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Disaster funds to build the wall. Meanwhile, House Speaker nancy pelosi says the president is hurting the hardworking americans. Watch it. The impact of a missed paycheck is catastrophic in the lives of these americans. When they cant pay their mortgage, their ranch, the utilities bill, their car payments, childrens tuition, on time, the list goes on. It affects their Credit Rating. It affects the Credit Rating of the United States of america. I am particularly concerned about the impact that it has on our veterans. Harris chief white house grasp on roberts and i was more from the north lawn. John . Harris, good afternoon to you. More people then you would think do live paycheck to paycheck in this country. By some surveys its close to 80 . But the president this afternoon will again reiterate the need for a border barrier. He is hosting a roundtable at 2 30 this afternoon today at the white house, where he will talk about the need for Border Security. It will involve state, local, and Community Officials on a tour of the rio grande sector. The Rio Grande Valley sector of the border. There you see the president yesterday. He was indicating that he is willing to negotiate on a broader immigration package, if democrats will give him money for a fence or a wall or some kind of barrier. Listen here. If they came to me with a package beyond the barrier, and if it was something that we all agreed with, that the senators agreed with, that everybody liked, its common sense. Most of this is common sense. Im all for it. You have some laws and some codes and some things having to do with immigration that are horrible. I dont care if you are liberal or conservative. They are horrible. The president , as you mentioned at the top, Still Holding open the possibility of declaring an emergency on a National Level to build a border wall. The opposite management and budget has asked various agencies to find e redirected to wall funding. Fox news has learned that one of those agencies is the army corps of engineers. They have been asked to look for money. Whether its money from disaster relief, thats hurricane relief, floods, other things like that. There is about 13. 9 billion from a 2018 supplemental spending bill that might be available to redirect to the president. He would like to get a big challenge on that. The president not yet ready to pull the trigger on the option of deferring a national emergency, failing that if push comes to shove he will. Listen here. Then you will see what happens with national emergency, which i can do very easily. There is no question, it holds up. It was approved by congress. The act itself was approved by congress. I think the republicans are very happy. Today, as he mentioned that the top of the scum of the first pay period that federal workers have missed. Political pressure is going to increase very rapidly for the government to reopen. I would hazard a guess, harris, but the longer this goes on and the more that political pressure rises, the greater the likelihood that the president if he feels he can negotiate anything with democrats will declare that national emergency. A lot of people are beginning to push them to do it, including senator Lindsey Graham of softer land. Harris goes to mark harris really quickly, i have stand by the culture of the Border Security caucus. I want to know from you where the white house stance on this. Politically this is beginning to spread across everybody now. Correct . Or no . There is no question. The president is feeling the heat, as well. A lot of people at the white house who were furloughed. As i mentioned, a tremendous number of people live paycheck to paycheck. When you dont get that paycheck, when you expected, it begins to bite. It begins to bite badly. Harris first paycheck of the year, too prayed out of all that christmas spending. John roberts, thank you very much. I mentioned the culture of the Border Security caucus is doing to me now. Republican garnishment of the great state of arizona, andy bigs. Great to see you today. Lets get down to the spreading of the hurt now. And where we really are in negotiations. Where are we on the hill . Well, where we are is that the democrats still havent been willing to budge an inch. The president is locked in. Its a big castle, a big divide. But you know what . The border wall and building a border wall is so essential to National Security and to protect and preserve the lives of americans. This is a battle worth having, quite frankly. Harris winter republicans like yourself were in the majority, why didnt you just get the money for the wall . Great question. I think some of us tried to get money for the wall. It didnt happen. Harris why did not happen because well, i think quite frankly that some people didnto raise it. So i think i might have told you before that before the midterms i requested that my bill be heard, which was to build a wall. And a way to fund the wall. And i was told by those who are running the house that they didnt want to have that kind of controversy before the midterm. I believe it would have helped republicans in the midterm elections. But i think it would have also stanched the difficulties we are having now politically. Harris you and i talk enough that i can hear it in your voice, congressman bigs. Though this has been frustrating. And you are very transparent when you are telling us now the answer to why republicans couldnt get it done in the majority. Its a big question right now. Because now this politically herds across both sides of the political aisle, i would imagine. Are we at a Tipping Point where the president looks across the divide and says the pain of being shut down, which he said he would own responsibility for, the Government Shutdown, it is now greater than the political pain of being put in a position to have two executive order this. I dont like it is just it. I will tell you why. These people are going without a paycheck, and i have tremendous empathy for that. That is a very difficult thing to do. But we are talking about literally tens of thousands of people who face this scourge of what happens when a loved one dies, from the drugs that are coming across the board. We are facing the tens of thousands of people who have been victims of criminal illegal aliens, who have come across the border. That means that we are dealing with a real crisis of immediate concern. I think the president is right to demand that Congress Deal with this. Its our responsibility. This is the thing that is just blowing my mind, for two years, quite frankly. We look at it and we say, here we are again. End of the president s to the point where he needs to pull the trigger and declared an emergency. In which case, i would support it. Harris use of the democrats arent budging. And he were just so transparent with what happened with republicans what are you all now come as a group, doing to budge . What does that look like . Economize from your side . I would say the first compromise we made is that we went from 25 billion down to 5. 7 billion. We went from building a wall that would be hundreds of miles long, that would be smaller and going to strategic places. We got to point where we are talking about making sure we have enough agents. Harris, there places in our border that dont even have half of the complement of agents they are supposed f. Harris you know what that what that is close to mark the Border Patrol has 2,000 job openings because the federal government has a terrible Retention Program with them. Right. Part of that is, under the previous demonstration, they stopped paying for overtime. So agents say, look, i can make more at tsa than being a Border Patrol agent and living in rural areas where things are very difficult and you are facing people like we face with some of the criminals that do come across the border. So we do have massive openings, and we need to deal with that. But thats where we have compromise. Reducing the amount of money we want, and to try and hammer that out. Harris thats where youve been pit the question now, where do you go . Ive got to let you go, but is advancing to people, make a compromise great again. [laughs] harris youve got to get there. I appreciate our time from the great state of arizona today. Thank you. Lets get reaction from the other side of the poco. Democratic congressman John Garamendi of california. Great heavy on program again. It is important that i talk to congressman biggs and yourself. You are in border states. Neither of you is really budging prayed he told me where they have been come i want to know what republicans are going to do now. Can we get back to 1. 6 billion customer got on with the magic number is. What is the magic on your side of the isle that gets out of the shut down . The magic is to reopen government. To open up all of those agencies from National Parks to the treasury department, the irs, transportation. All of those agencies can be opened up, because those are not border wall agencies. The department of Homeland Security we could put that on a short lease, so it would have to come back to it in february and reauthorize and reappropriate money for that particular agency. We just passed, not more than an hour and a half ago, an additional bill to open up the rest of government, leaving the department of Homeland Security with 30 days that they would then we would then engage with the president and negotiate some reasonable solution to this. Harris the present give that to nancy pelosi and said of office. That was the one thing everybody agreed on. They couldnt agree a grand who walked out and who had what especially on their face, but the president said to nancy pelosi, for the barrier, would you revisit it with funding 30 days from now, if i reopen the government immediately . And she said no. You guys are not on the same page in your party, it would sound like. Welcome actually, it wasnt a barrier. He said will you fund my wall . With 5. 7 billion. Harris what is the difference between a barrier at this point, which we know is a steel slot system, and a concrete wall that is not off the table . Please educate me on that. I dont get it. I dont know that anybody really gets it. But the reality is that that particular issue of how best to secure the border needs to be comprehensive, and it needs to be negotiated. There are many parts to it. Much of which is now on the table. We need to sit down and do that. Harris why not do that in 30 days . The president offered. I agree entirely. See when you agree with the president . Maybe you should be leading the democrats i dont know. How do we get out of this stock position . Take the bills that are now open in the senate, that reopen all of government including the department of Homeland Security, which would then have 30 days of funding period during which time we would then sit down and negotiate all of these issues. But, frankly from my point of view, it is unconscionable to hold this entire nations government hostage to a border wall. It doesnt make sense. Its not necessary. We have offered in the past to work on a car brands of solution for Border Security. We are not talking about although we would certainly like to deal with all of the issues of immigration that could be part of it. But lets reopen government. Those bills are now over in the senate. Those could be acted on this afternoon by the senate. They could be on the president s desk. This shutdown doesnt have to happen. We can we do have time. Harris in the last hour when i was on tv on speech when he five, i saw it across my phone. Real quickly, you got some replicants joining democrats. Any threats of democrats who are joining republicans. Go for the wall, youve got republicans saying no, dont go for the wall. Lets get this thing open. Who is talking with the people who are willing to jump sides and meet in the middle . Because maybe there is something there. Well, there certainly is. As i have said three times already, we can fund all of the Government Agencies including the Homeland Department the department of Homeland Security. And continue the negotiations without having america, the economy, which was just talked about earlier, as well as all of those people without paychecks, having to endure this shutdown. Its not necessary. What is necessary is that we reopen government and we sit down in a quiet, nonheated way, to work out how we are going to provide comprehensive Border Security. Harris you know what question up with all due respect, cumbersome and garamendi, you can get a seated as you want. Because its on now. Let me tell you what i see that. This is urgent. It is. Harris the house is done with business prayed this is just breaking now the longest government history in new york history. You guys have started to go home. I cant even imagine what americans are going to say to you when you get home. Like, get back to work in washington solve it good luck. Left neck because you might be going home and youre going to hear. Hang on a second. The house of representatives has passed out two different Funding Proposals to fund all government. Harris we heard you. That is done. We have done that piece of work. Harris the senates house, the house is done with business. Congressman garamendi of this date in california, thank you sir. We will bring you back. Think you come here us. Byebye. Harris the pentagon has begun withdrawing troops from syria just days after the National Security advisor john bolton said a drawdown to be conditional on the defeat of the remnants of the isis savage savages. Analysis ahead. My word, not his. Okay, max. Time to help mrs. Tyler reach her health goals im in but first. Shelfie the greattasting nutrition of ensure. With up to 30 grams of protein and 26 vitamins and minerals ensure. For strength and energy. Ensure. I am a techie dad. N. I believe the best technology should feel effortless. Like magic. At comcast, its my job to develop, apps and tools that simplify your experience. My name is mike, im in Product Development at comcast. Were working to make things simple, easy and awesome. Harris fox news alert, police have arrested a 21yearold man on murder and kidnapping charges after wisconsin teenager jayme closs was found alive, following her disappearance of nearly three months after her parents were found fatally shot inside their home. One witness described the frantic moments when his neighbor located the 13yearold girl. Watch. The woman, the neighbor lady, helped jayme into the house, and she said this is jayme. Call 911. My jaw hit the floor. Because i was she looked just like your pictures, but center. Same hair color, same length. She looked like she wasnt able to take a bath and take care of herself. To be clear, that woman was out walking her dog and saw this child. Matt finn come alive in baron, wisconsin. Matt . Police say 21yearold Jake Thomas Patterson premeditated the murder of james and denise closs because his target was there 4yearold daughter, jayme, closs, who he held captive and some not far from here in gordon, wisconsin. Police say the suspect has no prior criminal history. He lived in the remote area about one hour north of jamies hometown, and had some type of connection to that home town. The alleged suspect kept jayme captive since october 15th, until this young girl escaped on foot yesterday. Jayme was taken against her will and escape from a residence at which she was being held and found to help. We also do not believe at this time that the suspect had any contact with the family. We do believe that jimmy was the only target. I can tell you that the subject planned his actions and took many proactive steps to hide his identity from Law Enforcement and the general public. Police say its not clear exactly what the suspect did to jayme for three months or how she was treated. Right now shes being reunited with her family, but not her parents. Because police say she likely watch them be shot to death in her home on october 15th. Her family says they videotaped her parents funeral because they always felt she would come back to them alive and be able to see her parents about stress final burial. Its a bittersweet day here, because now the family is reunited with a girl who has no parents. And we expect another update from police at 5 00 p. M. Eastern time. Harris . Harris thank you very much much. The u. S. Military now is taking steps to make good on President Trumps call to withdraw our troops from syria, amid growing questions over the process and its impact. Lucas tomlinsons life force of the pentagon. Lucas . Harris, the president did said he was pulling all u. S. Troops out of syria. Already some equipment is coming out. The pentagon said in a statement, the u. S. Military has begun the process of our deliberate withdrawal from syria, out of concern for Operational Security will not discuss specific timelines locations or troop movements. Officials say could be months before all 2,000 u. S. Troops leave syria. Some might be staying. There is a u. S. Base in southern syria near the border with jordan, used to keep an eye on iranianbacked forces. They said that base will stay for as long as possible. In cairo yesterday, secretary of state mike pompeo said america would not be retreating until isis and al qaeda are defeated. He criticized the Obama Administration for doing just that. We learned that when america retreats, chaos often follows. When we neglect our friends, resentment builds. And when we partner with our enemies, they advance. The good news the good news is this. The age of selfinflicted american shame is over. While isis has been largely defeated in eastern syria, al qaeda forces are growing stronger in the countries northwest of the province pray there is also growing concern about potential turkish invasion from the north, to crushed u. S. Allies fighting isis. Earlier this week, President Trumps National Security advisor john bolton try to get tricky to agree not to launch the attack against u. S. Backed kurdish fighters in syria. The efforts fail. Turkeys president denied a meeting with bolton. Turkey considers the kurds terrorists. The foreign minister says his forces could cross the border into syria and begin their attack on u. S. Allies very soon. Our operation is not dependent on whether the u. S. Pulls out or not. Our president said we will enter east of the euphrates and start this operation. A spokesman for the Kurdish Militia in syria said they are feeling abandoned today but he was military. Turkeys president is set to go to mosque out for a meeting with Vladimir Putin to discuss next steps in syria. Harris . Harris thank you very much much. Jesse jane duff is rick tired Gunnery Sergeant for the u. S. Marine corps, and bringing her expertise to the program today. Im appreciative of your time. Lets start with the backup plan, what they are out of syria. A lot of people want to know could we respond to the scorpions nesting there, isis, if they decide to be their heads again . Scorpions they are. Yes, we have 5,500 troops based in iraq right now. Many of them are special operations forces. We have gotten assurances when mike pompeo went to iraq, that those forces would be agile and capable of going into syria if needed. In this case, it would be added to protect the kurds or devices rear its ugly head again. To ensure that this type of force is not there decimating and destroying lives, as it has done at great measure in the past. Harris what you know about situation on the ground for making personnel . Specifically, i want to know about iran now that we could potentially see some sort of a summit in that part of the world in coming weeks. Good point. So, iran is backing bashar alassad, and the russian allies are working together. They want this region back, where the kurds are based. This is a challenge, because the Market Forces have pretty much suppressed that from happening. They want it back because its rich in oil, agricultural, and they want to ensure that they have an open board back into iraq. But it also is a threat to turkey. Because they see the kurds as a terrorist organization. So turkey, as it was mentioned previously, is starting to invade and go back in after the kurds. While the focus of isis seems to have been getting lost in the shuffle. The american presence there has essentially prevented these faction enforces from fighting in many areas while going after isis. I do suspect that iran wants to get hold of this region, and they are anxious to see that the americans withdraw. Thats why we are not announcing the timeline. Harris right. We might not announce the timeline, but now they know we are looking to leave. So what does that mean . They will just wait for us to go. Didnt we see something similar to this in iraq . Yes, absolutely. The withdrawal in iraq in 2011 was quite premature and we ended up having to go back and when the city of mosul was taken over by isis. This was detrimental to all the efforts that the marines and soldiers had died on the line for, to eradicate the very forces that we tried to free. The very people we tried to free. Harris how do we know that wont happen again this time . Exactly. I think the reason we know it wont happen this time is that bolton has made it very clear that there are going to be conditions under which we withdraw. This is basically insurance that we will withdraw as long as those conditions are made. Meaning, turkey cannot go in and eradicate our allies, such as the white pg. That is the Syrian Defense forces. These Syrian Defense forces have fought isis, have died on the line for americas interests. And we cannot abandon them. So we are leaving our troops there for now. Harris how many are there right now . Right now there are 2,000 troops, roughly harris thats not meant to begin with. Not many. They are in the northeast region of syria, in the middle euphrates valley river area. This area is the region that they all want to get their claws back into, because its oilrich and an agricultural base. We want to feel confident in what you know and what you have seen, that we could respond quickly from iraq . We have 5,500, i think, from your numbers. And thats what ive also read. In position there. Absolutely, our special forces of the best number. Make no mistake, they are prepared and agile. They can deploy anywhere in the world within 48 hours. I know that the u. S. Forces and special operations for the army are working sidebyside with us. This is something that is going to happen quickly. Iraq is behind this also. They cannot afford to have isis. We cannot allow erdogan to start decimating the kurds, when his mission that he assured the president was to decimate isis. It sound like is talking about dog both sides of his neck. Harris jessie jane duff, retired Gunnery Sergeant for the u. S. Marine corps. Thank you for your time and expertise. Thank you, harris. Harris Justice Ruth Bader ginsburg is such a another week of Supreme Court arguments in person, as she recuperates from cancer surgery. How the white house is reacting to her absence. Plus, the president s former lawyer, michael cohen, has agreed to testify again on capitol hill. It prompts questions, does he have anything left to reveal . Stay close. Se . We know their rates are good, we know that theyre always going to take care of us. It was an instant savings and i should have changed a long time ago. Were the tenneys and were usaa members for life. Call usaa to start saving on insurance today. [applause] harris republicans could sizing House Democrats for inviting President Trumps former attorney, michael cohen, to testify on capitol hill. Cohen is set to appear on february 7th. Nearly exactly a month before he heads to prison for financial crimes and lying to congress. Chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge has more from washington. Catherine . Thanks, harris, and good afternoon. The public testimony comes after the ordered coin to pay 2 million in restitution, forfeiture, and fines, and report to prison on march 6th for Campaign Finance violations, tax evasion, and lying to congress about a moscow trump tower fought down my progress though my project that never materialized. Has to republicans are characterizing a decision to call cohen as political theater. The first figuring the Democratic Congress has, they bring in a convicted felon. Think about this this guy has gone to prison in two months, ht figuring, and hes going to prir because he lied to congress. And thats her first big witness . In a statement, he said he accepted the invitation of democratic chairman eliza cummings, in furtherance to provide the American People with answers. I look forward to having the privilege of being a platform to give a full and credible account of events with have transpired. He said steaming is consulting with special Counsel Robert Mueller to ensure the public testimony will not interfere with the ongoing probe, though analysts point out that he answered off the cohen case to the u. S. Attorneys a month ago. He is appearing voluntarily after pleading guilty lester to Campaign Finance violations, which include payments to silence a former playboy model and our adult film actress. Yesterday on the texas border, the president took a cut on my question on cohen developments. Report a mack he has agreed to testify before the House Democrats next month. What you think of that come are you worried . Im not worried about it at all, no. He told fox that cohen is a thoroughly discredited liar, may be overplaying their hand but opening congressional investigation with cohen before the Mueller Report is final, harris. Harris Catherine Herridge, thank you very much. Good to see you on this friday. I want to bring in james trustee, former partner at a law firm. Is this couple kid or is it simple . Michael cohen is a convicted dome a convicted felon. When you lean on a felon, you have to double and triple check everything he says. What we learn anything when he goes back to congress . And a thinkable and the lots actually, because obviously there are salacious details already out there in terms of nondisclosure agreements with porn stars amply were models. Thats well covered territory. I think whats interesting is that it means that its probably the third strike of the leg would of ever seeing mr. Cohen an actual courtroom testifying against presenter summary close to the president. No prosecutor would ever want to see a guy with a track record that includes dishonesty, who failed as a cooperator in terms of getting the benefits of cooperation, to then go on tv shows and before congress and continues to talk about the story. They have made a decision that mr. Cohens moment in the sun is pretty much over. Harris unfortunate for mr. Cohen, right . Because its a mitigating factor, if you can come up with something to give millers investigation, i would think, for his prison sentence of three years. How does that work customer key reports on march 6th. Whats in it for him . I think hes on a Public Campaign selfaggrandizement to her right now. Because the fighting is over. He has had his sentencing. At the sentencing, the district of new york, the southern district, made it very clear that he was a field cooperator. He did not provide all the dirt and details about his own criminal conduct. They acknowledge she could get a little tiny benefit, but they didnt wake whats called a 5k motion. Which is when you knock the sentencing guidelines lowered. He is in a position where the fighting is over. Hes not going to have an appeal. Hes not going to be able to modify that sentence. Its really just kind of Public Relations time for him and his family, i guess. Harris as a former prosecutor, do you bring back a guy who lied about to a first time, to the powers of crime . I. E. , congress. To hear from them, what does that give to the strength of your own case or cases Going Forward . There are huge political calculations, a big shock that congress has those, but in terms of how you would traditionally assess this kind of person as a witness even a fairly neofight prosecutor would know, you are not going to rely on mr. Cohen to establish a case. Unless you have smoking gun evidence. A videotape, audiotape, and email something that takes out of his hands. As it stands now, he is a guy who has easy crossexamination bases on a number of fronts to go after his credibility. You really cant get in bed with him to easily if you are a prosecutor or a congressional investigator. Harris this is a man who surreptitiously recorded at least one client that we know of, who became president of the United States so youve got recordings and tapes, perhaps. We will have to watch it and see what happens. James trustee, thank you very much. Sure. Good seeing you, harris. Harris after Ruth Bader Ginsburg missed her first few days of Supreme Court arguments ever come of the high Court Announced she will now miss next weeks oral arguments as well. They came in the last hour. She is, though, doctors say, recovering from recent lung cancer surgery well. On track. Ginsburg will participate in Court Decisions by working from home. The white house is telling allies to be ready in case there would be a court vacancy. David spun to joins me now with more information from washington. David . Hi it, harris. Good afternoon. A Supreme Court spokeswoman put out a statement within the hour that says the justice will be out again next week working from home as she continues to recover. Eight justices this morning met at the Supreme Court for a weekly conference. Ginsburg was not there. On december 21st, the day the Government Shutdown, news came out that 84yearold ginsburg has earlystage lung cancer surgery. Those who know the justice said that her prognosis is good. She just need some time to rest. More heads turned this week when she missed his first few days of oral arguments. Support to point out, this is the first time she has missed such arguments since joining the court in 1993. She has four law clerks who bring her briefs. The keeper you uptodate on her caseload. Taking time off from the court to recuperate is not unheard of. The late chief Justice William rehnquist did so in 2004. He missed 44 public argument. Court watchers say is important to keep things in perspective. We shouldnt read too much into the fact that she has missed three days of oral arguments. Famously, she was back at the court the day after her beloved husband marty passed away, so she is obviously very committed to the job. She clearly needs time to recuperate. Ginsburg has said in the past that she does not have any immediate plans to step down from the court. As long as i can do the job fullsteam, i will do it. [applause] that being said, fox news is learning through sources that the white house has reached out to a small number of g. O. P. Lawmakers and conservative legal advocates, should they be a court vacancy. You may remember, harris, when President Trump campaigned in 2016. He released a long list of judges for whom he would consider for the high court. Our sources say new white House Counsel pets up alone updated that list of top tier candidate candidates. Harris before let you go, when should we expect to see Justice Ginsburg back at work in person quest to make thats but what people want to know. I want to read that statement from supreme corporate it came out about an hour ago. It says Justice Ginsburg will continue to work from home next week, and will purchase paid in the consideration and decision of the cases on the basis of the briefs and oral arguments. Her recovery from surgery is on track. Postsurgery evaluation indicates that no further treatment is required. Harris come after arguments next week, there will be a monthlong break until fairbury 19th. Thats when we could see her back in court. Of course, we wish her well. Harris . Harris known as the notorious rbg, we wish her well indeed. Thank you very much. A Government Shutdown, partial, with no solution in sight. Is it time for the president to declare emergency . The crisis that he showed yesterday with his people on the ground, with Border Patrol. He was trying to bring it all to the end by showing his perspective on that crisis. Plus, the concerns from some of his fellow republicans. The power panel slides and next. You have 4. 3 minutes to yourself. This calls for a taste of cheesecake. Philadelphia cheesecake cups. Rich, creamy cheesecake with real strawberries. Find them with the refrigerated desserts. And need money for your family . Own a home, newday usa can help. We earned a lot of va benefits with our service. But the va home loan benefit is a big one. If you want to use it to get cash, call newday usa. Va loans are all they do. And dont let less than perfect credit hold you back. Even if youve been turned down for a va loan by your bank, call newday usa. Theyve been given automatic authority by the va. They can often help veterans when other lenders wont. By refinancing up to 100 percent of your homes value, you could take out 54,000 dollars or more. 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We are waiting to find out whether President Trump will declare a national emergency, to build a border barrier. Senator graham throws his support behind that, as a brand bargain fell apart. Meanwhile, the longest ever partial shutdown now looks inevitable. The houses out. House lawmakers or, the sun is out. House lawmakers have just wrapped up business for the day. That was breaking when i was interviewing democrat garamendi of california. Lawrence jones is editor in chief of campus reform. Brad gerstman is a democrat strategist. Heres where it got heated. How do we bring this to a close . You are already looking with what democrats put up, 600 plus miles of wall that needs restoration. Do you want to tear it all down and start over . What . Look at, this was a bad strategy to begin with. Harris by him . The president. Heres the thing, you had a republican house, you had a are public and senate, yet are public and president. At that point, no funds were provided. Harris you could maybe get out of the house, you can give of the senate because he needed ten democrats. Dont spend it dont spend it. Its friday. By repressing it so hard . I will tell you. He is shutting down the government because the democrats are in the house. Before that he would never have shipped on the government over this, because it would have made it look bad for the republicans. Lessers get to the nittygritty of this. I think we can get to some conclusions. But it requires honesty. I dont understand why the press hasnt pressed democrats. Where was your pivot on this . You guys were all of it from the very beginning. Past democrats, you got them on tape sing it. Where was the pivot . What did you change your policy on . What about the infrastructure . It could be considered infrastructure. Its something that i flipped. With all due respect, its not on infrastructure these are things at the president stands for. And democrats stood for it, too. You know something customer we can find Common Grounds in those areas. To this portable is bad to the bone. Why did you grasp the change her position on a question mark the president has changed the position on our how he treats people. Are not talking about that. Spew on let me get in here. Let me jump in with a civil question about emergency uses, seeing a crisis of the border. The president had the world watching yesterday. He comes back, he still hasnt pulled the hatch on the National Crisis needs an emergency executive order. What happens if and when he does . Why does he think he has an . Because doesnt have the legal authorities do so. Harris you can challenge it on the back and prayed itll be shut down, mark my wor. This is not an extreme circumstance that needs the requirement of those harris but he can do it. Politically, what happens when he does . He can do it. You go to court, you get a stay on that. Harris he says he tried everything he could. And the democrats also get a win by blocking the president. It brings the shutdown to an end. Exactly. Harris last words from lawrence. Speak of the president had to do this because he promised it in the last election. When he gets to say is i give you something. I did all he could do. And the democrats say in return, we have the Government Shutdown. Harris i have to bring you guys back. We will just bought the commercial spray thank you. Sarah thomas is said to make history again. This time she becomes the first woman to officiate an nfl playoff game. Postseason. The details on the incredible journey that got her here. And how she is blazing a new trail for women in sports. You think about it, 2016, that there are still gender barriers to be broken. Or racial barriers to be broken. You sit back and you think wow it, when i started, thats not why i started. I was just doing something because i love it. When cravings hit, hit back. 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Harris that was served thomas bragg before she became a first woman to officiate in alpha gamma 2015. She is set to make history again this weekend. Postseason computer. By becoming the first woman to officiate an nfl playoff game. Here to talk about it, fox news headlines, 24 7 Sports Reporter jared max. This is huge. This was my jane doe my dream, to do my job. Thats a quick series. I did sports for fox for many years. This is huge for women and for everybody. Everybody come harris. I told you, you could still do this job consider this sarah thomas was a College Basketball player. She didnt know anything about football. She was on the phone with her brother one night, and he was going to a meeting about officiating football. And she said can girls go . And he said, i guess so. Next thing she knows, she goes in, she finds out, she goes through all the work and learns the sport of football and eventually because the referee fulltime. She did high school for 11 years in mississippi. Then she became the first woman ever to referee a Major College football team. Then a bowl game, than the nfl. Shes an amazing trail blazer, but she doesnt see herself as that. I think most people who come from a minority background and become a trailblazer dont become it to be a trail blazer. They just wanted the job. To be when love football, too. She broke a bone in her wrist during a game. Harris that was a couple years ago prayed look at that. Na viking packers game. She was out, they checked her for a concussion, and that you can back into the game. She just wants to be one of the guys. Harris let me go serious on where the nfl is right now. They have had some women problems. Im curious to know, is the serous thomas factor catching on . Is she making a difference of more women being brought into the nfl must mark their Domestic Violence track record, would you do to a player and so on and so forth, its been bumpy, and even, and bracing for the nfl. We have learned by this point that the nfl is by far not proactive. They are reactive in these situations. We sat with ray rice and recently with kareem hunt, if your favorite team, the cavs that achieves. Harris oh, tell everybody doors opening. Terry valenti is a replay official, and she is going to be the first female briefly official digital playoff game. She will be on that chiefscolts game. Maybe she could do something for the chiefs. Harris to me about sarah thomas and who she is on the field. Shes another official, she is a down judge for a second there. She had been a line judge previously. She is going to be working part of the crew in this game, the chargerspatriots game, where shes going to be a down judge. She has considered one of the better people at what she does manifold. Highly respected. Harris irrespective of fathers own silence, men come up and say thank you, you give my daughter and opportunity and something to look forward to. Harris we see youre going to work this weekend, and received jared max. Listen to him, i should say. Sirius xm. Right . At 24 7. Thank you, my friend. Happy new year. I will be right back every baby can have the freedom to move their way in pampers cruisers with threeway fit they adapt at the waist, legs and bottom for all the freedom to move their way pampers your insurance rates skyrocket you could fix it with a pen. How about using that pen to sign up for new insurance instead . For drivers with accident forgiveness, Liberty Mutual wont raise their rates because of their first accident. Switch and you could save 782 on home and auto insurance. Call for a free quote today. Liberty mutual insurance. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. Liberty. As they were exiting washington d. C. , some members of congress saying withhold my paycheck until the shutdown is over like normal americans that are missing theirs. 88 days of fear, terror and prayers waiting for a missing wisconsin teen to come home. The prayers finally answered. Im dana perino. This is the daily briefing. 13yearold jayme closs making an escape from her alleged 21yearold abductor in a heavily wooded neighborhood yesterday asking a passerby for help. That set off a chain of events that led her to escape. Investigators say they never gave up. 88 days ago, we stood before you speaking about the unthinkable tragedy and asked you to help us find

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