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Hahahaha. And now lets welcome our guests. If she had a dollar for every heart she has broken she can afford a happy meal. I am here with joanne though saw chin ski. And he wasnt here on friday because he was giving a keynote address at the ugly sweater convention. It is andy levey in another ugly sweater. He has good humor or so it says on the good humor truck he drives by the playgrounds. His first comedy album is out too. It is called first date with joe devito. Order your copy at shop. Rooftop comedy. Com. Thats memorable. And you should meet his brothers, dude wrote, man and steve. Sitting next to me, guy, benson and Fox News Contributor town hall. Com political editor. A block. The lead. Thats the first story. He missed the chance to go to france. This the wake of the terror attack on Charlie Hebdo many dwat erred for a unity rally in paris. Not hung them were the leaders of a country called the United States of america. President Barak Hussein obama could not tear himself away from the entourage marathon long enough to tear himself away from freedom. Josh ernest addressed the controversy and he says he thinks it is unfair to say we should have sent someone with a high profile to be there. I think it is fair that we should have sent someone with a higher profile to be there. Meanwhile, the secretary of state john kerry, will head there to show solidarity with the people of france. And by the way an a device was thrown through the newspaper. It is like playing whack a kitten. In this metaphor, the kittens are the terrorists. Thats how metaphors work. Is it time to finally impeach president obama for this ridiculous disappearing act if you will . He is the houdini of president s. Some argue his mere existence is a high crime or misdemeanor. Obviously not a serious question, i take it. We will impeach him for not going to france this. This to france . Have you watched this show . He will not be impeached but they deserve a lot of the criticism they are getting. They are half excuses they are making and they dont stand up to basic scrutiny i dont think. It is a troubling poith t, joe. Is there legitimate reasons . The security could have been a problem. And maybe perhaps he wasnt invited. I mean no one thought about it. You know when you are really popular i know this as being me being really popular people assume that you are busy. Like oh you are always busy. No one invites you to stuff. People say greg is probably at oreillys place shooting pool in the nude. I am actually home alone crying. That didnt sound like a question. I believe they screwed up. I believe it is what the french has called a false step. It was a mistake to send jerry lewis. I was reading about the marine saying no better friend and no worse enemy. I love how they have flipflopped that on our tradition alexandria lies. This is pretty allies. He should have sent someone higher ranking. Now we have john kerry coming in for sloppy seconds. It is like, no, no thanks. Sending kerry later in the week it is like sorry i missed your birthday party. I brought you a cup of soup to work or something. That. I think kerry knows exactly what he is doing here. All of the crowds have gone away. I will take one for the team. I will go to france and eat some great food and drink some excellent wine and pose for a photo and then i will head home. It will be easy to get in and out of there. Basically it is like when i fly home on christmas i miss all of the crowds. Exactly. I am not going. There are three million people. I wit wait this will they leave. Nobody feels sorry for this ambassador to france. She is like yes this is my shining moment. Everyone is like, youre not good enough. Thats a good point, perhaps it is sexist. Go ahead and defend your president , Barak Hussein obama. No i will disagree with my rhino friend and say the president should have been impeached. I get that security would have been a nightmare but the administration putting that out as a reason is a copout. That is ridiculous. Security is a nightmare anytime the president goes somewhere. Thats part of being president and the part of the Security Apparatus is keeping him safe. He didnt mind kicking the wedding off a golf course. When he permanently said you get those military people out of there. He didnt care then. He actively looked for a golf course having a military wedding. He is a bad, bad man. It was cool seeing the leaders of countries show their solidarity. There are people in jail. When you live this a country bridget bardeaux criticized the rich out the ritual slaughter of a sheep and it is not like you cant see where you dont get it when you live in a country like that. Is she in jail . I dont think so. They said she was too pretty. Tell me about it. Thats how i get out. I bet you do. That will only last a few more years, and then it will all fade, joanne. I think obama was trying to do everybody a favor. He didnt want to overshadow the event. Thats the thing. He doesnt like it when things are about him. I could easily see him saying let someone else. Most leaders have fear of missing out. Obama does not have that on anything. He says i dont like the theatrics. Everybody has fomo if you live in the city. I am going to stay home and i am dwoing to have a bath. And the parties you werent invited to because people thought you were busy. They should have do you spray it on people . They would have said Stephen Colbert was at the march he would have gone. Exactly. Or if well never mind. When you think the joke is going to be really bad, just admit that you should move on. Thats what i just did. All right did margaret cho tarnish the show . There was a big night. It was the evenings most controversial bit. In north korea we know how to put on a show. This is not a show. No you no have a thousand baby playing guitar at the same time. You no have People Holding up many card to make one big teacher. You no have Dennis Rodman no basketball at all. Terrible. The easily offended called it a racist caricature and cho sheepishly agreed. She said i am of north and south korean dissent. I am from this tribe so i am able to comment on it. That was his taken. Meanwhile, there were bill cosby jokes. And into the woods cinderella runs from her prince. Rapunzle is thrown from a tower from her prince and Sleeping Beauty thought she was getting coffee with bill cosby. Actually, i dont know if you guys saw this on the news today, but bill cosby has finally spoken out with the allegations against him. Cosby admitted to a reporter, i put the pills in the people. The people did not want the pills in them. And then there were the awards. Boyhood was the big winner taking home best drama. Here is a scene from boyhood. That was my favorite part. I thought boyhood did a great job with the make up and prosthetics to make it look like they aged 10 years. It was almost like the movie lasted that long. Joe, you are a comedian and im sure a close friend of margaret choe. Was she being racist or entertaining . Are you telling me she did an exaggerated korean accent . I have now heard everything. I thought it was really funny. What is funny is that crazy hat is still half the size of a regulation military uniform hat. I thought it was funny. If it made people uncome tortable too uncomfortable, too bad. The more we make fun of this guy, i know we make fun of them as comic cal dictators comical dictators but the more mockery on that regime, the happier i am. It is easy to make fun of north korea, but no jokes about islam. People are uncomfortable with stereo types no matter who is poking fun. They say that is not supposed to be funny. Then it turns out that it is really funny and they are lying to themselves and they turn to selfmutilation guy. Were you offended by it . I i didnt think it was that funny. I thought dwoing to the well going to the well was enough. This is what she does. In my limited familiarity she does her mothers voice which is a stereo typical thing i like she stood up to this. She said i am korean. I can do this. Shut up and go away. Thats how koreans have to handle this. I think it is unfair that you can only do who you are. That severely limits all of my racial jokes. That is unfair and intolerant to me as a bigot. Joanne, a lot of things happened. There the cosby show as entertainment. You are on the outside looking in and probably never going to g t past the window. What do you make of what happened last night . Do you have a tv . I do. I do. Yes, i had some wine and i had some pasta. It was a great night me and the cat. I think i mean we have had more exciting shows. This one was kind of lame. We look for things incorrect and things we can point out and thank god for that or this wouldnt be a segment this wouldnt be a show. To see them laugh was even better. Or if they really knew him they probably dont remember. Because he probably raped them. Goi back to making fun of cosby and making fun of north korea. In the most important week to make fun of radical islam, you dont. I want to go to another offensive moment on the show and you do look like Jeremy Renner on a bad day, this is Jeremy Renner and jlo. Guy and the golden globe goes to i have the nails. The managing editor said the entire Golden Globes war room they have a war room by the way. It is for the Golden Globes. You weird owe. Just gasped in horror at Jeremy Renners joke. Did you gasp . Who actually gasped . People dying gasp. People who wear pearls. I think you could say sweet jlo. That was one of the most over wrought tweet i have seen in my life. It was pathetic. A couple of things we need to point out. It is important to remember that the people on that stage and the people in that audience are better than us. Everything i say if i make jokes or whatever it is with that in mind. I hope they are not offended. They are our betters. I thought the bit was funny. I actually thought the second part, the second time she did it was better than the first art with the orange is the new black stuff. I was surprised that fox catcher was not about bill cosby. That surprised me a lot, but i made it through the show learning that. I thought they were great. I was surprised that Jeremy Renner made that joke about jlos breast given the fact that he is gay ning such a following as a progressive thinker. I dont know what you are insinuating. I am just saying he loves mentoring actresses and why would he make a joke like that this. I thought it was the best joke of the night. If that makes me a perv then im a perv. Just a run of the mill boob . It is just an old joke. And he is not supposed to make jokes. But the breasts were out there and they were perfect. Do you remember when john lovitz grabbed jaime lees breast . He said he thought he would never have another chance. Another interesting part of the show happened on the red carpet. I dont know why they call it the red carpet, but it was probably something disgusting. Lena said she was quitting twitter. Did you check your phone . I deleted twitter to cree 80 a safer space for me. Explain. People threaten my life and tell me what a cow i am. There are a lot of people on twitter, but you cant read those without people telling you you should be buried under a pile of rock. She is like a bitter ex. I love how she said a neocon. I dont think she knows what it is. You read her mentions on twitter and it is the entire Weekly Standard Editorial Board savaging her weight. It was one of the moments where the thought cloud went up and she is like, there is something i need to say here. Who is a bad group of people i am not supposed to like and she plucked neocon and said it. By the way she has more i mean she has a huge number of fans that she doesnt seem to mind. I think she is upset because her rape story in her book was read by people who asked for facts and when they found out the person she accused was not a republican, but a democrat, then you ask why did you change that . And why did the republican in the book look remarkably or sound remarkably like a republican on campus who and then it turns out that was strictly a coincidence. All of this weird stuff. She was ticked off that people actually called her on her [bleep]. She was nailed for that and she was nailed for the sister. The sister stuff. Comedians use their life as material, and they exaggerate. Thats what they do. It just so happens that she is extra bad at it, i think. I have to say though i dont blame her for deleting twitter from her phone. I thought about that. Twitter is not good for you. No. She didnt say she was quitting twitter. She said she was deleting it from her phone. People said she tweeted later. Thats not what she said. It is a bad thing. She can afford a p up cyst who a publicist who tweets for her. People love bad twitter. There was one person who said shg bad and it makes you feel good. I feed off the insults because it makes he laugh and i want to that is your safer space. My safe space is hurt jie. It is hard what happens to female celebrities. They losers come out of no where. She is a notorious [bleep]. It has nothing to do with people threatening her. Thats a separate case. You cant cause stir up trouble and then when people call you out you say whoa, i am being attacked. I need to go to safe space. Oh lena is not the type to air her dirty laundry. I have seen her urinate on two girls . What is in joe devitos beard . We find out. First, how should we respond to isis twitter page . It rinds with it rhymes with skill them all. Oh okay. They are using computers and not just for boat porn. On monday isis supporters took over central commands twitter page in an act that was more embarrassing than damaging. The hack account had a masked militant and a message i love you isis and began tweeting threats to u. S. Service members. One read american soldiers we are coming watch your back, isis. Other tweets appeared to contain military plans and addresses and phone numbers but no classified information was leaked. The u. S. Responded swiftly by suspending the account 40 minutes later. Here is the White House Press secretary and my bocci ball partner, josh ernest. I can tell you that this is something we are looking into and something we take seriously. A note of caution to folks as they are covering this story there is a significant difference between what is a large data breech and the hacking of a twitter account. Youtube channel was compromised with the isis propaganda videos. We have one of them. I had the time of my life i never felt this way before and i swear this is true and i owe it all to you like i said, i have been invited to these things, but people assume i am already at them. Joe, why do they have youtube and twitter in the first place . Thats what i was thinking. The worst is if it was hacked and replaced with lenas twitter. I dont know who is checking the tweets. Maybe thats why it took 40 minutes because no one is following them. No one noticed. To me, close these things out. I understand what josh ernest was saying about it not being a big deal, but the more doorways we have open, the more opportunities there are for us to get embarrassed. I hope we have people hijacking their pages. We should be hijacking islamist pages and putting up the mockery. Thats a great idea. And thats who is killing the muslims in the world. It is not the u. S. Or anybody else. Thats a good weapon for us to use. Thats a great point. I am using that tomorrow on a different show. Hijack their page. It is an idea i came up with overnight. Should this be taken seriously or is it an embarrassing thing . I think it is embarrassing, but shouldnt be minimized. What is embarrassing and humiliating is a pretty big pr win for them. Over there when they are trying to recruit people, they made us look really foolish and made it look like they have a way to get to us that caught us off guard. And then the fact that both of these things were up, they were hacking them up for like 40 minutes or an hour. On internet thats like a week. The fact they didnt get that down immediately after being hacked is like what is going on . Who is minding the store on on so to speak . Joanne, i wouldnt mind them hacking your twitter feed because your tweets about brunch are gnaws yaiting. I am usually nauseous thats true. And before. It is a constant state of nausea. I feel really vulnerable right now as the country should. And i already feel vulnerable on twitter is the problem wondering how many retweets i will get and if the hunky actor who is gay following me back . I am in suspense. It is a level of stress that i am not ready for. I think the country should feel just as stressed because of something called the snowball effect. What is that . It is something with snow and getting bigger. I think i saw it on an episode of girls. Snowball andy. I dont know what that meant. I do. I think it is all about the pass word. A lot of these people on twitter, the twitter pass word was twitter pass word. Was it really . You know i am right. The fact they hacked twitter and youtube means it was possible they used the same pass word for each account. If that is true they should rethink their Information Security or infosec as we say to sound cool. I think they need to delete twitter from their phone. This was supposed to be a safe space, this triter feed, and now this twitter feed and now it is not. I understand why it took 40 minutes to take it down. Did you see the isis propaganda we showed . Was it good . Im sure they were watching that for 40 minutes. It sounds like a travel website. Sencom. I dont want to minimize it, but they did put lol after all of their posts. I think that takes the edge off. Who are you trying to recruit . 13yearold girls . Well, they are, yes. Bad example. We are going to take a break. Coming up, how dangerous is texting while driving . Let us know your thoughts by texting us from the highway. First, a word from our sponsor. Tonights sponsor is beanie bean. The only hat that doubles as a bowl of bean. Perfect for your dinner, campfire and super bowl needs. Thanks beanie bean. They shall not share when they bear. A children Childrens Charity has released a video about the dangers of texting revealing photos. It is about a boy who sends a picture of his willy to a classmate only to have it end up everywhere. One day, alex and sam were mucking around on their phone. Lets take a selfie. Sam had a idea. What if they sent a picture of alexs willy to their friend katie, you know the kind that disappears. When she saw it, she thought it was very funny so she screen grabbed the picture and sent it to her friends and they sent it to theirs. And the next day at school i saw your willie. And he got a message from a bully. And then he got one from a man he didnt know. I would like to apologize for that. The Nashville Society for the prevention of cruelty to children says the video is part of the campaign to raise awareness about sharing information via smartphone. Meanwhile they ignore real dangers to children. We couldnt show you the rest of that. Joe, i think this video was fantastic. I thought it was great. I think the message is actually incredibly important. Kids dont understand what they are doing. I think the message is clear that if you are tempted to send a photo of your penis, give yourself a few minutes of prep time. Is that the message . You want to go someplace quiet and do some yoga and maybe pop a vitamin e capsule. Most of all it is the lighting. You are creeping me out. Lets try to erase everything joe just said and clear it out of your head. This is a very important message. My feeling is will they listen to this . Will they think it is funny and do it anyway . I have to say my favorite part of the video is the insult. I will have to use that as my insult regardless of who it is. Your willy is rubbish is gold. I got my first cell phone it is dating me but i was 17 years old. A year ago. My youngest sister got it when she was 11. So you are getting them earlier and earlier and kids dont have the awareness that the internet is forever. That starts when you are a little kid. When Something Like this happens it is legally child pornography and it can become a huge problem. You can be a sex offender forever. I think you can do it even if you take a picture of yourself. Yes. One is dating where one is 17 and the other is 16 and suddenly it is distributing child pornography. I believe we did that story if i remember correctly. Or perhaps i didnt and i dreamt it. It was an actual case involving me. Joanne this is helpful . Yes . Clever . Yes . The issue is they are not telling these kids the positives of this. If it does happen, it is not the end of the world. You can get a book deal a reality show. We have seen many celebrities who started doing thats a bad message joanne. What was the bad message in this . Promoting bullying. The friends who said yes i will click and open and look at the image of his willy and shame him for having a rubbish one. Thats awful. Andy, you started a film called i saw your willy in the 80s. It was about a whale. It was about a baby whale. It was called i saw willys willy. Why dont i shut up. Want to keep going . I am losing an audience right now. Yes, we are all three of them. This video is problematic. I cant believe none of you notices. The guy sends a picture of his willy to his friend katie unsolicited. Yes thats sad. She thinks it is funny . Thats not a good message to be putting out there. Thats a terrible message. How did we miss that message . I dont know. It is probably because of your patriarc cal i am filled with it. Your willy is rubbish is proof that the British English is so much more fun. Your willy is rubbish. And it is, isnt it. She got touchy about a touch up. Hannah storm was getting ready to go live on sunday when a make up artist brazenly approached with a brush. Watch this. Get out, get out get out. We are clear. Aaron rodgers that is been downright perfect. The packers are unstoppable. Wow she could be like a wide receiver. Lets see that again in slowmo. Note the shear power. Angry death stair that follows. Since that incident the make up artist has mysteriously disappeared. They did find her arm in the river. I kid. She is fine. Storm said, the make up artist a good friend of mine yeah they hang out would have gotten in trouble if seen on the air. The stiff arm was to protect her. I get it. Hitting her was for her own good. That is disgusting. Joanne, was that the swat of a woman to a good friend or someone she hates . Well she is a good friend now because she is trying to make it up to her. Im pretty sure that good friend still got on camera and it was an awkward exchange. I love how she was trying to defend it. I was giving her mom arm. You know you are in the car and she tries to protect her. That was not protecting. That was get out of my frame. It is just me. I respect that. My mom used to be the mom thrust. She would grab me from behind and try to sling me through the windshield. While stoping short. Exactly. She did a great job of not saying anything and quickly smiling and continuing on. She is a pro. She is a seasoned pro. I have been a fan of hannah storm since her day at nbc sports. I know you are a sports fan. I am, i am. I love the whole area of sports. The depth of your knowledge. I can talk about any kind of sport. Instead of forcing you to do that to prove it you can ask me to go wherever you want to go. You can hear the producer or the stage manager in the background yelling get out get out, get out and hannah storm realizes what is happening and does it and pissed for a second and realized she was on Live Television and then cracks the smile and plays it off and tweets it. I give her a free pass completely. Hannah, you can do no wrong. Perhaps the make up artist should have been relieved of her duties. She should know better than to put hannah in this situation and compromise her friendship and professional career. I dont see what the big dole is. Women are constantly swatting things from their faces, so i dont see what the big deal is. Like insects and things . Annoying things of that nature. Sometimes when it hot out. To me it is the side eye she gets after. Thats like she transforms. I love when you see the moment you see it when newscasters go from the sad story to the happy story. Happy story to sad story is easy and you can say and finally. And then they have to do a they switch gears like that. 63 people died but look at this lovely koala bear. It is a puppy parade. I thought she did a great job and i thought what she tweeted afterwards even if it is covering she did a good job. This disgusted you, andy. You told me. She said she was protecting her friend . The only way that protection could have been more unfriendly is if it were a condom with spikes on it. That was just first of all it is not the make up artists fault. As a seasoned tv professional greg, it was the stage managers fault. It always is. Probably counted back wrong. It happened to me. It happens all the time. What they do is basically they make the talent look bad, greg. Counting backwards is hard though. I will say that. Ill give you that. It is hard. She is stewing over there. The people at home dont realize that when i screw up it is often not my fault. It is never your fault. It is either the floor director or our sound guy or who is an africanamerican. Greg, we are being played off. Time to take a break. When we come back, is it a felony or is it art . Why cant it be both . I dont know. I didnt read the story. Not cool. Amazon. Com. Do it for christmas. Next christmas. Is it robbery or artist re . A former mitt professor is that somebody who studied catchers mitts . Just kidding it is m. I. T. Joe gibbons entered a bank and handed the teller a note and then pulled out a video camera and videoed himself stealing a thousand bucks. He said it is a, quote romantic idea and pulled a similar heist in rhode island making off with three grand. After his arrest in new york he bragged to his cell mates that his crime was high minded. Said one impressed inmate, he was doing research for a crime. He is an intellectual. Bail was set at 50,000 which he will pay after what i am certain is his next job. Art or crazy . If it is an art project he would give the money back. These are just Bank Robberies he is doing. What would be art if it he did it and dropped to the floor and did fingerprints as his blood drained away. Im sure bankers are not thrilled to be a part of a project. It is like the people who get caught with creepy or illegal porn and claim they are doing research for something. Oh i am writing a book on the scurge of whatever. The Pete Townsend defense. They didnt give the money back and the line has been crossed and you are keeping the money. This is just a criminal who likes to get off on watching himself commit the crimes. Thats what he is. I think it is brilliant. As you know saying anything is art allows you to do it. It is a nice try. You cant be mad at the guy. He took a chance. He should have hired soderburg. A very good heist in that film. There is. Joanne, is this the kind of movie you can star in one day when you finally make it small . This is amazing. This is inspiring to me because it is so meta. I love when people use that word. He is using his own tall leppedz to exploit his own talents to exploit his own faults. I think there is a lot to be learned there. There is a lot. Thank you for not bringing up any of the things you might learn and legislate the viewers figure it out for themselves. What is amazing is he will totally be hired again at a university. You know it. You know what is amazing . Performance art has ruined art. Once you call it Performance Art, it is entertainment without entertainment. People can come up and start shouting at you and deaf pho indicating and thats Performance Art. There is never an audience reaction like that Performance Art was awesome. I love how you threw that gravyfilled balloon at me. That was not gravy, joe. It was a yam and it was well anyway. Who did yams . Karen finley, thats right. With your tax dollars. Exactly. She was paid to put the yams in a certain orfice. Coming up, psychos and selfies. Send them to us. Coming up tomorrow on the next red eye we have donna feldman, she is back, and tom shillue looking happy. E block. Last story. Thats the last story. Men who take selfies, are they serial killers . One study says probably. Men who post photos of themselves online are more likely to have psychopathic tendencies. That makes sense because phsycopathy will put them online and wont spend time editing. Lets look at some men who take selfies. I cant believe they let him have a camera. That was his best role. Guys, this is a search space. Tell us, do you take selfies . Occasionally. That probably makes me a border line psycho path for now . It is attractive. Is it just men though . Why does it not apply to women . All women are psycho paths so they dont need a study. Men doing it are weird. Men doing it is strange. Thats not a selfie. You still call it one. Shut up. Thats me. It is technically an usie. Does it make guys crazy . George jefferson called them weezies. Oh weezie. Could it be crazy people are drawn to selfies or the selfie makes them crazy . Chicken or the egg . It is technology helping us pick out idiots. When i saw the selfie stick i thought it was a joke. It is a real thing and now there is a problem with People Holding the idiots. This is something with technology and we wouldnt even have known these people are mentally disturbed. A hundred years ago you had to sit for a half an hour for that brown photo to come out. You couldnt be like load up the powder again and hold a duck face for an hour. Now you know who is nuts. You take tons of selfies and never post them. I want to point out that when all women are psycho paths, that was satire. I saw a selfie stick in the wild. It scared the [bleep] out of me. This girl in the middle of the street with her friends or sisters holding a stick with an iphone at the end. How do i sign up for isis . Where is their recruiting . It x loo like a blind man who doesnt get the cane. Men who take selfies are fine but you cant take more than me. It is like owning more shoes than you. And i do think if a man takes a selfie there should be someone in it, but not another person. With your puppy, great. With your gym equipment . That is a eleven leventhal. Your rubbish willy. All of your money. You have to have a thing. With piles of money. You have to have a thing. Thats what it is. That makes sense. Because status is important to women where looks are important to men. Joe, what do you where are you performing next . I have a tv show on thursday night on xs tv. It is live. It will be awesome. Foul language. Oh my goodness. We have to go. Thanks, guy. Politics and culture. The five is next. Hello everyone. They call us the five. Im afraid i have to break our date for saturday night. Break our date . Yeah. Something suddenly came up. Something suddenly came up . Yeah. I dont want you to be late for class. Ill see you. Something suddenly came up. Yes, marsha something suddenly came up. Why wasnt our president at the a66x6agg4pz7f8xy . n5] . Qgs 0uuteadtame on . Did he not have

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