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Recommendation that people wear Face Coverings in circumstances where social distancing may not be possible. Dr. Anthony fauci says additional protection is needed as Research Shows how easily the virus can spread. Watch. With certain necessities of life, going out to get food, or going to a pharmacy to get her medication, you may inadvertently come into closer contact. Because of that and because of the recent information that the virus can actually be spread even when people just speak as opposed to coughing and sneezing, the better part is that if youre out and cant maintain that 6foot distance to maintain some sort official covering. Harris this, as new york citys mayor is recommending people wear Face Coverings in public. Laredo, texas, is now threatening to find people 1,000 who dont wear a Face Covering or a mask when entering a public building. I want to bring in our medical panel for this hour. Dr. Nicole saphier, new york city physician and fox news contributor. Dr. Marc siegel, professor of medicine at nyu langone medical center, fox news contributor. And dr. Marty makary, professor of Public Health at Johns Hopkins university, also fox news contributor. We appreciate your time. Dr. Siegel, i want to start with you. Face coverings. Obviously not ever been in, because we need to give those to as Many Health Care workers as possible. Face coverings, the president mentioned a scarf. The doctor on the virtual cows last hour said make sure you wash whatever you use. Your thoughts, dr. Siegel . Dr. Siegel well, dr. Fauci this is an evolving situation. Dr. Fauci is talking about an article, a study that was just published in nature medicine, one of our top journals. It referred to the idea, the fact that you are literally spewing this virus. Respiratory droplets still, harris, but you are spewing it even when you speak and much more easily than we had realized. We are realizing how highly contagious this is. To see him move on this, its clearly something we have to move on, as well. I have a concern, though, about what covering we are talking about. Remember, this study didnt look at scarves. In the best of all possible worlds, we would have enough surgical masks for this. We would have enough. Because thats what they study, the use of surgical masks. The problem is what you already said. We need our Health Care Workers to have that. Once i am assured that there is enough masks for all of our Health Care Workers, and clearly if you are in contact with covid19 you need the n95 respirator in the hospital. Even for uses other than the hospital, or workers have to have all the masks they need. Beyond that, i would like it if people in the community dr. Fauci said this correctly, within 6 feet. You cant always govern social distancing. So im in favor now of using those surgical masks, if we can get them, when you come in close contact with others. Harris you said a couple things there, dr. Siegel. I want to stick with you for a second. I took away from what he said, i wrote down, theres a hierarchy of provision. We know that. Masks, coverings go to health care, First Responders. We havent talked much about Funeral Directors and their staff, but we should going forward, because that is part of the coverage today. The scarves, what would you recommend people use instead . Ive seen people take sponges, poke some holes, put some strings, and do that. Thats something you can wash, again. What is something you can do . Dr. Siegel im not against the scarves. Im making a point it can also be a place to harbor viruses. A mask that is hastily made may not have the seal we want on your face. If its not working properly, it defeats the purpose. The better we have, the better. Thats what im saying. I dont want somebody using a scarf. It gets wet, they accumulate viruses, and ultimately spread it that way. We have to be careful about that. What are you using . Are you cleaning it . Isnt being disinfected . Is it being reused . These are all things that matter. Ultimately, we are moving in a direction official covering for sure. Harris one of our viewers, rebecca. This is questions answered this hour. Dr. Makary, i will come to you with this one from rebecca h. Im wondering if the experts have determined if there will be any longlasting after effects to the patients that have recovered from the coronavirus. Harris dr. Makary . Dr. Makary well, there is some good and bad outcomes. First of all, about 15 of patients who are critically ill will have some kind of lung scarring or some lung damage. Although it has a minimal impact on the regular health outcomes. We will probably see thousands of lives saved every year for the next 20 years plus because of better social distancing and better hygiene. We doctors have been talking about this, like following the speed limit, and people didnt believe us for years. Now we have seen an adoption. It will save thousands of lives each year, i think, from the regular flu season. Harris all right, i took notes on that. The good and the bad. Of course, dr. Saphier, i would just hope that we wouldnt ever have to remind people to wash their hands again. That is so old school, but it seems to be the focal point. Bonnie a asks this question. I will go to dr. Saphier on this. Please clarify the difference between having an autoimmune condition and being immunocompromised. Are those with autoimmune disorders at higher risk . Doctor . Dr. Saphier thats a very interesting question, especially because im sitting at home with an autoimmune disorder myself. So i appreciate this question. An autoimmune disorder is a wastebasket term for a whole plethora of different sorts of diseases. Essentially, your own body is attacking something inside of you. So, the goal of those treatments are usually to suppress the immune system to stop that from happening. Some people with certain autoimmune diseases specifically lupus and others can actually be considered somewhat immunocompromised because they have a propensity for infection. However, its more of the treatments for these diseases that suppresses the immune system that really puts them at a higher risk for having a more severe outcome of this illness, which is why those that are on treatments for autoimmune diseases are considered somewhat high risk, depending on which medication, of course. The best person to talk to is obviously the rheumatologist, because the rheumatologist knows exactly what type of autoimmune disease you have and exactly what treatment it is, and can give a better idea of what level of immunosuppressed you are. Harris that is so fascinating. So it isnt always what you have, but how you are treating it, suppressing that immunity from fighting itself, if you will. Thats fascinating, in terms of what you have to tell a doctor. Real quick follow, people with type 2 diabetes are always on the shortlist, for those who could be compromised in a way that covid19 ravages their system so quickly. Why is that . Dr. Saphier harris, let me tell you about this. Can you hear me, harris . I talk a lot about type 2 diabetes in my book, and i talk a lot about it. What we are seeing is because specifically in louisiana over 97 of people who are dying from covid19 have some sort of prior illness. A lot of them being type 2 diabetes, which directly relates to obesity. And there is a larger obesity population down there. Type 2 diabetes is a result of, for the most part, being overweight or just resistance to insulin in general that you acquire when youre an adult. It does oppress your immune system, and its known as an immunoprostate. So they are more prone to infections. If you have type 2 diabetes, especially if you have uncontrolled diabetes, absolutely that is a risk factor. You have to make sure you are contact with your physician and you keep your sugars under control. Harris doctors, sit by. Great to get you answering your questions, as always. A day after President Trump culture flexibility in how states respond to covid19, based on their ability. Dr. Anthony fauci is recommending all states implement stayathome orders. I dont understand why its not happening. As you said, the tension between federally mandated versus the states rights to do what they want, its something i dont want to get into. If you look at whats going on in this country, i dont understand why we arent doing that. We really should be. Harris right now 80 of americans are on some sort of stay at home order or restriction. Governor huckabee told me yesterday, doctors, that it is less about coition and more about coordination. But he does see the need for that. Dr. Siegel . Dr. Siegel well, yes. But i also think that the most important places are the hot spots, where we are seeing most of the cases. Of course, you can then say there are emerging hot spots, and one of the biggest problems with covid19s, as cdc says, 25 of people are a symptomatic. This probably an additional 25 to have mild symptoms and dont even know they have it. They are busy spreading it, as per that article we just talked about it. With all of that going on, the only way you can be sure you arent getting this is to stay at home. I would answer that, that i think the rapid tests that are coming out over the next couple weeks to both identify the virus more quickly without as much protective equipment necessary and to check immunity, those tests are going to be additional tools that are going to help us decide how to govern this whole issue of people staying at home. Im not saying we are going to loosen that, but that will help us flatten the curve even more. When we have the rapid testing, when we have the immunity testing, and we do the stayathome orders, thats when the curve is really going to flatten. Harris a quick commercial break here, then we will come back. Thank you all very much. A brutal jobs report for the month of march, and it could just be beginning, what we are looking at right now. Is it still possible for our economy to make a speedy comeback . Can we bounce back . We will take your financial questions next. Its not going to last throughout the year. I do think that we will see a very strong economic recovery when this has played itself out. I dont add up the years. And i dont count the wrinkles. But what i do count on is boost high protein. And now, introducing new boost women. With key nutrients to help support thyroid, bone, hair and skin health. All with great taste. New, boost women. Designed just for you. New, boost women. Yeah. This moving thing never gets any easier. Well, xfinity makes moving super easy. I can transfer my internet and tv service in about a minute. Wow, that is easy. Almost as easy as having those guys help you move. We are those guys. Thats you . The truck adds 10 pounds. In the arms. Okay. Transfer your Service Online in a few easy steps. Now thats simple, easy, awesome. Transfer your service in minutes, making moving with xfinity a breeze. Visit xfinity. Com moving today. The virus itself and the steps weve taken to mitigate the virus have interrupted a very strong business prosperity, a very strong jobs prosperity, and the whole economy is suffering. I do not think its going to get any better in the weeks immediately ahead. I do think, however, that this will prove to be temporary. Harris white house Economic Advisor larry kudlow there on the state of our economy as we look at a grim jobs report for the month of march. More than 700,000 jobs lost. The Unemployment Rate hitting 4. 4 . Experts say this could be just the tip of the iceberg, as the dow jones sits in the red again today on this friday. Last week, a record 6. 6 Million People filed for unemployment, pushing the jobless claims to more than 10 million just over the last few weeks. Economists are warning in the New York Times that no industry is safe amid the crisis, saying, this thing is going to come for us all. Lets check in and also on the banks, which are gradually rolling out their online portals for Small Businesses to request emergency loans. That starts today. The sites are supposed to go live at midnight, but a senior treasury official is telling fox news now that some big banks were slow to get their sites up and running. With the timing there . Lets bring in brian brenberg, chairman of the program in business and finance at Kings College in manhattan. Also fox news contributor. Brian, theres not a lot of bright spot in all of that. But there has to be something that shows us things are going to bounce back, and how quickly. What are you watching . Im trying to watch the same thing that investors are watching right now. You notice todays reaction to a very bad jobs report was pretty muted. Because we already know that job losses have been significant, and we know thats going to continue into april. What investors are really watching our two things. One is they are trying to figure out when is that reopen date, when might we be able to start emerging from a shut down economy . Two, they are watching how these relief programs roll out in the meantime. Are we providing help to businesses so they can avoid bankruptcy . So they can avoid not having to pay their bills . If we get this thing opened up sooner than some of us have been predicting and we are talking about weeks, maybe two months there and if the relief programs work, i think investors take heart and say there is some room for a decent recovery coming out of this thing. Harris you know, its interesting. Axios is reporting something that my grandparents used to say. That you go through things at a country and it can take you a couple generations or cycles to get back. Axios suggesting the social and Economic Impact could define a generation. Americans who lived through the Great Depression were scarred for life by the experience, and they exhibited a level of caution and frugality that only their boomer children would eventually overcome. Brian, what is your thought . I dont think theres any question that, coming out of this, things are going to change in the marketplace. They are going to c scarring, but i do think it will change peoples preferences. It will change norms, it will change how we get things done. Frankly, there are some things that may change that could benefit us, as well. I think many more people are getting comfortable doing business via teleconferencing weve seen so much of. They are realizing there is some travel they dont need. They are realizing there are some things they do in their own local communities that make sense to do. You will see a shift of preferences. Its going to mean losses for some industries, its going to mean gains for others. But there is a resiliency we are seeing among americans right now and a desire to come together. The economy. There may be a unifying effect here. Harris it is so true. He mentioned travel, that stands out to me because it is an area, a sector, if you will come of business that the president and others have looked at saying they will need some help. If our habits change forever, itll be interesting to see how they turn that into a winwin once this is all over. I love those words, by the way, because this too shall pass when its over. Lets take some of your questions. Thanks for being able to do that with me. Chris c has a question about Unemployment Benefits. Lets watch. My wife is that stayathome mom, which forced me to work two jobs. Im currently unemployed on my second job. I was wondering if i could collect on employment on that job even though i still have a fulltime job. Chris, you can collect unemployment on that job that you lost. The question is going to be how much you are earning in the job that you keep. If you are earning more than your Unemployment Benefits would be for losing that second job, then you wont get to collect unemployment. But if you are earning less, you will. The nice thing with the cares act is its boosting the employment checked by 600 a week, which increases the chances that you could collect some an appointment. So i would say apply, let the state turn you down, but dont limit yourself. Its very possible you could get a benefit, here. Harris all right. Jeremy s asks this. My wife and i run a dog kennel out of her home and dont pay ourselves a set amount. We have a separate account for the business. We took a huge loss, as spring break is when we make most of our money. Obviously people put their dogs for care and they traveled. Are we eligible for the Treasury Department loan . Brian . Jeremy, you are eligible for the loan. You have to apply for that and you will have to be ready for a lot of information. Make sure you bring information about how much income you took from the business, we paid for health insurance, utilities payments, rent payments if they apply, mortgage interest. You want to have all of that going into that application process. The applications are slow right now, so dont be discouraged if it takes a little while to get that up and running. You might also want to look at Economic Injury disaster loans. Thats another program that is available for people in this situation. So dont limit yourself. Go to sba. Gov. Look at their website. A lot of information for Small Businesses. As a selfemployed individual or independent contractor, you are eligible for these things. Harris great, great information there. You probably heard me talking about the fact that they were a little slow to get their website online. Just a quick thought about that. Any concerns you have . Well, it doesnt surprise me. This is a huge program. 350 billion Lending Program that banks are having to get out in about a week, a week and a half. It doesnt surprise me that its rolling out slowly. They are going to have to work awfully hard to get that done. What i would say to people is go to the banks you have relationships with, start there, ask your questions there at the relationship level. Dont give up. Youre going to want to apply for this quickly because its a popular program, but it could be very good one. I would say dont let the short term problems dissuade you from going after this. Harris brian brenberg, Kings College is lucky to have you, and so are we at fox. Thank you for taking viewer questions today. Thanks, harris. Appreciate it. Harris social distancing and following safety guidelines. We are told that all works. That is the message from the White House Task force. They are worried that not every american is listening. Oh, boy. Look at your screen. Our medical experts are back with answers to your questions. People, 6 feet, 6 feet oh, boy. There will be parties again soon, and family gatherings. There will be parades and sporting events and concerts. To help our communities when they come back together, respond to the 2020 census now. Spend a few minutes online today to impact the next 10 years of healthcare, infrastructure and education. Go to 2020census. Gov and respond today to make americas tomorrow brighter. Its time to shape our future. baby sounds and cooing notification chime keyboard clicking we are only as strong as every community, every county, every state, every american following the guidelines to a t. I can tell by the curve, as it is today, that not every american is following it. Harris thats dr. Deborah birx, coordinator for the White House Coronavirus task force. Dr. Birx says everyone is not playing by the same rules, and that all americans need to take the same responsibility. Stay at home, no dinner, no cocktail parties. Thats the way our nation can beat covid19. This, as new york Governor Cuomo announced today the hardest hit state saw its largest 12 increase, more than 10,000 new cases, and the largest amount of deaths in a 24hour period. 562. I want to bring back the medical panel now. Dr. Nicole saphier, dr. Marc siegel, and dr. Marty makary. Dr. Makary, im going to start review with those very alarming numbers coming out of new york. You are watching other hot spots, as well. Dr. Makary weve got to put a face on this problem. Its our countrys most vulnerable. To back antitobacco strategy over the last 20 years, weve learned that if you just tell somebody that something is dangerous it may not have an impact. For some people, risk appeals to them. Instead, if you say, a company is trying to convince you this is cool to make a profit, that sort of generational value comes in. Right now there is a strong plea from Health Care Workers and First Responders to say, hey, do this for our sake. We are putting our lives on the line prayed look at our nations most vulnerable. Harris youve seen those on social media, the pictures of doctors and nurses and physician assistants and teams in their scrub saying, we are here for you, stay home for us. I get what youre saying. Thats good or first question now. Todd e asks, is it normal to be fine most of the day, than a minute later overwhelmed . Im 54 years old and in good health, but i i get so scared sometimes. Dr. Siegel, you and i often talk about treating the whole patient. The psychology of this matter. Dr. Siegel it matters hugely. I think we are not spending enough time on that. Whether were talking about the unemployment, whats going on with the economy, that the restaurant you are use to is not open, that you cant go outside. All of that is necessary right now, but it has an enormous psychological impact. We are going to see the rate of depression go up, the rate of suicide, anxiety, going up. Related not just to fears of getting the virus. After all, harris, weve talked about that, too. Its an unknown. The virus is scary because its so contagious and you dont know when you could get it. That scares people. To martys point, by the way, i also want people out there to know i like his idea. We need to visualize out there the elderly person. It could be her grandma. You might have a mild case but you could be spreading it to your grandma. To someone elses grandma. We have to protect society and come into this together. Harris dr. Saphier, this will be for you. Susan r asks, if someone in your household is considered essential, what is the safest way for them to return into the house each day . Should they undress in an isolated room and then immediately shower and clothes be put in the washer . Dr. Siegel let me tell you, i can tell you what we do here. Myself and my husband are both considered essential, so we have had to leave the house to go to the hospital. We have designated a separate entrance to the home where we both come in from, and we immediately go straight to the same bathroom. We shower there, we leave our clothes there, and the clothes immediately go into the wash. To be honest, when we come out of there, we wiped out on the surface. The door handles, anything they could possibly touch. Bottom line, there is no right or wrong answer and its not good to be something you can do to be 100 effective at staving off this viral infection. A lot of us are doing the best we can. But yes, taking off clothing once he been outside, keeping your hair up in a ponytail come perhaps. Just showering, washing your hands, its the best you can do. Harris i know all of you are seeing patients. I want dr. Makary, she could speak to this just real quickly, and reading about, in queens, one employee they may be many at a funeral home. Taking those precautions on that end of life is also very important. Dr. Makary right now there is a tremendous amount of burden on society, and we are seeing it intensely concentrated on a small sector of individuals. Many people are Walking Around tharight now saying, its prety quite outside, its a nice day, whats the big deal . I can tell you that in certain pockets of society, within our hospitals, Funeral Directors, essential services, Grocery Store supply chain workers, pharmacies, they are getting crushed right now and that is the face of this pandemic that we need to remember. Because were not doing this just to make a graph look better. We are doing this to buy time so we can take care of people better, develop new medications or vaccines, and to reduce the rationing that occurs during the peak time. Harris thank you so very much for that. Well be right back, everybody. The navy is relieving the Commanding Officer who raised the alarm about a covid19 outbreak on his Aircraft Carrier. But Officials Say he created unnecessary panic in the way he got the message out. The chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general mark milley, joins me next. U need only the freshest milk and cream. That one and the worlds best, and possibly only, schmelier. Philadelphia. Schmear perfection. Were finally back out in our yard, but so are they. Scotts turf builder triple action. It kills weeds, prevents crabgrass and feeds so grass can thrive, guaranteed. Get everything you need for spring at scotts. Com order today. I am totally blind. And non24 can throw my days and nights out of sync, keeping me from the things i love to do. Talk to your doctor, and call 8442142424. Harris scientists are scrambling to explain why more men are dying from covid19 then women. According to an analysis done by researchers at the university of Miami Miller School of medicine, men across the globe are considered three times more at risk of dying in a hospital from coronavirus. The wall street journal reports Scientists Say they believe its a combination of biological and social factors. They say men smoke and drink more than women, statistically, which puts them at a higher risk. The virus prevalence in men could be tied to their dominance in labor trades, and women have more robust immune systems. I want to bring back the medical panel now. Dr. Saphier, siegel, and makary. Dr. Siegel, it will begin with you and your reaction to this. Dr. Siegel i think its accurate for the reasons youve already said. Especially in italy, men smoke more, they drink more, they are more at risk of severe outcomes, they have more underlying problems. A study out of human genomics last year made a very strong case for the fact that the x chromosome is linked to immunological strength. Guess what women have two of . X chromosomes they go through pregnancy, childbirth, all of which challenges your immune system. On top of that, there is a hormone called estrogen, which we dont understand completely. But it may offer you more immune protection. I agree with this. Women are have stronger and have stronger immune systems. Harris i can see while we were talking, dr. Saphier, he might have a quick thought. We will get in the next questi question. Dr. Saphier its inarguable, females are the stronger sex. We have cities to it. [laughter] harris levity is very important dr. Saphier be seen it with the x chromosome but also the social factors have a lot to do with it, as well. Harris rich h, i have several cuts on my hand due to woodworking, and washing my hands frequently. Can the virus enters through an open cut . Dr. Saphier . Dr. Saphier this is what we call a respiratoryborn virus. If we take it and either our eyes or our nose or our mouth, this is not a bloodborn virus. So we dont really worry about bodily fluids in that sense. As of right now, it doesnt seem like that. Would you want to make sure you are keeping your hands moisturized. We are washing them so much right now that they are cracking, and we dont want to have infections of our hands or any other place in our body that would lower our possible immune response to covid19. Keep your hands moisturized but dont stop washing them. Harris well, what youre talking about is giving yourself another reason to have to go to hospital, if you cut yourself, something rusty, you need a tetanus shot, s so on and so forth. Dr. Makary, we will hit you on the next round. Thank you. 34yearold father of two is on life support after coming down with covid19. His family is pleading with the Drug Companies to let them try an experimental treatment. vo quickbooks salutes those who work for themselves. Theyre adapting to support their communities. But many need our help. If youre a Small Business in need, or want to help a local business, go to quickbooks. Com smallbusinesshelp intuit quickbooks. Guys guys safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 safe drivers save 40 thats safe drivers save 40 . It is, thats safe drivers save 40 . Hes right there. Its him safe drivers do save 40 . Click or call for a quote today. Harris the navy has removed the commander of a coronavirusstricken Aircraft Carrier over a letter he wrote obtained by the media pleading for help after more than 100 sailors had tested positive to covid19. The acting Navy Secretary says captain brett croziers actions undermined the chain of command and caused alarm. Two may come of that demonstrated extremely poor judgment in the middle of a crisis. Because what its done is created a firestorm, its created doubts about the ships ability to go to see if it needs to. Its created doubt among the families about the health of their sailors. That was a completely unnecessarily thing to do in the midst of a crisis. Harris and of course politics mixed in a little bit. Top democrats have gone after the move as an overreaction. Some sailors appeared to rally behind their commander as he left the uss theodore roosevelt. Watch. [crew chanting] captain Crozier Harris joining me now, chairman of the joint chiefs of staff, general mark milley. Sarah, thank you for being on the program, taking the time today. I want to know whether you think this was an easy or a tough decision for the acting Navy Secretary, and why. Harris, thanks for the opportunity. Im over here at fema doing some interagency coordination. Specific to the Teddy Roosevelt and the relief of the ships captain, secretary p16 comic who is a difficult decision. None of them are ever easy. Its his estimation, he lost trust and confidence in the ships captain. Secretary modly is a responsible and accountable official to the American People. He had reason to believe that the captain operated outside the chain of command, and he relieved him. Harris is that the type of decision that you would make . Well, im not in the position right now. I dont have all the facts, but i trust secretary modly in his judgment and i will support him, vesely. He is a responsible and accountable official for the American People. The ships captain, secretary modly explained it. He operated with poor judgment and attempt crisis and the operated outside the chain of command, so he relieved and prayed to move on and make sure the tailors of that ship was taking care of and the readiness of the ships back up to speed. We will respond to the needs of the American People for covid covid19. Harris i should mention the acting secretary was on with me yesterday and he said they already had things in motion, because it takes a lot more than just 24 hours after a letter would drop to move 3,000 people. Real quickly, to this one more time, and i want to move on. You mentioned fema. I know you have those hospital ships. Our correspondent, jan griffin, through sources, that there was warning against making this kind of quick decision about captain crozier. Just a quick thought about that. Im not aware of any white house or dod officials who warned against making quick decisions. That may be, i dont know. I do know that the secretary of the navy is responsible to the American People for the good order and discipline of the navy, and when he loses trust and confidence in the ships captain, thats it. Its target down and we are moving onto the next task. Any time a secretary of the navy, secretary of defense, president of united states, or superior officer loses trust in a subordinate, the subordinate goes. Harris i see the jackets of fema standing behind you. You mentioned where you are. Tell me about the comfort, the hospital ships the comfort and the mercy, the comfort obviously here on the east coast, the mercy in los angeles. What they are doing. Well, right now, as you know, both the comfort and mercy were deployed at the end of last month. With the mercy going to los angeles, the comfort going to new york city. They went up there, theyve arrived, they are fully operational. Theyve got some small amount of patients right now. The intent originally was for them to take the overflow of trauma patients out of the local hospital so the local hospitals could focus on the Covid Patients. We are reassessing that now, and the secretary of defense is making a Risk Assessment to determine whether or not we should take on all the Covid Patients to relieve some of the local hospitals. Right now both hospital ships either. 1,000 beds each, as you well know. Multiple capabilities on that ship. In addition to the hospital ships, weve got four field hospitals deployed in u. S. Cities. Seattle, dallas, new orleans, as well. We have other capabilities, the navy has two expeditionary medical facilities. We stood up additional field hospitals of the army last night. We got about 450 doctors and well over 1,000 nurses committed nationwide out of the u. S. Military, in support of various civilian communities. We are providing supplies. Weve already provided 5 million masks. We have 5 million more masks en route. We set aside 2,000 ventilators come we got National Guardsmen contributed to the fight. We will continue to pile on until youve expended all of our resources to protect the American People. So the u. S. Military is here and we are here to help. Harris and we are grateful as a nation. A couple of things, and i am sure you are well aware of the fact that theres been some criticism after learning that the pentagon had so many masks but didnt know where to send them. First, im curious to know, as you tick down all of those things you are bringing to the table, how you know where the need is coming and how you quell that criticism, that headwind of stuff sitting, were to be said it . Because the way the system works, the need is first identified at the local community minnis appellate erect state level. They bring it into the federal level through fema. Initially it was hhs, and it shifted over to fema. Fema is the focal point. Where im at right now is the companion dome at command post for fema. Its the focal point for all local requests and demands and requirements. They come in and those requests are determined, which Governmental Agency can best satisfy the need. In many cases its the part of the defense, so they sent the request over. We deploy the assets necessary to help out. Thats how the requests work. In addition to that there is an informal method where a mayor or governor who might talk to the secretary of defense or myself or perhaps someone in the white house, we will get that from an informal methodology. But the formal request comes through fema over to the department of defense and down into the community. Harris that seems to be a streamlined that you guys have answered back with. As you mention, it didnt always work that way. Just real quickly, some criticism here on the east coast because a lot of the patients now that are presenting at hospitals and i know you so you can skip that now and go straight to the ships they have covid19. We saw our largest number of deaths in new york yesterday. How wellequipped are these hospital ships and these field hospitals to handle when a covid19, maybe asymptomatic, somebody didnt know a sick as they were until they got to the ship, how are you ready for that . These are hospital ships. There are fullfledged doctors and nurses on them. The thousandbed hospital ship comfort, for example, about 400 or 500 of those beds are litters stacked up to each other. You have 500 or so medsurg type, icu beds, and so on. 40 or 50 that can go into isolation. Harris can you handle covid19 and its contagion . Absolutely. Absolutely in the field hospitals, for example, its getting set up in javits center. They can and will, if required, handle the covid19 patients, for sure. Harris a pleasure and an honor to have the joint chiefs of staff chairman on outnumbered overtime today. Sir, thank you very much. Thanks, harris. Appreciate the opportunity. Harris well, this is an incredible story. The family of Michael Goldsmith is pleading with a drug maker to grant him access to an experiment or treatment. He is 34 years old, a dad in new jersey, a father of two, on life support after being diagnosed with covid19. That experimental antiviral drug is currently awaiting Regulatory Approval as a coronavirus treatment. However, goldsmiths doctors say he was denied access to Clinical Trials despite multiple attempts. Joining me now is michaels wife, alana. First of all, just wishing the best for you, your family, your husband. Alana, tell me what this journey is like right now as you wait to find out about this drug. Thank you so much, harris. Its been a little bit of a roller coaster. I have an amazing Family Support and communal and global support, so we are feeling a lot of love from a lot of different places. But its been a very difficult time for my family. Harris what is the drug you are waiting on, and why cant your husband get it . The drug we are waiting for right now is called rimmed is severe. It is made by Gilead Sciences in california. He cant get access to it right now, because michael no longer qualifies for compassionate use. When we applied for compassionate use, before michael was intubated on friday, march 20th, he could have qualified for it. However, gilead change their guidelines to only and include pregnant women or children under 15 for compassionate use. So you know longer qualified for getting it through compassionate use and he no longer qualified for Clinical Trial because gilead skylines that you have to be intubated less than four days paid by the time gilead approved him to joined the glencoe trial, he had audie been intubated for six days. Harris i dont even want to guess why the guidelines are changing. Im sure they told you, so maybe you can tell us. I wish i knew more. The truth is we dont understand why gilead is doing this. Michaels doctors have been working around the clock to try and get this drug for him. They are calling it that he has fallen through the cracks, meaning he doesnt qualify for compassionate use or Clinical Trial. Harris alana, please forgive me, we are about to hit the top of the hour. But we wish your family the best. We will continue to follow your story. Thank you for sharing it with us on overtime today. Think it to all the viewers. 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Anthony fauci said on fox this morning, if you cant keep 6 feet between you and others, cover your face. But not necessarily with a mask. Watch. That should in no way ever take away from the availability of masks that are needed for the health care

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