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The New York Post over the weekend with this cover, shot to pieces. Mayor bill de blasio again saying the pandemic is partly to blame. What youre seeing right now is commissioner shea and the whole nypd making the adjustments needed for an extraordinarily difficult situation, which is based in the coronavirus crisis. It is a perfect storm. Julie violence also raging on in portland, oregon, over the weekend, including a 150round shooting at an apartment complex that injured one woman. The city recording its deadliest month in more than three decades. Once again, police were targeted and protests. We have Live Team Coverage for you today. Dan springer with the latest on the portland chaos, but first, garrett tiny joins us live in chicago with the latest there. Hi, garrett. Most of the victims and the shootings of innocent bystanders, in the last six weeks alone more than 14 have been children. The latest on friday is a 9yearold, a straight a honor roll student who loved basketball and wanted to help build his community when he grew up. On friday, he went outside to play with his friends when he was shot several times, including ones in the chest. This past our police announced they arrested a suspect thanks to tips from the community. That kind of cooperation is what can help turn things around. I would encourage those communities that dont have a sense of trust to look at this community as an example of how they can be made safer. A total of 573 people were shot in chicago just last month, more than 150 killed. According to the Chicago Police department, that is more than double the number of people murdered in july of last year it. How many more families must be to port apart, how many communities need to be traumatized . How many children have had to die . We had to write these words far too many times just the summer alone. She added, julie, gun violence is as much of a Health Crisis as the ongoing battle with covid19. Julie . Julie garrett, thank you. It was a violent weekend in portland, as well. More than 150 rounds fired during a friday night shooting at an Apartment Building, leaving one woman injured. Another night of protests, demonstrators through glass bottles at officers and shine the lasers in their eyes. Dan springer is live with that story. Hey, julie. Violent crime is up across the board. Portland just saw the deadliest single month in over 30 years, but the protests that have gone on for six to seven straight nights have gotten smaller and less violent since federal officers left late last week. The state patrol and Portland Police have been largely absent as protesters gather, but a march on the Multnomah County for Sheriffs Office involved bottles thrown at police and they made at least two arrests. Police declared a riot and sprayed pepper spray on that crowd. Unrelated, there has been a spike in shootings and murders in the city. Friday night more than 150 bullets were fired outside an Apartment Building, one woman was injured, eight occupied apartments were hit along with seven cars. People living in the Apartment Building were obviously scared. This man says a bullet flew right over his head, forcing him to crawl out of his apartment. This is a war zone. Bullets flying all over. 150 shots in an apartment complex, close to a christian university. How can we explain that . Comparing this july to last year is eyeopening. 15 murders this year, three last july. An increase of 500 . Shootings are more than doubled this year from 28 to 63. So far this year, 24 people have died in homicides in portland and the police chief is partly blaming the nightly protests which have spread his department thin, leading to a doubling of the response time. Chief Chuck Lavelle also criticized the city council for disbanding the Gun Violence Reduction Team Starting july 1st, a move made because a study found the team is more likely to pull over black people than white. Former state Republican Party chair blames the weak political leadership. In that area, theres a spreading sense that breaking the law is okay. As people get the sense breaking the law is okay, those who are inclined to break the law are more willing to do more bad things. The Gun Violence Reduction team has 34 members and it helped investigate gang shootings, which are on the rise. We reached out to the mayor and City Council Members but did not get a response. Julie . Julie dan springer in seattle. Thank you, dan. Potential biden bp pick, senator tammy duckworth, dismissing the president sending federal agents to cities like chicago, saying the real issue is guns in the wrong hands. If President Trump truly wants to go after violence in our country, he should call Mitch Mcconnell right now and ask for a sensible vote on uniform background checks. That is, lets get rid of those gun show loopholes. Julie lets bring in kellyanne conway, counsel to President Trump. Kellyanne, good to see. I want to start with Tammy Duckworths comments. She says that President Trump should push for a guncontrol bill in the g. O. P. Led senate. She right . Her evidence of the gun show loopholes having created this wave of violence in these democraticcontrolled cities is what . I know shes auditioning for Vice President for joe biden, shes got stiff competition, so shes going to say things to mollify the hard left. Lets see, you just reported very crisply that they are pointing lasers and cops eyes, in some cases temporarily or permanently damaging their eyesight, throwing rocks and bricks and worse. Some arent even using guns. The violence is leading to vandalism and gun shooting and the rest of it, but some of these cities have the strictest gun control laws in the country, and this is what is happening. So many of our babies are being shot to death before they can even get a start at life. President has said that he would be happy to send in the feds, the feds have been in some of these cities, and what has happened . Some of these mayors get in a petty, peevish twitter spat with the president about it. Others refuse to allow it. What do we have in portland . We are in the third month of nightly violence. These are peaceful protesters. Peaceful protesters have every right under the first amendment. But we, long ago, left that pretense. You cant help but see what all these cities have in common, switches strict gun control is undemocratic mayors. Julie so, what needs to happen if something needs to get fixed . Whether the feds come in, or if you enact stronger gun control laws, in order to keep these criminals, anybody with a prior, anybody interested shouldnt be able to buy a gun, especially arrested of a Violent Crime. Chicago, 33 people shot, nine killed this weekend. Portland, he just mentioned police they are recording the highest number of deaths and more than three decades. New york city has seen more shooting so far this year and all of 2019. Mayor bill de blasio, you heard earlier, we mention on the program, blames the pandemic. You also were talking about how this pandemic has obviously raised violence. Correct . But with the Police Officers having zero control, and a lot of the cities cowering to the black lives matter movement, such as mayor bill de blasio, how do you enforce the police but at the same time take the guns out of hands that dont belong owning guns . We can do both. Theres a lot there to unpack, but let me say quickly, what is the evidence that people who are shooting in the cities got their firearms legally, let alone of a gun show and through a loophole . They try to cloud the whole conversation with nonsense when they know full well that the policies like bill de blasios in new york, when he took a billion dollars away from the Police Department and wonders why violence is up, he blames the pandemic for that when our Police Officers in new york, while people were inside sheltering in place, they are under lockdown, the police are out there trying to help people who were saying, i think my elderly relatives, can you come and check us out . They were always doing their job. Bill de blasio had Police Officers literally turn their backs on him at one of the fallen blues funerals years ago. He has a very complicated and very specific history with the Police Department that does not reflect well on him. Also, they are saying defund the police, and then they wonder why the police arent going to be available to them. But i think they are trying to conflate gun control with the violence that is happening in cities, most of which is not happening with firearms. Most of the violence and the vandalism is because people are going right after Police Officers. Julie well, shootings are up. In all of the citys. Show me where those guns are being procured legally at gun shows and then we can have the conversation. They have the strictest gun laws in places like chicago, new york, and portland. Julie i want to move on. This to talk about Top Democrats right now, as you know, meeting with white house chief of staff mark meadows and treasury secretary steve mnuchin. They are once again trying to negotiate another covid release package. Talks are stalled over on appointment benefits, and a host of other topics. Listen. We have an emergency. A building is on fire, and they are deciding how much water they want to have in the bucket. This is very important to millions of people. They could have fallen into poverty without the 600. If you have Unemployed People that have lost their enhanced unemployment, they need to call their democrat senators and house members, because they are the ones that are standing in the way of having those extended right now. Julie this is happening as white house officials tell fox news that President Trump is weighing unilateral action, that the deal can be reached. Let me talk to you about unilateral action. What does that mean, exactly . This president never hesitates, julie, its take executive action when Congress Fails to do its job, which happens often under this democraticcontrolled congress. Not showing up to work like it so americans. The chief of staff is correct. Last week the republicans put on the table that the white house is willing to go for an additional 600 benefit for one week, because that was expiring july 31st. Lo and behold, the democrat said no, because there is not on your rent or mortgage payment this month. Their eyes on november 3rd and the election. They want this to be a cudgel. They would deny and deprive americans a couple extra bucks to tide them over for the monthly bills than to see their families to fight the president with joe biden come all of all people. This is what its about. If you have a problem, call the democrats. The other piece thats really important, the School Choice now bill that was introduced by senators Lamar Alexander and tim scott, because that would allow parents to get the money from the School Children and put them in a school of their choosing. That is incredibly important, and important to dedicate overall Education Funding for nonpublic schools. Julie with regard to unilateral action, obviously, yes, can the president do it . Yes. Will it make the ultimate difference in getting both sides to negotiate and come to conclusion . Not necessarily. The question and i have to go, but i want to ask this last question. Will the president get involved in negotiations . I know he has put pressure on both sides in the past. What is it going to take for him to get them to finally come up with a deal . He is involved, he is always taking a call, happy to meet anybody. Youve seen them on capitol hill many times during his presidency, and he is constantly briefed by securing minasian and his chief of staff meadows and others who are working roundtheclock on capitol hill. Hes made very clear that he would have preferred that 600 extension. The democrat stood in the way, just to go on tv and lied. Nobody challenges them. What was the big deal about 600 . The big deal as the democrats did in the way of it. There are other ways to give americans relief. The president is concerned there is an interruption for people who literally cant get back to work yet and need that money. Julie okay. Kellyanne conway, good to see you. Thank you very much for your time. Thank you, julie. Take care. Julie Tropical Storms isaias putting more than 1500 miles of the east coast at risk as it moves north and takes aim at the carolinas. Well have a live report coming up for you right after this. Plus, chicago teachers are protesting against reopening schools. What they are demanding from the city, and how local leaders and parents are responding. I try to put my arm around any vet that i can, absolutely. At newdayusa thats what were doing. We put our arm around the veterans. When i think of the veteran out there that needs to refi his home, he may want to purchase, we can help them and provide that Financial Solution for they and their families. Its a great rewarding feeling. 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Pack your emergency kit, follow local evacuation orders, stay in a safe place, and never drive through flooded roadways. This time, pack your masks and Hand Sanitizer in your kit, and remember to social distance. Julie North Carolinas governor urging people to take precautions as Tropical Storm fay isaias takes aim at the carolinas. It could reach hurricane strength before making landfall tonight after pummeling floridas east coast with torrential rain and high winds. Weve got mike tobin live from South Carolina, watching it from the shore. Hey, mike. Hey, julie. What we are seeing is that the wind and the rain will increase with intensity as the bands move through this area. As isaias is trying to cross those thresholds and transition from a Tropical Storm fay into a category one hurricane. The real concern as it whips up a storm surge, if it gets to that category one hurricane stage, youre talking about a maximal 5foot forms third. But its possible it could arrive right at high tide. Come by that with the rain youve got the potential for soe flooding. That is why you see in North Carolina that the government has puts a mandatory evacuation orders into effect. Thats also to searching people from using the shelters come as we step in on the because people are concerned about facilities and we still pile up on each other, because we are frankly dealing with a Tropical Storm fay, a potential hurricane, and a pandemic at the same time. The public is really panicking, we are in the middle of the pandemic. It is weird. We thought we had enough with corona, so then hurricane is coming. People are panicking a bit more about it. Now, and South Carolina, Governor Henry Mcmaster is not putting mandatory evacuation into effect. In fact, hes encouraging people to be their own Emergency Operations centers and stay on top of the information. The kind of warnings that are going into place are maritime warnings, telling people to stay out of their boats, stay off the water. He heard some of the travel advisory telling people not to drive through standing water. Thats where we see so many people get into trouble. When they elect to get out and move around during the course of the storm. That being said, i can see from observation in South Carolina with the disposition of most people is pretty relaxed. As he looked behind me you can see some people are out on the beach right now having a look around just off the beach there, the breached inlet, this is called. We are not seeing a big round supplies, we are not seen people boarding up windows. I see more windows boarded up in the big cities. Other than that, the people who are really enjoying it of course are the surfers. Julie . Julie mike tobin, thank you very much. And just about 15 seconds, we are going to be hearing from the president. President trump and Vice President mike pence meeting today with u. S. Tech workers. The president will be signing an executive order on hiring american workers. Lets listen. President trump we had a great conversation, called me to see whether or not how i felt about it. I said, look, it cant be controlled for security reasons by china. Too big, too invasive. And, heres the deal. I dont mind it whether its microsoft or somebody else, a big company, a secure company, a very american company. Its probably easier to buy the whole thing then to buy 30 of it. How do you do 30 . Whos going to get the name . The name is hot, the brand is hot. Whos going to get the name . How do you do that if its owned by two Different Companies . My personal opinion was youre probably better off buying the whole thing rather than buying 30 of it. I think buying 30 is complicated, and i suggested that he can go ahead, he can try. We set a date, i set a date of around september 15th, at which point its going to be out of business in the United States. But if somebody, whether its microsoft or somebody else buys it, if you buy it, whatever the price is, that goes to whoever owns it. Because i guess its china, essentially, more than anything else. I said a very substantial portion of that price will have to come into the treasury of the United States. We are making it possible for this deal to happen. Right now they dont have any rights, unless we give it to them. If we give them the rights, it has to come into this country. Its like the landlord tenant. Without a lease, the tenant has nothing. They pay what is called key money, or something. They should be paid a substantial amount of money. Without the United States, they dont have anything, at least having to do with the 30 . I told them that. Maybe a deal is going to be made. Its a great asset, but its not a great asset in the United States unless they have the approval of the United States. Unless microsoft or somebody else is able to buy it and work out an appropriate deal, that the treasury of the United States gets a lot of money. Reporter mr. President , can you explain why, assuming the Public Health experts on the Coronavirus Task force are riffing on things about why the virus is so widespread, on the efficacy of hydroxychloroquine, why are so many of these people on your task force . President trump i think youre doing a great job on vaccines and therapeutics. Youll see that very soon. When you look at a map, this is a map of thats the area of most concern. A pretty recent map of the country. Its a lot of people, in a lot of areas, that have gotten very fast. Hydroxy has tremendous support, but politically it is toxic, because i supported it. If i had said do not use hydroxychloroquine under any circumstances, they would have come out and said its a great thing. Many doctors have come out strongly in favor of it, they want to break badly. Its a great malaria drug. Let me finish my answer. For many years, i guess 60 years its been malaria drug, very successful, as you know. Its also a drug for lupus. It caused no trouble. Virtually nothing in terms of causing people to get sick or having problems with anything. You have the sink and the azithromycin. The z packet, as they call it. I happen to take it myself, i took it myself for a period of two weeks. I had no problem, no problem whatsoever. Importantly, i didnt test positive. Thats very nice, im very happy about that. Thats the story. Its a great doctor, from what ive said. Feels very strongly about hydroxychloroquine. The ford clinic in michigan came out with a very powerful paper saying its very good. They came out with a very positive statement, many individual doctors have come out with very positive statements. I will tell you that, if i was surrounded by people, as i was at the time, the reason i took it, we had some people that were relatively near me that tested positive. I took it for that reason, just because i have heard good thin things. Reporter but they said it doesnt work. President trump i dont agree with fauci. I like him, get along with him great, but he didnt want to ban people from china from coming into the country, and i overrode him and did the right thing. He was saying face max were not good a short while ago. It doesnt mean hes a bad person, because hes not. Hes a good person, i like him. But we disagree on things. We disagree on things. I will say this, weve done an amazing job with ventilators. We are supplying the world with ventilators. Ventilators are very hard, very expensive, very hard to make, very complex. Very complicated machines. Very expensive. Hold it. Reporter the u. S. Has so many deaths compared to President Trump hold it. Reporter compared to 70 countries around the world. President trump fake news, cnn, hold it. We didnt doing a great job in this country. Im not talking about me. Vice president , the task force, theyve not been given the kind of credit. If you look at countries all over the world exploding right now, people who you said were doing a wonderful job, so wonderful, right now, take a look at the countries that are exploding. You have italy back in, spain, france, germany back, you have a lot of countries. Thats not to knock them, its a very delicate, very contagious disease. It was released by china. It should never have been allowed to be released. That was the source where you could have stopped it, and they did stop it from going into china. Although, now, they say china is having a lot of problems. Moscow in russia is having tremendous problems. What china unleashed was a very, very sad situation. With all of that being understood, the United States has done an amazing job, a great job, and youre going to see that, because we have vaccines and we have therapeutics coming very soon. Go ahead. Mr. President , why are you not involved directly in negotiations with . President trump i am. The fact that im not over there with crazy nancy . Im totally involved. Im totally involved. We are going to be doing things that are very good, because we dont think that she look, what Chuck Schumer wants more than anybody, and i would say nancy pelosi would be second, they want to bail out cities and states that have done a bad job over a long period of time. Nothing to do with coronavirus or china virus or whatever you want to call it. They want to bail out cities. They want bailout money. They want a trillion dollars in bailout money. A lot of people dont want to do that, because we dont think its right. The democrats have run some very bad states and some very, very bad cities, and a lot of people dont want to give them a trillion dollars to reward them for doing a bad job. If you look at some of the states, i wont insult anybody by naming those states, but you know what they are. They want bailout money. Theyre not interested in the people, theyre not interested in unemployment. Theyre not interested in evictions, which is a big deal. The evictions, they want to evict a lot of people. Theyre going to be evicted. But im going to stop it, because ill do it myself if i have to. I have a lot of powers with respect to executive orders, and we are looking at that very seriously right now. What the democrats want, they want to slow roll it, and all they are really interested in is bailout money to bailout radical left governors and radical left mirrors like in portland and places that are so badly run. Chicago, new york city. You see whats going on over there. Bail out cities and states who have been poorly run and spent a fortune doing it. They want a trillion dollars, and we are really not interested in that. Okay, thank you very much, everybody. Thank you very much. [reporters shouting questions] thank you. Julie the president meeting there in the cabinet room, basically talking about everything from the coronavirus package to, obviously, the medicine and how the country is doing as far as treating coronavirus right now, slamming fake news as far as several different topics, calling out a couple different cable networks, as well. Trying to get the questions in line. We will continue to watch that. Also, we have more to talk about. Watch this. We want more debates. We want debates starting sooner. I want to see President Trump on the debate stage against joe biden. As you are noting, we are already seeing the liberal left, the liberal media, trying to create trapdoors for joe biden to escape his commitment and his obligations to debate donald trump on a debate stage. Julie new Trump Campaign manager bill stepien they are calling for more debates with joe biden. The 1st of september 29th, but stepien says thats too late. There is a New York Times oped that argues the debate should be scrapped altogether, that now they are more about when lenders dumb economic oneliners than anything substantive. Joe biden is being urged to skip the debates due to President Trumps track record of lying. Its not really a debate if only one side is willing to tell the truth. Hell take the truth and destroy it, and biden will be in the position of correcting him over and over and over again. Giving him that sort of National Forum to continue to spout, to get the 21,000 or 22,000 lies, i think that just isnt worth it for the democrats were for bid biden. Julie ari fleischers former White House Press secretary and a fox news contributor. We will hear more from the president later today, by the way. 5 00 p. M. Eastern time, the president will hold a news conference. Kellyanne conway, moments after interview, confirm that for us. Great to have you on, ari. Should biden pull out of the debates . Speak of course not. Its an american obligation for all president ial candidates. If misleading voters is the criteria, then biden trump shouldnt debate biden. Remember, he got arrested in south africa. He told everybody that. Look, have you ever seen the democrats so fearful that they need to bubble wrap their candidate because they dont think he can stand on the stage for an hour and a half or two hours . Of course they have to be debates. The American People will demand them. Julie what sort of heat would he take if you were to actually pull out . At this point, we havent heard much from biden as far as campaigning is concerned. Weve heard more from his ads and we have from the candidate himself. Then, of course, there is the vp pick. That hasnt come out. That was post be announced this week and now hes waiting until next week, which is causing some infighting, if you will come up between the Democratic Party and africanamerican women. What is going to happen with biden . How does that bode for him if he doesnt pick a vp . Sooner than later . Remember when the video showed Hillary Clinton collapse and getting into a car . Everybody saw it and we all wondered, is she okay . That should be at the equivalent if he doesnt show up on the stage. He only campaigned once or twice a day in the primaries, while other democrats had the vigor to have four or five events a day. Joe biden was only able to muster the strength to have one or two a day. The physical strength, the ability, because of his age. Its hard to run for president , its hard to be president. If he fails to take the stage, that only reinforced questions about if hes too week. As he lacked the vigor to be the president of the United States . Thats why i think this is a nonstarter for joe biden. The states will be higher, because nobody has really seen joe biden out on the stump. People really are going to tune into the debates and see how he is. Is he okay . Julie all right, the Trump Campaign ive got to move on, Something Else has been dismissive of the president s tweet last week on delaying the election. Remember, he put a question mark there. He didnt say we should delay it but he suggested it in a tweet. Listen to democratic congressman jim clyburn. I feel very strongly that this man has taken on strong arm tactics, and i feel very strongly that he is replacing putin. To install himself in an emergency way to continue to hold on. Thats why the American People had better wak wake up. Julie the president going up nevadas plan to mail ballots all active voters, tweeting, in an illegal night coo, nevadas clubhouse governor made it impossible for governments to win the state. Post office could never handle it without preparation, using covid to steal the state. See you in court. Ari, you have an oped on mailin ballots on foxnews. Com right now. I want to talk about that for us. If states cant prove that they can handle voting by mail, dont try it now . What is the alternative . Absentee ballots . The interpretiv alternativesn person voting, which is far safer. Wisconsin had an election in april and two weeks later there was no uptick in the current account. Regularly, people every day are shopping at walmarts and targets. You can gather. If you do it safely and distantly, and person, to vote. Heres the problem with absentee ballots, julie. If you look at this, in 2016, in that election, there were 33 million absentee ballots cast. 318,000 of those ballots were thrown out because the postmarks came in too late, they werent signed, things of that nature. That meant, in florida, 21,973 ballots were thrown out. In pennsylvania, 17,000. Georgia, 13,000. Ohio, 10,000 ballots thrown out. We have a close Election Night in 2020, even more people vote absentee. Those votes that got thrown out are going to put america into turmoil, because one side is going to demand to count every vote, and the other side will say, how can you allow to vote without a postmark or signature . Julie how can you allow a vote if you dont know whether that voter is alive or not . We have to go. I mean, that is another huge loophole in this country when it comes to mailin for us. Ari fleischer, thats all the time you have. Thank you very much. The mini apple City Council Set to finalize a plan to dismantle the Police Department. What the city is now advising people to do if confronted by a criminal. Today, were facing a serious threat. We have to meet it as one country. Numbers dont lie. Infection rates are now going up in more states than they are going down. Weve got to fight this together. Wear a mask, keep your distance, limit the size of crowds. It may be inconvenient and may be uncomfortable, but its the right thing to do as an american. We need a president who will level with the American People, a president who will tell us the unvarnished truth, a president who will take responsibility instead of always blaming others, a president who will listen to the experts, follow the science, allow them to speak, a president who will lead and be an example for the nation. We have to do all we can to keep our fellow americans safe and healthy. Im joe biden and i approve this message. Sir. Youre talking about a first [runnigeneration americanren] from the streets of the Imperial Valley who rose to beat the odds. She worked nights and weekends till she earned herself a masters degree. She was running in a marathon when a man behind her collapsed from cardiac arrest. And using her experience saved this mans life. So why do i think there should be more people like carmen bravo in this world . Because that man. Was me. Did yocould be signs that syour digestive systemwn isnt working at its best . Taking metamucil every day can help. Metamucil supports your daily Digestive Health using a special plantbased fiber called psyllium. Psyllium works by forming a gel in your digestive system to trap and remove the waste that weighs you down. Metamucils gelling action also helps to lower cholesterol and slows sugar absorption to promote healthy blood sugar levels. So, start feeling lighter and more energetic. By taking metamucil every day. Heres your iced coffee america runs on dunkin Little Things can become your big moment. Thats why theres otezla. Otezla is not a cream. 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Since the death of george floyd, 10 of the citys police force has resigned, been fired, or has been in the process of leaving or of taking medical leave. Many have retired early. A Police Spokesman insists the department has enough officers on the street to adequately patrol the city. But do they . Joining me now, Lieutenant Randy sutton, 30year police veteran and founder of the wounded blue. Dismantling the minneapolis Police Department at a time like this, when crime is at an alltime high, it doesnt take a genius or a former officer in the police force to tell you its a terrible idea. Why cant politicians see this . They are deluding themselves on purpose. This is not rocket science. We have seen that, since the george floyd incident took pla place, we have seen a doubling of the number of homicides in minneapolis. We have seen Violent Crime rise to rates that have never been seen before. You have 500 million in damages that were done since the riots began. You have 1500 businesses that are gone, and yet you have a police chief and a city council that, instead of combating the crime, decide to tell the people to acquiesce and become willing victims. Ive never seen anything so mad in my life. And yet, you have City Council People who claim to support antifa as well as one of the decisionmakers in this process. Its insanity. Julie this is one example of how bad things have gotten here. Im not just talking about in this one particular city, its all over the country. In new york city, just year ago, when he basically condoned folks to dump buckets of water is on Police Officers heads. Its gone so much worse. By dismantling Police Departments, taking away a Million Dollars from the nypd, for example, and now basically telling people to fold it up and give the bad guys what they want because the police wont come rescue you, because they will end up getting shot. Forget the buckets of water, we are talking Police Officers being shot on a weekly basis. Wright, the war on cops is a reality, although you will not hear Mainstream Media ever discuss it. The shootings of Law Enforcement officers are taking place literally every single day. The injuries to Law Enforcement or through the roof. You talked about minneapolis. They are telling you, the Police Department is telling the people that there are enough cops. That is an outright lie. They were already understaffed. They have a full staff of 888 people, which is already underfunded. Theyve lost 10 . There is now 200 that are processing out from post Traumatic Stress injury. I mean, think of what this means. 200 people who have faced, literally, gunfire every single night, who have faced the stresses of watching their cities burn, and this is what my organization does. That is why the wounded blue exists. Thank you. Julie it is just outrageous. Randy sutton, thank you very much. Sorry we didnt have more time. Nasa and spacex making history. What a show over this weekend, the first splash down by american astronauts and 45 years. I bet you were glued to your screen if you are like me. But it wasnt all smooth sailing. We are live at Cape Canaveral to give you a behindthescenes look, next. N by using their va benefits to refinance at newday. Record low rates have dropped to new all time lows. With the va streamline refi theres no appraisal, no income verification, and no money out of pocket. One call can save you 3000 a year. Extra cheese, extra pepperoni right to the edge and the biggest slices in papa johns history. But its bigger than pizza because 1 from each sale is donated to support communities. Were helping members catch up by spreading any missed usaa insurance payments over the next twelve months so they can keep more cash in your pockets for when it matters most find out more at usaa. Com for when it matters most want restand schools . Pen . Want the economy to get back on track . Youre not alone. And you can help make it happen. Stay 6 feet apart. Wash your hands. Wear a mask every time you leave your home. Choose to join the fight against covid19. Do your part. Slow the spread. Julie a major milestone for American Space travel, nasa astronauts executing the first safe splashdown in 40 years on sunday. 45 years. But it was local boaters who got much of the attention as they surrounded the spacex capital, creating chaos. He would know it watching, as recovery crews tried to go to work. Phil keatings live from Cape Canaveral with more. A pictureperfect day, but behind the scenes, maybe not as perfect as they would have liked . Just one little problem. Astronauts bob behnken and doug hurley woke up in their own beds this morning in houston, at Johnson Space center, doing some coordination and fitness exercises, which is standard procedure for all astronauts coming back from space after having zero gravity for an extended period of time. After undocking from the space station saturday night, the astronauts and their spacex crew dragon capsule reentered the atmosphere like a fireball. A 12 minute burn, 3500 degrees, and at 6,000 feet those big maine parachutes opened up, slowing the capsule down for a relatively gentle splashdown. Shortly thereafter, they brought the capsule onto the ship. First bob behnken, then doug hurley, the mission commander, on what was technically test flight. The second were spacex in the crew dragon capsule. They walked down the steps of the plane that flew them home to houston for a heros welcome, including their wives and boys. It was a long day that began speeding 17,000 miles an hour in space and ended in their own house. To be where we are now, the first crewed flight of dragon, is just unbelievable. We are both super proud to have been just a small part of the team that has accomplished bringing those space flights back to the florida coast and bringing that capability back to america. And julie mentioned the boats, there were dozens and dozens of private boats that penetrated the 10mile radius noboating zone after the splashdown, so expect the coast guard will have numerous more assets on the scene for the next one, julie. Julie we look forward to it. That was awesome to watch. Phil keating, thank you. With joe biden expected to delay his vp pick, why some top allies are worried his vetting process may be hurting the Democratic Party. Find your keys. Find your getupandgo. Find pants that arent sweats. Find your friends. Find your sense of wander. Find the world is new, again. 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Some people taking otezla reported weight loss. Your doctor should monitor your weight and may stop treatment. Upper respiratory tract infection and headache may occur. Tell your doctor about your medicines and if youre pregnant or planning to be. Otezla. Show more of you. Julie joe biden facing criticism as he is expected to delay the announcement of his vp pick until next week. The Washington Post reporting some longtime biden allies worried the process has been messier than it should be, pitting women, especially black women against one another. There is also concerned the delay has given no trump team and opening to dig up dirt and launch attacks on rivals. The power panel joins us now, professor of africanamericans studies at the university of maryland, and here for the house g. O. P. Campaign arm, jason, this should be concerning to bidens camp, is he inflaming divisions in the party, and do you biden allies have a reason to worry . I dont think so at all. It shows that joe biden is actually someone who is going to vet people who work for him, unlike President Trump who has had 88 turnover for National Security advisors. It is actually a good thing. We had 20 candidates for the nomination, and we chose and rallied around joe biden. The same thing will happen when he chooses whoever his Vice President is. And i will say this, i think that the way the Washington Post and others are reporting this as a rivalry between black women is racist and sexist and it of itself. In the media needs to check itself, be patient, and this is an exciting time to be a democrat. Julie there is a new oped that says that biden is blowing the first consequential decision of his campaign, would you agree . I would. This has been a distraction. It is far messier than it should be as you said. They are far too many leaks. Especially coming from chris dodd who is leading the search community. Its not about what chris thinks. Its about what joe biden thinks. And one other thing too is that you need to remember these politicians have very sensitive egos. You disrespect them or they can feel burned. I know for a fact other folks in past campaigns who felt like they were passed up have been less than really willing to go the extra mile for the candidate in the general election. You have to keep that in mind. Julie senior spokesperson jason millan says that the vp pick will be his living will. Since he has only committed to one term. Speak of her joe biden, his vp pick is his political living will, he says that he will be a transition candidate onto the next generation. He has refers to say if he will run for a second term. So it really doesnt matter who is picked. Julie how important is his pick and is he making a pick knowing that he is only going to be running for one term . I would agree with miller that it is his living will. This is his legacy and the person who will probably become the leader for the party in the future. So it is an important pick. This is why he is taking his time with it and why he is inventing these candidates so closely. Julie yes, but matt, should be concerned that there is political infighting and the party, especially africanamerican women. Thats what he is trying to champion by picking an africanamerican woman, and now it is backfiring. Absolutely, thats why he needs to end the soap opera and pick somebody. Biden, his entire campaign has been notoriously riskaverse. He has not been willing to go out or take chances. I dont think it makes sense to have an unknown or unvented vp here. Julie matt gorman, jason nichols, thank you very much. We are expected to be hearing from the president at 5 00 p. M. Eastern, the Vice President joe biden will be picking a vp sometime next week. We will continue to watch this. I am Julie Banderas in for harris, the Daily Briefing starts right now. Dana with exactly three months until americans decide the 2020 president ial election, the Trump Campaign shaking up its strategy. Hello, everyone. I am dana perino. And this is the Daily Briefing. The Trump Campaign now targeting americans who could be among the first to cast their votes. On the other side, with the Democratic Convention just two weeks away, the big question is, who will former Vice President joe biden choose as his running mate. Lets begin with peter doocy reporting live from wilmington, delaware. Peter. Dana, the trupa

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