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I have an extensive button collection under my bed my wife doesnt know about. I am here with kate rogers. Like the empire state building, she is always lit. It is joe app nosuchunsky. And he thinks he is smarter than me. It is andy levy. And he is funnier than tuesdays with maury, but honestly, who isnt . A block. The lede. Thats the first story. Selling gifts is caution rifts. The 9 11 museum and memorial has gotten rave reviews for the honest and heartbreaking portrayal of the horrors horrors and heroism. But some including relatives of the victims are not thrilled with part of it, the gift shop. Selling baseball caps and sweatshirts at a place where so many innocent people died is inappropriate. He lost his son in the attacks. We understand if they have to make money to make the museum run, but i think this is going overboard and it is tacky and very it is an result to an result to the museum. They say the money made will go toward sustaining the memorial. It will come from ticketing and keepsake items from retai. Andy, is there anything wrong with this . All museums have to fundraise. I dont have a problem with the gift shop. I understand why some families are put off. That is understandable. Here is what they did that is dumb. Right now the museum is only open to victim families. It opens to the public on wednesday. They opened the gift shop. Why do that . Who in the world thought that the victims families would want to buy 9 11 gear . I think that was actually the big problem. They shouldnt have opened it they would have known it was there. It would be beacon be conspicuous if it said gift shop coming . Out of respect of palm who lost people that day you can put a shaw rowed over it a shroud over it and cover it up. That was their mistake. Some of the families of 9 11 victims would be upset by a gift shop, so should there not be a gift shop . It may be necessary they have to have a gift shop. They need revenue to create this museum to honor thats the purpose of the museum. It is to honor the memory of this. That might be what sustains the museum. I think as long as they mentioned it is carefully selected items, so hopefully it is not tacky. They are carefully selected, but they said there were hats and i guess there is clothing. Probably the never forgettype stuff. Is that appropriate, or should they just have framed prints or Something Like that a . You. It said 9 11 Memorial Museum and it is not a foam finger. At the same time, these people seem concerned, and they probably have a more valid opinion than i do. Do they have a more valid opinion than remi or are all opinions valued . There are a finite number of families. We want to respect the families, but the memorial is not just for families. There are events and memorials for the families and remembrances. This is for the general public. All museums have gift shops. Should you call it Something Else . I totally agree with andy that they should have waited, but the operating budget for this museum is 63 million. That money has to come from somewhere. If it offends you, you dont have to buy it. They could have waited, but there are gift shops at all kinds of museums, the Holocaust Museum and the pearl harbor museum. It is a matter of opinion whether you want to patronize it. Would you wear the 9 11 gear . You would look great in it. I wont wear an i heart new york shirt and i was miss new york. With that said, new york city is a giant gift shop. I think thats where a lot of the criticism comes from. You can pick up this tshirt from any corner store or something similar and it devalues the remembrance and honoring these people. I get that you need to make money for the museum, but they are are already charging 24 a ticket to go in. I would appreciate if some of the proceeds went to a nonprofit. It is to benefit the families of the victims. If there was more significance or personal significance tied to the cost, then i would be all for it. They need money in the operating budget and they say they will have tasteful items. If you go out of the 9 11 memorial you can probably buy 9 11 never happened tshirts within a hundred yards, right . I dont get the whole hoodie, ball cap. I dont know who would want to wear that stuff. Im assuming people probably will. I will be curious to see what the sales figures are if they release that. It might have been better to just sell books and documentaries and historical stuff people can learn from. If you want to do it tastefully, i think thats the way you do it. On the other hand you may make more money selling ball caps and hoodies. People are coming to new york and they will buy hoodies and ball caps. Why not get in on it . They are worrying if it is going to a good cause. It is the 9 11 memorial. It is not going to a vendor from out of town. And people are coming from all over the country. The target audience is not the victims family. Of course they will be offended. It feels new and raw. Even though it is how long . 13 . I was one of the ones who when they were building the memorial i said no, build the land. Go back to normal and put the shops. Now that it is here obviously i am going to go down and visit it. It is fine there is a gift shop. I know victims families will be upset. The shop is not for the victims families, but it is not for new yorkers in general. The people buying this stuff will not be people who live here. It will be tourists. Have we visited the statue of liberty . I am not saying that as a bad thing, but no one who lives in new york city will want to buy that stuff. He scoffed at being soft. A california mayor aping angered many people saying they should toughen up. They want safe zones where kids can find refuge from bullies. I am against bullies, but i am damn tired of it being a mantra for everything, the ills of the world. When all most people have to do is grow a pair and stick for for them damnselves. It is hard to grow up to stand up and grow a pair when you are a 10yearold girl. Then maybe the other 10yearolds who want to stop bullying will stand up for her. He came back with that one. Dagnabit im gonna get that rabbit. The comments sparked outrage. Gay rights advocates say they target gay people. They said it could turn dangerous like this one did. He didnt stop. Kate, what do you think of the mayors comments . He is right. What if a safe zone isnt so safe . The safe zone thing is weird. Mayor hamilton forgets what it is like to be bullied. When are you 10 years old it feels like the end of the world. I am with the Council Woman who spoke out against him. She said she said, andy, that a 10yearold she said a 10yearold girl is hard to grow a pair when you are a 10yearold girl. Who is really making restrictive assumptions about gender now, andy . Not her. She is probably right. I think science may have something to say. Look i think what he said was dumb. But to give him the benefit of the doubt he admitted afterwards, quote, i could have used less colorful language. He was thinking about a book called grow a pair. Stop being a victim and take back your sanity. Why not say that . I sort of agree. The safe zone thing sounds like gun free zones. It sounds like as if bullies will stop chasing someone because oh i am in the safe zone now. You cant chase me anymore. Why not make the town a safe zone. The town should be a safe zone. Thats why this is ridiculous. What are in these zones . Is it a soda shop . There are pillows. They are saying it is where kids can go to talk to someone to get help. Which i dont think it is a bad idea. I am not sure it well work. Is your seat a safe zone. I am sitting on it and it is really nice. I think safe zones are enabling a pattern bullying to continue. I think you are right, but i am not sure why. Because what we need to do is enable our kids to not ago ept is the bull not accept the bullying. They are taking on a title of a victim. If we focus on the bullying aspect as opposed to the empowering aspect bullying will be an issue. The word bullying has become a selfie. I am kind of with the mayor on this. We need to take a more pro active stance than creating a zone for victims. I was reading a story where people who were bullied have a protein in their system that is in their blood. You can detect they have been bullied. That goes to my theory that i think bullying is good for kids. It is putting protein who doesnt want protein in their blood . I always said that it is like inoculating you. Use words i know. Exept is for the kids who except for the kids who kill themselves. The message should be dont kill yourself. Why are people laughing . Dont kill yourself. It is not the end of the world. Thats the message. You can overcome bullying. Again empowering kids. Remi, i am so right on this. Thats the problem. Striking the right balance between the two. Striking. I told you, i believe in it. You dont want ids c who are terrified of going to school because they are being bullied because thats not good. But at the same time you dont want moms to interject with the school every seng gel time a every single time anything happens because you end up with kids like me. I think you and i are shining examples. Perhaps we were both bullied, but we are doing just fine. Bullying today has to be so much harder. You cant get away from it. You know why it is harder . It is so stamped out on the playground and in life. Now we have people going online and bullying they will bully you anywhere they can. They will get to you. It is a secret world of cyberbullying. It is more treacherous than when you had it out. Sticks and stones may break your bones did anyone elses mom say that to them . She would always say go punch him back. I did. I punched the bully and then he beat me up. But i learned. There is a line a in the first captain america movie where agent carter asks steve rogers, she says tell me why you want to kill nazis. He says i dont want to kill anyone. She said why do you want to go there . He said i dont like bullies. I stand with captain america and against you. That was a creative way to accuse me. Was his prosthetic antisametic. Mclemore performed at a concert wearing a costumes many felt mocked jewish stereo types. It is time for another edition of is this racist . For an event at seattles emp museum. Mclemore arrived in disguise for fans. He performed thrift shop but he made no reference as to why he was wearing it. He was promptly called a racist on twitter and elsewhere. One website said the get up turned him into a, quote, jewish caricature, synthetic snoz schnoz included. It includes not my idea of a stereo type of anybody. For more we now go to red eyes chief mclemore correspondent. Andy, i will ask you to comment on this incident. Would they have rolling raccoons . Comment on the incident. Speak on on behalf of jews everywhere. Seth rogen had the beth response to mclemores tweet. He tweeted a fake witchs nose equals wig and costumes. Sethseth rogen said if i told somebody to put together an antisametic jew costumes they would put that together. I believe mclemore didnt intend to dress like a stereo type of a jewish person. I think he is just that stupid. I dont even blame this on him. I blame this on the people around him. There is no excuse for a manager or someone else who is supposed to be a grown up pulling him aside and saying listen, bro. Here is the deal. Do they have managers 1234 is it like Rubin Kincaid . If you are independent you dont have those people telling you. You have been an outspoken supporter and you would think he is more sensitive. Lgbt are not jews though, right . He should know better. Whether or not he intended to be racist, guess what, everybody thought you were trying to be racist. Thats interesting. It doesnt matter if you were being racist. There is nothing you can do . He is in the court of public opinion. I think people who think he is racist are being racist. They have a jewish stereo type in their brain. I thought that is a fun, goofy mask. I think what happened is he went to the thrift shop and that was the only choice available. Hes like i guess i will put all of this together. The real question is, like always, where is ryan lewis . Who is that a . Exactly. It is the guy who sings with him, right . Nobody pays attention to. I thought ryan lewis was the raccoon on top of mclemores head. That is really bad. Thats shameful. Remi, regardless of whether it is racist or not, he will battle this. What is he going to do about it . I dont know. People are coming to the conclusion he doesnt theng he did it. Does president think he did it. He said george bush did 9 11 so now he has to foe what it is like to deal with a conspiracy theory. But now he is the one to blame. I am far more offended by the raping. You dont like the thrift shop . He is awful. And dressing up in a stereo typical jewish outfit and doing thrift shop thats not cool. Jews president do own thrift shops, do they . No, but apparently they shop there because they are cheap. They know how to not pay retail. Oh i dont pay retail. You want to keep going . I am just saying what i know. I share kind of a fashion sense with mclemore. We shop at the same kind of places. I dont want to know what that was for. Thats just me. I am out on the town. I had 20 in my pocket. And it was 99 cents. Coming up, aired vark. Ardvark, words in the english dictionary. First, Michael Jackson performed as a hologram at the Billboard Music awards. When we come back, we answer what is on everyones minds. Was the hologram black or white . Did you get that . Dog what, what . Mattress discounters what, what . Mattress discounters Memorial Day Sale ends monday . But mattress discounters has the Largest Selection of memory Foam Mattresses under one roof. Comforpedic, icomfort, optimum, and wow, four years interestfree financing on the entire tempurpedic cloud collection, even a queen size sealy gel memory Foam Mattress for just 497. Better hurry the Memorial Day Sale ends monday. Mattress discounters into the Billboard Music awards to see all my favorite rock and roll artists. Playing the copings on todays hit parade. One of the most talked about performances came from a formerly human performer which is the subject of tonights there it was, a hologram of Michael Jackson singing and dancing like it was nobodys business. But we made it our business to criticize the technological marvel as creepy. Buzz feed said it was scary and vulture labeled it cynical. Why . I thought it was impressive. Isnt this the promise fulfilled when watching star wars with princess lea. I have a theory. Itit is because we dont understand this technology. It takes tons of money and huge corporations to pull this off. We suspect someone might be making money off of it. We cant do it ourselves and this is the selfie era. If we cant understand it, it must be creepy. Maybe someone really smart and rich did something you cant do, and you want to tear it down. Haters got to hate and dont blame a playa for keeping it real yo. Remi, why are we pretending to be freaked out about this . Everyone knows Michael Jackson is no longer alive. We pretend we are scared and freaked out and everyone is tweeting about it. Why . I will speak for myself. I am uncomfortable with the notion that we can just be placed in situations after we are dead. Like Michael Jackson and Audrey Hepburn in the chocolate commercial she is doing now. His whole life is being placed in situations. He was constantly filming himself dancing up a storm and it was being projected all over the world. Television, film. That is less concerning. It is where this could go. Are you worried about remi being projected. Your youtube videos living on after you are dead. They will superimpose my face on another body and make me the face of peptobismol. What if your children and childrens children could live off of remi in the future. That wouldnt be so bad. By exploiting my imagery. Are we exploiting mark twain for reading his books . No, but it is respectful. Kate, who cares if this is a publicity stunt and somebody is making money. It was fun to watch Michael Jackson dancing. It is the Jackson Family so somebody is making money and then they will fight over it. Michael jackson hasnt looked like this for years and years and years. When was that from . 90s. And he looked great, but the audience seemed freaked out. I think it is creepy. Some were crying, but they were moved by his performance. Andy i know you will disagree with me, but i it means you will dig in your heels further. I think it is creepy for two reasons. The technology is not perfect. You get the valley effect where it looks close to human, but not completely human. It is a little off. We do that all the time with video games. Thats why it is creepy. The second reason it is creepy is Michael Jackson was creepy. Thats another issue. I am not a big Michael Jackson fan and he may have been joanne you may not have been old enough to remember Michael Jackson, but do you remember the spin doctors . No. I know Michael Jackson. He needs to watch his spacing. What does that mean . His choreography. He was a little off. H is a terrible idea. All Michael Jackson impersonators will be out of a job and the costumesser and everyone else who does the shows. This is terrible for the performing arts industry. The customers and the hair people are out of a job because Michael Jackson is not around. You are worried about the impersonators . And their people. They will keep working because we got this hologram out there. I am not saying you have the right to make holograms of dead people and dont do it on a tv program where people may be watching. How are you supposed to explain it to your kids . I will say i have seen really good holograms. Do we have the hologram of me dancing . Thats super realistic. That was not me. I swear it was not me. I thought it was. I thought the floor looked false. The floor was real, but the me was not. I have had a hologram done of me as well. I dont believe you. Yes. I had a hologram of me doing a live performance. Do i have that . You cant unsee that. You just cant. Wow. I never would have had me doing that. What they can do with holograms is amazing. Coming up, mario cart filled with racers or racists . Thats next. First, a word from our sponsor. Tonights c block is sponsored by waberneys. Tep on down and broddiddly. Sploosh. Thanks, walbernoot. Is porn hub a tool . Thats the message of a christian horror movie called the lock in released this year 1k3 shot in the style of the blair witch project. It warns of the dangers of pornography, a growing epidemic according to the producers. High School Seniors are on their way to a church lock in do they have those . And they find a demon bag of porn. Here is the trailer. You need to document every single thing that goes on. We are making a fun movie because we are going to a church lock in tonight. What is it . Dirty mag. Lets bring it to the lock in. No. The entire building is going to be locked up. You will not be able to get out. I believe there is is a correlation between pornography and demon activity. You. Do you see what it did to those kids . Please leave us alone hey, bud, what are you doing here . Are you okay . That was a demon bag of porn. Remi, does this changing your mind about porn . This is frightening. No. I feel if you want to make a movie and dont want people to watch porn then make a good movie. I am seeing a movie that is boring and reminds you that porn exists. This is based on the blair witch project that came out like what, six months ago . If i know america somebody is working on a porn version of this movie as we speak. Chal challenge accepted. What rhymes with lock in . They said they were going to a lock in as if we know what it is. Do you know what a church lock in is . No, but i am jewish. I have never been to a lock in. You have been to a church lock in . Not a church lock in. It was a high school lock in. This was big when we were in high school. They lock the doors and no demon bags of porn. I dont know what that entails and what happens when you find that. Everyone happenings out and doesnt leave the place they are locked into. They lock you into the school so they know you wont get into trouble. It is an innocent hangout. Im sure this is what happens. Now we know what a church lock in is. They go to church and get locked in. The most unbelievable part is apparently we are supposed to believe that people look at noninternet porn . Dirty mags. They had the real to real and super eight films. This looks awful, but most horror movies these days are awful. I dont even want to talk about the one i watched because it was really, really bad. The plot was the polar opposite of this in a lot of ways. It would be easy to bash this film because it is about demon porn. I would rather bash it because it looks like an awful horror movie. If this is really about a church lock in where there is porn and demons, i heard no hail mary, i heard no one Holding Hands and pray fought praying to the lord above to save them. At the end he thinks to get holy water. Sorry if i ruin it. You are in a church and didnt think of that a . The Production Company is called holy mo one redeeming quality about this film. I dont like porn. I think it is bad for you, but i dont know if there are demons involved. There arent. The weird thing is people who say porn is bad for you say horror movies are bad for you. I think so. I dont like people getting drilled put their body. It is not good for thrir teenyearolds to 13yearolds to watch that disgusting horror that is in fashion. Do you agree with me, kate . I dont know if women understand. It is bad to get these images in our head. That being said this movie is not putting a dent in that and people will see this to see it because it looks so bad and then they will go home and still do what they are going to do. Did i go to you yet . I got your opinion on this. Was it good . I thought it was really good. Do you watch porn . Do you like it . You use youtube . I want to watch the lock in. I will say that. Is mario cart 8 to white . Is this racist. A reviewer claims the new Nintendo Games has playable characters. Quote, of the 29 drivers 14 are human includinged to and toadeete and every one of them is white. He said i found myself disappointed that the characters painfully fails to reflect the diversity of its audience. But several characters are alternate of each other sots doubles are also white. The reviewer analysis said charnght teres, the yoshi and a cloud writing litter. You know who else has miss givings of mario games . Andy, as the only gamer here who is also a rasist, what do you think . Absolutely. Nintendo is a Japanese Company so we cant blame this on evil white people. That makes me uncomfortable because i am blaming things on nonwhite people so it is problematic and we shouldnt be doing it. Two things. It lets players use the mii and that is mii. You can create an avatar that is black, brown, purple, gold, whatever you want. The other problem is if you are writing 0 paste paste magazine. Well, paste is white. It is a white magazine. Interesting name. Paste. Paste is white and white people are called pasty. Im sure you get that all the time, tom. I find paste problematic and they should look at themselves first. Jay mario and luis gee are italian plumbers how many go cart riding with black people . I have no idea, but i did live with a gamer and i 100 believe that someone would take the time to write this letter. If he wants to see a game that reflects someone that looks like himself maybe it is time to update the character. It has been 30 years. This guy says there were not black and hispanic characters. Well how can you tell . First off, the logic is flawed. I dont know why. They are not caw shea sheen. They are fungi. When you are playing mario cart you are playing with a me. It looks like me. Big eyebrows and large nose and it is me. Nobody plays as the toad. Joanne there are at least five female characters. Why dont we focus on the sexual diversity. Which is wrong because we know women cant drive. I had to say that. You are a terrible driver. I am. I am representing all of the terrible drivers i am glad we are represented. The guy who bro this gave him a big debut. You write a letter like that it is consuming your life. It is time to take a break. More stuff when we come back. Are we at peak prank . A comedy on youtube features unsuspecting civilians to help her. Their good deed is met with a demonic surprise. Kate, are you as disgusted as i am . I love. It i was cracking up watching it. The creepest thing is the guy with the vampire contacts and the braces that introduces the video. He is creep yes, sir than the demon kid. I dont like to be pranked, but i thought this was hilarious. You should go down to brazil. Remi, what is up with the brazilians. He goes into a sprint when he sees that. I dont blame him. He is probably terrified. He is just turning and running. He probably had a bad experience with a demon at a lock in. If this happened to you, would you fear being pranked again. I hate pranks they prey on trusting people which everybody is. The reason you are suspicious of somebody you see on the street is Something Like this happened to you. Now i am not helping the downtrodden. Even celebrities are not immune. Did you see this story about america merarra . He put his head under her skirt. Is that funny . That is not a prank. It was sexual harassment. He then got arrested. Good job, people. Dont these pranks everyone thinks this is so funny. This is why this guy does this thing. Sticking his head under her dress. How far away from that is that from this . As soon as something gets dangerous, thats when the line is crossed. Unfortunately for these poor people, i think they would have felt threatened. What if someone was holding a baseball bat. I might have smacked the child. I thought somebody was going to hurt that little girl they put in this. How far off is this stuff from what Sacha Baron Cohen does. I am tired of all of it with sasha sasha baron co ven Sacha Baron Cohen and the jimmy kimmle fake videos. I am tired of it. You have people being nice and checking up on a girl they think is in trouble and pay for that being scared out of their minds. Then they see a girl on a bench who may have been a victim of attack. One of these days somebody will die from a heart attack from one of these pranks. You just need somebody with a slightly weak particularrer darn dash dash ticker. People having coronary heart attacks. I like this video. People fall. I love when people get pranked because they are greedy. It is like the 20 being dragged on the sidewalk. When it is unsuspecting people do good. They will never help someone again. It is terrible for humanity. You have to prank up. So do you have a comment on the show 1234 email us on red eye at fox news. Com. Do you have a video of your animal doing something in . Click on submit a video. We look back at 40 great years of the rubiks cube. Female narrator through memorial day at sleep train, female narrator through memorial day get 36 months interestfree financing plus big savings of up to 400 on beautyrest and posturpedic. Even get three years interestfree financing on Serta Icomfort and tempurpedic, plus free sameday delivery, setup, and removal of your old set. When brands compete, you save. But this special financing offer ends memorial day at sleep train. Sleep train your ticket to a better nights sleep ferrari rarely feel sorry . A new study claims that rich people are more likely to cut people off in traffic, blow past pedestrians and generally be jerks. Psychologists at uc berkeley studied how financial status affects how people behave on the road. Basically they found that owners of fancy cars tend to act more like aholes. Kate, do you agree with this study . I dont. I think that people who drive all kinds of cars can be jerks. You dont have to drive a nice car to cut people off. I have been cutoff by people with nice cars and crappy cars. But uc berkeley did a study and they saw which ones were pulling out. What if people are living above their means and they are driving nicer cars. In the study they said rich people and people who think they are rich or Something Like that. Are you really rich if you are driving . Rich people have drivers. Really rich people. Look, i believe this study, but it has also been my the most discourteous drivers are the one with lefty bumper stickers on their cars. I dont mean an obamabiden sticker. I mean the think globally and act locally bumper stickers. The more stickers they have the worst drivers they have. They have convinced themselves they are really good people and they are doing this good stuff so they can then be rude on the road. They have the right. They are better than us. A little bit. I look forward to the day i myself am a jerk. You want to get there. I dont have a car, but the cat i live with takes it well. These people who have nice cars have somewhere to go. They have an important job. I pull out in traffic if i am at a stop sign because i am in a hurry. I am in a hurry. What do you think of that a . I would what do you think of that . I believe this. Everybody that drives a bmw drives a certain way. Thats what i noticed. It is specific to that one build. You have the same blue collar resentment. I guess so. It is observational. Finally we would like to wish a happy 40th birthday to riew bibbings cube. Rubiks cube. What a 40 years it has been. I think we learned a lot there. A

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