President s intention to go ahead with the state of Union Address. In the house of representatives. As scheduled, next tuesday, january the 29th. Now the president has officially put in writing. In this letter to nancy pelosi which we receive more than half an hour ago, the president saying, as you know, i already accepted your kind invitation. However, i then received another letter from you dated in june or 16th wherein you expressed concerns or critic security during the state of union due to to the shutdown. He says, even prior to asking, i was contacted by the dhs and the secret service to explain there would be absolutely no problem regarding security with respect to the event. Accordingly, there are no concerns security wise regarding the state of the union. Therefore, i will be honoring your invitation. I look forward to seeing you the evening of generally the 29th. So now with the president has done in this game of tennis, pingpong, football, however you want to put it, between the president in nancy pelosi over the state of the union. He has driven went deep into Nancy Pelosis territory. Now we are going to see how she will respond to this. Dont forget, the letter that was dated january the 16th urged the president to either postpone the state of the Union Address until after the shutdown is over or deliver in writing. As many other president s have in the past. But it did not diss and fight him. So come on over the president has said, i will see you on tuesday, its up to nancy pelosi. She has a couple choices now. You can either say, okay, we will see you on tuesday, and continue with the state of the union. Or, she can disinvited. If she disinvited some, that would be precedentsetting. Im not sure something that the newly minted speaker wants to have as part of her first record as being speaker of the house. Then again, this battle back and forth between the two has become so vicious that i think all bets are off here. We will see what happens, harris. And probably the next day or two. Harris its interesting. The president has called her bluff, because she didnt do that with that second letter. She did not. Harris she left the door open on that pretty has walk through it now with another idea. Ive got a number of the white house commit. John roberts, you set me up perfectly. But i know every now and then your phone blows up, so if something breaks we will come back to you. Thank you. You bet. Harris lets bring in the counselor to the president , Kellyanne Conway. Thank you for joining me today. This is big news, because the nation potentially will see a state of the union unless the speaker of the house pelosi steps in and despite the present. What is your take at this point from the white house . Speak of the president intends to go to the chamber on tuesday night to address a great nation and give them updates on the state of our union. I think it would be remarkably petty of the speaker to disinvited the president of the United States to address the nation that they both serve at the highest level. I just want to correct politely one thing john roberts had prayed the president is not being vicious toward Speaker Pelosi. I was there in the oval when he was writing this letter, when he was setting out. As were others. He was not being vicious at all. He wants people to make the plans. I contend that there has been some opaqueness from the speaker, some uncertainty surrounding whether or not the state of the union would take place on tuesday as scheduled or in congress, in the capital, as is tradition. The president wanted to put that to rest. People can plan. She is inviting guests, as is the custom for every first lady. If Speaker Pelosi wants her to survive those people as well, or not give enough seats to be able to invite all these guests that represent the best of america and the best of americas spirit, then she is going to have some explaining to do. I think fundamentally she is someone who doesnt always have control of her temper about the president. But she also doesnt have control of her own chamber. I think shes afraid that many people are not going to show up, and thats embarrassing to her. She basically needs to say to her caucus, i want you to people to go back to your constituents at home and say they had a chance to listen to the president , and talk about what happened last year. With the vision is for the year ahead. You were seated there, you are polite and the chamber, you dont need to clap, you dont need to stand, you dont need to give an affirmative vote, but you should show up. The Democratic Party is so focused on 2020 that they are not focused, as my boss is, the president of the United States, on 2019. Harris i do want to step in with something that has the nations focus, and that is a growing backlash against a Government Shutdown now. 71 of people in some polling showing that the board or wall fight is not worth shutting down the government. That is a backdrop now to what is going on with the state of the union. I am curious to know what exactly the president wants to say the state of the union is, if the government is still shut down next week. Well, the president has said again and again including in his proposal that he released publicly on saturday, harris, that he is coming across to the democrats in some of their wish lists. They have asked for more immigration judges, more personnel at the border. They want technology, including drones. They certainly want more detention beds and money for humanitarian needs of the border. I think we can all agree, every single democrat in the house and said who voted for the drug groceries last year, they have said drugs are problems throughout vote. They have already put the funding and the awareness and the teeth behind combating our drug crisis in this country. So when it comes to doing so at the southern border the way they are doing so in their own communities, why the big fat know . It makes no sense. The president has come to the democratic wish list and said, here are the things i can agree with. A lot of democrats have made harris will he make that a part of the state of beginning next because direct of course. Harris i want to move on, because we have to get to this. America watching to see how many days more, as we are in the second month of the Government Shutdown. A hundred thousand people hurting. The president signing legislation that they will get back pay but many of those contractors and the consolation on those government workers will like it that pay. Thats traditionally how it works and theyre going without. So this is a brought in swath of people that are damaged as the Government Shutdown. As the president giving something that both will agree on agree unquestionably santa . He has said that he wants people to be paid. Harris we got that, but will he signs a it that is in the border will funding as we get late, late, late in the game now . Thats not realistic. Im sorry. Respectfully, that is not realistic. Its not border wall funding. Its Border Security. If you dont have a physical barrier that people cannot crawl under, climb over, drive through, or walk around, then we dont really have Border Security. Thats false. Whatever thales democrats it made joyful noise and an affirmative vote in favor of secure fences and barriers, and indeed, walls that already exist in the past . They are being disingenuous. They voted for the funding to put it there, they voted for the funding to renovate it more recently. They are just being petty and partisan. We want them to come over, we need a bipartisan solution to what should be a nonpartisan problem. We have great compassion for the workers. We have a great compassion for the contractors. They say it will take 45 minutes, 50 minutes, or shorter if they just come to the table and allow for the entire Border Security package, which include so many things they pretended they wanted over the years, and get moving and reopen the government. The worst thing that can happen is to not have the state of the unit in congress that everyone is there on tuesday. Some of the country can see everybody together working toward the solutions. Harris i wrote down joyful noises, and thats what we can sometimes call when people have voted for something in the past. I have asked democrats, would you tear down the 600 miles you have now . And they would say no. We know from the majority leader in the house, steny hoyer, and the others. Barriers to work. Kelly unkindly, thank you very much. The president , we will continue to cover the breaking news. Thank you. I want to bring in republican senator rick scott of the budget and congress committee. Hes part of the group that met with the president yesterday. Senator scott, thank you for being on the program. He does protect kelly unkindly talking about the stalemate thao exist on luppercaseletter right now. I want to start with the state of the union and the importance of hearing for the president. And kelly on saying, members can go and sit quietly among the democrats if they dont want to clap. First off, i cant believe we are having this conversation. Ive been up here two weeks, im a business guy, you get things done business. Whether the present should give the state of the Union Address in the house, how we give Us Government open, how to be secure border, how do we make sure were doing right thing for all of our citizens. Its very frustrating to me. As an example, we had a bill last week that Chuck Schumer blocked to pay our coast guard. I met with coast guard members sunday and monday and my state, and they need to get paid. They are defending the freedom of this country. They need to get paid. Our Border Security needs get paid. We need to open this government, secure our borders. This is frustrating. Harris talk with me if you will about these competing bills on the hill. What you think and pass the senate. It looks like even senator schumer now has worked on a bipartisan bill. Talk to me about it. Is not very bipartisan when there is no Border Security. If you talk to people appear, what do they all say . We need to open the government. Ever but he says, weve got over the government. They also say we need to have Border Security, but they cant get it done. Lets remember what Speaker Pelosi said. Shes not going to put any money in for a wall. Well, we have got to secure our borders. We have i mean, i always talk about my job as governor. I have three jobs as governor. Get people jobs, get them a good education, keep them safe. This is part of keeping every citizen of this country safe. Good Border Security. It needs to be in a bill. Harris let me ask you this, because some democrats have been talking about a certain date. A deadline. If you reopen government, by a certain date, may be fairbury 20th is what ive heard. As long as you have the conversation going to try and come up with legislation for Border Security, that would work. I havent yet found anyone in this program to tell me that there is enough goodwill, good faith, amongst democrats and republicans to get that done. How stuck on me right now, senator . [laughs] i cant imagine we are doing this, i didnt do it in my Business Class or as a government governor. I dont see people working together. I cant believe Speaker Pelosi will go to the white house and say she wont give any money for a while. Harris is it fair to enter other peoples livelihoods who work from government on discussions that you guys should be having . No. And, by the way, this is why i support i dont think people should be paid if there is no budget. I campaigned on making this place work better. Its not working. Why are people, why would Congress Harris have you told the president . He said he would only shut down. I was there yesterday, we talked about venezuela. Hopefully something good is going to happen there. The president of the National Assembly has declared himself the president , so i hope madero leaves. This is what i tell people a lot of the democrats keep talking about socialism. Well, socials and ends up in poverty, distress. I think they should take a factfinding trip down to venezuela and see how its worked out there. I told the president , we got to figure this out and come together. But it takes everybody to do that. The house and is doing nothing, its never going to happen. Harris senator rick scott, think of her being on outnumbered overtime today. I appreciate your time. Thanks, harris. Byebye. Harris tensions rising at mexicos southern border with guatemala as more migrants week to register for silent. Thats because many people who had already entered mexico illegally had to go back to the border, so they could get visas. They can then potentially continue on with the caravan now, trekking north through the mexican state of oaxaca. According to mexican officials, new 8,000 people have applied for asylum but only a fraction of those visas have been issued so far. Just keeping you uptodate on that. Theres this and other top story we were following today. The kentucky student at the center of a viral video controversy is now defending himself in a new interview after the video of him and and a native american protester in washington, d. C. , sparked threats and security concerns, and focused National Attention on Covington Catholic high school. The student, nick sandman, saying he did nothing to provoke anyone and he had every right to be there. I wanted the situation to die down. I just wish he would have walked away, but i knew as long as i kept my composure and didnt do anything, but he might perceive as aggressive or elevation of the conflict, that it would hopefully die. Harris doug mckelways life for us in covington, kentucky, with the latest. Doug . Iris, just the latest now. We have heard from a variety of elected representatives representing this district, including senator rand paul who has come to the defense of the Covington Catholic High School Kids, as well as governor matt bevin, the local congressman whose name escapes me right now. Tom massey. But we have not heard from mitch mcconnell, the Senate Majority leader from kentucky, until just months ago. He spoke from the senate floor. Here he is. In a matter of hours, the students were tried, convicted, and sentenced by the media where accuracy is irrelevant and the presumption of innocence does not exist. We have also heard from one of the students here at Covington Catholic high school. He spoke on fox friends this morning about the time where he posted a Youtube Video defending his fellow classmates here, and the reaction he got from it across the internet sphere. Here is his reaction. I have never heard such cruel things wished upon another human being. It ranges from getting locked inside a building and burned alive to sexually assaulted by the clergy members. Its just awful. Of course, nick sandman we heard from him on the today show today speaking about what was going through his mind at the time this conversation confron. Here he is. Why didnt you walk away . Well, now i wish i would have walked away. I didnt want to be disrespectful to mr. Phillips and walk away if he was trying to talk to me. But i would certainly i was surrounded by a lot of people. I didnt know they have their phones out, and add cameras. I didnt want to bump into anyone or seem like i was trying to do something. Of course they were two people that stand out from nathan phillips, native american, was the other one. He told the Cincinnati Enquirer this morning, and i quote, i have read the statement from nick sandman, the student who was staring at me for a long time. He did not apologize, and i believe there are intentional falsehoods in his testimony. I have faith that human beings could use a moment like this to find a way to gain understanding from one another. Meanwhile, the Los Angelesbased attorney, robert barnes, who has threatened to sue many people over this incident over the treatment of the High School Kids was also on fox friends this morning going into more detail about what he plans to do and his tactics here. If you have set a new foss but these kids, they are willing to extend you a 48 hour time. Come a period of grace consistent with their Christian Faith for you to come up through confessions get redemption and retract, correct, and apologize. If you do not come in next week you may be a defendant in a lawsuit. This could be open today on schedule paid as you can see from behind me, there is a police car not only here but at every entrance to the school. Nobody but the School Community is allowed in. Thats just the way they want it at a time like this, harris. Harris doug, thank you very much. 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And the army taught me a lot about commitment. Which i apply to my life and my work. At comcast were commited to delivering the best experience possible, by being on time everytime. And if we are ever late, well give you a automatic twenty dollar credit. My name is antonio and im a technician at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Harris Los Angeles School teachers are back at work today after reaching a deal to end a sixday strike in the nations secondlargest school district. It forced more than half a million children out of the classroom when it was going on. Union Officials Say preliminary ballots overwhelmingly approved a deal yesterday. It approves a 6 pay hike and a commitment to reduce class size over the next four years. The board of education is expected to move quickly to approve that deal. Progressive democrats and frequent trump critics alexandria ocasiocortez and rashida to leave are both getting spots on a powerful House Oversight committee. Which is expected to be at the center of investigations into the Trump Administration. While some have a expressed concerns about the outspoken freshman on the panel, Top Democrats are backing their opponents. Their appointments, rather. Lets bring in jason chaffetz, former chairman of the House Oversight committee, and a fox news contributor. Great to see you today. First of all, lets talk about the true power of the Oversight Committee and what it means when one party over the other is ruling. Well, particularly when the partys Opposition Party in this case, the democrats are the house and President Trump. They will grill everybody and everybody. The core question has to be whether its a valid inquiry. That is, is it designed and set up to go after and look at potential legislation and the legislative process, or is it just a fishing expedition meant to embarrass the Trump Organization . Harris i use the word ruling, and we will probably get it criticism because its not royalty. But when we are deciding what to look at, that is ruling. Almost like a judgment. That we this is what were going to investigate. What does it mean, they have at least two people who seem to pick so far to the left on a Committee Like this and one of them, alexandria ocasiocortez, has even said on twitter torts on your party that shes going to have some kind of subpoena power. I dont really know what that means. Well, look, the chairman of the committee, Elijah Cummings from maryland, is the only person that can issue the subpoena. But he could do so unilaterally. It doesnt mean they will abide by it. When i was doing subpoenas in the obama administration, almost every time they ignored the subpoenas. Dont be surprised, mr. Coming, when the Trump Administration does exactly what was done to me when i was the chairman. On the other hand, its the normal practice to put your strongest voices on the Oversight Committee. It is not uncommon to do that. Harris tell us about the Democrat Party on the hill right now. If they consider these two women to be among the strongest voices for democrats, and they put that on this powerful committee. It means their focus is primarily going to be on investigations, not on legislations. That means the democrats are just so bent on going after everything trumpet and everybody around him that this is going to be the focus between the house judiciary committee, which i was also on, and the House Oversight committee. But the reason you put your vipers on that committee is because they can get in there and mix it up. They are going to struggle with the five minute increments, we always did, and they will as well. But there is a reason why jim jordan and mark matos and trey gowdy harris where they your vipers . Absolutely. If you got soft, thin skin, go sit on the preparations committee. If you want to get after somebody, you go on the Oversight Committee. Thats just the way it works. Harris you been critical of those committees as well, thief sat on in the past. In this when they fled, saying there were times it just didnt even get tough enough. Well bring you back another day. Great to see you, thank you. Thinks, harris. Harris the Trump Administration is pushing back up for some criticism from the White House Correspondents Association over a lack of regular press briefings. White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders says she has done over 100 briefings and answered thousands of questions. Yesterday the president tweeted that he told sanders, not to bother with press briefings. Alleging unfair media coverage. We will continue to cover it as the news happens on that. Plenty of mea culpas from members of the media after so many a rush to judgment over that viral video involving students and a native american veteran. The fallout whether this will lead to changes in how stories are covered. Plus, fbi agents reportedly saying they cant do their jobs because of the partial Government Shutdown. How serious a problem is that, and could this help provide the impetus for a solution . We cant do our job as well, because it takes money to conduct investigations. Tech at Safelite Autoglass we know that when youre spending time with the grandkids. Music tech . Every minute counts. And you dont have time for a cracked windshield. Thats why at safelite, well show you exactly when well be there. With a replacement you can trust. All done sir. Grandpa looks great tech thanks for choosing safelite. Grandpa thank you child bye tech bye saving you time. So you can keep saving the world. Kids safelite repair, safelite replace harris air traffic is back to normal today after a chaotic evening new jerseys new newark airport. Incoming flights were halted following reports of a drone activity above a private airport nearby. The faa is seeing it received two reports from flights headed to newark that they had spotted a drone at about 3500 feet. Officials say arriving flights at one of the nations busiest airports were held briefly, but resumed after no further sightings were reported. The wall street Journal Editorial Board is now calling out the righteous leftist mob that rushed to judgment over the kentucky students seen in a controversial viral video. He is with the wrote. Most of those who so eagerly maligned these boys will face no lasting consequences, while the boys themselves will always have to wonder when they are turned down for a job or school whether someone had googled the name and found only half the story. This is an ugly moment in america. There are few things uglier than a righteous leftist mob. I want to bring in out joe concha, media reporter for the hope. This stings because theres lack of trust already with the media. This makes it worse because they there are pictures and sound to go with this. That strictly red, harris. Upi, when they were a big deal, used to have a great saying. That was, get it first, but first get it right. It was a standard embraced by everybody media. Now it appears to be, publish first, jump to conclusions first, ask questions, verify later. Look at the new york times. Boys in make America Great again mob in his american men. Lease of consequences because we saw that their school had to be closed yesterday. You had some students 15 years will come 16, i cant imagine getting death threats. This is amazing. The wall street journal notes are in there. Consequences. How often to bc accountability . There are exceptions, but very few and far between. Accountability of media members who go ahead with stories that end up being wrong. Not because they made a mistake, but because they didnt take the time to do their due diligence. He really see it at it, harris. Harris i sit on their yesterday there a freelance reporter, i believe with gq. There were those whose jobs were called into question but this whole thing. But getting the questions and the facts after the facts almost seems to be a narrative that happens once they get the quick bait. Then they get deeper. Once the cause of a doubt, then they try to find out the facts. I want to play a little bit of the view coast on the media making snap judgments. Watch this. Why do we keep making the same mistake . Because we are desperate to get trump out of office. [laughter] i think the press jumped the gun a lot because we have so much circumstantial evidence against the sky that we basically are hoping that cohen has got the goods and what have you. So its wishful thinking. Harris wishful thinking. Now the facts, wishful thinking. Joe . Give joy to be, at least shes been with the ball game. Probably people who are for guinness business, she said it publicly. 3 Million People watch of you every day, so that does have some influence. I know you got to go, but in the end, a lie can travel halfway around the world before the truth get its pants on. The allegation always outweighs by 100 times the exoneration. As we are seeing here. You can see they were taunting him in any capacity. After the fact, the damages done, harris. Harris they havent lived long enough to even come up with a reputation, many of these young boys. Some others tried to do some reputational management to go forward. Joe, thank you for your time. Thank you. Harris is ongoing shutdown puts a financial strain on some government agencies, the tsa is making a plea for backup. An internal email reportedly asking for hundreds of workers to move to airports, those areas struggling with callouts. Phil keating is live at Miami International airport with the latest. Phil . Harris, good afternoon. Passengers flying out of Miami International airport today are seeing and experiencing very smooth sailing, actually. Despite what the internal email that was just read by you indicates. The average wait time to get in and out of the security mazes here around the airport from all of which are open, is about 20 minutes. Airport says thats basically what it is on a normal day yearround. Shut down or not. Like it nearly million federal workers, these agents have not been paid in about a month. Theyre looking through a possibility of missing their second paycheck in a row. There is distress when he missed a paycheck, and that we are getting up to where they could miss a second paycheck. Theres a lot of stress on the workforce from the financial impacts of that. The south Florida Community has been fantastic in trying to support them. Concessionaires and food trucks have been setting up shop at the food truck and giving lunch to the federal agents. Thats true today, as well. Celebrity chef chris valdes set up a mexican fiesta theme upstairs, saying hes accomplished everything hes ever dreamed of so its time for him to do what he can to pay it back. Its nice to come here and give something to them, and see that its not all that bad. That they are smiling, that they are here, they are working. They are getting the task done. Priceless. According to the tsa, the number of its agents calling in sick on a daily basis is now double what it usually is. Up 7. 4 . At the countrys largest 40 airports, the government says wait times are all within 30 minutes just to get through. Some travelers we spoke with did come out a little earlier than they normally would just in case, but in the end they say here in miami their concerns really didnt materialize as they had plenty of time. I really hope that things can continue to function, and that the Government Shutdown stops. A Government Shutdown indeed. A couple of weeks ago, terminal g, the airport closed it down. But that only lasted two days. It was more precautionary. The main frustration here at the airport in miami today is that those federal workers are doing their jobs but not getting a paycheck. Harris and we thank them. Phil keating, thank you very much. They keep us safe. Meanwhile, a Group Representing fbi agents warning the government shut down his damaging Counterterrorism Operations and weakening National Security. The report cites dozens of Anonymous Agency officials that say the lack of funding has tied their hands and delete important investigations. Former acting executive assistant director of the fbi, chris swecker. Great to see you today, sir. One of those anonymous agents say our enemies know they can run freely. Talk about what happens inside the organization 30 plus days into this partial shutdown. We got an agency of 35,000 people with 5,000 of them, one seventh of the workforce of the fbi, for a load off. Not working. Translators, analysts who analyze intelligence information for counterterrorism and counterintelligence. Operational funds dried up. Travel funds dried up. There is no question that this is impacting operations in a negative way. A news agent and support staff will soldier on, they will do their job, but they are facing with a professional and a personal crisis right now. Harris all right, so what does that mean for National Security . They are the primary counterintelligence and counterintelligence counterterrorism agency. So their job is to prevent terrorist acts across the country, targeting americans. At across the world. Harris are be more unsafe when this is going on, where the bulk of those 35,000 who have not been furloughed able to get it done . They will do their best to get it done. But no, we are not as safe with 5,000 of them on furlough, not working. That would be saying that we never need them in the first place. They have those analyst positions and those other important translated positions because they need them. Sending 5,000 of them home makes us weaker. Harris for my notes, i know that those dozens of Anonymous Agency officials are also saying that they are unably subpoenas and pay informants to deliver critical information. Thats why i asked whether or not this is an immediate source of safety challenge for us, or if this kind of down the road. I think its immediate. Particularly when you are talking about not being able to travel, to talk to informants and pay informants. Thats the lifeblood of the counterterrorism program. You can have wiretaps and all that stuff, i think those are impacted as well, though any impact human intelligence, realtime intelligence on the ground, that has to have a huge negative impact. Unfortunately, it increases the chances of a mess. And we cant afford a miss. They have to get it right 100 of the time and counterterrorism. Harris all right. Chris, i appreciate your expertise today. Thank you very much. Bombshell new details in the trial of Mexican Drug Cartel leader el chapo guzman. A witness is testifying that guzmans wife played a key role in his prison escape in 2015. A live report. I have fantastic news for veteran homeowners who need cash. With home values rising all across the country, nows the time to use your valuable va home loan benefit. Newday usa can help you refinance and get 54,000 dollars or more and lower your payments by 600 a month. And since theyve been granted automatic authority by the va, newday can say yes when banks say no. So if youre a veteran homeowner who needs cash, nows the time to call newday usa. Go to newdayusa. Com or call 18004209803 Liberty Mutual customizes your Car Insurance so you only pay for what you need. Great news for anyone wh uh uh im the one who delivers the news around here. 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Giuliani, as recently as this weekend as well as mr. Cohens continued cooperation with ongoing appearances. Advice of counsel, his appearance will be post bond to a later date. A few things to know. Hes due to go to prison on march 6. Whether or not he was able to actually mitigate those present circumstances may be get a shorter sentence is not clear cap. He may not be able to do it testifying before congress, but was there any interest in him by the Mueller Investigation is a question that we are still unsure about the answer of. And whether or not that would have mitigated that sentencing. I want to bring in john roberts now, the person who has confirmed to this report for us. Chief White House Correspondent, twice in one hour with breaking news. I knew you would be back. Fill me in, if you will come on what exactly lanny davis means when he says at a later date, when we are inching toward a present date for Michael Cohen. Thats a good question. This should probably come as no surprise, harris, because lanny davis is sort of laying the groundwork about a week ago on this idea that Michael Cohen may delay his testimony before the House Oversight committee, saying that he is not 100 there yet. Lanny davis and Michael Cohen sign what they say arent threats from the president and his legal team, including as recently as this weekend. That includes Rudy Giuliani. Ive got a call in to him, i hope you will call me back in a couple minutes here. Harris take the call on the air if you have to we will make time. As his continued cooperation by advice of counsel, his appearance will be postponed to this later date. We do not know when that later date might be. In early march he is supposed to report for sentencing, so it may be that he does not testify at all. Again, harris, this should come as no surprise because the groundwork was being laid last week. We need to talk to Rudy Giuliani about what these alleged threats are. Certainly the president has been saying unkind things about his former personal attorney, but i dont know if that could be constituted as a threat. Harris may be lanny davis has to take some things back. I want to get there. Theres no way to independently confirm what lanny davis is telling us right now. In terms of threats, yeah. Harris this is important to say. Actually we saw Rudy Giuliani having to do what is it being effectually called by some in the media as cleanup on aisle s that recently come too. For me and you as journalists we can only report as its happening. The statement has been issued and now we wait for a response from the white house. I dont think we will get a response from the white house on all of this. I dont think that it should be within the president s official purview to weigh in on whether or not his former attorney is going to testify before congress. Now, he may send out a personal tweet about it. Again, im hoping ive been in contact with rudy, and that he will come in a secretary of the can get his side of the story. But i dont think the white house was lame thing abou about. As soon as i get that i will get back to. Harris i know with Michael Cohen event talked about the fact that he has got this march date coming up. We are inching toward the end of january now. We knew that he would potentially talk with congress. As you read through this, because you had a little bit more time than i have had here to read through, is there any indication of what a later date could look like . No. Again, it was left completely ambiguous. It just says postponed to a later date. If youre talking about for very seventh, when he was supposed to appear, i think its march 4th that he is supposed to report to prison. Correct me on that. Harris the sixth is what weve been told. The sixth, okay. That only leaves a month. He can change his mind and maybe do something the second of the third week of february, but dont forget, february is a short month. So that he races a couple of potential days in there as well. He doesnt have a lot of time to change his mind. Harris well, per your reporting, you said lanny davis last week said, not 100 there yet. I dont know what those words mean but we will report the news. John roberts, i sincerely mean it when your phone blows up, come back. [laughs] i will. One thing we can safely say that Michael Cohen and lanny davis Statement Last week, he said he was not 100 year dont bury it. Can say that that has changed, hes 100 not there. Harris thank you very much. I want to bring in liz p, foxnews. Com panels. And doug schoen, a former poster for president clinton. We plan to talk about some of the things in politics. But lets talk about, if we can, whats happening now. I understood, john, to say that this would not be something that the white house was begun. We have seen a bus for you some things out there we need to verify and sometimes we will hear from the president on these issues. What i would say, harris, is that Michael Cohen has acknowledged lying and acknowledged felonious behavior. We are getting a statement from lanny davis who has had to walk back some stuff, as you have said, saying that the president of the United States personally threatened Michael Cohen and his family and Rudy Giuliani, who we all know. Whatever you might think of him, he is a lawyer and he is a mayor and a prosecutor. He is not a thug by any means. This is a little hard to believe and accept. Frankly, until i see some verification that is independent, im very skeptical. I think it borders on slander. Im not sure with the Legal Definition of that is, but if these threats are actually something that theyve conjured up out of the blue i think thats a pretty extraordinary statement. Honestly, this group is known for making pretty extraordinary statements and walking back on them. Totally. Lets see what they have to say. This is so shameful. Im not at all surprised hes not going to be testifying as scheduled, because harris why are you not surprised . I dont think the guy that is going to get pilloried when he sees in congress, they are hopeful he will fill. But, as doug said, this is somebody who has light in public before. I think this is going be very tough thing for him to do. Harris i want to say this because i know i get the pokes politics in washington all that. If they are doing their job, they will do some of that pillorying too. But if you owe going to lean on somebody he was a criminal lawyer, somebody was committed felonies, if youre going to lean on that and not get the kind of stuff to do the corroboration as a federal investigation would have. But you are asking. Youve got to factcheck them on the fly like that while hes on the record. It will behoove democrats to also lean in. I dont know that they will get the opportunity now, any of them. I think weve got a lot of uncertainty today. But heres what i would say i think democrats, and as an american and a patriot, im looking to see what Robert Mueller comes up with. To see his report. Hopefully it will be public. From that, we will make judgments. Not before. Harris can ask you this, though . I will go a little far afield from here. We have this little nugget from the view and joy behar saying im going to paraphrase here theyre basically waiting to see what mueller has because there is this movement against the president. She was very transparent about this. Well, i think the only way there should be a movement on impeachment is nancy pelosi and other democrats have said, if and only if impeachable offenses are aged five that are unclear and an biggest. Since we have no evidence of anything like that, i just say wait, cool your jets, lets see what we get before making any judgments or doing anything like that. By the way, its worth remembering that its a very high bar. Its high crimes and misdemeanors. Its not fibbing about the size of the inauguration crowd or not reporting income that has i mean, democrats are exploring every possible avenue to catch donald trump out and lying. That is not enough to impeach a president. I think the democrats are very likely to overstep here. I dont think its going to work for them. Americans are fairminded people. They wont like this. Harris i want to move on if we can and talk about the state of the union. Because thats another big story in the last 90 minutes that has broken. I had on Kellyanne Conway earlier. Do we have a little bit of that . I would like to play it. There was one point where she accused Speaker Pelosi of being petty, and the backandforth that has gone on between pelosi and the president. And over whether or not, as an invitation by the speaker, they will be a state of the union. Lets watch that. Okay, im getting a thumbs down, which means they are not quite ready with that. But she was on the program earlier this hour. What she said was that it would be remarkably petty of the speaker to disinvited the president to give the address to the nation. Conway said that. She is going to have some explaining to do. Doug, the president has said and hes right about this thank you for january 3rd. I saw your letter days later into the shutdown. I confirmed, and then it became public known that there is no security challenge for the state of the union. And hes going ahead next week. I think as an american first, again, the state of the union is a symbol of the unity of our nation. The strength of our nation. The power of our nation. It should happen, it should be in washington. Ideally in congress, as it always is. I totally agree with that. Its an institution. The democrats are always chastising the president for undermining our institutions. This is an important one that the country tunes an end watches. I think we need to have this happen. Harris i would go back to the breaking news or moments ago. John roberts has now emailed to say this. Lanny davis has been asked by our chief White House Correspondent about those threats that now have led to the cancellation of that dated february 7th, to hear from Michael Cohen. John asked lanny davis, what are these threats . And lanny davis then said, the detail behind what i wrote. Doug . Again, you cant accuse the president of the United States of threatening someone and threatening their family and just say no details. Lanny davis is a respected lawyer. He is a serious person. He should not do that. He shouldnt do it. Harris thank you to you both. 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Speaker pelosi on his letter from President Trump saying he will deliver the state of the union. She just told our producer, quote, stay tuned. Im harris. Heres dana. Dana the president sent a letter to Speaker Pelosi about the state of the union and duelling proposals to open the government. The Senate Voting tomorrow on two competing bills. Hello, everyone. Im dana perino and this is the daily briefing. President trump telling House Speaker nancy pelosi he will address the nation before Congress Next week despite her request for a delay. Chief Congressional Correspondent Mike E Manuel is live on capitol hill. We just heard harris say the speaker told one of our producers stay tuned. Im sure thats what you are doing on capitol hill. Reporter no question about it. Lots of drama on capitol hill. President trump said he intends to come up here to

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