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event? >> he is no longer with us. >> what happened? >> he works for greta now. >> greta on fox has our matthew mcconaghey? >> it has been a year or so or two. >> no wonder they are beating us in the mcconaghey news. >> can i let you in on a little secret? i have been feeding him false information. >> really? >> it is news business, not news friends. >> well done, my friend. well done. go away. bye. let's welcome our guest. well, she is the princess who knows business, the hell cat on the fast track, the queen of the quaker camp. i am here with meet the boss tv reporter and a gilligan idiot. and we were short a guest, but luckily his shift at game stop just ended. here he is, comedian joe do derosa. his comedy cd is called return of the sun and suppression auction. ask him about the title. and in philadelphia, he is considered a hogie. my repulsive sidekick, bill schulz. and if commentary was a talent show, i would suffer disappointment after entering him. sitting next to me, imus in the morning executive producer bernie mcgirk. i always want to say, mcgirk, have you 48 hours to find the missing girl. i don't know why. and he will never confess his writing is a mess. good to see you, pinch. >> in business robert frank writes of the growing number of lady folk refusing to date or mary -- marry men. women. some -- ♪ some boys kiss me some boys hug me ♪ ♪ i think they are okay ♪ if they don't give me proper credit ♪ ♪ i just walk away ♪ they can beg and they can plead ♪ ♪ but they can't see the light ♪ >> that's right ♪ because the boy with the cold hard cash ♪ ♪ is always mr. right take it, porch. >> ♪ like a virgin ♪ touched for the very first time ♪ >> wrong madonna song, you insipid hump. >> for people watching this at home, i apologize. people watching it elsewhere, i i don't know what you were doing. >> doing karaoke with bill. >> i don't know what are you talking about. >> i mean pinch. it is a win-win for the purveyors of sin? they are calling for countries around the world to legalize prostitution and de criminalize the use for injection drugs. they say sex works should be recognizessed as an occupation to be regulated and they explained in a press released, the laws that criminalize populations at the highest risk of hiv including sex workers and injecting drug users drive people underground away from essential health services and heighten their risk of hiv. but according to a rep from concerned women of america, nking prostitution, legalization with aids is a copout because it ignores the role of behavior change and personal responsibility. speaking of personal responsibility -- >> that's the first time i have ever seen a pet have a helper pet. the world is great, bernie. should we recognize prostitution as an occupation like any other? and calling it sex work. >> i agree with them. i can speak from experience as a child of poverty i had to put myself through college and i drove a taxi that slowed down during the summer. i am not gay, but i worked as male prostitute to make up for the money. i felt i was endangered because i escaped, ut about i would have -- but i would have felt more comfortable if they were monitoring the whole thing. i was young and virtually hairless, and it is my right. who the hell are you to tell me? >> you make a powerful case for the legalization of sex work. i didn't see that coming from bernie. perhaps i never had. if not for prostitution, you wouldn't know the tender touch of a m would. what do you i can ma of this? what do you make of this? >> i think other countries have a shot at this. but it is not going to happen here. >> really? how come. too narrow minded? >> it is not even that it is too narrow minded. the whole morality argument of the whole issue is just a diversionary tactic. it is a thing to distract us. they want this thing out there, prostitution, illegal drug use, aids, all of these things happening because it is another way to keep the poor people in the place where they are miserable and unable to move forward. they want to keep them out of control. >> can i ask you one simple question? >> yes. >> who are they? >> who you are? >> your superiors, sir. >> am i working for something that i don't know? who is they? the u.n? >> the powers that be, i would say. not the u.n. i'm saying other countries have a chance of pursuing -- >> the tri-lateral commission? you are talking about the tri-lateral commission. >> i am talking about the american government. none dare call it conspiracy except anna gilligan who is a conspiracy of beauty. would it be safer for everyone if prostitution was legal and regulated? >> i think so. i think we are not paying attention to what they are trying to say here which is, yes, iv drug users and prostitutes are at a higher risk of contracting hiv. but because their behavior is illegal they don't have access to the help they need to prevent it and get treatment. the result is they are spreading it further. we should put ideology aside and look at it from a purr help perspective. it is not helping anyone if they continue to spread it. if you are going to get funding from the u.s. to work on aids, you have to sign an anti-prostitution pledge which keeps a lot of organizations pr around the world from taking money from us. the result is people don't get the help they need. the reality is they do have to help people in these situations. >> somebody who does have experience with this, bill, the wealthy older men who pay you to play chess in your underwear. does it ever go any further? >> they did. after i hit 35 it was all downhill. i can get an 80-year-old every once in awhile, bad vision. i still look young from far. of course said everyone with a wiff of logic in their brain. everybody else who likes being outraged said, not on my country. i am reading a great book right you no. >> i don't believe that. >> i am reading a book. >> you read about a book. >> i am actually reading this one, and i have read one chapter called "whores, the origin of liberation." it is about the beginning of america, and in the beginning of america hookers were the bomb. all they had were madams. there was no such thing as a pimp. mad m -- madams made the most money in the town. they made the infrastructure. there was no infrastructure. the hookers got free health care. nobody else had that. they made more money than the men, and they got free birth control from these mad m ads of the the minute we made it illegal mad m ads were replaced by pimps. they started getting disease and the drug addiction. they started getting the beatings and it all went downhill. >> can i just tell them, bill, you were not reading a book. you were watching an episode of "deadwood." >> i recall the 80-year-old who hired me having a case of it. >> i was going to say speaking to the point i was making earlier, you push this stuff out into the street it becomes a mess, and then people are -- they start to take themselves apart. >> it is going to p that. >> wait, wait, wait, wait. i recent the fact that joe did not make that point, and he is actually jumping on your point saying he made that point. >> i am a brothel and you are my pimp. >> that's the point i made. >> no, it is not. it is not a liberal conservative thing. it is not. i don't care what everybody does. i am for legalization of drugs and legalization of prostitution. it is not a liberal thing. it is more about do things get worse under government control than they do when they are privatized? >> it is better. go to amsterdam any day of the week. >> people use the amsterdam thing, except in amsterdam they are trying to kick out the foreigners who come there to get high. >> if you are poor young woman living in a shack in the black hole of calcutta, who are we to say she can't use whatever assets she has to raise herself above? >> that's reality in a lot of places in the world. >> one point, i cannot take any recommendation from the u.n. because they are wrong on just about everything, and you know they are doing it to help them get laid and get drugs. the u.n has some corrupt people there. they stand to gain from this in ways we don't understand. >> you can't throw the -- you can't throw the baby out with the bath water. >> i am sick of that. >> there is an independent study -- >> are you accusing me of abusing babies ? >> yes i am, greg. >> are you accusing me of using bath water? i can tell you, madam, i do not. jay by the way, are -- you are not far off on this u.n thing. i was blocks away from the u.n dirty, dirty with hookers. they are all over the place. the pimps have the fedoras and me on a leash. we have all of the other stuff too. >> the u.n uses them. you forgot that part. >> i said i live next to them. >> he was insinuating they live around the building. >> what does insinuating mean? do not use big words. >> she puts the sin in insinuating. ladies and gentlemen, the name of my club after hours. from sex work to work work a new report finds since twiep nearly 80% of new jobs created in the united states have gone to men. that's eight out of 10 or 16 out of 20 or 80 out of 100. the reason for this, men are the superior gender and always have been. totally uncalled for sexist tele prompter. shame on you, you evil machine. the real reason according to the l.a. times, a paper, some male dominated fields like manufacturing have rebounded after a hit during the recession. for more let's check in with our newest employ meant -- employ meant correspondent, mr. marbles. see that cat is not getting a job just sleeping on the job like that. lazy, lazy cats don't get no job. i don't know what i am saying. do you buy these figures 1234* it seems steep, eight out of 10. and you are like a business type, you know? you know what is going on. why is this happening? is it because women are lazy? >> no it is not that. it is either that there is discrimination going on with rehiring, but i would like to believe that's not what it is. it seems like a lot of men were hit and then laid off and maybe they are rebounding faster and women are lagging behind. a lot of the jobs were cut and haven't come back. >> that's a good point, the government actually shrunk. >> since women are getting hit hardest under the obama economy, why do they continue to support him. >> as a matter of fact, let me channel my inner michelle bachman. it is a conspiracy by bonnie frank. he started the whole banking crisis that caused the recession. they caused these women to stop losing jobs like this. i am just kidding, of course. her point was -- >> did you blame gays for the recession? >> or you can say -- if you blame bush for the recession you can say -- you can channel michelle bachman and say it was a bush lead conspiracy. >> you are basically just saying if you use michelle bachman you can have two theories. >> you can make up anything. manufacturing is on the rebound. lost jobs are coming back, and that's what it is. >> joe, you claim to be a man. >> yes. >> i b you are proud of this crowning achievement, taking jobs from women. i bet it makes you feel, really, really good. >> you know when somebody gets a little upity you have to put them in their place. >> you are terrible. anne is going to hit you. >> i am joking. >> i like it. there you go, the director. >> look, i don't believe statistics at face value, but aren't there just more jobs for men out there generally? i know some women do construction. i know some women do physical labor and things like that, but more men do those types of jobs in addition to office jobs that are more equally sexed. is it really that big of a shock that male employment is up more? >> the funny thing about being a comedian is unem plo i meant doesn't -- unemployment doesn't affect you because you are not working anyway. >> listen, you get to come to a nice little studio and play tv every day. i am out there on the road and doing it for real. >> i know. >> i'm asking the question. it is a fair question. >> it is a fair question, and it is a question i don't have an answer for i guess. we'll move on to bill because he is about ready to pass out. as a sequential hemaphrodite, how did you get onset? >> i don't know how security lets me in. the saddest part about all of this is the demise of the word man session. any chance i can get to combine man with another word i enjoy. initially as he said it was a man session. that was a fun word. what do we have left? man scaping? mandates? that's about it. man session is dead. if i may i would like to channel michelle bachman as well. end scene. >> that's a former guest and a friend of mine, young man. >> and a master at impression. >> michelle bachman came on "red eye"? >> yes, she was great. >> we are wanting to hire a clean lady named josie and i put a tool belt on. >> are we watching the village people review? >> he did a great job. he is moving in with me now. >> the recession brings people together. from employment to annoy meant , that's a word, i believe. it better be or the intern who wrote this is dead. she awoke to a practical joke, a dark one at that. roll tape, tape rollers. >> so there is a truck getting towed, and it looks like it is coming, so we will see if we can scare my wife. >> babe wake up there is a truck coming! >> i'm sorry that was funny. it was getting towed. >> terrible. the husband from north carolina posted that to something called youtube, an internet destination favored by young people and immigrants and he noticed his wife's reaction was, quote, priceless. joe, don't you think the wife was happy she realized she wasn't going to die? >> i would say so. she filed for divorce. >> i think that was a joke. >> i thought that was true. >> i think that was written by the person commenting on it. >> i love this joke. i have done this joke. >> have you? >> yes, but i actually drive into the truck. jay i think that -- >> i think that is attempted suicide. anna, if this was your significant other what would you do? >> i would be so pissed. any man here would you do this to a woman? >> absolutely -- i mean no. >> that is terrifying. it is not funny because you really made your wife think she was going to die, and your child was in the backseat witnessing their mother's terror. that's traumatic. >> yes, but what is the not funny part? >> it probably traumatized the child for life. >> they have short memories. >> no way. >> it was spontaneous. it is not like he woke her up in bed with a hockey mask and a butcher knifement it was spontaneous and it made it funny. >> she driving and he worked hard all week. she is sitting there passed out from a wine cooler. he is irritated and the kid is wining in the back. >> what is she tired from? she doesn't have a job. >> terrible. see, you hate women. bill, here is the thing, the problem for this poor woman is that here is a man. it is the boy who cried truck. what happens if there is a real car accident? >> this could have gone horribly wrong. >> he could have grabbed the steering wheel. >> do you think this is fake? >> that was a pretty legitimate reaction. i think that is for real. she could have been like, they go into a tree and we see the video. >> that's a good point. do not do this at home. i can't believe i said that. don't do this on a highway. coming up, what is the quickest way to get a woman to throw a drink in your face? joe derosa on his new book "say hello. i'm joe derosa." first, what is not to like about a sequel to "magic mike." lots of things if you are a card carrying link to america. you guys have other aimes with friends who are dames. a new study has concluded, surprise, surprise, that dudes want to sleep with their female buddies. researchers looked at more than 80 opposite sex friendships and found men were more attracted to their platonic pal than vice-versa. who is vice-versa? also guys consistently and mistakenly assume their amigas are attracted to them. as for the one guy in this study who ended up having sex with every one of his female friends -- >> if only we could be like who ever that was. bird didn't like him either apparently. and was there anything in the study you disagreed with? if so why? >> it seems like what we all know. it is hard to be friends with the opposite sex. i think men are hard wired to believe that women including their good friends all want them. and like i feel for you guys. it is your job to like go after women and get rejected and do it again and do it again. i think you have to have this belief that it is the only way we pro create. >> if you only understand -- understood sexual rejection syndrome you wouldn't reject us so often and throw us a bone. >> that's our job. >> have you ever had a crush on a male buddy who found you hideous? >> i don't know. >> that's impossible. >> i am a girl so i don't say anything. >> joe, what part of you thinks this is a study we reported on because you were on the show? >> every part. every single part of it. i want to have sex with all of my women friends. i have been trying to bang you, bill and andy for some time. i just want to have sex with my friends. >> beautiful. you are a very giferg young man. giving young n ma. are you not that young anymore. in the survey men felt there was more to gain from the attraction in friendship where women felt there was more to lose. when a woman says, but we will lose our friendship. and the guy is like, we will gain this. >> if a woman patronizes a store on a regular basis and the woman asks him for whatever is behind the countser he starts to think that is howdy lewded he is. >> it is like a switch. >> if a guy wants to sleep with a woman and she says we will lose conversation, fun, sense of humor, great activities. the guy is say, what, does she have a few recipes ? i don't care. i am eke joking. i am joking. >> i know. >> you know what is nice about the study, you always hear people say women are attracted to married men. but this shows women find men less attractive when they know he is in a relationship. >> that is not true. >> how many of your platonic guy friend have mistakenly thought they had a chance with you? >> part is my fault. after a couple of cosmos, i am flirty when i am not feeling it. >> you brought up a good point. guys have this thing where they are like, i hate going to strip bars because they make you think they are in love with you. you start thinking they are in love with you. it is to the the strip bar thing. it is the everything. guys go to strip bars and they say that one is into me. that one loves me. yes it happens there, but it is also the girl behind the cash register. it is the girl that passes you on the street. it is the hairy cabdriver that looks a little like danny devito. >> i thought i had a chance with the statue of liberty. i have been inside her. >> there are floors, you people. you can go to the top of the thing. >> that's what they call. it i went to the top. >> don't even know what i am saying at this point. do you have a comment on the show? i am reading e-mails now as you noticed. it is reds eye at fox to leave a voicemail, 212-462-5050. still to come, the half time report from andy levy. he doesn't have any problems with women because he doesn't like them. tonight is sponsored by cray fish. the crews stations with large claws like those of a lobster. thanks, cray fish. welcome back. let's see if we got anything wrong so are fa. hi, andy. how are you dismog. >> i'm good. >> good? >> good. >> glad we cleared that up. >> yes, was questionable earlier. >> it was. you were acting kind of weird. >> i know. u.n calls for legalizing prostitution. thank you for your can dore and bravery in telling your story as your days as a male prostitute. i think we were all moved. >> let's try to keep it real is what i am saying. >> bless you, sir. you say the concerned women of america are linking prostitution and legalization with aids is a copout because it ignores the role of personal responsibility. it isn't a copout if there is a commission on the law, so oddly enough it looked at ways countries could change their laws. >> perhaps. >> not perhaps. definitely. perhaps. -- >> perhaps. i am saying the information came from happens who is head the u.n commission, perhaps. >> the director of the institute, she is the one who made the comments. she has been accused in the past of padding statistics to fit cwa's agenda. not that the trust the u.n either. >> where did you get that from? >> from various sites on the worldwide web. >> maybe it was perhaps. >> greg, you said joe would not know the tender touch of a woman. tender touch is not what he is looking for. >> they call me rough and tumble. >> that's because you had sex in a laundry matt. >> yes, well that is part of it, greg. >> i thought it was sit and soak. >> i changed it. >> by the way, after your answer on this question, i might start calling you alex jones. >> really? >> why? >> conspirator y'all. >> it is not conspiratorial. it all went out when it went into the streets. that's not coincidental. when you see a systematic thing go from okay and working to terrible and diseased and you don't want to fix it, that's not conspiratorial, that's somebody being advantageous and they are saying we can now more easily disregard or -- and/or oppress this certain -- >> but who are they? you are talking like -- >> the powers that be, the government, the upper class. >> that's not conspirator y'all. the government is trying to keep the poor diseased and dying. >> to be fair he is just asking questions. >> he doesn't know the truth. he is being hypothetical jie. this is from the guy who says the u.n wants drugs and prostitution legal so they can -- that's not conspirator y'all. >> they have been arrested for doing both. >> but you have saying they made a worldwide ploy to get their own self--- like you don't think that is a bit conspirator y'all? >> it is kind of a joke. >> i'm sorry it was so well masked i thought it was a point. >> m why the -- i am the audience representative here. we checked out a longtime ago. >> don't worry, they will be tweeting me later. i look forward to it. >> 80% of newly created jobs are going to men. they say they are recovering earlier than women. could it also be, and i don't know if this is true, but a theory, a possibility. it is still more common in our sue sigh tee where one parent works it is the man. possibly with high unemployment families have made a decision for the man to get back to work first and maybe this is why this is happening? >> that is a logical explanation. as long as it is not the employers who are deciding they should prioritize men over women with the assumption that they are the primary bread winner. that may be the way it is going. joe you said of women, quote when somebody gets uppity you have to put them in their place. >> that was a joke, andy. >> was it? >> yes. >> is it a joke you are single? >> i told you i am saving myself for you. i don't know how many times i have to say it it. >> if you keep saying it, maybe it will be funny one of these days. >> that's cool. >> move on. i don't want to stop you from asking legitimate questions to everybody else. >> i thought paul mccurio was on for a second. >> what are you doing that for? >> because i said lips you thought of paul mccurio? jay on a serious note, you asked if maybe there are more male oriented jobs out there right now. you are partially right. manufacturing which is generally male dominated is rebounding. but federal data shows that men are taking more jobs in areas that are traditionally dominated by women such as retail sales. >> i stand corrected. >> well, you were half right. >> thank you. that's nice. >> baby steps. car prank video. first of all you said, quote, from employment to annoy meant. that's a word, right or the internment who wrote this is dead. not a word. i leave the rest up to you. >> you are going to have to take horatio aside and explain we are not going on the cruise this beak end. this weekend. that's what i meant by dead. they are just not going on the cruise. cruises are good places if you have to handle your business. >> well maybe he will live a little longer. jay people do slip and fall over board. >> i saw that special. >> natalie wood, too soon. >> you said this isn't funny because it traumatized the kid that the -- in the backseat. the wife could have grabbed the wheel, but the dude who is driving has his kid in the backseat. as he is driving he is shooting shooting and narrating at the same time. not a great move. >> maybe not dad of the year. but maybe the kid got what dad was doing. >> he is a fan of the show and he does like me. that's important. >> and i would add that he does have a coffee mug that says dad of the year. you are wrong on that as well. >> i want to point out he said he was a fan of the show and you. he did not meption me or bill, so i feel i can say whatever the hell i want. >> it he make that video for "red eye"? >> it is entirely possible. >> oh no. say a disclaimer. >> high didn't make the individual -- he didn't make the video for us. >> they came out with a law, dwp, driving while pranking. if it is illegal to text while driving it is not illegal to shoot and narrate video while driving? >> where is chuck schumer? >> hopefully far away. men think their female friends friends are more attracted. why does it show that? you can be attracted to your friend and still be friends with them. >> to have a pure friendship without someone pining after the area -- -- >> i guess it depends on how they say attracted it. if you say she is hot and we are friends. >> i'm assuming one person wants it to go further. you can't be totally honest and you can't trust they have the best intentions when they are talking about your dating life. >> i agree. what part of you thinks you did this because you are on the show. you said every part. >> your instincts are good. >> i don't care about that. i don't care about that. i'm done. >> good for the rest of america that you don't care. see you in the back half of the show. >> yes, you will, my young friend. end from. coming up, should we fly a kite to the end of the moon? anyway what is the latest in long distance smooching, and shouldn't steven hawking be working 0* bigger projects? can a virtual kiss maintain lover's bliss. a robotic professor put the hickey in duhickey inventing lips that allows long distance smooching via the internet just like your grandparents did during the war. couples connect the devices to the computer. link up on-line and then kiss the silicon lips which triggers sensors that move the gadget on the other end or something. says the inventor, quote, the main issue is to transmit the force of pressure and the shape of the lip. they claim kissinger, that's what it is called, is one of several devices being developed. translation, he is a pervert. just kidding. you are a great president. let's discuss this in the -- >> lightning rooooouuuuunnndd. lightning round. >> annie, are you a girl on the go. you have relationships and then have to leave town for months, years. people have moved on and apologized. is this creepy or romantic? >> i think it is roman i can it. i think it is sweet. if you have tried a long distance relationship it is hard. people need all the help they can get. >> what happens if the relationship changes? do you buy new lips? >> i don't think so. it is just your lips. >> what if you start dating paul mccurio? >> you buy four and stip pell them together? >> you recycle from one to the next. >> that is true. we don't even need paul on the show. we can rip on him here. joe is this perhaps the only way you can have a relationship because women can't stand you? >> it is weird. another insult put as a question. >> yes. >> do you think this invention has any potential? >> it does if you can put other things besides lips up to it. come on. >> what do you mean? you are saying -- let's say your wife wants the kitten -- >> have you ever had sex with the lips? >> it is nice when she says it. >> that's not what i meant. >> the next step is like it is going to be a silicone body, and then you skype with your silicone body. >> i am not clear. 2 on. go on. >> that is clearly what they are working toward. >> it is marvelous. people are having skype sex than phone sex. why not add a physical -- you need like a hollow gram. >> what they are tieing to get you to do to separate you from society so they can control your mind through the computers? they are be hieptd this whole thing -- behind this whole thing? they -- >> they aren't because this will help 80s prevention. >> des free. >> he got me, bernie. stupid idea. would you do this? >> i thought it was creepy and perverted. i heard anna, endorse it. what is wrong with the webcam? >> it is in the infancy stages. would you use this when you are far from your hobo buddy, mcmurphy face plant. >> how did he get that nickname? >> we will be joined in life, and joined in death. >> why is he called mcmurphy face plant? >> that's a good question. he is not even irish. >> the last we checked he don't have a face. >> the point is this, this is all you are talking about is not what he is doing. this is like about kissing. which leads me to believe the professor, the only thing he knows is kissing. no one has updated him, and every guy is like, thanks, kissing on the internet. exactly what i log on for. >> we have to take a break because i want more time to talk about the big story of the night. don't think of leaving me now. the best topic of the night. it was the premiere of his movie "killer joe" mcconaghey echoeded channing tatum's desire for" magic mike 2 it is -- 2". when asked about a sequel he said talking to channing about that. let's get more dallas in there. let's stick with dallas. he would love to gives give more of himself to you, he is like that, that dallas guy. >> that is a good matthew mcconaghey. >> i don't even remember what happened. that was matthew mcconaghey that was channeling me. think hard before you answer this question. have you seen "magic mike" and how excited are you for" magic mike 2". >> i have not seen "magic mike." and i am in for "magic mike 2". the commercials do it for me. >> i will be working on something important like a cure or a vaccine and i will forget everything because magic mike shows up. >> will we get sleeping bags and camp out at the theater? >> that is the nicest thing you have asked all night. >> have you seen "magic mike" yet? >> i want to do it right. i want to go in costumes as one of the characters? >> that means a leather thong. >> stop that. that is distracting. take that away. that is like -- sac-relig. >> you know the sequel means new characters. who would you like to see in this film, an older guy maybe a bruce willis who has to pay for an operation, and he has to come back and strip for his kid's operation? >> i would like to see olivia munn take the shirt off again. that's what we are all interested in. >> olive vaw who? olivia who? that is like going to mcdonalds and ordering a salad. it is "magic mike." >> guys get the bad wrap of horn dogs and women are all "50 shades of grey" and" imagine yike mike -- magic mike" but we are the dirty dogs. >> because you are going to see olivia munn you described yourself apartmently. >> guilty. >> as charged. do you think they should pull a back to the future and shoot a third movie as well as second? >> where magic mike goes back to the old west? >> strips his way through the civil war. frees slaves through striping. >> and at the end as a union officer, shirtless of course he makes out with a confederate official. it represents the coming together of the two countries. >> let's order a masseuse. >> the good news is the republican national convection that is coming up, i will be in tampa. you know what else is in tampa? every scene filmed in "magic mike." i will be retracing the steps of the movie rather than doing my actual job. >> i heard you were moving down there to do a bus tour. >> i am. it is a double decker. i have t-shirts with fake abs, and i will be talking about oh this is where channing day tunnel took a break and contemplated his next role. jay maybe strippers will give you some technique. >> that would be delightful. how dare you? you ruined the whole fan -- fantasy. >> out with the bad and in with the channing. >> when we come back, dash, fox eye. coming up tomorrow on the next "red eye" we have jedediah bila and dan soda. back to andy levy with the post game wrap up. >> anna, where can people see you this friday? >> i will be guest hosting gad day new york in the hour with dave price. please tune in. >> you are on the east coast. >> yes. tri-state area. >> bernie, what are you up to this week? >> geraldo rivera, imus in the morning. and to my kids, i was not really a male prostitute. >> all right. if you say so. joe, what do you have coming up? comedy dates? >> this weekend i am at the stretch factory and the arlington draft house in arlington, virginia and august 16th and 17th, helium. >> why do they call it helium? >> i don't know. >> because you

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