Is up to and what would need to happen to get that done. Also, covfefe. Theres those that know what it means. Lets get to it. We begin this afternoon with word that President Trump could soon put the United States at odds with almost every other country on the planet by pulling out of the Global Climate change deal known as the paris acourt. Two sources are telling fox news that the president will announce that he will remove the United States from that agreement. A Senior Administration official says the president is weighing his options and hes not made a final decision. Then theres another source that tells fox news that it might not be a complete withdrawal. When asked whether the president has made up his mind, the press secretary just referred to the president s tweets. He said i will be announcing my decision on the paris accord the next few days. Make America Great again. Nearly 200 nations signed the agreement in 2015. Its a pledge to cut down on Greenhouse Gas emissions to fight Climate Change. Russia is the biggest nation that has not ratified the agreement. Russian officials said they need more time to evaluate the effects on the economy. Candidate trump said he would remove the u. S. From the pact. Opponents call the agreement a bad deal for the United States. They argue it will hurt our economy for years to come, but supporters say its the responsible thing to do for our environment and future generations. Nancy pelosi calls the president s decision to drop out a stunning abdication of American Leadership and a grave threat to our planets future. The president facing pressure from other world leaders. During his trip last week, european heads of state made their case for the agreement and the pope gave the president a sign copy of his agreement. In it, the pope calls for a partnership between science and religion. The president said he would read it. The president can keep the prom necessary intact or ignore the rest of the world around side with russia or something in between. John roberts is live on the north lawn. How are you hearing this will play out . Good afternoon, shep. The president will likely to make decision likely by the end of the day or the end of the week. Could go a number of different ways. You pointed out, lets get into more detail, a couple of sources are saying that the president plans to pull out. We have a number of sources up to three with someone that i talked to earlier today who had actually been inside the oval office. So its the potential the president could pull out entirely. However, another source told fox news what the president might do is sort of a solomonesque type of products where he withdraws from certain parts but leaves in place other parts of the agreement. For instance, he might pull out of Green Climate fund, which is scheduled to cost the United States tens of billions the next decade but maintain the u. S. Involvement in the frame work of the Paris Agreement. Bottom line is, i was told by a Senior Administration official, one of the top people here that the president has not made up his mind. That he is still continuing to weigh all of his options. The president may not decide exactly what to do until hes ready to make the announcement. According to the press secretary, sean spicer who in the oncamera briefing said the president would keep in mind the effect of the Paris Agreement on the american economy. Listen here. This is the subject of the president spending a great deal of time on and one he spoke to the g7 members with. He wants the fair deal for the american people. Is so president is getting blowback from democrats on capitol hill. The Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer said it would be bad for the american economy. Elon musk, who sits on a number of advisory counsels, hes the ceo of space x and tesla, i dont know which way paris will go but ive advised potus and others that we remain. When he was asked in response on twitter what he would do if the president does pull out, he said well have no choice but to depart counsels in that case. Sean spicer was asked about that. His response, the president has lost some advisers. I dont necessarily know, shep that the president would want to lose somebody like elon musk as an adviser but he may be prepared to go there, shep. Shepard its our understanding theres a debate within the administration. Oh, yeah, theres factions for and against it. The factions pulling out of paris, the epa administrator, scott pruitt, steve bannon. They said staying in would be harmful to the United States economy and the best thing to do would be to pull out. Bannon on the left there. On the stay in camp, we have ivanka trump and Rex Tillerson, Jared Kushner and gary cohn, the chief economic adviser. Before you go, covfefe. It was the last word in a treat. It was ine oh inexplicable. It was 12 06 a. M. The president was probably trying to write coverage or wrote covfefe. He deleted that tweet. The president this morning tweeting who can figure out the true meaning of covfefe . Enjoy. So hes turned it into a twitter meme. A lot of people are having fun with it. Some people suggest that what is what was whispers by bill miry in the ear of Scarlett Johansson at end of lost in tranlation. I prefer to think its what David Letterman used to whisper to his guests every time they came on the show. Bake it up. It will work. Looked like it would be coverage. And then maybe. Its like remember in the movie Young Frankenstein when they wrote it was like that. Shepard i feel that way most nights. Thanks, john. Thanks. Shepard Michael Flynn has now agreed to turn over documents in the russia investigation after promising to plead the fifth. Thats what a source close to michael general flynn tells fox news. The decision comes as the investigation into russian interference in the u. S. Election are affecting more of the president s former and current aides. A remindser of some of the people involved. President trumps personal lawyer, Michael Cohen said he rejected a request from lawmakers to provide information because poorly phrase, overly broad and uncapable of being able to answer. He said he has nothing to idea and will comply. And then theres Jared Kushner, the president s soninlaw and chief adviser who is under scrutiny as they put it by investigators. He held meetings with a russian banker and advise ers. And then theres paul manafort, the former Trump Campaign manager that is voluntarily turned over hundreds of pages of documents to Senate Investigators and is further agreed to be interviewed by the house and Senate Intelligence committees. And boris epstein. He confirms he received a voluntary request for information from the house intelligence committee. Both President Trump and the russian president , vladimir putin, have denied that they coordinated in the russian efforts to help mr. Trump become elected while working against Hillary Clintons chances in the recent election. Catherine herridge is live in washington. Catherine, general flynn will provide some but not all records. Is that correct . Yes, he will provide records unsubpoena to the Senate Intelligence committee adding that the committee recently narrowed its request and flynn can work with the Committee Without sacrificing his fifth amendment protections. Theres subpoenas for flynns business records, which experts say do not have the same protections as personal records. Flynns team has until june 6 to share the records. So were looking at a lot of movement very quickly here on capitol hill. Shepard theres word that the fired fbi director james comey is planning to testify in public. This has just come from reporting of the wall street journal. That he will testify that. Trump did ask him to drop the Michael Flynn investigation. Thats from the wall street journal. Theyre reporting now that comeys testimony before the Senate Intelligence committee could happen as soon as next thursday, a week from tomorrow. The committee is investigating russians interference in the 2016 president ial election. Catherine is still with us. What is the word on this . Well, shep, congressional sorts have sold that they dont expect comey to testify on the hill until he was been fully debriefed by Robert Mueller. The fbi Counter Intelligence probe and his memos documents his conversations with President Trump about the russia case. A former Justice Department official under president bush told fox news that he expects the special counsel, Robert Mueller, to begin his investigation with comey because comey can lay the foundation. I think that what is happening is that mueller has a witness in comey that he trusts, good reputation, long government service. So i think thats a great place to start his investigation. He will in essence go through the fbis prior files on anything theyre investigating with respect to russia and the campaign and get briefed by comey has to where the fbi was at the time comey left. You know, really for the last week or ten days, the guidance weve been getting from capitol hill is that the testimony would happen sometime after memorial day and the senate, of course, is back in session next week. So it seems like it could be a real possibility, shep. Shepard Catherine Herridge on the hill. Thank you. Youre welcome. Shepard ahead, judge Andrew Napolitano on what comey will testify for and why it could be a problem for the president. He will have where flynn could be walking into trouble by surrendering documents. Plus, the Jared Kushner connection. Youll hear from the judge about what investigators may examine when it comes to the president s soninlaw. Also, just in to fox news, ive just gotten word that the president has just spoken on the paris Climate Change agreement. I dont know the details of what he said, but were expecting a taped play back from the white house moments from now and well have it live for you when we get it. Thats coming up from the fox news deck on this wednesday afternoon. Ahh. Where are mom and dad . saved money on motorcycle insurance with geico goin up the country. Love mom and dad im takin a nap. Dude, you just woke up im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Im goin up the country, baby dont you wanna go . Geico motorcycle, great rates for great rides. I count on my dell small for tech advice. With one phone call, i get products that suit my needs and i get back to business. Shepard more now on the Ongoing Investigation into russian interference in the 2016 election. As reported, Michael Flynn is agreeing to hand over documents to the Senate Intelligence committee and breaking this afternoon, in just the last half hour, the wall street journal reporting that the former fbi director james comey is planning to publicly the about President Trump and the Flynn Investigation. Fox news analyst, judge Andrew Napolitano is here. The word from the wall street journal reporting is new and in print from online that he will testify that he was asked to drop the Flynn Investigation by President Trump. That is what the wall street journal has reported. Catherine, if we can back that into catherines reporting, that tells me a couple things. That tells me that Robert Mueller has already debriefed jim comey on the nature of what hes prepared to testify and has authorized that testimony. Often prosecutors to the point of locking their witnesses up, dont want their witnesses spilling the beans before they act as witnesses. In this case, jim comey would be a witness before a grand jury seeking to indict fill in the blank. So bob mueller has in my view thoroughly examined james comey and said you can go ahead and testify. So look for a couple things. Look for the request to produce the memo that jim comeys colleagues leaked, that he wrote after he had this meeting with President Trump in which he alleged that President Trump said to him and he recorded in the memo, can you lay off mike flynn, hes a good guy, to which jim comey said i agree, hes a good guy. Apparently end of the conversation. You can also look for efforts by republicans to cross examine jim comey who will remind him of his testimony earlier before the Senate Judiciary committee in which senators said if the attorney general or senior officials oppose as specific investigation, can they halt that fbi investigation . Director comey in theory, yes. How does that map . Director comey not in my experience. It would be a big deal to tell the fbi to stop doing something without an appropriate purpose. But this asks about the attorney gener general. It does not ask about the president stopping the fbi. Bottom line, were in for a tremendous fireworks when james comey goes under oath and tells the Senate Intelligence committee the president of the United States of america asked me to obstruct justice and i didnt do so and i lost my job. Is it a leap to go from the president asked me to back off the Flynn Investigation to that obstruction of justice . Because my understanding of this, and you know, correct me if im wrong, proving of intent is required. Intent can be inferred from a persons behavior and intent can be inferred from a persons words. This is he said she said. President trump has denied the version of events that jim comeys colleagues have repeated, cole leagues that have read a portion of his memo two weeks ago. So its a question of who do you believe. If you ask me if asking the head of the fbi to stopping a Major Investigation and firing him if he doesnt constitutes obstruction of justice, it very well could. More in the nixon realm than in the bill clinton realm. Has the Supreme Court ever said that obstruction of justice is an Impeachable Offense . They have never ruled on that. In the nixon and bill clinton cases, the house voted that obstruction of justice is an Impeachable Offense and generally accepted as one today. Shepard a high crime or misdemeanor. Yes. Shepard in the course of this investigation, back when comey and the president had they both agreed they had a meeting behind closed doors, does word that is written down at the time have more than impact or effect than a mere recollection of an occurrence . Generally, yes. Particularly with respect to jim comey who is a notorious memo writer as a lot of lawyers are, especially prosecutors. But shep, its going to depend upon the words that he used, the tone and the context. Its also going to depend on what he said about his communications with President Trump in other and how he reduced it to writing in other memos. The portion of the memo that is read by an fbi agent reflected the existence of more than one memo. Reflected the existence of a memo every time director comey spoke to the president and reflected that the director and the president spoke about flynn three times, not just one. This testimony, and i have 20 seconds, if it comes as the wall street journal says it was, how damaging is that to the president . Very. Very damaging. Shepard judge indonesinapol thank you. And the tape just came in from the white house. I want to play that for you and other issues on the white house place today. Lets listen. Youre going to find out very soon. Thank you very much. Thank you very much. Its an honor to have the Prime Minister of vietnam at the white house in the oval office. The Prime Minister has done a spectacular job in vietnam. Lead so many different categories in trade and other things. Were going to discuss trade, going to discuss north korea. We have many things to talk about and we look forward to being together very much so. [speaking vietnamese]. Thank you, mr. President , for inviting me to take this official visit to the United States. I bring with me the greetings from the vietnamese people to each and every american. [speaking vietnamese]. Today we have been able to become [speaking vietnamese]. I have had the great pleasure of having a phone conversation with the president last december and also in exchange of letters. I was impressed by the openness of the president and confident our meetings will be equally candidate and open. It would be fruitful to set up major directions for the vietnamu. S. Cooperation on the basis of Mutual Respect and equality, in the interest of peace and cooperation and development in the asia pacific world. [speaking vietnamese]. We very much look forward to welcoming you, mr. President , to vietnam, to attend the apex economic leaders meeting as well as pay an official visit to vietnam in november this year. Thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you, everybody. Thank you, everybody. Thank you. Shepard video from the white house a short time ago. You know they alive cameras in for some events. The rest of the events, they have a camera that will read out tape. We played that for you. As you just heard, President Trump said he will talk about trade and north korea with the vietnamese Prime Minister. This past weekend, north korea tested another missile, the third in a month. Analysts say the country is getting closer to putting a Nuclear Warhead on a missile that could reach the United States. Doug mckelway with more. Doug . Despite these overtures of good will with china, the benefactor of north korea, there could be more efforts to counter u. S. Intentions to rain in the norths kim jongun. For example, just yesterday, south koreas new president moon, who is said to be seeking a better relationship with china, he lashed out after his own Defense Ministry failed to notified him that four more bad reese of the thad Missile System to south korea. China is afraid they will place them in japan, too, all to block chinese ambitions. This is a condition of severe structural stress. In the north korean case in particular, we see ourselves creeping towards basically ive written about this as a cuban missile crisis in slow motion. Theres further ominous signs that china may be trying to cultivate a better relationship with south korea at the u. S. s expense. China approved a plan to double its flights to china with chinese approval. Theres new cultural exchanges happening. Chinas moratorium on coal is loosened. The economic exchanges are up 34. 7 over last year. Yet the u. S. Remains hopeful that china can exert influence to stop kim jonguns nuclear buildup. At this point, i do believe and i think the administration believes that china is doing back channel networking with north korea in a way that is getting them to stop the nuclear testing. That may be overly optimistic. We are told that china is playing a game here and will only be imposed when the u. S. Puts sanctions funding the north korean program. Back to you. Shepard thanks. The pentagon releasing results from the Intercontinental Ballistic Missile intercept. The intercepter launched from Vandenberg Air force because. The pentagon said it successfully collided with the missile outside the earths atmosphere. The total cost of the test was 244 million. The military shut down large parts of the ocean to ships and aircraft. That official said the Defense System is ready to defend the homeland and thats a quote. The pentagon reports 44 intercepters will be in place by the end of the year. Officials say 90 people are now dead in afghanistan and hundreds of others are hurt, including americans in one of the worst attacks in recent years. What were now learning about it. Plus, President Trump apparently trying to push his agenda through to congress before lawmakers leave on their summer break. Coming up, where they stand on major issues including healthcare. We asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. If you have moderate to severe plaque psoriasis, isnt it time to let the real you shine through . Introducing otezla, apremilast. Otezla is not an injection or a cream. Its a pill that treats plaque psoriasis differently. Some people who took otezla saw 75 clearer skin after 4 months. And otezlas prescribing information has no requirement for routine lab monitoring. Dont take otezla if you are allergic to any of its ingredients. Otezla may increase the risk of depression. Tell your doctor if you have a history of depression or suicidal thoughts, or if these feelings develop. 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Well be right back with shep. vo pro plan bright mind adult 7 promotes alertness and mental sharpness in dogs 7 and older. ray the difference has been incredible. She is much more aware. She wants to learn things. vo purina pro plan bright mind. Nutrition that performs. President trump has asked Senate Republicans to move forward on healthcare. He says hopefully they can get together and pass a new repeal and replace healthcare bill and add saved dollars. No word on what the president meant. But yesterday the white house pointed out that the Congressional Budget Office estimated the house bill would save the government more than 100 billion over a decade. The cbo also predicted 23 million americans would lose coverage by 2026 under the gop plan. That is one reason some Senate Republicans are giving for opposing this house bill. Other republican senators have proposed cuts to medicaid which expanded in their states under obamacare. If only three republican senators vote no, that would derail the gop bill. The Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell tells reuters that he does not know how republicans get can get to 50 votes at the moment. Mike emanuel with the news live in d. C. Mike . Shep, this is an ongoing struggle with Senate Republican staffers trying to craft some bill text for when senators return. Chuck grassly lowered expectations on fully repeals and replacing obamacare. They note you need 60 votes to scrap it in its entirety and the republicans have 52 senators. But mike lee says they can still get plenty done. On tax reform and the repeal of obamacare, we can accomplish both things with the existing rules with 51 votes. We use budget reconciliation. On both of them, we can get passed the 60 vote standard on the filibuster. So in this instance, theres no need for us to change the senate rules. The rules allow us to do what we need to do with 51. The challenge is finding the right components to pass it in the senate. Republicans can disagree on raising the debt ceiling. Yes, the debt creeling is a difficult vote for my republicans who believe they were elected to get a handle on the nations debt. The white house is pushing for congress to extend the Borrowing Authority by the end of july with no negotiation. Fox has learned that Steve Mnuchin is expected to meet with House Republicans next thursday morning. The debt ceiling and tax reform are expected to be two of the hot topics. The government is using extraordinary measures to keep the government going. Congressional leaders were hoping to wait till fall. Perhaps spending cuts could make it an easier vote. Shepard thanks, mike. Lets go to a. B. Stoddard from real clear politics. A. B. . The only thing that republicans are agreeing upon these days is they have a brutal summer ahead as mike emanuel points out, before they leave nor the august recess, which is 31 legislative days from now with the time that take off each week that i have to raise the debt celling with a bipartisan vote that requires 60 votes in the senate. They hope with that bill to actually pair something else, the end of some she questing cuts. The president wants to increase military spending. In order to do so, they have to change by law the budget control act of 2011. That also has to be a bipartisan vote that they have to do with democrat s. This package they hope to get out of the door in 31 legislative days. They havent done much of the tough stuff since january. This is a huge, heavy lift. They hope some time that the senate will get along to healthcare. That trick of reconciliation that senator lee was describing only lasts for the healthcare vote until september 30th. So theyll have to get that done before the recess or when they come back before september 30th, which is the end of the physical year. At that point, theyll run around and try to get a bunch of spending bills together for the budget of 2018, make sure it passes out of the house and the senate with republican votes to get the partisan reconciliation progress again for tax reform. That would be instructions that last into next september and would expire next september. So tax reform is not coming this year. Its not coming before the august recess. Its not coming this year. Infrastructure is not coming this year. They can barely tackle the budget deadlines that are coming at them right now. Shepard before we get to that, the facts as they have been presented to us as follows. Mitch mcconnell said on healthcare, he doesnt know how well get to 50 votes. Right. Shepard the president treated they should change the rules and end the filibuster so that it only takes 50 votes. Except under reconciliation, it only takes 50 votes. With that tweet yesterday, he made clear he doesnt understand the rules or doesnt understand theyre already there and apparently has not yet been informed they dont have the votes within the Republican Party. Forget about the democrats. How is this possible . The white house continues to blame the democrats for everything. While its true in january and february they held up some hearings and confirmation votes, theyre not standing in the way of this Republican Party and a sevenyear promise to repeal and replace obamacare. What is going on as senator mcmcconnell had to respond to President Trumps tweet with a statement, the reconciliation vote doesnt need democratic votes. Its a way to protect against a democratic filibuster. Its no longer a vote where the democrats can stand in their way. To use that partisan vote, its a path to get the big Ambitious Goals achieved, but the divisions remain within the Republican Party. So what i think the president wants them to do is to break the filibuster so that it no longer applies to legislation, just like they did for the vote on the justice for the Supreme Court neil gorsuch. But Mitch Mcconnell is against that. With reconciliation, they dont need that. Shepard but Mitch Mcconnell says they dont have the votes. They need to get to 50. They dont have it. The president doesnt understand any of that. That needs to be made clear. Am i misreading this . There needs to be more communication between the white house and the people trying to get the bills through and the people on the hill trying to get the bills through. Theres a real lack of communication and republican senators and lawmakers have admitted theyre not sure who to talk to talk to on specific policy items on tax reform and healthcare. Its a big problem. Shepard healthcare repeal and replace is the number one thing going on for half a decade, maybe longer than that. They voted to repeal obamacare more than 50 times. Then it comes around time to get something done. They cant get everybody quite together on the republican side. The moderates are here and the more conservatives are over here. The president doesnt seem to even understand that there are no votes no matter what the rules, whether under reconciliation or regular order, whether they remove the filibuster, no matter what they do, the votes arent there. Whose job is it to tell him this . Who is failing in the informing the president situation . Well, the white house seems to be in chaos right now. Hes just back from the trip and hes frustrated the bills are not passing. The republicans and congress are trying to move ahead without the administration creating chaos. Theyre not getting far. They need the healthcare bill down. Back to the senate and to the president s desk and that is a tall task at this point. Shepard a. B. , thanks. Thank you. Shepard a water tanker packed with explosives detonating in a diplomatic neighborhood in the afghan capitol. That attack has killed and injured hundreds and hundreds of people. Americans are among the casualties. A live report from the pentagon is next. You could spend the next few days weeding through w2s, pay stubs and Bank Statements to refinance your home. Or you could push that button. [dong] [rocket launching] skip the bank, skip the paperwork, and go completely online. Securely share your financial info and confidently get an accurate mortgage solution in minutes. Lift the burden of getting a home loan with Rocket Mortgage by quicken loans. [whisper rocket] todays Senior Living communities have never been better, with amazing amenities like movie theaters, exercise rooms and swimming pools, public cafes, bars and bistros even pet care services. And theres never been an easier way to get great advice. 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I take responsible if i for every decision i made. Thats not why i lost. Its important that we learn the real lessons from this last campaign. Because the forces that were up against are not just interested in influencing our elections and our politics. Theyre going after our economy and theyre going after our unity as a nation. The conference is ongoing and well monitor it. A bomb detonated at a truck full of explosives in afghanistans capitol in one of the worst attacks that country has seen since the United States declared an end to combat operations in americas longest war. Afghan Officials Say 90 people are dead and 400 injured. 11 americans are among the injured. The blast sent smoke over a large part of the city. Happened during rush hour a few days into the muslim holy month of ramadan. The explosion went off in the front of a German Embassy. You can see it there. The neighborhood is considered one of the safest in all the city. Pictures in our slide show for you this afternoon. This is the crater. This right here is the crater. 15 feet deep. Back behind it, you can see that building there in the background. That im told is a German Embassy or what is left of it. Everything in the front blown out. Heres a man driving a damaged car with the windshield blown out. You can see the man inside there. We assume this is after and somebody is getting in there to move it. Here, a stretcher which appears to have blood stains on it. Heres people holded one of the wounded and trying to get an injured man out of the way. Jennifer griffin is at the pentagon. What more do we know about the americans injured in this incident . Secretary of state Rex Tillerson just issued a statement condemning the attack and offering condolences to the victims adding the u. S. Commitment to afghanistan is unwavering. I spoke to a senior official and im told that 11 u. S. Mostly contract personnel, were injured in the blast. They were working for the u. S. Embassy. One afghan local guard is missing, im told, and nine guards working for a u. S. Government contracted Security Company were killed during the explosion, which emanated from a water tanker packed with explosives. Resulted in a Mushroom Cloud of smoke over the capital. A driver from the bbc was killed and four bbc journalists were wounded. The neighborhood where this attack occurred is home to many foreign embassies. Blast walls didnt even make a difference today, shep. Shepard we still dont know who is behind this, right . Its not clear who is responsible. A spokesman for the taliban denied responsibility. Some of the worst attacks recently have been from isis and alquaidalinked groups. The blast took place during rush hour, not far, as you mentioned, from the german and pakistan embassie embassies. Germany is one of the largest contributors of troops in afghanistan with 980 soldiers on the ground. President trump is weigh ing a proposal to send 5,000 more troops in afghanistan and train troops. Its a request that was made a year ago. Whatever Group Carried out todays attack may have been trying to influence that decision. The neighborhood targeted was home to most of the embassies and nato offices. Shepard Jennifer Griffin at the pentagon. Thank you. Cops in d. C. Have arrested a man at the trump hotel in washington d. C. And a u. S. Airline accused of putting passengers on a plane that was not fit to fly. What the feds say the airline did wrong. Thats coming up on fox news. All finished. Umm. You wouldnt want your painter to quit part way, i think you missed a spot. So when it comes to pain relievers, why put up with just part of a day . Aleve, live whole not part. You want this color over the whole house . Shepard police say they may have prevented a potential disaster at the trump hotel in washington. The police chief says his officer s arrested an assaultstyle rifle, hands gun and ammunition in his car. Police identified him as a 43yearold man named byron moles. Hes a doctor from pennsylvania. He has charges of having illegal firearms. Moles told police hes a veteran with ptsd and wanted to stay at the hotel because he likes President Trump. Police said they got a tip that moles had made threatening remarks, although they did not elaborate. A man who said he wanted to speak with President Trump pointed a fake gun at police and told him to shoot him. Thats according to the cops himself. It happened in Orlando International airport last evening. Police tweeted this picture of the fake gun after they arrested the suspect named michael p pettigrew. He served in the marines and has some type of mental crisis. United airlines led people on a jet that was not fit to fly. Not once but 23 times. Thats according to a report from the federal Aviation Administration itself which is now proposing a fine of 400,000 against united. The issue here, united made a fuel pump repair but didnt get an inspection afterwards. United airlines representatives tell fox news safety is their top priority. Trace gallagher has the news. What else do we know about this jet . Shep, june of 2014, the pilots of the 787 dream liner reported a problem with the fuel pressure switch. The pump was repaired and the plane was put back into service. The faa says not only was it flown dozens of times without permission but united continued to fly it even after the faa said not to. Along with that 435,000 fine, the faa issued a statement that reads maintaining the highest levels of safety depends on operators closely following rules and regulations. United said we are working closely with the faa in their review. The airline does have the right to repeal the fine and theres no indication the failure to inspect the equipment caused any problems or put passengers in danger. In the past few years, united has been hit with millions in fines for things like leaving passengers on tarmacing s tarmacs. Most airlines have been fined for similar reasons. For united, the p. R. Debacle adds up. Shepard thanks, trace. The markets will close in three minutes. Your world with neil cavuto will begin. This is fox news channel. I sincerely apologize. Im just now seeing the reaction of these images. Im a comic. I crossed the line. I moved the line and crossed it. I went way too far. Neil neil automatic is not forgiven. Cnn said she will not be participating in new years eve festivities. Thats not the half of it. The fall youd from a very angry Trump Administration and those on the left and right who said the comedian went too far. To blake burman on the fallout there. Hi, blame. The first lady weighed in, responded to Kathy Griffin saying in her words, it makes you

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