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The top of the hour. Just to let you know, because rights under law worked very people can see you in the box, they are, that the president is hard on that bill. The antilynching act. Getting ready to meet with and it was historic when passed g. O. P. Lawmakers in the state by the house at the end dining room. Thats where all the reporters were scurrying to from the press conference. So, you and i are going to jump of february. To that the minute it happens. This past after decades upon first of all, we have had a lot decades of efforts that were of news being made in just the unsuccessful previously, to get last couple of hours, in this congress to declare that last briefing. Lynching is a federal crime. As a topline thought from you . Sadly, the bill has stalled in what devin nunes was telling us for years was true. The senate. Historic bipartisan passage in what trey gowdy was reporting that was happening in the intel the house. But we need the senate now to committee was true. Finally pass that important law and it is absolutely stunning how Many Democrats that were there in the room, supporting that was championed by senator scott, along with adam schiff, continue day after senator harris and booker. Day to just flat out lied to the and it should be signed into law American People. By president trump. I dont understand why adam schiff continues to have a it would go a long way enclosing security clearance. A dark chapter in our nations when you go in to get an intel history, one in which weve seen briefing, by the way, you sign a document that you will not reveal whats going on there. Decades of lynchings and violence. You literally evidently its also a period where congress had not worth the piece of paper that its written on. Not taken action to declare these crimes are a federal ive got to tell you, it is offense. My hope is that, with the death stunning with the Upper Echelon of the deprived of justice did. Of mr. Arbery, tragic as it is, theres going to be a lot of talk it, but what really matters that we ignite the movement is what attorney general barr around that important law and it and mr. Durham do with this. Will get the senate to finally because there need to be consequences for the misuse of move and sign that bill. Power. Harris so, lets talk have the president signed that about that for a bit. Because it is being reported bill into law. Harris kristen clarke, that there might be some, for thank you for helping us to look at this case that is playing out lack of a better phrase, payback, if you will. In georgia. Should that be angled with . Ahmaud arbery, it would have been his 26th birthday today. Look, i dont want to make it we appreciate your legal sound like some sort of expertise and your time. Frivolous snap on the hand. Thank you for having me. You were chairman of the oversight committee, so you know harris tara reade is what this can really look like. Calling on joe biden to drop out what does accountability look like when you tell the american of the 2020 race, saying she is willing to take a polygraph test people that you have evidence of after accusing the former vp of collusion . Sexual assault. Of Donald Trumps campaign with the response from joe bidens russia, and then there is no team, and the effect this could be having on voters. Evidence . The power panel slides in. Per bob mueller, through for the documents. That might have been all along. You and i were there. For lawmakers, like in adam schiff, it has happened to joe biden, please step forward and be held accountable. The ballot box. Are the American People going to put i nancy pushed back into you should not be running a character for president of the office . I dont United States. Think the security clearances should be given to those who misuse that intelligence with a we could never do what they do. Personal political gain and just flat out lie about the but what we can do it be a partner that never quits. Verizon is the most Reliable Network in america. That. Remember, we have horowitzo built for interoperability and puts First Responders first, is a real professional. Giving their calls priority, 24 7. Who has issued thousands of we do what we do best so they can too. Pages documenting, with serious detail, and made criminal recommendations to the department of justice, to prosecute those within the department of justice. Weve never actually seen that a primitive justice prosecute one of its own lately. They dont seem to do that. They go after other people, and its this double standard where justice is administered differently within the deprived of justice then it is on the American People. That still needs to play out. Harris all right, im going to ask you to just sit tight, because i want to bring in somebody to join our conversation, jason. Andy mccarthy, former assistant u. S. Attorney, and obviously both of you are part of our fox family, fox news contributors. Andy, i got kind of a topline view of what has played out from jason. I also want to know kind of your leading thoughts on all of this. Jason just said, you dont often see members of the doj look at other members of the doj and agencies the way that we are looking at them now. Andy well, i would say two things, harris. Number one, as far as what jason was saying about the astounding reality, which is not only evident in these transcripts we are now seeing, i wrote about it yesterday in connection with this scope memo that Rod Rosenstein gave two special council meal or to authorize the investigation to have them publicly saying things that they knew werent borne out by the evidence, to even be predicated in investigations on things that had already been disproved by the evidence, is really astonishing. On the other hand, and this is the tension that pushes against this, i think based on his testimony, since he took over at the justice department, and the way that he has followed up with actions, whether its not bring the case against mccabe, which i thought was a pretty strong case, false statements case, which was laid out by the obamaanappointed inspector general, to some of the over decisions that have been made, and now this decision in connection with flynn. I think the attorney generals point is we need to get the prosecutors out of politics and the politics away from the prosecutors. Now, i know that cuts against the idea of durham bringing, ultimately, a big case. And i do agree there has to be some kind of accountability here. Harris yeah. Andy the big problem that weve had for a number of years is the politicization of our Law Enforcement and our intelligence apparatus. I dont know that you fix that by having more prosecution. Harris the point that you bring up now, there is some head scratching criticism that looked like a strong case, why wouldnt the doj, why wouldnt the ag come forward with that . What youre saying is, and a very evenhanded manner, youre starting to instruct the politics out of the situation. A very fascinating look at it. Look, i want to get this in here, because its adam schiff with a statement about the release of those transcripts. The transcripts show precisely what special Counsel Robert Mueller also revealed. That the campaign, the trump campaign, and donald trump himself, invited illicit russian help, made full use of that help, and then lied and obstructed the investigations in order to cover up this misconduct. Thats a statement, jason. What do you say . Jason [laughs] is just flat out not true i mean, you go and you read this document and you listen to the experts who are at the highest levels, the highest echelons, joe biden should take the polygraph. What kind of presiden president t particularly mr. Brennan who is out there or clapper, on television and behind the set . Scenes, saying, i dont see any does that mean that we presumed guilty and have to take a direct evidence. Polygraph . For adam schiff to then say, of i will take one if joe biden course theres information, he takes one. But im not a criminal. Said that, in fact, he had seen harris joe bidens this information and the information is not there. Accuser, tara reade, speaking thats why mueller gave him out in a new interview saying she is willing to take a pretty much a clean slate and Lie Detector Test if joe biden does the same thing. Why today is one of the worst weeks that adam schiff and the she also says she is prepared to testify under oath that the democrats have had, because theyve been lying to us for three years. Former Vice President sexually harris jason chaffetz, assaulted her in the 1990s. Thank you so very much. Coming right out of that press joe bidens campaign fired back, conference with me, that press saying, every day more and more briefing, rather. And handling the breaking news. Inconsistencies arise. I will see you. Women must receive the benefit have a great weekend. Of the doubt. At the same time, we can never happy mothers day to beautiful wife. Andy mccarthy, youre going to sacrifice the truth, and the be doing me a little bit later in the hour. Truth is that these allegations gentlemen, thank you. I will talk the economy for are false. Meanwhile, a new development in humans before the present starts. The story, a 1996 Court Document that new data is out today, showing more than 20 million reportedly shows that reade told americans lost jobs in april, her exhusband about the sex raising the unemployment right harassment in bidens senate now to nearly 15 . Office pay but it doesnt specific lycee who the alleged the highest since the offender is. Great depression. Heres the president. The power panel slides in now. President trump there is no surprise, Everybody Knows zach friend, former spokesperson for president obamas campaign. That. Even the democrats arent blaming me for that. David avella, chairman of gopac. What i can do is ill bring it good to see you both. Back. Those jobs will all be back, and david, i will start with you. Theyll be back very soon. Your first take out we were next year were going to have a phenomenal year. Seeing play out . Politics come into play at all harris and a white house times, obviously, but joe biden advisors warning unemployment and his campaign and their numbers will likely get worse before they get better. Response . David if joe biden were confident in what he was saying, it wouldnt be so hard to explain it. Already, looking at the you shouldnt have to sit in the claims since they did the basement with a webcam to try survey, we probably added about and explain what your position another four or 5 to the employment rate. Is. Probably next number will be a you dont see andrew cuomo little bit higher. Sitting behind a camera in the basement with a teleprompter. Harris however, stocks are you dont see gavin newsom doing surging today. Look at this, look at your that. Screen right now. Look at the green. Despite the record job losses. I want to bring in al fox business david asman. If joe biden were confident in david, its always great to have what he were saying, he would be able to get out and explain it. It underscores the biggest you on the program. Challenge of the Biden Campaign. On any given day, joe biden i know i can look to you to could make a gaffe that makes explain the things that we arent expecting. Like, i dont know, when we saw you question his state of that toms report, if we would thinking or whether hes being expect that kind of response on honest. Wall street. Why is that and what is mean . Harris zach, does joe biden need to, as david just david is the president said, get out of the basement said, these numbers are shocking. We havent seen them since the and go handle this business . Great depression. Zach i think hes been but they are not surprising. This is what happens when you nothing but consistent on this virtually turn off the economy. Entire process, and totally you just flip a switch to off. Transparent and unequivocal in his denial. I can speak from a personal even during the great depression, yet economic experience, harris. I spent a lot of time with him activity. Even during world war ii, you in 2008. I saw him interact with had Economic Activity. During every crisis in american thousands of people, both in history, weve had Economic Group and individual settings. Activity. I never saw anything that could this is the first crisis in even remotely be considered which we have literally turned anything other than appropriate that Economic Activity off. I know there are essential and respectful of his behaviors workers doing their job, but toward everybody. Essentially turning it off. This is what happened. Hes got a remarkable amount of the question is, what happens empathy and a remarkable amount when you turn it back on . Of poise and appropriateness in and the market is now seeing his interactions. I could speak to what i know, signs that we are turning it on. And what i know in working with thats why the market is up 1. 5 the Vice President is that this does not seem like anything that today. Go ahead. Would fit within his character harris you know, im at all. Harris you know, i think watching on the bottom of the screen. That we have been down a i want to remind everybody, as soon as the president there is metoo road to know, with all such with g. O. P. Lawmakers inside the state dining room, we due respect, zach and i think, david, you would agree will go to that life. We have such a good opportunity, with this, too as women and going to that. No doubt, this is part of the men on the planet, people will conversation that we will do something differently in private than they would in witness live here on fox with public. Even though you say you the president. That has to do with how witnessed everything, were still going to follow the facts. Different this economy is. And i know this is glaringly i think its worth that. I think thats why democrats are starting to pick up speed, too. Obvious, but people arent talking about it enough diskettes of the bottom of it. This economy is not what it was because you cant move on until before the great recession, or you do. Cnbc is reporting that what it was before the Republican Groups are planning great depression. To use joe bidens yes, we turned it off. Its been seven or eight weeks Sexual Assault allegation against democrats in key senate for some places. What parts can come back on races like alabama, maine, quickly . You are watching it. North carolina, colorado, iowa. David i think the thing will this be a smart move . Thats going to come back on cut it back . Quickly our manufacturing jobs, david, what do you think . Because those are jobs, most of republicans need to focus on rticularly the big ones that the ideas that are going to help have capital in reserves, they people restore their health, are going to be able to come feel secure about their health back, get new people come and get back to work. Thats going be good for the and their safety, and restore entire economy. Takehome pay and their thats why the ppp, the program retirement accounts. Let me just add one last thing to our last point, which is that that focused on Small Businesses, was so important. Zach may have no direct experience with it, but you because a lot of those of course, there are too many small dont get a top Google Search be businesses to be able to be creepy joe biden if filled with the coffers from the tax revenues. We just dont have enough money joe bidens actions over his to do that. Career havent made people feel so a lot of the Small Businesses uncomfortable in his presence. Wont come back. Harris im going to give with entrepreneurs who started you a chance to respond to that, them will come back. They might not come back doing the same thing, the zach. Zach its just that is the kind of politics. Restaurateurs might decide to focus their energies on other things, but they will come back. I agree with davids first Governor Cuomo said something point, though. I think those are going to be pointless. We have 30 Million People filing yesterday which was very for an appointment. The whole story right now is important. 66 of the new covid cases come going to be about health and from people who are at home, economic security. Sheltering in place. I dont really think this story, so sheltering in place is not even though it is a serious story that needs to be necessarily the answer. Thats good news for those who investigated, as you mention, harris. Want to restart the economy. I think, by the way, as its you cant sheltering place if been investigated reporters have you dont have a house to not been able to verify most of shelter in. The claim so far. But i think its really going to unfortunately, people without be an election based on economic jobs may be losing their house. Security and Health Security its time to get out, start more than anything else. The one do you think joe biden working again, doing it safely, should take a Lie Detector Test . With all the restrictions, but i dont think so. Doing it. I think the market realizes that i dont think she should come as a conclusion that america has either, by the way. I think he should continue to come to. Harris david, real have these conversations, the quickly, before we move onto the media she deftly did their next thing, tourism and travel, investigations. The Associated Press did a very that is a sector that has gotten hit so hard. Indepth interview with her that david l, terrible. Totally contradicted one year harris even the airlines ago, when she said the vox are trying to figure out, with a stimulus bailout, whatever you want to call that money they did an interview and said they got, they are still planning to didnt even have something thats lay some people off, or to have printable. As the media continues to do them work parttime, or to have their work, and they should do them take a little furlough, or their work, the facts should whatever its going to take to lead where the facts lead. Stay in business. Those jobs, though, are they i just dont think they will lead in the way that ms. Reade coming back in the traditional is claiming. Tourism sectors . Harris do you think cruise lines, even. David its going to take a democrats need a backup . David harris, the long time. Various airlines have gone democrats seem to be evolving, bankrupt before. Here, on Lie Detector Tests. We had united, american, they went bankrupt before and they some of the thought about came back. This may be in the future. Justice kavanaugh. They needed to have more they may have to go bankrupt again. Harris david, youre congressional hearings, as giving an excellent answer, but Justice Kavanaugh was being considered. The president of the it really speaks to the United States has begun. Lets watch. President trump i just want to thank you all for coming accountability the media has, back, because you came back. This is a Republican Group. Many in the media have. Are they going to hold democrats largely, if not in all cases. To the same standard that they they look pretty republican. Im not sure about devin. Hold republicans to . When serious allegations which need to be investigated are you are a republican, arent brought up. You . Is the way they are handling [laughter] s is a very Republican Group and we appreciate coming back this the way they handled Brett Kavanaugh . Harris and is a question i met, debbie. I just want to say a few words, for all of us to look into an answer in the correct way, and then well see a couple because the answer ought to be fruit dont like words in front the media its even, its fair. Gentlemen, good to have you on we just left the most beautiful the program. Ceremony, celebrating 75 years, zach, good to see you. David, you, as well. Thank you both. Thank you, harris. And it was magnificent, it was harris cautiously optimistic that the nfl season beautiful. It was windy and beautiful. Will play out as normal. It has released the 2020 we have a great country. Schedule. I will talk with a 3time we are rebuilding our country. Super bowl champion, next. 300 miles an hour, we have the greatest economy in the history of the world. No country had anywhere near us. Thats where i feel normal. And we had the best weve ever having an annuity tells me my retirement is protected. Had, but weve had the best ever in the world. Protected Lifetime Income from an annuity can help your Retirement Plan ride out turbulent times. China is a very good competitor, learn more at protectedincome. Org. But we were doing much better than china, and thats before covid. Eh, not enough fiber. Before this plague came in. Chocolate would be good. We were doing much, much better snacking should be sweet and simple. Than anybody. The delicious taste of glucerna the best weve ever done. We had to close it down. Gives you the sweetness you crave while helping you manage your blood sugar. It was an artificial closing. We had to just close it down. With nutrients to help support immune health. Never happened. Nothing like that never happened before. We did the right thing. Its horrible, whats happened. It should have been stopped. It should have been stopped where it came from, which was china. It could have been stopped easily and quickly. For some reason, they were unable to do it. I think they tried, but he got away from them, i guess. But its a shame, and so many hundreds of thousands of people around the world have been killed. 184 countries. But we are going to build our country back, and we are going to build it back fast. This group of people, we all did it before, and will do it again. We created something that has never been seen before. If you are somebody that likes history, and they think everybody in this room likes history that she would be doing what youre doing you would see and you would remember this was the year that china was going to overtake us and the economy. If you go back two months, you will see they werent anywhere close. Many years if the right person sits in this seat, itll never happen. The wrong person sits in this seat, it will happen the period of a few years or less. It can happen almost immediate immediately. So, we are in a position where we have to start all over again. And we will start all over again, and well build something with how you watchhelp git does too. R. That was even better than we had this is xfinity x1, featuring the Emmy Awardwinning voice remote. Before. Recognizing that so many people have died. Access to your favorite apps, so many people have died. That is the one thing we cant including netflix, prime video, youtube and hulu. Do anything about, unfortunate all without changing passwords and inputs. Unfortunately. The most 4k content what i can say is, if we did it and movies and shows on any screen. A different way, if we just said, lets swing it, we would the best Entertainment Experience all in one place. Have been talking about numbers xfinity x1. Simple. Easy. Awesome. That would have been unsustainable and unacceptable. Xfinity. The future of awesome. You look on the screens, you look on television today, and you see body bags. You see mass graves. We may be talking about 95,000 people, ultimately. We may be talking about something more than that. But if you take a low number, 1. 5 million, you multiply whatever number we are talking about times 15, it would not be acceptable. It would not its not acceptable now. One person isnt acceptable, let alone perhaps 100,000. So, we are going to rebuild it, we are going to rebuild it back as fast as we can. I think we are going to have an incredible transition. Transition leads to fourthquarter, Third Quarter. I call it transition, we will start to see it. Its already happening. People want to come back. I think everybody in this room realizes, we have to come back, otherwise you have a broken country. Youll never be old to do it again. Youll never be able to build this miracle. Its a miracle, we did. But all of us did. What many people before us did. Youll never be able to build it again. The people want to come back. You see whats going on at state houses all over the country, they want to come back. I think some people dont want it really to come back, for political reasons, which is Harris America cheers as the nfl releases its 2020 season sick. But the people, the real people, schedule. The people that want this commissioner Roger Goodell saying the league will be country to be great and great prepared to make adjustments if again, we can say they want to necessary in response to the pandemic. And, if games do go on as get back. Planned, its likely they will and we are going to have embers, we are going to have fires, we be played before greatly reduced are going to have things to put or nonexistent crowds. Out, and well put them out. It is also unclear a franchises we learned a lot, things we had no idea two months ago. We learned a lot over the last in hot spots like california and couple of months. New york will be able to play at and we are going to do a job like nobody has seen before. Home. Analyst Mark Schlereth joins me now, veteran of the i spoke with Angela Merkel denver broncos, washington today, i spoke with redskins, and a threetime super bowl champ. Good to see you today. Prime minister abe of japan, i spoke with many of the leaders its my pleasure, thanks for over the last four or five days. Having me. So many of them almost all of them, i would say all of them. Harris so, what are you hearing from players . Not everybody want to admit it, i would imagine they are but they all view us as the anticipating excitement since the big schedule came out last world leader. Night. And they are following us. Are you hearing any concerns you look at what weve done with from them about safety, about ventilators, we started and we being around crowds of people . That sort of thing . Had no ventilators. Nobody thought in terms of a sure, i think theres always a safety concern. I think the league has obvious ventilator. Its like and i say it all the time, its like building a car. In other countries, they dont have ventilators. We became so successful at ventilators and building this very complex machine, very safety concerns. One thing about football is there a such a sense of community when you talk about professional sports in this expensive machine, but very, country, especially professional football. One of the things i appreciate about the league as they have very complex. To have it right, to do it not let the the sky is right. Highly computerized, very falling, chicken Little People come out and say, its all doom and gloom. Technologically significant. So, we built and rebuilt and we i choose to practice intentional gratitude. I choose to dump myself into built. They took other factories, factories were totally other this schedule and be excited purposes, and now we have nine about it, and hope that thats going to happen. If it doesnt happen, they will factories that are throwing out come up with a plan to basically ventilators at numbers nobody can believe. Really, theres not been anything like that since the adjust and find a way to play second world war, where we did this season. I dont know what to look like, the same thing with other types i dont know the parameters of product. Itll be under, but it think they will find a way to get the we are giving thousands and season played. I think that is healthy for our thousands away to other country. Countries, people dying because i think its great, when he they dont have ventilators and they are not equipped to do what released the schedule and we sit we did. So we are giving thousands and here in the community of thousands of these ventilators social media and argue about, is it a good schedule, is it away to many countries that have about schedule . Harris well, is it a good suffered greatly. Schedule . Whats that . Italy, france, spain, so many harris is it a good schedule . Countries. And nigeria called, tremendous do you like it . I always like it. Problems and nigeria. Tremendous problems all over. Professional football, the so they are very happy. In addition to that, we are difference between they haves building stockpiles for and that have nots are so ourselves. Razorthin. If this disaster ever happens again, we have plenty. He really comes down to sacrifice what youre willing to some of the governors, we are do with your teammates. Are you going to do the working along great with almost all of the governors. Some of them, they needed sacrificial things . How good is your Coaching Staff . Ventilators. Now its testing, and we have how do they develop guys . Testing at a level nobodys ever done before. Every leader tells us the same one of the great story lines in this is tom brady has moved from thing. In fact, they want to know what were doing. But you dont hear that from the 20 years with the patriots to the tampa bay buccaneers. Media. You never hear that. Was it brady, was a belichick . But whats happening with testing is incredible. We are fixing to find out. As of this morning, we have done harris mark, my chiefs are 8. 5 million tests. Going to play the Houston Texans yesterday alone, in one day, we up first. Im looking forward to it. Did 300,000 tests. Great to see you. Thats an incredible tribute. The nfl starts in september. Now they have the test where it you, too. Takes you 5 minutes. That was a test that didnt even learn more at libertymutual. Com covid19. Exist. Everybody had to go to a lab. It would be sent to a lab, so it [ piano playing ] takes a day, that it takes another day, takes you three, four, five days if they do a good job. Now you do a test, boom, you have it in 5 minutes. Nobody ever thought a thing like that was even possible. That the abbott laboratories. But now we have other competitive tests even with that. What weve done has been incredible. We are going to continue to do it. We are going into transition. My agerelated macular degenso today i made a plan with my doctor, i call it transition to which includes preservision. Greatness. Its going to be a transition to because he said a multi vitamin alone may not be enough. Greatness, because we are going and its my vision, to do something very fast and we my morning walk, my sunday drive, are going to have a phenomenal year next year. My grandsons beautiful face. Only preservision areds2 contains the exact nutrient formula Third Quarter transition, Fourth Quarter is going to be good, recommended by the National Eye Institute this chairman to is pentup to help reduce the risk of moderate to advanced amd progression. Demand, and next year we are going have a phenomenal year. Its how i see my life. With that, i think maybe i like because its my vision. To go around the room, and you preservision. Can introduce yourself and see if words, and then after that in the media will leave and well have some discussions amog ourselves. Okay . Please, why dont you start . I think i know this gentleman, huh . By the way, kevin has done some job. He shouldnt have this job a long time before he had it. But thats okay. We have a great man, and hes going to be hopefully a great speaker of the house. Weve got to get him there. [applause] when i say hopefully, hopefully were going to win. I have no doubt hell be a great speaker of the house. We dont have to hope about everything dominic anything. He sent a fantastic job. Kevin . Mr. President , i want to say one thing. You and the first lady were out there honoring what transpired 75 years ago, that we had to end the tyranny of what hitler was doing throughout europe. We are now battling Something Like a war. Its a virus that came from a distant land that we did not invite. Just as we had to transform our country then, and unite, that leadership you are providing is doing just that. You talked about ventilators, gearing up, testing. The ingenuity of this country will solve the problem. We will solve and get a vaccine not just for us, but the rest of the world. I do want to thank you, coming from california and i know i have a blue state and i know i have a governor, but the way you worked together, watching you send those navy ships to new york and california, to build those hospitals in the time of need, i do want to women with metastatic we breast cancerers. Thank you on behalf of everyone standing in the struggle. In california. President trump thank you. Great state. Hustling through the hurt. Thank you very much. Asking for science not sorrys. Thank you, mr. President , for our time for more time all of the support from new york state. Has come. This has been a true living longer is possible partnership, and the initiation has stepped up. And proven in women taking kisqali plus fulvestrant whether its ventilators were building the javits center, or a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor. Which was tremendously kisqali is the only treatment in its class important. My district in upstate new york, people are eager to get back to with proven overall survival results in 2 clinical trials. Work safely. Our tourist businesses, hotels helping women live longer with hr , her2 have been devastated. As we talk about this metastatic breast cancer. Transition, making sure that we allow our Small Businesses to kisqali was also significantly more effective get back to work safely is so at delaying disease progression incredibly important. Versus a nonsteroidal aromatase inhibitor also, our farmers. Or fulvestrant alone. Thank you to secretary perdue for stepping up. We have Dairy Farmers in our district who are going through a kisqali can cause lung problems or an abnormal heartbeat, crisis, but we know that you support the farmers and we are which can lead to death. It can cause serious liver problems and low white blood cell counts appreciative of all your work for new york. That may result in severe infections. I know youve worked effectively tell your doctor right away with democrats and republicans in new york state. If you have new or worsening symptoms, including breathing problems, cough, chest pain, thank you. President trump thank you very much. For the farmers, we give a change in your heartbeat, dizziness. Yellowing of the skin or eyes, dark urine, tiredness, 12,000,000,000. 02 years ago from china. Loss of appetite, abdomen pain, bleeding, through tariffs. Because they were targeting our farmers. And then we gave 16 billion, bruising, fever, chills, or other symptoms of an infection, and this year we are giving are or plan to become pregnant, or breastfeeding. 19 billion to the farmers. That is more money than theyve ever even thought about, and avoid grapefruit during treatment. Kisqali is not approved for use with tamoxifen. Its keeping them in a position where, really, its a position its our time. Of strength. They deserve it. To continue to shine what theyve gone through for because we are the thrivers. 1819 years, this is not a new ask your doctor about kisqali, phenomena. For years theyve been ripped the only treatment in its class off. We are taking care of our proven to help women live longer in 2 clinical trials. Farmers pay thank you very much, elise. Dan, please prayed thank you, mr. President. Thank you for having us here. Thank you for working every single day. Harris the president they are meeting with a number of her public and lawmakers right now, just as we showed you. And told you he would. Dana a fox news alert, a he had a long statement at the father and son accused of beginning there that we all murdering an unarmed black jogger in georgia making their watched together. First Court Appearance any then, as they go around the table, the people in the room, moment now. It is a lengthy list including their arrests last night come two months after the shooting. Representative or now, i hello everyone, and dana perino should say, say, chief of staff, and this is the daily briefing. Sorry mark meadows, jared kushner, his assistant to the president , deputy chief of staff dance give you know, larry kudlow , and so many others. Dana we are following three big stories of sour. You are seeing there, you saw elise stefanik, you see those we talked to the attorney lawmakers and rep of the nerves general george about the murder in the house is talking with the of Ahmaud Arbery. Plus newly released documents president about what he has done showed president obama knew for the economy. The main line all of that was about former National Security advisor Michael Flynns this transition to greatness. Wiretapped phone calls. We will have a reaction from that is what the president is calling what we will see later this year. He says the Third Quarter will be that transition prayed the fourth will look a little bit better. By next year, he says, its going to look much better. Even great. Transition to greatness. Listen for that, thematically, as the president continues to talk over the next few days. He hit that point pretty hard. If it goes back to the president and he is making more remarks, joe bidens accuser is speaking out in a new interview, and what she said and whether her comments will haunt the Biden Campaign through the summer and into the election season, into november. Well get into it. Plus, today marks what would have been Ahmaud Arberys we six birthday. He was shot while out jogging. What they are calling for today is his family searches for justice. His good musical ta being prepared and overcoming challenges. Usaa has been standing with them for nearly a hundred years. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. And well be here to serve you for a hundred more. If you have a garden you know, weeds are low down little scoundrels. Draw the line with roundup. 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If the roles were reversed, and it was him and his truck with a shotgun and a. 357 magnum and killed Greg Mcmichaels son in broad daylight, because we know without a shadow of a doubt that they would have been arrested on day one. Harris that was the lawyer representing the family of Ahmaud Arbery, the young man killed back in february while jogging in southeast georgia. Today, the georgia naacp is holding a peaceful protest to mark what would have been arberys 26th birthday. This comes one day after the father and son, seen in cell phone video chasing down and shooting arbery with a shotgun, were both arrested and charged with murder. President trump weighed in tod today. It is a very disturbing situation. My heart goes out to the parents and the family and the friends. Yet, we have to take it Law Enforcement is going to look at it. They have a good governor in the state, and he is a very good governor, actually. He is going to look at it very strongly, and hes going to do whats right. Harris steve harrigans live in atlanta with the latest on this. Steve . Harris, Greg Mcmichael and his son, trevor, there are now pictures from dailymail. Com of them being removed from their home in handcuffs. A white former Police Officer and his son, accuse of the murder of a 25yearold unarmed black man, Ahmaud Arbery. The events began more than two months ago with a 911 call about a black man jogging three suburban neighborhood. The audio of that call was obtained by tmz. Hes running right now. There he goes right now. Okay, what is he doing . Hes running down the street. Its a blackmail, run down the street. Where . Stop right there stop of the shooting happened back in february, but it did not get National Attention until a video was posted earlier this week. The mcmichaels got in their pickup truck and chased arbery down. They had a handgun and a shotgun. They tried to cut him off after a scuffle. That shotgun was shot three times in the 25yearold was dead. For 74 days, there was no movement, no arrest by local police. Once the joe Georgia Bureau of investigation got involved, change in area. To rest and one day and perhaps more to come, including the person who filled the encounter. We will go wherever the evidence take us. Lets say hypothetically if we believe tomorrow or in a week or three weeks is probable cause for an arrest, well do it. If we dont believe there is, we wont. Speak of the cases already on its third prosecutor. The first two had to recuse themselves after it was shown they had ties with the former policeman. Harris, back to you. Steve harrigan, thank you very much for following the facts on this case. In the wake of all of this, republican senator tim scott is calling on congress to pass antilynching legislation. He tweeted this late yesterday. Every single time the accuses poor end, he looked suspicious. We thought he was committing a crime. The fact remains, Ahmaud Arbery was hunted down from a pickup truck and murdered in cold blood. My heart breaks for his family and justice must be served. That, again, from tender senator tim scott. I want to bring in kristen clarke, president and executive good to see you today, thank you for your time and your experti expertise. A couple of beginning questions. Our reported to us that it was 74 days before we saw any movement in this case. Why is that . You know, the case first went to a local prosecutor who appropriately identified a conflict of interest. Gregory mcmichael is somebody who worked literally for the department that she leads. The case then went to a second prosecutor, who did not immediately disclose potential conflicts of interest. Those were disclosed publicly, but a lot of time was lost while the case remained in his hands before being passed off to a third prosecutor. No doubt, there have been missteps. My hope is, particularly for the family of mr. Arbery, that justice, the interest of justice, will not be served. That we should have some confidence and faith in the fact that two men have been arrested. There may be more arrests to come. No doubt, justice delayed is justice denied for a family that is really grueling over the loss of son. Harris you know, you have a look at so many of these cases. Youve been in law your whole adult life, from everything ive read about you, and lead in so many different areas of civil rights. Is there hate crimes law in georgia today . You know, georgia is one of the states that does not have strong hate crime protections on its books. But we do have harris but they have some . We do have the Matthew Shepard hate crimes protection act at the fed

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