first to fire. We can be 100 certain of that. Police say he fired nine shots and all from his handgun. They returned fire 26 bullets, fired 18 of which hit him. He died later at the hospital. Shepard whats his family sing now . Mixed emotions as you can imagine. You have to remember, they were the ones that first called 911 about his actions. If those videos that you were just looking at were released last night at a town hall meeting that included family members and the police. Some of the people who identified themselves during this meeting as family members offered different views of the Police Actions which ended with him dead. Listen here. We will always love him and remember this devastating, horrific incident. We do not have any hatred or remorse towards the sf pd or the officers on the scene. He did not have to die. Im looking for more answers because im not satisfied so fa far. The shooting remains under investigation by the San Francisco Police Department and the district attorneys office. Shepard Jonathan Hunt live in los angeles. Nora solomon was married to the man who gunned down 90 max 49 people in the nightclub in orlando. She spent the last two years behind bars but today, jerry set her free. Details from the courthouse, plus Robert Mullers investigation into the trump team and russia. We will look at the to take away from the latest reports. E together as a whole. It was such an overwhelming response to help others. No one thought that they were going to do this before it happened and everyone just did it. I think thats the way that human nature should be looked at. Ill stand by you. Ill stand by you. Wont let nobody hurt you. Ill stand by you. And lose weight with contrave. Its fdaapproved to help adults who are overweight or struggle with obesity lose weight and keep it off. Contrave is believed to work on two areas of the brain your hunger center. Im so hungry. avo and your reward system. Ice cream. French fries. avo to help control cravings. 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The blasts other five Coalition Members have been near the border of turkey where there have been tensions between the Turkish Military and other fighters. A plane catching fire after it landed in atlanta. It had been on its way to ecuador but turned around because of a mechanical issue. According to the faa, the brakes locked up in the landing gear caught fire. 199 people who were on board but they managed to get off safely. Watching ten new satellites into orbit. The rocket lasted off today from vanderburgh airport as part of a three billiondollar project including air traffic control. The news continues with Shepard Smith right after this. Liberty mutual stood with me when this guy got a flat tire in the middle of the night, so he got home safe. Yeah, my dad says our insurance doesnt have that. What . you can leave worry behind when liberty stands with you™. Liberty mutual insurance. 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Shepard more that one special counselor Robert Mueller reportedly looking to the 2016 Republican National convention as he investigates possible collusion between the Trump Campaign in russia. President trump has repeatedly said there was no collusion. Lets turn to Nicholas Johnson now, editor in chief. Good to see you. Is there anything new here . Theres pieces of new every day, some new reporting about mueller asking questions but the important thing i think reviewers to remember is that these leaks arent coming from mueller. Nothing comes out of muellers team. If they are coming from lawyers and attorneys were questioned by mueller then go to reporters and say what they were asked about. The important thing we should take away from this is a news flash, mueller is looking at everything. His remit is looking into whats happening in the 2016 election and related matters. That means he can ask any kinds of questions he wants and only people who know the important questions hes asking are his lawyers and theyre not leaking. Shepard if you could explain what these witnesses are saying about specifically these instances involving her day because and Jeff Sessions. There looking at meetings, a lot of controversy over disclosing what kind of meetings happened between Trump Campaign and other officials and how often they were disclosed, whether they disclosed appropriately as part of the transition in the congressional investigators and whether they were somehow conducted improperly relating to the campaign activity. The biggest thing that i think bac was trying to figure out, what was discussed in those meetings . Who from the campaign was involved in those meetings, and where those conduits to share information . Remember that on the trump jr. Emailed about possibly looking for information that was damaging to Hillary Clinton from some people involved in russia. I think peeling back the leaders of the onion here is who were in those meetings and who they were connected to and what were they talking about. Shepard in context, great concerns about russia was doing specifically in crimea and then a change in the platform which was certainly in russias favorite on the question i suppose being with this meeting, were these talks between Jeff Sessions and Sergey Kislyak is that where it was decided that would happen . Absolutely. A perfect point. We have to remember, Paul Manafort who was chairman of the campaign who is now been indicted had all sorts of connections to people in russia and eastern europe. Is there a smoke, is there fire, are these things already existed lead to changes in the campaign . That will be somewhat damaging of high interest to mueller and his investigation. Shepard sounds like you were just saying there are people who are not cooperating with the Mueller Investigation in exchange for not being indicted. There are people cooperating who might not have the knowledge of that. So he may already know. The straight way the csi investigation, federal prosecutor. You witnesses, a flip on them because they lied to investigators. Use that to gain more information for the next party. Shepard where do you see this going . You have to know everything, youre so well sourced. Because these are the guys who dont leak. Thats what were trying to tell everybody. It dont get too ahead of yourselves here. They run a very tight shot. The people who are leaking or attorneys for those under investigation. Where this is going, im watching this as closely as everybody else. Shepard appreciated, thank you. The is israeli army has killed at least 15 palestinians making this the Bloodiest Day in gaza since 2014. Thats according to Palestinian Health officials who said 13 of the people were participating in a large protest against israel. As of the other person who died was killed by tank fire. Thats Israeli Forces firing tear gas, bullets, and rubber coated steel pellets at the palestinians in gaza. They say the protesters provoked them by rolling burning tires toward them and throwing rocks. Some images to show you in our slideshow this afternoon, this first photo is from right before the fighting started we are told. Palestinians gather to pray at a camp where thousands were staying ahead of the protests, and this after israeli troops fired at the protesters. Tear gas raining down them there. Your palestinian flings rocks towards the military, smoke from the body behind him and hear emergency crews hearing a man who was hurt. Palestinian health Officials Say hes one of at least 1,000 people injured in the fighting. Conor powell live in our jerusalem newsroom tonight. For several weeks now im an independent palestinian leaders have been calling for peaceful sit in protest along the israelipalestinianbecause of border there. Hamas just got on board with sn today, we saw thousands israelis, thousands of palestinians, many more than that, turns out to demonstrate between that border area in five different locations in the goal is the israeli and an egyptian blockade but also to protest the 70th anniversary of the founding of the state of israel, they call it catastrophe. On top of that, the Economic Situation, the humanitarian situation that they are rapidly deteriorating now. They blame hamas, its a really dangerous mix there that we saw today and as you said, at least 15 people were killed and more than 1,000 were injured. It was very, very violent at times today. Shepard organizers say they are planning weeks more protests. The goal is to have these acts of protest whether there at the border were other places for the next six weeks or so. The 70th founding of the state of israel. So we are going to see this for sometime now. The tensions here are really high. President trump announced the moving of the u. S. Embassy around that time as well. The Economic Situation is particularly bad there. And the israelis have really tried to push back on this idea that they will be regular protests at the border. They are doubling the security along the fence and that anyone trying to cross the border would be dealt with by force. The Prime Minister went so far as to tweeted video of an armed armed palestinian being shot as a warning. There have been efforts in successful efforts by palestinians across the security fence down and gaza. So theres a lot of attention on the israeli side about whether or not these are palestinians were trying to leave gaza to launch an attack of people trying to escape. Theres a lot of concern about what happens next. Youve seen so many times here before, small acts of violence can always spark into much larger conflict and often wore. The one history says thats what happens. Conor powell live with us in jerusalem. Thank you. The widow of the pulse nightclub shooter in orlando cried with joy today after jurors found her not guilty of helping her pause been plan of attack. Thats according to our Fox News Team inside the florida courtroom. This morning, acquitted noor salman on both charges against her, obstruction of justice was one, providing Material Support to a terrorist organization with the other. Not guilty on both. Her husband omar mateen killed 49 people in the pulse nightclub back in 2016. Fbi officials claimed that salman helped him with the attack and lie to investigators about it. But her defense argued that she didnt know anything about his plan. Investigators for salmans family says they are filled. Stick with family is elated. She can go home now to her son zack, resume her life and try to pick up the pieces from two years in jail. Shepard prosecutors say they were disappointed with the jurys decision but that they respected. Matt finn with the news in our south florida newsroom this afternoon. Because the shooters argued that she was not a partner and her husbands crime and basically, her husbands captive, and the jury agreed wie defense. Noor salman was just released a short while ago and we obtained this photo that shows her with her attorneys. After the verdict, and smiling from ear to ear in the hallway saying buy according to one of our reporters in the courtroom. She is now expected to be reunited with her 5yearold son that she hasnt seen in one year. During the verdict, salman cried tears of joy. She wrote a confession saying she saw her husband by a gun and said she was going to tell someone but was afraid. The defense argued that she was depressed and coerced into that confession. The attorney argued during the trial, all the evidence used against her was proven wrong and that there was never a moment he felt he had lost the case. After the verdict, salmans attorney gave his thoughts as the family spokesperson. This was a case where the more we learned, the better noor salman look. The more we learned, the better she looked. Most cases are exactly the opposite. The family really wants to very first day that we are very sorry for the family members and friends of the 49 victims of the pulse nightclub shooting and also, the survivors. Today, the jury was quickly escorted away by authorities so we have not heard from any of them. Shepard the pulse nightclub was in Orange County in Central Florida and the sheriff there said is appointed. A short while after the verdict, he released a statement saying in part i am disappointed in the outcome of the trial i know that the victims and or their families are more disappointed. This has been an emotional event for community and many, many feel that justice has not prevailed. However, the system of justice has spoken and we should look to continue healing for the families and our entire community so that this event will not define us. The pulse nightclub founder also released a statement saying she respects the criminal justice process and has to trust the jury made its decision free of bias. Shepard matt finn live in south florida, thank you. Weve gotten word of a massive cyber attack on a United States company thats hit 150 Million People. The passwords are now in the hands of hackers. Plus, a brandnew problem for facebook. Did you hear about the memo claiming questionable practices are sometimes okay . The Ceo Mark Zuckerberg is not responding. The details and changes the Company Reports its making to its privacy settings. Thats just ahead. Dear foremothers, your society was led by a woman, who governed thousands. Commanded armies. Yielded to no one. When i found you in my dna, i learned where my strength comes from. My name is courtney mckinney, and this is my ancestrydna story. Now with 5 times more detail than other dna tests. Order your kit at ancestrydna. Com he gets the best deal on the Perfect Hotel by using. Ts. Tripadvisor thats because tripadvisor lets you start your trip on the right foot. By comparing prices from over 200 booking sites to find the right hotel for you at the lowest price. Saving you up to 30 youll be bathing in savings tripadvisor. Check the latest reviews and lowest prices. Shepard test love voluntarily recalling model as cars to fix the power steering problem. Its the companys largest recall and it comes as teslas dealing with other issues. Its stock has plummeted by any estimation is in nearly a quarter of its value this month alone. Moodys, the Rating Service just downgraded teslas Credit Rating over what it called a significant shortfall in production. The founder, elon musk has had the company has been manufacturing l. Federal investigators are looking into a deadly crash to determine whether the car selfdriving future played a role. If company reps say they dont know what caused it. It happened last week in california and the tesla driver died. An internal facebook memo said that questionable practices are okay in order to achieve growth. And that any work done with this goal in mind is justified. Buzzfeed is now publishing a memo that a facebook Vice President wrote back in 2016. This particular memo noted the benefits of connecting people are so strong that they could be more important than individual lives. Facebook founder and Ceo Mark Zuckerberg said he did not agree with the view with the growth takes priority over facebook users safety. In a statement, zuckerberg said this is one that most people have facebook including myself disagree with strongly. Weve never believed the ends justify the means. Facebook facing a federal investigation over how it handled that private user information after reports that a data firm tied to the Trump Campaign access to personal information to more than 50 million users without their permission. A memo. They are distancing themselves. Mark zuckerberg has come out and said this guy is very creative thinker and he says provocative things, he sometimes writes provocative things. Its horrible. That memo was horrible. He was saying that connectivity is the most important thing. So we are connected, all of our friends are connected but somewhere down the chain, somebody dies because of bullying or because of terrorism, that that is sort of one small part of the overall activity and that the larger theme of connection is more important. But zuckerberg really has stepped back and said listen, except for this one person things that that is a valid point of view and this is somebody who said lots of crazy things out loud. Thats a great question, yes he does. In other words, zuckerberg has distanced himself not to the point of firing him. Even apple ceo tim cook has thrown some shade of the company saying the best form of regulation is selfregulation. However, i think we are beyond that. So that in chicago at a conference and i think if you own the stock, thats what you have to know is coming. Mark zuckerberg is going to go to congress, going to testify on april 10th along with the ceos of twitter and google have also been invited, but i think Mark Zuckerberg is going to have to answer a lot of questions. One side angle to this memo which i just want to bring up is some people who work at facebook are so upset that this week because i feel like family fights should be kept family. So now theres this bizarre theory going around. Saying maybe there are spies, the way that some people are using. Junior level employees who have been put here to leak damning evidence against facebook at one of its more sensitive times. Whether or not thats true, if you own the stock him at his nose going to be a bit of a rocky road ahead. Shepard if you do on the stock, your stock is up 4. 42 today. If you want to look at the past 30 days, it still down around 10 . Shepard hackers have targeted a fitness app. What is is about . They knew that i blew off yoga. It is 150 Million People, so a lot of people. Shepard 150 Million People have a fitness app. You can track your workouts, your nutrition, so under armour actually owns it, so that app was hacked, the Silver Lining here is that no super Sensitive Data was taken. No Social Security numbers, no drivers license numbers, so its like email addresses and passwords for that app. With that said, my fitness pal is saying change your password. If youre with us, change your password. Shepard from password 32 password four. But they know that you didnt get your steps now. Because they do and they know if you have an extra dessert. Shepard so be it. Good to see you. Have a great weekend. A lot of people like to run around saying this guy is falling, this guy is falling. This time, this guy is falling. At least part of it. An update on the Chinese Space station which is really what is falling. Not really this guy, but it is falling. Look out. Theres little rest for a single dad. And back pain made it hard to sleep and get up on time. Then i found aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid. Plus the 12 hour pain relieving strength of aleve. Im back. Aleve pm for a better am. How much money do you think youll need in retirement . Then we found out how many years that money would last them. How long do you think well keep oooooohhh you stopped youre gonna leave me back here at year 9 . How did this happen . It turned out, a lot of people fell short, of even the average length of retirement. We have to think about not when we expect to live to, but when we could live to. Lets plan for income that lasts all our years in retirement. Prudential. Bring your challenges. Shepard 7 minutes to the top of the hour, Arnold Schwarzenegger has survived heart surgery with a sense of humor intact it would appear. The web site tmz first reported that he had been a emergency teacher mama but a spokesman for the movie star and california governor said it was a scheduled surgery, which is different. The spokesman also said he is in very good spirits in his first words after he woke up work, all together now, im back. Yes indeed. Whether true or not, its a good line. The chinese station is set to plummet to earth this weekend but Scientists Say they still dont know where its going to hit which is reassuring. An Aerospace Company has been tracking the station which weighs only about eight and a half tons, so it should be fine. Heres what the thing looks like. The companys researchers predict it will reenter the earths atmosphere sunday, Easter Sunday about 10 00 in the morning eastern time but they say could actually happen up to 16 hours before that. Really dont know whats up. Eight and a half tons, laura ingle is here with us. Thats a lot of tons. We are talking about a big break here. So talking about the earth rotation and the things spinning out of control in space because those two things together, Scientists Say it starts to get a little complicated. Weve got this cool video we want to show you that came to us from Aerospace Corporation and it really gives you a good idea of how this thing is going to g go. So its about the size of the school bus, scientist predict it will break apart on a reentry and will become a ball of fire and then scatter in pieces as it reenters earths atmosphere. So thats a layout. With being used to predict the area where it could come down chose between latitude 43 north and 43 south. Shepard thats narrowing things down for us. Because it includes most of the United States. The European Space agency which monitors such events predicts only a fraction of the nearly 910 spacecraft will survive reentry and fall in the form of fragments. Stick with that would happen over an area that is around 1,000 kilometers long. You should not imagine thats a very dense fragment, rather they fall in isolation. From one of fragments on the ground to another. The governor of michigan has enacted the state Emergency Operations center because aerospace is saying it could actually hit a part of that peninsula. We went to the chances of it hitting somebody they say is very, very small. Stick a very small, get hit by lightning, it has happened before. Tulsa, oklahoma, walking around, 1970s hit by a 6inch piece. Something that has happened before but maybe she should play it because its good. Shepard thank you. Well be right back. Mitzi Psoriatic Arthritis tries to get in my way . Watch me. mike ive tried lots of things for my joint pain. Now . Watch me. joni think id give up showing these guys how its done . Please. Real people with active Psoriatic Arthritis are changing the way they fight it. Theyre moving forward with cosentyx. Its a different kind of targeted biologic. Its proven to help people find less joint pain and clearer skin. Dont use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting cosentyx you should be checked for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms of an infection. Or if you have received a vaccine, or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. Mitzi with less joint pain, watch me. For less joint pain and clearer skin, ask your rheumatologist about cosentyx. Shepard cats out of the bag and in the back of the jeep. The big cat. Would you look . A cheetah. This is the video from a safari in africa, people on board said they were paying attention to a cheetah that had hopped onto the hood of their truck, and i didnt see the other ones make it to the back. They said they kept calm and nobody got hurt. Thats it, markets are closed today because its good friday. Happy easter to you and yours. Have a great weekend. Well see you back here in less breaking news of changes everything on fox news channel. Not taking no for an answer. No calls this morning by a growing number of republicans for a Second Special counsel despite attorney general Jeff Sessions saying is not necessary at this time. All his allegations of fbi misconduct amount. I am trish regan in for neil cavuto and this is your world. Were going to talk to one of those lawmakers in just a moment but first go to what is just heating up. Because the attorney general Jeff Sessions called on one of his u. S. Attorneys to look intoe alleged abuses at the fbi but your point, some republicans would still like to see them do more. Ill give you an example of mark meadows and the house of representatives along with jim

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