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Community, we will be able to answer in the affirmative to the scripture. Here comes that dreamer. Come, lets slay him, and we will see what will become of his dream. Finally, this afternoon i want to say to you, not only do i come as a protester, but i come as a victim. My daddy was killed when i was ten years old, gunned down. You know that, by an assassins bullet. Some of you know but may not know, six years later, my daddys mother, my grandmother, was gunned down in the church while playing the lords prayer. I understand what it means to lose a loved one. But i was so thankful that my grandfather and my mother and my aunts and uncles taught me about love, because granddaddy used to say, i refused to allow any person to reduce me to hatred. The man that killed my lovely wife and the man that killed my son, i refuse to allow them even to reduce me to hatred. I love everybody. I am every mans brother. If we are going to resolve these issues in america, weve got to come together. Dad talked about in that sermon, levels of love. He talked about all of them. Im only going to talk about the highest level of love. Love that seeks nothing in return. That love that is totally unselfish. If you love someone, if you are young, you love them if they are old. He love them if they are black, if they are white. You love them if they are native american. You love them if they are hispanic latino american. You love them if they are african. If they are asian. You love them because you know that god calls you to do that. If we are going to resolve all of these conflicts and crisises in america, weve got to find a way to do it in love. Thank you, and god bless you. Lets keep on keeping on. [cheers and applause] harris the son of dr. Martin luther king jr. , Martin Luther king iii. This 57th anniversary of the march on washington, reminding us, words echoing his father. If you are looking for a savior, get up and find a mirror. Talking about that highest level of love, which seeks nothing in return. Those words resonating back then and today. I want to bring in kevin corke, who is live there. Kevin, this is something that maybe people might have looked for weeks ago. I know it is an anniversary, but it seems like some of those in the streets might have needed to see this type of unity to give their message some context, perspective, strength, and strategy. Boy, you said it, harris. What are you going to choose . Chaos [breaking audio] as you mentioned, back to 1963, we look at the difference. Not just the political differences in our country, but just the way we are as a nation. We are closer in a number of ways, we are far less racist than we were back then, as a nation. And the struggle that continues, the message today was one of hope. We want one of togetherness, and challenging people listening here and around the world coming to do better. To look in the mirror and be the change you see, harris. Harris you know, im not even going to ask whether or not this is fair. Im just going to ask it. And all of this, you have members of, particularly joe bidens camp, Democratic Party, who did not speak on this at their convention. I wonder if there was any calculation. Maybe you know through your reporting, to include the laura Vice President in any way, or maybe there is something missing in a crowd there. One of the challenges for the Biden Campaign [breaking audio] harris we have lost kevin corke. We did last hour, as well. A lot of cellular usage down there, maybe a remnant of weather, as we can see on the screen. We will come back to this particular scene, 57th anniversary of the march on washington, as more speeches are expected. We will monitor them. When it makes news, we will bring it to you live. President trump headed to New Hampshire today for his First Campaign event after formally accepting the republican nomination for president last night. In his speech from the white house, the president tore into democratic rival joe biden, casting him as a trojan horse for the left. Joe biden is not a savior of americas soul. He is the destroyer of americas jobs, and, if given the chance, he will be the destroyer of american greatness. This election will decide whether we save the American Dream or whether we allow a socialist agenda to demolish our cherished destiny. Your vote will decide whether we protect lawabiding americans, whether we give free reign to violent anarchists and agitators, and criminals who threaten our citizens. Harris biden firing back, tweeting, remember, every example of violence donald trump decries has happened under his watch, during his leadership, during his presidency. Kristin fishers live outside the white house. Kristin . Harris, President Trump is expected to receive a hurricane briefing and a little over an hour. He is still expected to travel down the gulf coast to see the hurricane damage for himself. First, President Trump has that Campaign Event tonight in New Hampshire, and Vice President mike pence is making two stops in two battleground states today. They are going straight for the convention, right to the campaign trail. RighPresident Trump found his ne of anyone accusing his administration for violating the hatch act, holding so Many Political events on federal property. The president lit into joe biden, speaking his name about 40 times during this very long 70 minute address. He also tried to thread the needle, running through all the things he believe his administration has accomplished, but also reminding voters that he believes he is still more of an outsider than joe biden. Together we have ended the rule of the failed political class, and they are desperate to get their power back by any means necessary. Youve seen that. They are angry at me because, instead of putting them first, i very simply said america first. Now, while the president was speaking, there were protests taking place right outside the white house. When republican senator rand paul left the white house late last night, right after the speech, he was surrounded by what he described as a crazed mob. The senator says he believes they would have killed him and his wife or at least seriously hurt them if the police had not been there. They were shouting threats to us, to kill us, to hurt us, but they were also saying, shouting, that her name, Breonna Taylor. You could reason with this mob, but im actually the author of the Breonna Taylor law to end noknock raids. So the irony is lost on these idiots that they are trying to kill the person is actually trying to get rid of noknock raids. He went on to say, and i quote, this is what Joe Bidens America will look like. This is the point the Trump Campaign has been hammering and will continue to hammer between now until election day. That video right there is essentially a campaign ad in the making for the Trump Campaign. Harris kristin fisher, thank you very much. The Republican Convention is designed for one purpose. To soothe Donald Trumps ego. To make you feel good. Harris joe bidens running mate giving a scathing speech hours before the president accepted his partys nomination. What Kamala Harris is saying about the g. O. P. Convention today. And the top of the ticket, making some news. It why it might quiet some republican critics. There is no question that this awesome job of restoring safety for our people cannot be done from your basement, joe. Harris during immunex, rnc chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel. Ok everyone, our mission is to provide complete, balanced nutrition for strength and energy. Whoohoo great tasting ensure with 9 grams of protein, 27 vitamins and minerals, and nutrients to support immune health. And nutrients to what happens when switch to Xfinity Mobile . Well, the good news gets shared. And it gets rated 1 for customer satisfaction. But dont just take our word for it. Take theirs. Its your wireless. Your rules. Only with Xfinity Mobile. Call, click or visit a store today. Harris joe biden has faced scrutiny from President Trump and republicans for what critics are calling his Basement Campaign strategy. Apparently thats going to change quickly. The democratic nominee has told supporters during a fundraiser that he will travel in person to battleground states after labor day. Also, yesterday, biden, and a separate television interview, blame President Trump for the violence at recent protests. He is rooting for more violence, not less. Hes clear about that. What is he doing . Pouring gasoline on the fire. These guys are rooting for violence. Thats what its all about. To prove that you should be scared, they are putting to whats happening in Donald Trumps america. Harris he reiterated his claim in a statement and a tweet. Peter doocy is live in rehobeth beach delaware. Gorgeous day. Peter . It is, harris perry good afternoon. Looking ahead, the states that he teased as being his first in Person Campaign stops the last few weeks are three states that trump will knock last time. Arizona, wisconsin, and pennsylvania. One state that clinton won last time, minnesota. In every way that we can, in a way that will be safe for the people that we are meeting with. Right . It would be irresponsible of us to try and pack people into a situation where they cannot safely social distance. That does represent a slight shift, apparently, and strategy for joe biden who told abc news just last week that he would win the election even if he only ever hosted Virtual Events from his house in delaware. We havent heard from biden directly about trumps speech last night, but his campaign is trying to brand the rnc as the solutionsfree convention, they are disputing President Trumps assertion that violent disputes in the streets will become commonplace and in more places if joe biden is elected. I would say theres a pretty fundamental flaw with donald trump trying to make the argument that people are not going to be safe and Joe Bidens America while pointing to things that are happening in Donald Trumps america. Kamala harris was spotted leaving her apartment in washington, d. C. , this morning on her way to a press office wired to facilitate some Virtual Meetings today. Biden is still here in rehobeth beach. No events on his public schedule today. Harris . Harris peter doocy, thank you very much. Great set up for my first guest here. Ronna mcdaniel joins me now, welcome to the program. Excited, im sure. You got one under your belt and terms of this latest round of rnc conventions. What do you make of joe biden and Kamala Harris about to hit the campaign trail in person . I think they see that donald trump is taking the lead in a lot of these battleground states, and they are starting to panic. I think theyve had a very elitist view of america, saying that you can bunker down in your basement. Thats not tangible or realistic for most americans. Most americans have to go to the grocery store, we have to go to work. We can do that in a safe and healthy way, but the democrats of course joe biden is a privilege politician, he can stay in his basement forever. Nancy pelosi can have her fridge stocked by others. Their hollywood supporters can stay in their mansions forever. Thats not realistic for everyday americans, and donald trump has presented a vision that we have to get out there, we have to get this economy going, and we can balance that with being healthy and safe. I think joe biden is realizing, ive got to get on the campaign trail, because im going to lose if i dont Start Talking to the american people. Harris you mention speaker pelosi, a kind of got nicked by his own yesterday when she suggested no debates. And he had to use on his two interviews to respond to that. Let me move to this. Kamala harris reacting today to the rnc. Watch. I will say this about the Republican Convention. Some of which i have watched. I have yet to see these people who profess to be National Leaders speak about this issue of the killing of unarmed black men, brown men, indigenous men in our country. Harris ronna . Well, i think she missed the first ladys speech, that absolutely address the racial tension in our country and the need for us to come together. We are celebrating the anniversary of the i have a dream speech, and Martin Luther king said we cannot march alone. We must resolve to march ahead, and we need to do that together. The first lady said that in her speech. He saw ben carson address that last night, adducing the president say we cant have this violence. Peaceful protests are one thing, and the Vice President said this, also. But you cant have rioting and looting and disorder and livelihoods being burned to the ground. The president has offered every resource available to him, to these democratic mayors and democrat governors, and they have rebuffed his help, they have rebuffed their own Police Departments, and they have turned their backs on their communities that they have been elected to serve. Harris i would say those are two different lanes. The first lady spoke so eloquently about what were talking about, but shes not the president and shes not a lawmaker. The president talking about the violence in the streets, not specifically about the problems that we have among some Police Departments with some individuals. By and large, there are men and women, heroes and blue. But you cant deny the names weve said in the last 90 days. George floyd, rayshard brooks, jacob blake, who is, according to his family, still fighting for his life. Why not a mention of that from the president . The president did call jacob blakes mom, and the president spoke so wonderfully about george floyd after his passing when he was at nasa. He talked about the need to bring this country to give and unite. And he said peaceful protests are okay but we have to stand up and talk about the violence that is ensuing. Last night we had people leaving the white house. We are allowed to have a Republican Convention. We had people leaving the white house, being attacked. Being spit at. Being abused. This is not okay. We need to be able hav to have a civil dialogue, and d. C. Has democrat mayor. Wheres the leadership on the democrat side . They didnt talk about this unrest at all at their convention. They didnt say harris 100 . That we cant have this looting in writing. The president talking about both, leading on both, and we know we need to have a more united nation. Donald trump is the one who has passed the policies that have helped the black community with criminal justice reform, Economic Opportunity zones, giving more money to the historically black colleges. He saw Alice Johnson last night talk about what President Trump has done in her life. This is a president that is not about rhetoric, hes about action. I think he is putting the path forward as to how we can come together as a United Country and be better than before. Harris when joe biden decides that he might want to sit down with someone outside of those who might ask him the questions that he is anticipating, i would love to be that person, trust me. We are asking. Also, the debates, which nancy pelosi cannot get him out of. Chairwoman Ronna Mcdaniel of the rnc, great to see you today. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Harris following the nbas lead, more professional players protesting the Police Shooting of the black man in kenosha, wisconsin. President trump weighing in. Plus, nancy pelosi says joe biden should skip the debates. We were just talking about this, with President Trump, because she says the president is too dishonest. Biden says hes ready for that, and hell be there. Start your day with secret. Secret stops sweat 3x more than ordinary antiperspirants. With secret, youre unstoppable. No sweat try it and love it or get your money back. Mortgage payments by 250 ar month 3,000 a year, what would you do with the money . Save for your retirement, update your home, maybe buy a new car . Record low rates have dropped even lower. Use your va streamline refi benefit now. One call to newday is all it takes to save 3,000 every year. Harris breaking news now, the march on washington anniversary, 57 years. That is the mother of Breonna Taylors. This is tamika palmer. Lets watch. I want to thank everybody who has been in support of getting justice for Breonna Taylor. Second, i just want to ive got to think louisville. My family, most importantly Kenneth Walker for coming out here and continuing to say her name louder. What we need is change, and we are at a point where we can get that change, but we have to stand together. We have to vote. Im good. [laughs] [audience chanting] say her name Breonna Taylor say her name Breonna Taylor say her name Breonna Taylor say her name Breonna Taylor all right, wait a minute. Shhhh. I brought mr. Lincoln all of the broken promises. We all stop when a man was killed with a knee on his neck. Narrated his own death on videotape, and didnt know they were recording. But his death has been the impetus of a global movement. I bring you his brother, the brother of george floyd. George Floyd George Floyd george Floyd George Floyd thank you all. My sister, bridget. My attorney, tony. My wife. My sister, tonya. My nephew, brandon. Im so overwhelmed right now with everybody here right now. [crowd chanting] i wish george were here to see this right now. Thats who were marching for. Were marching for george, for breonna, for ahmaud, for jacob. For pamela turner. For michael brown. Trayvon. And anybody else who lost their lives. [applause] george Floyd George Floyd george floyd [crowd chanting] its never been more clear. The change is happening right now, because we demand it. No justice no peace [crowd chanting] everyone here has made a commitment, because they wouldnt be here for no other reason right now. Its hot, and i know its hot, but we are here, because we are being fried right now, man. Im trying. Im good, im good. I got it. [crowd chanting] i got it, i got it. I cant breathe i cant breathe i cant breathe i cant breathe [crowd chanting] everybody out here right now, our leaders, they need to follow us while we are marching, to enact laws to protect us. Men come its hard, man. Its really hard. Im so sorry, man. We got your back, man. We got you. My brother, george, hes looking down right now. He is thankful for everything that everybody is doing right now. Yall showing a lot of empathy and passion, and im enjoying every last bit of it right now. If it werent for yall, i dont know where id be right now, because yall are keeping me running. I have to advocate for everybody, man, because right now jacob blake its hard just to talk right now. Shot seven times, man. With his kids. Thats painful. Im done, im done. [crowd chanting] no justice no peace no justice no peace im bridget floyd, george floyd sister. I love you, bridget [cheers and applause] i want you guys to ask yourselves right now, how would the history books remember you . What would be your legacy . Will your future generations remember you for your complacency . You are an action . Or would they remember you for your empathy, your leadership . Your passion . The injustices and evil in our world. Martin luther king stood here 57 years ago, and he told the world his dream. But i dont think you all know that we are here right now and have the power to make it happ happen. I dont think yall hear me. But we have to do it together. We have to do it together. For our generations to come, our children. My brother cannot be a voice today. We have to be that voice. We have to be the change, and we have to be his legacy. Thank you, from the floyd family. [cheers and applause] george Floyd George Floyd [crowd chanting] george Floyd George Floyd george Floyd George Floyd george Floyd George Floyd george Floyd George Floyd harris i want to bring in my power panel now, as the family members are continuing to speak their , who are victims of Police Confrontations and violence. So they are speaking ahead of the commitment march. Democrat, Georgia State congressman, vernon jones. Black voices for trump, we saw him speak this week at the rnc convention. Welcome, great to have you on the program. Scott bolden, former washington, d. C. , Democratic Party chair and attorney, as well. Good to see you, scott. We are looking, obviously, at your home city. Representative vernon, i will come to you, vernon jones, first. I get a response. We did hear one family member, Breanna Jones mom, calling people to vote. As you can see, part of the issue has been the lack of cohesion. You see floyds family calling for everyone to be together. What do you take away from all of this . Vernon first of all, my prayers and my heart goes to the floyd family. To everybody who has been on the unfortunate end of violence. I agree with her, everyone should come together. But its ironic on this day, hearing the speakers so far, we havent heard i should say the officer who lost his life, the police chief who was guarding his friends business. I was with his wife last night, and she was recognized by the president and so many others who have been attacked unlawfully because its a Political Choice for freedom of expression. As we celebrate dr. King, dr. Kings march on washington was about peaceful protest. Letting washington know how they feel, and the conscience of the congress, to get them to act on the civil rights bill. But i just dont believe that dr. King today, if he saw what was happening to black and whites that are being under attack, physically under attack, and even killed by a black, i dont think it would be so much about george floyd and in making this whole issue about Police Shooting black people. It would be about, i believe, black people killing black people. In general, the violence. Harris scott . Scott well [laughs] i dont disagree with the broad premise that violence doesnt serve any purpose whatsoever. But dr. Martin luther king was about action, and we got to attack systemic racism. Weve got to attack Police Reform in two parts. On one hand, certainly, Law Enforcement plays a role, in keeping the order. If you only look at it that way, the way the republicans and this white house look at it, youre missing a very valuable point. Youve got to look at what is driving the anger, and, in some cases, the violence. Although i must tell you the g. O. P. Supporters of White Supremacists being prosecuted in minnesota and kenosha, wisconsin, have been driving a lot of this violence by interrupting, if you will, or infiltrating black lives matter and their peaceful protests. Youve got to have a solution or a program or a plan for addressing systemic racism which is driving this anger. Harris who comes up with that . Thats a question i ask every day. Who comes up with that . The blm movement separate from the blm organization. Who comes up with that . And who state representative jones, i will come back to you on this. Who could or should or would stand up to say looting and rioting and black on black crime is not how you solve the problem of Police Brutality that exists among some cops . And we know we have work to do, the majority of men and women in blue, we love, and they are heroes. Every family has people they need to deal with. There is included. Where are these people . Again, im going to state representative vernon jones on that. Vernon harris, thats a good point. When you look at black lives matter, when you look at black lives being attacked by black labs members, there is a hypocrisy there. It is no secret, i am walking from an event, and here i was attacked by a mob. This was a mob. And most of them werent black. I am a black life. They were willing to fight me or attack me. Im black. Black lives matter has not come out and said, look, stop attacking people for their First Amendment right. Now, scott is a lawyer. He understands the constitution. We all do. But this has gone too far. More importantly, when i look at congress, when i look at nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer and others, i havent they come out and said, look, stop this. Black lives matter. All black lives matter. But they havent. As a matter of fact, harris, i would say this. When you look at harris state representative jones, please forgive me. I need to step in one second. One of George Floyds three a sister of jacob blake is speaking now. Watch. Black america, i hold you accountable. You must stand, you must fight, but not with violence and chaos. With self love. Learn to love yourself, black people. Unify. Group economics. Black women, you are your brothers keeper. I know its heavy, but forgive him and heal. This man was taken from him a long time ago. Build him up. Black children, read. Learn. Grow. And live. And question everything. Black men, standup stand up, black men educate yourself and protect the black family unit [cheers and applause] great job, sweetheart. No justice no pes no justice no peace Jacob Blake Jacob Blake Jacob Blake Jacob Blake there are two systems of justice in the United States. There is a white system, and theres a black system. The black system aint doing so well, but we are going to stand up. Every black person in the United States is going to stand up. We are tired im tired of looking at cameras and seeing these young black and brown people suffer. We are going to hold court today. We are going to hold court on systematic racism. We are going to have court right now. Guilty guilty guilty racism against all of us. Guilty guilty racism against trayvon martin. We find them guilty guilty racism against george floyd. We find them guilty guilty racism against jacob blake. Abdul douala. If i said the name wrong, allah forgive me. Guilty guilty and were not taking it anymore. Ask everyone to stand up. No justice no just no peace i met this man when i was seven years old. How did i know i was going to meet this man again, in these circumstances . I truly did not want to come and see yall today, for these reasons. My father was in town for the 1st of march on d. C. I have a duty. I have a duty to support and understand each one i love everybody in this crowd. I love you. If nobody told you today, big jake loves you. We love you, too book we are going to stand up, baby. We are going to stand up together. I need your strength. Big daddys legs aint that good anymore. I need your strength no justice no peace no justice no peace i love yall. [applause] i want to bring this attorney who represents these families, and who represents many families here, and i think we should hear from a few more before he marched to the king memorial. Good afternoon, d. C. I represent the acevedo family who was killed in the city of milwaukee by an offduty offic officer. Before george floyd was strangled for 10 minutes. Harris we are going to come back when we see family members. This is, as you heard how sharp and saying, he is going to be bringing up attorneys representing families. We would love to hear from the actual family members. We will take you back there. I want to bring in state representative of georgia, vernon jones. And scott bolton, former democratic chair, as my guests. When you hear the sister, one of the sisters of jacob blake, say fight not with violence but with love, calling out black men, stand up and educate yourself. Black women, support your men. You are your brothers keeper. Those are powerful words, scott bolden. They are rooted in peacefulness and love. Scott you are absolutely right. Let me just say this, that has been a call in the black community for decades, if you will. No one can disagree with that whatsoever. The africanamerican community, our communities of color, certainly have a lot of work to do. But the driving underlying peace to that is what africanamericans have been through in this country for 400 years. When i hear my good friend, vernon, compare black on black crime to Police Violence and shooting black men and harassing black men, they are incomparable, if you will. They simply when you have a gun and a badge and the american flag, and you are murdering black men and shooting jacobs and Philando Castile and george floyd, and you just look at those videos, these are not isolated incidents. Very often times we talk about good cops and bad cops. If youre a good cop harris im going to usher in maybe a here. Just a quick correction, obviously, george floyd was not shot. State representative jones, i will give you an opportunity of scott he was killed, forgive me. Vernon think thank you. You talk about a black man standing up. Look at black lives matter, we talk about the head of the household. Why . Because there pushing a transgender movement. A lot of black people do not know that. Thats a fact. When you Start Talking about black families and the strength of the black family, that has nothing to do with systemic racism that they want to push for a transgender community. If thats what they want to do, fine, but that is not others. Another thing, when you talk about Police Shooting, i have been a county executive, unlike my friend. I have experience running a large police department. Ive seen shootings on both sides. Ive seen officers involved in such dominic shootings and killed in shootings, including two in one night. Those officers were shot by a black person for no reason. That was not systemic racism, that was violence. And they have family members, too. When i visit those Young Mothers and those young babies, this is systemic racism. Another thing, too, we need to obey the law. Im black, and she said, black people, stick together. When i was walking last night in washington, d. C. , i was black. Why was i attacked by a black . And those black women who are supporsupposed to support black, their mouths were far more vicious and filthy than the men making those comments. Thats the hypocrisy of those dont make this whole thing. If you want to call it right, lets call it right. Harris scott, i want to bring you back in here. Scott [laughs] the Police Shooting unarmed black men on the color of law is just fundamentally wrong. Very often times, you talk about black on black crime, any instances vernon described, people were prosecuted for committing that crime. Very often times because of qualified immunity and juries unwilling to convict police who have a gun and a badge who shoot people or kill black people or harass black people, black men and women, across this country. Its incomparable. So often they arent charged with a crime or not convicted of a crime. You can look at the statistics. Vernon continues to try and compare this and call it hypocrisy. Its not hypocrisy, if mutually exclusive incidents. Sure, black on black crime is wrong and people ought to be prosecuted if you break a law. I certainly dont endorse violence. But to allow the police on the color of law to shoot black men, or to kill them, and not face prosecution very often times harris im going to let you guys go back and forth. I want to interject a question here. What youre talking about is that we cant do two things at once. There are investigations going on. Senator rand paul put forth the Breonna Taylor act, to get away with nowarrant door knocks. Or noknock raids, i should say. Let me correct myself. There are things being handled but there is more work to be done. Senator tim scott couldnt get democrats to work with him on legislation to attack the very thing youre talking about. No one denies that we dont have people Police Departments are a microcosm of society. So there are areas and people that we know you know they have them. You know, you have lead. You know when you have some people among you who need attention or to be fired. Weve got to find those people and route them out. Im just curious why you think we cant do both, why we cant hold accountable people who are criminals, no matter what they look like, and those who are criminals, potentially, wearing a uniform. Vernon . Vernon because you heard scott im sorry, did you come to me . Vernon i did. He heard the speaker say thee are two justice systems. Black and white. If you do that do analysis, very often times Police Officers arent prosecuted for killing black men in this country. Its just harris scott, im going to stop you there. I said vernon and we went to you. But im going to show this. Thats okay, vernon jones, you were harassed last night. We have the video, lets show it. What is your position . [bleep]. Hes incompetent back up back [bleep] harris Georgia State representative vernon jones. There are so many things shouted at you as you had left that white house events. The president accepting the nomination, that we had to beat the heck out of it. What was happening there . Vernon peacefully walking down a public street, and attacked by a mob. A mob that was violent, a mob that was hateful, a mob that was paid. It was organized. I dont think they were from washington, d. C. I love washington, d. C. , there are good people in washington, d. C. But this is an organized effort. I think there should be congressional hearings on what is really happening. Who is funding these folks . They should be prosecuted. If those officers had not been there, theres no telling what wouldve happened. And im black. Im just as black as i can be. You saw those black people there, the things they were saying, including black women. You see the hypocrisy. Where is joe biden . Where is the Democratic Party . Where is the Scott Boldens of the world saying, wait a minute, you all cant do that. This is wrong, this is not how we deal with this. Youre right, we can fight from both sides. We can prosecute those bad officers. By the way, there are black jurors who find Police Officers harris ive got to step in here. Scott but harris gentlemen, im so grateful i had both of you to talk about this. Ive got to get to a commercial. Well be right back. With one call to newday usa. Our team is standing by right now to take your call. And from start to finish, you can do it all without ever leaving the house. With our va streamline refi, theres no income verification. No appraisal. And no out of pocket costs. Nobody works harder for veterans than my team at newday usa. Vu ,qdn where Everybody Knows someyour name ant to go and theyre always glad you came applebees. Now thats eating good in the neighborhood. Monitoring patients in hospitals around the world so that doctors and nurses can make sure you feel safe. As new challenges have arisen, weve grown to bring that same safety and support to the place that you want to be most. Together. Masimo. Together in hospital. Together at home. Alits just more information; have a dexcom because why wouldnt you want that . Being able to see your numbers in real time gives you the knowledge to see the future. Its awesome. Dexcom showed me that i was doing a dip and then a spike in the middle of the night, which allowed me to adjust my basal rates im not waking up in the middle of the night and my numbers arent going crazy. Now you are in control and that is so powerful. Harris my team and i were just saying we have never seen a conversation like what we saw between the state representative vernon jones and scott scott bo. Glad were here. The Daily Briefing is now. The candidates hitting the campaign trail with the conventions in the rearview mirror. President trump headed to New Hampshire hoping to seize on momentum after a firing acceptance speech rapping up the rnc. Joe biden gets out of the house and on the rode. Road. I am john roberts in for dana perino and this is the Daily Briefing. We

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