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Now Shepard Smith reporting live from the fox news desk. First from the desk this afternoon, just four hours until the polls start closing in what has been one of the most bitter president ial races in recent history. A Campaign Season filled with namecalling, personal attacks, federal investigations, accusations of sexual assault, suspected interference from russian hackers, false claims of widespread voter fraud and the airing of dirty laundry from decades ago. And now, at last, its almost over. This election day is anything but typical, and there is no telling how the night will end, especially with a republican nominee who has threatened to keep us in suspense should he lose. Less than an hour ago donald trump again suggested he might not concede tonight if the results are not in his favor. Heres what he told fox news. I have to look at, you know, whats happening. I have to look at reports that are coming in. There are reports that when people vote for republicans the entire ticket switches over to democrats. Youve seen that. Its happening at various places today. Its been reported. In other words, you put down a republican and it registers as a democrat and theyve had a lot of complaints about that today. You have to be careful. We have to see what it is. Weve seen no evidence of that. No evidence from authorities, not yet. According to the Washington Post newspaper, state officials and voting experts say they are worried about potential confrontation at the polls between trump and clinton supporters. We have seen none of that. Democrats have filed a series of lastminute lawsuits accusing Trump Supporters of threatening voters. Theres a record 46 Million People already voted early. Secretary clinton cast her ballot this morning at her home near chappaqua, new york, about an hour north of new york city. Donald trump voted in the city near trump towers. 51 i think it was. He and Hillary Clinton are both set to hold their Election Night events here in mid town manhattan. And for those of you watching around the world, the show ends tonight, but there will be a new one tomorrow if youre enjoying things from paris and london. Fun to watch, right . We have team fox coverage. Jennifer griffen following the Clinton Campaign at the Javits Center in manhattan. Carl cameron live at the hilton hotel live from the fox studios. How are trump staffers feeling today, carl . Reporter i just got off the phone with one who said they were cautiously nervously optimistic. They do have some things to be optimistic about. One of the areas that weve been talking about literally for like two years is the federal interstate across florida, i4 from tampa to daytona beach. There they say where theres a Huge Population of Republican Voters that are key to winning florida, theyre looking at some pretty good turnout models reported out of the various different counties along i4. Thats a really good sign for trump. He recognizes that a win hinges on winning florida, defending North Carolina and picking up a couple of blue states to round out sweeping all of the Romney States that turned red in 2012. If he does that, then he wins. There has been an awful lot of shenanigans reported around the country that has already prompted him to file a lawsuit in las vegas for the polls being kept open late friday night after the time the polls were closed. They were extended because there was a long line. The Trump Campaign is arguing that some people were added to that line and thats inappropriate. Hes demanded that the records all be saved in case theres future litigation. A judge has apparently said that thats redundant. The city already does that, the county already retains all of those records anyway so if there is a recount, there are irregularities found that are warranted, they can be referred to. A couple of staffers got fired at the Broward County polling places in florida because apparent bely they were allowing or in a bit of a different in a bit of a difference with some elderly people who came in with their health aides and went to the booth with them. The argument is that some of the poll watchers were objecting and that the health aides were telling them how to vote. The poll workers were removed. So theres stuff out there thats going to give the Trump Campaign pause. Theyre watching it. Theyre watching more eagerly are those counties and those areas, in rural areas where blue collar voters will turn out big for a victory tonight. Its interesting that theres so much focus on those two, Fort Lauderdale and nevada. Harry reid machine very helpful out there in getting out the hispanic vote. Broward county is a latino hot bed now. Lots of Puerto Ricans there. What im told is a huge turnout towards which the clinton camp is pointing to. Well watch them. Reporter when people have been talking about how its such a negative race on both sides that it will oppress or suppress the vote. So its possible that the energy that the Trump Campaign has been seeing is there and that the machinery and the get out the vote exercises that the Clinton Campaign is working and there could be a respectable vote. This time around both of the candidates were expecting low turnouts that makes this even a more difficult race. Theres no question about it. This is going to be very, very close in every single one of the battleground states. This is effectively the last weekend. Carl, thanks so much. Last day. Enjoy yourself. Thank you. Hillary Clinton Campaign aide says she, quote, left it all in the field after yesterdays jam packed schedule on the final day of the trail. Secretary clinton made some stops in key battleground states yesterday calling her powerful surrogates, look at these pictures. Theyre a little green there, thats the camera work, not the people as far as we know. She held an event in philly last night. It was star studded. Bruce springstein, president obama, the first lady, bill and chelsea clinton. Lady gaga. That was an interesting one. Did you see that one . I dont know. Lady gaga, bon jovi too performing at a midnight rally. Clinton didnt get home to chappaqua in new york around 3 30 this morning. And she was out voting just several hours later. The former secretary of state took a lighter tone in an interview with a boston Radio Station today joking about what shell call her husband should she win the white house. Probably first gentleman is the most likely outcome, but ill tell you some of the other suggestions. First dude. First dude. Yeah, first dude. Then theres a great idea, first laddie like that sounds proper. First lady. So british. The Clinton Campaign aide said its relief that theres light at the end of the tunnel and that aide is right. Jennifer griffin, mid town manhattan where Hillary Clinton is expected to hold her election event tonight. No fireworks. Come on. Reporter no fireworks. I think they didnt want to get ahead of themselves. A lot of nerves behind the scenes amidst everything that has happened of late. Im told Hillary Clinton is a very superstitious person. Shes been working on two different versions of her speech tonight, depending on whether she wins or not. She spoke to reporters after she cast her ballot this morning. She said she felt humbled. It is the most humbling feeling, dan, because, you know, i know how much responsibility goes with this and so many people are counting on the outcome of this election, what it means for our country, and ill do the very best i can if i am fortunate enough to win today. Reporter here at the Javits Center on the west side of manhattan they chose this backdrop, a fete in engineering, steel and glass. And, of course, a symbolic Glass Ceiling in case Hillary Clinton becomes the next president. She will have, of course, broken the ultimate Glass Ceiling and so that is why we are here at the Javits Center waiting forge Hillary Clinton. Shell be speaking on the stage behind me. I mentioned she had a busy day yesterday. I dont know how either one of them, she or donald trump does that. I turn on the tv right before going to bed last night and her rally was just beginning. Well, it was a midnight rally in North Carolina, but really all day yesterday she was focusing on making her closing statement. She was in philadelphia. 33,000 people turned out to hear her as well as president and michelle obama. It was very clear from listening to the president s remarks that he felt that a vote for Hillary Clinton was really a legacy issue for him. I am betting that tomorrow you will reject fear and youll choose hope. Im betting that the wisdom and decency and generosity of the American People will once again win the day. A passionate, outspoken young woman determined to do all the good she can can go on to break the highest, hardest Glass Ceiling and become our president. The campaign, shepard, is already seeing record turnout. In fact, in northwest philly where they had some concerns, theyre seeing 300 uptick in voting compared to 2012. Theyre seeing record numbers of latinos voting. In North Carolina that vote is up 85 . So well have to see, but well be here all night and, of course, Hillary Clinton will be joining us later this evening. Democratic machine in philly. Theres really nothing like it in the country, is there . Reporter absolutely. Yeah. Thousands of people out there going door to door. Come on out. Lets do the voting. Good to see you, jenn. Up next Fox News Sunday anchor Chris Wallace with perspective on how this day is shaping up and the mile markers that could tell us how the candidates stand on this last leg for the race for the white house. A day for which weve been waiting for years, and its here. Its all coming up from the fox news deck on this election day in america. Well, here we go again. Issues. Bad judgments. She should be ashamed of herself. sigh my insurance rates are probably gonna double. But dad, youve got. Allstate. With accident forgiveness they guarantee your rates wont go up just because of an accident. Smart kid. Indeed. Its good to be in, good hands. Shes noticing a real difference in her joint comfort. Shes single. And high levels of humiliation in her daughter. In just 7 days, your joint comfort can be your kids discomfort. Osteo biflex. Made to move. You are looking live at Laguardia Airport over in queens. This is trump force 2. Weve been seeing that trump plane on the laguardia tarmac for years and years and years. Now its like, okay, maybe. This is the backup plane. This is trump force 2. They call it. Mike pence is on there. He was in indiana this morning. You may have seen him vote live. First he took a bike ride which everybody should. The president usually plays basketball on election day. Im told he did this morning. Mike pence likes to take an Early Morning bike ride. It was beautiful in indiana this morning much like it is here in new york. Election days are always kind of remembered as cold, rainy, the heart of fall has set in. Starting to feel like winter. You stand outside in the rain waiting to vote, its miserable. Not today. Would you look at those blue skies up there. Mid 50s or so. No, its in the 60s. Supposed to get to the 60s. Is it there already . Yeah. So tonight were thinking about 40s. Not too bad. Whichever one of these wins is going to have great weather for the party. That is not mike pence. It could be. I met his whole family. They were here at the fox news center yesterday. They went to all the news stations. Nice as they could be. One of them is an anchor for one of our stations. Thats his daughter. Yeah. Shes an anchor there. Shes been off the air. Thats not mike pence either. Daddys running for vice president. They probably figured she doesnt need to be on there for a while. Shes very pregnant. Shes going to have a child. I dont know when shes going to be on the air. So nice to be away from our jobs and be with the family in this family time. Chris wallace is here. Thats heartwarming. Where we have that break room outside, between the two buildings, tourists will come up and snap pictures and whatever. But this wasnt these werent tourists, these were honored guests here. Really nice to meet them. Chris, where are we . What do you think . From everything i read its close but then i look at state by state by state. I look at North Carolina, the kind of turnout theyre getting. I look at the suburbs of philadelphia. I look at the i4 corridor especially in the Fort Lauderdale area. I look at the turnout in nevada. If it were 3 00 i would rather be in Hillary Clintons place than his but that doesnt really mean anything. No. Because we dont know exactly whos going to vote. We dont know about the rest of the day. But, look, coming into today you would rather be in Hillary Clintons spot than trumps. What are you doing . I dropped my chapstick. Should i leave it on the floor for someone else to pick up . Well, i dont know. You could wait until the break. I need it. Its chapstick. You have a little chapstick fetish, dont you . Fetish . No. Do you know what that means . Chapstick . Lip balm. I think youre a little ocd. You like your chapstick. Who carries chapstick around them . Im taking antibiotics. I have an ear effection. Now america knows. Im sorry. Send remedies on twitter. There he is. Theres karen and mike pence. And mike pence. So i guess the first thing to watch tonight, of the tossups, virginia were not going to know anything. No, youre not going to know anything in a lot of these places. Youll know a little bit about florida because the returns will come in fast. Theyre going to very quickly dump all the early voting. Let me tell you an interesting statistic. Im filled with these useless statistics. Do you know the last time that a republican won the presidency without winning florida . Wow. Would have been a while ago. 1924. Yes. Eally . So trump cant win the presidency by winning florida, but he in effect could lose the presidency if he loses florida. There are still mathematical ways. Sure. But not practical political ways that he gets to 270 without the 29 electoral votes in florida. Its key. If you see him going down there, its not going to be a good zbliet beyond that, there are some places that look like they could be good nights. Theyre really excited about ohio. Yes. Really excited they seem to think they have a really good shot in pennsylvania as well. Thats going to be tough. North carolina i think hes got a pretty good shot in. Hes got to win. Thats almost like the base. Hes got to win florida, North Carolina, and ohio and that still doesnt get him to 270. Then hes got to flip but it gives him an opportunity. No, it absolutely puts him on the brink. Then hes got to flip one big Democratic State like pennsylvania, like michigan. Theres another scenario where he wins a bunch of little states. The easier way to do it is just take one big high electoral state like pennsylvania or michigan. Which has not voted for a republican in six straight elections. Wow. Some of the pundants take these polls as some sort of gospel and theyre not. No. Weve learned this. We know theyre not. Were not even sure that the models that we used for instance, down in florida when theyre doing the polling in most counties in most areas of florida they have bilingual pollsters, but they dont in nevada. They dont in North Carolina. There are a lot of places where if you only speak spanish, you cant get counted. Thats not to say you dont vote. Right. Thats a polling flaw. No, absolutely. I didnt know that but youre exactly right. The model is the important thing at this point, not the polls, because the polls assume a model. By a model i mean how many whites are going to show up, how many hispanics are going to show up, how many College Educated whites, how many nonCollege Educated whites. Thats all an assumption that goes into weighting the groups. More trump voters, lets say nonCollege Educated whites turn out to vote. If there is a surge which hes been talking about, then forget the polls and he could win. Well, he certainly could. Those models, weve never weve never separated the way we do this year with highly educated, not so educated. Weve separated black and white and separated higgs panic. We havent separated things the way the voters seem to be breaking down this year. Its a new its a new pollster thing. Its not new to america. Weve been coming along this way. No, but to a certain degree its a reflection of the various groups and what youve seen with romney didnt have this Huge Division between College Educated, nonCollege Educated whites. He did well among both. Trump doesnt. Trump does much better among less educated white people than he does more educated white people. Doesnt make them better or worse, just different. Just different. There are a couple hundred be of us including this team working on the Fox Broadcast Network. Chris wallace will be here to help us out with that and a lot of fox people you know. Hope youll watch that and Fox News Sunday this sunday on your local fox station. The news continues on Fox News Channel after this. Miracles happen. Some analysts say it would take a miracle for donald trump to win tonight including the head of a pro trump super pac. Well speak with him in a moment. The Associated Press reports 46 million americans have already voted. Thats crazy. According to the Associated Press there are good signs for both candidates in those early ballots. The battleground states are still up for grabs and trump has been making a push for states that are traditionally blue states, so what does his path to victory look like. Ed rollins is here. Hes a gop Campaign Consultant and advisor, also a fox news contributor. Head of a pro trump pac called Great America pac. You said it would take a miracle. Line up what a miracle looks like. Miracle would be you start with florida. If you dont win florida, the games over. You then win North Carolina which has switched back and forth the last two elections. We won it the last time. You have to win everything romney won and basically adds five or six states that are their states. Or a big one like michigan. Michigan hasnt gone for a republican since 88, neither has pennsylvania. These are harden trenched political systems for the democrats. I admire him for going in and trying and obviously hes shaking the game up a little bit. You never can tell. Veeters get to vote and they get to anticipate. When the polls are right and well see that today, but elections are held to see if the polls were right. Oh, thats horrible. Well, theyre holding it, and if you say it takes a miracle, if there is no miracle, what does tomorrow look like . My sense, it depends on the size of the victory. If hillary wins big, were talking about predicting, and i think trump will do what all good candidates who lose do. Hell congratulate her and move on. If for some reason its a close race, people are angry and they feel theyve been deprived of a victory which theyve thought they had for the past week by misuse of the system, rigging, what have you, you could have some antagonism. There are a few states that looked like he could get, nevada one of them. I suppose its still possible. Still possible. But who was it, roger stone, longtime republican and trump guy said hes run the Worst Campaign in nevada ever. Why does he say that . Why does stone say that . I cant interpret roger. I dont know. At the end of the at the end of the season they felt like they should have been hitting here and there. He did not run a traditional campaign. He didnt have a lot of the operatives that normally get into campaigns and run campaigns. She ran a traditional campaign. He didnt need it for some reason and in the primaries the best campaign in the primaries was ted cruz. Really good operatives. He had this magnificent connection with voters and obviously, you know, beat a lot of very significant candidates. I think he liked that. He liked going out to the crowds. He likes getting in his airplane. He likes fox. He likes basically tweeting, all the things that you would want a candidate not to be doing not on the fox part. You want them to be disciplined and on message. Until the last couple of weeks hes been all over the place. You know, he gives a good economic speech, lays out a good plan then he gets off doing tweets. So its been the most untraditional campaign. If he wins it will be the biggest comeback since trueman beating dewey. There will be 100 books written on it and 500 ph. D. Dissertations. It could change american politics because the value of paid commercials, which is so much of a campaign today, has not had any impact. Hes been out spent three or four to one, two to one in North Carolina. Magnificent nonspending in the early primaries. He has some good commercials now but it took him a long time to get there. Hes depended on the rnc. Every element that you sit down and check off as a campaign strategist, this is what you should do, he hasnt done. What he has done is gone out and connected with voters. Too early to talk about what republicans are going to become. It wont be too early tonight. Ed rollins will be our guest as we bring hours and hours and hours of coverage of this election on your local fox station. The great thing about watching on your local fox station at 10 00 eastern time or 9 00 local time. Thats when your local stuff is coming together. During primetime you get the national stuff. Then they come on for 9 or 10 00 news depending where you live. Av that well come back and hopefully decide the president. Ed rollins will be here on fox. Absolutely. Certainly do appreciate it. My pleasure. Tonight well talk about what you think republicans need to do next. Not yet. A lot at stake. Senate, house, a lot at stake. That senate race, thats going to be one to stay up for. Well, the one in New Hampshire is 130 million has been spent in a state with four electoral votes. Kelly ayotte has been impressive. Look forward to it. Michelle obama recently pointed out president obama won North Carolina in 2008 by about two votes per precinct and then he lost the next time by about 17. And we all know how close it can be in florida, and well check in on those two crucial battle grounds and what they call the check mate states tonight. Stay with us. We asked a group of young people when they thought they should start saving for retirement. Then we asked some older people when they actually did start saving. This gap between when we should start saving and when we actually do is one of the reasons why too many of us arent prepared for retirement. Just start as early as you can. Its going to pay off in the future. If we all start saving a little more today, well all be better prepared tomorrow. Prudential. Bring your challenges. See me. See me. Dont stare at me. See me. See me. See me to know that psoriasis is just something that i have. Im not contagious. See me to know that. I wont stop until i find what works. Discover cosentyx, a different kind of medicine for moderate to severe plaque psoriasis. Proven to help the majority of people find clear or almost clear skin. 8 out of 10 people saw 75 skin clearance at 3 months. While the majority saw 90 clearance. Do not use if you are allergic to cosentyx. Before starting, you should be tested for tuberculosis. An increased risk of infections and lowered ability to fight them may occur. Tell your doctor if you have an infection or symptoms. Such as fever, sweats, chills, muscle aches or cough. Or if you have received a vaccine or plan to. If you have inflammatory bowel disease, tell your doctor if symptoms develop or worsen. Serious allergic reactions may occur. See me. See me. See me. On my way. Find clear skin. And a clearer path forward. For a different kind of medicine, ask your dermatologist about cosentyx. Iraqi troops fighting the islamic state. A report that they found a grave with about 100 bodies near mosul. Thats according to a military spokesman who says because the bodies are decayed its difficult to tell whether theyre soldiers or civilians. Theyre in a push to take back mosul from isis. The terrorists have held that city since 2014. A 90 foot sinkhole opened in a japanese city swallowing a five lane highway. Nobody got hurt but the collapse cut utility lines. Some reports blame nearby subway construction. And search crews have found a third body on the is South Carolina property of a registered sex offender. Last week cops found a woman there chained up alive. They discovered her boyfriends remains on friday and another body over the weekend. Investigators have not yet identified the victims. The sheriff says the suspects may be linked to as many as seven murders. One of the most competitive of the swing states is North Carolina. Polls close there 7 30 eastern time tonight. Analysts call it a mustwin for donald trump. Both candidates have been campaigning hard in North Carolina leading up to today. There are 15 electoral votes on the table. Recent elections have been very close in North Carolina. Back in 08 then senator obama beat john mccain by just 14,000 votes. Four years later the president lost in North Carolina to mitt romney. That time by 97,000. Jonathan sari with the news live in raleigh. Jonathan, officials in Durham County are trying to extend the voting, is that right . Reporter yeah, thats right. The Durham County Election Officials have confirmed theyve had some problems with the electronic machines, the electronic poll books. These are not the touchscreen machines that voters use to actually cast their ballots but the machines that are used to verify names when you first check in at the polling site. So theyre verifying names using paper records. It works just fine but it takes longer and thats creating some lines at some of the precincts. So civil Rights Groups are calling for an extension in voting hours beyond the normal 7 30 cutoff time. Durham county officials put in a request with the state board of elections to extend voting by 90 minutes countywide. The state board is going to consider that request but an official with the board tells fox news by state statute the board has to consider such requests by precinct by precinct basis, case by case, and they can only grant such extensions when its proven that a problem creates a disruption in voting, not just a delay. So its still unclear what the board will decide. Overall, other parts of the state turnout has been very heavy at the precincts that we have visited, but perhaps the most significant numbers are the early voting numbers. 3. 1 million North Carolinans had already cast their ballots before the polls opened. Thats more than 2 3 the number of North Carolinans wvoted in te entire 2012 election, shap. Jonathan live in raleigh. Thank you. Florida is breaking records in this president ial election. They say 6 point be point 5 million floridians voted early. Thats about half of floridas total voters. Democrats have cast 90,000 more ballots than republicans going into today, but we dont really yet know how they voted. Of course, floridas 29 electoral votes could really come down to just a few counties. Consider this, back in 2012 president obama won the state by just 74,000 votes. Thats less than 1 percentage point. Kevin kate is here. Hes the founder of katecom. He works with Democratic Candidates in florida. Knows florida very well and strangely used to be an intern here on this very spot. I was much smarter back then. I knew a lot more. Didnt you . You all do, the young ones. Now you do know a lot about florida, and when we start watching florida tonight because its the first thing virginia closes before, but it is florida that were going to end up is it Broward County to watch first . It the whole corridor . What are we looking at in the beginning . What you know, we have 89,000 vote lead going into today. Democrat. Democrats do, sorry. We. So we have 90,000 votes that is the margin. What trump needs to do if im donald trump, im watching duval county. Duvall is the keys . Thats the jacksonville area. Jacksonville. He needs to run up the score there. He went in with a deficit. Its almost unheard of. Its 2, 4,000 republican lead. He needs that to be in the tens of thousands in that area. He needs to make sure everything north of gainesville except tallahassee are turning out. Older white voters who his message has resonated with. They had hoped for less of a turnout in the Broward County around fourth lauderdale. Instead their numbers are skyrocketing. Its unheard of whats happened down there. You had an extra sunday of early vote. Not every florida county had that extra sunday. Just the big ones. Well, the big ones for hillary. Absolutely. How did that happen . Well, you have elections arent rigged. Youve heard that. But we have local supervisors of elections and local governments and they decide if they want their elections open on that sunday. The latino vote in florida is a little different than in most places. You have this big cuban population down south. The older ones especially, second and Third Generation are very republican. Are the millennials, do we have a way to know yet if young latinos are really skewing like 73 democrat or is there not really a model for that yet . Well, what we know is that everything that donald trump said after he walked down or strolled down that escalator offended a whole heck of a lot of people in florida and that has built a fire wall for secretary clinton down in south florida. Weve seen lines through the early vote, we see lines down there today. It is going to take a miracle basically for him to overcome the margin that he set up through not having an early vote plan. The New York Times said the other day he had an early vote plan in florida ahead of him for two weeks and didnt do anything. Now you have 6. 5 million votes that have already been cast going into election day. He is so far behind it would be hard to see how he makes it up. It looks like marco rubio is going to survive. All the numbers suggest that he will. How did he do that . Well, in florida politicians are like cats. They have nine lives and they keep coming back. As a consultant for charlie christ, i know that. It doesnt look like hes coming back. I mean, hes running for a house seat but hes in florida 13. Im confident he may pull it out. It may be a slimmer margin than we hoped. You just told a fib. Senator rubio will most likely be reelected. I see nothing that says he wont. Thats a big disappointment for democrats but they had to make a decision. It would cost 10 to 15 more Million Dollars to make Patrick Murphy more challenging. Thats the challenger . Right. Well be watching that later tonight on the broadcast channel. Kevin will be with us tonight as so many will tonight on the Fox Broadcast Network primetime for your local area and late night. Good to see you, kev. Yeah. Long lines in Greenwich Village this morning. I voted about ten minutes to 7 00. Three blocks all around three city blocks and then into the building and all the cuing. Probably 75 volunteers there and it ran like a chipotle in new york, not like in the suburbs. It ran like the Magic Mountain line. You just kept moving. You get up there. Everybody screaming at each other because its new york. Oh, gosh. Go here, go there. And it just it was perfect. It took about 30 minutes, they had a bake sale there ps 41 this morning. It was a fantastic new york voting experience. Everybody had their kids in line. It was cold out. Really, it made me feel good. Everything is right in the world. It made me feel good. Everybody was out doing what they do. Hope you voted. If you havent voted, go vote. Doesnt matter who you vote for. Long lines in ohio as the voters head to the polls. In the last 13 elections the winner in ohio has won the white house. Theres a lot of attention on the buckeye state. I like those. Peanut butter things. Cracker barrel. Oh, hang on now. What . Is he gone . . Finally, i thought hed never leave. Tv character why are you texting my man at 2 a. M. . No. If you want someone to leave you alone, you pretend like youre sleeping. Its what you do. If you want to save fifteen percent or more on car insurance, you switch to geico. Its what you do. Tv character taking selfies in the kitchen does not make you a model. Test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test test before it became a medicine, it was an idea. A wild whatif. So scientists went to work. They examined 87 different protein structures and worked for 12 long years. There were thousands of patient volunteers and the hope of millions. And so after it became a medicine, someone who couldnt be cured, could be. Me. Quarter till the hour. Voters are heading towards the polls. Theyre finding some long lines. Take a look in columbus, 100 miles northeast of miami. Columbus, buckeyes. Some people reported waiting more than an hour to submit their ballots. Not bad. Both candidates, their vp picks and Campaign Surrogates have traveled dozens of times. Ohio has voted for the winner in the last 13 president ial elections and there has never been a republican, not one, to win the white house without first winning ohio. John scott is there. Hes coanchor of happening now live in columbus. Youve been following the early voting there. Hows it looking, john . Well, ive got to tell you, shepard, the republicans are absolutely giddy about the numbers theyre seeing coming out of this state right now. The polls are open for almost another four hours. They close at 7 30 in ohio. Early voting returns, again, the republicans are happy. In cuyahoga county, a county that helped propel barack obama to a win four years ago, early voting is down 20 . Franklin county where we are is down 8 . Hamilton county is down 12 and Summit County down 6 i should say. Those are all counties that barack obama took when he beat mitt romney by 2. 9 statewide four years ago. Contrast that with counties that romney won. In Warren County early voting is up 18 . Delaware county is up 4 . Green county up 10 . And in miami county, 15 increase in early voting and, again, those last fewer are counties that mitt romney won four years ago. Thats why republicans are very optimistic about their chances here in ohio, shep. I hear you say its getting a little chippy around there. Yeah. The rain that has hit cleveland and cincinnati is just about here. We kind of escaped it, but its starting to sprinkle on us just a bit. I was actually talking about the attitudes. Theyre all kind of chipping at each other. The attitudes. Well, there are three different parties. Normally all the republicans get together in one big tent and throw one big party, but thats not the case here. You might know that the governor here, john kasich, didnt get along so well with donald trump so there is the Republican Party for the state, rob portman, the Senate Candidate is having his party across town and then theres one more party for donald trump and his people thats taking place a little ways behind me. So three republican parties instead of one tonight. John scott in ohio. Well be checking in with him tonight, all night. A big state. If youre betting on the outcome, you probably are not putting your money on gary johnson, jill stein and Evan Mcmullen. Theyre well, not to be rude but theyre the also rans. Third party and independent candidate, but while they may not walk into the white house in january, they could very well play the role of spoiler for either clinton or trumps chance bes depending which voters give them support. Kennedy with the spoilers, thats next. I am totally blind. I lost my sight in afghanistan. If youre totally blind, you may also be struggling with non24. Calling 8448442424. Or visit my24info. Com. Lots of people say they dont want to vote for Hillary Clinton or donald trump. Analysts say thats giving Third Party Candidates a boost they havent seen in a few elections, ross perot was interesting. Independent candidate Evan Mcmullen is trying to pull off an upset in utah. He would be the first contender to win a big state or any state since 1968. Analysts also say even if evan macmullan, gary johnson who sends more email than anyone, jill stein, wont win anything. But not paper letters. That would be destroying the earth. They can still take away key votes from trump and clinton. Kennedy is here. Host of kennedy 8 00 on the Fox Business Network and well join neil tonight. Absolutely. These spoiler candidates. Evan macmullan, you take utah and get there six electoral votes youre a thing. And you put yourself on the map. It would have been nice to have seen at least one of the candidates on one of the president ial debate stages and you can only imagine how much it would have changed the tenner especially in st. Louis where we spent 45 minutes talking about naughty parts. What if we were talking about freedom, guaranteed universal health care in the case of dr. Jill stein or limited government principles. Just any issue would be more interesting to me. And you know, these three candidates may not get a huge percentage of the vote. Gary johnson also ran in 2012 as did jill stein. Gary is on par to get about three times the vote he got in 2012. If the libertarian parties reaches that 5 threshold they are officially designated a minor party and guaranteed 10 million in federal funding. But the libertarians and they want government so they would have a crisis of conscience do they take the money or use the greater visibility to fundraise on their own . Dont we ask states expanding their medicaid but they dont want any of it. You know. Yeah. But dr. Jill stein and i saw an interview you did with her as a matter of fact at the Republican Convention out there in cleveland. If you can listen, she makes some points that i think a lot of conservatives would find interesting. Well, its funny because dr. Ron paul went on a competing network and said if you want to vote for someone who is good on civil liberties, who is not a war hawk you want to vote for jill stein and he was talking to left leaning libertarians because there is a lot of crossover there. When it comes to fiscal responsibility, dr. Stein is a little bit less responsible. And i wondered from the beginning and i know you have, if they flip gary johnson and william weld you wonder if there are enough points to where they might have gotten on that debate stage. I asked never trump or bill crystal, will you be voting for gary johnson and he said he would have if they flipped the ticket. Heres the problem. Bill weld essentially endorsed Hillary Clinton which is a bizarre move in president ial history. He pretty much did. He almost did. It was world. Jill stein endorsed donald trump or vouched for donald trump. Dont you think that would have been slightly odd . These people are supposed to be running against each other. The Libertarian Party is a party of ideas. Andy could chew on that one for a half hour. I would have loved to see that at the restaurant on a plate. Anything on a plate there. Anything. Thank you. Get the lemon cake. More politicking. Hang tight. Promaster work vans offer better fuel economy, upfits tailored to fit your business, greater cargo capacity, and easier access to your workspace, Ram Promaster and promaster city let you maximize every hour, minute, and second even more effectively. On this day in 1932 americans elected new yorks governor Franklin Roosevelt as president. The effects of the Great Depression devastate hoovers chances for new election. A new deal for the American People winning 42 states. Democrats secured majorities in both the house and senate and it was on fdr. Had so much flexibility and during his inaugural address he said the only thing we have to fear is fear itself after an election day blowout, 84 years ago today. That wont happen tonight. We dont think so. Well have coverage on fox broadca broadcast, fox news radio and your local station. I dont know. Ill be there tonight. Prime time and after your late local news along with all your friends from fox. We hope youll join us and ill see you then. Were three hours away from the first states reporting results. Youre looking at action going on in raleigh North Carolina. Arlingt arlington, virginia, New Hampshire and cleveland, ohio. Among many spots throughout the evening to get a gauge at whats at stake and who is. I want to take a look at this. The markets seemed to have figured out who is going to win this if you buy the idea the markets are telegraphing accuracy. That is usually not the case. But the snapshot reads at least in the markets is theyre betting on Hillary Clinton adding to gain after gain after gain that the known quantity of Hillary Clinton is better than the unknown quantity of one donald trump. Now that is

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