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These easily to explain that is a show you. Two in the morning, the last crewmember goes to bed on the top deck. An hour later, they hear a noise, they come down and see a fire. But it is so engulfed, the second floor where you see the windows, they cant get down, through the back to her through the front windows. Because the flames are so bad, the passengers below, they cant get up because of the fire, as well. Look at this ntsb video. Heres another reason. See that piece of wood and the guys hand . It covers the loan emergency exit. A man struggles to squeeze out of it, and he cant. Also, the main stairway is so steep, this guy goes down backwards. Based on these eyewitness accounts from the crew, the ntsb believes the fire started in the galley area on that second floor, near an electrical area, where passengers charge their phones and cameras. That wiring overloaded, overheated batteries, they dont know. They do know that the crew never saw passengers or heard the smoke alarm . They went to the double doors of the galley to try and get in, to get to the passengers, but it was engulfed in flames at that time. Theres a lot of wiring and electrical systems. There may have been and we dont know this yet there may have been geared charging. Speak of the owner said in a court filing that he owes the families nothing because his company did nothing wrong, and yesterday he defended the crew. The crew was located in a different part of the vessel. The flames reached up to that part, already engulfed down below decks. They have no choice but to evacuate the boat. Lets go now to the sheriff and see what he has to say. Harris that News Conference has started. William la jeunesse in Santa Barbara, thank you very much. The Sheriffs Office now with the News Conference pay lets watch together. Search and recovery operation is continuing, and we have had an incredible response to our mutual aid request for assistance in the search and rescue and a subsequent search and recovery operation. Dive teams and marine units from across the state, as well as our federal partners, and state partners, have assisted in this effort. They have brought resources as well as Technical Expertise to the scene. We are in our fifth davis incident entity will have divers from the sheriffs dive team, the fbi, National Park service in the water once again. Their top priority today is the recovery of the remaining victim that is still outstanding, as well as evidence of recovery for the Ongoing Investigation of the cause and origin of this fire. Today, the salvage operation of the vessel, the conception, is underway. Captain rochester will share more detail about that in a moment. As the vessel is moved during the operation, our divers will search the area that has heretofore been inaccessible to them, as well as search again the vessel itself for the last victim. The Atf National Response Team has arrived and we will be assisting, as well. I would like to thank the los angeles special agent in charge, who will speak later in this News Conference to share how this office and special team will be assisting in this investigation. From the standpoint of the Coroners Office, so far the sheriffs Coroners Office has received a total of 33 of the 34 victims from the conception. Due to the intense fire that occurred on the vessel, all of the recovered remains have suffered varying degrees of fire damage, which requires dna analysis to confirm the identities of the victims. For the past several days, the Coroners Office and sheriffs investigators have worked diligently to both positively identify victims, to obtain buccal swabs for comparison purposes and the dna process, and to notify the next of kin. I want to share with you the process so you have a better understanding of the Monumental Task that our investigators have been facing. When this incident began, our office was presented with a manifest. A list of passengers who were on the vessel. Names only, with no other supporting documentation or details immediately available. As we were able to obtain more information through the family assistance center, through the call center, and through other investigative means, we have been able to contact the family and loved ones of the passenger passengers. As of this morning, i am happy to report that we have connected with family members for all 34 victims. The last family to be contacted was the mother of one of the victims, who lives in japan. As the dna identification process requires, we have obtained buccal swab samples from families as a result of the assistance of the fbi field offices from throughout the United States and abroad. To give you an idea of the scope of this effort, the fbi connected with one family in singapore and another family flew in to Santa Barbara yesterday from india. We have been assisted by a host of allied local, state, and federal colleagues. Far too many for me to name individually at this press briefing. But i do want to give special thanks to the coroner, who immediately responded to our request for assistance with the ande rapid dna system. Technology that her office is trained in and used during the camp fire subsequent corner investigation. Her staff, as well as support from the ande corporation, who brought a second rapid dna system to us from their offices in colorado, has been invaluable in the process of rapidly identifying victims, allowing us to bring some measure of solace to some of the loved ones. The Los Angeles County medical Examiners Office has been a tremendous help with the coroners investigative process, as well. I just want to give a special thanks to all of them and to all of our coroner staff and our divers who have been engaged in this terribly difficult process of recovering these victims and bringing them to the Coroners Bureau for examination and for ultimate release to the family members. The Coroners Office is charged with determining the cause and the manner of death. This process is ongoing, and we will not be able to make those determinations final until toxicology results are in and the investigation into the cause and origin of the fire is complete. The Sheriffs Office will not be releasing the passenger manifest in whole, out of respect for the families, and in order to allow our investigators to make proper next ofk notifications however, we do intend to and will release the names of victims after we have positively identified them and have notified their next of kin of that positive identification. As of this press conference, we have been able through the dna process to positively identify 18 of the victims. In nine of those cases, we have been able to contact and notify the next of kin of the victims. Those nine, i will release the names to you right now. Those victims are Raymond Scott chan, aged 59, of los altos california. Justin carol, 58, of anaheim, california,. Daniel garcia, 46, of berkeley, california,. Mary beth, 51, of santa monica, california,. Julia, 40, of berkeley, california. Alexandra kurtz, 26, of Santa Barbara, california,. Caroline mclaughlin, 35, of oakland, california,. Ted strohm, 62, of germantown, tennessee. And tan, of goleta california. This list is representative of the diverse makeup of the passengers and crew who were aboard the conception on that fateful day. They were from our local area, and from throughout california. From across the United States, and from around the world. Their tragic loss has devastated countless family members, loved ones, friends, and colleagues. We mourn their loss, and we want to assure those who they leave behind that we will continue working tenaciously to recover all the victims, to determine how they died, and to investigate the cause of this terrible fire and loss of life with the hope that future such tragedies can be prevented. Now i would like to bring up to the podium captain Monica Rochester of the u. S. Coast guard. Sheriff, i am captain Monica Rochester, captain of the port, and this past week the unified command has visited with the families of the victims and has seen firsthand the impact that the tragedy has taken upon them. Our hearts and thoughts are continuing to be with them as they go through this terrible, terrible tragedy. Yesterday the unified command, which consists of the Santa Barbara Sheriffs Office, Santa Barbara city fire, Santa Barbara county fire, National Oceanic and atmospheric administration, National Park service, National Marine sanctuary, came together to review a salvage and Recovery Plan of the motor vessel conception. This is an important step to this process, but i would like to be clear that the coast guards role during this salvage and recovery operation is for the safety of those on scene during harris weve been watching to give her the update from the Santa Barbara county Sheriffs Office there, this News Conference included the investigation and how far theyve come. I want to bring in chris swecker, former assistant director of the fbi. He is also an attorney and can look at this from a more spherical view. First of all, what popped out of that News Conference to you . He didnt want to seem to talk about the investigation for this is more general investigation of victims, the process, who was involved, the process of identifying next of kin. Just leave you a general maybe a general sense of the scope of what they are doing, but i was listening very carefully to see if there were any details about the investigation, and he really didnt put out much. Harris what about the significance, that he has contacted all the families connect ad to go off of a manifest without boat. Am i getting it right when he says only 18 bodies have been identified, but all the families have been contacted . Thats because they have the list of who was on the boat, but there was not much left of some of the remains. Their technology has advanced to the point where you can get a pretty rapid dna test done if you have the swabs mentioned. In the nottoodistant past, it would take a very long time to get all of this dna in and compared to the remains that they have. That alone is a huge advance in technology. That will advance the investigation pretty rapidly. I was a little confused myself about how many bodies have been actually identified from that process, because he seemed to be saying that they had found all the relatives. But he also seemed annoyed that there was only a list of names, and thats all they had to work on. Harris i caught that, also supported was that supposed to be . There wasnt a list . Was he looking for . You would expect maybe diver licensing, registration, whatever documentation you need to be a diver. Some addresses, some phone numbers. Payment methods for the trip. They certainly have more records than just names. It makes you curious why that is all they had. Theres a wide range of things that could be going on with this investigation behind the scenes. We want sure, and thats always the case. We both caught and we dont know the sheriff, but it sounded like a little bit of annoyance in his voice. This is all we had to go off of. I want to jump to this because i think its important as we find out that maybe there were some flaws in training for that six person crew. Only five survive. They did lose one of their own crew people in this whole thing along with the other 53 passengers who perished. I want to tell the audience, special agent in charge you were of a large field office. As you look back, you have looked at a lot of plane crashes, even some things that have gone underwater. I want to ask you what they are looking at right now in terms of negligence, or anything else. Right. In terms of the broader investigation, the fact that the fbi is involved, these are criminal agencies. They will be looking at the spectrum, on one end of the spectrum, deliberate conduct. Sabotage. That sort of thing. Thats probably remote based on what weve seen so far, we also see in these instances sometimes misrepresentation about safety equipment, certification, inspections, even met dominic mr. Visitation down the line from suppliers, as to what kind of equipment it is. Or lying during the course of the investigation to cover up navy negligence. On the far end of the spectrum, that would account for wire fraud, some type of federal fraud, as well. We also have criminal negligence. We saw that in the value check case down in florida, where thee jet plane crashed in the everglades. Several people were charged with criminal negligence in that case. Harris i wrote down what you said. The next time i talk with the ntsb Board Members that i get a chance to come i will ask them about the hourslong talk that they have been having with each of those crew members and whether or not some of what you say has come into play. I appreciate your time, chris swecker. Thank you. Fox news has learned the Justice Department sent a package of Gun Legislation proposals to the white house about two weeks ago. This, as Congress Prepares to tackle the gun debate when lawmakers return to capitol hill next week. Theyre coming back to work . Yes. President trump reportedly sat down with democratic senator joe manchin just yesterday on the topic of guns. Meanwhile, walgreens, cvs, wegmans, joining walmart and kroger in asking customers not to openly carrying firearms in their stores. Even in those 31 states where its the law that you can carry openly. Joining me now, republican congressman doug collins of georgia, Ranking Member of the last judiciary committee. Always good to see you. First, i want to get your point of view on this growing list of companies that are weighing in, technically on their own, making their own Gun Legislation. Well, they are. When we see the strategies of all kinds, whether they are on the front page of every paper come these tragedies be seen at texas and florida and across our country, even in the regular everyday occurrences that happen in our cities and across the country. When a life is taken, people want to be able to find a reason why and they want to be able to fix it. Whats happening right now is everyone is looking for a solution. The unfortunate part of this i respect any private business to take the business, that they want to do, and enforce rules they want to put out there but i think what weve got here as they are looking for a solution that is not going to come from what they are asking for. In fact, he could make things worse if you are not able to carry, and those who are criminally minded would know this. I think the concern here is, i expect a right to do it although they disagree with it. Its something ive said a lot. For many of our democratic friends especially, and others, the thing that makes you feel good doesnt often heal you. Weve got to look at the honesty. This might make you feel better, or think something is going on, but in the end it does nothing to die for the tragedies we have dealt with over the last few weeks. Harris what a quote of the day, there. Congressman collins, and five days next wednesday, your committee will be marking up gun control legislation or something that is going to potentially come out of conversations now. The president meeting with the democrat, joe manchin, yesterday. How much of whats happening inside the white house matter for what you hammer out . It matters a great deal. Ive spoken to them about this. The white house, the president. We have to find things that work. Unfortunately we are going back to the same old discussion points of next week, with the democratic bills being brought forward, the bottom line, they are attempts to take away second minute rights. Attempts to take away and curb due process. They are attempting to make even the mechanics, the parts of a gun, a magazine, to be the problem. Problem is the ability for Law Enforcement to enforce the law. We have to make sure our u. S. Attorneys and officers have the assets they need to go out, and prosecuting gun crimes across the country. Thats what my bill, the violence prevention act, we do. Not only give resources but also have a when people have concerns, or of the Law Enforcement has concerns, its similar to the terrorist line. They can make sure something gets addressed in these areas, such as parkland and others. We can actually put Real Solutions to problems. Remember, this president has already stepped forward. In parkland, when we did the fix next act, people wont feel secure. We have already been doing that. These bills make people feel secure when in actuality it will not work. Harris we got your line of the day, just because it feels good doesnt mean that he was you. Representative collins from the great state of georgia. Thank you, good to see. Great to be with you. Harris harris san francs facing some serious pushback from are you ready . The Mainstream Media, after labeling the nra a domestic terrorist organization. Should democrats condemn that resolution as well as some of these liberal writers . The power panel slides in next. And an Airline Mechanic has been arrested for allegedly trying to sabotage a flight that was leading miami. Investigators are talking about why he may have done it. The charges he now faces. Xus es. Every curve, every innovation, every feeling. A product of mastery. Lease the 2019 es 350 for 379 a month for 36 months. Experience amazing at your lexus dealer. I need all the breaks as athat i can get. Or, at liberty butchemel. Cut. Liberty mu. Line . Cut. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Cut. Liberty m. Am i allowed to riff . What if i come out of the water . Liberty biberty. Cut. Well dub it. Liberty mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Only pay for what you need. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. My lady those darn seatbelts got me all crumpled up. Thats ok hey, guys hi mrs. Patterson. Wrinkles send the wrong message. Sorry. Help prevent them before they start with new downy wrinkleguard. Thats better. So you wont get caught with wrinkles again. Red lobsters endless shrimp is back for just 15. 99. Get all the shrimp you want, any way you want em. Like new srirachahoney shrimp, savory grilled teriyaki shrimp, classic shrimp scampi and more red lobsters endless shrimp is 15. 99. Hurry in. But super poligrip gives him a tight seal. Snacking can mean that pieces get stuck under mikes denture. To help block out food particles. So he can enjoy the game. Super poligrip. Harris an Airline Mechanic accused of trying to sabotage a plane with 150 people on board is due in federal court this hour. Prosecutors say the American Airlines employee tempered with a flight that was leading miami, because he was angry over stalled Union Contract negotiations. Our lauren green has more on the story. Lauren . Harris, as you said, the subject is scheduled to make his First Court Appearance in just a few minutes. Hes a veteran mechanic with American Airlines, and according to those court documents, he told investigators he tempered with the plane because he was angry over the stalled union talks. 60yearold was arrested and charged yesterday of disabling the Navigation System on an American Airlines flight headed to nassau, bahamas with 150 passengers and crew on board. It happened in midjuly at Miami International airport. As a pilots approach the runway and powered up the engines are take off, and the alert button to the socalled module lit up. The flight was aborted and inspection revealed the tampering. Surveillance video helps investigators identify alani as the culprit. Footage captures what appears to be the sabotage of a target aircraft, a concourse d, gate 49. The driver depicted in the footage appears to be male, with a light complexion and a noticeable limp to his walk. Alanis charge for willfully damaging, destroying, disabling, or wrecking an aircraft. American airlines has been in a bitter dispute with the union that represents its more than 12,000 mechanics, at one time accusing them of a work slow down. Alani has been an American Airlines employee since 1988, and has been suspended. In a statement to fox news, the airline said, at american, we have an unwavering commitment to the safety and security of our customers and team members, and we are taking this very seriously. According to documents, alani said he did not intend to cause harm to anyone, not the stalled union talks had affected him financially. Harris . Harris lauren green, thank you very much. A second person reportedly is dead from a mystery illness linked to vaping. Fears are now growing over the ecigarettes, and the Associated Press is reporting investigators say this person was otherwise healthy and quickly became very ill after vaping thc from a product bought at a marijuana shop. Here is the health and Human Services secretary, alex lazar, earlier on fox. President trump and i are deeply committed to this. We are not going to stop on this. We will use every regulatory and enforcement power we have. We have been doing so. We will continue going, because this epidemic will stop. Harris with me now on sets, medical contributor, dr. Nicole saphier. You know, doctor, its interesting, because youve seen a rampup in recent days and weeks of vaping information. Are we going in a certain direction, do you think . Or are these things more dangerous than we first thought . Of course they are. Weve been trying to say that for several years. Finally we are starting to have cases being reported. People have been getting sick, but we didnt have a mechanism in place or to even recognize that these are vaperelated illnesses or were they to ecigarettes. Was becoming very interesting right now is they havent been able to say an ingredient, a product, it contaminates, or whether it was the metal itself causing these atlases. Just yesterday and this morning they are coming together saying a large amount of the products being used are thcbased and they contain vitamin e acetate. The concern with vitamin e acetate, which is an additive, as that is in oil. Its naturally found in olive oil, almonds, and we even put on our skin through lotions. So we know it safe that way. But we havent studied about inhaling it. What happens can make you heat up the soil, it becomes a vapor, you inhale it, it goes into the lungs, and once it cools it turns back into that wheel again. So of course it will cause an inflammation or irritation of the lungs. Harris wow. I hadnt heard it explained it so detailed. Think about. You and i were reading in the embargoed piece of information during the commercial break that now, during 1 30 eastern, has been on embargoed. The cdc has released a statement , initial findings from the investigation they did into serious lung illnesses associated with ecigarettes products. 2 clinical similarities among those affected. Patients report some symptoms, clinical findings, and these line with the cdc Health Advisory released last week. And now also from matt finn, correspondent, seconds ago, developing. Cdc says its not aware of three deaths attributed to by ecigarettes. The fourth under investigation. 450 total possible cases of illness, in 33 states. Some severe. That, again, the cdc urging the public to consider not vaping. Not using vapes. And especially dont mix chemicals. Doctor, this just got more serious in the last few minutes. I think these numbers are even underestimating the truth of this. Doctors dont necessarily think to ask patients if they are using ecigarettes or vaping. Patients will come in and be sick. They may assume its an infection. I think its an underestimate of those affected. Again, a lot of people are obtaining these illegally on the streets. We dont know whats in them. We need to have a reporting system. We need doctors to be educated to be able to identify when people are sick from this. And we need a centralized reporting system like we have for measles or hiv, so we can really track and hone in on whats causing that. Harris is that what we had with cigarettes . Because we knew they were killers. It only took us a couple decades to figure it out and put in front of the public. The problem here, seen with cigarettes. It was on the market for a long time before we had the literature and the data to say, this is bad. The difference in cigarette smoke takes longer, to see some of the side effects. You have lung cancer developing at 1040 years after. The speculation within the ecigarettes is causing media damage, which is why this is on the forefront. Harris three years ago this month, my mother was diagnosed with fourth stage lung cancer. She was a lifelong cigarette smoker. So you know what youre talking about. It took decades before he saw that. We are on the case of vaping. We will report the news on that. Thank you being with me. Thank you for having me. Harris someone got triggered. An authors plea the people stop wearing their sports teams magalike red hat. If its red, take it off . There is intense backlash to this. Whats going on . Its the 3pm slump. Should have had a p3. Oh yeah. Should have had a p3. Need energy . Get p3. With a mix of meat, cheese and nuts. Too many people a restless nights sleep. Theres a better choice. Aleve pm. The only one to combine a safe sleep aid and the 12hour painrelieving strength of aleve. That dares to last into the morning. So you feel refreshed. Aleve pm. Theres a better choice. Harris columnists from him to go Mainstream Media organizations, the Washington Post and the los angeles times, are going after San Franciscos board of supervisors over the decision to designate the nra as a domestic terrorist organization. One cause that mccarthyism paid the power panel slides income antjuan seawright, former Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton in south carolina, and former ceo of blueprint strategy. Hello and back from outnumbereds last hour, lisa boothe. Bless your heart. There is a joke if you watch the show every day, you know they say that to each other a lot. [laughter] the nra, p research showed that among the members, 61 identify as republicans, 36 . More than a third identify as democrats. How can you call a bipartisan, merit can come a constitutional amendment related come if you will come in terms of its poll . How can you call that a Terrorism Organization . I would go as far as those words. Harris so why is San Francisco doing it . Because i cant speak for them, i can speak for antjuan. I would go too far. One could argue some of the things they advocate for as men against acts of domestic terrorism. I have personal expense in charleston, it was a board member from the nra, a lawyer, who then said that it was because of the antinra policies. The advocate against passing legislation to close the charleston loophole. One could argue that some of the things they advocate for and against can lead to acts of domestic terrorism. Harris i had not heard that. Lisa . Do you know any nra members have gone on to be mass shooters . You name one . I said policies, i didnt say members. Keep in mind, im thats with the nra is about. The gun owners of america. They have a membership Something Like 5. 5 million americans. 43 of americans live in a household with a gun. You go on and demonize the nra, and by extension, its numbers. The thing is, if anybody wants to actually have reasonable conversations about whats to do about these mass shootings, if you demonize lawabiding americans, you are limited and take any honest conversation off the table. Harris before you answer, lisa, then i would further your point by saying this to you, antjuan. Does this give an entree for taking away their guns . If you are part of a terrorist organization, in this country, you get to be disarmed. Lets be clear, democrats are not in the business of taking b peoples guns. Harris so i call it a terrorist organization . Again, i cant speak for San Francisco. Harris you make it sound like its in the country i can tell you what, democrats i work with every day, what they want to do. That support and reasonable gun control measures that 90 of the iraqi people agree with. To do nothing, lisa, i think would be the highest act of malpractice we could do. Simply by closing the loophole come universal background checks, i could be done that just as per the problem is the nra has killed, or wants to advocate against, policies like that. Lisa this is the challenge. There is a slippery slope concern for lawabiding citizens in the country. Because democrats are talking about taking away guns. We saw that from people like eric swalwell, for people like beto orourke. That is ugly not true. There is a slippery slope concern. If you look at the ar15s, only 40 of gun deaths are at the hands of ar15s. So what happens . Lets take away those ar15s, which is what democrats would like to do. Banning assault rifles. Speak up you go out and you see a mass shooting that happens wia handgun, which is statisticallye considering the mass majority of them are done with handguns. Harris walmart thinks its that you dont sell. Or you dont sell certain ammo. It also things part of the solution is you dont allow open carry, even in the 31 states that allow open carry without a license or a permit. That is some of the answer. But is it . I think, again, you have two bills that have passed congress that you can say democrats are for, because there was a bill passed by democrats and some republicans that 90 of the American People agree with. Thats just simple background check. The idea that democrats want to take away guns, i think it is not the problem. Harris should San Francisco take that route off the books . Real quick. Thank you both can be good to see. Bless bless her heart [laughter] now the latest on what has happened in the bahamas. Postturkey during. Officials think 30 people perished in that storm, at least. Hundreds are missing. Nothing else the u. S. Coast guard has set its her acute dell micro schema venture to people there, and the work continues today. Ellison barber live in nassau, the capital of the bahamas. Ellison . Hey, harris. We have spoken to some members of those coast guard teams. They have 13 helicopters feared conducting search and rescue missions. They are trying to go back and forth to make as many trips as they can. First come to get trauma patients. Now they are trying to help people who may be diabetic and have a medical need or reason to leave at this point and kind of make their way down to eventually, hopefully, get everyone off of the hearthit areas. Weve seen some unions have been nassau where we are all mourning. Tell people tell us some of the stories, the days they spent how to let him to survive the storm. We spoke to one man is that he and his wife were crouched in their bathtub, he said, for hours and hours. All he could do was wrap his arms around his wife and just hold her and try to keep her covered. Heres more of what he had to say. I always tell my wife, im going to enjoy life. I can see how quick everything can be taken. [voice breaking] dont take it for granted. Its terrifying. As people come back, they are sharing cell phone videos with us of what they have seen in grand bahama as well as abaco island. The video you should be seeing now is from the hospital in freeport, in grand bahama. Right now, harris, Officials Say that at least 30 people confirmed dead. Everyone we have spoken to says that number will surely rise. We have heard stories of people saying they have seen bodies near their homes, bodies floating. Some people have even said theyve taken sheets out to cover up the bodies until authorities can get there, as of the people wait to be rescued. Harris . Harris god bless them. Wow. Thank you. An illegal immigrant charged in the shooting of a deputy was already on their radar. Why the sheriff says sanctuary laws are standing in the way of justice. Keep watching. By the strolle s [ growl ] good boy. Hey. Hey. You must be stevens phone. Know whos on your network and control who shouldnt be with xfinity xfi. Simple. Easy. Awesome. Dana hi, everyone. Im dana perino, live from washington, d. C. So, why is the former Senior Advisor to president obama sounding the alarm on joe biden over his serial distortion of his record . I will ask our own bret baier about that. Plus, new horrific details from a News Conference on that dive boat fire in california, and tigress joins me to talk about beto orourke dropping fbombs, and whether a woman can be a kicker in the nfl. You dont want to miss the daily briefing. Harris a suspect who led police on an extensive highspeed chase, and shoddy california deputy, turned out to be an illegal immigrant with a lengthy rap sheet. Some fingerpointing now, at that sanctuary city. Christina coleman from los angeles with more. Christina . Harris, this man who was in our country illegally and known to commit crimes is now accused of trying to kill a sheriff sergeant. Deputies went to a house that he was working on to arrest him for violating a restraining order on wednesday, after he allegedly threatened to kill his wifes family. Deputy say that is when herrera shot at a sheriff sergeant, hitting him in the vest and leg. Herrera then escaped and hijacked the pickup truck. As it turns out, he had been in custody months ago, but deputies had to track down this week. This person is not a legal citizen within the united state United States. We had him in our custody in january of this year, and because of the folks in sacramento limiting our ability to cooperate with i. C. E. , we could not turn them over. Herrera led officers on a highspeed chase on thursday, reaching speeds of over 120 miles per hour. He shot at officers again, but they were still able to get him back into custody. Not only has this guy been a proven danger prior to this incident, the attempted murder of one of my sergeants, the attempted murder of a california Highway Patrol officer, because of this. When he should have been not in this country. And in place back in the country of origin. Bottom line is, our immigration policies need to be revamped. This incident is similar to one that received National Attention at the end of last year when California Police officer was allegedly killed by an illegal immigrant with a criminal record. The suspect was arrested after a threeday manhunt. As for that deputy that was shot wednesday, he suffered a minor injury and is expected to be okay. Harris christina, thank you. We will move to this, now. Jury selection beginning today in the murder file of the former dallas Police Officer. He was shot and killed a man is own home a year ago today. Amber geiger says she mistook him for being in her own apartment and believed he was a burglar. Casey stegall is following the story now for us in dallas. Casey . Jury selection underway. The process, we understand, expected to last a week or so. Right now you have a lot of potential jurors at the courthouse, filling out all the paperwork, and going to the questionnaires. Then the defense team, and of course the prosecutors, it will review all that information and we will be back here one week from today when the process is narrowed down. The field the potential jurors is narrowed down, and they will begin being questioned. Now, this is shaping up to be a big trial. Geigers lawyers have tried to get a change of venue, and thousands of jury notices were mailed out to residents in Dallas County, anywhere from 500 to 600 people are the only ones who showed up. We have some that go out to faulty addresses, so people dont ultimately get them. We have jurors who are exempt for whatever reason. Might be age or military or child exemption. So they are not required to show. Unfortunately, nationwide, we have a problem with people just not honoring their jury summons. Now, the back story. A grand jury indicted a former Police Officer for murder last november. Geiger had just finished her shift as a dallas Police Officer when she said she entered the wrong apartment by mistake and her complex a year ago, because the door was ajar. It turns out, it was her neighbors apartment instead. He was home. The officer said she thought it was an intruder, and she shot and killed him. He was an upandcoming accountant very active in the community, and had plans to return to his native st. Lucie out one day to enter public service. So there have been a lot of cries for justice here, with this officer. Back to that change of venue requests, the judge in this case, harris, says that they are trying to seat a jury here in Dallas County first, and then she will make a determination on that. So we will have to see if they can get with the defense is arguing, and impartial jury, for what is shaping up to be a trial that could get quite a bit of attention. Harris i know you will stay on the story for us. Thank you. A liberal author says that people have to stop wearing red hats, even if it involves their favorite sports team. Because the red hats looked too much like maga hats. The whole story, and the whole backlash, next. Grab some pens. Would shakespeare have chosen just some pens . Methinks tul pens would serve mlady well. Thanks. And a unicorn notebook get everything on your list. This weeks doorbuster 300sheet paper ream for 1; 1 in store or online from the advisors at office depot officemax. And youll experience a whole new range of emotions like. Of a travel site the relaxing feeling of knowing youre getting the best price. And the magic power of unlocking your room with your phone. I can read minds too. Really . Book at hilton. 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Talk to me about you too, you cant wear a red hat. Its bananas. I agree you should never wear a Cincinnati Reds hat because theyre terrible. Wow. Ill take heat from my ohio family but saying the maga hat is scary. In new york you cant wear it because youll get beat up but i chickened out. I was wearing an maga hat for a friend as a gift and the guy in the store like you here to buy an maga hat, im like, no, im here to meet a hooker. Hey, its 11 00 a. M. In some places. Shes a pulitzer Award Winning author, Rebecca Mckay based in chicago. A pulitzer finalist im being told now, she didnt actually get the prize. This isnt somebody who looks across the landscape of politics and has a little bit of an opinion and might share it with five people. Thats the problem with twitter. When you get on twitter for the first time each day its like you walked into a bar where everybody already had 12 drinks but you but the people who have been in the bar all day think they make perfect sense to the outside world. Shes an author. Someone who writes professionally like myself spends their entire day in a make believe world pulling thoughts together in your head and you leave your house and spending your ideas with a society that didnt spend their day in that bubble and shes from chicago and telling people maga hats are dangerous but Jessie Smollett already wrote that book. This is part of the problem, when you try to demonize the voter and shes not scared of the hat but possibly losing power. When one of the next candidates would it be . I think we can agree de blasios going to take it despite hes pulling two points behind isis in new york city. Youre funny and extremely bright. The sad part but you meant to make light of it, wearing a hat sends a trigger for some people. Its scary. We have to run. Im harris. Heres dana. Dana fox news alert. New details on the leader board boat fire that killed 33 people off the coast of california. Crew members telling the ntsb they tried to save trapped passengers. Hello everyone. Im dana perino live from washington. This is the daily briefing. Authorities given an update moments ago and many families are still waiting to receive the remains of their loved ones. The Sheriffs Office will not be releasing the passenger manifest in

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