Transcripts For FOXNEWSW Shepard Smith Reporting 20170915 19:00:00

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This morning the regime launched a Ballistic Missile over japan and into the Pacific Ocean. Analysts say it flew far enough to hit the u. S. Territory of guam. The u. S. Ambassador to the United Nations nikki haley spoke at the white house briefing. She said if north korea continuing its aggression, she could hand over the situation to james mattis, the defense secretary. Theres not a lot the Security Council will do from here when you cut the trade and the oil. So having said that, i have no problem kicking to it general mattis. I think he has plenty of options. The United Nations Security Council holding an Emergency Meeting this hour after north koreas launch. John roberts is live for us at the white house. John, what else did the white house says about north korea . Good afternoon. The president left on a helicopter a short time ago to go to Joint Base Andrews for the speech that will be coming in about 40 minutes. He was asked if he was running out of options on north korea. The president said no. We fleshed that out a little more by nikki haley earlier during the briefing where h. R. Mcmaster said look, the Military Option is there if they need to use it. They would prefer not to use the Military Option. Theres sanctions that have yet to kick in. Nikki haley saying its going to take some time to find out if they can just go with sanctions or if they need to go down the road of Military Action. Listen to what she said. What is really important with north korea, that we try to push through as many Diplomatic Options as we have. We have strangled their Economic Situation at this point. That will take a little time. Its already started to take effect. What were seeing is that they continue to be provocative and reckless. As she said at the beginning, shes willing to kick this down to across to secretary mattis if need be. Youll remember a couple weeks ago here at the white house on a sunday afternoon, secretary mattis said they dont want to see the annihilation of a nation, but they have the options to do so. What is also important to h. R. Mcmaster and nikki haley, theres enforcement of the sanctions. The sanctions they believe will work, but the countries have to stay united against north korea so that they bite and no sneaking things through the border to help prop up the regime. Trace . Trace the president is juggling a lot of things. What did he say about london . We heard from him this morning when he was talking to the 11yearold, the entrepreneur from virginia, who volunteered to come in and cut the white house grass. The president was letting him cut the grass. The president lamenting the fact that we have another Terror Attack in the u. K. Heres what he said. Its a terrible thing. This keeps going and going. And we have to be very smart, we have to be very, very tough. Perhaps were not nearly tough enough. That is just an absolutely terrible thing. In fact, im going to call the Prime Minister right now. Must have been an interesting phone call with the Prime Minister. Before he came out of the rose garden, he laid to lay the attack on Scotland Yard. The president wrote another attack in london by a loser terrorist. These are sick and demented people that were in the sights of Scotland Yard. Must be proactive. Heres the Immediate Response from theresa may. I never think its helpful for anybody to speculate on an ongoing investigation. So h. R. Mcmaster asked about that this afternoon at the briefing. Tried to clean it up a bit. Didnt seem to come up with a completely satisfactory answer. Listen here. The president was communicating that obviously all of our Law Enforcement efforts are focused on this Terrorist Threat for years. Scotland yard has been a leader as our fbi has been a leader. If there was a Terrorist Attack here, got forbid we would say they were in the sights of the fib. He didnt mean anything beyond that. So when i say the answer perhaps wasnt completely satisfactory, he was asked if he could clarify what he said. He went back and said the same thing. It would appear to indicate that the president was suggesting that whoever was responsible and Scotland Yard at that time didnt know who was responsible had an eye on the person and perpetrated the act. The u. K. Is saying not the case from what they know now. Trace . Trace yeah, we were teasing that the president is about to speak at Joint Base Andrews. Do we have an understanding about what he said . The 75th Anniversary of the air force. We expect he will talk about north korea and talk about the u. K. Terror attack and the two storms, harvey and irma and what the federal government is doing to respond to those. Trace . Trace the chief White House Correspondent john roberts live on the north lawn. Thank you. Lets bring in Chris Wallace from fox news sunday. We should begin where john roberts left off there. You heard what they said at the white house, what the president said, the tweets about london this morning. What did he mean in your assessment, chris, by saying hey, Scotland Yard has its eye on this. What is the intonation there from the president . Well, i dont know. The implication seemed to be and what people seemed to take from it that whoever this was, the president believed had been under the surveillance of Scotland Yard, that they knew about these folks and somehow as gone suggested to allow them to continue and commit this terrorist act. The comment from Prime Minister may seemed mild by american standards. But folks over on the other side of the atlantic say that for her, very careful, very softspoken on these issues. To say what he said is a real reprimand. Sort of like Jeff Sessions calling his Attorney General an idiot as we found out today on the front page of the New York Times and speculated when the president meets with every ti in the u. K. , the president says something about strengthening the travel ban. If you look at the last four attacks in london, The Westminster and the arena, these are all home grown attacks. Yes, Scotland Yard did have them on their radar but didnt do anything worthy at that point in time. So the question begins, is he trying to push the travel ban that if u. K. Had a tougher travel ban, this wouldnt happen and wouldnt happen therefore in the United States. Well, to some degree, hes frustrated he pushed the travel ban and youre right, the vast majority of the people involved in these Terrorist Attacks in london have been home grown, not migrants coming in. But the president frustrated that hes been arguing about the travel ban since january. Its going to come up for an argument before the Supreme Court in october. As he said, he called it stupid political correctness. I also wonder to some degree and supposition on my part, after the back and forth yesterday about daca and whether the president was breaking faith with his supporters want a border wall, whether the president is trying to establish that hes a hard liner when it comes to allowing people in the country. You go back to daca, its still in the air is. There a deal in the works . Is the president just as the white house said getting perspective from these Top Democrats or is there a deal in the works . Well, depends who you talk to and when you talk to them. Certainly seemed yesterday morning as if there was a deal. Nancy pelosi and chuck schumer, chuck and nancy as the president calls them, seems to think if there was not a deal an agreement. Daca protection, permanent protections for the dreamers in return for tougher Border Enforcement but not funding for the wall. At the day went on and he saw backlash from supporters, hardline people on immigration, illegal immigration, he backed off and said we might have this deal on daca but there would have to be funding fore a wall in a different venue and funding has to come first or were going to block daca. Is there a deal . Comments they make but this woman that called the president a white supremacist, theyre giving her a pass so far. Im not sure whether it makes sense for the white house to get into a fight with espn about whether or not theyre going to fire an anchor. But there does seem to be some double standard in terms of how they deal with political commentary by people that are supposed to be commenting on sports and who which comments are considered acceptable or at least not fireable offenses and those that are. Chris wallace, good to see you. Thank you, sir. You bet. Trace this week open fox news sunday, chris talks with h. R. Mcmaster. He will have the latest on the debate on the dreamers with Missouri Republican senator roy blunt and illinois democratic senator dick durbin. Thats on your local fox station. I want to go back right now to the Breaking News at the top of the house, this is in st. Louis. The protest is going from 13 minutes ago when we showed you the pictures. You didnt have this crowd or there was a different angle that didnt show us this crowd. Looks like the protest is starting to grow here. If you dont know the background here, this is based on the acquittal of officer jason stockley, a white Police Officer accused of shooting and killing anthony smith. We have a reporter on the scene. Well have Breaking News as it comes out of st. Louis. The protest is growing. Meantime ahead, the crowd on a london train going about their lives when the Terrorist Attack and triggered a panic rush for safety. It was chaos. Every man for himself. Just scrambling and falling. Tripping over people and falling over. To many, words are the most valuable currency. Last i checked, stores dont take words. Some do. Not everyone can be the poetic voice of a generation. I know, right . Such a burden. The Bank Of America Mobile Banking app. The fast, secure and simple way to send money. Like during rush hour. The Islamic State claiming responsibility for the attack. More on that in just a moment. Emergency Officials Say the attack injured two dozen people. Police say it was a Terror Attack and theyre now on a massive man hunt for the suspect. So far, no arrests. Cops say this bucket bomb, is what theyre calling it, wept off sending a fireball through a Passenger Car on the tube, the Subway System in london. Witnesses say the explosion happened as it pulled into the Parsons Green state on the west side at 8 00 a. M. Local time. Passengers say it was complete pandemonium. They pushed their way through open doors and toppling each other to get above ground. I was trying to run as fast as i could. We all got stuck in a stampede. I was against the wall. There was people on top of people. Police say at least 29 people were hurt in the attack. Most with burns. The chief intelligence correspondence Catherine Herridge is live in washington. Catherine . I want to start with the location of the attack. Its an area called Parsons Green. Its a residential part of southwest london. I want to draw your attention to the fact that this subway line connects to one of the central rail and commuter hubs in london called earls court. Based on the reporting from london, it appears there was a timer with the device. Its entirely possible that it was timed to explode around the peak period of the computer rush hour and then also in one of the heavy Transit Points in that network. I want to draw your attention to the photos of the bucket bomb. The bucket bomb is very reminiscent based on a conversation i had earlier today with a Counter Terrorism contact with a Pressure Cooker bomb that this protesting is on behalf of jason stockley. He was accused and tried for killing anthony smith. A car crashed and somehow officer stockley shot into the car and killed officer smith. Now you have several groups in the process of protesting this. We have a correspondent on the scene. Well bring you the latest as we continue watching the protest and the lineup in st. Louis. Meantime, more on the London Attack in just a moment as police here in the u. S. Say theyre monitoring the situation. Ill talk with a former cia Military Analyst that says theres no way to prevent these attacks. My Ancestry Dna Results are that i am 26 nigerian. I am just trying to learn as much as i can about my culture. I put the gele on my head and i looked into the mirror and i was trying not to cry. 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Unfortunately at the point where the individuals getting on the train with the explosive device, at that point its difficult to stop. We dont have Metal Detectors on major transportation around cities. Theres things that can be done. Law enforcement has some of these people on their radar screen. Theres something that we can do about cracking down on this Terrorist Content online, on platforms that are helping give people instructions, helping with propaganda and to help incite this radicalization that were seeing predominantly in europe and here in the United States as well. Trace we learned a couple of fascinating things from Catherine Herridge, one, that this was for all intents and purposes like the cooker bomb. And isis has claimed responsibility, which is awfully fast. Do you think theres any kind of connection or link in those two pieces of information . Sure. Its fast. Im going to leave to it the forensics a analysis to see if theres a fingerprint on the bomb. We dont know in the individual was in touch in terms with a longer plot or cell or just inspired. Theyre all possible. At the end of the day, doesnt matter. Lives could have been lost and Law Enforcement needs to prevent against both of those. If it had a higher level of coordination or funding or organization, its more concerning. That means there might be other parts to the plot. Its interesting. The u. K. Has said they honed in on a suspect but havent released a name or description. I sort of wonder if theyre trying to track the individual in some way, see who the person might be in touch with and make sure theres not others potentially tied to this or any other ongoing potential plots. Trace tara, good information. Thanks for joining us. Thanks. Trace want to go back to Breaking News in st. Louis. You can see the live pictures there. We didnt know if this was the crowd expanding or just a different camera angle from the helicopter. What youre seeing here is a protest which seems to me right now largely a peaceful protest. Though there is a huge contingent of Police Officers on the ground there were told. Theyre taking this very seriously. Wells fargo and a number of companies have let their employees go for the day, letting them go for a long weekend. Were talking about thousands of employees that work in and around this area. I want to bring in will carr. Hes live on the street and can give us a better idea on ground level. What are you seeing, will . Hi, trace. Let me set this up for you. First thing this morning, a judge came out and decided that the officer involved in this case, jason stockley, was not guilty of first degree murder in the death of a black man, lamar smith. After that happened, people started pouring into the streets here in downtown st. Louis. There was an indication that this would happen today. There was a thought that there could be the not guilty verdict. So in anticipation a lot of businesses as you mentioned shut down here. Many boarding up their windows. Theres hundreds of people here in the streets. They have shut the streets down in st. Louis. It has been peaceful so far. Now, the concern is that this is still very a lot of tension still from ferguson, which is back in 2014. Ferguson is only about 20 minutes north of where we are right now. In fact, that shooting only happened five minutes from ferguson. So with that, you come down here, you talk to the residents and the Business Owners and ferguson is still on their mind. In fact, some of the Business Owners in ferguson are boarding up their windows as we speak. Theyre worried this could spill over into their community. We know the National Guard is on standby. We heard from the sheriff earlier today. He said theyre going to stop anybody from doing anything that is not peaceful. I spoke with one business owner. He says he understands that theyre protesting but the last thing he wants is damage on his business, trace. Trace yeah. As you walk around there, is there anybody that is supporting the Police Officers or is this a onesided protest in favor not in favor but protesting the officers acquittal . This is very much an anti Police Protest at this point. I want to continue to walk you through this crowd, a lot of Expletives On Shout and people shouting and people with their faces covered out here. A lot of hostility. This guy has a toy gun with his face covered. Everything has been peaceful. Theres a lot of tension. I was talking to a business owner. He said that st. Louis at this point is still two communities. He said theres the White Community and the black community. When you get a verdict like this because they really felt that this was murder, the smith attorney ended up showing evidence that the officer involved here had his own personal a. K. 47 during the entire scene that played out in 2011. The fact that this took years to develop, the tension here really only started boiling a again after ferguson with this case and with the verdict coming out, its the last thing that many people wanted to see out here, trace. Trace yeah. Will, very quickly. Any sign we know theres some religious groups out there. Any sign of black lives matters . Theres definitely black lives matters memberers and leaders from the religious community, trace. Trace will carr live for us in st. Louis as the news come out of there. We wait for President Trump to address members of the military, there is no longer any doubt that north koreas missiles can hit american soil. The longest one yet, right . The latest launch which analysts say could have reached the american territory of guam. Up next, we go live to the Korean Peninsula where an already tense situation has been getting even worse next. Some things are simply impossible to ignore. 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What do we know about the Missile Launch . Alarming stuff. People looking at the latest provocation coming from north korea. Its the most successful test of an intermediate range missile that we saw first hand in pyongyang in april. The launch happened at a site not far from pyongyang. It was a long range launch, 2,300 miles into the Pacific Ocean before going down there. Long enough according to experts that it could have hit guam and the u. S. Military bases on the u. S. Island territory of guam if it was pointed in that direction. Luckily for the folks there, it was not. South korea was monitoring the preps for this launch and was ready when it happened literally six minutes after north korea launched its missiles, south korea launched theirs. But no, it wasnt to take down the missile coming from north korea. It was a show of force into the sea of japan. We heard strong words from officials here. Japanese of course were shaken up. The missile went over the northernmost island of japan. Sirens wailed and loud speakers told folks to take shelter. Again, the second time this has happened in japan in the last three weeks. Very concerning. Reaction . Yes, swift. Secretary of state tillerson has been very active on this issue. First Out Of The Box saying that what north korea had done was provocative and threatening. Remember, this was the First Offensive Action by north korea since the u. N. Security Council Voted on those stronger sanctions earlier in the week, since north korea itself did that Strong Nuclear test two weeks ago. The regional neighbors, japanese Prime Minister abe speaking out and calling it reckless. South korean president moon saying that dialogue with north korea right now absolutely unacceptable. Even the nominal allies of north korea, russia and china also speaking out. Nobody really knows how to harness this kim jongun regime heading towards a real Nuclear Missile arsenal. Back to you, trace. Trace greg palkot live in south korea. Lets bring in gordon chang, author of nuclear show down, north korea takes on the world. Great to see you. These launches are semi routine. They launch and everybody condemns the launch and the u. N. Has an Emergency Meeting. They do something and everybody shrugs their shoulders. You pointed out something incredibly important. That is that we have to break this chain of events. President trump can say fire and fiery, Locked And Loaded but now were passing from the point that we should be doing things. We should be imposes costs on the chinese for their support of north korea. Theres all sorts of measures that we can be imposing on the north itself. We need the start showing acts of will. Right now, kim jongun, the north korean leader, has all the initiative and if hes not stopped, im afraid that hes going to miscalculate when he feels his arsenal is ready to launch against south korea or wherever. Doesnt seem to me, gordon and a lot of experts that a lot of things actually affect kim jongun. He clearly is getting some money from somewhere. Enough money to prop up the regime. His people may starve but hes getting some money to support this place. Seems like people keep talking about possible Military Action. Is It Overstepping to say that south korea kind of controls the tempo when it comes to Military Action against the north . Not really. I dont think its the south koreans so much. It is north koreans driving the events. You talk about the north koreans getting money from somewhere. Well, they have two main sources of funds. One is iran, because north korea sell missiles and Nuclear Weapons technology to them and they probably pay for the chemicals that to to the assad regime. Its estimated iran pays them 2 billion and 3 billion a year for cooperation. The other source is china. Theres a lot of legal trade, but theres substantial Illicit Trade across that border. The chinese have not wanted to stop it. They have wanted to support their north korean allies. So kim jongun despite the condemnation of the International Community is able to continue because he has the support of tehran and beijing. Trace so if youre playing the stick and carrot game with china, what is the incentive to be more involved here and if youre going to use a stick, what do we do to go after china if theyre not . Theres a couple things we can do. Their largest banks have been laundering money for the north koreas, including bank of chain, which was named in a 2016 u. N. Report for Money Laundering for north korea. The even larger chinese banks have been involved in this business. We can have them declared primary Money Laundering concerns under the patriot act and that would be death sentences. Theres a 301 trade act in process. An investigation into chinas theft of intellectual property. If that investigation shows the chinese are guilty, there could be extraordinary remedies like tariffs. As the president tweeted on september 3, we could impose an embargo on those countries that deal with north korea. All sorts of tools that we. Have our economy is large and vibrant. Trace gordon, just to explain to the audience, you can see on the lefthand side of the screen. Weve gotten the twominute warning. So were under two minutes before Melania Trump will come out and introduce the president. I want to know, gordon, do you believe Rex Tillerson has been very involved in this. Do you believe theres a plan the white house has aside from going after china or kind of, you know, using more i dont know more influential tactics with south korea . What else does the white house have in its arsenal . The white house has been effective in dealing with south korea, getting south korea away from its initial attempts to support the north korean economy. Their new president is very pro engagement of the north. President trump has pushed the south koreans out of that business. Thats important. Of course, the Trump Administration has looked at the u. N. Security council. Were not going to get any joy there unless were willing to impose those costs on moscow and beijing. The administration is about to do that. You know, right now, they have a number of options that theyre considering including some forceful ones. I hope that they dont use those. I hope they use the economic ones because i think those economic ones are very effective if applied with a lot of determination. Trace when you talk about forceful ones, it scares everybody. Everybody is concerned about military force. They know in the initial hours, you have seoul south korea, which is 65, 70 miles 35. Trace 35 miles from the dmz. Seems like its an awfully heavy price to pay when you talk about Military Action. Sure, but the one thing that we can also do is we need to stop the trade of north korea selling missiles and other such things around the world. We do need to board their ships, this is something that the United States wants to do. This is one of our high priority items. We didnt get it from the Security Council on monday in resolution 2375. But this is something that i think that we are going to do. We have the authority under other areas in order to board ships. So i think that we have to stop this very dangerous trade. Trace we hear about United Nations. The scrambledtogether meetings theyre talking about. Do you believe these are effective . Do you believe the u. N. Sanctions that these have been effective up to this point in time . No, they havent been. North korea has gotten all the money that it needs. Yes, we have seen that with these accelerated launches, with the detonation of a bomb on september 3, which was probably a hydrogen device. Clearly the north koreans are making much faster progress than any one thought that they could. Trace stand by if you will, gordon. You can see the music is playing and the deal here is that Melania Trump, the first lady, will introduce the president. We were waiting because melania was meeting with a group of children about 10, 15 minutes ago. So we figured this would be about on time. I want to go live to john roberts at the white house. Weve been having this conversation with gordon chang. What will the say in your estimation about north korea . Is he growing to say we have a plan and going to leave it up to the defense secretary, the Secretary Of State . What is on the table . I spoke to the president in person about this yesterday saying what are you going to do about north korea . Things dont appear to be working . He suggested hes having talks with the chinese premi premier jinping. He said at the moment, theres an increased regime of sanctions. We heard nikki haley and h. R. Mcmaster talk about that theyre cutting off 90 of exports and 30 of fuel. This wont happen overnight. As the days and weeks wear on, they believe that north korea will be squeezed by the sanctions. That said, if theyre not properly enforced, if some of north koreas allies or patrons sneak things across the border or people get them in some other way, the Military Option is on the table. Nikki haley said i have no problem kicking this over to general mattis if necessary. We recall that mattis said in strident terms saying they have a number of Military Options to take on north korea warning kim jongun, trace, not to ever fire a Nuclear Weapon in the direction of the United States, any of its territories or its allies. Mattis saying were not looking to totally annihilate north korea, but we have a number of Military Options to do so. I imagine what youll hear what the president will say, the United States remain committed to a denuclearized north Korean Peninsula, that its going to pursue diplomatic measures at least for the time being and the Military Option remains on the table. Trace so if i hear you correctly, the Military Option that youre talking about that mattis may employ is this possibility of a salvo. Maybe not a direct hit. Maybe a salvo to do something to shake things up. We have a great deal of Military Might in that area right now off the Korean Peninsula. Either conducted or about to conduct more Military Exercises with south korea. Is that the intent here . That were going we have the ability, the capability to put on a very impressive show of force. I think what mattis was alluding to is much starker than that, trace. That is that if north korea were to fire a Nuclear Weapon at the United States or guam or any of our other territories in the Western Pacific or any of our allies like south korea or japan, australia, anybody like that, that would be met with an in kind response. The unspoke words there were Nuclear Weapons. In terms of Military Options, ive been talking to some military leaders, that say what theyre really worried about is those artillery batteries doug into the northern side of North And South Korea is that it would maximize the protection of those artillery pieces. Im told we have ordinants penetrators that would take them out. But if there was a war, many people would die and likely on both sides. John roberts, stand by. I want to go back to gordon chang. You heard what john roberts was saying there. Do you think thats a Fair Assessment of where the Military Stands in reference to north korea . Yes. Seoul is a metropolitan area of about 26 million people. Its close to the demilitarized zone. Although the u. S. Air force can take out a lot of that entrenched artillery, we cant do so until 15, 20 minutes after the hostilities start, which means that during that period, there could be incredible casualties in the metropolitan area. So that has really been the deterrent for the United States. Thats why We Dont Conduct Surge strikes against north korea. Trace so what i heard you saying, in the meantime, if something did happen and there was a Military Attack on north korea and they were to launch on south korea, they have weapons pointed seoul and it would take us several months up to an hour, maybe two hours to actually be able to go after those weapons. So are you saying that in the course of a 45 or an hour time frame, they could unleash a barrage on seoul, south korea . Yes. The casualties for the first hours for a general war on the Korean Peninsula could number in the hundreds of thousands. You could have a million or two casualties in the first day or so. Maybe the first two days. No one really knows. The estimates that come out of u. S. Forces korea are horrific. That has meant that the United States has tried other options in which to deal with this. So i think the u. S. Has extraordinary economic leverage over the chinese. We want them to use their leverage over the north koreans. So far we havent employed that leverage for a number of reasons. I think we will start to consider that because the north koreans are maybe nine months, maybe a year from being able to amount a nuke on a missile to hit the homeland. As the president says, thats unacceptable. Trace last thing china wants is to have a war right back in the Korean Peninsula where all of a sudden they have millions of refugees flooding into their borders. Is that a Fair Assessment . They do worry a little bit about refugees, but they believe they can control it. They just deploy the peoples liberation army along the two rivers that form the border. We have demined three corridors in the militarized zone. So north koreans would move south to be with other koreans, not move north to china where they would have to dodge the worldest largest military. So that is a little bit exaggerated on the part of the chinese. They always try to tell us theyre worried about refugees. In reality, i dont think that that is really the motivation behind their policies. Gordon chang stand by if you would to set the table for the viewers just joining us. Were waiting and looking to Joint Base Andrews. Apparently the president is about to come out and speak. Hes about 24, 25 minutes late. The first lady is also going to come out and introduce here. Were waiting for that. We did get the twominute warning about 12 minutes ago. So the twominute warning really hasnt held up at this point in time. Were going to take a break. Were going to keep our eyes focused on Joint Base Andrews. When the president speaks, well come right back to you. Ole thing Still Draggin on . No, i took some pics with the app and filed a claim, but, you know how they send you money to cover repairs and they took forever to pay you, right . No, i got paid right away, but, at the very end of it all, my agent wouldnt even call you back, right . No, she called to see if i was happy, but, if i wasnt happy with my claim experience, for any reason. Theyd give me my money back, no questions asked. Can you believe that . No. The claim satisfaction guarantee, only from allstate. Switching to allstate is worth it. Tech when you schedule with safelite autoglass, you get time for more life. This family wanted to keep the game going. Son hey mom, one more game . Tech with safelite, you get a text when were on our way. You can see exactly when well arrive. Mom sure. Bring it tech im micah with safelite. Mom thanks for coming, its right over here. Tech giving you a few more minutes for what matters most. Take care family bye kids singing safelite® repair, safelite® replace. But hes got work to do. With a sore back. So he took aleve this morning. If hed taken tylenol, hed be stopping for more pills right now. Only aleve has the strength to stop tough pain for up to 12 hours with just one pill. Tylenol cant do that. Aleve. All day strong. All day long. Also try aleve direct therapy with Tens Technology for lower back pain relief. Day long and into the night, which is the frightening part for police. We know theres a huge con tin contingent of Police Officers on the scene. Several businesses have let their employees go for the day. The schools have been shut down early. Everything is on a standstill in st. Louis waiting to see what happens to this protest. Well keep our eyes on it as the live pictures continue there on the ground in st. Louis. Meantime, switches over looks like we have a little bit of action. Ivanka trump has come in, everybody is standing. It appears were at the moment we have been waiting for the past 25 minutes

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