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Alex hogan is live outside the courthouse in new york city. Alex . Harris, of course this is the moment that people were waiting for. The verdict finally coming out today just as you mentioned. When it was read in court, Harvey Weinstein slumped his shoulders. He was taken out of the courtroom in handcuffs. He will not be leaving the courthouse here. As you mentioned, that sentencing will come down on the 11th. He also does face and other Sexual Assault case in california. More on that to come in the future. As we see how the District Attorney here and the District Attorney in california will proceed with that. Here today weve heard a lot of different people speak about what they thought of the case so far. Cy vance, the District Attorney, being the first. Heres what he had to say. This is a new day. Its a new day because Harvey Weinstein has finally been held accountable for crimes he committed. The women who came forward courageously and at great risk made that happen. Weinstein is a vicious serial sexual predator. Again, the opposite side of that, the defense, they are saying that they will try to appeal this moving forward. Again, so far today weve seen a lot of people speak out about the courage that it took for these women to come forward since their accusations were first laid out about two years ago. All of this coming to fruition today with that guilty verdict on two counts. Hes been found not guilty on the other three. The maximum we are seeing for that first case is possibly 25 years behind bars. Of course, the sentencing will prove how long he actually will spend in prison. Harris . Harris alex, thank you very much. Lets move to this now. Also a fox news alert, Bernie Sanders headed into South Carolina with confidence after an overwhelming win in the van at nevada. It is shaping the field as we speak. Winning a majority of hispanic caucusgoers in nevada and coming in second to joe biden with black voters. The socialist senator says that this latest victory shows he can beat President Trump in states like nevada and even the republican stronghold of texas. Barnstorming that stayed over the weekend. Watch. These folks get very, very agitated and nervous. We are going to win back in texas. [cheers and applause] and in november, we are going to defeat trump here in texas. Harris meanwhile, President Trump waited on the potential sanders match up, telling reporters, i actually think he would be tougher than most of the other candidates because he is like me. But i have a much bigger base. Joining me now, kellyanne conway, counselor to President Trump. Good to see you, kellyanne. I want to sit with what bernie and dominic Bernie Sanders says. Heat that he could beat President Trump and things like nevadas in texas. What do you say . He cant. I cant blame him for seeing dominic sing it because electability is part of it. It fueled joe biden for months until people said, you dont even know what state youre in and youre now known as Hunter Bidens father more than Barack Obamas vice president. And bloomberg was going to be infallible, indomitable, invincible. Anyway the cardinal mistake of playing on the same turf as anybody else and taking to that debate stage. Probably the worst business decision ever made was participating in the debate. He had the entire airwaves to himself, and this air of instability and electability. Now Bernie Sanders is saying, im the electable one. Electability is no match for accuracy dominic electricity President Trump is dominating over the most successful robust economy in modern times and you have Bernie Sanders criticizing President Trump in the economy and complementing fidel castro of cuba. The contrast will be clear. Harris you are talking about that 60 minutes interview with Anderson Cooper last night where he was saying, you dont want to emulate everything the communists did. He was pointing out things he felt work. Truly remarkable. Harris he shocked a lot of people saying that. I often dont do this because we usually get into the politics, but i want to set that aside. Because the dow now has just hit a point at this day where it is down by more than 1,000 points. The president , i want to point out, months ago, back in late january i believe it was, put together a task force. He was on this rather early. Coronavirus continues now spreading outside of china, kellyanne. A spike of infections now in italy, south korea, and iran. We are told by our neighbors in the bin dominic building, fox business, that that is putting some weight and pressure on investors right now. What is the what is currently doing . I know youve asked for some emergency funds. The president took Decisive Action early. An unprecedented stoppage of travel going into and coming out of china into the u. S. , which is pretty remarkable. And we continue to offer our help to china and to the World Health Organization because we have the best Health Care System in the world in terms of our resources, our knowledge. We are there to help. The president is also he and his administration, the cdc, hhs, and others have continued to take very robust action working with our local and state responders. You see these flights coming out of first the wuhan prominence of americans were there in these individual americans on a cruise in japan, and they are being quarantined so that it will contain any spread of the coronavirus here. I think they are reacting to the fact that italy now has that 150 confirmed, published cases and a handful of deaths, which is tragic. So you are seeing it outside of korea and china. With this president will continue to work on that. In fact, this task force is one thing, but the president himself has been so fully engaged on the issue from the beginning. You also have the daily calls and policy meetings about this, just to stay on top of this Public Health crisis. This is what are hhs and cdc do. This is what the centers for Disease Control do. They are there to make sure that, to the extent we can, we can keep the public informed and protected. The safety and security and health of our people is a priority. The president has delivered on that. Harris while we are talking, the dow down by more than 1,000 points. I dont want people to overreact to any bring our attention to that. Its numbers we dont normally see. It would have to fall by 7 of the previous days trading amount for them to put in those breakers on trading. So we are not near that. I do want to put a fine point on the fact that we are at a place where, worldwide now, there has been concern. I was reading, kellyanne, the cdc is an important part of this, but china would let our people in for a while to even help them out. We have been asking china to receive our help, that we are here to help. Weve offered it, President Trump talked to president xi several times, as you know. That was made public. We are here to help and help the World Health Organization, as well. But there is so much uncertainty. Thats why the market is responding. Because we just dont know everything about this coronavirus. Obviously its different than other viruses. I will say that everybody knows, but its worth repeating, the common flu and of course pneumonia will sadly take lives of americans this year and already has this flu season. This is something we at least know how to manage and protect ourselves against. But we are doing everything we can. The president is briefed on this daily. Harris kellyanne, i appreciate you walking away from politics and handling a little bit of breaking news for me. Its important. Harris it is very important. The numbers you are talking about with the flu, very important, as well. Weve reported here on outnumbered overtime. I will jump back into politics with you for just a moment. Axios is reporting that the administration has put together a list of officials who may be working to undermine the president. The Trump White House and its allies over the past 18 months assembled detailed lists of disloyal government officials to oust and trusted protrump people to replace them. What is the white house reaction on that reporting . He refers to a meeting from january of 2019, 13 months ago, that i actually participated in. I was in that meeting. So i differ a little bit of the details as theyve been reported. There was an important list together of people who are able and willing and qualified to fill Unfilled Positions in this government. Its important list, people who want to work to promote the agenda and want to work on behalf of this country. We all take an oath to the constitution, we work for the country. We shouldnt have people in government undermining the president s agenda. The president got elected because his issues, his ideas prevailed, and the woman he beat, hers failed. I would never question somebodys patriotism, never. But i do question their relevance. People theyre saying, i think it should be this, my perception was that, my view is this. You want your views to become policy, you need to put your name on the ballot and become president of the united states. There are so many unfilled jobs, so many wonderful people who want to be considered for those jobs. Let me be fair there were baked on my people maybe on some of those lists who did not pass the vetting, that didnt give a job, either. They should get jobs of the otherwise cant get for any number of reasons we can never disclose. We want to go back to something the president said after he was acquitted in the senate in the impeachment trial, that was that there might be some payback for people who had gone against him. I think that is where this criticism is coming from. I cant speak for axios, but when people look at the report, they go back to the president s words. Just a couple seconds to fill that out and we will move on. Short, the payback is coming through the nomination of Bernie Sanders. I would like to thank adam schiff and nancy pelosi and Chuck Schumer and the rest of them. I would like to think the never trumpers were delivering Bernie Sanders as the possible nominee. Its all because of how they spent their time and your money anas taxpayers. Harris we will end it there. Thank you for your time today, particularly the information on the coronavirus fight. We are watching it. Thank you. Harris fox news confirming a u. S. Intel brief or may have the intelligence on russia working to help President Trump get reelected. Was that intentional . Doesnt justify the president s reported anger over that briefing . And the antisanders crowd reportedly in full panic mode after his overwhelming victory in nevada. The power pane panel slides in n that and the growing calls for the struggling 2020 democrats to get out. Limu emu doug [ siren ] give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. sensethe lack of control when iover my businessai, made me a little intense. But now quickbooks helps me get paid, manage cash flow, and run payroll. And now im back on top. With koala kai. vo save over 40 hours a month with intuit quickbooks. Harris breaking news, right now a Memorial Service is being held for basketball legend kobe bryant and his 13yearold daughter, gianna. You recall they died last month along with seven other people in a Helicopter Crash north of los angeles. More than 90,000 people registered for tickets today to the event, which is expected to last several hours at Los Angeles Staples center. If you would like to watch this live, we are streaming it on foxnews. Com. The antiBernie Sanders crowd is sounding the alarm after the vermont senators big victory in about over the weekend. Politico is right in, the centers would ascending the democratic establishment into full panic mode with moderates worried President Trump would crush them in a general election. That includes South Carolina congressman joe cunningham. A democrat, he said, South Carolina means dont want socialism. Bernie sanders will be the nominating. Sanders telling 60 minutes that his style should help the party out in november. You are making a lot of democratic voters nervous. You have a lot of candidates out there. Each candidate has his or her supporters. The way you beat trump is to bring nontraditional voters into the political process. Harris the power panel now. Matt schlapp, American Conservative Union chairman and former political director to president george w. Bush. University of maryland professor of africanamerican studies, jason nichols. Great to see you both. Jason, im going to start with you. Bernie just wants to help you out. Well, yes. First of all, as ive said several times on your show, hes not really democratic socialist. In many ways hes trying to expand the programs that have brought decades of prosperity in this country, so he is really trying to emulate the nordic or scandinavian model, which makes him an advocate for social democracy, which is totally different. In many ways, that is literally saving capitalism. It hasnt destroyed it. It has actually saved actually saved capitalism when you think of programs like medicare, medicaid, social security. Those are important programs that are creating an important social safety net, and he is basically saying, expand that. They need to relax. Relax. Harris i have another one for you. Jyouande, the 13th of 1991. Look it up on cspan and you will see where he talks about sweetest socialism and all that. Then go ahead and google how it didnt work out for him. Anyway, before i go to this next bit, i want to get a quick word from you, not. This is completely wrong. As we all know, those new deal and Great Society programs were based on people, americans, paying into those projects. It was fuzzy math, and eventually those programs were all underfunded, but it was all about you paying taxes. Paying into a program so you can have health care so that we wouldnt have wouldnt have indigent poor who are retired. What socialist and aoc are talking about are breathtaking, huge new programs paid for by the rich. To give free benefits out. It is a huge departure from even the radicalism of the new deal and the Great Society. Harris its gotten a little bit more collocated with Bernie Sanders on the democratic moderates. Bernie sanders also got heat for his comments last night on 60 minutes about former cuban dictator Fidel Castros socialist regime. Watch. We are very opposed to the authoritarian nature of cuba. But its unfair to simply say everything is bad. You know, when fidel castro came into office, you know what he did . He had a massive Literacy Program. Is that a bad thing . Even though fidel castro did it . A lot of dissidents and present thats right, and we condemn that. Unlike donald trump. Harris are you winning when you evoke the name of fidel castro . Jason . I think again he is arguing for context which most people dont like. They like sound bites. Then like context. He is saying to keep Literacy Program was a success. Over nine months, you went from 76 literacy 296 literacy. So of course we dont want to bring the authoritarian elements. That is what the term people have done when they talk about wanting to praise duterte and kim jong un and other authoritarian leaders. Putin. He saying, im not advocating for authoritarianism, im saying we could bring some of these things that would cause literacy and bring prosperity to american people. Harris matt . This is the problem with all this. Of course, Bernie Sanders also traveled to the soviet union. Hes had wonderful things to say about the Youth Program in the soviet union. Their Public Libraries and such. Its all balderdash. Lets face it, this issue of castro is near and dear to my heart. Fidel castro put my fatherinlaw in prison, still a decade of his life. Let me tell you with the Literacy Program is under castros cuba. Its learning how to say, dont shoot me, because thats what they did to thousands and thousands of people. Thats what they continue to do. They stole every one of the piece of property my fatherinlaw owned. This is what socialism leads to. It leads to undermining the individual human rights which we cherish in america. We should never take even just one half step towards disgusting regimes. Harris im going to give matt last round that. Gentlemen, thank you. He had breaking news at a lot to cover this hour. We appreciate your time. Thank you. You details now on that intelligence briefing to lawmakers on russian meddling in the 2020 election. Why at least one official is now saying that report may have been overstated. There is some fallout to that, next. Va Mortgage Rates are near 50 year lows. My teams working overtime to make sure every veteran can refinance now to save 2000 every year tthe bad news . Ouyour patience might not. Ay. Depend® fitflex underwear offers your best comfort and protection guaranteed. Because, perfect or not, lifes better when youre in it. Be there with depend®. 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Dont take entresto with an ace inhibitor or aliskiren, or if youve had angioedema with an ace or arb. The most serious side effects are angioedema, low blood pressure, kidney problems, or high blood potassium. Ask your doctor about entresto for Heart Failure. Entrust your heart to entresto. Harris fox news can confirm that a u. S. Intelligence official may have overstated the intelligence on russia, trying to help President Trump get reelected. Our own john roberts reported that Shelby Pearson did not give accurate context and perspective to what she said when briefing lawmakers. All this as the president and his fellow republicans are blaming house until chair adam schiff for the leaks. Watch. Adam schiff and his group leaked it. As usual, they are going to investigate adam schiff for leaking that information. Im not trying to be hyperbolic, but i dont know anyone in the last three years who has done more to help Vladimir Putin and russia with their efforts to sow the seeds of discord in American Elections in American Election security than adam schiff has. Harris meanwhile, Bernie Sanders disavowing alleged russian efforts to help out his campaign, but a former Hillary Clinton advisors going after bernie for sitting on the information for a month. Bernie should have told either his competitors or the dnc or someone to say being on the lookout. Dont forget, bernie is somebody who is very inclined to run around saying the process is rigged. It sounds like the russians are trying to really get it. So he could be more vocal. Harris joining me now is robert wolf, former advisor to president obama and fox news contributor. We just toggled rather quickly from intelligence and National Security to politics with Bernie Sanders. Did he sit on this information too long . I think when you get something from intelligence, its unsure whether he should have been open and gone to the dnc and told the democratic other nominees with happening, or do you sit on it . I think actually intelligence should come from intelligence. Im not sure one of these weekend, whether its the left or right. I think there should be a process. My gut is that should come from intelligence. Harris so youre okay with Bernie Sanders keeping it im okay with it unless they told him he can, you know, get out with it. I would turn back and say, okay, you tell people. The dnc. Harris lets get to the bigger umbrella here on the leaking. Washington leaks like a sieve. I dont know how you unpack these daily nuances that come at you every ten seconds. Its unfortunate, but when its done, it has given us boogie men. We are in this polarizing environment. Adam schiff is a great bogeyman for the republican party. We have our own, with her its President Trump or devin nunes. Everybody goes back to the corner. Its upsetting. I will tell you i find it upsetting. We spoke a lot about it. It all started with comey. The democrats are pissed at him over the hillary stuff, the republicans for the russia stuff. It started with the idea that all of a sudden the head of intelligence can go out and started to these, whether they were rumor mills were not. And we went down this path. I can tell you what i didnt like and the republicans can tell me what they didnt like. We continue down that path and its sad. Harris you know a lot of power people in the democratic party. When a former Hillary Clinton advisor goes after Bernie Sanders for sitting on information for a month, what does that tell you is going on in your party . Our parties in a very difficult position right now. Its incredibly polarizing as you and i mentioned. You have what is the moderate to silent majority. They are about 55 of the party. In the populous left is about 45 of the party. Literally like it or not, the only group that has coalesced a candidate is Bernie Sanders. Right now you have the moderates, all day, hitting bernie. And the populists hitting everyone else. We are in this lousy situation. Harris let me hit you with a different type of question, but also on bernie and russia. Does bernie have a russia problem . Ite know that people went after President Trump and said he had a russia problem. Couldnt find evidence for that so weve moved on. Does Bernie Sanders have a communism or a russian problem . Creates a problem bigger for the democrats. Theres two ways to take it. I dont know that have a problem with russians helping. He has been clear that he is disassociating and doesnt want to help. He might have problems with his last comments and how you looked to socialism and communism. A little bit of a blurred way. Last night on 60 minutes, im not sure he helped himself with the cuba comments. But i do think he tried to make it clear, no, im a democratic socialist. Now hes making sure, he repeats harris i dont know that anybody here is that of of you and. But i see what youre trying to do there. Robert wolf, he said it best. Your party is in a difficult, interesting situation. We are right now. Thanks for having me on. Harris a major market selloff this hour is where we started amid fears of the spread of the coronavirus. By the end of the day, usually does. But weve got our eye on it. Joe biden stepping up his pitch to africanamerican voters ahead of the highstakes South Carolina primaries. However, poll numbers could spell some biden trouble. Man whats my safelite story . I spend a lot of time in my truck. Its my livelihood. Rock music man so im not taking any chances when something happens to it. So when my windshield cracked. My friend recommended safelite autoglass. Tech hi, im adrian. Man thanks for coming. Tech oh, no problem. Tech check it out. Man yeah. They came right to me, with Expert Service where i needed it. Thats service i can trust. No matter what im hauling. Right, girl . Singers safelite repair, safelite replace. We are going to move into super tuesday, as they call it. There is significant africanamerican votes. The food is in your hands, its not a joke. You can control this outcome. Im going to do everything in my power to earn your respect. Harris joe biden theyre trying to shore up his support among africanamerican voters ahead of the South Carolina primary, after a bruising defeat in nevada. Came in a distant second. Recent polling, South Carolina polls are not good news for joe biden, either. They showed his support among black voters slipping. He says hes on the way to a come back and pointed the finger at one of his rivals. What has happened is you have tom steyer spending tens of thousands of dollars, millions of dollars, out campaigning there. So i think a lot is happening in terms of the amount of money being spent by billionaires to try and cut into the africanamerican vote. I think he will do well. That we will go on to super tuesday and do very well. Harris i want to bring in josh kraushaar, politics editor for the national jr. Good to see you today. I want to pop something up and i hope you are where you can see what joe biden is doing and polling. Just five months ago it, and september 2019, 46 of the black vote. Today, 31 and of course you have Kamala Harris in at the time. Shes gone. So the names are a little bit different now for the 2020 lead up after joe biden. But hes right, tom steyer is picking up speed. Why do you think this is, josh . Thats what happens when you finish in fourth place in iowa, fifth place in hampshire, and a distant second place in nevada. Joe biden a few months ago was the front runner and had come other than Bernie Sanders, he was the one democrat capable of building a Broad Coalition to take on President Trump. Now the one base of support that he has left his africanamerican voters print South Carolina is his firewall. I still think hes the favorite in South Carolina. Polls show him ahead. Harris harris what did they like about joe . He has had a relationship with his days in the obama administration. I think they like establishmenttype figures. The africanamerican vote is a lot more moderate than a lot of these democrats like Bernie Sanders who are running in South Carolina. If he only wins by a couple points, thats a far cry from where he was a few weeks ago. I think biden needs a pretty comfortable victory over steyer and Bernie Sanders the claims of momentum. Harris the color that matters in all of this is green, and its very hard to run against an incumbent with a Strong Economy. Perhaps black voters in South Carolina, nevada, wherever they may be, are looking at this and saying, if joe can get it done, who knows money . I know tom steyer spending a lot of it. What is the calculation you think voters are making if they dont vote yes to joe . Thats a great point, harris. Tom steyer is spending more money in South Carolina than in the other candidate. When you look at the polling trends in South Carolina, its not that Bernie Sanders has really gained a lot of momentum. He hasnt. Its tom steyer eating into biden support. Specifically in the Africanamerican Community there. Thats why joe biden was so irritated in the interview. Harris he seemed it. He thought he could coast. He thought he could coast in South Carolina and he would really have to work for the win. Sire is making it more difficult. If its a close race itll all be because of steyers money. Harris you know its interesting . Im hearing that he thought he could coast from people i used to be at the dnc. Others. This isnt coasting territory now for joe biden, as hes finding out. Josh kraushaar, think of her being on the program. We appreciate your time. Thanks, harris. Harris fox news alert, a sea of red right now for the stock market. With the dow significantly down, a growing number of coronavirus cases outside of china. Particularly in italy. Those of the numbers being watched. He saw a huge spike there. This comes as the World Health Organization says the Virus Outbreak does have the potential now to become a pandemic. Fox Business Networks christina parts and of alyssa s live on the floor of the new york starks exchange. We are not at that point yet. 7 of the close of the previous trading day with the boat breaks on trading. Where are we now . Youre right, you are not at that point we just mention it. We saw a thousand points when moments ago. So theres still a lot of volatility. They are literally taking bets on when you will see the markets close. Less than a thousand can make one guy said 1500 points lower. I asked if we should be buying at the moment, he said right now the volatility toward the downturn may not want to buy in at this exact moment. You have this fear that the virus could continue to spread across europe, given the numbers we are seeing from italy. And the continued effects in china. All of the w. H. O. May have plateaued, so many supply chains or link there. Which is why its affecting the tech sector. Apple, microsoft, netflix, all selling off. Well over 4 on your screen and now. Another industry to take a hit is transportation relies that that . People are holding back on going on these trips. Traders who happen to look up united tickets to milan today, theres 321st class Seats Available at the moment. 130 seats total on united planes heading to japan. You have the cdc also putting out travel alerts for japan and south korea at level two. You have investors that are concerned, they are moving their money to safer bets like gold. As you havent seen since 2013. Some strong members there, as well as bonds. Those are also climbing high, the prices for that. I want to end on the positive stock story, this is gilead sciences. The World Health Organization said they are working on a trial to help with the coronavirus. It could potentially be the First Company to do so. Thats why youre seeing stock prices up higher today. Last but not least, we have a tio. A comment on getting from another investor. He is saying, and i quote, the trillion dollar question is whether the glo drop it will cae the u. S. To go into recession. Anything short of that outcome will be proven to be a buying opportunity in the stock market. In other words, if this negative selloff continues, he believes that the shortterm volatility. We still have the fundamentals for a very Strong Economy here and a stronger stock market. Right now we arent seeing that. Harris gilead services, as that a vaccination or a symptom helper . Where they are finding now, youve got a spike in iran, as well. Other parts of the world. They need to try and slow down the second phase of this virus. There are key for the first one and then it comes back with a double wall up on the respiratory system. So what is gilead doing . Excellent point, i dont know the exact details. Its a drug that starts with r and now im breaking on it now that youre asking me. Harris ill look it up. How was it spreading, how thats going to stop it. Thats a fight we are seeing. Gilead is working towards that. I dont know the name of it in particular. Definitely good thing. Its an american company, too. Harris yep, i caught that. Thank you very much for the information. Coming up, victory for the Trump Administration as Supreme Court Justice Sonya Sotomayor is accusing her conservative colleagues of being a rubberstamp for President Trump after ruling on the highprofile immigration case. Keep watching for that. And this today, a trailblazing nasa my petition has died. You may know her name, catherine johnson. Calculated rocket trajectories and earth orbits for nasas early space missions. Her work helped enable the first spacewalk. Johnson was later portrayed in the 2016 hit, hidden figures, about pioneering black female aerospace workers. In other great women. Catherine johnson was 101 years old. She has left us. Give me your hand i can save you. Lots of money with Liberty Mutual we customize your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Harris the Trump Administrations public charge will goes into effect nationwide today. The Supreme Court ruled 54 to lift an injunction temporarily blocking that policy amid an Ongoing Court case. The rule makes it harder for immigrants to obtain a green card if they may need public assistance. Congresswoman and progressive squad member Ayanna Pressley tweeted this. The public charge was unconscionable. Today we recommit to fighting like hell for the rights and dignity of immigrant families. Justice sotomayor accusing the high court to being rubberstamp to the administration policies. Bringing back the power panel now. Matt schlapp, jason nichols. Jason, what is your reaction . I think we come to a sad moment in american jurisprudence, the fact that you have to have members of the court calling out other members of the court and that we have members of the court who are severely partisan and creating rubberstamps for the president. Its really a sad moment that there is that kind of discord and that kind of disrespect, because people arent doing the job that they were confirmed to do. Harris you didnt touch the policy change. Matt, i will go to you on that. I would love to know those instances where Ruth Bader Ginsburg has strayed from being an orthodox liberal. That would cover space on the sheet. As far as policy is concerned, the president has wide Constitutional Authority over immigration. One of the fundamental tenets of the American Immigration jurisprudence is the idea that we welcome all throughout the world but we dont allow them to come and immediately get on all these social welfare programs. That would be insane from a financial standpoint. We are one of the few countries, developed countries, that doesnt have a merit based immigration system. We actually take people into this country not on their skills but on who they know and who they are related to. Even under that set up, would be insane for this country to say to the worlds poor, you can go and receive our benefit programs. Because we go bankrupt in the middle of years. Harris representative alexandria ocasiocortez, number member of that Progressive Group known as the squad, after policy change was announced last month she treated this. The public charge this is shameful. Americans shouldnt have a wealth test for admission. Its a place where millions of people are descendants of immigrants who came with nothing and made a life. The American Dream isnt a private club with a cover charge, its a possibility of remaking your future. Jason . She is absolutely correct. Thats how some of my ancestors came to this country. Thats how many of the people you talked about, people coming from cuba and other countries, the way that they came here was with nothing and they built something and made america greater then it was before they got here. I think its really troubling. The idea that we would try and keep visas from people and only give it to people who have a certain amount of wealth, it is really troubling. And its not who we are as the american people. We accept the huddled masses, the poor, the sick. We accept them because we know that they will actually make our nation greater and stronger. And theyve done that historically. Harris jason, is that about people coming here with wealth cannot go ahead, matt. You round it out. Its not just people coming here with wealth. But its part of, jason, are you somebody who has the ability to have a job . For instance, we take a lot of people into our country who are already retired and not going to work. If they are indigent poor of a senior age, its difficult to argue that they will ever earn a nickel to take care of harris are you concerned that it sounds like we wouldnt take older people . What it means is this, harris. You have to be practical when it comes to a country. America is the best place to live on the face of the globe. I want to make sure we have a big, vigorous, Legal Immigration system. The part of that has to be the people who come here have got to be able to contribute. If everybody is in the wagon and not helping pull the wagon, its not a Bright Future for the country. Harris all right. Its really interesting that you say that when the president , his inlaws got into the country and they are older, they are probably not working. Harris im going to stop it there and bring it back another day. Its not what youre saying, its how much time we have left for you to actually complete your thought. Gentlemen, thank you. Calls are growing for a longtime msnbc anchor to step down after controversial comments about Bernie Sanders big win in the van. Carley shimkus is here. Step down . We will talk about it. Heres recordbreaking news for veterans. Va Mortgage Rates have dropped to near 50year lows. Newday usa can help you refinance your mortgage and save thousands a year. Newdays va streamline refi makes it fast and easy because theres no income verification, no appraisal, and no out of pocket costs. I urge you to call newday usa now. Guehky j÷9umix 0qb3akuirun÷pk woman no matter what business you are in, Digital Transformation never stops. 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He said its over. So i had that suppressed feeli feeling. Reporter for fox News Headlines 24 and seven, sorry i renamed you charlie. Usually something we think that is off mike at the world saw that. The backlash was intense and swift especially on social media. I want to read a tweet from Bernie Sanders Communications Director because he sums up a majority of the criticism. He says never thought part of my job would be pleading with a National News network to start likening the campaign of a jewish president ial candidate whose family was wiped out by the nazis to the third reich. But even the criticism hitting close to home for matthews because his msnbc colleague political colleague had this to say in response on the network. Watch. Why is Chris Matthews on this error talking about the victory of Bernie Sanders who had kids murdered in the all the cost and analogizing it to the conquest of france . The people who are stuck in an old way of thinking in 20th century frameworks and gulags thinking are missing what is going on. So joey really did defend matthews in response, says he comes from a time when there was obvious antisoviet sentiment, socialism is a dirty word for a lot of people, and he wasnt specifically comparing Bernie Sanders and very much paraphrasing what she had to say but you could see among the democratic establishment and many members who fit in that category, a sanders victory is very concerning to them. That is a mouthful that you said, i didnt know joe joy reid said that. I saw social media just lit up on him. We have another jawdropping remark to reporting of the always outspoken Maxine Waters who chairs the powerful House Financial Services committee and said that President Trump has less honor than some of the nations most notorious and ruthless gangs, watch for yourself. I have worked in some of the toughest communities, i work with gangs, i work with crips, i work with bloods. And there is more integrity and many of these young people in the hood than this man has. So she is seeing criticism in conservative circles in this one, so Washington Times columnist had this to say. Maxine waters defends the hood is having more integrity than drum. It was once a time or we could disagree with a man without putting the cheerleading outfit for a violent gang members and then said i mean, apart from line, robbing, ordering, integrity though, right. This is not surprising coming from Maxine Waters who has made a name for herself saying pretty shocking things about the president. Thank you very much. Thank you for watching, the Daily Briefing starts now. Dana hello, everyone. I am dana perino. The dow down and fears over the deadly coronaVirus Outbreaks, also more than 1,000 points not too long ago, we have a live report minutes away but first about one of the most powerful men in hollywood heading to jail after a jury in new york found Harvey Weinstein guilty of a criminal act and rape in the third degree. Convicting on two of th the fi counts against him that launched the me too movement into the spotlight. But they found him not guilty on the most serious charges of predatory Sexual Assault which couldve landed him behind bars for the rest of his life. The manhattan District Attorney praising the women who came forward and saying its a new day for sex crime

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