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Thank you, andy. It reminds me. I need work done. Lets welcome our guests. Michelle obama banned her in school. I am here with joanne nosuchunsky. He has a background in improve. The former aid to former senator chuck schumer, Christopher Hahn p he appeared on the mclaughlin group. He thinks we has the sharpest minds and talk. The editor of the national review, rich, lowry. And he is the smartest man in the world and he has the book to prove. It actor, comedian and author. Lets start the show. It is being called the big e meeting of 2016 by meetings magazine. Donald trump and paul ryan meeting together. The gop nominee and the House Speaker left rnc headquarters on thursday with a much more unified outlook. In a joint statement they urged republicans to, quote, unite around our shared principals and advance a conservative uh general agenda. Before they arrived it was a media circus. The journalists and the spectators thronged the streets. One observer said you would think a diety would drop in. No diety. Msnbc had a count down clock. They were counting down to an event that was not even televised and then the trump fans who showed up in large numbers. [cheering]. Trump fans say they are not phased by some of his more controversial remarks. We will support him either way. We will be on his side. Some fans waited a longtime to see trump and ryan in person. 28 hours now. We got here at, what, 2 00 or 3 00 yesterday . And here is a Paul Ryan Super fan who was lucky enough to get close to her hero. How long were you actually in his presence breathing the same air . Like maybe three minutes, but it was totally worth it. It was totally worth it, right . Why all of the hype about this . There is something about this they love to stress the fractured republican party. Do you think thats it . The speaker of the house is at least reluctant to endorse the nominee. The end game is obvious. You will see almost every elected official getting on board the trump train and only getting off if it seems like it is going off the rails in october. Is that why they want to stay ready to jump . It will be highly tentative on the part of these folks. And ryan represents a different strain on the right than trump does, obviously. You maybe he took some comfort that trump came out with the muslim ban as a suggestion. I thought it was his iconic signature policy initiative. If you look at the exit polls it was the single most positive issue. 68 of people think it was the single most powerful suggestion. I dont think he know whats a politician calling for something actually means because he hasnt been one very long. Arent they all suggestion, chris . They are all suggestions and everyone has one. But when you are running for president your suggestions matter a little more. I i know paul i know paul ryan is. I look at the women crying and i think they are crying because they think they will be de rt poked if that man is elected. What was that we used . Justin bieber . It was bieber. They have that kind of popularity. Arent you impressed that he has a multicultural following . Children of all ages and calibers can root for him. It is hard to root for trump unless you are going for the furor. It is funny because the far right in the country, they have the most trouble with trump. Dont you think he has more policies toward the right . I mean toward the center . The center of the center of the country. Why do you think his whole thing is he will be able to pick up democrats and how can he do that . Let me ask this. Owe okay, tom. Why did the conservative not trust trump if he is such a right wing nut. I havent done a good job at answering this the whole primary season. Because he is a wild card and he has no actual plans. He is like your drunk uncle at a party and he says you know what we should do . Never let muslims in again i was just saying that. We should let some in, the tall ones, the good ones. Didnt they know that is what we were looking for in this country, the uncle . Define we. I dont think this we and other wees were looking for the drunk uncle at thanksgiving. As for my friend rich, here, he has written more pages on why donald trump shouldnt be president than i would ever write. You mean to say trump does bring people together . When the choice rand paul and ben carson you are shopping the bargain bin. I will try this angle. Dont you think this is good for trump because it reminds people that the establishment is suspicious of him in this antiestablishment year . Good for what people . It is good for trump. Every time they are reminded that the establishment, paul ryan, doesnt trust him, thats a reminder he is an outsider and this is the year i dont think people need a reminder that trump is an outsider. What i do think we need is unification. I think thats the next step and this meeting that happened, it is like mom and dad, are they gone that you get a divorce . They met with the attorneys and it is like, oh it will cost too much to separate. So we will look into things together and will go to counseling and we need to meet a few more times, but really it is in the best interest involved if we get on the same page. I think it is a great thing. I think it was more like an arranged marriage and people meeting for the first time from waring clans together even though they are within the same tribe. There is a lot to be done there. I respect the fact that paul ryan has certain conditions before h endorses donald trump. He will endorse donald trump. The first rule of my Public Public punditry, the answer is yes. Ryan wears his cap backwards, but they both wear red baseball caps. Thats the number one rule in politics. Will trump do px90 . If he can. Next story, this time the butler really did it. Anthony senecal served as trumps butler before retiring in 2009 and becoming the in house historian at trumps palm beach estate. He also posts inflammatory comments. Mother jones dug up doosies. He wrote, just a short note to you on our putzheaded president. Thats what he said. This character should have been taken out by our military and shot as an enemy agent in his first term. Wow. He confirmed that he wrote that and believes that saying, quote, i wrote that. I believe that. In other posts he refers to obama as a kenyan fraud and a rotten, filthy, muzzie. He refers to the Democratic Front runner as killeary clinton and a lying and deceiving word that begins with a c. What word begins with a c . And he refers to africanamericans as negros and not in a loving way like you do. No, but i am down with the people. It is hard to find good help. He is not the first butler to have controversial opinions. He is the beloved mr. Belvidere writing in his journal. I cant believe they invited those jews over again. And we remember bruce wayne when he said, quote, saw a negro on the lawn, sir. And there is this quote from downton abbey, if youve got time to i am not even going to read that. That is so intolerant. He cant stand lack of cleanliness. Joanne, look, do you think donald could use a little controversy at this point . I would say it is not surprising, but is it gonna hurt him . No, his camp said they are wiping their hands clean, but how do you have this man as your butler for so long . I would not want to eat or drink anything he presents in front of me. And it is not just what he said, but it is the exclamation point. Any person that uses that many exclamation points. I lost count. Arent butlers supposed to be uptight british types . How does donald trump find the racist archie bunker from queen . I have a hard time judging people since i dont know anybody who has a butler. The only kind is superhero. And the house historian they moved him over to . Well look. It is guilt by association. The sins of the butler is never held by the presumptive nominee. The bible says you shall judge them by the company they keep. Thats for my conservative friends. Although cleanliness is next to godliness. This man may be a saint. I am surprised. What use does he have for a butler . Somebody has to pick trump off the private plane. There is a lot of uses for a butler. Somebody asked to answer the door when you are laying there. Somebody has to hold the aqua net when you pat down your hair. They said you did a lot of are you on your way up to asking if this is good for trump . I am asking how did you let mother jones get away with it . They scooped us, didnt they . Everything he said was hideous. All of the posts that they quoted and what real threat is trumps butler to the president of the United States such that the secret service has to say they will investigate him . Isnt that what they do . Are you saying that because he is a white man . Thats privilege. You never expect a butler to be ranting on like that. The chauffeur for sure, but not the butler. We should be investigating all butlers. And what about the groom . What is he up to . They can figure out what is going on. I bet he doesnt even like the taco bell. Thats how racist he is. The next story, this summers Republican National convention will have more nudity than usual. It is hard to believe. An artist known for his large scale nude photo shoots is looking for a hundred women to pose naked while holding mirrors in the first week of the convention in cleveland. The artist explained the philosophy of the art work relates to the idea of the say create feminine. We hope to suggest women are an inflection and embodiment of nature, the sun and the sky and blah, blah, blah. Turn the page. And the world that surrounds us, the woman becomes the future and the fume and the future is the woman. Doesnt it all make sense . If i read the whole quote from that artist about what he planned to do it would take up the whole segment. The paintball is filled with see with cialis. I dont know if you have been to cleveland, but it is a brisk wind and a good idea. Trump should pose for a statue. Should he stop at 100 . I would say a thousand. A hundred i can handle. Do going to get his 100 women. It is women. Good. I read the headline like, okay this is a real reason to go to the convention. It is new age clap trap and there are the sun, the ground, plants, what else . He will get the hundred women and having heard all of the interviews on howard stern i am pretty sure trump will get there early and he will want to rate these women personally. Thats what he does best. He hasnt done that in awhile. Like three years ago. It is what it is and thats something he has done well over his career. Thats the one thing you give him credit for . He was funny, but not president ial. He was a private citizen then and he reminded us of that. Do you think they are gonna get any republican women . I assume there will be a lot of protesters and he may be getting them from that group, but what about republicans . It is possible. A lot of republicans who go there are going because they want to say they are there and they want to be a part of something and thats definitely a way to be part of something. I still dont know what the real point is. Ultimately it is guys will see your boobs and thats a win for them. It is not so much as maybe a win for feminism. The mirrors could reflect light into peoples eyes. It could blind them. It is hard to photograph, right . It would have to be perfect to catch it in all of its glory. I dont want to criticize this guy. I assume he is an idiot. The credentials are not at stake here. I dont want to seem like some kind of crank here. Do you think there could be a legitimate reason to photograph a hundred naked women . There is always a reason to have naked people in public. Nudity is the least of our problems. We have to get more comfortable with that. It would not be on a news story. Americans are uptight. Are we uptight or do we have morals . Are we still uptight with the kardashians sitting on top of a billion dollar empire based on what . On being half naked all the time or more. But half naked. You are thinking of an american that is long gone. I hope so. When we turn on the television it is all nudity and movies. What is this thing that is uptight and puritanical. There are a lot of people who are uptight and a lot of them will be going to the Republican Convention in the summer for sure. None of them watch this show do they . Up next, a moment with me. Oark thats fun. Oh thats fun. Live from americas news headquarters, im patricia stark. Word from the white house is there will be a sweeping decree for transgender students. The New York Times reports they want every Public School district in the country to allow transgender students to match their gender identity. A letter will go out later today asking schools ensure no student is discriminated against. It does not have the force of law, but warns schools they could face lawsuits or loss of federal aid if they fail to comply. It has cost a top navel naval leader his job. His trip veered off course and was seized by iranian forces. They were held for 15 hours and unharmed. They have announced an agreement on a 1. 1 billion emergency funding to battle the zika virus. It has been tied to severe birth defects. It is said to get support next week even though democrats are not happy with it they hope the senate would approve the request for nearly 2 billion. Two scary moments yesterday at one of our nations military baseses. A woman claiming to have a bomb strapped to her body walked into the Visitor Control Center at joint base andrews in maryland. The base was immediately put on lock down as the Emergency Responders converged on the scene. Authorities determined there was no bomb and the woman was arrested. That facility, by the way, is home base for the president s plane, air force 1. Im patricia stark and now back to your home base for laughter, red eye. You are watching the most powerful name in news, fox newschannel. Fbi director spoke wednesday about the rise in crime to the u. S. And referred to the viral video affect. The theory that cops are avoiding confronting suspects because they will end up in a youtube video. It is a new name for what used to be called the ferguson affect. They wrote about it in the wall street journal. There is an intense agitation against the American Police department over the past nine months. Unsurprisingly the comments received push backs from many in the press today. Gawker wrote the fbi director affect lacks statistical evidence it is real. They announced that the miss of the ferguson affect is hard to kill. The New York Times was more restrained and called for a study saying, quote, there is little reliable National Data on the topic even at the fbi. They promise a study is in the works. But do we need a study . What do you think the affect is on Police Behavior when there is a nationwide effort before they are charged. And when they are acquitted to scream injustice and create unrest. Do you think it would make an officer more or less likely to be pro active when Police Policing in a high crime neighborhood. The innocent people in those neighborhoods. Rich lowry, i hope you agree with me on my monologue. Do you agree with comey . They are trying to shut him up. It is hard to nail this down, but in certain cities, baltimore being the foremost example, the spike in crime coincides with the freddie gray riots and the police are left pulling back. Other cities you can see crime rising for several years now. It may not be directly related to this. Crime we still dont fully know why we broke the crime wave to start in the 1960ss. It seems common sense that in certain cities the police have pulled back and people are getting killed because of it. Unless those people are shot by white cops no one ever seems to really care. It seems to be just fine with the left. Look, i say i dont need a study. I say it is common sense. Rich lowry agrees. I know a lot of cops and i have worked with a lot of cops and they are brief people to take on a difficult job and i dont think the video camera will stop them. We have had video cameras in everybodys face in the last 10 years and crime just recently have gone up. There are highly publicized examples and maybe in baltimore there is a chilling affect based on what happened. I dont think thats what is happening in new york and i dont think thats what is happening in the rest of the country. I have faith in the Police Department and i have more faith in the public that they will eventually understand that everything you see on video doesnt necessarily translate into the absolute truth. There are many angles to look at things. I think a lot of these videos, the ones that pop up in my social media feed they film the incident with the Police Officer, but they dont film what happened before. You are not getting a good perspective in a lot of these cases. And thats why we have trials and a court system and a scrus ties system that i believe in and cherish. Thats why we go to these issues. I support Police Officers and i also support the publics right to a fair trial and the right to be free from being unburdenly discriminated against or harassed. Look what happened in ferguson itself. Every piece of evidence suggested the idea this young man had been holding his arms up and saying dont shoot was a complete lie. It was still made a slogan for an entire national movement. We heard about it for a year or more and then there was a completely above board process to see whether he should be indicted or not and he wasnt and there were riots over it. If you are a Police Officer in that circumstance you will have some real doubt whether the authorities are going to have your back, one, and two whether you will be made into a National Scandal whether you are truly guilty or not. I dont think it will prevent you from acting and protecting those in your community. I have to agree with chris. I am shocked. First time. He is suggesting that these Police Officers it questions their integrity and i dont think it should. Let me read you a quote, joanne. I found this interesting because i am writing my monologue. James pass scow pasco said he should particular to what he knows. Basically he said Police Officers are afraid to do their jobs. So the cops didnt like it either. In the article he said he had no staw statistical evidence for the suppositiony puts out there. You can get distract . Ed. The idea that the cops are not being supported by the Justice System is huh lay shoes i think, but it is bizarre he would come out with this at this point. Let the police speak for themselves. Or let there be a study that shows that. I am saying we dont need the studies. We know what is going on. He is the fbi director. He is not completely flying blind and he got a briefing on the numbers before he said this. In baltimore you have cops saying that when we go someplace we are surrounded by mobs. If someone gets mugged in front of them of course they will arrest the criminal and intervene. It is whether you go the extra mile when you know you might get slapped down. I have more faith in them. Coming up, half time with tvs andy levy. And the red eye pod cast is back with me and andy and our writers. Subscribe on itunes and fox news radio. Com. Welcome back. It is time to find out what we got wrong and what we missed from tvs andy levy. How are you. There was a delay there i am so far trump and ryan meet. The end game is that ryan will endorse trump and i agree. When do you think this happens. I have seen some republicans saying the delay is hurting them regarding fundraising. I would guess based on zero information in the next two weeks. So you are guaranteeing you heard it here first. You said trump is a wild card with no actual plans. He does have actual suggestions though. Isnt that what matters . Sure if you are into vagaries and half truths he is your candidate. He is the king of that. He wants to build a wall. A stupid person would build a wall and have no door. I suggest we have a Service Window as well to see if mexico is abierto. Chris, in response to tom saying we, meaning america, are looking for a drunk uncle, he said you and other wes werent looking for a drunk uncle. A drunk uncle or an unethical aunt, what is the difference . I dont think she is unethical at all. You dont mean that. It is something conservatives like to say. I am not a conservative. They are not dropples. They are they are not dreams. They are are nightmares. I changed it because i know trump does President Trump doesnt drink. Doesnt this help the drunk uncle . Doesnt drink . And yet he comes up with the suggestions. He owns a vineyard, doesnt he . Chris, i do think your comparison of trump and ryan to an arranged marriage is a good one. And they will come together like most arranged marriages do. Ryan will take a month. Do you think they will have kid . I think they will have kids. Big ears and weird hair. It is crazy. She said it is impossible to find good help. Who among us has not been embarrassed by a butler . My good nets when you think about what happened with the green hornet and kado. Kado was clearly sexier than the green hornet. I just love that trump the idea that a populous has been embarrassed by his uncle by his butler makes me laugh. Thats really coming from the outside when you have a butler. What a maverick. Joanne, you pointed out the Trump Campaign is distancing itself and the statement was, quote, he does not work at morologo. We disavow and condemn these statements. It sounds kind of pc, dud doesnt it . They are changing their tune. Shouldnt he be allowed to say these things . When the secret service is investigating you, you just dont want to be a part of that. I dont know. It is obama it is the pc secret service. A guy cant speak his mind in america, what has this country come to . Oh gosh. Maybe i can suggest when he posts just friends and friends of friend. Or just put jk at the end. Jk. You said arent butler supposed to be the uptight british type . You are not supposed to know the butlers political opinion. You are not supposed to know anything about them. Their name is jeeves. Used to in the 90s. Chris you said we should investigate all butlers. It is important to note not all butlers. I have been drinking all day. Sorry. Not all butlers. I am being told his Facebook Page is no longer up. Too bad. I was hoping for some exclamation point excitement. The last refuge of the emphatic. The hundred naked woman thing in cleveland. Tom, you quoted the artist which i wrote in quotes in my paper. How he talked about the sacred femme anymore and how women are feminine and how women are an embodiment and the future becomes the woman. The excuses guys will come up with to see naked women is unreal. He has been doing this he did it in new york. He has done it in cleveland before with thousands of people. Is this good for trump . Definitely. Add that extra element. He has been promising all along the convention is dramatic and not the usual boring convention. There is more to come. I am confident. She said art should always be political. Always . We cant have art for arts sake . Andy, you and i have been having this discussion since we were children m. Decades. And i feel like it is irrelevant to the topic at hand which is that art is inhairptly political and is inherently political. You are passing judgment on us artists down here. You sound a little jejune. The frankness of my bold temerity. It is in an echo chamber. How is this a fight of s. A. T. Words . I know we are on fox, but i would like to use a few big words. Oh that was a joke. Dont phone in. Write a postcard like you always do to this station. You know who else thought all art should be political . Who . Stalin. He said it is not who votes, but who counts the votes, but hent meant it as a joke. He was an artist, a poet. He actually said lol after that. Joe, you said you dont see what the real point is here because guys will see boobs and thats a win for them. Yeah. It is called empower meant. Is it though . You know what i find empowering . Money. Instead of laying around naked on the floor i am gonna go make some. The fbi director said viral videos of Law Enforcement have a chilling affect. Tom you said surprisingly the comments received push back from many in the media today. Yeah. Maybe i am spit bawling here, but maybe because he said he has no proof to back him up. Yeah, well he didnt see he had proof. Well i think if you are the head of the fbi and you will Say Something like that, you should have proof. I dont know. I didnt have proof, andy, and you saw what i said. Well, we all saw. Rich, is this good for trump . Definitely. He is a law and order candidate and will crackdown on this sort of thing and have high level officials who will speculate with no evidence even better than james comey. The pure and best speculation. I am done p. Thank you, andy. It is time for a break. When we come back, put on your happy face because we are talking about emojis. Live from americas news headquarters im patricia stark. Donald trump tweeting things are working out really well. That tweet is following a thursday morning meeting with speaker of the house paul ryan who says he is still not ready to endorse trump, but he termed his meeting with the presumptive nominee as productive. Encouraged. I heard a lot of good things from our presumptive nominee. We exchanged differences in opinion on a number of things that Everybody Knows we have. There are policy disputes that we will have. There is no two ways about it. Plenty of republicans disagree with one another on policy disputes. But on the core principals those are the kinds of things that we discussed. Later in the day trump met with the other republican congression alleyeders including the Senate Majority leader mitch mcconnell. A happy ending to the carlie trent story. She is the 9yearold tennessee girl who has been missing more than a week. They found her alive and well in the backcountry of northeastern tennessee. They also captured her uncle who is accused of abducting her from school a week ago on wednesday. There are no indications that she was harmed, but she was taken to a local hospital for overnight observation. He was charged with aggravated kidnapping and may face other charges. What you see on the screen is the pistol George Zimmerman used to kill trayvon martin, an unarmed black teen inning aer teenager in 2012. Zimmerman wants to sell it. One auctioneer yanked it saying they wanted no part of the sale, but now a second site is in the picture. Zimmerman some say it is an insensitive plan to profit from the death of martin. He was con strucked it of seconddegree he was accused of manslaughter in the case. Now back to red eye. Log on to fox news. Com. Finally the emoji will capture the full potential of women. The digital images of the fairer sex is disappointing. There is the bride and the lady with the bunny ears and thats about it. But google is proposing 13 new emoji professions for women. They are lady accountant and lady nurse and lady coder and lady hightech industry worker and handy lady and lady chef and lady rock star. Their proposal states we believe that this will empower young women and better reflect the pivotal role women play in the world. Google is hoping to have these emojis released in the next 40 years. Actually they are hoping by the end of this year. Joanne, do you think women professional women would actually use these emojis . Definitely and i hope they are ready by october. I imagine my text to my girlfriend going Something Like this. What should i be for halloween . Sexy doctor . Sexy farmer or sexy chemist . There is so many decisions and i was never able it is so much to type. They the emoji would help me of. I must be sexist because i saw it as a sexy nurse and not a doctor. It mi be a sexy anness these yule a sexy an theis anethesiogist. Remember the joke . Do you applaud googles efforts . I think getting right on it. What year is it . 2016 and how long has google been around . There is no lady president emoji. Not necessary. What was that look like . Hillary clinton. The lady with big eyes. In a pinch. I am married to a woman with a job, an important one. Wow you do have a modern life. It is all about that on long island. Rich lowry is it tame for google . This is an important step for women power. I am all in favor of it. Are people going to use these . They are called emojis for a reason. They are about emotions. Are they really about and we all need to be honest about it. We use the same emojis. Whether it is the poop one or the fire work. What is important is we have the opportunity to use these. Exactly. I have never intentionally used an emoji in my life. Not even a thumbs up . Have i to go, but i have to ask quickly. Joanne was saying emoji in the pleural. Is it emoji or emojis . We will close things out with a bedtime story. He has a sharp wit. A winning smile. And no chance of getting an athletic scholarship. And that is why you invest. The best returns arent just measured in dollars. Congressman wrote a tell all book about life in washington and it is more shocking than licking the third rail. The book is called the confessions of congressman x. The author is believed to be a democrat. Here are some choice parts. He writes, most of my colleagues are career politicians who revel in power and money that is lavished upon them. I never heard that said about a politician before. The voters are incredibly ignorant and know little of our form of government and how it works. I have seen water world and he has a point. They said screw the next generation and it is about getting credit now and looking good for the upcoming election. Wow. It might be time for a Political Revolution after all. Look, prove none of this surprises me. This was written by president grant. This has been going on for quite some time. Also he said lookin which, wow i dont trust anyone who doesnt put a suffix on a word. Dont go lookin and cookin on me. They always try to do these anonymous books and do you think they will get away with it . Not only that since he is a politician he is a nare is narcissist by definition. I have a couple i am thinking about and thinking about who writes like that and i dont want to say it. You can go in there. It is forensics 101. You know somebody who uses lookin . Yes, actually and i am thinking about it and it was eerie. I didnt know about this and didnt read this far down. It is goofy elizabeth warren. Rich lowry, what is the point in being anonymous in this. He is not rocking my world so far. I dont know, but you do. He is an upstanding congressman if this is all hes got. People dont know of our form of government. He is anonymous because he is a former congressman. If he put his name on the book no nobody would buy it. Thats why i know who it is. You have to make your short list. There will be a lot of theories on this. Joanne, whats your theory . This is why we need congress women. We know how to get the job done for the cheapest amount. We need more of us. Men are obviously incompetent and so is hillary clinton. For dwet everything i just said for gee everything i just said. Who is to say what if she moves the pro nouns around and it could be a woman. It could be and it aint. And when i say aint it is looking like an aint. The fact that politicians are corrupt are frush fresh and new and bold. A special thanks to joanne nosuchunsky and rich lowry and chris hahn. That does it for me, tom shillue. See you next time. A bromance or frenemies . Donald trump and paul ryan get together on capitol hill to try to smooth things over. This is special report. Good evening, welcome to washington, im doug mcelway in for bret baier. The highestranking republican in congress and the partys presumptive president ial nominee met today at a meeting that was part convenience and parter shotgun wedding. Peter doocy on whether paul ryan and donald trump can overcome their differences, but we begin with Senior National correspondent john roberts and what happened when the donald met the speaker

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