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A career in an aconnedas or getting a job at the zoo. She thought it was quite humorous. They think hes trash and dont want his cash. Please shoot me. Well, doneald sterlings tough week continues as hes now stuck with millions of dollars he thought he was giving away. Thats because ucla, the poor mans sack state says in the wake of his recent grant says its cancelling a three million grant. A spokeswoman says this. Mr. Zerlings divisive and hurlful comments demonstrates that he does not share uclas core values. Meanwhile a detroit news columnist says other nba columnists are worried. Terry foster writes some owners want this other thing going away as quickly as possible. Finally not everyone is happy that sterling has been banned. Some of his supporters are outraged by the position. That is just about as devastating as it gets. Just because you can do something doesnt mean you should. Its disturbing where weve come. Im a little worried about that. Its not right. Its a nightmare. I cant really wrap my head around it. Totally ridiculous and unconsciousable. I mean i think they should just talk it out. I think its all sinking in right now as im speaking to you. Absolutely. You know matt damon was so outraged that he went home and put on a different pair ever clothes. Its all he talks about, greg. He shows up at places and starts ranting about it. He said im upset about sterling being banned but i wanted to talk so more so i went home and changed clothes so no one would recognize me. Brian, you have cancer or so you claim. Ucla, says they dont want to take sterlings position. This money could help treat or deal with cancers of the kidney. Yeah, of course. Well its nice to his celeb it friends supports him by the way. When i was diagnosed with cancer my celebrity friends through a fundraiser for me. Who really hurts is the guy who needs kidney transplants and is waiting six months to get the kidney translaplants and hes le thank you ucla for taking the moral high ground. Isnt that better than getting a racist kidney. Kidneys dont know race, andy. Gavin, heres what drives me nuts. The ucla press person said that his comments are divisive. It was the opposite. How is what he did divisive . It united everybody against him. Theres no such thing was a divisive racist comment. I dont want to lose any friends here. I have absolutely no problem with donald sterling. He said you can sleep with them. Girlfriend, i dont care if you sleep with seven foot tall black millionaires, just dont advertise it. What a jerk. Lets fine him 2. 5 million. Whats a real racist . All i know is that hes a racist. If you dont want your wife sleeping with black millionaires youre more racist then donald sterling. Well when you put it that way, thats right. I dont like it when my wife sleeps with shaq oneil. But you tolerate it. I do but i can always tell. Joe, how it this happen . Oprah who you idolize may try to buy the clippers and im not talking about the hair kind. That was a pretty weird laugh you had there. I peed my pants. Joe, what do you make of this story. Do you think they should reject or take the money. I understand why they have to reject the money. Its a shame because the money isnt racist and thats a lot of money but as they say, more money, more problems. So the school is like lets just get rid of it all but interestingly enough, sterlings foundation that he has, his nonprofit made several donations to various africanamerican organizations like the black Business Association and United Negro College fund over the years. Are they now going to give back that money, too. Oh, they must and didnt the naacp get tons of money. Yes. So these people are much much more noble soy assui assume it happening tonight. That money is racist offsets. Thats true. You can save racist things if you give money to antiracist organizations or black organizations. That money is tainted and by the way i just said tainted. You did, very good. That means because i give no money at all, im the least racist person alive. Well, it means cant say anything racist. Or you hate yourself. Im a selfgloloathing gutfe you didnt do the show last night, andy. Well there was no show. When i woesk when i woke up yesterday i was told not to come in. I was told you were so ut raged that sterling was banned for life that you didnt come in. It was a rough day. It seemed silly for ucl toora te back the money because he claimed they were going to name a building or lab after him. I could see them not wanting to have his name on it. They say it was not part of the deal anyway. In that case, just take the money. The scary thing here is the part of the owners being scared about stuff in their closets because i think they are right to feel that way. You already got Charles Pierce who writes or esquire was on pbs news hour and news buster noted that he is now saying that the debos family who own the orlando magic, they support antigar marriage initiatives. And he is saying if were going to step into it into this new world. Lets step into it all the way. One of the owners of the Oklahoma City thunder made his money fracking. They could be right to be scared about this. I just hope that no one finds out that Magic Johnson wanted to buy the clippers for a long time. Ste sterling was standing in his way. Now sterling is no longer in the way so johnson can buy the feem. We discussed that on the show. This was my conspiracy theory. Poor johnson. That was funny though because i thought you thought that was a great idea. No, its all over the place but its not enough to leave it all over the place. Seen as a cookie theory but its exactly what happened. Do you believe that. No, i dont believe it. It anyone who wants to buy the team, do they have to look through their closets. Thats got to be a really scary thing. No one is going to have to buy the thing because they wont havent to deal with all the press. If oprah goes through the closets there will be i love gayle and i love oprah. I think there should be gayle marriage. Why not. All right should they drop up on pop. Toronto has Something Else to fuss about. Residents there ask their Public Library to get rid of six books over the last year including dr. Suesss book hop on pop saying the story encourages violence against their fathers. The majority of Health Care Costs come from hopping related instanc instances. You know what i would rather nobodying focus on. This, its awesome. Finally, he is stuffing something in his ohole not the other way around. Where do they go. Is that Cultural Appropriation that hes eating all of those burr eat oes. I feel like this is some kind of prank. This isnt a prank. Toronto is the exception to the canada is awesome rule. They came new york city sizes over night and they should play them some npr tapes and they are anna agexaggeration of the wors berkeley, madison combines. This is the worst beta males ever. Imagine you suffered this trauma they are scared of. The dad goes i was hopped upon. They are Free Health Care so what difference does it make. Yeah. Dont think its real though. Yes, its real. It is a place where the Canadian Human Rights Commission Said we outlaw all hate speech, things that are true are not exempt from this rule. Right so they literally out lawed hate facts which is our joke we use all the time. Our jokes are reality. Being hopped upon that genuine concern in toronto. Is getting your book banned the coolest thing that could happen to you. Buy it, ban it. Do whatever you want to do. Red eye is doing great everywhere accept for toronto, there was a drop around the time kevin was on the show. The gives tree as banned that promotes deforestation obviously. Green eggs and hams, that promotes the use of spoiled foods. 1 fish, two fish, three fish. Red fish. That promotes the homosexual agenda. He actually was a real doctor. Hard to believe. He was pretty right winged. Pretty progun. He used to do political card on ones that were supposed to be a satire but were very offensive to some people. I never saw them joanne. You can google it. Thats what i did. It would have been great if you had looked this up before you got here. She didnt know what i was going to say. Leave her alone. Stop calling her interesting joanne. All right the book was written for your age group. Do you feel this is an assault on your generation. No one givens the kids any credit. We know how to hop but when to stop. Who goes to libraries anymore . This is the big thing. Yeah. Thats why this is not true. There are a total of five people who have been to this branch of the library. One was defended. That was 20 . Youre right though. What kind of loser cant go on amazon. The books there are one dollar. Thats way more expensive. Save on gas. I like the library because of the protective cellophane cover that they put on books. Every now and then you will see somebody reading one of those books and its like wow. Well, it kind of smells like miss. No, once you put the cover on you dont want to be careful. Exactly. You can eat and do whatever you want. Newspapers on sticks. Thats bizarre. Andy, is this bad . Does it make you sad, glad or perhaps mad. Share the feelings you have. Oh, wow. I wish i had taken tonight off instead. Okay. You can leave. No, im here already. I mine as well say it. The actual words in the book are stop, you must not hop on pop. Its telling kids not to hop on pop. Yeah. So this person san idiot. The library itself said that the children are actually told not to hop on pop but some idiot made a request because it rhymes with hop and pop. Go doesnt. There were six requests for books to be removed and one for a movie to be removed. All were denied. Someone requested that bill oreillys book killing kennedy be banned because it quote contains false hoods because it concluded kennedy was killed by oswald alone. For that i say good for you unknown truth teller. Its weird they are upset with hop on pop but they are okay with smoother mother. Its a terrible book. I hate that book. Well, you wrote it. Well, it leaves so many untied loose ends that im very embarrassed i put on paper. Coming up gavin says something horribly offensive that we have to edit out. My apologize to the editor. Well just bleep that but first cities are banning e significansignificancigss whats next banning air. Whats next banning air. If i told you that a free tensecond test could mean less waiting for things like security backups and file downloads youd take that test, right . Well, what are you waiting for . You could literally be done with the test by now. Now you could have done it twice. This is awkward. Check your speed. See how fast your internet can be. Switch now and add voice and tv for 34. 90. Comcast business built for business. Its time for another installation of is this evil . Crap im not even prepared for this. In new york and chicago laws making ecigarettes subject to the same laws. Meaning that ecig smokers have to join people outside of the bar. It is meant to denormalize the act of smoking. Note to the Health Commissioner quote imagine youre at a bar and there are 20 people who are puffing on Something Like a cigarette. How is the bartender going to know to top on the shoulder and say put that out. Mean pitime new wroryork city cs to ignore real public dangers. I had no idea what was going to happen. It was a happy ending. You were at a vape protest. How did that go. It was fun. Monday night we did the count down. I was dressed from animal house. We counted down from 10 to zero and then everyone started puffing and it was libertarians. A lot of that is economics so they tend to be kind of a nerdy bunch. Im like the coolest one there and im an ugly old snerd. Youre the guy on your right is a great writer from new york times. Oh, yes. He was there. And thats matt welch from reason but, i think it was good because it got a ton of press and it showed everyone that this law exists because most people dont realize that this idiot iing ruic rule about water vapor is now a law. If anything proves that we have too many bureaucrats trying to come up with ideas for laws then this is prove of it. What is our government punishing successful quitters like me. I havent had a cigarette in six months. I know almost nothing about ecigss do they have to be abacc. No tar. You get the nicotine but out of you comes water vapor. Is that like we dont want people to be associated with the idea of smoking. Theres no harm to anybody aurn. Its the idea that it simulates a behavior. Whats the problem . No. Thats one of their arguments but thats a false argument. Basically all this is is a Delivery System much like gum or patches accept this works. Do you know what i mean . Well then the issue is gum and patches. They are saying this whole thing about denormalizing or seeing children seeing this and thinking its normal and then trying it. Kids love stickers so we should get rid of the patch. And kids always want to put stuff in their mouths. So its an argument that isnt valid. 91 of High School Students dont smoke. It doesnt even occur to them. Its like racism. They dont even no what it is anymore. Lets change that tonight. Exactly. Andy, you hate anything and everything that forces you to be around people. Yes. But i want to ask you what can people do. I said this before. The people who are banning the indoor vaping this is the ones who rail against secondhand smoke. Now they are forcing people who smoke vapor to go outside and smoke next to people who have actual cigarettes so they inhale secondhand smoke. So they say they want to denormalize the act of smoking. I would like to denormalize people telling people how to live. They care about controlling other peoples lives because they are live, live people and having control over others makes them feel big inside. I was at a bar\restaurant. It was that time you got drunk and you believe you had gotten your jacket stolen. It was that bar and parents were there sitting over there and i was smoking an ecig and it wasnt the parents, it was the child. The child started staring at me and going, daddy, daddy, what is he doing . He goes hes smoking. He cant smoke in there. So the kid came over and hit my table. What . How old is this kid . Hes like six or five. Its like invasion of the body snatchers. And then the kid runs over and then he sits down. He moves seats and hugs his mother. She says its all right as i though i was compoexposing myse. To be fair i wasnt wearing pants. Thats the kind of kid were breeding though in the new new york city. Its bad. Did you care, i wanted them to say something. Just to tell them what you want from me because im not going to stop. But now i have no choice. Yeah. It was us as kids who go up to another adult, a stranger in a restaurant and tell them not to do something. Unthinkable. I cant imagine. You can hit those kids. My parents used to tell me to go talk to strangers all the time. Yeah. They bought you that book talk to strangers, please. Yeah. They would not give me candy so that i would want the candy even more. The old days you could get punches by a stranger. Yeah. You see it in mad men sometimes. That was in an episode of man mad where the kid is making noise and the guy goes knock it off. Whack. I was in a movie. Some kid was kisking the back of my chair. I go dont kick my chair and the mom is next to him eating popcorn going its not my problem. All right. That will be in my word of the day calender. Coming up tonights sea block is sponsored by oranges. Delicious citrus fruit perfect eating, making juice and not making bruces when used in weaponize ed socks. Whatever oranges. How much can you get for selling your virgin it. Well, in vavins case. Teg nif one negative 100 dollars. Thats why im type e thats why im tyyyyype eeeee, i can do it all from my mobile phone thats why im tyyyyype eeeee, if i need some help im not alone were all tyyyyype eeeee, weve got a place that we call home were all type e at od, whatever business youre in, thats the business were in. With Premium Service like one of the best ontime delivery records and a low claims ratio, we do whatever it takes to make your business our business. Od. Helping the world keep promises. Thank you. Thank you. I got this. Oh, no, ill get it let me get it. Uhuhuh. 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I speak of a 28yearold med student whos auctioning off her innocence online. Thats the subject of tonights red eye debate. 2014. Live from the red eye Debate Center. Welcome to tonights red eye debate live from the Debate Center in st. Louis missouri. Im greg cut felled host of tonights debate. Initial initially hit her face but saw it would attract bigger offers. The current is 550,000. Claim shes not just interested in the money, shes also attracted to the adventure, scandal and a chance to challenge norms about virginity. Well, they are often named norms. Brian, since its gooding to take place in australia because i think prostitution is not illegal there. Is it even worth the trip. Its like 15 hours. Is it 550,000 canadian. I think it cost more than the american now. What . By the way, great porn name, especially with the e, classes up a little bit. Do the guys know what they are bidding on. This is half a Million Dollars to sleep with an uptight book worm virgin. Maybe it was a shutty gi girl wn around with plenty of guys and knew what she was doing. I also question whether shes telling the truth. How do we know. I know that theres biological ways but not anymore. People have changed. Theres horseback riding. You can check the hymen, you need a camera with a flashlight. She says she hasnt ruled out falling in love with her suitor. How likely is that to happen. Very unlikely. He will be like donald sterling. She will buy a nice place with an indoor pool and she will be going this is wonderful. How did you afford this. Oh, i slept with a really old guy who looked like john berns on his death bed. Oh, it makes it better because youre going wow, this is due to her vagina. Ladies, your sexuality is a currency, okay. You cant just spend it willy nilly. You lose your stocks. You are a stock when you blow it like that, you become less appealing. Yes but you make half a Million Dollars. Yeah. Thats a quick fix in a gross sex house. Maybe this is Donald Sterlings next move. You just got that three million back. Thats right. Joanne, im not going to ask you that would be a terrible question. He still get as way with saying it. He says im not going to say it. Its like saying the n word. You get all the benefits i dont see you as a w, but what do you were snow balling down the mountain. What do you make of this. This is all lies. I love how she says she went through a traumatic event. She mother pass away when she was young. She said it was traumatic but hasnt affected your lifestyle choices. Of course it has. How could it not . Dont understand mens obsession with virginity because you might be pure in body but shes not pure in mind or morals at all. I also dont understand how she can look so good if shes a book worm. Like shes been to the gym. Shes a gym worm. Maybe. Maybe shes in hymeno plafty. You go to an eyelid donor. Theres no such things you crazy person. This is like i love being on the show with gavin, i can say whatever i want and it will wont be the worst thing on the show. This is already being edited out. The roof of ones mouth. Shut up. Andy, you tried to auction off your virginity. How much did you get . Why is it okay to ask me that but not joanne . Because im a sexist. Because womens sexuality has currency. Look as a fem annist, i support her right to do whatever she wants to do her body. I like that she told the huffing ton post that shes open to kissing the winning kidder. So sex is definite. Kissing is possibly. So shes not a prift ofitist ut. I love how she describes herself on a web site which has some very good pictures by the way. She describes herself as sensually stunning and charismatic. I dont think youre supposed to say that youre sensually stunning. Maybe you do but it doesnt make it right joanne. But she also says shes sad and lonely so it balances it out. Mommy flew to australia when she was younger and sex with a fat guy. Shes saying that society places a high value on a womans virginity but thinks that its stupid. Given that thats the case in society. Shes going to claim that price and actually make money out of it. You know what you are. Youre virgin shaming i love what they say about strip clubs. No, they are deciding how much they can allot. Its up to them. This guy 550,000 is not a lot to him. Hes still winning. Gavin, whats a strip club. Its where women get the ultimate experience where they get to dance around and be worshipped. Can you imagine of a woman staring at your nude body drooling and you get to listen to coolio. Some of us dont have to imagine, gavin. That was the funny part of that. Gangsters paradise. Absolutely. Sit and bend over and they are just like oh, my god look at his scrotum. Was he ever on red eye, i think he was, actually. No, he was. He was. I think he was. Who hasnt been on red eye. Thats the funny thing. All right next topic. If you put all humans on a pile. Who big would that pile be . According to internet personality v sauce, the worlds population roughly 40 million people, i think, piled on top of each other would look like this as the web site sloid notes were just a bunch of ants that have managed to transform the entire landscape of earth. This is an interesting point because after seeing that graphic, we know that the whole lie over population is a lie. Yeah. Thats a tricky topic because they say that immigration doesnt affect population because we have such a huge land mass but they all go to a handful of cities. The ones that can afford to pay for illegal immigration. If we spread them all out. It would be like garbage. Okay with a it if they go to rural ohio. I think that would be nice because they would probably make a lot of places better. Im talking like detroit could use some immigration. Maybe if we got the old kind of immigrants like me who hard work and bring jobs. Brian, is that a graphic account. Please dont guess of the pyramids of people. Yeah, the story about the people in the grand canyon is kind of like the grand canyon itself. Its mildly amusing or interesting. You look at the story like the grabb grand canyon and you go oh, how about that and then you move on with your life. Is anybody overwhelm by the grand canyon, i was overwhelmed with the parking. It went on forever. It had a lot of transit buses that could take you anywhere and everywhere r. I found that quite interesting. There was a lot of food you could buy if you were ever hungry. There are a lot of people making out in front of me. Do you know were doing a show right now . Whats the point of that graphic by the way . Is that a lot or a little. Its like when they show a baby uses this many diapers over a lifetime and they go, yeah. Joanne they said if you did all of humanity, thats 106 billion and thats be about 15 of those piles does that make you feel really special. It makes me feel small. Where am i in that pile. Those piles would be multiplying if we put people like that. People get horny when they are suffocating. They might. We dont know. It depends if the people up top are hot. I guess so. But it must smell. Its not a real pile. It was a imagimathematical thiny were trying to show you how much it wasnt a real pile. The grand canyon isnt real either. Come on. Im just glad we finally did a story from v sauce. I have been saying for years we got to get more v sauce on the show. What is v sauce anyway, i like the name sploid. The thing is if he say if all the humans were your size you could fit the pile in a bath tub which i thought was cool. That was unnecessary but accurate. Time to take a break. Were going to talk to brian about his new book when we come back and speaking of books look at that one not cool. Order it at amazon. Com. Autographed copy. Look at this. Arent they adorable. Those are my jackets with my face on them. Look at joanne. You can get those at g gutfeld. Com plus the hat. There it is. I think she can hear me. Isnt that weird . Huh, 15 minutes could save you 15 or more on car insurance. Everybody knows that. Well, did you know that game show hosts should only host game shows . Samantha, do you take kevin as your lawfully wedded husband. Or would you rather have a new caaaaaar say hello to the seasons hottest convertible. Ohhh. And say goodbye to samantha. [ male announcer ] geico. 15 minutes could save you 15 or more. Test test test test test test test test test test test [ female announcer ] who are we . We are thinkers. The job jugglers. The up allnhts. And the ones who turn ideas into action. Weve made our passions our lifes work. 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Typically i would say six to 12 months in this cases and my next thought was well, thats not going to be me. Now maybe that was denial. Maybe that was foolish or just naive but i just was like were going to fight this. Whether or not we win we are going to give it a fight. You know what could happen is you might have already died and this could be heaven. Oh, my god this is the worst heaven ever. This is red eye. Youve been doing this talk show for three years. This is the other place. Give me some nice ones favor ones. They are practical not just if you have cancer or a friend or relative, of course there are ones that are applicable to that. Some are lighthearted for example, i tried to narrow in on the exact time to spend because youre there too long, youre overstaying your welcome. If they want owe get rest or get better, what are it is. 19 minutes is the perfect time to spend in a hospital because youre there for a little bit of time. You said hi, you said hi, to the wife or family or whoever and you seem like a good guy and they are glad you came. Most tv episodes without commercials are that. Did you actually take chemo in a strip club. I actually did. So what happens in the strip clubs joanne is the girl heres what happens is youre sitting minding your own business maybe having a cocktail talking to a friend or young lady. A professional dancer with stand next to you. Its an oral chemotherapy pill. Im about to take it and she lights up and goes oh, what do you got there thinking its ecstacy im like nothing you want. Popped it and downed it with a vodka\red bull. I think thats a great idea to combine chemo with table dancin dancing. Who are the worst people youve ever met. Its my mount rushmore. Most people probably never thought i would write a book so here i am writing a book so joke son you guys. So its like my exgirlfriends father and teacher from college. Important people. Anybody from our high school. No one from our high school. Although someone did come close. Did you ever have burtrtta. He was my history teacher and i ran afoul of him doing what i do and he left a message on my home machine. When i got home that night, that afternoon my mom is like brian, what is . And he leans me over to what at the time was answering machines and she plays it and it included the phrase from him your son is the worst student ive had the misfortune of teaching in many years. Hes not teaching anymore. I any he runs a car business or hes the guy who asks you how your service went. Hes a good dude. Now hes the guy considering killing mhimself, you got to bu shrinkage. Yes. 7 p. M. Ill be signing the book. Awesome coming up we will talk about a bloated wale. I do a lot oresearch on angies list before i do any projects on my home. I love my contractor, and i am so thankful to angies list for bringing us together. Find out why more than two million members count on angies list. Angies list reviews you can trust. So, im working on a cistern intake valve, and the guy hands me a locknut wrench. No way im like, what is this, a drainpipe slipknot . Wherever your business takes you, you can se money with progressive commercial auto. [ sighs ] [ flo speaking japanese ] [ shouting in japanese ] we work wherever you work. Now, thats progressive. Call or click today. This is bizarre. Hold on to your hats a whale may go splat. This decomposing carcass, filled with methane gas may explode at any moment. It washed up in canada, apparently dieing from heavy ice conditions, what a shame. Authorities disagree for who is responsible for the disposal. Scientists released a video from inside of the animal. Ive been telling you its a great idea to get lasik surgery. I have lasik eye surgery 12 years ago. Not a big deal. The contacts itch my eyes. I had no idea. Gavin . This would be the greatest thing if i were a kid growing up around there. Wont you go nuts . That is the problem with canadas gun laws. You cant shoot dead stuff. When i was a kid wed shoot dead cows and animals would come out of it. I know pierce morgan lost the show but i didnt expect to it come to this. Imagine how much trouble wed be getting into because that was there because there was not enough ice but because of Global Warming was causing it to come on shore. If you were a kid would you be there every day, poking it with a stick . Absolutely. Youve heard of turning lemons into lemonade i did a yelp search for good sushi places in the area, they are few and far between. Theyve got the frozen wolf, and that is it. This could be a real boon to the local economy. How terrifying and awesome is this . So good. For the kid that takes a selfie with it as it blows up, millionaire. But you know, i do feel bad for the whale. I feel its pain. I have had those bloated days i want people to stop looking at me and poking me. Its true. Hes dead. Yes. Pms is really bad, you feel dead you do. Dead inside. Why cant they poke little poles in it so it slowly releases the methane . Put the gun away. They did that in 1970. It turned out the whale exploded everywhere and broke cars and windows stuff like that. So they dont do that anymore. It injured people. Can you imagine getting injured by flying whale blubber . Been there. I dont know if insurance covers that. Weve got to go. That does it for me. I am greg gutfeld. Ill see you next time. In the nation, its not always pretty. But add brand new belongings from nationwide insurance. And well replace destroyed or stolen items with brandnew versions. We take care of the heat, so you dont get burned. Just another way we put members first, because we dont have shareholders. Join the nation. Nationwide is on your side live from americas news Head Quarters a couple highlights for white house correspondents dinner. This is arguably the biggest night of the washington social year, an opportunity for senior officials to hob knob with the press core and punch lines were aimed at the top guy in washington, d. C. President obama proved once again he can dish out as well as he can take them. Can we get the new president ial

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