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Good wednesday afternoon from the deck. Think the russians are backing down now after separatists are accused of killing 298 innocents on a passenger jet, youd better think again. Russianbacked rebels say they blew two ukrainian fighter jets right out of the sky today. And not far from where that doomed Malaysia Airlines jet went down. The separatist website claims they shot down ukrainian jets like this one. The rebels say one pilot died and that right now theyre hunting for another who ejected. The fighter jets went down about 20 miles south and east of where the boeing 777 crashed and killed everybody on board. The United States and ukraine accuses separatists of shooting down the jet with a missile. They deny the charge. But the evidence speaks volumes. U. S. Officials go even further and blame the russians for creating the conditions that led to that disaster. But they say they do not yet have any direct evidence that Russian Forces pulled the trigger. Now nearly a week after the crash, investigators say they reviewed one of the jets black boxes, and they say theres no sign that anybody tampered with it. Of course, it will take time to review all the data. Also today, the first of the victims bodies arrived in the netherlands. The country that had the most of the victims held a mourning day today. 40 coffins arrived in holland today on military planes. Crews say it could take days to transport all of the bodies. Meantime, dutch officials heading up the investigation say they still have not been able to access the crash site. Teams on the ground say the site still isnt secure. The frustrated australian Prime Minister says the chaos at the scene means some victims remains could rot at the crash site for months. Its quite possible that many bodies are still out there in the open, in the european summer, subject to interference and subject to the ravages of heat and animals. The ravages of heat and animals. The tension has even ukraines lawmakers turning on each other. A debate over how to defend the country turned into a brawl. Steve harrigan is in the east of ukraine in donetsk. Do we know if the rebels used the same type of weapon today that brought down that civilian jet . Reporter shepard, its not likely at this point. Those two Ukrainian Government jets were downed while flying at a lower altitude. Theyre generally infantry support jets, su25s. They were helping support a ukrainian offensive right now very close to the border with russia. So flying low enough to be struck by shouldermounted less sophisticated antiair missiles, man pads. Thats what likely brought these two down, as you say, right near the russian border and right near this crash site. Its no accident that the lead dutch investigators havent yet even made it to the site when you have this hot war going on all around it with more planes knocked out of the sky today, shepard. Incredible scenes of tribute and a contrast there for those who went to the netherlands today, the bodies of those victims. Do we have a sense yet for how long the identification process may take, steve . Reporter a real remarkable turnaround in how those bodies were treated after two days in the sun, a day on a soviet refrigerator train car where the air conditioning was broken and transport planes suddenly met by military honor guards and into their own hearses, a real turnaround as far as respect goes. The identification process has begun immediately. Some of those remains and bodies will be instantly identifiable. Others could take anywhere from days to weeks depending on the conditions. So it could still be a long process for many of the families waiting repatriation of their loves ones. Steve harrigan in the eastern area of contested ukraine. Steve, thanks very much. A senior official tells fox news now that the Obama Administration is ready to slap russia with more economic punishments if that country does not help end the fighting in ukraine, and clearly it has not helped yet. The United States today banned people and companies with american ties from dealing with some of russias Biggest Companies including the kremlinrun oil company. That official says the United States could take even more extreme steps if russias president , Vladimir Putin, doesnt get the ukrainian rebels to stand down, which clearly so far they have not. Lets go to washington now and former United States ambassador to ukraine, william taylor, is with us. Ambassador taylor, thank you. Thank you. Youd have thought in the days after 298 civilians met a bloody end that they might be able to calm things down a bit. It has been quite the contrast. I mean, they are still at it. They are still at it, and this goes back to mr. Putins choice. He can either continue to support these rebels, these separatists, and to keep them still at it, as you say, or he can disavow them, move away from them, he can cut them off from the supplies and the equipment and the weapons and the training and the leadership thats clearly been going across the border from russia into ukraine. We have to decide, we have to figure out what hes going to do, whether hes going to double down on the separatists or whether hes going to disown them. We like to think that we run the world, but we dont. And its the europeans right now who are the problem. Its the europeans who are not stepping up. I understand all the reasons. I think a lot of our audience does as well. But how long can you will et this guy murder people . He should not be allowed to let he should not be allowed to murder people at all from now on, forever. The europeans do need to step up. They need to step up today. My sense is that the shooting down of this aircraft, this civilian airliner, is a game changer, is a change that doesnt look like it yet. It doesnt look like it yet. They need to but there are indications, at least statements, that they understand that the europeans understand, the british, the french, the germans, the dutch, of course, understand that this is different from it was last week. It needs to change. I dont know how its different. If im sitting in london right now and these russian oligarchs, mind you, as many of our viewers know, have a lot of their money locked up in london by the billions of dollars. So suddenly the United Kingdom is going to go, okay . No, theyre not. And so far the same from Angela Merkel in germany. They get 40 of their energy from over there. This is a real mess. This is a real mess, and you could go on and talk about the french. You could. Who are about to sell one or two naval ships to the russians, to allow them to move their helicopters. This has to stop. I believe that the discussions among the europeans prompted by the strong steps, relatively strong steps that the americans have taken last week and again indicated today will lead them in that direction. The hawks around here will tell you that Vladimir Putin only understands one thing, and thats force. Of course, they say that about everybody and everything on earth, but in this case they might be right. They might be right. And there are people presumably talking about force, but i dont think its the United States says talking about force in ukraine. What we are talking about doing is supporting the ukraine in their security efforts, building up their security capabilities, hardening the nato defenses against any other moves by the russians against any nato allies, having nato work with ukraine and have joint exercises so those kind of things need to take place. But the economic pressure is the immediate steps that we can take. The former u. S. Ambassador to the ukraine, william taylor, with us from d. C. Mr. Ambassador, thank you. Thank you. Well, its been a disastrous week, obviously, for the Asian Airline industry. Another jet crashed today, killed 47 people. This time some passengers actually made it out alive. This one happened in taiwan. It was a transasia turboprop jet i said jet, i meant plane a turboprop that crashed and broke apart, destroyed homes and cars on the ground. Rescuers pulled 11 survivors from it. Bad storms in the area had already led to airlines canceling some 200 other flights, and theres video from the scene on our website at foxnews. Com. The United Nations releasing a blistering report on the impact of the terror group isis in iraq and whether Security Forces did enough to protect civilians. Plus, more on the ultimatum for iraqi christians. And weve seen more than a dozen oil train derailments in the past year and a half. One killed 47 people. Now the feds say they have a plan that could help prevent some future wrecks. So what will they do . Thats coming up from the fox news deck on this wednesday afternoon. Ever dream of being the hero . Hey, you guys mind warming this fella up for me . Im gonna go back down, i saw some recyclables. Be him with verizon xlte. Find a car service. Weve doubled our 4g lte bandwidth thanks in cities coast to coast. Hey, dont worry, i got this. So save the day with verizon xlte. On the largest, most reliable network. Get the new lg g3 with a quad hd display and 13 megapixel camera for 99. 99 who gets the allstate safemma, driving bonus check. Rock beats scissors wife beats rock. And with two checks a year, everyone wins. Switch today and get two safe driving bonus checks a year for driving safely. Only from allstate. Call 8772182500 now. Zach really loves his new camera. Problem is. This isnt zach. Its a friend of a friend who was at zachs party and stole his camera. But zachs got it covered. 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Thats from a recent United Nations report. It also reveals that iraqi forces and allied fighters there have not taken steps to protect innocent people. So far the fighting is reportedly killed nearly 5,600 civilians this year ppt the u. N. Held a meeting today to discuss the fighting and the latest isis fighting and the groups threats to christians in iraq. Remember, isis forces and those who joined with them have already captured a wide swath of the country over the last couple of months. The red slashes up on this map show you just how big this sunni militantcontrolled area is. And you can see it also stretches over into parts of syria. In fact, a large part of the north and east. Iraqi Officials Say that in recent weeks, isis has transported oil from iraq to syria for processing before they sell it in mosul in the north there. The same city that isis forces have given kris chabs an ultimatum. That ultimatum to christians, convert to islam, pay a tax, or die. Fox news chief correspondent Jonathan Hunt joins us with us on the deck. Convert to islam, pay a tax, or die. This is a desperate situation for nonmuslims. Yeah, and for anybody who is a nonsunni muslim, shia muslims also facing the same threats. But to focus on the threats against christians in mosul just about one decade ago, there was Something Like 100,000 christians. In the face of this ongoing violence and these threats, there are said today to be just about 200. Many of them fleeing for their lives. And this, according to the u. N. Special representative for iraq, is why. Listen. Christians have been given an ultimatum to convert, pay a tax, leave or face imminent execution. Theyre facing systematic abductions, killings or the destruction of their property. The houses of minority residents in the city have been marked. And just to explain that a little bit, the isis militants are acting according to a tradition of the jizya contract which offered protection to nonmuslims if they paid a protection fee in effect. Now, the only options that isis is now giving nonsunni muslims are in that area or convert to islam or face death as isis puts it by the sword. Aside from converting, does anybody have any solutions . No easy ones, certainly. The iraqi army quite simply does not have the ability to drive isis out of the areas which it has taken control of. The Iraqi Government has not exactly been a paragon of tolerance in its treatment of shia muslims. That is one of the reasons why we are seeing these situations. Now, so much so that the u. N. Special representative said the only way to solve this is what he called a political and social package addressing the concerns of all communities. That hardly seems likely to come about in the current climate, which is why that special representative said the following, shep, which to me was the most sobering sentence of his entire long presentation today. He said, quote, it is clear that iraq will never be as it was before the fall of mosul. Not much optimism there. No, certainly not. Jonathan hunt, thank you. Here in north america, a series of explosive train wrecks over the past year has transportation officials now calling for a total overhaul of how trains move oil and gas around. 47 people died last year in canada when a runaway oil Freight Train caught fire and exploded, leveling most of an entire town. Investigators say that tanker cars are too easy to rupture. Under a proposal from the department of transportation, thousands of older rail tank cars that could carry fuel would be phased out over the next couple of years. Regulators say that theyre considering a speed limit of 30 miles an hour near cities, but railroad executives say that would tie up train traffic all the way across the nation. Word broke this afternoon that the feds are now extending a travel ban on flights to israels Main International airport in tel aviv because of safety concerns. And youd Better Believe israels going to take a hit in tourism. Thats next along with what the leader of hamas just said about what it would take to stop this fighting. The crisis in the middle east as Shepard Smith reporting continues in a moment. vo watching. Waiting. For that moment, where right place meets right time. And when i find it i go for it. announcer at s for trading. Thats why we give you the edge, with innovative charting and trading features, plus powerful mobile apps so youre always connected, wherever you are. Because at scottrade, our passion is to power yours. Breaking news, there will be no truce in the middle east. A live look at gaza city. The leader of hamas says that the group has rejected an offer for a ceasefire and says that in the future, hamas will not accept any proposals to stop the fighting unless and until theres a complete lift of the blockade on gaza. A blockade that israel and egypt imposed some seven years ago. John huddy live along the border with more. John . Reporter jayeah, shepard, shears been an intense amount of fighting. In fact, things have really accelerated just a short time ago. Weve got a lot of this. Take a look. As ceasefire talks continue, the action does as well here on the israel gaza border. Flares are being put up in the distance for israeli troops as they continue to move in on one area in particular. This is an area that has seen intense fighting over the last 16 days since operation protective edge started. And in particular, the last six days as the ground assault has continued. Now, forces continue to move into that area. You can see all the flares. We see artillery fire, cannon fire in the distance. We hear machine gunfire as well. And now more rockets are being fired out of gaza, targeting israel. And these look like the longrange rockets. So as the fighting continues on the ground, were hearing that those rockets that were just fired were actually targeting the airport in tel aviv. And the fighting continues even right now, shepard. I can hear artillery fire in the distance. So whether any ceasefire agreement materializes, it sounds like, as you mentioned at the top, thats not going to happen. Fighting very much continues behind me here along the israel gaza border. Shepard. John huddy live for us, thanks. There will be no truce, as i mentioned, and no United States airlines will be flying to israel at least for another day. The federal Aviation Administration has extended its flight ban from yesterday, now forbidding any american jets from going into or out of tel avivs airport for another 24 hours. The faas initial order came after a rocket landed about a mile from tel avivs airport. You can see the rocket strike over there off the airport. Its the only major airport in israel that accepts flights from abroad. The state Department Today confirmed that hamas does, in fact, have rockets that can reach that airport. Hamass antiaircraft missile capabilities are still being determined. We dont have confirmation that hamas has launched heatseeking missiles during the conflict or that they have access to missiles like those we saw bring down the tark in ukraine. The faa working very closely with the intelligence community, with people that do analysis on these kind of things before they make these determinations. Now, in addition to the faas ban, more than a dozen International Airlines have also canceled flights to tel aviv. It comes at the peak of the tourism season in israel. Last year tourism revenue amounted in about 11. 5 billion. Analysts say last year was a record and that this year was on track to top it by about 10 before the tensions erupted and deadly fighting. Maria bartiromo anchors opening bell on fox business. Hamas standing up saying this is a great victory, not allowing planes to land there. What a blow to the economy. Absolutely. And you know, hamas wants to isolate israel. What better way to isolate israel than to just ban flights in and out of the country . Look, tourism is very important. You mentioned the 11 billion in tourism revenue. Add to that another almost 3 billion just for hotel revenues. So that is also under the tourism umbrella. So you really have the consequence of impacting economic vibrancy that was the case in israel for a long time. Look, tourism is incredibly important. Were already seeing Incoming Tourism down because of the gaza rocket strikes, and already it is accounting for about 5 of exports. Tourism overall is 1. 5 to 2 of gdp. Sounds like a small number. Its not. It actually is an increasingly important number for israel. So now youve got all sorts of people basically saying look. The u. S. Is against israel once again. And theyre questioning whether or not this is because of safety concerns or because its a rush to judgment. You have to believe there are safety concerns, shep, but is this going to continue beyond 24 hours . Thats where the rubber meets the road. Secretary of state kerry, like the Israeli Government said land over here, please show the world that this is okay. I dont know how you take chances in this day and age. Look what Michael Bloomberg did. He gets on an et al flight and goes there. Im not trying to make any point. I just want people to know that its safe. Again, hes obviously trying to make pa poithat point. There was a time if israel were having a war with gaza or even hezbollah out of lebanon, that in tel aviv theyre sitting around drinking coffee. Its a whole new world now. And unfortunately these things feed on one another. Once you have the u. S. Airlines having a certain tact to cancel all flights, then you have the Foreign Airlines following suit and then any word of any more fighting, you no he, making it look like its getting worse and worse. Which we dont know around that airport. This is the first time weve actually seen hamas be able to get so close to this airport. Maria bartiromo from opening bell with Maria Bartiromo weekday mornings. See you in the morning. Thank you so much, shep. Were getting a slew of Court Documents in the case of a marines missing wife. Now the police say the pregnant wife is apparently dead. After she went on a hunting trip with not just another marine but another marine who is her lover and who is also married. The details ahead. Plus, do you live in one of the nations laziest states . The feds out today with a brandnew list and some of the results may surprise you. The laziest state in all of america. The truth is, the states arent lazy. Were the lazy ones. [ male announcer ] hands were made for playing. Legs, for crossing. Feet. Splashing. Better things than the joint pain and swelling of moderate to severe rheumatoid arthritis. If youre trying to ma, now may be time to ask about xeljanz. Xeljz tofacitinib is a small pill, not an injection or infusion, for adults with moderate to severe ra for whom methotrexate did not work well. Xeljanz can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. Seris, sometimes fatal infections and cancers have happened in patients taking xeljanz. Dont start xeljanz if you have any infection, unless ok with your doctor. Tears in the stomach or intestines, low bod cell counts and higher liver tes and cholesterol levels have happened. Your doctor should perform blood tts before you start and while taking xeljanz, and roinely check certain liver tests. 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Firefighters say theyve now contained 16 of it, up from just 2 yesterday. And the Costa Concordia is finally departing more than two years after it collapsed off the coast. Tugboats are pulling that cruise ship to a port where crews to set to dismantle it. The captain, of course, is on trial for manslaughter in a z disaster that killed some 32 people. A thriller ripped from the headlines. Something you need to know. [ female announcer ] theres a gap out there. Thats keeping you from the healthcare you deserve. At humana, we believe if healthcare changes, if it becomes simpler. If frustration and paperwork decrease. If grandparents get to live at home instead of in a home. The gap begins to close. So lets simplify things. Lets close the gap between people and care. Police are now searching for a missing marines wife. They say someone in here eventually shot and killed her after her lover discovered she was pregnant and took her on a hunting trip. Thats one of the new details were learning from Court Documents. They show that the woman was apparently having an affair with a married former marine. I know, there are no former marines, but he wasnt active anymore. Anyway, he lived next door and he could be the father of her your hon unborn child. The woman is but 20 years old. According to documents she told a friend the two planned a special day together to celebrate her pregnancy. That was when she went missing more than three weeks ago. Police have been searching for her ever since, and theyve been doing so in the Joshua Tree National park. The area is very remote, as you can see here. You have to go out at least three large swipes. This is desert palm and la quinta and palm springs, california. So its about due east of palm springs and really out in the middle of nowhere. They say cops and hundreds of volunteers have scoured a huge section of the desert there in southern california. And you can see how remote the area was. Court documents show the former marine told police that he did go hunting in the park but said at the time he was alone. The documents also show that he changed his story. First he claimed he hardly knew this woman, and later he said well, they had kissed, but she denied having sex with her. And then theres this. According to Court Documents, the mans wife told a friend that without a body, detectives didnt have a case against her husband and her and that those detectives would never find the body. Trace gallagher is live at our west coast news hub for us this afternoon. Trace, never find a body, that suggestions she knows something. Yeah. Well, they know a lot, shep, because police are finding out through Court Documents they found out about this affair initially from another neighbor who confirmed that, in fact, Christopher Lee, the former marine you talked about, and erin corwin were having an affair and then corwins friend back in tennessee, as she confirmed the affair including Text Messages to back up her claim and one text message she says that erin told her Christopher Lee was worried that if his wife found out about this whole thing including her being pregnant, that she would divorce him and keep him away from his child. But now Police Believe that wife is now heavily involved. And not just saying that the body wont be found, but also telling her landlord that police missed something when they searched the couples home and saying that she had to berate her husband for not keeping his lies straight. That couple, by the way, has now moved back to alaska, and the marine you see there, jonathan corwin, has now taken an extended leave from the ma enradio e rines while they search for his wife. What more do we know about Police Evidence . The lover, Christopher Lee, admits he had a. 22caliber weapon. They also found shell casings, but they cant find that weapon either. They did find the car of erin corwin a short distance from where she lived, and there were shoe tracks leading away from that car just a single set, and they disappeared at another cars tracks and the tracks of that car, guess what, they match Christopher Lees car. Her lover, the search for erin corwin goes on. Police still say this is a missing persons report until they get some hard evidence, which they do not yet have, shep. Trace gallagher in los angeles. Trace, thanks very much. Lets get to Mercedes Colwin now. Fox legal analyst. The woman is married, shes 20. Right. Shes married to a marine. She goes on a date. Hunting. Hunting trip with another marine who has his own baby and his own wife to celebrate, and she never comes back. Exactly. Doesnt it sound like these wagons are circling and the fly is the ointment is the lovers wife who comes forward and says theyll never find the body. Doesnt that just tell you, one, probably shes complicit in what happened to this young woman. And two, that she knows a lot more than what shes saying. When she said you dont have a case without a body, shes not far off. Well, but i mean, you do, but its harder to prove because theres always whats reasonable doubt . Some juror can say, you dont have a body. You cant tell me how she was killed. You cant tell me definitively who killed her. And without that body, you dont have those ballistics. Thats one thing about jurors. They have that csi effect. They always look for all the evidence. Why doesnt everything just line up . And especially when you dont have the major evidence in a murder, the body, it becomes very questionable. We saw that with a lot of the cases weve covered. So if youre investigators, you have to hope for mistakes which it sounds like theyve got with this woman blabbing and b, lean on people and hard. Great point because theyre going to lean on the wife or husband. It sounds like the husband has already been flubbing with detectives, changing his story. Hes the weakest link. Their defense is only as strong as the weakest link. Theyre going to start to lean on that husband who may ultimately crack. What you do is you try to get one to tell on another in exchange for something. Exactly. Start with the husband and say look, you have life in prison, that, parole, but if you dont give up your wife and what happened to this young mother, then theres really no deal in hand. Mercedes colwin, well follow it. Thank you. A new survey shows more teenagers are turning to Human Growth Hormone or hgh to get ahead in sports. According to the partnership for drugfree kids, 11 of high school students, nearly one in ten, admits that he or she has taken hgh at least once in the last year. Thats almost double what it was in 2012. The number was about the same for boys and girls. 12 of boys admits they took hgh versus 9 of girls. Again, these are the ones who admit it. Researchers blame Online Marketing and a lack of drug testing in high schools. They also say some students took hgh to improve their looks. Not just their athletic abilities. Well, do you like do you live in a happy place or a miserable place . Theres a new study which shows which cities in america are the happiest and which are the most unhappy. I dont really believe in this one because i think theyre wrong about one city. Arent you pretty happy right now . Im happy in new york city. I love it here. Its not like we have a hard life here. We dont. But i dont know. Most unhappy places. Louisville . Really . Louisville at number three. So shep, this study i really like louisville a lot. Yeah, its a pretty nice place. Yeah, theyve got horses beautiful country and great people and lots to do. Most unhappy place in america, third most. Congratulations, louisville. I dont buy it. Researchers from harvard and university of british columbia. No wonder. In canada came up with this. They analyzed data from the cdc over the past decade. It looked at people who lived in various places all over the country and asked them, are you very satisfied with where you live or very dissatisfied . Number three was louisville. Number two was pittsburgh, pennsylvania. Pittsburgh. Wait, wait, they have fries on salads, pierogis and the steelers. Maybe its the steelers part. Pretty happy. Number one is new york and these researchers say that the reason that people tend to flock to new york is maybe because of the higher salaries. But in turn, theyre pretty miserable. Do you know what i think about that . I think they found the places where people bitched the most, where people complain the most, i should say, i guess. Where people complain the most. Maybe thats what it is. Because were not unhappy here. We just fight it out. Im pretty happy. Fight it out. Philadelphia was also number ten. Here are the happiest cities. Happiest cities in the america. Wait till you see number three. Look at that. How could you be happy in that place . D. C. Comes in at number three. Good lord, the swamp that they drained and put a government in it. Norfolk, virginia, comes in at number two and richmond is number one. I like richmond. And norfolk, too, very much. I dont know about this d. C. Crap, though. Yeah. All right. So youre happy in d. C. And youre angry and sad in new york. Whatever they say. Meantime, the centers for Disease Control and prevention in atlanta released its list of the nations laziest states. You know, i know where this is going. It always goes there. I think they just like to believe it, once a year they come out with this list. This one from alabama. Sweet home alabama at number five. Im sorry. But this list is about sort of how much time you exercise during your leisure time. So if your job is, you know, carrying around lumber, that doesnt count. Right. But it should. I just hope theyre hustling in tuscaloosa. Thats my number one. Sounds more like auburn to me. They can be lazy in auburn all they want. Number four is louisiana. Its hot. Yeah. Long, hot summer. Yeah. And number two, tied, tennessee and west virginia. Okay. The laziest state in america. Mississippi. We top a lot of lists. Alabama is very thankful for you guys. We used to say we were thankful for louisiana and arkansas. Now were the laziest, fattest, the poorest. Its all a lie. It is a lie. Oxford aint like none of that. Nice to see you. Stop being so lazy. I know. Got to go tell everybody to hustle back home. Youre anything but lazy. Nice to see you. Its like a biblical plague. Blanketing entire areas along the mississippi river. Ahead, some incredible images and how those bugs are blamed for a highway crash. And then theres this. Stop paying thousands of dollars for car repairs you dont need. No, this is not a geico commercial. Coming, how to avoid ripoffs at the repair shop. And save yourself a bundle. Were very helpful. So were lazy and angry and i dont know, whatever else they can think of. Woooo. I know what youre thinking. Youre thinking beneful. [announcer]and why wouldnt he be . Beneful has wholesome grains,real beef,even accents of spinach,carrots and peas. It has carbohydrates for energy and protein for those serious muscles. [guy] aarrrrr [announcer]even accents of vitaminrich veggies. [guy] so happy you love it so much. Yes you do but its good for you,too. [announcer] healthful. Flavorful. Beneful. From purina. Well, this is nasty. An annual hatch of may flies in wisconsin has triggered a swarm of the bugs thats so huge it showed up on weather radar. Look at this. Ive got it here. This is not thunderstorms coming across lacrosse. Hear how i did that, across lacrosse . This is may flies showing up on the freakin weather radar. Thats from the National Weather service. A loop of it on sunday night. You can see the swarm just coming right up out of the mississippi river. Seen all along the river here, up come the may flies. Photographer in the area has just said it was just terrifying. Look at this. Ive got some still pictures that are kind of interesting. This is a gas station. And see this . May flies everywhere. This is an atm thats just covered everything up. Slide three now. Local media reports indicate that the bugs made the road so slippery from squished bugs that they caused a threecar crash on a highway. Look at that. Incredible. Heres another gas pump. Apparently may flies love gas. According to researchers in our brain room, adult may flies live from about two minutes to two days. They only live they only live long enough to get it done. Just to reproduce. Look at this down here. Look at that. Thats dead bugs. Think what it would sound like to step on that. Crunch, crunch, getting blood and guts all over your feet. Move out of wisconsin. Theyre not even unhappy in wisconsin. Look at the closeup here. Look at that. Theyre everywhere. A hatch of these bugs in minnesota in 2012 was reportedly so bad that officials had to use a snowplow to clear the roads. May flies in wisconsin, dont you know. Well, if you own a car or truck, then you know it costs a lot more than just the sticker price. Take a look at our wall. Hmm. There i am. I dont know what that is. According to the latest data from aaa, the average american owner will spend nearly 9,000. Thats so weird. Thats the weirdest looking thing ive ever seen. Anyway, it includes things like gas. Gas and insurance and auto maintenance. But analysts say millions of americans are paying more than they should. Thousands of dollars more. The federal trade commission and the Better Business Bureau Report one of the biggest complaints they get every year is auto repair fraud. Gerri willis is with us with some special tips how you can avoid auto repair fraud. She hosts the willis report at 5 00 eastern time. How do i avoid that . You dont go there and then you avoid it. Sometimes youve got to have repairs or youve got to have maintenance, right . Once youre out of warranty, you have to establish a relationship with an independent repair shop, right . And its got to be people who know youre coming back. Youre not here one time just to do something. Youre coming back so if you have a problem, if they do more than they should, if they upsell you, theyll be in trouble. Also, so the language of cheaters is transmission or engine flush. If theyre trying to take advantage of you, especially women, you know who you are, theyre coming after you, the flush, the transmission or engine flush. And one of the things you can rely on is the owners manual. And then well tell you exactly what kinds of upgrades you need over time to keep it running the way you want it to. Its free and clear. Various makes and models. Weve got camaros, cadillacs,si. Its not the ignition switch. Everything from modes that dont work to tears in airbags, all kinds of different things. Go to our website, ger gerriwillis. Com. This is 17,000. This is like 12 million that theyve recalled. So they have now, as i understand it, they have, as i understand it, they have now recalled more cars than theyve sold in the past two years. Thats great. General motors, congratulations. Gerri, thanks. Youre welcome. More of the headlines. First, washington state. Investigators there say a helicopter crashed as it was picking up cedar blocks for a logging operation north and east of seattle. Told you about this yesterday when it happened. Investigators say the choppers tail clipped a cable and spun right out of control. Officials say the pilot survived and that paramedics took him to the hospital with facial wounds and possible internal injuries. Massachusetts, prosecutors have filed more charges against a 15yearold boy whom they say killed his teacher. They say this time the teen choked and beat a woman worker inside the youth detention facility where the state is the beat a woman worker inside the youth detention facility where the state is holding him. Hes already pleaded not guilty to killing this High School Math teacher. He now faces additional charges including attempted murder. Minutes from now, were expecting big news from facebook. T theyve faced criticism for i think this means trendier. Trendier siting. Fox business newss jolene kent will join us to tell us what these trendinger sites are. This multidevice charger. Charge all your devices at once to save you time. A 30 value, free call the number on your screen or go to lifelock. Com easy. Try the most comprehensive Identity Theft protection available risk free for 60 days plus get a 30 multidevice charger, free. Enrollment takes just minutes. Your protection starts immediately. Call the number on your screen or go to lifelock. Com easy. Facebook is set to release its Quarterly Earnings in just seven minutes. The social media giant is raking in the cash and performing much better than it did just a couple of years ago after its botched initial public offering. Now Analysts Expect facebook to report 3 billion in revenue, a 55 increase from last year. Total revenue has grown almost every single quarter, doubling in the last two years, everything but q1 of 14. Well, all about mobile ad revenue. More than half of the revenue coming into facebook is on your smartphone. Those tiny little ads are doing very well for facebook. Their entire mobile strategy is becoming very successful after they initially dropped the ball. What you should know is take a look at this. The Global Mobile ad revenue, facebook of all is second place in the world. Theyre already inching closer and closer to googles mobile ad share, 46 . This is becoming a mustadvertise place for brands, nor companies, for everything you consume. Deck hands, has anyone in this room ever clicked a mobile app . Anyone . I havent either. Thats what theyre trying to change. Yeah, good luck. Theyre implements this buy button inside the app. If you want to know where the cool kids are going, theres this theory that facebook is a longterm or shorttermms to problem because the ads revenue keep going up. A lot of companies believe this is the way you reap young people. The kids used to be on facebook now theyre on snapchat, instagram. You mentioned instagram. Thats the one to watch. Embassy facebook owns it. Bought it for a billion dollar. Theyve started running ads. Were starting to get word on what that is if its even working. Numbers after the bell. Thanks a lot. Well be right back. I do a lot oresearch on angies list before i do any projects on my home. I love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angies list for bringing us together. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. Factors like diet can negatively impact good bacteria . Even if youre healthy and active. Phillips Digestive Health support is a duoprobiotic that helps supplement good bacteria found in two parts of your digestive tract. Im doubly impressed phillips Digestive Health. A daily probiotic. And on this day in 1988 the hard rock legends guns n roses topped the billboard charts for the first time with sweet child o mine. The band formed from the ashes of two other rock groups based out of los angeles. A year after they signed gnr released their debut album featuring the single welcome to the jungle. The track was slow to take off really in the beginning and the band didnt see much success until the catchy rift sweet child o mine hit the airwaves. Many consider this song among rock n rolls greatest and the album is now considered a classic. And guns n roses hit the big time 26 years ago today. Sadly this just reminds me of guitar hero now. Kind of annoying. Guitar hero ruined a lot of songs. I really enjoyed guitar hero before it became passe and awful like facebook. Maybe well have something old from the 80s like all of us. Dow no good. See you later. This just in, just dont fly to tel aviv that is because the faa just extended for another 24 hours its travel ban to israel. Too dangerous and six days after the downing of that malaysian airline, too risky. When Michael Bloomberg says too much, the former new york city mayor defined that ban and soon talking to us. First to Conner Powell in gaza city on how folks there are dealing with the ban. Reporter we understand really for the first time in the past several days where efforts have been under way to try to negotiate some type of

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