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Theres sear crow chance he would join a trump ticket. Still, donald trump insists he will convince republicans to unite behind him but some of the partiest bigs names are not going on board. Former president. Gauche bush and george h. W. Bush will not be endorsing trump. An aide to bush 43 says the former president does not plan to participate or comment on the campaign. A spokesperson for bush 41 says at age 91 he is retired. George h. W. Bush has enforced every republican nominee since he left office. This is the first time the former president has decided to stay quiet. Its seems the Senate Majority leader Mitch Mcconnell is slowly coming around in a statement he sauce i have committed to supporting the nominee chosen by republican votes and donald trump, the presumptive nominee, is on the verbal of clinching that nomination. Trump is expanding his team to prepare for the general election. Today, camp trump announced he has chosen former Investment Company ceo to be in the National Finance chairman, and New York Times newspaper reports donald trump has also been quietly reaching out to members members of the republican establishment to reassure he can run a successful campaign. Well speak with the journalist who wrote the piece. Rich edson has commends from republicans comments from republicans. Has trump ruled anybody out as running mate . Reporter he has. Sounds like right now the vetting process is a process of elimination, and you hear rumors bat short lift, maybe shares governor nikki hailey is on the lord list but she is not being considered and was never considered contrary to what has been reported on other networks today. That news comes from mr. Trump himself. He just sat down with brett baier. He said he has been having a lot of nice conversations with marco rubio lately, which analysts say is very sport. Marco rubio brings something to the ticket that donald trump doesnt have. He is from a very, very much a battleground state of florida. His latino background is important, and he is a young face in the Republican Party that can really help to unite it. Reporter of course, mtrump doesnt need to pick a running mate until this summer at the convention. We found out this afternoon that only one former nominee or president will be in the house, bob dole. Mitt romney says he is not going. Mr. Trump likes to speak of the size of his crowd and other things. Wonder if theyre still predicting big crowds even though he locked up the nomination . Its pouring rain here in charleston, West Virginia. We have seen a thick stream of Trump Supporters lining up on the other side of this arena in charleston. The campaign is expecting at least 13,500 people and think its going to be a rowdy crowd. The local paper is reporting mass many as 40 or 50 officers are on hand, work with the secret service and state police to make sure the security plan is thorough, and mr. Trump just a few minutes ago tweeted from his desk at trump tower, happy cinco de mayo, the best taco bowls are made in trump tower grill. I love hispanics and theres a picture of him eating a taco bowl, it look us likes. So in West Virginia folks are excited to be the ones to see mr. Trump since his final two republican rivals went home. That was a real trump tweet . Yeah. Your show just sent it to me. The real donald trump. Verified account. Thats him. Right . Fox news can confirm, that is he. Have a great time down there. Some republicans in congress are struggling to accept donald trump as the presumptive nominee. Rich edson is in washington. Now one republican senator is acknowledging trump hurts his reElection Campaign. Shep, senator john mccain says trumps nomination makes this a tough campaign for him. In a voice recording obtained by politico and confirmed by his campaign mccain says, quote, if its donald trumpty top of the ticket here in arizona, with over 30 of the vote being he hispanic vote no doubt that this may be the race of my life. Meanwhile in new hampshire, republican senator Kelly Ayottes Campaign Says she is going support the nominee, though as a candidate herself she hasnt and isnt planning to endorse anyone this cycle. That drew a, huh . On twitter from their rival in the last week other, democratic challenges in ohio, illinois, pennsylvania, nevada, and arkansas, have tied their Republican Senate opponents to donald trump. What are republicans saying now about their chances of holding on to the two houses of congress . They have a 58seat lead in the house and say theyre confident they can hold that. In the senate, democrats need to pick up only four seats and hold the white house to reclaim control. Some republicans acknowledge trump makes it difficult for. The to maintain control the senate, they say Hillary Clinton harms democrats. A recent poll shows 49 find her unfavorable. Thats also compared to trumps 56 unfavorability rating. Spokesperson for the National Republican senator toal committee write theres a reason democrats are not lining up to campaign with Hillary Clinton. She is a toxic candidate whose failed leadership put the security of our country at risk. The g. O. P. Campaign source says republican senators in several states all have outperformed trump in their state primary. Thanks. Now more on how trump is reaching out to socalled Establishment Republicans and how some are responding. The New York Times political reporter Ashley Parker is here. She wrote an article. This is kind of mixed. Yes. Responses. Yes, absolutely. But he knows he has to reach out to republicans and theyve been quietly doing that behind the scenes, and now that he is sort of kind of unexpectedly basically has the nomination wrapped up. Youll see that totally ramping up, reaching out to think tank people and consultants, operatives from rival tam pains, members of Congress Campaigns and members of congress and then talking about internal strategy, how to ramp up fromming this lean operation to become a general election candidate. I read that the amount of money being raised this time in the last cycle by mitt romney, an enormous amount of money. Sounds like theyre behind. They are. Thats a story im working on now. If you look at romney, one reason i he was governor of massachusetts hat a Donor Network from that. Ran in 2008, built a network there. In 2012 he did not selffund in the primary so donald trump is not only starting from zero, literally from scratch, but about to true to woo donors who he has been saying i dont need them, i dont like you, you make people dishonest. So going to be a tough pitch to turn to these people and say, but come give me some money. You wonder how his base, this donald trump crowd thats dish mean, theyre all in. And they dont like the establishment, and they dont the big money, and you wonder hough thats going to play with them. Yeah. It will be interesting to see if that turns them off at all or if donald trump can make the pitch, which i heard him saying before, i dont want to have to sell off a hotel to run a campaign, if compelling pitch. Or maybe youll see them pitching in more. In and trying to help you. Might see donald trump using social media not just as a megaphone to tweet out photos and messages but to actually reach smallish donors and see if he can bring them in. Youre right about how he comes to the establishment and said, get it, theres some norms i have to follow. But as you also mention he is roning a nonideological campaignment wonder how theyll work that out. Who do you talk to on the establishment side . They its an interesting question bus on the one hand they are reassured when he comes to them and says, i recognize i need your help, whether an ground game or data or delegates are institutional know howe. Only been a politician for less than a year. They like that. Some of them not all but some are confused. One thing about his pitch, its an antiwashington, populist, antitrade pitch but not a typical republican pitch, and there are some people who are just not going to be able to sign on with hem for that with him for that reason, and we sad that. Republicans always its an old trite thing now that for democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line. Usually they manage. To there was a lot of consternation about reagan in the beginning but everybody came together. I wonder if it will happen this time. I sort of wonder, too. You have people saying can, im with her, not going to follow in line, but as donald trump knows winning begets winning so if he can show he has a compelling path to boat hilary. Nothing unifies the party more than defeating Hillary Clinton you. Might get a slow begrudging falling in lined. Nose holding. Exactly, rice. Ashley parker from the New York Times. Thank you. Thank you. More on trumps next step as he gears up for the general. Hillary clintons rival who wont quit. Bernie sanders promising to stick around no matter what the odds. Thats next. This is brad. His day of coaching begins with knee pain, when. Hey brad, wanna trade the all day relief of two aleve for six tylenol . Whats the catch . Theres no catch. You want me to give up my two aleve for six tylenol . No. For my knee pain, nothing beats my aleve. Now the nomination race that has not wrapped up. Democrats. Voters in West Virginia hid the polls next week, Analysts Expect sanders to win there. Sanders says he will stick around despite he is trailing by hundreds of delegates. Hillary clinton is setting the stage for her potential knockout punch, campaigning in california, the biggest prize on the table. Reporter good afternoon to you, and Hillary Clinton promised just moments ago to spend more time listening than talking, a direct swipe at donald trump. Clinton is working to fire up key constituencies in california because Bernie Sanders is pledging to stay in until every state votes. So clinton doing events with local congress members, Maxine Waters and karen bass here in the l. A. Area, also fundraising events here and online by telling people to help her stop donald trump. The Clinton Campaign released a new web video going after trump. I am a unifier. Well be a unified party. He is a con artist. A phony. Donald trump is a nonothing candidate. Donald is a bully. This is an individual you can expect plenty more of that after what has been a bruising primary campaign on the republican side. A lot of ferrell well sunny general election ads. West virginia, we mentioned senator sanders, appears to be winning and winning big there is that coal . Reporter i think theres no question about that. They seem to be really responding quite well to senator sanders message in terms of income inequality. He has been working it on the ground in West Virginia, talking be in difficult economy that so many folks are dealing with, noting that only 54 of working age people in West Virginia actually have a job. Sanders is talking about his ideas to help rebuild the economy in appalachia, which has been hard hit. This is not a poor country. That this country is the wealthiest con triin the history of the country in the history of the world and one family worth 149 billion. More wealth than the bottom 40 of the american people. The top one tenth of one percent own almost as much wealth as the bottom 90 . Reporter as you have been reporting, shep, of course, Hillary Clinton has a huge lead in terms of pledged delegates and bottom line she seems to be on her way the democratic nomination for president , bus does not want to risk an empire wasment at an open primary in california. Thank you, sir. Mike emanuel. Donald trump is promising a convention weve never seep before. The plan is to brig in some show biz to cleveland. An enormous email attack involving hundreds of millions of accounts. And criminals are reportedly trading the information right now. Real is touching a ray. Amazing is moving like one. Real is making new friends. Amazing is getting this close. Real is an animal rescue. Amazing is over twentyseven thousand of them. There is only one place where real and amazing live. Seaworld. Real. Amazing donald trump says he wants to add more show biz to this years Republican Convention and as the presumptive nominee he has the power to do it. He tells the New York Times the last g. O. P. Was, well, extraordinarily boring, to use his words. And he may use a Hollywood Talent Agency to up the party game cleveland. Lets bring in rebecca berg. A talent agency. Going to have a circus in there . What is he doing . Its anybodys guess at this point. Of course, donald trump is in the early stages of working with the Republican National committee now to plan the convention program. I for one hope there will be trump vodka and trump steaks available but well have to wait and see. The last convention was pretty entertaining. We had Clint Eastwood and an empty chair. What well have fewer in this convention are the sort of traditional Republican Leaders that were used to. So, mitt romney not planning to attend the convention. John mccain not planning to attend the convention, and then the two living run president s, george w. Bush, and george h. W. Bush, not attending. So going to be a very different program. Think we hall have dancers . Its possible. Anything is possible. Usually there are musical acts so thats not a huge departure from the past, although maybe different types of artists than we have seen. Got some good news on my way in here actually. Jim gillmor, the former governor of virginia who was a president ial candidate, told me in the fox news green room he is planning to attend and says, who knows, maybe ill be nominated on the floor. That be a fun surprise for us. He did get a handful of votes. No delegates a handful. The last one on the list. Everybody cant be a winner like donald trump. He does need money, though. Theyre working on that. Right . Yes. So, he needs money for his general Election Campaign. Theres a separate fund that goes to the convention, and hes been raising money for months already. Theyre 10 million from reaching the goal of funding the convention fully, and theres no federal funding for the convention so hey have head an added challenge. Donald trump is working with the Republican National committee to figure out how to raise money for his general Election Campaign and the republican nominee and on the democratic side as well at the president ial level raises money for the party, the national committee, and for state parties. So, theres a trickle down effect when you talk about president ial fundraising that is important for the party and its candidates in this cycle and moving forward. So its not just about donald trump and his campaign. He also is responsible now for bringing in money for the party. Its going to be a very hard sell for him to make to many donors and theres this organizational challenge that he faces as well. Having really not fundracees substantially during the primary. He brought in finance chairman steve unminimum u much who i think is from mortgage began stanley. Yes. He comes from the finance world, which is similar to mitt romney. He brought in his but from the finance community. Mitt romney one railing on wall street at the same time. This is as big wall treat bank as you get. A hard case to make. Exactly. And dont forget that donald trump throughout this entire primary process has railed against his competitors for accepting donations, accepting my from big donors he said they were bought and paid for by the donors and now donald trump will be asking the same donors for money, and going to have to explain that to his supporters and people he would like to be his supporters. Theyre trying to raise a billion dollars. Right. Thats not unusual for a president ial campaign. By this point in the election cycle in 2012 mitt romney was raising 100 million a month. To give you a sense of how much catching up donald trump has to do at this point. I guess you have to have it to be come pet tonight. Right . We know the Clinton Campaign has been raising money since fluff was a kitten and she is a full grown cat now. She has been thinking about her fundraising strategy, creating this Large Network of big donors for months now. This is something she has been working on for a very long time and also worked on this process in 2008. Donald trump has no experience in fundraising. He knows plenty of rich people for sure but building up that apparatus is a whole new challenge for him. Rebecca berg, from real clear politics. Com. Thank you. Thank you. Criminals in russia are trading stolen information from more than 270 million email cans. 270 million. This according to the reporting of the reuters news agency. Its reporting many gmail, hot a hot mail useres. Security researches found a russian hacker bragging online. He. The experts say you should probably change your email password just to be safe, like everybody. A member of the u. S. Military is now suing his own commander in chief. An awayy cant claims president obamas fight against the isis terrorists is illegal. We look at the arguments on the case. Heavy turbulence on a flight left passengers seriously hurt, some with broken bones. The video from inside the cabin of hell. Thats coming up. Fox report time. Headlines. The Fire Department in houston is warning people near a huge fire to stay inside because Hazardous Materials are burning in a warehouse have forced kids to evacuate. Fire official says people should close their doors and windows. Severe and unexpected turbulence injuring dozens of passengers 0 on a flight from an because of dow bay abu dow bay to jakarta. Thats why you wear your seatbelt. The middle Eastern Airline reports it happened shortly before landing. Paramedics took ten people to hospital, some with broken bones. And cops near seattle say it was easy to identify a suspect who ran away from the scene of a car wreck because he did it with his monkey on his back. Real monkey. They arrested him. No charges against the monkey. Its how i try to live. How i stay active. So i need nutrition. That wont weigh me down. For the nutrition you want without the calories you dont. Try boost® 100 calories. Each delicious snack size drink gives you. 25 vitamins and minerals and 10 grams of protein. And its available in two new flavors, vanilla caramel and Double Chocolate fudge. Im not about to swim in the slow lane. Stay strong. Stay active with boost®. At ally bank, no branches equals great rates. Its a fact. Kind of like bill splitting equals nitpicking. But i only had a salad. It was a buffalo chicken salad. Salad. Psst. Hey. Where you going . Weve got that thing you know. Diarrhea . Abdominal pain . But we said wed be there. Woap, who makes the decisions around here . Its me. Dont think ill make it. 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Well show you new video of a firefight that lefty navy seal dead and what it shows be in mission he and his fellow seals were conducting. A u. S. Army captain trying to take the commander in chief to court. What is the precedent for suing the president. The warning from a top earthquake scientist who says the San Andreas Fault has way too much pressure on it right now. All that ahead in the next few minutes. We start with the firefight in iraq that killed a navy seal, charles keeting. They were fighting Islamic State terrorist when he died. The pentagon reports petty officer kateing and his team were trying to rescue u. S. Military advisers from a gunfight with isis. Jennifer griffin has the story. Reporter we have new details about how that navy seal was killed. Just two miles from the front line two days ago. Even though this was supposed to be an advise and assist mission only. Seems his team raided the mission low risk before elm embarking what happens part of the rescue force attempting to help distract 11 sales seals in a christian village. The pentagon was asked if they this was an intelligence failure. Obviously had we had the forces there, been able to see this attack coming, they would have responded differently it to. Perhaps this could have been avoided. Thats certainly something that were looking at carefully. Reporter this video shot reportedly shows the attack at that time killed the u. S. Navy seal. The house has been reduck tenant to call his combat, continuing to argue that u. S. Troops north combat. The president has not spoken publicly about the seals death. What the president will de, and previous president s as well, is to write letters to the families of those who of Service Members who have given their life for their country, and i anticipate the president will do that in this situation, too. Reporter an australian on that countrys most wanted list was killed in a u. S. Airstrike in iraq. He was an isis fighter who converted from buddhism in 2012 and traveled to syria a year later. He is a former rapper who was featured in isis recruitment videos and encouraged lone wolf attacks and was killed last week in a separate airstrike in syria. The pentagon said it killed a couple from sudan in australia, who were plotting attacks 0 on the u. S. And canada. Their nickname was americans in arabic but there was no evidence they had ever been to america. Thank you. A member of the u. S. Military is now suing president obama over the fight against the Islamic State. Army captain nathan smith claims the commander in chief does not have the Legal Authority to wage war against isis. Captain smith is an Intelligence Officer stationed in kuwait. He says he supports the fight on moral grounds but he claims its just illegal, unless congress signs off on it. So what about that . Lea gabrielle is here. Former u. S. Navy Intelligence Officer herself. As this is not a soldier on the ground or near the front lynn frippet line but has deployed in the campaign against isis help said in his declaration that even if he and his comrades cheered every air strike against isis and every setback, he says his conscious bothered him, saying, quote, how could i honor my oath when im fighting a war that the constitution does not allow or congress has not approved. His lawsuit points to the 1973 war powers resolution which requires that congress approve military action involving hostilities and a white house Spokesman Says he has a point. These are legitimate questions for every american to be asking. The truth is that 449 days ago, the president of the United States sent a detailed isil specific proposal to congress. Its theres for u. S. Of military force, and in fact in statement captain something i use the a different acronym when he talked about Congress Help said congress was awol, which is in military speak is absent without leave. The president has been operating enough post 9 11 congressional authorities for military action but the lawsuit basically says that doesnt apply to fighting isis. It is a question. Thank you. Been seems unprecedented. It just seems dish havent heard of this sort of thing happening. Really is somewhat unprecedented. Spoke with judge Andrew Napolitano and he said its very rare. Probably happened 25 times in american history, and not a single one has succeeded. Or the courts will say the soldier lacks standing. He says its going to come down to whether or not the court will accept the case. You heard him mention standing. He says thats a requirement in the constitution that in this case captain smith would have to show the president did something to directly harm him, but captain smiths Attorney Says that captain smith has a standing to request determination or whether or not he is fighting an illegal war. Thank you. An 11yearold girl spend he last moments of her life frightened in tears and begging to go home. But investigators say her attacker responded by beat can her with a tire iron, then leaving her soaked in blood to die alone in the desert. This happened at the Navajo Indian Reservation in new mexico. The victims name is ashllin mike. A stranger coaxer head little brother and her to a van but he had other plans. Her brother survived. She did not. Searchers found her body the next morning and the suspect here, appeared in court yesterday to face murder and kidnapping charges. Check the scene outside. [bleep] the victims family and other members of the tribe shouted and curled the suspect as authorities led him away. Trace gallagher with details on this. What else does the criminal complaint say . The Court Documents are disturbing, laying out the alleged convention, detail by detail. Appears the suspect first tried to pick up the victims older sister who was walking home ahead of her siblings. The older sister refused so the suspect kind down the road. The only recent ashlin got into the van was see hurt her foot and wanted a ride, and her little brother got in so she would not be alone. As soon as the suspect started driving to a remote area, the 11yearold started crying, begging to go home. The defendant says he picked up the girl was he intended to have sex with her and he hit her with a tire iron because she was screaming while he assaulted her. Concern over how the local Law Enforcement responsibled . Reporter mostly because the tribe does not have an amber alert system. So they have to rely on outside agencies. In this confession tom begay said when he left mike, she was bleeding and moving. Her brother ran for help. The boy moved to authorities about his sister and more than 100 people joined in the search, but the boy was confused about exactly where his sister was, so they ended up searching the wrong side of the road, and when they finally located her, she had died. Heres a tribal leader. If they would have put out an amber alert right away, i believe that they might have saved her life. Reporter others do, too. Even the tribal president admits they need to use modern Technology Much more effectively. Trace gallagher, thank you. A woman who is eight months pregnant spent six days under the rubble of a collapsed building and today rescuers pulled her out alive. Workers say they saved three people in kenya. Officials say at least 36 people died when the seven Story Building collapsed. Dozens missing. Earlier this week rescuers put a sixmonthold girl from the wreckage. She barely suffered a scratch. Too long since Southern California had major earthquake. According to a top scientist who says the next quick there could be devastating. whispers rocket 7 dahe was thinkingsnt about his joints. Ncing. But now hes taking osteo biflex, and noticing a real difference in his joint comfort. The feeling originates in this area. Spreads throughout the body. To here, inducing hilariously high levels of embarrassment in his son. He knows its working by that look of abject humiliation on his sons face. You were made to dance, phil. So dance. Shows improved joint comfort in just 7 days. Osteo biflex. Made to move. A wildfire now the size of the city of miami is burning out of control and people say it hasnt been its been raining ashes for days. Would you look at this. Its in canadas town of fort mcmurray. The province of albert attempt emergency crews reported it started over the weekend and forced 80,000 people to pack up and leave with more getting ready to go right now. Some images in our slideshow for you this afternoon. Incredible. You can see the wall of smoke and flames. Officials say its on the move. So far nobody reported killed or hurt, but the smoke. Heres a chopper trying to help fight the fire, speck there next to the big cloud of smoke. Lots of homes are gone now. Officials say hundreds have been burned. Entire neighborhoods destroyed. They say its been so hot and so dry there its just like a tinderbox, and heres a shot through somebodys windshield. Theres apparently just one road in and out of here, so traffic has been a nightmare. Parking lot, as they tried to leave. Southern california is long overdue for a massive earthquake. That is according to the leading earthquake scientist who spoke at a conference in long beach. That scientist is a man named Thomas Jordan. He claims Southern Californias section of the San Andreas Fault is, quote, locked and loaded and ready to roll help says the area has been too quiet for too long and that pressures been building up along the faultline for more than 100 years. Is warning when it actually slips the damage could be devastating. Jonathan hunt has the news. He is in hollywood, california. If the big one hits what kind of damage are they talking about . Reporter when these scientist talk about the big one, theyre talking about an earthquake in the region of an 8. 0. That is huge, and the devastating damage would be widespread. They say the Southern California Earthquake Center released a simulation showing the quick rippling along the San Andreas Fault, 30 miles from where were stand right now in hollywood. The Geological Survey released a report talking bat 7. 8 earthquake. They said that would cause something in the region of 1800 deaths, 50,000 injuries, and 200 billion in damage. Now, since 2008, of course, antiearthquake technology for buildings has improved. A lot of resident the fitting in Southern California, but even so when the big one comes its when, not if its going to be very bad indeed. But its not like theyre suggesting a time frame. Right . Reporter obviously we would all like a time frame more than anything else, but they cant be specific about that. There are a couple of clues health not had what they term a major earthquake along the san andreas since 1867. Secondly theres been a lot of seismic activity around the globe. With familiar with the devastating pictures out of he he can door last month, and the san andreas southern part is what is concerning scientists the full quote from Thomas Jordan is this. The brings on the san andreas system have been wound very, very tight, and the southern andreas fault in particular looks like its locked, loaded, and ready to go. So, big question, of course, as you say, when is it going to happen . Could be in Something Like five decades. Could be in five years, could be in five minutes. Thanks. Theres a rope youre not allowed to ride skateboards on a freeway in california but thoughts not stop something teenagers. Its so unbelievable. Check this out. Watch this teenager. Crazy, right . So, instead of going to the park to skate, they use the freeway. Theyre been doing this a long time now. Teenagers in Southern California, theyre taking to social media with the hash take freeway challenge, and recording this, this is very dangerous, California Police are cracking down and saying with we catch you well give you a pricey citation. Hope the police catch them and not a truck. Neats a banking. Johnny football is facing a possible year in jail. But seems he isnt taking it series youvely seriesous. Seriously. Well tell you what he found funny. Tom brady has his own cookbook but will set you back a good chunk of change. Wait until you hear what a brady cookbook costs. Hang tight. And you work hard to keep it that way. Sometimes, maybe too hard. Get claimrateguard® from allstate. It helps keep your homeowners rate from going up just because of a claim. Call an allstate agent first. 8884295722. Accident forgiveness from allstate will keep his rates from going up. But not his blood pressure. Michael james middle name. Not good. Get accident forgiveness from allstate and keep your rates from going up just because of an accident. And it starts the day you sign up. So whether its your car or home, let allstate help protect your rates. Talk to a local allstate agent and discover how much more their personal service can do for you. Call 8884295722 now. A judge in texas ordering Johnny Manziel to stay away from his exgirlfriend. Banning him from having guns, too. Johnny football is here in court today for the first time in his Domestic Violence case. He didnt enter a plea but his Attorney Says he plans to plead not guilty. His executioned of hitting her and threatening to kill her in a night out in january. Todays Court Appearance was a spectacle with cameras everywhere. Theirs is manziels mug shot. When it came out he sent out a tweet, which he deleted, quote, just thankful i have a shirt ties them. Unquote. A refer reps to this mugshot which went viral in 2012 after his arrest for having a affection i. D. The former Heisman Trophy winner faces up to a jeer in jail. He is due back in court next month. Manziels football career has, well, fizzled. As the Cleveland Browns cut him, and hi agents and sponsors have dumped him as well. If you have 200 to burn, tom brady just put out a cookbook. Let that sink in. It costs 200. What the hell is in it . Recipes. Com . Whats so special here . 200 because theyre billing it also a lifestyle thing, and its an entire nutritional manual with a nice wooden cover, a cute little book, and the recipes something they have on a regular basis including avocado ice cream. We dont know what is in the book but we know what is not. Toms chef says they do not eat salt, do not eat olive oil no sugar no flour. What is sunset taters . No taters. I thought pepper was good. Not good on your stomach. Tom says he want to share with you another step towards achieving your peak performance, if you think the 200 is bad, mrs. Brady has a collection of her photos, 700 if you want the special copy. For the rest of us theres an 80 book. You get pictures of giselle. They need the money. A houston man is suing justin bieber, claiming the sicker smashed his control phone the guy says it happened after the tried to record the biebs chugging beer from a bong. According to the lawsuit bieber clamped the phone into pieces and the man claims he lost thousands of pictures and local information. Hes asking the court to force bieber to pay 75,000 in damage. No word from the biebs. This isnt hit first brush with the law help was arrested on miami beach accused of drag reys in 2514 and that same year played money to a neighbor to settle vandalism allegations after he egged the house. Well be back with a look at app an american who went on a Daring Mission that pushed the boundaries boundaries of exploration forever and it happened this day in history. Looking for balance in your digestive system . Try align probiotic. For a nonstop, sweet treat goodness, hold on to your tiara kind of day. Live 24 7. With 24 7 digestive support. Try align, the 1 ge recommended probiotic. Until one of you clipst da food truck. Then your rates go through the roof. Perfect. For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise your rates due to your first accident. Liberty mutual insurance. Has to be a first. Passengers actually rooting for babies to cry on an airplane. [crying] a nightmare. Happened on a recent jetblue flight from new york to california. The Company Offered a 20 discount to passengers every time a baby cried. That means for cranky kids got a free roundtrip ticket. Part thereof airlines mothers day promotion, asking travelers to be more understanding. If we dont start trying to make babies cry, jetblue says this is a oneoff. On this day in 1961 an american went into space for the first time. Millions of people watched on television as allen shepherd flew more than hundred miles before the planet. He was in a tiny capsule that could only fit one person. The whole thing lasted 15 minutes before the spacecraft plashed down in the to atlantic ocean. His journey paved the way for more Daring Missions. He walked on the moon but the First American in space, what a ride, 55 years ago. Today. Should news break out, well break in because thats why they pay us to do. When Something Big and weird happens hell be back. Until then, your world is coming up. Maybe he can explain the dow. The numbers are pretty good. Neil will have that. Politics and all you need to get your game going, and our primetime lineup begins with mr. Bill oreilly and then megyn kelly and then after that, hannity. Its going to be a party all day. Now im beginning to piece together why Bernie Sanders wife was saying were in this race to stay. Could it be there be because of the Hillary Clinton email front. There are troubles on the Hillary Clinton email front. To mike emanuel with the latest. Reporter good afternoon. While Hillary Clinton would love to shift her focus to november and the general election and taking on donald trump, the issue of her emails during her time as secretary of state is not going away. Hi colleague, catherine herridge, brought to the hacker who was brought to the

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